Manual foam generator for car washing. Homemade foam generator - making active foam at home. What you will need for assembly

Modern equipment for construction work amazes with its diversity. Equipment manufacturers are trying every day to develop more and more advanced devices designed for a wide range of jobs. However, it is worth noting that in most cases, purchasing equipment for construction work is a very costly endeavor. financially. Meanwhile, it is rare that a builder is willing to question the possibility of fully providing construction activities just because of the need to pay for the purchase new technology. In addition, not only the purchase, but even the temporary rental of construction equipment may turn out to be too significant a financial loss. Fortunately, good master can even assemble a foam generator for.

We study the design features of the device

As you know, self-made foam concrete of various categories is very widely used in the modern construction industry. The popularity of these materials is quite justified, because they have a fairly wide range of positive characteristics, which, however, practically does not affect their cost. In order to understand the design features of the made with my own hands foam generators, it is worth studying the properties and components of the material that needs to be obtained in the end. IN in this case Naturally, we are talking about foam concrete, which is traditionally made from the following set of components:

  • foaming agent;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

Foam concrete production diagram: 1 – container for foam concentrate solution, 2 – service platform, 3 – compressor, 4 – foam generator, 5 – mixer, 6 – pressure hose, 7 – tiered molds

It is worth noting that making foam blocks with your own hands is a very financially justifiable undertaking. The cost of such building material is lower than that of its analogues presented on the domestic market. This is primarily due to the fact that the technology for manufacturing factory analogues of foam concrete is significantly higher. If we talk about the price that will have to be paid for a standard set of components for the production of building materials, it must be said that the most significant expenses are expected in the purchase of cement. The remaining components in the total amount will not exceed the price of the required amount of concrete.

On what principle does the installation work?

Modern experts have tried to develop as much as possible simple technology assembling this equipment at home. In order to assemble a high-quality and reliable device, you need to understand the principle by which it works. Actually, with the help of this device, foam is produced, which then forms the basis of foam concrete. The production unit traditionally consists of three different modules, which ensure the coordinated operation of the entire system and the performance of the machine’s main functions. This is about:

  • modules that produce foam and also transport it. Using this module, it is possible to obtain foam;
  • control element, with the help of which automated dosing of the product is ensured.

A pre-prepared concrete solution is launched into the foam generator, which, under the influence of a certain pressure, is converted into foam concrete, pre-mixed with air. As practice shows, equipment of this type can be not only inexpensive, but also very productive. So, it is quite possible to build a unit capable of producing about five hundred liters of material per minute.

For a foam generator, you can also make a concrete mixer with your own hands, which is a tool that works in conjunction with this machine. However, it can be purchased in advance at the store. In addition, in some cases, a concrete mixer can easily be replaced with an ordinary shovel or another user-friendly tool designed for mixing mixtures manually. One way or another, the concrete mixer itself is designed to produce a mixture, that is, to mix the above-mentioned components of the material.

We begin production of the production unit

Before proceeding with the actual assembly of the equipment, you must first prepare detail drawing future car. Remember that you need to make a foam generator for foam concrete both simple and, of course, reliable design with maximum performance. The foam produced by the unit must be of high quality and sufficiently dense, otherwise the final result, the building material, cannot be used in the construction of buildings.

The foam generator circuit consists of control valves that set a certain density of the foam produced, as well as locking mechanisms, which, if necessary, shut down the system. Thus, this home-made installation works purely structurally according to a principle known in technical sciences - paired valves. Using control valves, in the initial case of operation of the device, it is necessary to set the desired density of the foam being produced. In the future, the owner of the device will only need to adjust the shut-off valves.

The following components of the unit must be marked on the drawings:

  • turbulent mixing chamber;
  • nozzle or jet washer;
  • foam entry and exit points;
  • foam cartridge.

So, the turbulent mixing chamber is one of the key components of the machine. It is in this place that the previously prepared solution is immersed. In the chamber, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and then, under the influence of a certain pressure, passes through a doubly truncated nozzle. At the moment of entering the system, the solution used under pressure is significantly compressed, and at the moment of leaving the machine, on the contrary, it expands. If the mixture expands, its speed of movement increases significantly. Upon exiting the truncated nozzle, the concrete solution enters the foam cartridge, where it becomes a foamy substance.

It is worth noting that if the equipment is planned to be used temporarily, and its high performance is not absolutely necessary, then you can replace the Aval nozzle with a washer jet.

Assembling the unit: a guide for beginners

Having decided to assemble your own foam generator, take care in advance of purchasing the following set of materials, as well as tools:

  • metal sheets;
  • hoses;
  • pipe;
  • welding;
  • pump;
  • compressor;
  • adjustable valves, as well as their shut-off analogues.

The first step is to assemble a vessel into which concrete mixture and air will be supplied in the required proportions. Any iron container whose shape is close to cylindrical is perfect for a tank for this purpose. In order to ensure a continuous supply of raw materials to the machine, you need to install submersible pump and a hose. Another hose will feed into the foam generator structure compressed air. Using a special valve, it will be possible to regulate the pressure inside the structure. For example, if you want to increase the pressure level in the foam generator, then the valve must be closed.

The Laval nozzle is usually installed separately in the unit housing. In addition, you must remember to place a channel in the design, which will expand and tighten in certain places. The foam cartridge is the closing element of the system, but its presence is perhaps the most important in the entire structure. This is due to the fact that foaming occurs precisely in it. In order for foam to be created in the foam cartridge, it must be filled with the most common dishwashing devices - hedgehogs or nets. Drawings prepared in advance by specialists perfectly illustrate the types of connections in the structure and the location of its elements.

Nuances of assembly work

There are no options for assembling any device that do not require certain features. Due to the specifics of the construction industry, self-production equipment for production building materials has very significant specifics. So, answering the question of how to make a foam generator with your own hands, they name the following requirements:

  • the inlet diameter of the nozzle and its depth should be no more than thirty millimeters and be in a ratio of one to one;
  • a proportion of three to one is suitable for the ratio of the dimensions of the depth of the Lamal nozzle and its outlet diameter;
  • The central hole should be ten millimeters in diameter.

It is also worth considering that in the case when you want to achieve an equipment productivity of about two hundred liters per minute, you need to select the appropriate dimensions of the foam cartridge. So, its diameter should vary from 30 to 40 millimeters, and its length should be limited to 600 to 800 minimeters.

The foam cartridge deserves special attention. To make it, you should choose wire mesh rather than spiral mesh. In terms of filling, preference should be given to stacks made of stainless steel. They, like a filter for the release of foam from the structure, can be purchased in advance at a regular store. The body of the foam cartridge must be tightly filled with mesh, and a brush with a washer must be installed at its outlet. The brush may not be installed, but in this case, splashing of the product at the exit from the structure cannot be avoided. In addition, this will not have the best effect on the service life of the entire structure. Assembling a foam generator, provided you have an average level of theoretical knowledge, will not be difficult, and the resulting unit will serve for a long time and with high quality.

At modern car washes one of the most popular and quality species services is a contactless car wash. This method will not only quickly clean the car from dust and dirt, but will also protect the car’s paintwork, without leaving chips or scratches on it. You can arrange the same “bath” for your iron horse at home. To do this you will need a foam nozzle. Making it yourself or purchasing it in a store is everyone’s personal choice. Buying, of course, is easier, but making it yourself will be cheaper, although it will require certain skills.

Contactless washing

The washing effect of this type of car wash is achieved through a special car shampoo, which is applied using special devices - these are foam nozzles. The process itself looks like this:

How does a foam generator work?

The principle of contactless washing is very simple - the more foam, the cleaner the car. To get a good result, you will need a foam generator. This is a special bottle or other container with a volume of 20-100 liters, into which car shampoo or a special reagent diluted with water is poured. A pressure of at least 60 bar is supplied to the vessel using a compressor - this is enough to eject the mixture through a special hose gun.

The foam generator nozzle can have several nozzles (up to 4 pieces), which allows you to increase the amount of active foam. Such devices are usually used in industrial washes where it is necessary to wash a large number of cars in a short time. At home, a sprayer bottle is usually converted into a foam generator, and manual air injection is used instead of a compressor. It turns out this is a home-made Karcher. Foam tablet, nozzle, car shampoo - and your car is sparkling clean!

Design and principle of operation of the foam nozzle

Now let's talk about what a device for producing good foam is. Making a special foam nozzle with your own hands is quite a troublesome, labor-intensive task and, most likely, will require special skills. Honestly, it’s easier to buy a ready-made one, well, if not all, then at least some parts. The kit includes:

The foam sprayer has special regulators:

  • The first one is a wing-shaped one, located on top of the device. It is a special micrometric screw with a jet for adjusting the opening of the fitting and is used to regulate the supply of car shampoo to the mixing chamber.
  • The second is cylindrical, located in front and consists of special “legs” like a duck’s beak, opening at an angle of up to 40˚. This allows you to turn a regular stream of mixture into a vertical fan and increase the spray area.

Another very important element of a foam sprayer is a foam tablet. It is very easy to make it with your own hands, and this is important. The tablet is consumables, which requires periodic replacement, especially if the device is used incorrectly.

Foam nozzles: causes of failure

In order for the device to work properly, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not throw the foam nozzle on the ground, this may cause clogging of the tablet or solution supply nozzle;
  • Do not throw the device onto hard surfaces, as the nozzle has many plastic parts that can crack;
  • after use foam nozzle rinse it;
  • do not leave the prepared solution in the nozzle tank; it is better to pour it into a separate container and hide it away from children.

What is a foam tablet? Why does it fail?

One of the main parts of the device is the foam nozzle tablet. It is she who is responsible for the quality of the foam and its quantity. Failure of this element can completely paralyze the operation of the sink.

The cause of the breakdown may be the following:
  • the foam tablet has worn out due to frequent use of the device;
  • the mesh became clogged with sand or dirt because the device was often thrown to the ground;
  • Remnants of the cleaning solution have dried inside the tablet, since the device was not washed after previous use;

In large commercial car washes, the mesh is changed quite often - once every 2-3 months, but at home, one tablet lasts for several years, of course, provided that it is used correctly.

How to make a tablet with your own hands

What to do if the cause of the breakdown is a faulty mesh, but the car needs to be washed urgently, and you don’t want to spend money. There is only one way out - to make such a device, a foam tablet, with your own hands, especially since it is very easy to do. The fact is that this thing is called a tablet only because of its shape, but in fact it is a small cylinder of pressed wire. Therefore, making a foam tablet with your own hands is very simple. To do this, you need to take a regular metal dishwashing sponge and press it into a tight lump.

In order to give the tablet the desired shape, you can take a regular plastic bottle and cut it into a funnel shape. Place it on the table and fill the neck tightly with a metal mesh for dishes. Leave the mesh in the neck of the bottle for a while to fix the shape well, then carefully squeeze it out. That's all - your DIY foam tablet is ready.

Changing the mesh step by step

All that remains is to replace the foam element. In order to change the tablet, it is not at all necessary to completely disassemble the foaming agent. You need to do it like this:

  • there is a pin on one of the plastic parts - pull it out using a thin drill or;
  • remove the plastic casing of the jet regulator;
  • Now we take out the guide block - “duck”;
  • Using a wrench of the required size, unscrew the foam mesh holder;
  • using a screwdriver or drill, push the foam mesh out of the body of the holder;
  • press in a new tablet;
  • tighten the foam tablet holder again, not forgetting to apply a layer of sealant to the threaded connection;
  • Then we perform all the steps in the reverse order: insert the “duck”, return the casing and pin to their place.

That's it, the foam generator is ready to work again.

How to clean the foam nozzle

In order for the foam mesh to serve you longer, you must wash the foaming agent after each use. You need to do it like this:

Carry out this procedure after each use of the sink, otherwise the foam tablet may become clogged. Residues of washing foam can clog the nozzle or the mesh tablet itself, become compressed inside and block the exit of the foam. If this happens, you can try to repair the mesh. To do this, you need to take it out and soak it in kerosene for a while, and then try to clean it mechanically using a knitting needle or a thick needle. If the above manipulations do not bring the desired result, then the foam tablet will have to be replaced.

Hello to all DIY lovers!

In today’s article, I want to show one of the options for making a simple foam generator from a regular garden sprayer.

It will only take a few minutes to complete this sprayer, and the result will be excellent! Checked personally!

A couple of years ago, I published my article on making, I want to say that this homemade product still works to this day and is very helpful when washing car engines, but in order to wash everything better, you need chemistry, and that’s what I made this one for foam generator.

Materials for manufacturing

  • garden sprayer with a metal spout (sold at any hardware store);
  • sponge for washing dishes (hard top part);
  • needle or awl.

Making a foam generator

First of all, we unscrew the top part of the sprayer and we only need to make a small hole with a needle or awl in the tube through which the liquid will rise, as shown in the photo below. This is necessary so that the liquid mixes with air.

There is no need to do anything else inside. The only thing is, if you don’t want to pump air manually, you can install a nipple from tubeless tires and pump the air with a compressor, but I didn’t do this, since a standard pump is enough.
Next, remove the metal spout from the sprayer, take the upper part of the sponge, cut off a piece of suitable size and insert it tightly into the spout, as shown in the photo below.

And that’s actually all the improvements! As I already said, everything is done in just a few minutes.

How to use a homemade foam generator

Filling the container and mixing chemicals

Now you need to mix water and chemicals in the proportions indicated on the packaging and you can make foam. If there is no chemicals, then a regular detergent will do (I tested it on Feri).

Air injection and foam spraying

Now we pump air and try to spray foam. Also, using the adjustable spout, you can change the shape and size of the stream. The foam lays down well and evenly, and is also very dense in saturation.

But actually

The car is in some way the calling card of its owner. That is why every self-respecting car enthusiast should take care of appearance your iron horse. In this case, high-quality and, importantly, safe car washing comes first.

It is worth noting that today there is a fairly extensive network of professional services focused on the types of services presented. However, due to a number of circumstances, it is not always possible to use their services.

And why, when with the help of a minimal set of tools and some skill you can create some kind of contactless car wash at home. To do this, you do not need to be a scientist, but it is enough to have a small amount of technical knowledge and skills.

The presented article is intended to familiarize everyone with the applied methods of creating a so-called foam generator for car washing.

Operating principle and design of the foam generator

Before implementing any technical project, you must first become familiar with the design features of the product and understand the principle of its operation. This approach will greatly simplify the solution of various design problems throughout the entire process of implementing the presented project.

Let's look at the operating principle of the most ordinary foam generating unit. There's nothing complicated about it. So, the essence of his work is as follows:

  • a special container is filled with a solution of water and detergent;
  • the container, after filling with the solution, is sealed;
  • Compressed air is supplied to the sealed container until the set pressure value is reached;
  • when you press the trigger of the washing gun, compressed air squeezes out the solution with the washing reagent;
  • passing through the mesh deflector of the foaming tablet, the solution becomes dispersed, which contributes to the release of a large volume of foam;
  • the foam is supplied through the jet of the washing gun with the required intensity and width of the torch, directly onto the car body.

The process of operation of the foam concentrate allows you to create a clear idea of ​​the main components of this unit. Thus, we can conclude that any installation of this kind consists of integral working elements. Namely:

  • high-strength container/cylinder;
  • pressure indicator;
  • hoses;
  • fitting;
  • pressure reducing valve;
  • foam tablet.

All of these components are easily accessible and can be selected in a wide variety of variations. It is worth noting that in addition to the presented components, a necessary condition The operation of the foam concentrate is the presence of a compressor to pump air.

How to make your own foam generator for car washing

If you have set your mind to the idea of ​​creating a foam generator from improvised materials, it would not be a bad idea to familiarize yourself with the existing developments in this area.

Among all existing varieties homemade devices, those that are distinguished by ease of assembly and high efficiency deserve attention.

Each of the methods presented below does not require highly professional skills and abilities from its creator. Let's get to know them in more detail.

Fire extinguisher device

The key element of any foam concentrate is the container itself. The most acceptable analogue of a factory tank can be an ordinary cylinder from a used fire extinguisher.

Due to their design features, such a tank is perfect for this project. However, the matter will not be limited to just a fire extinguisher. If you are serious about bringing this matter to a victorious end,

You will need to get some equipment. It includes:

  • a piece of half-inch pipe;
  • rubber hose;
  • union;
  • half-inch tap;
  • half-inch quick-release fitting;
  • sealing tape.

All that’s left to do is assemble a complete foaming agent based on all of the above. Despite the simplicity of the presented design, for the effective implementation of this project it is important to follow a certain sequence actions.

So, the procedure for creating a foam concentrate based on a fire extinguisher is divided into the following stages:

  1. A neck is welded into the upper part of the fire extinguisher, which will subsequently be hermetically sealed with a lid;
  2. A half-inch threaded tube is welded to the side of the neck;
  3. An adapter fitting is screwed onto the threaded part of the tube to secure the rubber hose;
  4. A hole is drilled at the base of the fire extinguisher and a piece of half-inch threaded tubing is inserted;
  5. About 10 holes with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm are drilled in a section of pipe immersed inside the fire extinguisher, and the end of the tube must be plugged;
  6. The outside of the tube is scalded;
  7. A tap with a hose adapter screwed into it is screwed onto the outer end of the tube.

The principle of operation of such a device is that air is supplied through the lower hose to the fire extinguisher with the solution using a compressor.

Having reached a certain value, the compressor turns off and the ball valve on the supply air line is closed. After this, the tap on the upper outlet opens and the foam, passing through the rubber hose, comes out.

The tube immersed inside the fire extinguisher deserves special attention in this design. The holes in this case are necessary to create conditions for effective bubbling.

The presented phenomenon, in layman's terms, is associated with mixing the solution through air bubbles resulting from the passage of air through the narrow holes of the bubble tube.

It is worth noting that during the assembly of all fittings, it is necessary to ensure sealing in places threaded connections. To do this, you can use fum tape or ordinary tow.

Garden sprayer device

If you couldn’t get a fire extinguisher, an ordinary garden sprayer can always replace it. It can be easily purchased at almost any garden store. In addition, you will need an ordinary kitchen sponge and an awl.

So, armed with the specified tool, let’s begin making a homemade foam generator.

To do this, you need to perform the following simple manipulations:

  1. Remove the cap from the sprayer;
  2. Make a hole in the capillary tube in close proximity to the edge of the cap;
  3. Remove the spray nozzle;
  4. Remove the metal tube from the spray nozzle;
  5. Insert a piece of sponge into the tube;
  6. Assemble the sprayer cap.

This hole is used as an air channel necessary to create the emulsion solution. The sponge in this case serves as a dispersion sprayer.

This type of foam concentrate is significantly inferior to that discussed earlier. However, it is less expensive and accessible to everyone.

Plastic canister device

The list of methods is not limited to this. As an alternative replacement for a fire extinguisher and sprayer, you can easily use an ordinary plastic canister.

A minimum of effort and a little ingenuity and the treasured foam generator is ready. In this case, we can limit ourselves to a list of the following components:

  • the canister itself;
  • spray gun/gun;
  • tubes;
  • nozzle-nozzle.

Once all the parts have been found, we proceed to the actual assembly of the device. So, we find any tube that comes to hand and fill it with fishing line. The length of the tube should not exceed about 70-75 mm.

We screw plugs onto both ends of the tube. A tee should be mounted on the first plug, and a fitting on the second.

We connect hoses and taps to the tee. The hose from the tee will go into the hole made in the lid of the canister. One of the taps will regulate the supply of solution from the container, and the second supply of air pumped by the compressor.

Foam generator for Karcher from Aliexpress

Nowadays, it is not difficult to purchase this or that thing, as they say, without leaving home. The foam generator in this case is no exception. For a fairly reasonable price, anyone can afford a fully-fledged foaming agent.

It is worth noting that most of the presented devices come from the Middle Kingdom. Therefore, it is quite advisable to order them using the well-known Aliexpress trading platform.

What chemicals to fill homemade equipment with?

In the case of using homemade devices, a completely reasonable question arises: which ones? detergents perfect for creating a working solution?

Today, foaming agents are presented in wide range, therefore, it is difficult to say unequivocally that a certain brand of chemistry will be the most acceptable in this case.

However, you can always turn to analytical data and make a list of manufacturers that are most popular among car enthusiasts.

Among them are the following companies:

  • Car shampoo from Karcher;
  • Domestic liquid soap “New Dawn”;
  • Shampoo concentrate “Hi Gear”;
  • Car shampoo "FliNN";
  • Car shampoo "Grass"

If you have anything to add, please do so in the comments below.

According to the latest census (2010), 26% of the population in Russia lives in rural areas. This is more than 37 million people. These Russians have many cars, but few or no car washes or facilities to visit them. In small towns the situation is similar. Most of these car owners prefer to wash their steel horses contactless car wash high pressure type "Kärcher".

With this washing option, the paintwork of the car body is not damaged. And the body is about half the cost of the car. Another reason for using this modern technology- small amount of water consumed. You can wash your car with almost two buckets of water.

About factory foam concentrates

If a car enthusiast bought a branded car wash for 8,000-40,000 rubles, then in the box with it there will almost certainly be a high-quality foam generator. The cost of such a foamer is 1600-2000 rubles (depending on the model). Compatibility with sinks from other manufacturers is not guaranteed. The set of cheap car washes for 3000-8000 rubles also (purely nominally) contains a foam generator, but of such quality and performance that these devices are simply thrown away after the first attempt to use them for their intended purpose due to complete unsuitability. In the store, such a “dummy” steam generator costs 500-700 rubles.

Why foam shampoo?

This article is intended for owners who did not have effective foam generators in their kit. It is known that dense and abundant foam with the use of a special shampoo, applied to a dry body, significantly improves the quality of its washing.

An important parameter when washing is the exposure time of the foam to the dirt: if you wash off the shampoo too early, it will not have time to react and the dirt will not be completely removed. If the foam is overexposed, then when the composition dries, the dirt that has turned into foam will again fall onto the body in the form of a whitish sediment, which will inevitably lead to the formation of unsightly stains. Therefore, the foam must be on the surface paint coating body for about 4-5 minutes.

Taking into account the above, car enthusiasts are trying to make a foaming agent for washing with their own hands. Some of them are looking at large and expensive garden sprayers and spray guns, which, after conversion, can theoretically be used to spray shampoo, but the cost of such devices and the necessary air compressors, as well as other spare parts and components, often exceeds the cost of a branded pressure washer.

What and how to make a foaming agent for

Let's consider the cheapest and simpler option, which has worked well for many car owners. So, we make a foaming agent for washing with our own hands from a sprayer. We take an ordinary cheap hand-held garden sprayer, which looks approximately like the picture above, and consists of a pump, a container with a volume of 0.75 to 2 liters and a nozzle.

Its special nozzle allows you to spray the solution and adjust the spray pattern, but such a device will not create foam. Similar sprayers different manufacturers have differences in size and design, so in the article we will look at the idea of ​​alteration. It makes no sense to indicate specific sizes.

Sprayer - almost ready-made foam generator

Drawings of a foaming agent for washing with your own hands are very simple and do not present any difficulties. A little modification will allow you to use a store sprayer. To do this, you need to unscrew the plastic tip of the nozzle and place 2-3 cubic meters inside. see foam rubber, glass wool, foam tablet or the material of a regular metal grater used to wash dishes. The volume of these foaming elements is selected experimentally. In the upper part of the solution supply tube, use a needle to make a hole with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm to mix the liquid with air.

We upgrade the foaming agent for washing with our own hands to increase foam

This device can be upgraded to increase the volume of foam. Instead of a standard nozzle, you can make a new nozzle from two syringes with a volume of 5 mm. It is necessary to cut off approximately half of its length from one syringe, select the diameter of the washer, or cut off part of a cylindrical plastic tube from a standard nozzle to attach a new nozzle to the sprayer.

After this, it is necessary to connect the cut part and two syringes in any way, after placing the foaming material indicated above inside. It should be located closer to the sprayer outlet. The end of the syringe should remain empty to control the mixing of the foam.

If it is possible to purchase F110 nozzles (015, 02, 03, 04, 05) or flat jet tips like HYPRO F80-06, then you need to cut off the extreme part of our homemade nozzle and install a flat jet tip as a nozzle. By changing the tips you can achieve the desired spray pattern.

The air pressure needed for such a foam generator can be created foot pump, installing a tubeless tire nipple at the top of the tank. The pump should be pumped into the container without fanaticism, no more than 4 atmospheres, otherwise the spray tank will burst. Some sprayer models have a bypass valve. It needs to be adjusted to a pressure of 3.5-4 atmospheres.

After washing, do not forget to treat the body with liquid wax, since its varnish coating has a porous structure. These pores must be closed, blocking the path of corrosion. It’s easy to make such a foaming agent for washing with your own hands from a sprayer. It works for many car enthusiasts and suits them completely. The cost of such a device consists of the cost of the sprayer itself, a pair of syringes, and a car tire nipple and amounts to 300-400 rubles.