What date is the solarium is considered. How to read solarium? Collapse of the solar card. What is solarium

Each of us has a very important solemn day in the year - birthday. But few people know how to meet him correctly and how important is "to be at the right time, in the right place."

Solarium is a sunny true birthday. And the influence of the Sun (representing our soul, the social body, creative potential, the ability to love, etc.) is extremely important.

What is solarium?

At the time of your birth, the sun in relation to the Earth was in a certain space-time continuum. A clear position of the sun can be seen in a space passport (holotal map) - a human horoscope.

The sun returns to the same spatial point every year - the moment that coincides with your phenomenon in this world. Solarium is an exact return of the Sun at the same minute / second / a degree, as at your birth. Solar birthday may differ from the calendar with the difference + - one day.

It is at the time of the inclusion of the solarium (time / place / circumstance) on a person influenced special fateful for the year of energy. Your thoughts, actions, the quality of the "moment" of the inclusion of a new cycle, are similar to the field, and you will reap the fruits of your destiny during the year.

If you do not know the exact time of your birth, then you need to refer to the astrologer for rectification (refinement of birth time). It is necessary in order to be able to say exactly the date and time of your solar birthday, and made it possible to the astrologer to predict your horoscope for a year.

God gives you the right to choose, the ability to change not only your destiny, but also positively influence your close environment.

12 mystical days

Very mystical and important information is to understand the relationship between 12 days with 12 horoscope sectors, 12 zodiac signs and 12 subsequent months.

The first day after the true birthday of the Solar (when you were only born, you're another day) correlated with the first most important house of the horoscope and the first month. The second birthday (the second year of life) is equal to the second month and relates to the values \u200b\u200bof the second house of the horoscope, etc.

For every day of the Salo, you need to look through the prism of the values \u200b\u200bof the horoscope houses and establish "control" over each sphere of life under the control of one or another home. Conditionally speaking, the Mystery, the scenario of your year is played. These days you are able to lay a cycle for 12 months.

For 12 days, it is recommended to conduct a healthy, elevated, clean life without alcohol, meat, quarrels, and the like. You can keep a diary every day, recording events of the day and various signs, dreams. You need to be particularly attentive in the first twelve days after the day of the Solar.

How to meet solarium?

  • For a few hours before the solarium (the exact time of birth, which determines the astrologer), you need to make a wash, get dressed in clean clothes.
  • Grind incense, candles, include calm music, mantras. Positive to be alone with you, is in nature or in the temple.
  • You need to say goodbye to the previous year, thank him and God for all lessons. Mentally remember all the important trends, forgive everyone and ask for forgiveness from your loved ones, etc.
  • Make meditation, look at the fire or drive of the Sun, mentally make a favorable promise for a year. Create a positive thinking of the year and fill it with your love and gratitude. Ask the highest strength to help you and your loved ones in the new year.
  • Posseably for two weeks to take leave and in the right place to meet the Solari. For example, in Dhame or holy place (these are portals in the spiritual worlds, the games of the Most High) are manifested there.
  • You can also go to Purushottam - the place where the Holy Man lives or lived. In such places, the power on you the solar horoscope will no longer act, but you need to meet the Solarium with thoughts: "To all the will of yours, Lord".

This means that the year will be under the auspices of the highest strength. But what kind of "game" (Lila) can you prepare the Lord? What events and tests will make higher strength for you? It is difficult to predict, but, in any case, these events will carry a great benefit for you!

It is especially favorable to meet his super solarium, which comes in 33 years and 66 years - after all, at this time the life cycle is laid for the next 33 years.

12 magic days

12 days after the birthday (after Soynalar) is a magical time for which you can drastically improve your life, specifically guiding energy into specific areas of life. After you have successfully met your birthday, create your own success for the next year in 12 days.

12 days after the birthday symbolize 12 main spheres of human life, which correspond to 12 houses of the horoscope of each person.

From how you spend these 12 days - the life of the whole year will depend on the next birthday! This is your personal new year.

Knowing astrological principles, it is possible to lay the foundation of success for the entire personal year in all spheres of life!

  • 1st day - symbolizes personal development, appearance, physical body.Therefore, on this day, it is desirable to record your goal in these areas (for example: I have a slim flexible body, my weight is 60 kg). And so that this goal is easier to achieve, you need to do real actions - go to the gym, make any exercise at home. On this day, you need to do something for your self-improvement. It is also necessary to improve your appearance - buy new clothes, all day walk only in new and beautiful, make a new haircut, hairstyle, makeup, manicure. In general, dedicate the first day to the most important person in your life - for yourself (and then it usually happens on the contrary - all day birthday is dedicated to guests who are not advisable to invite on the first day). To spend this day you need very actively! Passivity in the 1st day is contraindicated.
  • 2nd day - associated with income, money, material means.Write a goal - what sources of income you want to have how many of them, what amount you plan to receive (for the month, per year). Do something with money on the physical level - count all your money, try to get money for your services on this day, start your home piggy bank, fill it with money today, buy a new wallet, create some kind of new source of income and t. d. In the 2nd day, in no case, do not in the debt and do not take yourself. On this day, it is better not to give my money at all (even in the store), you need to turn them on the contrary to get them from different sources - then all year money will go to you.
  • The 3rd day - represents communication, information, intelligence, studies.Write what new information you want to master what to learn what courses to finish what to visit the seminars. On this day, it is recommended to read a lot, learn, work with information - but only with bright and positive information. And very carefully treat each spelled word. It is impossible to swear on this day, it is impossible to clog his speech with rude words, the more mat. Speak only a good, favorable, carrying vibration of success and harmony. Because This day is still associated with vehicles, then write what car you want to buy, read about it. Reviews, learn about it all the information, you can even go to the car dealership, see it in the middle of the test drive. In the 3rd day, it is advisable to have fun with its brothers, sisters, classmates, classmates, neighbors.
  • The 4th day - symbolizes the genus, family.Describe the image of your ideal family as a person in it, what a friend with a different relationship. If your family already has - write what you want to improve. All day spend at home, mark your birthday in a family circle, collect the whole family for a festive table. It is very important to feel family harmony on this day. Talk not only with your family, but also with relatives, especially with parents, grandparents. Remember all your ancestors, thank them for living you need - forgive me. Read more in the book ...
  • 5th day - means love, hobby, creativity, pleasure and children (as a result of love, pleasure and higher creation). Write your goals in these areas. Spend a day with children, do the work, be sure to take yourself any pleasure, having fun, go to the restaurant, relax, assign a date your favorite (beloved). Missing today can not! It is necessary to have fun and enjoy life!
  • The 6th day is associated with everyday routine work, with work in subordinate position, animals and health.Describe your perfect health, make any useful procedures for your health (go to the bath, make a massage, do yoga, etc.). Especially carefully treat nutrition - do not overeat, eat something easy and very useful. Write what work you want to have, what relationship with colleagues. If you are the boss - write which subordinates you would like to see. Job on this day with animals - it will be very favorable for you. Engage in ordinary household affairs and work. You can mark your birthday at work with colleagues.
  • 7th day - marriage, partners (personal and in business). Think over and write down your goals - create an image of an ideal marriage, which partner you need your relationship. If you are alone and want to marry - go to the wedding salon (just look at yourself, imagine that your wedding is not around the corner), leave an advertisement on a dating site, show the universe that you want and are ready to enter into marriage. If you already have a husband (wife) - then you spend this whole day with your favorite (with your beloved), arrange a festive dinner for two, discuss plans for the future. Make sure not to quarrel with your partner on this day, do not find out the relationship, do not express claims. Better on the contrary, talk about your bright feelings, to show how much you appreciate and value each other. Let your relationship be very harmonious and happy on this day. If you have several applicants "on hand and heart" - do your choice today. For business, imagine such partners that you need, describe all their professional and human qualities.
  • 8th day - extreme, risk, crisis, other people's money, big money, money partners.Avoid extreme and risky actions on this day. Better direct your energy to cash flows - go to the bank, drink the energy of big money. Also on this day, you can open a bank account and put a certain amount on it so that all year your account has been replenished. It is even preferably that it is on this day to receive money from its business partners and personal partners (husband), then all year you will have a profit from them. It is also recommended that day to repay the loan on this day (or at least make some impressive part) to be free from this burden all year. Another 8th day is associated with the conception of the child and pregnancy. If this is relevant to you - you can "go to work", imagine how ideally your pregnancy will proceed. Also, the 8th day symbolizes cleansing and exemption from something outdated and unnecessary. Therefore, throw something old and taught today. If something went out of you today - rejoice - it's really no longer needed.
  • 9th day - travel, teaching, higher education.Write which countries you want to visit, what kind of higher education get what kind of teacher you would like to meet. If the teacher is already there - talk to him today - it will be very favorable. If on this day you consciously go on the journey, then you will travel all year!
  • The 10th day - symbolizes your goal, career, bosses, higher professional achievements.Clearly think about what the highest ambitious goal you want to achieve what is needed for this? What career do you need? If you work in a subordinate position - describe the image of your ideal boss, it is important to have a good relationship with the bosses on this day. If you yourself want to become a boss and climb up the career ladder, then imagine - what a position you need. And do something concrete for your professional achievements.
  • 11th day - friends, clubs in interest.Job on this day with friends, with like-minded people, celebrate your birthday with them. Do something unexpected and extraordinary on this day. This day is associated with a dream and desires. Describe your dream and think about it all day, feeling joy.
  • 12th day - privacy, mystery, spirituality.It is today that should be left alone, in silence, pray, to remember, read something about mysticism, about the secret and unknown. To summarize the desired results of just next year and not to tell anyone. Well on this day go to the temple, pray and ask for help from the higher forces.

Very important! A month before the birthday and a month after a birthday is very sensitive and dangerous periods for a person in terms of health, so at this time do not plan any operations or procedures where there is a risk for your health. Of course, if the operation is necessary urgently, do not think.

According to 12 astrological areas of life, you can make a circle divided into 12 parts, fill it out every day with the corresponding pictures and desires. And you will clearly imagine what you want, and the universe will be easier to embody your dreams and goals in life!

This practice refers to active astrology, when a person does not sit, folded hands, and actively creates his fate.

Live these 12 days harmoniously and consciously, and then your life will definitely be happier!

What is solarium

He who is not familiar with astrology does not know that in addition to the new New Year, each person has a personal New Year holiday. This is a solarium. This is the name of the astrological language our annual birthday.

If the new year is magic, then the Solari is magic

Because if you properly meet the Solarium, then the likelihood that the miracle will happen, increases compared to the usual NG by 83% :) To adequately meet his Solar, you need to know when, where and how to meet it.

The difference between the solarium from the simple other DR is that Dr. We celebrate at any time of this day, and the Solarium is tied to a certain point. To do this, you need to know the "inclusion" of your solarium.

How to build a solarium

Personal solarium comes when the sun, passing his heavenly path, falls into the same degree in which it was at the time of your birth many years ago.

The sun returns to the same degree:

  • either at birthday
  • either a day before
  • either a day later

Every year the solarium time is changing.

If you want to meet your personal solarium, then you need to calculate this moment in advance in the astrological program. You can independently ()

Step 1. Select "Horoscope" - "Create a new"

Step 2. Select "Double Card"

Step 3. Enter your data for two types of cards. For Natal - date, time and place of birth.For the solarium - the current date and place where you are going to meet the Solar (time will build automatically). Click "OK"

Step 4. The program will build a solar card. In brackets will be labeled the time of your solarium. In this example, this is 04:52:36

Interpretation of solarium

The usual method of the inverting of the solarium is an analysis of an astrological map. The planets, aspects, houses, etc., are analyzed, on the basis of certain rules, relations between these elements are being studied and a forecast is made. It can only make an astrologer.

I suggest look at the solarium in terms of the sacrality of this event in our life. Sacred - this means relating to the irrational, otherworldly, not explained by any rules.

I will tell you about the sacred rules of the meeting of the Soynaar later, and now - about the sacrality of the days surrounding the Solari.

Interpretation of solarium based on the events of solar days

Solarium is not only a moment of time (as NG). This period, which includes 12 days before the moment and 12 days after. This is the time bookmarking of events of the whole year.

Events that occur these days is a symbolic reflection of your next year.

  • These events are unique and occur only with you.
  • These events are sacralne and carry encrypted messages from the future
  • These events can be decrypted and see their next year.

What is the significance of the days of the Saloar? 12 days before and after connected with 12 houses of the horoscope or 12 spheres of life. Every day corresponds to one of the 12 houses of the horoscope, and the events of the day symbolically mean the upcoming events of the year in a certain sphere of life.

The study of the houses of the horoscope can be devoted to all their lives - this is an inexhaustible topic. Here I will give a few key concepts of each sphere.

Quick description 12 solar days

1 day - 1 house. Personality of man, characteristic features, temperament, manners, behavior, personal self-affirmation issues.

2 day - 2 house. Accumulations, money (cash), property (movable), things, income and expenses, food, energy supply channels in the body, material wealth, beauty, aesthetics, body, appearance.

3 day - 3 house. Close Trips, Contacts, Communication, Brothers and Sisters, Neighbors, Speech, Letter, Dating, Communications (including related), Education, Education, Internet, Information, Transfer and receipt of information

4 day - 4 house. Parental house, parents (especially mother), place of residence, real estate, homeland, native places, patriotism, pedigree, heredity (and in genes, and property), family and folk traditions, apartment, house. End of life, grave, cemetery, past.

5 day - 5 house. Public performances, self-removal Activities, Sports, Hobby, Creativity, Hobbies with the opposite floors, children, love, loved ones, lovers, hobbies and games (gambling including), game on the stock exchange.

6 day - 6 house. Ministry and work, work in submission, trouble, business, colleagues, subordinates, service sphere, health, medical facilities (clinics, pharmacies, etc.), diet, cosmetology, body care, hygiene, household problems, pets and Caring for them.

7 day - 7 house. Partnership, interaction with partner. Marriage (marriage conditions, image of a partner, divorce, etc.). Contracts, unions, legal activities, courts, contracts, cooperation, individual advice, compromise, opponents, enemies.

8 day - 8 house. Dowry, inheritance, debt, loan, work with other people's money, large finance (especially non-cash), large business, danger, deaths, critical events, crises, magic, sex, dangerous activities (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Caskaders, Miners, etc. .), Transformation (such as, why and in what direction we change, makes other people).

9 day - 9 house.Travel, long-distance travel, higher education, any connection with abroad, ideals, religion, philosophy, spiritual teacher, esoteric, legislative activity, patronage, sponsorship, advertising and PR, success.

10 day - 10 house. Career, social calling, work requiring higher education, work on a leadership position, ambitious goals, respect, fame, bosses and higher, father.

11 day - 11 house. Altruism, relationships with friends, public associations, interest groups, public work, clubs, associations, astrology classes, the future - what it looks like and how we imagine it.

12 day - 12 house. Hidden activity, underground, secret services, secret work, staying on the illegal position, departure from the outside world, privacy, isolation (monastery, ashram, prison, long-range swimming, expedition, hospital, sanatorium, nursing home, mental hospital, etc.) , Secrets, psychic, meditation, karma, inspiration, creativity in privacy, music, self-analysis.

So, the events that happen to us within 12 days before and after the Soynalar, in the "rolled" form draws us a picture of the whole of next year in all spheres of life

What is the method of predicting events to use

Why do you need to take into account 12 solar days 2 times - before and after turning on the solarium?

In astrology, there is such a method for predicting events, which is called progression.
Progression - This is a symbolic method of prediction based on "one day from the moment of birth in one year of life." That is, the movement of the planets during the day after birth models a whole year of subsequent life. In our case, the interpretation of the solarium - 12 days after the Soyola model model 12 months of next year.

The auxiliary method of the forecast is to count the time intervals from the point of birth - inverse progression. In our case, it is 12 days before the inclusion of the solarium.

The more the coincidences of events in direct and inverse progression, the greater the likelihood that this event will happen during the year

What you need to do 12 days before and after the solarium to look into your future

Maintaining diary of solar events

You need to observe your events and write them into a diary for further decryption. Here is an approximate form of a diary.

By the way, the diary of events can be done manually. Choose a suitable mysteriously decorated notebook for this ...

If you do not want to do your diary,

What events need to record. Types of events

There are several types of events that need to be considered.

1. Events that seemed to you unusual or unexpected:

  • call from a friend with whom you do not communicate for a long time;
  • lost any thing or the opposite found;
  • did not have time for the bus (the doors slammed before the nose);
  • drove stop;
  • a reservation in speech or a writ of letter;
  • unexpected message or gift;
  • quarrel or reconciliation;
  • event with a surprise value;
  • unexpected thoughts that did not occur before
  • events by type "Enume" - scattered salt, flew the bird, the black cat fond of the road, sneezed before meal; At sunset see Spider; In the evening they met a man in a tuxedo :)

2. Repetitive events which occur periodically, and about which you say "Well, again ..."; Again, late for work, again called annoying girlfriend, etc;

3. Dreams. This is a special kind of events that happen to us in another reality. Need to write dreams and celebrate - it was an unusual sleep or repeating

4. Synchronistic events or coincidences:

  • thought about a person, and he called;
  • sink to yourself a melody, turn on the TV - the same melody plays an orchestra;
  • we decided to please yourself and bought flowers, and at home there is a bouquet - the husband also decided to please you :)

In addition, it is necessary to record thoughts, feelings and fantasies (representations of any plots). What feelings accompanied you during the day? What are you worried about? What fantasies came to mind?

The more illogical events and thoughts seem to you, the more valuable as a symbolic material. You think: "What a nonsense!", "Does such notes come to mind" or "How could it be confused?" Rather, write down all this in the diary!

You need to be attentive to your events, but do not turn into paranoid and suspect everything and everyone around in symbolism. In the end, "Banana can be just a banana."

Try to be harmonious - find something mean between observation and paranoia :)
For this, look around "Free-warent attention" And something, no matter how accidentally you will notice. Write down it in a diary.

If you want not only to record events, but also influence them, get to know

Interpretation of solarium on recorded events

After "ot raise" 12 + 12 days of your celebration, you can proceed to the interpretation of the solarium.

Interpretation technique

1. Read your records from beginning to end. Just read as a story. Remember about "freely scattered attention"? Something rushed into your eyes? Maybe some repetitions? Or something "hooked" and arose associations?

2. Now read by day, starting from the 1st in direct and inverse. Pay attention to whether there is a similarity between the records belonging to the same house of the horoscope. If it is, then this sphere of life will be most important for you in the coming year.

3. Try to link the description of days and key topics at home horoscope using your associations and guesses. This connection will be the events that can happen to you. Bind no longer in content, but in form. The sweeping salt does not mean that you will sprinkle all the salt all year :) For example, if you are late for a train, it does not mean that you will be late for the train all year. This may mean, for example, that you will miss something in a particular area of \u200b\u200blife or lose something necessary or on the contrary, we will open with unnecessary.

It should be borne in mind that predictive events will not be so specific what we see them when they have already happened. This is always a tendency, the likelihood and general form of the event.

For those who do not work

Interpretation of solarium - This is not an easy, but very inspiring and creative process, awakening intuition and interest in your own life. If you do it constantly, you have accumulated Your symbolic dictionary of individual will accept. It will help you more precisely make decisions, make a choice and more consciously treat your own life.

For a full interpretation of the solarium, you need to understand the horoscope homes well, to have a developed ability to associate, be able to translate a symbolic row to life. It comes with experience

If you do not work, and you find it difficult to determine the solarium time and make a interpretation yourself, or more trust specialists, I will gladly do it for you :)

How to order an interpretation of solarium

  1. 2 weeks before your DR send me a date, time and place of your birth. I will define the time for the inclusion of your solarium and send the form of the diary of events with dates. If you did not have time for 12 days before the other, then nothing terrible - you can predict events and 12 days after others. Just on the eve of DR write me.
  2. You fill in your diary of events and send it to me 12 days after the Soyola.
  3. My colleagues - School Taro Yuri Khan

If you think that the new year is a magical night from December 31 to January 1, the astrologers will not agree with you. In fact, the "New Year" begins for each of us at different times, close to our birthday (± 1 day). When the sun falls into the same degree of ecliptic, as at the time of your birth, the time of your personal new year is the Salaar.

In fact, the solarium is a private type of transit card, the solarium turns on at the time of the exact connection of the Natal Sun and the Transit Sun. As well as the natal map itself, the Solarium is a static method of forecast.

The purpose of the method of solar appeal is to find the spheres of human life, in which events will rather and rather will not be during the solar year.

What is the place to build a solarium? On this occasion, there is no definite opinion among astrologers: some are adepts of the idea of \u200b\u200brelaxation, others believe that the Solarium needs to be built only in place of birth. We adhere to the point of view that the Solarium, built in place of birth, is the main, and the Solarium on a new place of residence is additional. Cases when with exactly a rectified map there is a need to watch the airborne solarium (to a new place) is extremely rare.

When does the new Solarian come into force? Formally, the solarium begins at the time of the exact return of the Sun, but, in fact, the trends of the new solarium begin to act more than a month before the birthday.

Special astrological programs are used to calculate and build a solarium, they will automatically show on what day and time the sun will return to "its degree".

The Solarium is analyzed only in a complex with a natal map, for this transit card (solarium) and the natal map impose on each other with all the planets and grids of houses - in astro-processors, this procedure is also performed automatically.

When two cards are applied, interrelations appear between them, in the form of a compound of solar planets with custards of natal houses, aspects between the natal and solar planets, aspects of solar planets to natal custares, a sign of solar ascedent and many other indicators.

It is these ties that analyzes the astrologer, while he does not deal with abstract planets, but examines the annual trends of the specific functions of a natal card, for example: in one map Mars is involved in the theme of marriage, and in the other is an element of financial tank.

Calculation of the solarium with decoding

If you type the "Solar" in Google in Google, it will be a huge list of proposals to "decipher" the Solar, choose the city for the "meeting of the Solar", "Rituals for the meeting of the Solar", etc. Insufficiently experienced astrologers are positioned by Solari as a "forecast for the year."

But the solarium is never used as an independent method of prognostage. In order to make a proper common or thematic forecast for the year, an astrologer uses several methods at once (directorate, solarium, transits, progression). As for the choice of the city or special rituals, it is much more efficient to use your card as a wise navigator, and not a means for running from the fate of the villain.

The astrologer reflects the trends. Trends are the wind of the change that "blows" regardless of your desire, sometimes you need to make a little effort and even a light breeze will help you approach the goal, sometimes you need to know how to behave during the storm and use it for yourself. But there is a narrow interval of thickening trends, where events arise.

Thus, if we talk about the decoding of the solarium, it should be reformulated into the format: a general forecast for the year.

Any forecast begins with rectification and analysis of your natal card, where the astrologer identifies the working and "sleeping" card zones, blocks and internal conflicts laid down in the map and what these blocks can lead in the context of prognostics. Further, at your request, the astrologer may analyze the year as a whole on the "activity of fate" in various areas of life (marriage, children, money, profession), show the nature of the upcoming changes, give recommendations for compensation of tense periods. For prognostics to work every year, your inclusion is needed in the process of creating the events of your life, and not a passive expectation when they put on your head.

Magic Soynaar Ritual What is Solari?

What is solarium? From the point of view of the astrologer, this is the exact time of the compound of the sun with the degree of its natal position - the position during the birth of a person. But you can consider the day of the Solard - the day of your birth.

For many people, the period before the solarium or birthday is especially the last week, it does not happen by the most difficult in the year - after all, you need to let go, to finish many unresolved things for the year, someone to forgive someone to remember, return their debts and get others. The whole year a person could live in a hurry and accumulate small debts before the world because of his ignorance, laziness, inattention. And now, an hour is nearing when all the old, who has learned, unnecessary should leave. And a person before the bookmark of his solarium is useful to start remembering what this year was what he had special events, achievements, victories and defeat.

So you still need to know a person to conduct a magic ritual with the knowledge of the case to attract success, good luck and health in the coming year? It can register all the events of the past year on paper, may even create a special viewing album, where all pictures are removed from it in the reverse order - the events are clearly populated in memory. In this work, his friends and relatives can help him. Together with him can remember many events of this year - and talk to him what was hidden, which did not want to tell about. At this time, a person must constantly remember that it is important for him to disclose, do not keep the resentment for the past, not to conceal what he really feels, but be sincere and honest with himself. It is best to do this on the basis of the position of the planets in the horoscope at that time when the last year remembered. But if there is no such possibility, you can confine ourselves to a simple reproduction.

The ritual of the solarium is designed for 12 days and helps a person to make a new in 12 spheres of his life - astrological "twinnad ten houses". Each "house" means some one sphere - a unique, unique for its owner - so you need to carefully read, it means. Every day, starting from the first day, you must live very actively - because you will live it, there will be a month. For example, you have a birthday on March 15. March 15 - the first day (the first "astrological house"), in which the rhythm and events of the first month are laid (from March 15 to April 15). As you live 12 months - this will be the whole year.

Astrologically sun shows our external life, personality and a way of expression, as creative power. Thus, the new year begins on your birthday in your external life, in your contacts with the outside world and influence on others.

1 day, the first month is the manifestation of you as a person, appearance, character, temperament of a person;

2 day, second month - your property, money, values, movable property;

3 day, the third month - the contacts of the person, his nearest environment, neighbors, school training, short trips;

4 day, fourth month - house, beginning and end of things, parents, family, real estate, end of life;

5 day, fifth month - temptations, entertainment, children, creativity, love, art, speculation;

6 day, sixth month - working conditions, work, service, health and illness;

7 day, seventh month - external world, maritime, open enemies, partners;

8 day, eighth month - crises, secret cases, sex, other people's money, psychological crises, death, inheritance, occult;

9 day, ninth month - career, worldview, religion, philosophy, higher education, long journey;

10 day, tenth month - profession, bosses, success, career, recognition, honors, goals in life;

11 day, eleventh month - friends, fulfillment of desires, hopes, surprises;

12 day, twelfth month - hospitals, secret enemies, all sorts of restrictions, secret in life, isolation, monastery, severe diseases, mysticism.

If you want all these parts of your life in order, you need to live every 12 days very actively. And since each person has a horoscope to be unique, then it is necessary to be attentive to what to fulfill all your wishes. It is very important that you have new character qualities that you need so that you are not just "shooting", but would you feel these qualities inside ourselves.

And now - more details about the days:

The first day (astrological "first house of the horoscope") - denotes the impression that a person produces on others: this is the appearance of a person, his personal ideas about themselves, his talents, temperament, activity, the ability to be first. On this day, it is necessary to show creativity in all, activity. Your future health you get through pouring, sports exercises. It is necessary to be very independent and try to become noticeable within its surroundings - but this does not mean that you need to suppress others and be excessively egoistic. Women are advised to dress up and paint - create a new strong look. Maybe even completely change outwardly. On this day, it is better not to invite guests - try more attention to pay yourself.

The second day - denotes the property, the ability to earn and spend money, practical knowledge and skills mined by their own efforts, business activity, property, prosperity and wealth. On this day, it is not very helpful to take gifts, greeding, be proud of our material property. Make a good donation or distribute with all sincerity what is still present to you

Value. If you consider yourself a "nonsensebrenik" and making money is given to you with great difficulty, then you, on the contrary, can devote all day earnings. Try to understand that you simply "invented" your poverty and from this day you have a complete right to wealth. On this day, it is necessary to earn something and be sure to spend with benefit, check all your accounts, debts, - do not take a debt on this day and do not borrow money to others;

The third house - denotes brothers and sisters, neighbors and relationships with them, exchange of thoughts, curiosity, speech, contracts, agreements, news. Nearby travel. On this day, in order to avoid "punctures", it is best to silence more or speak very little and essentially. You can go on a short trip. It is most useful on this day to make the opposite of what you do usually communicate with other people. If you are "Molchun" by nature, it is useful to contact more, share your thoughts and ideas. Well, on this day, refrain from watching TV and reading. It is better to spend this day in nature or with brothers and sisters.

Fourth day - denotes parents, your roots, ancestors at all, home and family, completion of life, mental world, familiar situation, emotional safety, support for survival. Watch where you want to go during this day - you may want to spend a day in the forest or in nature, or in the place where you can remember your genus, ask him help and support. It is best to visit the relatives on this day. Good work well, lead in full order garden, garden. On this day, it is better not to start anything new, not to be active, but also inaction, laziness, sadness, tears are better for this day to not allow them to accompany you throughout the next year.

The fifth house - denotes children, creative professions, the very creativity, hobbies, hobby, free time, random happiness, love, romantic adventure, the desire to be seen and estimated in society, popularity, spending on entertainment. On this day, it is better not to get involved in love adventures, not to be seduced by them even if there are strong temptations and temptations, you should not play gambling and do expensive purchases. It's good to stay with children - watch them playing and you will see how much joy in it, attention and immediacy. You can also do some kind of business that you have never done before that day. We advise you to recall the childhood years - to do something that then parents categorically prohibited. In love adventures, on the contrary, the abstinence is needed - then you will make your own. An important place occupies natural communication with its own or other people's children.

The sixth day - denotes your health and care for him, ministry and everyday work, care for neighboring, and duties, subordination, discipline, service relationship, work environment, professional skills, work with instruments and mechanisms is a day of care for your health. Day when you can completely devote yourself to business, everyday worries. You can move on this day on the service staircase as over the years of diligent work. Calm day. But try to beware of the routine. Look, do not delay you in your whirlwind of small daily business, for which it is easy not to see the main, important. Good on this day to try a new diet or arrange easy food.

The seventh day - denotes a spouse, partners and enemies, personal relationships with people, responsibility to them; Marriage, divorce, separation, breaking relationship, lawsuits, trade, transactions, competition, co-authorship. If you live with a partner, it would be very good to spend this day together and discuss joint plans for the future - they can consist that you will begin to do something that was not solved. Maybe you will finally express directly and clarify a lot in your relationship. It's good to remember all your partners and understand that you have developed, and what - no and why. It is better not to sue, do not divorce, not to enter into contracts. But if on this day you still have to sign important papers, check them without once.

Eighth day - denotes death, changes, testing, crises, the end of old conditions, the beginning of new; conception and birth, sex; losses and acquisitions on human independent reasons; Values \u200b\u200bof other people. This is the most difficult day - it needs to be done alone - to make a repose of yourself to get serious changes in behavior and thoughts. Contraindicated on this day sex, interference in someone else's life and jealousy. It is especially important to learn to control their emotions and feelings. Be prepared for the fact that this day from your life will leave something long ago outdated, although it's still expensive. Losses on this day mean liberation and are good. On this day it is impossible to be afraid.

The ninth day - denotes knowledge, expanding the horizons, worldview, higher education, travel, distant relatives, people from afar, with a different view of the world, long-distance travel and travel, especially with a cognitive goal. You can learn something new - it is very good! It is good to meet with guests from afar, go to a long journey if you intend to travel the whole next year. On this day, it is important not to sit at home. Go to the museum, to the exhibition, to the library, read the cognitive magazine. But it is on this day that it is impossible to teach anyone. It is impossible to teach relatives, friends and even children, although it can pull you very much.

The tenth day - denotes the power, the embodiment of the ideas, profession, career, social status, authority, practical goals and results in life, assessing your merit - both glory and shame, relationships with supervisors, government authorities, personal power and its use, manifestation Ambitious, movement strategy for goal, practical life choice. Do not rule, do not be proud of, do not put false goals. On this day, there may be a strong desire to feel the boss, but the initiative is not desirable. If you are not an ambitious person in my life, then you need to turn around - reach tops, put high and difficult goals and objectives, plan real actions and look at the ability to achieve a practical result. Be sure to remember all your bosses and mentally thank them for "science".

Eleventh Day - Indicates friends, hopes for the future, plans, faith and dreams of a person, his idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, patrons. This is the day of changing your fate. Well, if your hopes come true - you can establish new plans! On this day, you can make friends and arrange a holiday! From whom this day literally "touched", - he is not a friend! You can not even invite guests to yourself specifically, and check who will come to you today even without invitation - it means that it is real

The twelfth day - denotes the restriction, renunciation and exemption from the old, unnecessary, cleansing, religious acts. Day of prayer, privacy and recreation. Good to summarize the total ritual. Feel your strength, visit the temple. On this day, we must be patient, be peaceful and compassionate to the needs of other people. It is very good to help someone in a difficult situation and completely free from the cargo of memory, from all past years, to forgive your offenders, feel the love of the world, to all people.

In this small article, only an attempt is made to set up you for a serious attitude to the theme of the birthday. The laying of the solarium is a time consuming and individual affair, but you need to try, and then in your life a lot will start changing. You can come to you new love, new job. You can become more successful, happy and healthy ...