Garden journal, my tips for compiling it. Garden journal, my tips for making it Garden diary and how to keep it

Diary of a summer resident. Podolsky district

I will continue the tradition on the site and begin to talk about our adventures in the dacha business.

Introduction. Site selection

One spring day in two thousand and eleven we decided to buy a dacha. The choice arose - where. The boundary condition was 900 thousand rubles, which we were ready to give in order to proudly begin to call ourselves summer residents. One of the main conditions is accessibility: the ability to get to the site and spend time there not only on weekends but also on weekdays.

Our direction is South. According to the conditions, we decided not to look beyond Chekhov. The Podolsk newspaper Viaduct announced the first prices. From them it turned out that with our amount it was possible to buy an empty plot with communications or with some work of dacha architecture for demolition.

We went to Chekhov - the city itself is pleasant, clean, from newspapers only from hand to hand, but the suitable sites were located far from trains and buses (which we also counted on as an alternative way to get to the dacha) or already had houses, which exceeded our money limit. Moreover, the difference in prices between the Podolsk region and the Chekhov region turned out to be small, so we decided to look closer, focusing on the dachas in the Podolsk region.

When I started calling around, advertisements kept coming to real estate agencies. It wouldn't have worked without them. After describing our wishes to one of the realtors and picking it up from the agency on a warm day off, we set off. There was time to talk along the way. Realtor, former employee of one of research institutes I became a real estate agent after the collapse of the USSR and spoke very evasively about the percentage component of the transaction, explaining that the amount was being negotiated with the seller, not the buyer. The specific amounts were also vague - from 50 thousand rubles. per plot. 50 thousand taking into account registration is normal.

The first section is 850t.r. (6 acres) was located right in Klimovsk, old but still fruiting cherries, overgrown gates for cars to pass into SNT. In a neighboring area, a man was cheerfully transporting foam blocks on a cart. Having asked how many kilowatts were allocated to the site, the answer was - as much as needed, as much as it would be... the sagging thin wires said the opposite. Lack of entrance, hum of cars.

One of the sites is the MIS area 800t.r. (6 acres), panel house, toilet with cesspool. The owner greeted the realtor incredulously, saying that it was the first time he had seen him. The dialogue between the realtor and the owner of the site was somehow tense. The owner, having told the realtor that he had already agreed to sell to others, decided to reassure us, saying that we would still find a plot for 500 thousand rubles... a simple arithmetic calculation showed the realtor's margin at 300 thousand rubles.

Another plot - 950t.r. (5 acres), the realtor almost instantly knocks off 50 thousand rubles... SNT itself looks equipped, new wires, poles. The realtor knows little about the site, whether the fees and electricity have been paid... We find the chairman ourselves - we are interested, we say the announced amount - he is surprised: he says that the owner was selling for 750 thousand rubles. ...margin of 150 thousand rubles... Maybe he raised the price? We're calling. turns out not. but he doesn’t even know about the margin of 150 and goes on a business trip.

We decide that we will no longer contact this realtor and will simply go to the chairmen of SNT. Lviv, Klenovsky, Kurilovsky, Klimovsky, 20 percent of the chairmen were realtors. It’s clear that when you’re sitting on a vein, why not make money. They asked and left their phone number.

One day one chairman called us and said that a member of SNT was selling his plot for 800 rubles. 5 acres. We arrive without the owner and take a look. The plot is square. Electricity is available and paid for, as well as membership fees. One problem - the neighbors have slept, they will need to be raised, but nothing needs to be demolished. virgin soil so to speak. Everything suits me. We call, haggle a little and buy for 750 tr. It turns out that the seller is also a realtor and we, following realtor paths without queues and with “hello” in the corridors, carry out the registration procedure in literally a couple of hours (by calling agencies, if you have found a plot yourself, but want to register through an agency, then it costs from 15 to 30 tr.) without standing in line.

The introduction could be called “The World of Realtors”, they were everywhere - in the person of the realtors themselves, the chairmen of SNT, random passers-by: in Kurilovo they passed by a motorcyclist sitting on a stool with three legs and picking currants, even he turned out to be a novice realtor.

Tu bi continent...


I live in Siberia

Our neighbor's Shanghai fence has fallen onto our property, we're not touching it yet

  • Registration: 01/26/12 Messages: 91 Thanks: 31

    Retreat. Lyrical

    During the holidays we flew to Zelenogradsk (Kaliningrad region). We arrived in the evening and were met by a driver from the hotel. According to him, it snowed only once this winter, but it melted immediately. We settled in. We walked along the sea, collected stones, swam in the pool. If anyone suddenly goes to Zelenogradsk, I recommend “Veranda” from the cafe, which is on the promenade. We spent more than one evening there.

    You begin to look at half-timbered houses in a completely different way and the thoughts are no longer “oh, what a cool inclined stick,” but “I wonder how this bite takes the load.” What caught my eye was the widespread use of smoky, barely transparent polycarbonate for the construction of fences, be it a fence made from a metal corner or a forged one. It allows light to pass through, but curious passers-by can only see blurry spots. The sea is merciless to untreated wood: all such boards turned black and became moldy.

    Having rested well, we returned home. Workdays began, and at the end of January frosts came...

  • Registration: 07/28/11 Messages: 2,411 Thanks: 5,079


    I live in Siberia

    Registration: 07/28/11 Messages: 2,411 Thanks: 5,079 Address: Russia, Altai region, Novoaltaysk

    You begin to look at half-timbered houses in a completely different way and the thoughts are no longer “oh, what a cool inclined stick,” but “I wonder how this bite takes the load.” What caught my eye was the widespread use of smoky, barely transparent polycarbonate for the construction of fences, be it a fence made from a metal corner or a forged one. It allows light to pass through, but curious passers-by can only see blurry spots. The sea is merciless to untreated wood: all such boards turned black and became moldy.

    Yes, after the forum, now when I also see a building, I think what kind of pie it has, the insulation under the siding, or what kind of design this or that building has.
    The same goes for tools; before, I would have gone like an ordinary person to the nearest hardware store and picked up a bunch of the cheapest Chinese tools worth three thousand, worked and rejoiced until they broke. And now you have to save up and buy a good branded one. That's how sometimes knowing something doesn't let you sleep peacefully.

  • Registration: 01/26/12 Messages: 91 Thanks: 31

  • Registration: 01/26/12 Messages: 91 Thanks: 31

    Chapter 3. First day working week- Sunday

    It's been really cold outside for a week now. It snowed for several days.

    Telephone conversations with the builders there were more and more uncertainties. It became obvious that we needed to start looking in a new way. I copied the ad from the post “soil 100”, but when I called, it turned out that they could bring it to our area for 150 rubles per cubic meter, since they were not digging anything nearby. Before agreeing on anything, we decided to clear the snow from the entrance to the site by ordering an hourly JCB. In winter, it is much easier to agree on hourly work; during the summer season, rarely does anyone agree to work with payment other than for the work shift.

    On the way to the dacha, I saw a line of dump trucks entering a newly opened construction dump. Having abandoned the car on the side of the road, I went to stop a Volvo dump truck this time. One summer, while chasing such lines of cars, a MAZ braked, as it later turned out to be with poultry farm waste. There was no mistake right away - the dump truck had just dumped the dirt truck and was about to drive out onto the road. He waved. A smiling “Tashkent” looked out the window. Again, with my proposal to carry it a few kilometers further. By coincidence, the second person in this car turned out to be the foreman. The conversation got straight to the point. The amount is 1000 rubles for a car with 18 cubic meters, or even more. We went to the site. We agreed that as soon as the tractor cleaned everything, we would immediately start transporting.

    Meanwhile, the tractor driver called and said that he was located next to the road and a grocery store with walls blue color, as agreed. When I approached the tractor store, I didn’t see... Who would have thought that all the grocery stores in the area were painted in a heavenly color. We found them and arrived at the site.

    The excavator confidently drove about three meters along the ramp and... sank. The crust of frozen soil could not withstand a 7-ton excavator. Mikhail, that’s the driver’s name, sat silently in the cab and comprehended his situation. The wheels were spinning in the mud. The excavator was sitting on its belly.

    Probably everyone has seen how a spider, fallen into a basin, fights for its life. The excavator struggled with the clay in much the same way, clinging to the road with a digging bucket, lifting itself with stops, and a second bucket. Logs were thrown under the wheels. After about 20 minutes, Mikhail still managed to get out onto the road.

    On the first day, 3 cars arrived, dumping soil directly on the road. The excavator made a platform for trucks to enter, and in between trips cleared the roads of snow in SNT...

  • garden magazine,
    my tips for compiling it

    An important task for a gardener to focus on is keeping a garden journal. Proper garden journaling is important. I have some experience with garden journaling and here are some tips to help you create your garden journal.

    Fragment of a Garden Magazine page

    Fragment, symbols of the site plan in the magazine

    Community rules for keeping a Garden Journal

    I present to your attention general rules and personal experience in keeping a garden journal.

    1. Appearance of a garden magazine

    You can choose any type of stationery. This can be an ordinary general notebook with a hard cover, or a spiral notebook with a hard cover. It is very convenient to take it with you to the garden and make notes directly on the spot.

    2. Entries in a garden journal.

    You can keep entries in the journal the way I do (see image below of a fragment of entries on the page), or you can come up with some form of your own entries.

    3. Filling out a garden journal

    Be accurate in your records. This will determine how your work will be performed correctly in the future.

    Important! Write down in the third column of the journal page, as an interactive link, the date of previously completed work related to this work. You will be able to easily review all the necessary records in the following days, months or years.

    At the beginning of the magazine, on the first page, sketch out a schematic plan of the site. Provide 1-2 more blank pages for possible changes in the future. My experience in drawing up such a plan is presented in the picture above.

    4.Keeping detailed records.

    Enter in the garden journal not only the work performed, but also the specifics of its implementation:

    Date and, if necessary, time of day, phase of the moon (quarter, New Moon, Full Moon) and zodiac constellation at the time of work (sowing, etc.),
    the location of plants relative to each other in the garden bed and in the greenhouse,
    variety and plant characteristics,
    number of seeds, specified period crops, their appearance and approximate size,
    recipes for spray solutions,
    features of covering material,
    the weight of large fruit and the smallest (for example, tomato) and the amount of harvest per bush, tree and 1 sq.m.,
    write down, even if it's just weeding or watering,
    make notes on the frequency of work (for example: repeated spraying),
    results of the work carried out: timing of germination, appearance plants after treatment with drugs and much more.

    5. Personal thoughts

    In addition to technical notes, but also for personal thoughts and feelings, you can write down, for example, when you feel more inclined to work in the garden and other personal feelings.

    Ultimately, you can add whatever you want to your journal.

    6. Notes in the margins

    Record the weather conditions of the day (temperature, rain, snow, etc.). It is possible folk signs for this day. And other. Pay attention to important notes (box at the bottom of the page).

    7. Descriptions

    Write full descriptions. The more detailed they are, the more useful your garden journal will be.

    8. Summing up

    At the end of the season, sum up its results: what was planted, what did not take root, what was the harvest, what is the average weather over the summer, and so on.

    It makes sense to sketch out some kind of work plan for the next season.

    If suddenly inspiration strikes you and you write poetry, that will be very good.

    You can also keep a garden journal in in electronic format. Then interactive links will be of great benefit. I intend to create it, and I’ll tell you about my experience later.

    9. Work planning

    When planning work for the next season, ask questions, for example:

    Where will certain vegetables grow, taking into account the rules of crop rotation, soil and the degree of fertility of a particular bed?

    What is the best way to use wet and dry places, sunny and shaded, and also more or less protected from the wind?

    Which trees and bushes should be removed, which new ones should be planted, and when?

    Where will the herb beds be? It is better if they are closer to the kitchen.

    Where and how is it possible to build a high hilly ridge in the form of a long soil-compost heap using the Holzer method, or what needs to be changed in an already existing such ridge?

    6. Forget about simple pens. Color the magazine in all colors.
    Instead of using a pen or pencil, try colored pencils or markers. They add a sense of reality to a garden journal. The garden is usually the “habitat” of all flowers. Why not reflect these colors in your garden journal?!

    There are still a couple of months before the opening of the summer season, but my hands are already itching to start doing something.

    Since these are only preparatory actions (growing grape cuttings, planting seedlings), in this note I will try to plan for myself the sequence of all actions (what, when and in what quantity)

    Since I already have some smart beds on my site, this year I can start growing my first one on them. correct(!) organic harvest! Without forgetting, of course, to prepare the rest, because... Preliminary calculations showed that I am “already” short of 5 beds for this year.

    Therefore, the first thing I need to do is to attract my hardworking workers Slavik and Igor, so that as soon as it gets a little warmer, they will help me make 5 more smart beds.

    These beds will be in the place where I previously thought of making a “personal recreation area”:

    I just decided to move this zone a little to another place - where there is shade and coolness, and not constant sunshine (and what was I thinking about before?). In the following posts I will write in more detail where this zone will be located and how I will improve it - subscribe so as not to miss the publication of the article (I’ll reveal a little secret - it will be a wooden gazebo!).

    This diary will be yours an indispensable assistant when planning work in the garden and vegetable garden for as long as three years. The convenient structure of the publication will help you organize plantings, classify seeds and systematize your conclusions. The lunar country calendar is compiled taking into account astronomically verified lunar rhythms. Useful addition - moon calendar for each month in the practical Semaphore format (sold as a separate publication). Favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants are grouped separately. The diary is especially valuable useful tips gardener with 50 years of experience G. A. Kizima.

    The work was published in 2017 by Peter Publishing House. The book is part of the "Calendars and Diaries (Peter)" series. On our website you can download the book “Diary of a Gardener for 3 Years. 2018–2020” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner’s online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

    How to grow a bucket of potatoes per square meter

    The main problem of every summer resident is the small areas of plots. On six acres, gardeners are trying to plant fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetables, and flowers. But there’s just sorely not enough space for all this. And even more so, there probably won’t be any left over for potatoes. However experienced gardeners came up with several ways to grow good harvest potatoes, occupying small areas.


    In the area reserved for potatoes, holes are dug 50 cm deep and 70 cm in diameter (a separate hole for each tuber). Fertile soil is poured at the bottom, and the germinated tuber is planted in it, and as the tops appear, soil is periodically added until a hill half a meter high above ground level is formed above the pit.

    Due to the formation of additional shoots and underground stolons, the potato harvest reaches a bucket from the bush! Now let’s do the math: on average, each family member eats 15 buckets of potatoes over the winter (provided they don’t save them and eat plenty of them). Thus, only 15 pits are enough for one person. Each pit occupies 1 m2, which means that to meet the needs you will need 15 m2. For a family of three - 45 m2. And this is only fifty.

    Large bags (with a volume of 6 buckets) are made from thick plastic film, filled with fertile soil, then diamond-shaped slits are cut on the sides, and germinated tubers are planted in them.

    The bags are placed vertically along the edges of the site, along ditches or between fruit trees. This method not only saves space, but is also very convenient, because the bags can be moved to any place.

    Gardeners who have tried this method at their dachas claim that the potato yield from 1 m2 of area almost doubles.

    A layer of compost is poured along the southern wall of the house, outbuilding, garage or fence and potato tubers are planted in it. When the shoots reach a height of 15 cm, they are covered with fertile soil. And so on every time the stems grow to the desired length. The soil is added until the bed reaches a height of 60-80 cm. To obtain high yield, the potato comb needs to be watered periodically.

    Similar high bed It is well heated by the sun; with sufficient moisture, the shoots form many additional stolons, and therefore tubers. As a result, the yield per 1 m2 is 2-2.5 times higher than with the usual growing method.

    Another one interesting idea potato planting, which was used by an American farmer. The main advantages of this technology are the minimum occupied space, no weeding or hilling, a kind of decor for a summer house, no digging (just turn over and shake out the column), you can grow potatoes even on asphalt. The author states that by planting 4 kg of potatoes in one row, you can harvest more than 25 kg.

    To make columns, a mesh with a cell of about 10 cm is used. The diameter of the column is 0.75-1 m. Using wire cutters, cut off the required piece of mesh and fasten it in the form of a cylinder using wire.

    Place a layer of straw on the bottom of the celinda (as bird's Nest), so that the soil does not spill out. Add a layer of soil. Place the sprouted potatoes and water. Then line the walls of the cylinder again with straw, add a layer of soil, lay out the potatoes and water. Repeat the operation until the very top of the cylinder (about 3 rows of potatoes). The last layer should be a layer of earth.

    Maintenance consists of watering and removing weeds from the top layer of soil of the column.