Samovar Description. Brief history of the Russian samovar. "Samovar" - Russian invention


Samovar "Dules engraved". Steam selfovar factory of heirs P. N. Fomin in Tula. (1898-1919)

Samovar - A device for boiling water and making tea. Initially, the water was heated internal furnace, which is a high tube filled with charcoal. Later, other types of samovarov appeared - kerosene, electrical, etc. Currently, they are currently extruded with electric kettles and kettles for plates.

Samovar is, in some way, a symbol of Russian life.

Classification of Samovarov

The modern classification of samovarov implies their division into the following types:

  • electric samovar (water heating occurs with the heating element);
  • heat samovar (synonyms: coal, wood);
  • combined.

At the end of the XIX at the beginning of the 20th century, new types of samovars appeared:

  • Samovar "Parichko";
  • Copper samovars with a tube device on the side (blueberry);
  • Kerosene.

Kerosene samovars were produced only in Tula, a factory founded in 1870.

History of Samovara

Instruments of this type have long been known in China, but they did not serve for making tea. Thus, Chinese and Japanese vessels for boiling water ("Ho-th", "Cybeati") had the main design signs of the samovar: the vessel combined in the same design for water, the roaster for coal and the pipe passing through the vessel. They have long been known in Iran. The remains of the copper samovar were found in the ruins of the Volga Medieval City (Beljamemen?; Now - Dubovka). Apparently, he was Bulgarian (Domongolsky?) Production.

Devices for heating beverages and eating an ancient Rome

Various devices for heating beverages were curious. One of them, the most remarkable - aupes - an antique samovar. In a high, similar to a jar of the vessel, there were two tanks: one for coal, the other for the liquid. Through a special side opening, hot coal was laid, the liquid was poured and poured with the help of the scoop - the crane did not have a crane. In the heat, by the way, instead of coal, the vessel was filled with ice attributed to the city, and the liquid was thus cooled.

There was a more perfect "Samovar". In the middle part it was arranged a cavity for coal with a lattice at the bottom to remove ash and access. There was a liquid between this cavity and the outer walls. Output lid, you can see both tanks - middle for coal and perimeter for fluid. Through a special broadening on the side of "Samovar" was filled, couples were produced here.

Food heating devices resembled a roasure: these were boxes with hollow walls, coals were laid inside, and liquid was poured into the cavity. Such a device was connected with vessels installed on the bottom.

In Russia

The initial homeland of the Russian samovar in Russia is the Urals. Until now, you can meet in various sources a repetition of the old legend, according to which Samovar in Russia from the Holland was covered by Peter I, but in reality samovars appeared in half a century after the death of Tsar Peter. The following is known for the first documented samovars in Russia (in Tula) the following. In 1778, a samovar was made in Lisovar in Zarechye, the Samovar in a small, initially, first in the city of Samovar, in the city of Zarechye, Ivan's brothers and Nazar Lisitsyna. The founder of this institution was their father, gunsmith Fedor Lisitsyn, who in his free time on the weapon plant built his own workshop and practiced in it all sorts of copper works.

Pre-war years

Post-war years

In Park Hotel "Gnhemant" of the Shchekinsky district of the Tula region, a private collection of samovars (various eras, factories and geography) Mikhail Borscheva is exhibited. In the collection over 500 exhibits.

Since the mid-1990s, electrical samovnels are consisted from consumption, which are ousted by cheap household electric kett with an automatic shutdown function after water boiling, mainly Chinese production.

Samovara device

Details of Samovara

Despite the variety of forms, samovars are arranged the same.

Each samovar consists of the following parts:

  • Wall (the main part of the samovar, where water is poured for boiling)
  • Jug (inner tube in samovar, where fuel is mounted: pine cones, branches, chips, coals)
  • Circle (cast ring, which is on the top of the wall)
  • Neck (bottom samovara)
  • Pallet (base of samovar)
  • Pens
  • Repeyok (figure plate, attached to the sulfur wall, into which the crane is crashed)
  • The branch (the crane handle, which can be a wide variety of forms and decorative decorations)
  • Donyshko
  • Drying (hole on a samovar lid for the release of a couple when water boiling)
  • Pads (nails for attaching wooden cones)
  • Konford (device for installing a teapot and for carrying out air current if the burner is closed with a lid)
  • Tuskille (cap to close the jug)

So, Samovar is a solid thin-walled vessel, which vertically penetrates the pipe, from the furnace to the burner. Through the pipe is laid fuel. At the bottom of the pipe expands. The furnace is attached to the bottom of the samovar at some distance from the surface of the table. This provides stability and fire safety. The air passes through the grille in the pipe and naturally rises up, creating a craving in the furnace. A short distance from the bottom is a crane. In the rustic springs, the samovar pipe was connected with the help of a g-shaped tube with chimney, which provided trailing. In the case when fuel or weather was raw, Samovar needed to inflate. This can be done through the holes in the walls of the furnace, or with the help of a boot, the so-called "peasant method", which was dressed on the samovar pipe. When the water begins to boil, a welding teapot is installed on the burner. The thrust slows down. Water slowly comes to a boil, brewing tea.

Samovar in literature

On postage stamps

Samovar in Iran

In self-educational culture there are analogues in Iran, and emigrants remain everywhere. In Iran, samovars are used at least two centuries, and electrical, gas or liquid fuel (oil fuel) are still commonly distributed. Samovar in Persian pronounced as samāvar (سماور) Iranian masters used elements of Persian art in the production of samovarov. The Iranian city of Baudezherd was the main center of production, and several workshops still produce samovars manually. In the production of Afrougherian samovars, German silver and elements of the famous direction of art Varsho-Sazi are used. These samovars are typical representatives of Iranian art, and often exposed at exhibitions in Iranian and foreign museums.

Modern production of Samovarov

The production of samovarov did not stop completely and continues in many countries. The most interesting samples of samovarov in this plan are foreign samples produced by Beem in Germany, a manufacturer of household appliances exclusively for the inner German market (although with the possibility of delivering around the world, including Russia), in which the latest technology of household heating electrical engineering is taken into account as: Hidden heating element, protection against overheating or dry boiling with autotroscope, thermostat maintenance of constant individual temperature, technology against steam condensation on the case, filters from scale and the power saving function during idle time. The manufacturer supplies buyers with a welding kettle to each samovar, including a sieve for tea and in certain models, a substrate for collecting the graduation crane drops.


see also

  • Collection of Samovarov Lobanov



Come on, Nakham Luchin,
We spoil yourself samovar!
For loyalty to ancient rank!
In order to live slowly!
Maybe, and swipescin
Bottling the soul!

Alexander Blok"On the street - rain and slush"

What is called samovar in Russian, sounds the same in all possible languages. And even the Persian and Turkish analogs of this device, the name of which sounds like sAMOver, come from the Russian samovar.

In general, devices for heating different products existed with deep antiquity in a variety of cultures. For example, in the Japanese and Chinese cuisine there were special heaters - "How", as they call the Chinese. However, they were not used to boil water and brewing tea (and samovar is about tea, as we think), but for the preparation of a variety of dishes. Such was the specificity of the Far Eastern cuisine: to prepare many dishes quickly, in front of guests, literally at the dining table.

To give an exhaustive answer about the Russian samovar, turn to authority. Of course, he was not a specialist in Samovars and did not engage in the history of the XIX century technology, but artistic matter sometimes have special historical sensitivity. In the novel of Dostoevsky there is a wonderful phrase: "Samovar is the most necessary Russian thing, it is in all catastrophes and misfortunes, especially terrible, sudden and eccentric."

So khak and when did this most necessary Russian thing appear? We call a samovar a certain vessel with heating elements needed for boiling water and subsequent welding of tea. And for Tea Li was the samovar from the very beginning? Very correct question.

Researchers celebrate three places that claim the honorary title of the Motherland of the Russian Samovar: Tula Lisitsy Plants, Sucunsky Demidov Plants (modern Perm Region) and the Irginsky Plant (now Sverdlovsk Region). A very interesting document is known, which tells about the case in the Yekaterinburg Customs of 1740. Among the requested goods that the customs listed was "Samovar copper, tinned, weighing 16 pounds, factory-friendly work", namely, the works of the Irginsky plant.

Interestingly, at the Irginsky plant, fugitive or resettled Old Believers from the Nizhny Novgorod province and Penza Territory were mainly worked. And the Old Believers to tea, as well as, to smoking tobacco and even chess, were extremely negative. So the samovar seized at customs is unlikely to be intended for tea. What was then prepared with it? Subene is an old Slavic drink consisting of water, honey and various seasonings.

In the future, Samovar adapted to the new tea culture for Russia and was modified accordingly. Samovar acquired a spherical removable tool, a cone-shaped tube for thrust, a stationary pallet with a leg, where the roar of coal was mounted. These technical details refer us to another water heating culture - English. Similar vessels were known in England, and at the same time, in the middle of the XVIII century. They were called "tea urns" (Tea Urns) or "tea vessels". So the Russian samovar has such a competitor, and it is difficult to say who has borrowed the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a way to heal water for tea and borrowed at all.

Samovar has changed, and even appeared samovars in the form of deep bowls on legs with a pipe that used not for tea, but for cooking as a whole - hello to Chinese. And by the end of the XVIII century, Samovar became the way we see it now: a roar tube, as a rule, in the form of a jug, with embedded into the housing, pods, pallet, crane, handle, holders, horses, caps, caps, plugs - very complex design. Over time, various modifications of samovar appeared, including safer, which reduced the risk of fire to a minimum. Samovars were made from copper and its alloys - brass or Tompaka. The XIX century and the beginning of the 20th century were the time of the wonderful development of self-equipment and self-art design in Russia. Many samovars of that time became masterpieces of engineering thought and decoration.

In 1919, even the state association of self-friendly factories was organized in Tula, if you could say samovarious trust. And with the advent of electricity, the water heating system in the samovar moved to the "electric craving", samovars became electrical appliances, but they retained their appearance and functionality.

In general, Samovar firmly entered the Russian life and for a long time was the personification of the family hearth, the center of attraction of family life. Which remarkably reflected not only in domestic culture. It is curious that in the French dubbing of the famous cartoon studio Walt Disney "Beauty and the Beast" of the live chairs, which in the original was called "Mrs. Chayneck" (MRS Potts), is referred to as Madame Samovar. This character has a special role, she is a caring mistress and mother, and even to Belle treats maternal tenderness, sincerely takes her. And in order to emphasize this family soulfulness of the heroine, the French localizers used exactly the word "samovar".

In Kolomna. The private collection of the drilling family, presented in the museum, consists of more than 400 samovarov. Former military drillings collected samovars throughout Russia for many years. A huge work on restoration was carried out. More than 100 models of samovarov are restored.

All photos below were made in the house of Samovar in Kolomna.

Samovar is a water heating device, which was very comfortable in everyday life. Water could be heated on any open fire, for example, put the kettle in the stove. But it is obvious that the whole day the stove was not token, because too much fuel would be left. In Russia, the furnace was attracted only once a day, and during the morning in the morning and in the evening, that is, twice a day. Therefore, when they needed boiling water used samovar.

Samovar requires very little fuel. He boils quickly. It is believed that with properly risi, a liter of water boils in one minute. Accordingly, 10 liter samovars boiled in 10 minutes. The same volume of electrical samovarov boils much longer.

"Samovar" - Russian invention?

From this article you will learn:

History says Samovar is not a Russian invention. Water heating devices were both in other countries, in particular, in China, and apparently this borrowing from China, which is already adapted by Russian masters to our conditions.

The tea came to Rus in the 17th century, or rather in the middle of the 17th century, at Quear Alexei Mikhailovich (as you know, this is Peter I's father). During his reign, merchants began to attend Central Asia. Master people also saw these water heating devices because the history of Chinese devices that heat the water by that time there were already about 1,700 years. They were very in demand in society.

Russian-style composition

Also, the samovars were made in Europe. For example, in France. These are the so-called samovar "Fountain". In such samovars, fire never bred. They had a built-in flask, into which broken ice was covered to cool the contents of the samovar, to heat the fluid. Then they took a special cast-iron girc, they split it into the oven, after which they put in the same flask. In such samovars, as a rule, they were manufactured.

Samovars were also manufactured in England. Basically, these were simple copper samovars. In Germany, most often made coffee pots with heated at the bottom of the alcohol.

First mention of samovar

The first mention of samovare is found in Russia in the 1740s. This is the era, next immediately for Peter I, who died in 1725. And then, in the Urals, in the village of Sucsen, at Sucsun copper smelters, somewhere in the opposes, the word "Samovar" is mentioned. At the same time, the word "samovar" is found in one of the descriptions of the property of an old discharge monastery. In those days, samovars were a pretty primitive design. The very first samovarov today has not been left nowhere. Basically, the 19th century samovars are preserved, or the late 18th century.

Price for samovar

Samovar, as the subject of trade was very expensive. In the middle of the 19th century, at the time of Gogol, or the reign of Nicholas I, the average samovar cost 5-7 rubles, which at the time meant the price of the cow.

Materials for making samovar

With manual manufacture, samovar is extremely difficult in manufacturing a product, this is caused by its high cost.

During the 19th century, samovars did from copper or from brass. The classic brass has a straw-yellow color as the gold of 999 samples. When in brass copper was more than 80%, it was characteristic reddish color, such an alloy is called Tompak. Samovar, respectively, Tompakov. Such samovars were more expensive and more sore than the rest. In common, all this was called "samoyar" or "Gypsy gold." Gypsies could be the camp to buy one copy, cut it into the necessary details and make fake jewelry, which can be sold as gold. Although it is known that brass and copper are oxidized if they regularly boil water. When heated to 100 degrees, they are in contact with oxygen, which is in the air, and then they are formed by the so-called. "patina".

Composition in Samovar's House

Types of samovara coatings

Nickel etching (as a samovar coating) was possible only at the end of the 19th century with the advent of electricity and the invention in the chemistry of electroplating baths. The metal was dissolved in the solution. Electricity was tied to electroplating baths, the products were immersed there, and then the thin layer was covered with nickel. Nickel was good, because This metal is durable and solid. When they covered their samovar, he no longer scratched, was more wear-resistant and durable. In addition, nickel almost will not fade, respectively, it was not necessary to start so often. But if the samovars are brass or copper, then with constant boiling, it is already literally a month after cleaning, they were covered with a large patina.

Also known artificially patched by a special samovar coating. This was done in order to intentionally be their appearance.

Methods for cleaning samovara

In general, samovars were purified by fine sand with a small addition of water. The mixture was applied to the cloth and thus cleaned. In addition, samovars cleaned ash, which remained from the burning of wood. Stopped also grated bricks, for this it was triturated in powder, i.e. cleaned abrasive materials.

Pain the samovar was very difficult. The hostess spent a lot of time for it, so they won it only on large holidays.

Forms (shapes) of samovarov

The simplest and most common form of samovar is the so-called "bank".

Logson Samovar "Bank"

In general, the forms of samovarov or, as they spoke in the people, "Stoys" - dozens. Also very popular Logason "Ryumka", when Samovar is alone to the bottom. Ryumka could be "face", "in three columns", "in the column of the Christmas tree", "twisted column", "Ryumka Farrant of Oval", "Ryumka smooth" and so on.

Logson Samovar "Ryumka"

Forms and styles were strict, however, various parts could flow into the other to another, some elements of the decor. Sometimes when you look at the samovar, it is very difficult to accurately determine the shape or style.

In general, samovars could have the most bizarre forms. For example, a samovar in the form of a "gun" (similar to the blow of an old gun), "bullets" (rounded to the bottom), "watermelon" (absolutely round), "pears", "pumpkins", "nuts", "vases" (she The "repka", were produced by "Vases Prelimicated", "Vases with medallions"), in the form of "Valenka" (big and small), "Queen", silver plated and many others.

Samovari Logson "Watermelon"

Samovars could be different litters. Little samovar is called « egoist» . It is designed for one cup of drink. Samovar « tET-A-TET» Designed for two cups, etc.

Small samovar

Self-sickness of a large volume, the so-called "four-bucket" or "innovative". Samovars of the Russian dressage were very good, thick-walled and it was believed that how many liters of water enters samovar, how much he weighs empty in kilograms. They were very cumbersome and innocent. They were put in taverns, markets and other public places.

Below are photos of some of them.

Festive samovara

Exhibit Collections

Also produced kerosene samovars. At the bottom of such a samovar there was a flask in which Kerosene was pouring out, a wick and a flame regulator was also there. Also existed a "alcohol" samovar. The flask is flooded with alcohol, which during combustion heated water. Due to the complexity of the design, kerosene and alcohol samovars were very expensive and did not use special demand.

Road samovars. From standard samovars, they differ mainly, only the volume and mandatory removable legs for better transportation. They were taken to long journeys.

Army field samovar. Basically, it was intended for an officer. This samovar has removable legs, cranes with 3 sides to quickly parsing water, the handles were from 4 sides for the convenience of carrying.

Festive Easter samovar. This samovar reminded the type of Easter egg. Such samovars exhibited only once, on the Easter week, and on the other days they used ordinary samovars. If there were several samovars in the house - this house was considered rich or wealthy.

A festive samovar is known, in the form of a lantern or the so-called "tray bank". It is very thick-walled, because the patterns on it were made acid. There are brass samovars painted under Khokhloma and Zhostovsky painting.

Main parts of Samovar

With the exception of small parts, the samovar consists of two large parts: "Tulovo" and "firebox" (it is a jug). Both details were covered with the inside of the food tin, as well as the soldering of the entire samovar was tin. Tin, as you know, metal is slightly melting, it melts for three degrees. The temperature in the samovar firebox could reach 450 degrees if it was treated with wood messengers, and more, if it was charcoal. So, if the samovar is filled not to the end, but, for example, only up to half and dilute in it, the details in it were displeasted and samovar came into disrepair.

Internal device Samovara

In addition, a constructive feature is that the two main elements (Tulovo and the furnace) must be connected in such a way that it turned out a single integer. We need to solder firebox specifically, only at the bottom of the product. Such complexity of manufacturing and causes its large price. Therefore, even in the 19th century, such a household appliance was far from everyone to pocket. For example, in the peasant environment, samovarov was practically not. They were among the aristocracy, in a merchant environment, in the wealthy urban environment of the Meshchan and only under Alexander III and Nicolae II, Samovar began more or less in the peasant environment.

Production of Samovarov

By the end of the 18th century, the production of samovars in Russia began to concentrate mainly to Tula. Although there were other places of their production, for example, Alenchikova-Zimin produced samovars in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The production of samovarov in Tula is easily explained by the fact that masters-gunsmiths worked there, who knew how to handle the metal well. Some of them retrained and began to produce samovars. Samovar in the sales price almost did not inferdate the weapon and therefore, they were happy to be manufactured by the former masters-gunsmiths. During the 19th century, there was about 70 artels in Tula, which were engaged in the manufacture of various samovars after the revolution of 1917 there were only two plants. The first was called the "Patron Plant", the second was called the "factory stamp", which by the way, works so far and so far We produce samovars (though in very small quantities).

Part of the exposition

Part of the exposition

The main famous masters who worked in Tula are: Lomov's brothers, Batshov, Shimarins, Vorontsov, Berta Henry Henry Tayle, who inherited a company from his husband and others.

Samovars were also manufactured in the Polish kingdom at the end of the 19th century by Frage. Frage is known for the fact that they invented the method of deep contemplation. Their samovars were very elegant and very openwork, the basis of their samovar was copper with brass elements, the pallet with legs were brass, pushed, the crane of the handle, as brass.

Samovar today

Nowadays, samovars are most often used for the decoration of the premises to create an interior in the "Russian" style. There are on sale, both traditional models on firewood and electrical samovars. The main manufacturer remains the Tula Stamp plant. Accent when making is shifted to the design, because Nowadays, Samovar is rather a matter of decor, not the essential.

Most often, modern buyers use samovar in a country house, in the country, in the bath.

We hope that after reading this article, you will have a desire to visit the Samovar House Museum in Kolomna, and maybe someone will decide to acquire a samovar. In this case, we can safely recommend the online store "Senor Porcelain". Also in the store Senor Porcelain you can buy porcelain dishes and other service items.

Share the recipe for your favorite tea with readers of our site!

Julia Kingkova

« History of Russian samovar»

purpose: Acquire children to Russian folk culture, expand the common horizon,

meet the tradition of tea drinking in Russia, the history of Samovara's appearance,

railing patriotism, love for his homeland.

Today we have a special day, I invite you, friends, and you will be ready with me? In the wonderful world call you.

Very often for events and buds days, I do not remember your old days

we forget about her, and even more familiar to us flying to the moon, remember russian customs, remember our old days.

I have a very interesting thing on the table. Guess what is it?

On the courtyard of the crank gold sides,

failed pinch to the dump,

powding smoke jets, steam.

Glossy boot dancing,

from the belly pours boiling water.

That's right, that's samovar.

What samovar? Where did he come from? Want to know about it?

Samovar - This is a boiling water cooking device. It is cooking - hence the word happened. His advent samovar is obliged to tea. In Russia, tea was brought in the 17th century and used it as a medicine for rich people (Know). In the 19th century, tea became russian National Drink.

Tea was a competitor of a shot, a beloved drink of ancient Russia, it was prepared with honey and medicinal herbs in a signboard. The signboard outwardly resembled a kettle, inside which the pipe for laying coal was placed.

In the 18th century in the Urals and in Tula appeared samovar - Kitchens, which were brother - divided into three parts - food was cooked in two, and in the third one. Retake I. samovar- The kitchen was relatives samovara.

Where and when the first appeared samovara? Who invented him is unknown. It is known that going to the Urals at 1701g, the Tula Blacksmith Industrialist Demidov I. captured with him skillful workers, copper cases of the masters. Perhaps even then in Tula was manufactured samovara.

And you want to know construction of samovar and those masterswho made it. Listen and look. Everyone samovarconsists of the following parts: jug, handle, grille, crane, steam room, cap, cloth, cover. Inside samovar is located: Chimney, safety valve, combustion chamber, grate grille, cleaning tray.

IN samovar The case in Russia was seven major professions, self-friendly business masters: 1-podeler - flared copper sheet, soldered it and released the appropriate form;

2- Ladyman - brought out the inside samovara;

3- Turning -Curpose on the machine and polished samovar;

4-slack-made handle crane;

5- collector -Cobil samovar from all parts;

6-clever-cleaner samovar;

7-turn on wood - made wooden cones to the lids and handles.

Samovar Always considered symbol russian hospitality, symbol of good and comfort in the house. If a samovar"Sang songs"When Zakipal is good. From above put a boiler kettle, he too "Sang, snigal, Schiepel". Pouring tea, sentenced to health! Samovar Hold hot all day, for tea spent a long clock and had drank 20 cups of tea. The table was leaving from different slopes and treats. Tea party is samovara It became in Russia a national tradition.

Publications on the topic:

Conversation in the older group "life and history of the Russian people" "The life and history of the Russian people" Compiled by: Gelashvili A.V. Purpose: to introduce children with the life of the Russian people, with national clothing, traditions.

Traditions of Russian people as a means of studying Russian with children of preschool age Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Children's garden "Damarak" Report on the topic: Traditions of the Russian people as a means.

Directly educational activities "History of Russian costume" Directly educational activities: knowledge, communication, socialization, reading fiction. Topic: "Russian history.

The abstract of integrated classes "Believe Russian People" Abstract directly educational activities. Integration of educational areas "Cognitive development", "Speech Development".

Topic: "The history of the Russian folk costume" "Podagogic goal in the Russian costume" of Vanya in the Russian costume. Show children inseparable communication between.

Kwitchenko Olga Mikhailovna, teacher age group of children: the first younger (from 2.5 to 3 years). Type of classes: Integrated goal: continue.

Over the ages of one and a half years, samovars were an integral part of Russian life. They are a device for boiling water and cooking tea. Initially, the water in them was heated internal furnace, which was a high tube filled with wooded coals. A little later, kerosene, electric and other types of samovarov appeared. Currently, they are almost universally ousted by teapots.

Vintage samovars: a little story

Today, these vintage devices with exquisite decoration are popular among collectors and simply true connoisseurs.

In Russia, the tradition of tea drinking, as you know, came from the east, where special dishes existed for the preparation of tea drinks. But the samovar in the form of all of us the usual device came up with Russian masters.

The exact date of such products is difficult to call, but the peak of their popularity is considered to be the 19th century. At this time, many factories were opened throughout the country producing such products. But among them, the masters of Tula became especially famous. Such manufacturers, like Lisitsyn, Kapourzins, Lomov, Shemarins, Mountains, Vorontsov, Batashev, Tayle, and many others, were known both in Russia and in Europe.

The first manufacturers of samovarov in Tula were the brothers of Lisicins, which at the end of the 18th century opened a self-friendly institution. Their products were famous for their exquisite forms. Ancient Tula samovari vyovna is well known, which at the time produced about 1000 products per year.

As a rule, producing products were engaged in the whole family, and their experience and tools were inherited. That is why on one product could be a few brand masters. Tula samovars were made not only directly in Tula itself, but also in its surroundings, but it did not bother to call all samovars from these places to Tula.

For the manufacture, copper was originally used (more precisely the alloy of copper with zinc). But since it was accepted by these products to paint to shine, the copper samovar was very quickly faced. After some time, the masters began to use brass and Melchior.

Types of designs

By the water heating method, vintage samovars are divided into:

  • Heavy (coal, wood), from which the story of a self-friendly behavior began. For water heating, you can use almost any wood combustible materials (coal, wood, bumps, and so on).
  • Electric. Water is heated using the heating element. The main advantage is the lack of smoke and soot.
  • Combined, combining two types of water heating - from electricity and heat combusting fuel heat.

At the turn of the XIX-XX century, new types of samovarov began to be issued: kerosene, "Parichko" products and copper appliances of blueberry with a side pipe.

Also, vintage samovars vary in shape. Banks are considered the most cheap, then ascending price glass, ball and further vase, egg.

Volume of samovarov

These devices differ in litter.

The most running vintage samovars - coal from 3 to 7 liters. Products less than 3 liters are usually worth more than their large analogues, because they are more difficult to manufacture and are less common.

Electric samovars are from 1.5 to 3 liters. Large sizes are quite rare.

Material for manufacture

Samovars are made from different materials. The most common are brass products, as well as from copper, Melchior and Tompaka.

Copper samovars were considered festive, so they are the most expensive. Now they are sold mainly brass with copper coating products, but you can find an old copper samovar. It is most often found in brass gold-colored devices (they look very smart, but need careful care of their surface) and brass with nickel-plated coating (they have silver color, they look beautiful, but do not require special care).

Brass samovars with painting are also widespread.

Heavy samovara

From the point of view of antique value, the most attractiveness is precisely samovars on the corner, where the main fuel is coal. Because in those days, the carbon carbon was far from all, firewood was often used for the furnace, which were laid in the inner tube.

Ancient samovars on firewood are equally in demand in antiques. Visually from coal counterparts, they differ little. But the true connoisseurs of antiquity will differ instantly.

Genuine products of the 17th - early 19th centuries have the greatest value, each of which is unique in its own way and is the work of art. The standard of the highest quality of an old samovar is the Master Master Stamp.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood samovarov

These are real vintage samovars, and, it means, you can touch the real Russian tradition of tea drinking, which is almost two hundred years. Plus heat products - the heated water in them slower cools.

Among the disadvantages can be allocated:

1) Heavy samovars are vintage (the prices for them are different) you need to heat when they are filled with completely water. If this rule does not observe, they can disperse. Therefore, if necessary, in the cooled device, warm the water must be addicted to the liquid, and then warm it up. However, it is not easy to melt the extinct samovar, therefore, most likely, you will have to not add, and drain the water, remove the old fuel, pour water and melt again.

2) You can remove coal samovars in open areas, or the pipe insert into a special exhaust.

3) Heavy samovars are much more expensive than those electrical.

Electric samovaras

These products came to replace the heat equivals already in the era of developed socialism. In their design, they are arranged much easier and do not have the traditional sophistication of forms and elements. That is why electrical samovars have a smallest collection value.

Advantages and disadvantages of electrical samovarov

Electrical options are more convenient to warm up, and with any volume of water (only a TEN was covered). They can be used in closed rooms. Most of the electric belongs have a thermal switch.

The main disadvantage of electrical samovar is that it is not a samovar, but rather an electrical focus of non-standard form. Here you can not feel the smell of cones or apple branches. After heating, it will cool the heat faster, because inside it there is no slowly cooled coal. They can not be enjoyed in nature, since there is no electricity.

Combined vintage samovara

Because progress does not stand still, the purchase of a self-comberized samovar will be a very successful acquisition that combines the advantages of heat and electrical fellow. It is possible to melt such a device with firewood, and when the water will cool, warm it with electricity. You can use it both in nature and indoors.

The only minus of combined samovarov is their value, which is higher and wood, and the electrical variant of this volume and form.

How much is an old samovar?

Those who wish to have an old samovar in their home without any problems can purchase it on an antique market, which very successfully supplies all those who want by such products, which differ in appearance, quality, artistic merit, manufacturing time, volume and price. Simple buyers, in contrast to collectors, understand all the subtleties is quite difficult, although sometimes even collectors do not know how to evaluate this or that product. After all, for example, only one Tula factory V. S. Batashev has manufactured more than 50 forms and sizes of various samovars, and if you also consider other manufacturers, it is not that it just becomes defining the price of this popular product.

As we have already said, the cost of vintage samovarov can be the most different, which depends on the set of factors. And first of all, the age of the product is important here (than it is older, the more valuable). For example, a device that is released in the royal times is recently valued more than Soviet counterparts.

An important value also has the uniqueness of the samovar. Exclusive things, handmade always evaluated high enough, and if the age of the product is solid, then this is no doubt antiques. This can be said about form.

Another criterion affecting the price of the samovar is the fame of the manufacturer's factory, the presence of the manufacturer's stamp is either the branding of the manufacturer. So, for example, a samovar vintage with medals is much more expensive. In addition, the preservation and artistic value of decorative elements is important.

All samovars can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Vintage samovars (the prices for them are different). They are usually made at the highest artistic level and are made of expensive material. At the antique market, such copies are infrequently falling, and the value here determines, as a rule, the seller. The buyer remains either purchased for this price, or to search at a different price. The cost of such a product comes to several tens of thousands of dollars.
  2. This category includes products that have good artistic elaboration, non-standard shape covered with silver. There are much more such samovars in the market, so the seller with the buyer can agree in the price. Range prices ranges within 10 thousand dollars.
  3. This category includes massively manufactured products, ordinary and purely functional. The price of such a product proposes, as a rule, the buyer. Cost such samovars can approximately $ 500.