The most mystical. Anomalous zones of the world: unidentified and incredible or unexplored and forgotten? Lighthouse at Cape Aniva, Russia

1.02.2016 at 15:01 · Pavlofox · 26 240

Top 10 most mystical places in the world

Our planet never ceases to amaze us. In every corner of the Earth there are unusual and mystical places that force scientists and researchers to look for clues to their uniqueness. Many of them are easy to reach and have long been favorite tourist destinations. Others are located in hard-to-reach places and are still waiting for their researchers. Why are we so attracted to the most mystical places in the world? Probably, each of us wants to believe in miracles and that there are secrets in the world that scientists have not yet been able to reveal. We offer our readers a selection of 10 the most mystical and mysterious places on Earth, the mysteries of which have not yet been solved.


Blood Falls, or Bloody Falls capable of scaring anyone who sees it for the first time. This is a rusty red stream flowing from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica. This amazing natural phenomenon was discovered in 1911. At first, scientists thought that the color of the water, strikingly reminiscent of blood, was caused by algae living in the lake under the ice where the waterfall originates. But studies have shown that the color and salinity of the water are given by microorganisms inhabiting the lake. Their age is about 1.5 million years.

The unique Bloody Waterfall is ranked 10th among the most mystical places in the world.

9. Sun Ji Resort

If abandoned houses and hotels make a depressing and frightening impression, then ghost towns can cause even greater fear. , a fashionable resort on the coast of Taiwan, was built for wealthy guests. 60 futuristic houses in the shape of UFO saucers were supposed to be a triumph of the engineering mind of the resort's builders. But then the economic crisis struck and construction was curtailed. However, there is another version - the workers who built the houses were injured and died. Local residents decided that the culprit was evil spirits living in those places. Ninth place in the ranking of the most mystical places on the planet.


The Heizhu Valley, or Black Bamboo Hollow, located in southern China, is considered one of the most mystical places on the planet. Many believe that this is the strongest anomalous zone, although no serious scientific research has been carried out here. The valley has a reputation as a mystical place as many cases of disappearances have been attributed to it. Eighth place on the list of the most mysterious places on Earth.


Ranked 7th on the list of the most mystical places in the world, it is located in the town of San Antonio del Tequendama on the Bogota River in Colombia. It was built in 1927 and closed in 1990. The abandoned building has become an attractive place for those who decided to commit suicide. It must be said that the appearance and the surrounding area contribute - the hotel is made in the Gothic style and is located near the waterfall in a secluded place, which gives it a rather gloomy appearance. Despite its reputation, the abandoned hotel attracts many tourists.


In 6th place among the most mystical places in the world is Indian Roopkund Lake, located at an altitude of 5029 meters in the Himalayas. Every year, when the snow melts, hundreds of skulls and skeletons can be seen on its banks. Therefore, the second name of the high-mountain reservoir is “Lake of Skeletons”. Still at the end XIX centuries, rumors have appeared that numerous human remains lie on its shore and bottom. They say that they were first noticed by pilgrims who visit a sacred place called Homkund once every 12 years. Their path lies along the shore of Lake Roopkund. Researchers were able to reach the difficult-to-reach place only in 1942. The rumors about skeletons were confirmed. After this, expeditions of paleontologists, anthropologists and geologists flocked to the lake. Hundreds (presumably up to 600) skeletons were found on the shores and bottom of the lake. Their approximate age is from 500 to 800 years. After genetic analysis of the remains, it turned out that most of them belonged to men.

Many hypotheses have been put forward for the reasons for the death of people at Lake Roopkund: an avalanche, an epidemic, mass suicide. Subsequently, when analyzing the bones, it turned out that the damage to them was caused by huge hailstones (up to 7 centimeters in diameter). A group of people walking along the banks of Roopkund hundreds of years ago died due to heavy hail - this is one of the most likely versions of the appearance of hundreds of skeletons in this place.

5. Poveglia Island

The infamous island, located in northern Italy in the Venetian Lagoon, ranks 5th on the list of the most mystical places in the world. IN XIV century, due to an attack by the Genoese fleet, the population of the island was forced to leave it. For a long time, Poveglia was empty, until a psychiatric clinic was opened on the island in 1922. It did not exist for long, until 1968, but since then Poveglia has been considered one of the most mystical and terrible places in the world. According to legend, during the Roman Empire the island was used as a reservation for plague patients, who were buried here. Their souls inhabit Poveglia even now, instilling fear in all curious people who come to the island for thrills.

4. City of Machu Picchu

In 4th place among the most mystical places on Earth is the lost one. It is hidden in the Peruvian Andes on a high, steep mountain with a flattened top. He managed to escape the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors. For centuries the city was cut off from the outside world until it was found in 1911. As the researchers found out, Machu Picchu was not destroyed - its inhabitants simply left the city one day. What reason made them do this is still unknown.


Great Pyramids of Giza and Sphinx, which have survived millennia and still tower proudly under the sky of Egypt, are in third place on the list of the most mystical places on Earth. They have been studied far and wide, but so far scientists have not come one step closer to unraveling their secrets. We do not know why these monumental structures were built and how they were able to survive the ravages of time.


The territory, turned into a giant necropolis, cannot but have a mystery.


are considered not only one of the most mystical, but also terrible places in the world. The network of tunnels stretches under Paris for 300 kilometers. They were originally quarries for limestone. Then, when the cemeteries of the expanding city could no longer accommodate the dead, the remains were removed from the burials, cleaned and placed in abandoned quarries. The ashes of more than 6 million Parisians rest here.

One of the most famous and mysterious places on Earth is. It continues to remain a mystery to scientists and researchers. We do not know who built this gigantic stone complex or why. Whether it was the Druids, the ancient peoples of Britain, or the great magician Merlin had a hand in the construction, Stonehenge continues to keep its secret.

There are many mysterious places on Earth that no one still knows anything about. Various myths and legends are associated with them, and anomalous phenomena are not uncommon there. Such mysterious places on the planet are created not only by man, but also by nature. Archaeologists and other scientists argue, trying to explain some of the finds, but they cannot give a clear answer to a lot of questions. The same goes for natural phenomena - anomalous and mysterious places defy explanation. One can only guess why these objects were created and what purpose their authors had in mind. What corners of the globe are considered the most mysterious places on the planet?

Bermuda and Moleb triangles

The Bermuda Triangle is considered one of the most mysterious, but, as it turns out, this is far from the only place where people disappear.

There is some kind of force operating in the Bermuda Triangle area that can cause malfunctions in the operation of navigation devices. Tsunamis often originate in this area. It is here that mysterious disappearances of people and equipment are common. So, in 1945, five military aircraft disappeared from radar, as if they had disappeared into thin air.

It turns out that on the territory of Russia, on the border of the Sverdlovsk region and the Perm region, there is another triangle - Molebsky. At the end of the last century, several groups of tourists disappeared in this place. A group of scientists followed in their footsteps. She managed to find out that inexplicable phenomena were occurring in the triangle area, strange glows were observed.

In 1959, an event occurred that still remains a mystery. A group of ten students went to Mount Kholat-Syakhyl, translated from Mansi as “Mountain of Death Row.” In mid-February the group was supposed to return, but fate decided otherwise. Rescuers sent to search for Dyatlov's group could only find mutilated bodies. Until now, no one knows the exact cause of death of the students and cannot say what exactly happened in this place. This story was classified as classified by the government and has not yet been lifted. Since then, the place where the bodies were found began to be called the Dyatlov Pass and it joined the list of the most mysterious places on the planet.

Envainenet Island, located in Kenya, is also included in the list of mysterious corners of the Earth. People disappear here inexplicably. A police record dated 1936 states that a group of ethnographic scientists disappeared on the island. There are also records of how they disappeared local residents. These cases are inexplicable - people simply disappeared, leaving home, food, and all personal belongings.

Death Valley

Among the mysterious places on the planet is Death Valley, which received its name in 1930. It was named so because of a strange story that happened in ancient times. The local hunters were missing several dogs and went in search of them. They found them dead. The animals lay as if their breathing had suddenly stopped. There were no plants near the dogs, only bare earth and the corpses of other dead animals and birds. After this story, many expeditions were sent to the valley, but not all of them ended successfully. Since then, more than a hundred people have died in this place under strange circumstances.

Devil's Cemetery, or Glade of Death

Among the most mysterious places on planet Earth, it is worth highlighting the Devil's Cemetery, which is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are different stories associated with this place: there are rumors that the anomalous zone arose as a result of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Initially, a hole appeared in the ground, and later animals began to die in this very place, in such numbers that the entire clearing was strewn with bones.

Many research scientists have visited the Devil's Cemetery. They all described this object in the same way. Of course, one could attribute everything that happens here to gas escaping from the bowels of the earth, but something incredible is happening in this place. Approaching the clearing, people noted that all navigation devices began to behave strangely, and the compass needle completely changed direction. According to some reports, more than a hundred people died in one of the most terrible and mysterious places on planet Earth.

Black Bamboo Hollow

In southern China there is a valley where people disappear. It is called the Black Bamboo Hollow and is rightfully considered one of the most mysterious places on the planet. Terrible things happen in this place - people disappear without a trace, and their bodies cannot be found. Accidents often happen here. In 1950, for example, a plane crashed. No technical problems were detected and no distress messages were received from the crew. That same year, according to statistics, about a hundred people went missing. A few years later, the valley absorbed a whole group of geologists.

In 1966, military cartographers who were correcting terrain maps disappeared here. Ten years later, a group of forest rangers disappeared in the ravine. And this is not the last case of mysterious disappearances of people.

Devil's Tower

One of the interesting and mysterious places on the planet is Devil's Tower - a rock in the USA, Wyoming. This is an amazing natural formation with a regular shape, consisting of columns with sharp corners. According to some data, this formation is more than 200 million years old.

The dimensions of the object are several times larger than the Cheops pyramid. From the outside, the rock resembles a man-made structure. Because of its impressive size and regular shape, it attracts the attention of many scientists, and local residents claim that Satan himself created the rock.

Cahokia, or Cahokia, is an ancient Indian city whose ruins are located near Illinois. It shows how ancient civilizations lived: the complex structure and architectural features prove that one and a half thousand years ago the Earth was inhabited by highly developed civilizations. The ancient city was included in the list of the most mysterious places on the planet; its photo shows how developed civilization was. A network of terraces, mounds, a huge solar calendar and other amazing architectural objects have been preserved here. To this day, scientists are wondering why 40,000 people left this place and which Indian tribes are the direct descendants of those who once lived here.

The Cahokia Mounds are a favorite destination for tourists: people come here trying to uncover the secrets of the ancient people.

Patomsky crater

In 1949, news broke among scientists about the discovery of a strange object. For many years, scientists avoided this topic, without even trying to explain its origin. It was only in 1971 that several helicopter photographs of this strange phenomenon were taken.

The Patomsky crater is the most mysterious place on the planet. Outwardly similar to a lunar crater. Its height is 40 meters, its depth along the ridge is 86 m, and its base is 180 m.

The crater is a cone-shaped hill consisting of crushed limestone. At the very top there is a funnel of unknown origin. Some scientists suggest that it was formed due to the fall of a meteorite, while others believe that it is of volcanic origin. Several hundred trees grow on the crater itself.

If you look at the crater from top to bottom, you might think that it is a volcano, although they have not appeared on the territory of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia for millions of years. And this crater is quite fresh. It is located on the slope of a hill overgrown with larches. There are no trees on the walls or inside the formation yet. According to some reports, the age of the anomaly is no more than 200 years.

Another mystery of this object is that in the center of the depression there is a semicircular fifteen-meter dome. This should not happen in volcanic craters.

Local residents call this place “the nest of the fiery eagle,” but why is unknown. There are no such anomalies in the world, which is why it is considered the most mysterious place on the planet. The Patomsky crater, according to some scientists, is the site of nuclear testing, since this place is located away from prying eyes.


According to Mexican aborigines, this place is the center of intersection of reality and other worlds. It is here that incredible phenomena occur that are difficult for modern man to understand.

Chavinda is of interest to many treasure hunters. Although to date no treasure has been found there. Seekers attribute their failures to otherworldly forces.


One of the most mysterious and mysterious places on the planet can be called Newgrange, which is located in Ireland. It is considered the heritage of the Druids. This building is more than five thousand years old. Scientists believe that the corridors with the room located inside are a grave, but for whom it was built is still unknown.

Scientists cannot understand how ancient people were able to build such a perfect structure that could stand for many millennia. Moreover, the structure not only retained its appearance, but also remained waterproof.

Pyramids of Yonaguni

In Japan, near the island of Yonaguni, mysterious underwater pyramids were discovered. They cause a lot of controversy among modern scientists. It is not yet possible to understand whether the structure is a phenomenon, or whether the pyramids were erected by man.

In the course of numerous studies, scientists were able to establish the approximate age of the objects - they are more than 10 thousand years old. If it can be proven that the buildings were erected by an unknown civilization, the entire history of mankind will have to be rewritten.

Nazca geoglyphs

In Peru there is a rocky desert, which is rightfully called one of the mysterious places on the planet. Photos of the Nazca geoglyphs taken from the air are truly amazing: images of birds, animals and people, many geometric shapes and straight lines intersecting at different angles and diverging in all directions - the surface of the plateau is literally streaked with them... Moreover, the mysterious drawings occupy vast areas.

Historians, archaeologists and other scientists of the world cannot explain their origin. What is this - the legacy of ancient civilizations, traces of the activities of guests from outer space? But what exactly did the authors of these drawings want to express and who were they intended for? According to some ufologists, huge images are landmarks for extraterrestrial civilizations. Some people believe that these are peculiar lunar calendars. In any case, these are not quirks of nature; the origin of the Nazca geoglyphs is clearly not natural. If this is the work of someone who once lived on the territory of modern Peru ancient civilization, we can only envy her capabilities, for she was highly developed.

Among the 200 mysterious and enigmatic places on planet Earth, the Giant's Causeway, located in Northern Ireland, stands out. It consists of approximately 40,000 basalt formations in the form of columns resembling steps.

Some believe that these formations are similar to those that form Devil's Tower. If you look at these two objects from above, it may seem that these are not rock formations at all, but stumps from giant trees.

The Giant's Causeway refers to the objects world heritage UNESCO. Every year this place is visited by thousands of tourists from different countries peace.

Goseck circle

An unusual structure called the Goseck Circle was discovered in Germany. It was discovered by accident at the end of the last century while flying over the area on an airplane.

The original appearance of the structure was restored only after a complete reconstruction. Scientists believe that the circle was used to compile a calendar, as well as to conduct astronomical observations. This circle proves that our ancestors also studied space and kept track of time.


The 10 mysterious places on the planet include the Moai monuments, which are located on Easter Island. This object is known throughout the world for its huge monuments and statues located throughout the island. It is believed that each figure was created by an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano Rano Raraku. About a thousand similar sculptures were discovered on the island, and most of them went under water.

Today, many of the statues have been returned to their platforms. They stand like guards, facing the ocean, reminding guests of the island of the power and level of development of the ancient people.


On the territory of Mauritania, in the largest desert in the world, the Richat, or Eye of the Sahara, is hidden. This is a unique natural phenomenon of the Proterozoic period. The object is visible from space due to its enormous size - up to 50 km in diameter. The structure consists of several ellipsoidal rings formed by sedimentary rocks approximately 500 million years ago.

Darvaza Crater

Among the most terrible, mysterious places on the planet is a place in Turkmenistan, which the local population calls the “Gateway to Hell.” It is located in the Karakum Desert, located near Darvaza. Externally, the crater resembles the entrance to hell. In fact, this place was where geological surveys. In the process, a group of scientists stumbled upon a gas that almost caused the death of a large number of people.

Scientists decided to set it on fire, expecting it to burn for about five days, but the gas crater is still burning to this day.


All people on the planet know about this place. It attracts with its mystery, mystical beginnings, and legends.

Stonehenge is a megalithic structure with a diameter of about one hundred meters, located on Salisbury Plain. In this object, the stones are arranged in a circle and are surrounded by an earthen rampart and a ditch. In the very center there is an altar made of sandstone.

Until now, scientists have not been able to determine why exactly this structure was erected and how ancient people used it. But there are assumptions that there were magical rituals or it was an ancient observatory.


On the border of three countries - Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela - there is an unusual place - Mount Roraima. Its summit is not a peak, but a luxurious plateau with an area of ​​more than 30 square kilometers. The top is shrouded in light haze and clouds. On the plateau itself there is a picturesque piece of wild nature, with waterfalls and unique plants. This is probably exactly how A.K. Doyle imagined his lost world.

The Indians say that Roraima is the trunk of a giant tree that gave birth to all the vegetables and fruits on the planet. Maybe this is one of those trees that were once on Earth and are now encountered by people in the form of rocky formations. Scientists still have a lot to learn about our planet and unravel. a large number of secrets, although many of them will remain a real mystery forever.

No matter how much humanity wants to solve all the mysteries of our planet, this is not always possible. On the vast territory of the Earth there are many mysterious corners that were created both by nature itself and by human hands.

These buildings are different from others created by mankind. They are shrouded in secrets and have a bad reputation among local residents. There are ancient legends associated with them that can scare even the bravest. However, these anomalous zones constantly attract lovers of mysticism and paranormal phenomena!

This collection contains 12 of the most mystical places on the planet, created by human hands!

12 Alcatraz, USA

This prison is famous throughout the world for the fact that it was impossible to escape from it. It was created specifically for criminals who could not be held by ordinary prisons. After the closure, there were no mentions of successful escapes, but there is one mystical story that still interests researchers. In 1972, the Anglin brothers and Frank Morris escaped from prison thanks to an elaborate plan. But neither they nor their bodies could be found. Even the FBI couldn't solve this mystery.

11 Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Ancient castles are always accompanied by legends about ghosts, but in the case of Edinburgh Castle, the number of ghosts is simply off the charts. This residence of all Scottish monarchs attracts lovers of the paranormal. Many brutal murders took place here, such as the Black Lunch. During the meal, the Douglas brothers, who were only 16 years old, were captured and beheaded. But these are not all victims of Edinburgh Castle. Rumor has it that here you can see the ghost of a bagpiper, a piper, and even the ghost of a sadist in a leather apron.

10 Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

This place has a bad reputation among lovers of occult sciences. In the middle of the Czech capital is the old Jewish town - a very colorful area. And its main attraction is the Jewish cemetery, where more than 100 thousand people are buried. There are 12 thousand gravestones installed at different angles on the territory, all other graves are located on levels. It looks quite creepy, in addition, there are legends that not all the deceased went to another world. Therefore, this place attracts occultists like a magnet.

9 Second metro, Moscow

Was, still is or never existed - this is a mystery that many adventure lovers want to solve. For many decades now, there have been rumors about the existence of Metro-2 near Moscow - a secret line of underground transport specifically for the government. The hype around this topic appeared after the report of the US Department of Defense, which even included a diagram of Metro-2. Russian authorities have only partially confirmed the existence of the Kremlin metro line.

8 Amityville House, New York

This real story became the plot for a whole series of horror films. The house in Amityville still stands and can be seen with your own eyes. In 1974, a brutal murder took place here - Ronald Defeo shot six members of his family right in their beds. A year later, this house with a bloody history was bought by the Latz family, but they could not stay here. They were plagued by paranormal phenomena. After the publicity of this story, the first film on this topic was released.

7 Coral Castle, Florida

The mystery of the construction of this place has not yet been revealed. There are no ghosts here, but the castle itself is one big mystery. It was built by one man, Edward Leedskalnin, between 1920 and 1950. The total weight of the castle, including all the sculptures, is more than 1,100 tons. How a man with a height of 152 cm managed to build this castle from limestone blocks alone is still unknown. Edward built the castle at night and carefully hid his technology from others.

6 Winchester House, USA

The history of this house is directly related to mysticism. It was built over several decades by the widow of the heir to the empire, Sarah. The woman lost her daughter and husband early, which prompted her to think about the curse of the family. After communicating with the medium, she began to build a house with secrets - its doors led to emptiness, and its corridors ended in dead ends. It is believed that the widow built the house to confuse the haunting spirits of the people who died from Oliver Winchester's rifle.

5 Leap Castle, Ireland

This castle is rightfully considered the creepiest place in Ireland. His bloody story makes your blood run cold. Crimes have occurred here since the construction date in 1513, but the most brutal murders occurred during the reign of the O'Carroll clan. They often invited enemies to reconciliation dinners and then killed them right at the table. There was also a room in the castle with a secret floor with a double bottom. It was strewn with stakes on which the unfortunate guests of the clan fell. When renovations were carried out there, the bones of about 150 people were discovered.

4 Overtoun Bridge, Scotland

This Scottish bridge has attracted media attention due to a number of accidents. True, they were very strange - dogs were thrown from the bridge. The first case was recorded in 1951, and since then about once a month one dog throws itself down from there. Even those who survived return to the bridge and jump again. Mysticism lovers explain this by the ghost of a boy who was thrown from a bridge by his father many years ago. Allegedly, the boy calls the dogs to play with him.

3 Poveglia Island, Italy

This place can give you heartache if you don’t know what’s inside. The Church of St. George, located in the village of Lukova in the Czech Republic, has one peculiarity. This abandoned building, after a series of fires, was turned into a cultural monument by the young artist Yakov Khadrava. He decorated the church with creepy plaster figures of monks. These ghost sculptures attract tourists who love to titillate their nerves.

1 Castle Tower, UK

Of course, Great Britain also has its own castle with a bloody history. This fortress is responsible for the execution of many victims, often innocent ones. It is not surprising that ghosts of certain historical figures are constantly seen here. Anne Boleyn, Bishop Thomas Becket, Margaret Paul, Lady Jane Gray, and Catherine Howard were executed in the Tower. The series of executions was started by King Henry VIII and continued by his descendants. Also in the Tower, Edward V and his brother Richard disappeared without a trace.

These places are a real find for those who like to tickle their nerves. Every year they are visited by thousands of paranormal lovers who want to see something unusual with their own eyes.

There are many places in our world that both attract and frighten with their mystery. People disappear there, ghosts appear, animals behave strangely. Scientists voice various theories, but none of them claims to be one hundred percent reliable.

1. Headless Valley, Canada

This place got its creepy name because of a series of tragic incidents. At the end of the 19th century, gold was discovered here, and fortune hunters flocked to the valley. In 1898, a group of 6 gold miners disappeared without a trace. 7 years later, two MacLeod brothers and their friend Robert Vere disappeared in the same valley. After 3 years, 9 headless corpses were accidentally discovered.
Mysterious disappearances of people continue in the valley to this day.

The local residents themselves are sure that all the deaths are the work of soskvachi. Creatures similar to hairy giant men were often seen here, and even more often their traces were found.
In fact, most likely, this is the work of a gang of thugs operating in the valley who are hunting for gold miners and their prey. However, the police do not confirm this guess.

2. Valley of Falling Birds, India

In the last days of summer in the Indian state of Assam, unusual phenomena occur in the mountain valley of Jatinga. At night, closer to midnight, flocks of birds fly here in an almost unconscious state.
The birds circle low - local residents even knock them down with sticks and then cook them over a fire. Many birds fall to the ground and do not even try to escape from the hands of the person who lifts them.

The inhabitants of the valley are sure that the gods are rewarding them for their righteous life by sending them easy prey.
Scientists have established that the hypnotic behavior of birds (the absence of the instinct of self-preservation and the body’s reactions to external stimuli) is formed only with the obligatory combination of such factors as the new moon, wind and dark time days.
Based on this, we can voice a hypothesis about the presence in this area of ​​a short-term geomagnetic anomaly, which, with the coincidence of all the listed natural factors, has such an unusual effect on the birds living in the area.

3. Death Valley, USA

Contrary to popular legends, this place is not associated with the disappearance of people and the death of livestock - the valley received its name during the California Gold Rush. Here you can observe unusual crawling stones - many have seen them, but they were recorded on camera only 2 years ago.
The tracks trailing behind multi-kilogram boulders reach several tens of meters.

Scientists led by paleobiologist Richard Norris reported that they had solved the mystery of moving stones in Death Valley.
According to them, the movement of stones is influenced by daily temperature changes in winter, coastal wind, the nature of the soil at the bottom of a nearby lake, and even climate change. In their opinion, due to general warming, such movements have become less frequent.

4. Drossolides, Greece

Near the castle of Franca Castello on the Greek island of Crete, many locals and tourists have encountered an amazing chronomirage (an event from the past) called “drossolides”, which means “droplets of moisture”.
According to them, in the early summer morning, strange outlines of warriors appear over the sea, shrouded in fog, and sometimes the sound of battle can be clearly heard. After some time, the chronomirage disappears near the castle walls. A fierce battle between the Turks and Greeks took place at this site in the mid-19th century. Everyone who observed this mystical phenomenon claims that the phantoms of these very warriors appear near the castle.

Researcher Andrei Perepelitsyn believes that elementary particles with sufficiently high energies, moving in air saturated with water vapor, they leave a trail of water droplets. They may be able to ionize the air and "reveal" into misty images before the dew falls. And the rest is a matter of human imagination.
Maybe chronomirages cause magnetic storms or geomagnetic disturbances at some small area terrain. To find out, further research is needed taking into account the possible influence of these factors.

5. Lake Dead, Kazakhstan

This small lake in the Taldykurgan region of Kazakhstan seems completely ordinary from the outside, but even in the hottest summer it remains terribly cold. There is absolutely no life in the lake: there are no fish, not even aquatic insects.
And people drown in the lake all the time. Another frightening fact is that the drowned people of the Dead Lake do not float to the surface, but, on the contrary, sink to the bottom and stand there straight as candles. Even professional divers with equipment cannot stay in the water of this lake for more than 5 minutes. For some inexplicable reason, they suddenly begin to choke, although their tanks are still full of air.

According to one version, mystical rumors are associated with the phenomenon of hypersolarization of water and the purple bacteria living there that produce hydrogen sulfide. Even in small doses, it actively affects the human psyche.
There is also an assumption that at the bottom of the lake there is a crevice from which toxic gas is released, which kills all living things. However, carry out separate Scientific research The Dead Lake is not being built in Kazakhstan yet.

6. Heizhu Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Hundreds of people enter these bamboo jungles every year and stay there forever. Moreover, everyone disappears completely without a trace - no traces, no bodies, no personal belongings. Documented cases of missing people here date back to the middle of the last century.
In 1950, for an unknown reason, a plane crashed here. Interestingly, there were no technical malfunctions on board, the crew did not send distress signals or report any oddities. The plane, along with all the people, simply disappeared.

Of course, local residents talk about portals to parallel worlds and time paradoxes that transport people from the ravine to some other reality.
But scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have identified a structure of geological rocks in this place that is completely unique in its characteristics, and also recorded the release of deadly toxic fumes, which turned out to be a product of the rotting of certain tree species, of which there is an abundance here. The researchers also noted a difficult local climate with unexpectedly and sharply changing weather, and strong geomagnetic radiation.

7. Pluckley Village, England

Residents of the English village of Pluckley claim the existence of as many as 12 ghosts in their village. The Plaklians say that all the ghosts once lived in this village, but died or died long ago.

Skeptics are sure that the village population is simply flattered by the attention of tourists who constantly come to look at the ghosts.
However, when a group of researchers arrived in the village in 2011, something inexplicable happened. Pluckley was swarmed with flies in near-zero temperatures at the start of winter. The researchers had to return with nothing.

8. Palmyra Island, Pacific Ocean

The ship of the American captain Edmund Fanning in 1798 crashed off the coast of Palmyra - a small uninhabited atoll with an area of ​​only 12 square meters. km. Many of those who tried to swim to the island drowned or were eaten by sharks. 10 people were saved, and after 2 months only three remained alive on the island. Survivors claimed that the island killed the others.
During World War II, Palmyra was used by US Air Force aircraft for landing. However, everyone who is different time was on the island, they said that it aroused fear, depression, anger and hatred in them. Some suddenly took their own lives without any apparent reason, others, on the contrary, suddenly went crazy and killed their friends and colleagues. Almost everyone says that it was scary all the time on the island.

Some speculate about the existence of a certain religious sect on the island. Scientist Mershan Marin believes that there is some unknown creature hostile to humans on the atoll. Many support this idea and try to prove that the island itself is alive. Luring him into a trap with his beauty, he kills his unwary guests. And there are also exotic versions, for example that there is a gate to another dimension on the atoll.
Be that as it may, there are few people who would like to visit Palmyra, especially after 1986, when an American radioactive waste dump appeared on the island.

9. Overton Bridge, Scotland

In 1951, a certain dog, for no apparent reason, jumped off this 15-meter bridge. It seemed like just an accident. But by 1955 there were already more than 50 such suicidal dogs. Moreover, it is noteworthy that all the dogs always chose the same place for jumping - between the last two flights with right side bridge.
Until now, on average, 1 dog per month jumps from this bridge. Surprisingly, some animals that managed to survive this suicide attempt recovered and went to jump on the bridge again.

Animal behavior expert David Sexton found that the ground just under where the dogs fell was simply filled with traces of mice and minks. The urine of males of these animals has a very strong effect on dogs and cats. A further experiment only confirmed the ethologist’s theory. He spread the scent of animals living under the bridge and observed the behavior of ordinary dogs. As a result, only 2 out of 30 dogs - with short muzzles and small noses - remained calm. The rest mindlessly ran to the source of the smell, practically not looking around, as if under a spell.

10. Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Translated from Japanese, the name of this place sounds like “plain of blue trees.” But most often it is called the “suicide forest.” They say that in the Middle Ages, local poor people, driven to despair by lack of food, brought their elderly relatives here and left them to die in this forest. Since then, restless souls have been wandering through the forest, lying in wait for lonely travelers, wanting to take revenge on them for all their suffering.
Until now, from 70 to 100 bodies of people who have decided to commit suicide are found in the forest every year. Many come to this forest specifically to commit suicide, but there are rumors that the forest itself “persuades” some to do so. It’s as if someone who turns away from the paved walking paths is immediately overcome by severe melancholy and depression. So strong that the poor fellow immediately commits suicide.

So far, the only fact known for certain is that at the foot of Mount Fuji in the “suicide forest” the compass does not work. There is a strong magnetic anomaly there, which, apparently, has a colossal effect on humans.
Just before the entrance to the Aokigahara territory there is a sign with approximately the following content: “Your life is the most priceless gift that you received from your parents. Think about your family. Don’t suffer alone, call us on 0555-22-0110.”

The twenty-first century is a time of digital electronics, new technologies and discoveries. Cures have been found for many previously incurable diseases. Skyscrapers have been built that change their shape. Space has been explored. However, there is still a lot of unknowns left. For example, the Nazque Lines in Peru or China, Stonehenge and Easter Island. Which one is the most mysterious place on the planet? No scientist can answer this question...

Around the world in search of the unknown

Mysterious places on Earth. Where to look for them? Just look around. In every corner of the planet you can find interesting and unusual natural phenomena. The question is: what do you want more - beauty that captivates the spirit, or extreme adventures? Seekers of beauty should visit, for example, Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. A huge salt desert formed on the site of a dry lake. During the rainy season, when the salt is covered with a small layer of water, it feels as if a person is walking on water. The sky merges with the earth. All thoughts disappear overnight. This is the most incredible place on Earth!

And there are also natural places that, once visited, will make it difficult to fall asleep. Caves, forests and lakes with mysterious and mystical stories will not leave even the most daring and courageous tourists indifferent. Horror films will seem like children's fairy tales. The anomalous places on the planet will tickle everyone’s nerves.

Dedicated to thrill seekers

Blue hole. This is an underwater cave located on the coast of Belize among the coral reefs (Central America). It is a funnel 120 meters deep and 305 wide. The cave roof collapsed and was flooded when sea levels rose. The Blue Hole became known to the world after the television programs of researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It was he who became the discoverer of this amazing natural phenomenon. The underwater world of the cave is very diverse, which attracts divers. It feels like you're in a cartoon about the mermaid Ariel.

And lakes are undoubtedly the most unusual places. There are many of these on the planet. And, of course, Lake Melissano in Greece deserves special attention. This is a cave and a lake at the same time. Clear waters like tears combined with virgin thickets and unusual stones - what could be more beautiful? The only thing missing is fairy nymphs and elves.

The underground river Puerto Princesa in the Philippines attracts and fascinates. The world's largest underground river. Its length reaches eight kilometers. Puerto Princesa is considered one of the wonders of nature. The area around the underground reservoir, as well as the reservoir itself, have been declared a national park. You can get into the cave directly from the open sea, where the river flows. Maybe this is the most mysterious place on Earth?

It is also attracting interest in the USA. It is both a surface and underground reservoir. A long time ago, the area around the lake was inhabited by the harshest of them - the Apaches. Here you can listen to a lot of different legends and tales. They will not leave any person indifferent. The lake and the area around it are considered a nature reserve.

If we talk about natural reservoirs, we should mention the Pamukkale pools in Turkey. A place that will leave its mark on the tourist’s memory for a long time. The pools are large hills filled with natural healing waters. Millions of tourists visit the country just to see this most mysterious place on Earth. At any time of the day, the view from the pool is simply stunning. Many consider the Pamukkale pools to be the eighth wonder of the world.

Mysterious places on the planet

How many interesting and mysterious nature hides! It seems that life is not enough to travel around the Earth and see everything with my own eyes. But, on the other hand, there would be time and desire. After all, nothing is impossible!

So, where are they - the mysterious places of the planet? Photos of natural wonders can be found on the pages of various encyclopedias. All you have to do is look through one of these books and decide on your travel route. You should definitely see the Giant's Causeway in Ireland, Troll's Tongue in Norway, canyons in the USA, Spotted Lakes in Canada, and much, much more.

The Giant's Causeway. It is laid out on the coast of Ireland from stone columns. There are many legends and tales about her. The most common legend: the road was built by a Finn to fight a sea monster. In fact, the trail was formed due to volcanic eruptions. The area where it is located is a nature reserve.

Antelope Canyon in the USA. America is rich in canyons, but the most amazing is Antelope Canyon. In the photo he looks like a human creation. After all, how can nature sculpt such lines and shapes? Maybe! Winds and rainwater for a long time sand caves were hewn out and washed out. It is difficult to name all the shades of the canyon. In the morning he is one, in the evening he is different. A best game colors - during the day, in sunlight. The canyon is located on the lands of the Navajo tribe. And to see the most mysterious place on Earth, you need to pay the Indians to cross their land.

Spotted Lake in Canada. The shape of the lake resembles a honeycomb, each cell of which is filled with water. different color. This is because the reservoir is saturated with various minerals, which color the water. In summer, the water evaporates, leaving beneficial minerals on the surface.

Stone forest in China. These are amazing stones that resemble small mountains. At one time there was a sea here, which washed away the soft rocks, leaving stone trunks. The forest is located in Yunnan province and is very popular among tourists. It has narrow paths and passages, which it is better not to wander along alone - you can get lost. There are similar formations in Russia on the banks of the Lena River (Yakutia).

Pyramids of Yoganuni in Japan. The world knows many pyramids, but the Japanese ones were discovered quite recently, just 20 years ago. The unusual thing about the buildings is that they are underwater. According to scientists, it is ten thousand years. There are no clear answers as to who built this artifact and how. However, terraces, trenches, various lines and inscriptions indicate some, perhaps still unknown, civilization that was flooded by the sea.

Tourists in love should definitely visit the Tunnel of Lovers. It is located in the Rivne region in Ukraine. An abandoned railway, it would seem, should have a frightening, mystical appearance. But with this tunnel it’s the other way around! Summer plot railway It is overgrown with greenery on all sides and takes on the appearance of a tunnel. Many lovers and newlyweds rush here for a photo shoot. The tunnel is very similar to the path from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”. You just wait for the Cheshire Cat to appear...

A few horror stories. Ghost towns

In addition to stunning and mysterious natural places, our planet is full of creepy and unpleasant places that chill the soul with their mystical secrets. As they say, horror films “take a break” in comparison. For thrill seekers - just right!

In the “most anomalous places” category, first place can legitimately be given to Ukraine and its ghost town of Pripyat. The city is abandoned and abandoned after the world-famous tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Empty streets, playgrounds and lonely houses seem to have been specially created as the backdrop for a creepy film. Pripyat is the youngest ghost town. At the time of the disaster he was only 16 years old. Now about 300 old residents live there, who did not want to look for shelter in other cities.

There is a similar town in Russia - Kadychkan (Magadan). It traces its history back to 1943, when high-quality coal deposits were discovered at the site of the future settlement. Since then, a small settlement has been founded. However, after a mine explosion in 1996, life in the city became impossible due to increased levels of radiation. People wasted away before our eyes. The evacuation has begun. Now only empty apartments and cars abandoned in courtyards remind us that the city “was”...

Oradour-sur-Glane is a French village whose inhabitants were shot by the German occupiers during World War II. In one day, 642 people were killed, of which almost 500 were women and children. The city itself was burned. Built not far from the site of the tragedy new town with the same name, and old Oradour-sur-Glane is recognized as a historical monument.

America also has its own ghost town - Detroit (Michigan). The previously prosperous city now looks like a ghost: destroyed houses and schools inspire fear and horror. The most impressive thing is the once largest railway station in the world. Detroit - perfect place for filming mystical films. In abandoned churches, dolls are scattered everywhere, indicating satanic rituals.

Ghost towns are the most unusual places on the planet. They make you think about the consequences of human actions and reconsider your attitude towards nature.

In search of the paranormal

When it comes to ghost towns, it is appropriate to mention individual buildings that are so frightening in appearance. Paranormal places on the planet are not a play on the imagination of directors, these are true stories that deserve attention.

Amityville. Someone will say: “This is just fiction!” But still, the strange house actually exists! The town of Amityville is located not far from New York. The murder, which led to mysterious events, has not been solved to this day. Nobody knows what really happened there. However, after the terrible incident when the eldest son killed his entire family, not a single tenant stayed in the house for a long time. People fled, leaving their belongings behind.

The same horror is caused by the Lier Sikehus psychiatric clinic in Norway or the military hospital in Germany. Buildings that have a dark past will be a treasure for lovers of the paranormal. In the clinic, as in the hospital, souls who died in pain and agony found their refuge.

The eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant (Russia) “smells” of loneliness with notes of mysticism. This is a Russian military station in the Caspian Sea. It is located three kilometers from the coast. The walls of a long-abandoned plant, like a cold icy iceberg, stand in the middle of the sea and frighten the Marines with their monstrous appearance...

Russia also has its own “Silent Hill”. A small abandoned town of dachas and children's camps is located in the Moscow region. And God forbid you become a witness to the satanic rituals that are held there!

Roads of Death

Our land is intertwined with roads and highways. There are good highways and not so good ones. And there are paths, being on which evokes inexplicable fear.

For example, The most terrible road in the world! It claimed thousands of lives. The road runs high in the mountains and stretches for 70 km. On one side there are rocks dotted with crosses and monuments, and on the other side there is a cliff and an abyss. And although construction of a safe path has begun, people still use this road. Eyewitnesses more than once noticed strange white shadows flickering in front and behind the car. Probably the souls of those who died on this path, who cannot find peace in any way...

An unusual road is located in the mountains of China. This is not just a track, but a road-tunnel. Periodically, the route seems to enter the mountain itself, where on one side there are rocks, and on the other there are windows over the abyss. They say that if the driver looks out that window, he will immediately fall down...

There is a road of death in Russia too. This is the name of the Lyubertsy-Lytkarino highway. This is a narrow, winding highway where drivers drive with extreme caution. More than one traveler has seen strange silhouettes here. Rumor has it that there are ancient burial grounds in these places. Perhaps restless souls are looking for answers to their eternal questions. The entire road is dotted with monuments, crosses and flowers.

But by and large, all roads in Russia, to one degree or another, can be called paths of death. Either the drivers are like that, or the highways, but Russian Federation among the first countries in road accidents.

Paranormal Russia

The entire Russian country is teeming with anomalies. There are a lot of different oddities in its very heart - in Moscow and the region. Anomalous places in the Moscow region are scattered mainly in small villages.

UFO seekers can hunt for unusual images in populated areas Chapel, Protasovo, Ogudnevo, Nikolskoye and many others. The strongest geopathogenic node is located in the village of Chapel. Strange sounds, shadows and flashes have been noticed more than once by local residents. Some were lucky enough to capture interesting footage on camera, the authenticity of which was verified in Russia and the USA.

Lights are often recorded in the sky at 47 km of the Yaroslavl highway, in particular, over the village of Sofrino. You can find out whether this is true or false only by arming yourself with a camera and going on an extreme journey.

If we talk about Moscow itself, then almost every metro station hides some secrets. The underground stations “Baumanskaya” (Basurmansky Crypts), “Sukharevskaya” (Tower of the Sorcerer), and “Chistye Prudy” (the misers from Myasnitskaya) hide a lot of interesting and paranormal things. These are places that still keep the secrets of the past.

But the greatest horror is brought to the residents of Moscow by the Beria House on Malaya Nikitskaya Street (Arbatskaya metro station). They say that at night you can hear the sounds of a car approaching, followed by heavy male steps. It was Beria who returned home. And it’s good if he is accompanied by a lady. But if you can hear the groans of a repressed person, then it’s better to run away from that place without looking back...

What do the caves of Russia hide?

Caves are the most mysterious places on the planet, which have aroused great interest among people since ancient times. There are different beliefs and legends about these natural creations.

For example, Sablinsky caves in Leningrad region They took more than one human life. They prefer to remain silent about this place. You won't read about him in the newspaper or hear about him on the radio. The secret zone is covered in secrets that no one has yet been able to unravel. Previously, fugitives and prisoners hid in caves. Probably, they were never able to find a way out of them, and now their souls are doomed to eternal searches.

Many horror stories are associated with the Kashlukat cave, which is in northern Russia. It is popularly known as the Black Devil's Cave. It is not surprising, because its grottoes also have mystical names - Skeleton, Obscurantists... On the walls of the cave you can see ancient spells of shamans who have been performing their rituals here for a long time. They say that those who manage to survive after going to the cave eventually go crazy.

The most anomalous and mysterious places in Russia are located in mountain ranges. One of these is the Dyatlov Pass. Many people learned about this place from the film of the same name. This is not just an invention of the director, this is a real mountain, and it is located in the north of the Urals. Back in 1959, a group of young tourists tried to conquer it. However, all members of the group died under mysterious circumstances. Rescuers looking for tourists found only a tent torn from the inside. What force forced people to leave their accommodation for the night in the bitter cold? What scared the group members so much? There are still no clear answers to these questions. Local residents consider this place cursed.

People don't talk about places like this...

“Unusual places on the planet, photos of which can be found on the pages of educational books, are just pictures,” everyone will say. And only those who have felt the cold of a mysterious cave or lake are unlikely to want to visit these corners again.

There are places in Russia that it is better not to know about, much less not to go there. For example, local residents prefer to bypass the Devil's Cemetery by the tenth road. A mystical forest with an incomprehensible clearing is located not far from the village of Ust-Kov, Kezhemsky district, Krasnodar region.

According to the legend of the village residents, in 1908 a meteorite fell here and formed in the ground. The hole became overgrown after a while. But the land in this place is considered cursed. She looks as if after a terrible fire, and there is nothing alive on her. Anyone who sets foot in the Devil's Cemetery will die immediately. Over all the years of research, about a hundred people have disappeared here.

These are not all anomalous places in Russia. Many secrets are hidden in the country's water bodies.

Ivachevskoe Lake (Volgograd region). The reservoir fascinates with its beauty and mystery. However, the picturesque area not only pacifies, but also instills some fear. Many noted that after relaxing on this lake their health worsened. And residents of the city of Cherepovets, which is located next to the lake, say that everything more people disappears on this body of water. Researchers of anomalies have not yet given clear answers. This is the most mysterious place on Earth.

They also avoid the Yachenskoye Reservoir (Kaluga Region). People call it the Thunder of the Lord. The reservoir attracts an electrical charge. People who bathe in it die from lightning strikes. It's better not to go to these places. It is unlikely that anyone will like such a vacation.

But the mortality rate of people in Lake Syurzi in the Arkhangelsk region is quite understandable. The reservoir is dangerous to life due to increased radioactivity. The fish here floats up belly up, and the fishermen completely disappear. Those who managed to survive after such fishing remember the events with fear and do not always survive until the morning. The results of forensic examinations show that the cause of death of the fishermen was the effect of radiation.

These are not all the anomalous places in Russia. The mystical city of Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region is distinguished by its beauty and mystery. Where two rivers, Karaganka and Utyaganka, converge into one, this amazing historical heritage is located. The city was discovered by archaeologists in 1987. It looks like rings enclosed one within the other. The settlement has four entrances - one on each side of the world. The surviving buildings of Arkaim testify to an ancient civilization. The city has amazing properties- He is able to heal from many diseases. Anyone who has been here once will certainly return again. But Arkaim is not hospitable for everyone. For some, it instills fear and horror. Only a select few are allowed entry.

Incredible places on Earth - towards adventure!

The unknown surrounds us everywhere. The most mysterious places on the planet are revealed only to a select few. People with enormous willpower who are ready for an exciting trip. Our life is so short and fleeting that before you even have time to look back, old age creeps up. And it’s good to close your eyes and remember the mysterious places on the planet in search of which you wandered around the world. And whoever has not seen the true beauty of our Earth has almost never lived...