Russian language and us. Russian language and us Beautiful presentation on the Russian language

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Russian language in modern world Completed the work: Anastasia Gridenko, student of group K (11) Supervisor: M. A. Potapova 

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Goal: To reveal the true significance of the Russian language in the modern world. Objectives: To trace and identify the reasons for the changes occurring in the modern language. Find out current problems for modern youth. Goal and objectives 

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Introduction Main part: Russian language in international and interethnic communication. Development of the modern Russian language Factors influencing changes and development in the Russian language Conclusion List of sources used Contents 

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Language is a form of existence national culture, a manifestation of the very spirit of the nation. The greatest works of literature are written in Russian. The Russian language is the language of the Russian state, of all the most important documents that determine the life of society; language is also a means of mass communication - newspapers, radio, television. In other words, the life of society is impossible without a national language. INTRODUCTION

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“If the foundation is destroyed, the building will not stand. Today, for some reason, they began to forget about this. The future of the Russian language is the future of the country as a whole.” (I. S. Turgenev. Complete collection essays and letters in thirty volumes. T. 10. M.: "Science", 1982.) 

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It is used in various spheres of international communication and acts as the “language of science” - a means of communication between scientists different countries, means of encoding and storing universal human knowledge (60-70% of all world information is published in English and Russian languages). The Russian language is a necessary accessory to world communication systems (radio broadcasts, air and space communications, etc.). English, Russian and other world languages ​​are characterized not only by the specificity of social functions; they also perform an educational function - young people from developing countries study on them. Russian language in international communication 

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1) national Russian language; 2) one of the languages ​​of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia; 3) one of the most important world languages. The Russian language performs three functions: In addition to the main functions that are inherent in each language, the Russian language has another very important purpose - it is a unifying link for many peoples and nations. 

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More than 200 million people consider it their native language, and the number of people who speak it reaches 360 million. In more than 10 countries, Russian has official status, among them Russia, Belarus, Abkhazia, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan. Russian is the international language of communication between Slavic countries: Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia. In terms of the total number of people speaking it, the Russian language ranks 6th in the world. 

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What is important for a “world language” is not the sheer number of people who speak it, especially as a native speaker, but the global distribution of native speakers, its coverage of different, maximum number of countries, as well as the most influential social strata of the population in different countries.

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When considering the process of formation of a language of interethnic communication, priority is usually given to social factors. However, social factors alone, no matter how favorable they may be, are not capable of promoting one or another language as an interethnic language if it lacks the necessary linguistic means. Russian language in international communication 

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The Russian language satisfies the linguistic needs of not only Russians, but also people of other ethnicities living both in Russia and abroad. Our language has a rich vocabulary and terminology in all branches of science and technology, expressive brevity and clarity of lexical and grammatical means, a developed system of functional styles, and the ability to reflect all the diversity of the surrounding world. 

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“...The main character of our language is the extreme ease with which everything is expressed in it - abstract thoughts, internal lyrical feelings, sparkling pranks and amazing passion.” A.I. Herzen 

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Language changes along with society and the processes occurring in it. Computerization, the influence of the media, the borrowing of foreign words - do they have a positive effect on the state of the Russian language? Development of the modern Russian language 

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Foreign words in the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language, although they represent a fairly large layer of vocabulary, nevertheless do not exceed 10% of its total vocabulary. Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways to modify a language. Anglicism - words borrowed from in English. Anglicisms began their penetration into the speech of Russian people at the end of the 18th century (18) early XIX(19th) century. The Russian language experienced a historical boom in the influx of Anglicisms in the early 90s. 

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historical contacts of peoples; the need to nominate new objects and concepts; innovation of the nation in any particular field of activity; linguistic snobbery; fashion. Main reasons for borrowing: 

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Today, the modern Russian language has more than 1000 Anglicisms. Examples of Anglicisms in modern Russian: Teenager - teenager Piercing - injection, puncture Mainstream - main direction Creative - creative, inventive Goalkeeper - goalkeeper Mass media - means mass media Millennium - Millennium Weekend - weekend Horror - horror film Handmade - handmade Loser - loser

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Borrowing words from other languages ​​can lead to both the improvement of our speech culture and its deterioration. The positive impact of borrowed words is that, in addition to our native Russian words, we can use foreign, often more expressive terms. Many foreign words decorate our speech, making it more expressive and interesting. However, we should not forget that the abundance of such words in the Russian language can lead to disastrous consequences: the Russian language can “drown” in a huge number of foreign words and lose its roots and its essence. Pros and cons of borrowings in Russian: 

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IN currently The Russian language is going through a kind of crisis: it is full of profanity, Americanisms and numerous jargons. Very often there are cases when a distorted language is very actively promoted by the media, as well as by high-ranking officials who make many mistakes in their speech, without attaching absolutely any importance to it, although the role of language in the life of society is enormous and its impact is very strong. Modern Russian music of the popular genre, which immature younger generations are guided by, is also characterized by illiteracy. Over time, the meaningless set of words inherent in many songs will become an element of communication among young people. Therefore, the future of the Russian language depends on us. Will it continue to be one of the most powerful and rich languages ​​in the world or will it join the ranks of endangered ones? Problems of the modern Russian language.

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Jargon is a conventional colloquial word and expression used in certain social groups. Factors influencing changes and development in the Russian language. 1. Jargons work - it works glitchy - firewood stopped working - Windows drivers - operating system Windows system window - shell Windows program - computer program klava - keyboard server - server hack - crack Example - computer jargon (slang).

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  • In the presentation, in addition to slides for theoretical work, there should be slides for practical work. For example, words with missing letters, sentences to parse, etc. If there is no such part, add it yourself or do not save the file.

Guidelines for creating presentations In Russian

  • Read the recommendations above. A presentation that includes not only a lecture by the teacher, but also tasks for independent work by students is appreciated.
  • Make presentations in one design.
  • Don't try to decorate every anticipation. Remember Golden Rule text designer: everything is selected, which means nothing is selected. If you have one sentence in italics, another in bold, a third underlined, and all of them are in font different color, the child will not be able to understand what information is most important in the text. Decide for yourself, for example, that you will highlight important things in bold and write examples in italics, and do this on every slide and in every presentation.
  • Do not italicize headings or put periods after them.
  • Do not format the text with spaces; there are special buttons for this. Firstly, when formatting with spaces, everything will be crooked, and secondly, the layout will break if you try to change the design.
  • When typing text for parsing, increase the line spacing to leave room for underlining words.
  • Make your pictures smaller in a graphics editor before inserting them into your presentation. When you reduce a picture on a slide by dragging a corner with your mouse, you are actually only reducing the image scale. It will still take up a lot of space on your computer, the file will be heavy and it will be impossible to upload it on any site due to the upload file size limit.
  • On the last slide it is customary to indicate the sources of texts and graphic objects. Of course, it is better to compose texts yourself.
  • Use infographics on lecture slides, try to explain complex things in simple circuits. Use arrows, tables, text in blocks.

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Language is the history of a people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why studying and preserving the Russian language is not an idle activity because there is nothing to do, but an urgent necessity. (A. Kuprin)

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The Russian language is one of the East Slavic languages, one of the most widespread languages ​​in the world in terms of the number of speakers and the number of countries, the national language of the Russian people, the main language of international communication in central Eurasia, in Eastern Europe, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, one of the working languages ​​of the UN. It is the most widespread of the Slavic languages ​​and the most numerous language of Europe both geographically and in terms of the number of native speakers (although also a significant and geographically large part of the Russian linguistic area is located in Asia) and one of the most widespread Indo-European languages. It is one of the five most translated languages ​​in the world. The science of the Russian language is called linguistic Russian studies, or, in short, simply Russian studies. The pronunciation norm of the Russian literary language is the so-called. Moscow pronunciation.

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WITH early childhood we explore the world, first only out of curiosity, then out of necessity, in order to find our place in it. At the same time, we master the language. It occupies the most important place in knowledge. To study any object or phenomenon, you need to name it and then describe it in words. The inability to name objects is also ignorance of them. Any problem must first of all be formulated in the words of the language. The ability to correctly express your thoughts in words is not easy, but necessary. Even in ordinary conversation, the speaker must be able to express a thought in such a way that the listener understands it accordingly. A poorly expressed thought is not only an inability to speak, but also an inability to think. Language is part of culture. It occupies a vital place in human activity, allowing one to study science and production, morals and customs, and engage in politics and art.

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Russian is the language we speak every day since childhood. And sometimes it is not clear why we need to study it. And in general - why be literate and write correctly? Knowing the Russian language means not only being able to speak and write it correctly, but also knowing its history and origins. The Russian language is very complex, but “great and powerful”. The way a person speaks determines how educated he is. But this is not a trifle. Get Good work It’s not so easy, and if you’re also illiterate, then it’s completely unrealistic. It makes a very unpleasant impression when a person speaks Russian incorrectly. If a person is fluent in language, this allows him to express any thought. He can convince any opponent that he is right. When you are surrounded by educated people who speak Russian well, you want to be worthy of their attention. I want to participate in the conversation, to be heard and understood, and for this you need to speak the language.

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Language is a whole world. Since prehistoric times, man has lived in society. This caused the need for one person to be able to somehow communicate to another his thoughts, desires, and feelings. Thus, out of the need for communication, language arose.

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Let's start with the meaning of words. When going down the road of the Russian language, first of all you need to choose the right path. Right... right... already a snag. Let's see in our dictionary what the similarities between “right and right” are. Until the 15th century, Russian people, when pronouncing the word right, meant not only what is to the right of them, but what is right, fair. And for what is on the right, they had the word gum. Now such a word is not spoken.

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About a wondrous diva and a little about life. During an expedition near the White Sea, a student wrote down a phrase said by one old woman: “The weather is wonderful in summer: the rain flies, the god shoots arrows and thunder... It’s like something out of a fairy tale, right? It’s as if everything was said in Russian, but the student was lost in thought. And no wonder: there are at least five linguistic mysteries here. For an attentive person, of course. So I wrote: “amazing”, looked at the line above, and there was already the word marvelous - of the same root and the same language. But it’s not the same word! What is amazing? “causing surprise... or unusually good, incredibly good... And what is marvelous? This word has 2 meanings: 1) amazing (old meaning), and beautiful (colloquial, rather new meaning, for example, wonderful voice). One word is outdated, and the other is too pretentious, not everyone dares to use it.

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Meanwhile, to translate the old woman’s words, let’s say: “The weather is amazing in summer...”. What's surprising here: rain, lightning, thunder? A typical summer thunderstorm. To correctly understand this statement, you need to be careful about all the words in the sentence. The student did the right thing; he began asking questions, trying to understand the meaning of the word we needed, and established, for example, that in the speech of his interlocutor, “wonderful girl” is impossible, and a wondrous life calls only for laughter. Therefore, the meaning of “beautiful” for this word in this dialect is not known. What else? Oh, yes, what about “wonderful eyes”? Why, the wondrous eyes live (live again!) - on the icon... Stop!

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Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal Perhaps Russian is your native language, perhaps it is foreign. Perhaps you are a professional philologist, or perhaps just an amateur. And I, in turn, loudly pronounce the name of the man who did so much for Russian linguistics and its popularization, the name legendary man. This is Dietmar Elyashevich Rosenthal.

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Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal is a Soviet and Russian linguist, author of numerous works on the Russian language. Dietmar Rosenthal was born on December 19 (31), 1899 in Lodz (Poland). In Moscow since 1914. Until 1918 he studied at the 15th Moscow (Warsaw) gymnasium. Since 1918 - at Moscow University (graduated in 1923 with a degree in Italian), the Institute of National Economy named after K. Marx. From 1922 to 1923 he taught in secondary school, from 1923 - in high school (Workers' Faculty named after Artyom, 1923-1936. Further places of work - the philological faculty of the 1st Moscow State University. Professor, creator and head of the department of stylistics of the Russian language, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University.

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Rosenthal created a textbook of the Italian language for universities, Russian-Italian and Italian-Russian dictionaries; translated works of Italian writers into Russian. The founder (together with Professor K.I. Bylinsky) of practical stylistics, one of the main developers and interpreters of the rules of modern Russian spelling. Author of more than 150 textbooks (published since 1925), manuals, reference books, dictionaries, popular books, as well as research work in the Russian language, speech culture, stylistics, spelling, linguodidactics. The scientist died in July 1994 in Moscow. He was buried at Vostryakovsky cemetery.

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Where did the Russian language come from, and why is it so difficult? You know that Russian belongs to the East Slavic languages ​​of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language tree. It was formed in the 14th century with the collapse of Old Russian into Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. Slavic languages ​​still preserve many Indo-European antiquities, both in grammar and vocabulary. (True, the most conservative of the living Indo-European languages ​​are the Baltic: Lithuanian and Latvian.) This ancient heritage is what makes Russian (as well as the rest of the Slavic languages) so complex, but also so cute!

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Russian is a language of nine cases Why nine, because at school we only learned six? Yes, there are six independent cases in the Russian language, but there are three more that we all often use. Vocative case (vocative). More precisely, we will call it a new vocative in order to distinguish it from the vocative that existed several centuries ago. Only the group of diminutives has an independent form. When we address Vanya, Anya, Dima, we say to them “Van”, “An”, “Dim”, we use the form of the new vocative case instead of the nominative “Vanya”, “Anya”, “Dima”. “You, Zin, would be better off keeping quiet!” (Vysotsky). The words “mama”, “dad”, “uncle”, “aunt” (“mam”, “dad”, etc.) also have a new vocative case and, in a rare case, two words in plural: “guys” and “girls” (“guys”, “girls”). Once I even heard: “Man! Men!” This case is formed, as you can see, by truncating the ending to zero. But sometimes it may differ in a specially added ending: “Denisa! It’s time to go home!” or (to a dog named Bim) “Bima! Come to me!” Since the nominative case can also be used when addressing, the novovocative is not obligatory, but an optional case.

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Local case (locative). Well, it's simple. You all know how to form the prepositional case of the word closet. "About what? - About the closet. On what? - ... On the closet!" These forms: on the closet, in the forest, in formation, on the nose (and not on the closet, in the forest in formation, on the nose, which is illiterate) and express the local case. As you noticed, it is used only with the prepositions “in” and “on”. The only case I have encountered of using a locative with the preposition “at” is: at the shelf. Disjunctive case (partitive). Perhaps the most unstable and complex case. Considered a variation of the genitive. A head of garlic or a head of garlic, a glass of kefir or a glass of kefir, a bottle of cognac or a bottle of cognac? During the shootout, Bulgakov’s cat Behemoth simultaneously took a sip of gasoline and drank gasoline. Sometimes it is simply necessary to use not the standard genitive form, but the dividing one: “I came out of the forest” (Nekrasov), “Can’t you find a light?”, “a week without a year.”

Presentations on the Russian language will help the teacher to easily explain many topics that students would not remember if they simply memorized them. The Russian language is very complex, and simply cramming the rules will not help. You just need to understand why this or that word or sentence is written this way. Our presentations are the teacher's best assistant. Thanks to a large number pictures and music, students will remember the necessary knowledge in a fun, playful way without any problems.

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