Veneered furniture restoration. Repair of serious damage

In everyday life, no one is insured against accidental damage to the veneer sheet by sharp and heavy objects. Deep cracks, scratches and chips can only be repaired if experienced craftsmen take over. Veneer restoration is our strong point, as you can clearly see from the presented photos.

An example of a veneer restoration performed in a workshop:

What is veneer? What are the benefits of using it in decoration?

Veneer is a thin sheet covering obtained by removing longitudinal shavings from solid wood. Veneer strips are glued to solid wood and fiberboard products to imitate the natural pattern of natural valuable wood species. In addition to its decorative function, veneer is a durable and natural protective coating. With the advent of different technologies obtaining veneer, they learned to give it a different texture and color, which expanded the range decorative design with its application.

Veneer and veneer plywood have become common finishing materials in the manufacture of furniture and wood accessories. The material is relatively easy to attach to flat surfaces using wood glue on an organic or synthetic basis. However, due to the nature of the gluing, the coating is very sensitive to high humidity and high temperature. The veneer is glued in strips and the seams between individual sections can disperse if they were not sufficiently greased with glue or squeezed out during drying. The reason for veneer restoration is most often a swollen and peeling decorative coating.

What defects need to be corrected by restoring veneer furniture?

In everyday life, no one is insured against accidental damage to the canvas by sharp and heavy objects. Traces of deep cracks, scratches and chips can only be corrected by veneer restoration under the guidance of an experienced craftsman.

1) Elimination of chips, burns, cracks and dents

The fact that the veneer is laid on the facing surface in separate strips and segments significantly simplifies the correction of local defects. Restoration of veneer chips is practically not difficult. In this case, it does not matter whether the fragment was beaten off at the edge of the canvas or in the center.

Veneer restoration of this kind is reduced to pasting in a patch. A control cut is cut around a point defect or a chip, covering the whole web. A patch of a similar shape is cut out along it, which fits the general background in pattern and color.

1) Removal of blisters during restoration of veneer furniture

Bumps in the form of irregularities on the surface of furniture in the form of waves and bubbles are a common defect that accompanies the manufacture of veneered products. The veneer can be laid with insufficient glue, which lags behind in poorly oiled areas. The veneer restoration to eliminate blisters is carried out locally. Therefore, you should not rush to get rid of the veneered product or reject it due to several air bubbles.

1) Formation of gaps in the seams

Adjacent seams, along which veneer strips are joined, is one of the most vulnerable spots. If, when cutting and stitching the strips, they are not exactly docked, then troubles will not keep you waiting long. The canvas can disperse at the seams completely, because of which the product will completely lose its presentability.

When restoring veneer doors and countertops, we faced this problem more than once. Defects of this kind require replacing the veneering of the product in the workshop.

Restoration of veneer furniture in the workshop

The necessary tools and materials for processing veneered products are at the disposal of the "Private Master" restorers. The principle of veneer restoration in the workshop is reduced to minimal intervention in cases of local damage to the protective layer. Areas where the veneer has been torn off are sealed with separate inserts, with a pattern and color that repeat the damaged fragment.

In cases where the veneer sheet has come off, but is partially held in place, the problem area is glued. In the gap between the veneer and the canvas, apply with a brush a small amount of wood glue. Better results are achieved when using gelatin-based wood glue. When restoring the veneer, the old glue is not removed - it will melt the fresh one and the gluing will turn out to be more reliable. A lining of a flat bar is placed on top of the restored area and clamped with a portable vise or clamp. Veneer restoration will be successful only if the patch is placed on a dry and degreased surface.

After the part is removed from the press, it is prepared for varnishing and polishing. This stage of veneer restoration provides details additional protection from moisture. The varnish acts as a natural tinting composition, it will give the details an even color and shade.

Veneer restoration prices

Timely veneer restoration is a smart investment. We are in a hurry to remind all our clients that restoration with "little blood" is the most beneficial when it comes to point defects. With it there is a real chance to avoid costly repairs and complete replacement of veneers. At the same time, our prices for veneer restoration in Moscow have been and remain the most attractive against the backdrop of a growing number of offers from other companies.

Current prices for veneer restoration in Moscow and the region:

Why is it necessary to order veneer restoration from us?

Own workshop with precise and debugged equipment, current choice species of natural veneer and paintwork materials, skilful working hands - this is what the company "Chastny Master" has been holding for over 10 years a high level of quality in veneer restoration services. If you need a quick and flawlessly executed restoration of veneer facades and other products, we are waiting for your calls and e-mails.

Time can make things unusable. Doors are also among those objects that sooner or later will have to be restored with their own hands. Scuffs, swelling and serious damage in a domestic environment all require attention. The restoration of veneer doors is carried out in several ways. If the owners of the house have an old, damaged door leaf, it can be easily restored.

Before starting the process of restoring the door, it is carefully examined for damage. Purchase materials and necessary tools follows only after this stage. It is often impossible to do without veneer paint. It allows you to quickly and effectively remove any scuffs.

Many people cannot understand how to update a product with their own hands, since the task is considered not an easy one. It requires accuracy and certain skills. Repair of veneer doors begins with surface preparation with special compounds. Use a putty for wood, which helps to level the canvas and further produce high-quality painting.

Restoration of a swollen surface

Often veneered doors have such a common defect as swelling. It is formed due to the fact that the sheets are positioned incorrectly and poorly glued. In this case, it is easy to repair the door. The main thing is to be patient.

The restoration of veneered doors should start with the use of adhesives. In the place where the bubble has formed, we inject the glue using an ordinary syringe. For good adhesion, press the veneer firmly with your finger and try to grind the glue over the entire area of ​​the given space. This method allows you to restore the surface of the door literally in minutes.

The veneer was swollen on the doors. What else is effective? If this method is too complicated, it will be much easier to heat up the iron and gently rub the area. Press gently on the surface. You can pre-moisten the surface with a damp cloth to make the material more elastic.

Elimination of minor scuffs and scratches

If you find small defects on your door, you certainly shouldn't be upset. Veneer restoration for minor damage such as chips and scratches is performed using:

Applying an additional layer of wax coating.

Using a wax crayon.

A wax crayon is also suitable for surface renovation. Refreshing veneered doors with a special pencil will work only if you use very little material. You need to take a small piece of wax rod and wrinkle it in your hand for a while. From heating, it will take on the desired consistency and it will be possible to rub it into the surface of the product with your finger. And the rags will help to remove the excess.

Repair of serious damage

If the damage is serious, the restoration will necessarily include the installation of patches.

Repair of a veneered door is divided into several steps:

How to paint a veneered door?

Painting veneer is considered to be the easiest thing among specialists. This does not require any specific knowledge. Just choose the best color and carefully apply paintwork to the product.

For even application paints a small roller can be used. This will dry the paint faster and prevent streaks.

After the coating is completely dry, you can rub the product with the same wax. Will look like it was bought. True, sometimes, when drying, the paint is taken in small lumps and falls on dust. You can eliminate this effect with an emery sheet.

What else can you paint the door with? Varnish! If the color scheme of the product does not allow you to choose the paint - varnish coating will be the best way out of the situation. It happens that the owners want to paint the surface of the door in White color, and varnish turns out to be a more reasonable option.

We looked at options on how to restore doors at home and how to paint veneer. With a strong desire, this is quite simple to do. All that is required for a complete restoration is glue, wax, paint or varnish, a scalpel and a roller.

Veneered doors are attractive both in cost and in appearance, but over time, the outer decorative layer can lose its former beauty. What to do if a deep crack appears in the most prominent place of the canvas, or the veneer layer begins to swell? Restoration interior doors veneer is a simple procedure that can be performed at home using simple means and tools.

Scratches Cracks and chips Bulges and cracks

The decorative veneer layer may swell and crack. Why is this happening, and what can be done to prevent and eliminate defects? Let's consider the nature of the most common damage to the veneer surface and the reasons why they occur.

  • Scuffed and scratched areas appear on doors, most often, due to improper hygienic door care. Surface cleaning must not be carried out using products containing abrasive particles or dissolving chemicals.
  • Cracks and chips- the result of careless handling. Veneered doors should not be slammed hard. If you need to carry a large-sized object through the door, you need to protect the sash from damage, and even better - temporarily remove it from its hinges. Another reason why the veneer layer can crack is sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Swelling of the decorative coating can occur from high humidity. The bottom section of the sash often swells and gets wet when the floors are mopped.

The reason for the appearance of defects on the surface can also be the manufacturer's dishonesty - the use of low-grade material, violation of technology. It is good if the product has a guarantee and you can replace it. If the warranty has already expired, then there is little choice: buy new door or make repairs.

Repair of veneer doors

Restoration of veneer doors depends on the nature of the damage. To repair the door, it is recommended to remove it from the hinges and lay it on a flat surface.

Elimination of minor scuffs and scratches

If shallow scratches and abrasions are found on the door leaf, a wax crayon or liquid wax is required for repair. The restoration process will take place as follows:

  • The entire surface of the door must be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • It is very easy and neat to sand the problem areas with fine-grained emery paper so as not to remove the varnish layer.
  • If wax is selected for repair, it is heated, after which drops of molten wax are applied along the length of the entire scratch or on the worn area. Remove excess immediately with a soft cloth.
  • If the restoration is performed with a wax pencil, you need to break off a small piece from it, warm it up in your hands, knead it well, then spread it over the damaged surface. Remove excess with a cloth.

It is important!After restoration with any form of wax, the surface must not be varnished or painted. Over time, the wax loses its strength and crumbles, and the varnished door leaf will be damaged.

There is one more interesting way: the drawing is restored with oil paint. The difficulty lies in the exact selection of the desired shade and the need to own a brush. A thin layer is applied to the area to be restored after stripping oil paint and rub it into the damaged surface. Then you need to draw lines with a thin brush, resembling a veneer drawing. After all defects are masked on the canvas, it is necessary to polish the door with silicone grease so that the surface acquires a uniform shine.

Elimination of large chips and cracks

If deep defects appear on the door leaf that cannot be restored with wax, you can put a patch of veneer with the appropriate color, pattern and texture. The difficulty lies in the selection of a patch pattern that fully corresponds to the area where it will be installed. The process takes place in the following order:

  • In the area to be restored, it is necessary to cut out a part of the damaged veneer.
  • An element of the future patch is applied to the prepared groove, a position is selected in which the veneer pattern will match, cut to size.
  • It is not difficult to glue the patch, for this you can use a paper strip with an adhesive base. You can also use PVA glue.
  • Around the perimeter, the patch is masked with a wax pencil.

If the depth of the chip is very large, it is pre-leveled with a putty on the wood. After drying, they are rubbed with sandpaper, primed and only then they begin to apply a patch.

Restoration of a swollen surface

If the veneer is swollen, it will have to be glued. This will require an iron and a damp cloth. The iron is set to medium heat. The door leaf is preliminarily covered with a damp cloth and left for 10 minutes. Then a hot iron is applied to the surface for literally a few seconds.

The previous method is suitable for a slight bump. If it didn't help, there are other ways:

  1. Introduce PVA glue under the bulge. This can be done with a syringe without a needle or a spatula if the defect is located at the edge. Then we apply a hot iron and control the gluing process every 20 seconds. If necessary, reapply the iron.
  2. The coating can be restored using the "cold" method. PVA glue is introduced under the veneer layer, after which a weighting agent is placed on the door leaf and left for a day.

There is an option to do without patches and mask the damaged surface with a special putty, which includes wood chips of the same species as the veneer. If you can't find putty on sale, you can find shavings and mix it with glue. The crack must be sanded, covered with putty or adhesive with shavings. After drying, rub again with sandpaper and varnish twice with intermediate sanding.

Has the old furniture lost its former luster? tired, but it's a pity to throw it away? All this is fixable: you can improve the appearance so that no one even thinks that the furniture is for many years. Do-it-yourself furniture restoration is painstaking work. But you don't have to do anything super complicated. Some methods are so simple that everyone can handle it (this is, of course, not about antiques).

Restoration of wooden surfaces

No matter how carefully the furniture is handled, scuffs, scratches, stains still occur. They are easy to eliminate. The main thing is to know how and with what.

You may be interested to read what kind of shelves there are on the wall (with drawings).

We restore polish

Restoring a layer of varnish is difficult. Any furniture restoration begins with cleaning and degreasing and repairing the lacquer coating too. We use detergent for dishes diluted in water: safe and reliable. After drying, proceed to the renewal of the polish.

You can simply refresh the faded polish on furniture with do-it-yourself mixtures:

  1. Two parts each of linseed oil and turpentine and one part vinegar. All mix, apply with a swab, wait until it is absorbed and polished.
  2. Mix oil and beer in equal parts and wipe the furniture with this composition. After absorbed, grate.
  3. A more shiny surface will be if the beer is boiled with a piece of wax, cooled and applied slightly warm to furniture. When the composition is absorbed, the surface is rubbed to a shine.

A few more recipes in the video.

How to remove polish from furniture

Quite often you have to remove the polish: this is not the most fashionable finish. Modern furniture is most often painted with opaque or tinted paints, and the surface is matte. In any case, the polish must be removed. There are several ways. Since varnishes are different in composition, they have to be selected empirically. But one of the methods should work.

How to paint polished furniture

If old furniture prepared for painting, it must be cleaned of dust, wiped with a damp cloth and allowed to dry. After that, level everything with putty, smooth out all irregularities, wait until it dries. Take sandpaper and sand again, first with medium, then fine grain. Next, apply a layer of primer and wait for it to dry.

Application of varnish with a brush when restoring polishing of furniture

The primer is bought for the paint that is going to be used, or the paint can be diluted with a compatible solvent and coated instead of primer. After drying, you can paint.

You can paint with a roller or brush. Usually several coats are necessary: ​​do not try to apply a lot of paint at once, as drips may appear. Better to apply several thin coats. This will make the surface even and uniform in color. Another trick: for uniform coloring, the layers are applied in different directions - along, then across. This also applies to the application of the varnish.

Some varnishes are easier to work with when they are warm. They are heated a little and then applied with a spray gun or brush. When warming up, you need to be careful: vapors may flare up.

In the order of staining: first, they paint the inner surfaces, edges and joints, then move on to the outer ones. With this sequence, there is less chance of getting dirty or touching the already painted surface, ruining it.

If the varnish coating is even, without defects, and it needs to be painted over, you can do without removing this layer. There are special primers for difficult surfaces. Coat the surface with them, and paint after drying. They have components that even penetrate the varnish layer. Therefore, the paint will be well applied and hold for a long time. But such soils have a drawback: they are expensive. But they significantly save time.

Some secrets of wood coloring (including brushing and painting in two colors) are in the article "How to paint the lining". A few secrets of even application acrylic paint see the video.

If the restoration did not bring the expected result, maybe you need to change the appearance? How to convert furniture to new way described here.

How to restore veneer

Veneered furniture requires a special approach. The means are basically the same, the methods are different. For example, if the veneer is swollen after being hit, you put PVA glue into a disposable syringe, pierce the bubble, and inject glue into the cavity. Put a piece of thick fabric on top and place the load. If the surface is uneven (convex or concave), use a bag of dense fabric with heated sand as a load.

Such damage to the veneer is restored in two stages. First, the swelling is eliminated, then the scratch is painted over and the coating is restored

If the veneer is glued with alcohol glue, the swollen part can be returned to its place by ironing it through a rag with a hot iron. But do not overheat the iron: the veneer can stretch. The degree of heating is medium.

If ironing through a dry cloth does not work, try repeating the operation with a damp cloth (wet it and wring it out well). There is a chance that the wood will swell and become more elastic. For reliable fixation of the bulge, you can insert PVA there, and then heat it with an iron.

If the bulge is cracked, you can also try to seal it with heating (through a rag). If it doesn't work, tear off the peeled piece. Do not cut, but break off: on the veneer, fractures after restoration are less noticeable than cuts. Therefore, you break off the lagging piece. From the place of damage and a piece of veneer, clean off the old glue (with sandpaper or a nail file - depending on the size). Further, the repair of veneer on furniture is standard: they smeared it with PVA glue, laid it down, aligning the fracture lines, laid a thick cloth on top and put the load to dry.

Such veneer flaking can most likely be eliminated simply by ironing it with an iron.

Scratches and traces of restoration on veneer are removed in the same way as on wood: they are painted over with a furniture marker of a suitable shade. If the scratch is deep, a little melted furniture wax is applied to it (with a spatula). After drying, the wax is ground, if necessary, using fine-grain sandpaper, but after such processing, the restored piece is covered with a layer of varnish.

Do-it-yourself furniture restoration requires patience and accuracy. We have to act gradually and methodically: smeared, wait for drying, leveled, smeared again, etc. Sometimes you have to try several methods: the damage is different, as are the materials used in the manufacture (glue, varnishes, etc.). But the furniture will look much better as a result.

Similar materials

Repair of veneer, cladding of expensive antique furniture, as well as veneering, interior doors, countertops surfaces, furniture parts according to the customer's sketches or according to old marquetry samples.

Restoration appearance, consists in restoring the veneer furniture cladding. As well as finishing with varnish, varnish, elimination of coating defects. This can be a table top, a cabinet door, a chest of drawers. The price of the repair depends entirely on the size and depth of the damage. Minor pinpoint damage - detachment is repaired within 1-2 days. The lengthy work of restoring veneer facing antique furniture can take weeks, sometimes months.

Glue the veneer

In restoration, the ability to correctly glue the veneer is not an unimportant part of success. Almost all antique furniture that comes to us for restoration or repair needs to strengthen the veneer, restore the decorative finish. You can glue the veneer in different ways. In production, this is done on glue - in a cold press and on resin in a hot press. In small workshops, they glue in clamps, clamps, a rolling hammer and even an iron.

The need to glue the veneer also arises when repairing furniture.

Delamination of the cladding is caused by the destruction of the adhesive bond between the base body and the veneer. In places of defects, swellings are formed. For small areas of damage, the master restorer has the opportunity to glue the veneer in the presence of the customer. The operation is simple and inexpensive. If the bulges are not glued in time, the pieces of the lining break off, often are completely lost. At the site of minor damage to the finish, a void forms, opening the base of the veneered furniture part.

Peeling of the cladding creates the prerequisites for further destruction. The restoration of a thing passes from the status of the current (cosmetic) to the category of complex.

It is easy to glue small bumps. The master lets the glue into the resulting void between the wood and the cladding. Then he presses the surface tightly with a load or clamps it with clamps. If the veneer is initially glued to PVA or natural wood glue, it can be repaired with a heated iron. This method requires years of experience from the performer.

It should be borne in mind that:

1. High temperature can destroy the adhesive.

2. Too much force will dent the wood surface.

3. The temperature can destroy the varnish that was used to finish the part, panels, countertops or doors. Inappropriate use of the iron leads to deep damage or the need for a complete replacement of the veneer.

4. Non-professional repairs cause damage to the item and material damage to the customer.

Replenishment of losses is the filling of exposed areas of the veneer with a suitable color, pattern and texture of veneer. Essentially, in restoration, any insert is marquetry.

The restorer selects or buys veneer of the required breed, texture and color from his stocks. Cuts a suitable piece according to the shape of the loss. Fits to size. Glues to the place of damage. In order to glue discreetly, the thickness of the insert must correspond to the thickness of the remaining finish.

As a rule, veneer is sold in bulk, in large bundles. You can buy at retail only with a significant mark-up. Therefore, restorers never throw away even small pieces of veneer. Moreover, they remove the unique antique veneer from the pieces of furniture that can no longer be restored.

When making new furniture, countertops, dressers, doors, wall panels, the veneer is reliably glued to the base on a cold or hot press. Birch or pine furniture board, plywood, MDF can serve as a basis for veneering. After veneering, the veneer is covered with varnish, which serves as a reliable protection against moisture penetration into the pores of the wood. The most frequent damage to the coating occurs at the corners and ends of parts, as well as at the joints of veneer sheets. The reason is simple. Looseness of the adhesive bond with the base. Under the influence of moisture, the glue is destroyed, the wood does not swell evenly, the veneer peels off. Interior doors, finished with valuable species, kitchen fronts, countertops, cabinet doors and chest of drawers - sooner or later receive natural damage in the form of chips around the perimeter of the parts. They require restoration.

Antique furniture rarely suffers from this type of damage. And it's not just good glue for a tree. The main thing is how to protect the most vulnerable places.

The fashion for veneered furniture reached its peak during the Baroque period. It was on the Baroque furniture that the rich decor in the form of gilded bronze first appeared, reliably protecting the corners, projections and edges of veneered furniture parts from mechanical damage.

For less expensive furniture, there were also protection methods. If you look closely at the antiques, you will notice: all the countertops, ends and drawers were edged with mules or layouts - smooth, or figuratively carved narrow strips of solid wood. The bends were decorated with carvings from solid solid wood, the old doors were veneered with at least 3-5 mm thick veneer sheet, which completely excluded the possibility of accidental damage and chips.

We live in a high-tech world. Mass production requires cost savings. Gilded bronze and end finishes natural wood sunk into the summer. The corners of modern furniture and doors are defenseless. Wood and chipboard absorb moisture and are physically affected during operation. High requirements for cleanliness modern home make you constantly wash or wipe the furniture. Modern furniture is durable and reliable. But even she may not withstand the pressure of cleanliness.

In our restoration practice, we have to glue the veneer not only at the corners, but also in the middle of the veneered parts. Repair of furniture caused by defects in the surfaces of the facades of cabinet doors, cupboards, drawers and dresser countertops is carried out at different intervals, sometimes once every 50 years. If you treat the furniture with care, it will last a long time, but sometimes one flood of water is enough for the cladding to swell, the glue collapses and the veneer peels off. And not just anywhere, but in the middle, in the most conspicuous place. On the countertop, the beautiful piece of plywood or marquetry is centered. It is in the center of the table, console or chest of drawers that they put vases with flowers filled with water, tureens with hot soup, luxurious fruit bowls, with fruits that have just been washed and not wiped from moisture.

Minor but regular exposure to moisture and high temperatures inevitably leads to the removal of the veneer, and the upcoming restoration.

How does water get under the veneer. Furniture cases, countertops planes, panels, doors, are veneered with specially cut curly pieces or narrow stripes. The width of the veneer is determined by the thickness of the tree trunk from which it was cut (sliced ​​veneer), or sawn (sawn veneer). The joints between veneer sheets are open for moisture penetration under the cladding. It is in these places that acquired furniture defects begin. The fibers of the veneer ends swell, increase in size, and come off. The edges of the veneer sheets rise to reveal the backing. The inflated finish signals the owner of the incipient damage and the impending restoration. It is cheaper to repair the veneer in the early stages than to wait for serious damage. Soak veneer with oil, wax, varnish - temporary measures. The delamination will be slowed down, but the restoration will be more expensive, since the work of degreasing and wax removal will be added.

Even if we have only one type of wood at our disposal, we can arrange it in such a way that the veneer turns into a real work of art. As a finish, veneer is a complex material. The pattern of the different trunks, like fingerprints, is never repeated. Fibers, like velvet, gleam differently in different directions, change color depending on the direction of the light rays.