The most common traffic violations. Violation of traffic rules. Talking on a cell phone while driving

Most car enthusiasts enjoy owning their car. We all want to travel in a relaxed environment to work or on the weekend to go shopping. Unfortunately, in last years It’s impossible to drive in a relaxed state. The reason for this is the numerous kilometers of traffic jams and the behavior of other drivers who often break the rules. traffic, which irritates other road users and creates.

Surely each of you was very nervous while driving because of some inappropriate actions of another driver on the road. It is not uncommon for some drivers, neglecting other road users, to deliberately violate traffic rules, putting not only themselves, but also other drivers, at risk. In such cases, the nerves may fail even in a person with great self-control.

For example, what is the cost of drivers talking on a mobile phone, because of which the driver’s reaction is reduced several times. This is why we often see drivers behave inappropriately on the road without any reason.

Today we decided to tell you about the most common ones that irritate all road users. We hope that those who often violate the law will reconsider their attitude towards the people around them and towards safety on the road.

Talking on a cell phone while driving

Despite the fact that in our country there is a fine for talking while driving, a huge number of drivers still use them every day while driving. IN currently fine for using a phone while driving without special electronic devices(which allow you to talk on the phone without using your hands) is 1500 rubles ( 12.36 1 ).

But the measure of responsibility does not stop many drivers. And the point is the low amount of the fine. The fact is that it is very difficult to catch a driver talking on a mobile phone while driving. To hold the driver accountable, the employee needs to provide photo or video evidence of traffic violations. That is why a large number of citizens, without fear of being held accountable, violate traffic rules by using their phones while driving.

Research has shown that using a mobile phone while driving is very distracting to the driver. According to some data, the reaction decreases to the same level that is observed if the driver is slightly intoxicated. Drivers who talk on the phone while driving often create danger on the road with their inappropriate actions while driving.

Driving on motorways at low speeds

Many drivers often forget that outside settlements It is prohibited to drive on small motorways. At the moment, you cannot drive on the highway at speeds less than 40 km/h. The fine for such a violation is 1000 rubles ( 12.11 part 1).

Even if the driver is a novice and is afraid to move at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour, if a traffic police officer detects a violation, the person responsible for the traffic violation will be fined. By driving along the highway at low speed, you create an artificial obstacle for other road users and can also provoke an accident. Remember that if you are driving at low speeds on the highway due to a vehicle malfunction, be sure to turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers of your low speed. Get off the motorway at the first opportunity.

Do not turn on the turn signal

Another common violation of traffic rules on our roads is failure to comply with traffic regulations, turning on the light signal when intending to change lanes, turn around or turn. Failure to turn on the turn signals leads to an accident in 70 percent of cases. After all, without informing in advance about your intention to move, you create an emergency situation on the road.

Not everyone on the road can “read” and feel what other road users want to do. Therefore, if you do not turn on the warning signal, you risk getting into an accident. Remember that by your actions. Let us remind you that according to the current traffic rules in the Russian Federation, for not turning on your turn signals you face a fine of 500 rubles ( 12.14 p.1 1).

Driving a car without low beams

Since 2010, a new legislative norm has been in force in Russia, according to which drivers are required to turn on low beam headlights (daytime running lights) at any time of the day when entering the road. In case of violation of this clause of the traffic rules, the driver is subject to punishment in the form of a fine of 500 rubles. ( 12.5 part 1). Despite the existence of a fine for violating this traffic rule, many drivers neglect this responsibility. Why? Everything is very simple.

According to the statistics of traffic violations, drivers are not often prosecuted for such violations due to the lack of evidence. Just like talking on a mobile phone while driving, you must provide.

Remember that although there is a low penalty for not turning on your low beams during the day, try to remember to turn on your headlights. Low beam during the daytime ensures your visibility on the road.

Failure to maintain distance on the road

There will always be drivers on the road who often do not maintain a safe distance between vehicles. Have you noticed how a driver who wants to overtake you first drives close to the rear of your car in the hope that you will give way to him. Tell me honestly, does this annoy you? Of course yes.

Most drivers will answer this question positively. Many drivers do not even know that for such a violation, liability is established in the form of a fine of 1,500 rubles ( Article 12.15 Part 1)

Remember that failure to maintain distance on the road very often leads to serious accidents. Even in dry summer weather with new tires, if you don’t keep your distance, you may not have time to brake and hit the car in front. Also, do not forget that by driving close to another vehicle, you irritate the driver and can...

Sudden change in trajectory on the road

Very often, drivers on the road forget about other road users and suddenly, without warning, begin to change the trajectory of their movement, which leads to serious accidents. Often in such situations, drivers do not even look in the rearview mirrors to make sure that there are no obstacles to change lanes. So, be careful on the road if you want to change direction. Before changing lanes, make sure that you are not in anyone's way.

Give way

If you are moving in the fast lane at a low speed, then when a car behind you approaches, give way if it is moving at a speed higher than yours. , because if you do not yield to the lane and continue to drive at a low speed, you will make the other driver very nervous. Remember that a driver traveling at a speed higher than yours has the right of way in the fast lane. In this case, you must either give way or speed up.


Be alert to vulnerable road users. Remember that cyclists are full participants in the movement. When crossing a bicycle lane, make sure that no one is riding in it. . If you park your car on the edge of the road, before opening the door, also make sure that there is no cyclist passing from the side at that moment.

If you do not give way to a cyclist, you will face liability in the form of a fine of 1,500 rubles ( Article 12.18)

Overtaking a slow-moving vehicle

Often, when driving on a narrow road, we encounter cars that irritate us with their low speed. In such cases, remain calm. Remember that slow moving vehicle can't go fast. If you want to overtake him, you should only do so in places where it is permitted. road signs and markings.

Also remember that you can overtake a slow-moving vehicle only if it has a corresponding sign indicating the maximum possible speed.

If you start overtaking in the wrong place, you may be charged with driving into the oncoming lane (1,500 rubles or deprivation of your license, depending on the circumstances).

Wait until other drivers overtake slow-moving vehicles.

When the road narrows, do not provoke conflict

Have you encountered roughness on the road? We are sure that most of you will answer positively to this question. For example, often when approaching a narrowing road (repair, accident, etc.), we are forced to change lanes, but for some reason most road users do not let us pass.

Similar incivility is observed throughout the country. And then such drivers scold our authorities for the situation on the road. Remember, in order to change the situation on the roads of Russia, you need to start with yourself. Change your driving culture. If there is a narrowing on the road, give way to at least one other vehicle. We would like to note that by not giving way to another road user, we not only violate traffic rules, but also provoke an accident.

Driving on the median

When driving in the fast lane, many drivers (especially premium brands) often try to overtake another car on the median. Do not do this under any circumstances, as this is a gross violation of traffic rules. ( 12.15 p.1) - fine 1500 rubles. Also, in some cases, driving onto the dividing strip can be regarded as driving into the oncoming lane.


Are you familiar with the situation when, driving up to a parking lot where there are practically no spaces, you encounter cars that are parked incorrectly (for two spaces)? Admit that at this moment you are starting to get nervous. Therefore, when you park your car, remember this situation and then, most likely, you will park the car correctly. It is worth noting that although there is no liability for such actions in our legislation, due to improper parking you can provoke aggression from other drivers towards you, which can cause a serious conflict.

Parking a car in the wrong place

Often signs prohibiting parking are located not far from public transport stops. If in such places many drivers try not to leave their vehicles, then where municipal authorities have limited free parking, many of us still try to park our cars. Some drivers often mistakenly believe that in paid parking lots they can ignore the signs prohibiting free parking. This is wrong. At the legislative level, there is responsibility for free parking in places intended for paid parking.

Don't throw trash out of your car

Unfortunately, in our country there is no responsibility for throwing garbage out the car window. For example, in Europe there are large fines for this. But the absence of fines does not mean that you need to throw various garbage or cigarette butts out of the window. After all, thrown out garbage can get into another car while driving, which can provoke a conflict with another driver.

There is nothing easier than putting everything in a bag and then throwing it all in the trash.

Failure to comply with road signs

Why have road signs turned into unnecessary elements on the roads in our country? After all, driving schools pay great attention to the study of road signs. Of course, we must admit that on our roads many signs often do not correspond to road markings or road conditions, but this does not mean that they should be ignored.

When driving on the road, strictly follow the instructions of all road signs. Believe me, most signs are on the road for a reason. The most common traffic violation that employees encounter is failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs. For example, turning right, contrary to the ban on such a maneuver ( Article 12.16 part 1 and part 2- fine up to 1500 rubles).

Use of tires out of season

So far, Russia has not adopted a law that would prohibit the use of tires out of season. Deputies are just preparing a bill that would provide for liability for driving a car that is equipped with out-of-season tires. But, despite the fact that there is no responsibility yet, this does not mean that you need to drive on summer tires in winter period and vice versa. Remember that when driving a car on summer tires winter time, You endanger not only yourself, but also other road users. Even if you consider yourself a professional, remember that the laws of physics have not been repealed.

We hope that every road user sooner or later realizes what is needed. Believe me, if each of us changes ourselves and is strict, the situation on Russian roads will improve several times.

The number of cars on the roads is only increasing from year to year. This means that the number of violations increases accordingly. The main document regulating the behavior of drivers on the road is the traffic rules. They describe in detail the behavior of drivers in a given situation and the meaning of road markings and signs. So, what are the most common violations?

Statistics of traffic violations in Russia

Indicators of the state of road safety over the past few years can be found on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. According to these data, as a result of violations of traffic rules in Russia, 184,000 accidents occurred in 2015, in 2016 173,694 accidents, in 2017 (as of September) 120,617 Road accident.

Official statistics are also kept on the number of offenses on the roads. According to these data, in 2015, traffic police officers issued 87.1 million decisions imposing an administrative fine totaling 70.7 billion rubles; in 2016, the number of decisions decreased slightly and amounted to 78.5 million (of which 61 million violations were recorded by cameras and 17.5 million were recorded by traffic police officers personally).

The exact number of traffic rule violators is contained in Form No. 1-Road Safety Inspectorate compiled by the State Traffic Inspectorate:

The most common are speed violations, driving into the oncoming lane, running a red light, not wearing a seat belt, and others. The fines for these violations are given in the sections below.

Failure to comply with speed limits

According to numerous traffic police reports and statistical data, the most common traffic violation is violation of the speed limit. For most Russian drivers, speeding is normal practice. Those who have never committed this offense practically do not exist.

According to the latest amendments for speeding in 2018, the following penalties are provided. If the excess value falls within the range of 20 to 40 units, the driver faces a fine of 500 rubles. From 40 to 60 - 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles, for repeated offenses within a year from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles. Over 60 – from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for up to six months; in case of repeated violation, the period of deprivation increases to 1 year. Drivers who exceed the speed limit by 80 units or more will pay the most - 5 thousand rubles, and they may also remain without a license for up to 6 months. It should be clarified that if the offense was recorded by cameras, such a penalty as deprivation of a driver’s license is not used. It is replaced by a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Driving into the oncoming lane

Driving into the oncoming lane for the purpose of overtaking or avoiding an obstacle is the second most popular offense. Responsibility for it is spelled out in Art. 12.15 traffic rules. So, according to this article, for driving into the oncoming lane or tram tracks while avoiding an obstacle, a fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles is provided. If the purpose of the departure was to overtake a passing vehicle, the fine increases to 5,000 rubles. Also, the driver may be subject to deprivation of rights for a period of 4 months to six months. If this violation is committed again, your license will be deprived for 1 year.

Talking on the phone

Another top offense. Mobile phones have become such a part of our lives that some people almost never let them out of their hands. And this can lead to the most dire consequences while driving. According to statistics, using a phone while driving without using special devices wireless communication increases the risk of accidents by 4 times. At the moment, a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles is provided for this offense.

Driving through a prohibitory traffic light

According to city accident statistics, from 20 to 30% of road accidents occur precisely because of violation of this rule. Most often, the driver simply does not calculate his strength and does not have time to get through the intersection, while other road users are already starting to perform the maneuver. For such a violation, the fine is 1 thousand rubles. If the offense is repeated, the punishment becomes significantly more severe. The fine increases to 5 thousand rubles, and the driver can also be deprived of his license for up to six months. Another type of this violation is driving beyond the stop line. Drivers will have to pay 800 rubles for it.

Drunk driving

Another common problem for Russian drivers is drunk driving. Responsibility for this act is reviewed almost annually. According to the table of fines for 2018, this type of violation threatens to result in deprivation of rights for up to 2 years and a fine of 30 thousand rubles. Also, the driver may be subject to administrative arrest for up to 15 days, and the vehicle itself may be placed in a parking lot.

If the crime is repeated, the liability increases many times over. The fine increases to 200-300 thousand rubles. Also, in addition to it, the driver may face imprisonment for up to 2 years or forced labor.

Parking in the wrong place

This type of violation is very relevant for city residents. Many people simply do not pay attention to prohibitory signs. Moreover, the size of the fine here largely depends on the specific location of the vehicle. If the driver places his car in places designated for disabled people, he will have to pay 5,000 rubles. In this case, the car can be taken away on a tow truck even before the owner arrives.

If the car is left on the sidewalk or closer than 5 meters from a pedestrian crossing, the penalty amount will be 1000 rubles, just as in the previous case, the vehicle may be detained. However, this article does not apply to a forced stop. A driver who interferes with other road users is punished with a fine of 2 thousand rubles. His car can also be towed if necessary.

Unfastened seat belt

Many people very often neglect this very simple rule. Responsibility for it involves a fine of 1 thousand rubles. Moreover, penalties can be imposed on both the driver himself and passengers.

In this case, children under 12 years of age must be transported using a special restraint device. Responsibility for this violation includes a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Lack of compulsory motor liability insurance policy

Due to the significant increase in the price of the MTPL policy, many drivers are in no hurry to purchase it. The maximum they face is a fine of 800 rubles. At the same time, liability for cases where you still have a policy, but forgot it at home, is 500 rubles.


The most common types of traffic violations in Russia as a whole were discussed above. Depending on the region, these statistics can vary significantly. Also, violations that are relevant for large cities may be completely uncharacteristic of the province and vice versa.

To improve your literacy on the road, know your rights and responsibilities, and feel more confident when meeting with a traffic police officer, you will need the DRIVER REMINDER. Short and in a convenient format, print it out and take it with you! (GUIDELINES FOR PRINTING MEMO)

Article of the Administrative Code RF Type of offense Sanction for an administrative offense
Article 12.1. Driving a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner, a vehicle that has not passed state technical inspection or technical inspection Part 1. Driving a vehicle not registered in the prescribed manner fine 500-800 rub.
Part 1.1. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article fine - 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 1-3 months
Part 2. Driving a passenger taxi, bus or truck designed and equipped for transporting people, with more than eight seats (except for the driver), a specialized vehicle designed and equipped for transport dangerous goods who have not passed state technical inspection or technical inspection fine 500-800 rub.
Article 12.2. Driving a vehicle in violation of the rules for installing state registration plates on it Part 1. Driving a registered vehicle with unreadable, non-standard or installed in violation of requirements state standard state registration marks, except for the cases provided for in part 2 of this article
Part 2. Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in designated places, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that impede the identification of state registration plates or allowing them to be modified or hidden fine 5000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 1-3 months
Part 3. Installation of deliberately false state registration plates on a vehicle
Part 2. Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have documents for the right to drive it or an insurance policy compulsory insurance civil liability of vehicle owners, with the exception of the case provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and in cases provided for by law, waybills or shipping documents warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Part 2.1. Transportation of passengers and luggage by a passenger vehicle used to provide services for the transportation of passengers and luggage by a driver who does not have a permit to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi fine 5000 rub.
Part 3. Transfer of control of a vehicle to a person who does not have documents for the right to drive it fine 3000 rub.
Article 12.4. Violation of the rules for installing devices on a vehicle for sending special light or sound signals, or illegally applying special color schemes of emergency services vehicles, color schemes of a passenger taxi, or illegal installation of an identification lamp of a passenger taxi or an identification sign "Disabled" Part 1. Installation on the front of the vehicle of lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and operating mode of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Part 3. Driving a vehicle on the front of which are installed lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the operating mode of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials road safety officials deprivation of rights for a period of 6 months to 1 year with confiscation of the specified devices and devices
Part 3.1. Driving a vehicle with glass installed (including glass coated with transparent colored films), the light transmission of which does not meet the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles fine 500 rub.
Part 4. Driving a vehicle on which devices for giving special light or sound signals are installed without appropriate permission (with the exception of burglar alarm) deprivation of rights for 1 - 1.5 years with confiscation of the specified devices
Part 4.1. Driving a vehicle on which an identification light of a passenger taxi or an identification sign “Disabled” is illegally installed fine 5000 rub. with confiscation of the subject of the administrative offense
Part 5. Use of devices for giving special light or sound signals (with the exception of security alarms) installed without the appropriate permission when driving a vehicle deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years with confiscation of the specified devices
Part 6. Driving a vehicle on the outer surfaces of which special color schemes of emergency service vehicles are illegally applied deprivation of rights for 1-1.5 years
Part 7. Driving a vehicle on which the color scheme of a passenger taxi is illegally applied fine 5000 rub.
Article 12.6. Violation of the rules for using seat belts or motorcycle helmets Driving a vehicle by a driver not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers not wearing seat belts, if the design of the vehicle provides for seat belts, as well as driving a motorcycle or moped, or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets or wearing unfastened motorcycle helmets fine 1000 rub.
Article 12.7. Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle Part 1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for training driving)
Part 2. Driving a vehicle by a driver deprived of the right to drive vehicles
Part 3. Transfer of control of a vehicle to a person who obviously does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for training driving) or is deprived of such right fine 30,000 rub.
Article 12.8. Driving a vehicle by a driver who is in a state of intoxication, transferring control of a vehicle to a person who is in a state of intoxication Part 1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated, if such actions do not constitute a criminal offense

fine 30,000 rub. with deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years;

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Part 2. Transferring control of a vehicle to a person who is intoxicated fine 30,000 rub. with deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years
Part 3. Driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated and does not have the right to drive vehicles or is deprived of the right to drive vehicles, unless such actions contain a criminal offense

arrest from 10 to 15 days or a fine of 30,000 rubles. on persons against whom administrative arrest cannot be applied in accordance with this Code

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Note to Article 12.8. The use of substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, or psychotropic or other intoxicating substances is prohibited. Administrative liability provided for by this article and part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code occurs in the event of an established fact of consumption of substances that cause alcohol intoxication, which is determined by the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration exceeding the possible total measurement error, namely 0.16 milligrams per liter of exhaled breath. air, or the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration of 0.3 or more grams per liter of blood, or in the case of the presence of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in the human body.
Article 12.9. Exceeding the set speed Part 1. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by an amount from 10 to 20 km/h inclusive Canceled as of September 1, 2013
Part 2. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by an amount from 21 to 40 km/h inclusive fine 500 rub.
Part 3. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by an amount from 41 to 60 km/h inclusive fine 1000-1500 rub.
Part 4. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 60 but not more than 80 km/h fine 2000-2500 rub. or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months
Part 5. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 80 km/h fine 5000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 6 months
Part 6. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of this article fine 2000 - 2500 rubles.
Part 7. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in parts 4 and 5 of this article

Deprivation of rights for 1 year

In case of recording an administrative offense using special technical means operating in automatic mode and having the functions of photography, filming, and video recording - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Article 12.10. Violation of traffic rules across railway tracks Part 1. Crossing a railway track outside a railway crossing, entering a railway crossing when the barrier is closed or closing, or when there is a prohibiting signal from a traffic light or a crossing officer, as well as stopping or parking at a railway crossing fine 1000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 3-6 months
Part 2. Violation of the rules for passing through railway crossings, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of this article fine 1000 rub.
deprivation of rights for 1 year
Article 12.11. Violation of traffic rules on a motorway Part 1. Driving on a highway in a vehicle whose speed, according to technical characteristics or its condition, is less than 40 km/h, as well as stopping a vehicle on a highway outside of special parking areas fine 1000 rub.
Part 2. Driving a truck with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons on a highway beyond the second lane, as well as training driving on a highway fine 1000 rub.
Part 3. Turning or driving a vehicle into technological gaps in the dividing strip on a highway or driving in reverse on a highway fine 2500 rub.
Article 12.12. Driving through a prohibiting traffic light or a traffic controller's prohibiting gesture Part 1. Driving through a prohibiting traffic light signal or a traffic controller's prohibiting gesture, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and Part 2 of this article fine 1000 rub.
Part 2. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to stop in front of the stop line indicated by road signs or markings of the roadway, when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal or a prohibiting gesture from a traffic controller fine 800 rub.
Part 3. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article fine 5000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months
Article 12.13. Violation of rules for crossing intersections Part 1. Driving to an intersection or crossing the roadway in the event of a traffic jam that forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction fine 1000 rub.
Part 2. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to a vehicle having priority right of passage through intersections fine 1000 rub.
Article 12.14. Violation of maneuvering rules Part 1. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give a signal before starting to move, change lanes, turn, turn around or stop warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Part 1.1. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules, except for established cases, before turning right, left or making a U-turn, take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the roadway intended for traffic in this direction warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Part 2. Turning around or reversing in places where such maneuvers are prohibited, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of Article 12.11 and Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation fine 500 rub.
Part 3. Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to a vehicle enjoying the priority right of movement, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.13 and Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Article 12.15. Violation of the rules for positioning a vehicle on the roadway, passing oncoming traffic or overtaking Part 1. Violation of the rules for positioning a vehicle on the roadway, oncoming traffic, as well as driving along the side of the road or crossing an organized transport or pedestrian convoy or taking a place in it fine 1500 rub.
Part 1.1. Failure by the driver of a slow-moving vehicle, a vehicle transporting large cargo, or a vehicle moving at a speed not exceeding 30 kilometers per hour, outside populated areas, to comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules to allow vehicles following him to pass in order to overtake or get ahead of him fine 1000-1500 rub.
Part 2. Traffic on bicycle or pedestrian paths or sidewalks in violation of traffic rules fine 2000 rub.
Part 3. Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, into a lane intended for oncoming traffic when going around an obstacle, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction when going around an obstacle - fine 1000-1500 rub.
Part 4. Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article
Part 5. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 4

deprivation of rights for one year;

in case of recording an administrative offense by technical means that have the functions of photographing, filming, video recording, or by means of photographing, filming, or video recording - a fine* of 5,000 rubles.

Article 12.16. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings Part 1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, except for the cases provided for in parts 2-5 of this article and other articles of this chapter warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Part 2. Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway fine 1000-1500 rub.
Part 3. Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road fine 5000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months
Part 3.1. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3

deprivation of rights for one year;

in the case of recording an administrative offense using technical means that have the functions of photographing, filming, video recording, or means of photographing, filming, or video recording - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Part 4. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, except for the case provided for in Part 5 of this article

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Part 5. Violation provided for in Part 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Part 6. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of cargo vehicles, except for the case provided for in Part 7 of this article fine 500 rub.
Part 7. Violation provided for in Part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg fine 5000 rub.
Article 12.17. Failure to give priority in movement to a route vehicle or a vehicle with special light and sound signals turned on Part 1. Failure to provide priority in movement to a route vehicle, as well as to a vehicle with a flashing light turned on at the same time of blue color and a special sound signal warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Part 1.1. Movement of vehicles along the lane for route vehicles or stopping on the said lane in violation of the Traffic Rules, except for the cases provided for in parts 3 - 5 of Article 12.15 of this Code and the case provided for in Part 1.2 of this article fine 1500 rub.
Part 1.2. The violation provided for in Part 1.1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg fine 3000 rub.
Part 2. Failure to provide priority in traffic to a vehicle that has special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces, with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on at the same time fine 500 rub. or deprivation of rights for 1-3 months
Article 12.18. Failure to give priority in traffic to pedestrians or other road users Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (except for vehicle drivers) who have priority in traffic fine 1500-2500 rub.
Article 12.19. Violation of the rules of stopping or parking vehicles Part 1. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and parts 2-6 of this article warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Part 2. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles in places designated for stopping or parking vehicles of disabled people fine 5000 rub.
Part 3. Stopping or parking of vehicles at a pedestrian crossing and closer than 5 meters in front of it, with the exception of a forced stop and the case provided for in Part 6 of this article, or violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles on the sidewalk, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Part 3.1. Stopping or parking of vehicles at stops for route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis, or closer than 15 meters from stopping places for route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis, with the exception of stopping to pick up or disembark passengers, forced stops and cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this articles fine 1000 rub.
Part 3.2. Stopping or parking vehicles on tram tracks or stopping or parking vehicles further than the first row from the edge of the roadway, with the exception of a forced stop and the cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article fine 1500 rub.
Part 4. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles on the roadway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, as well as stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Part 5. Violation provided for in Part 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg fine 2500 rub.
Part 6. Violations provided for in parts 3-4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Article 12.20. Violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, alarm or warning triangle Violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, hazard warning lights or warning triangles warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Article 12.21. Violation of cargo transportation rules and towing rules Part 1. Violation of the rules for the carriage of goods, as well as the rules of towing warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Article 12.21.1. Violation of traffic rules for heavy and (or) large vehicles Part 1. Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by no more than 10 centimeters without a special permit, or exceeding the dimensions specified in a special permit by no more than 10 centimeters, or exceeding the permissible the mass of the vehicle or the permissible load on the axle of the vehicle by an amount of more than 2, but not more than 10 percent without a special permit, or in excess of the weight of the vehicle or the load on the axle of the vehicle specified in the special permit by an amount of more than 2, but not more 10 percent
Part 2. Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by more than 10, but not more than 20 centimeters, or exceeding the permissible weight of the vehicle or the permissible load on the axle of the vehicle by more than 10, but not more than 20 percent without special permission
Part 3. Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 50 centimeters, or exceeding the permissible weight of the vehicle or the permissible load on the axle of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 50 percent without special permission
Part 4. Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the dimensions specified in the special permit by more than 10, but not more than 20 centimeters, or exceeding the weight of the vehicle or the load on the axle of the vehicle specified in the special permit, by an amount of more than 10, but not more than 20 percent
Part 5. Movement of a heavy and (or) large-sized vehicle exceeding the dimensions specified in the special permit by more than 20, but not more than 50 centimeters, or exceeding the weight of the vehicle or the load on the axle of the vehicle specified in the special permit, by an amount of more than 20, but not more than 50 percent
Part 6. Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions by more than 50 centimeters without a special permit, or exceeding the dimensions specified in a special permit by more than 50 centimeters, or exceeding the permissible weight of the vehicle or permissible load on a vehicle axle by more than 50 percent without a special permit, or with an excess of the vehicle weight or vehicle axle load specified in a special permit by more than 50 percent
Part 7. Violation of traffic rules for heavy and (or) large vehicles, except for the cases provided for in parts 1 - 6 of this article
Part 2. Violation of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of this article
Part 2. Failure of a driver of a vehicle who does not have the right to drive vehicles or has been deprived of the right to drive vehicles to comply with the legal requirement of an authorized official to undergo a medical examination for intoxication, if such actions (inaction) do not contain a criminal offense

arrest from 10 to 15 days or a fine of 30,000 rubles;

detention of a vehicle, placement in a special parking lot

Article 12.27. Failure to fulfill duties in connection with a traffic accident Part 1. Failure by the driver to fulfill the duties provided for by the Traffic Rules in connection with a traffic accident in which he is a participant, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of this article fine 1000 rub.
Part 2. Leaving by the driver, in violation of the Traffic Rules, the scene of a traffic accident in which he was a participant deprivation of rights for 1-1.5 years or arrest for up to 15 days
Part 3. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Traffic Rules to prohibit the driver from using alcoholic drinks, narcotic or psychotropic substances after a traffic accident in which he was involved, or after the vehicle was stopped at the request of a police officer before an examination by an authorized official to establish the state of intoxication or until the authorized official makes a decision to release him from carrying out such an examination
Article 12.28. Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas Part 1. Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas, except for the case provided for in Part 2 of this article fine 1500 rub.
Part 2. The violation provided for in Part 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg fine 3000 rub.
Article 12.29. Violation of the Traffic Rules by a pedestrian or other person participating in traffic Part 1. Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian or passenger of a vehicle warning or fine of 500 rubles.
Part 2. Violation of the Traffic Rules by a person driving a bicycle, or by a driver or other person directly involved in the process of road traffic (except for the driver of a motor vehicle) fine 800 rub.
Part 3. Violation of traffic rules by persons specified in part 2 of this article, committed while intoxicated fine 1000 - 1500 rubles.
Article 12.30. Violation of the Traffic Rules by a pedestrian or other road user, resulting in interference with the movement of vehicles or causing minor or moderate harm to the health of the victim Part 1. Violation of the Traffic Rules by a pedestrian, a passenger of a vehicle or another road user (except for the driver of a vehicle), resulting in interference with the movement of vehicles fine 1000 rub.
Part 2. Violation of the Rules of the Road by a pedestrian, a passenger of a vehicle or another road user (except for the driver of a vehicle), which, through negligence, resulted in the infliction of slight or moderate harm to the health of the victim fine 1000-1500 rub.
Article 12.31. Release onto the line of a vehicle that is not registered in accordance with the established procedure, has not passed state technical inspection or technical inspection, with obviously false state registration plates, has faults with which operation is prohibited, with devices installed without appropriate permission for sending special light or sound signals, or with illegally applied special color schemes of emergency service vehicles Part 1. Release on the line of a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner or has not passed state technical inspection or technical inspection

* The fine must be paid within 70 days from the date of receipt of the decision on the violation (10 days to appeal + 60 days to pay). Failure to pay a fine on time entails a fine equal to twice the amount of the unpaid fine, but not less than 1,000 rubles, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. Administrative arrest is not applied if the administrative offense was recorded using special technical means operating in automatic mode that have the functions of photographing, filming, video recording, or means of photographing, filming, and video recording.

When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of the Article 12.15, part 3.1 of article 12.16, articles 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by the judge, body, or official who issued the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full.

For administrative offenses provided for in Article 12.23, parts 4, 5 and 6, persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity, bear administrative responsibility as legal entities.

** In case of violation of the rules of operation, use of a vehicle and driving a vehicle of the corresponding type, provided for in Part 1 of Article 11.8.1, Articles 11.9, 11.26, 11.29, Part 1 of Article 12.3, Part 2 of Article 12.5, Parts 1 and 2 of Article 12.7, Parts 1 and 3 of Article 12.8, parts 4 and 5 of Article 12.16 (regarding non-compliance with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, when used with a sign additional information(a sign indicating that a vehicle is being detained in the coverage area of ​​these road signs), parts 2 - 4 and 6 of article 12.19, parts 1 - 6 of article 12.21.1, part 1 of article 12.21.2, article 12.26, part 3 of the article 12.27, Part 2 of Article 14.38 of this Code, the detention of a vehicle is applied, that is, the exclusion of a vehicle from the process of transporting people and goods by moving it with the help of another vehicle and placing it in the nearest specially designated guarded place (specialized parking lot), and storage in specialized parking lot until the cause of the detention is eliminated, and in case of violations provided for in Articles 11.26 and 11.29 of this Code, also until an administrative fine is paid if the vehicle in which the violation was committed leaves the territory Russian Federation. If it is impossible to technical specifications of a vehicle, its movement and placement in a specialized parking lot in the event of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of Article 12.21.1 or Part 1 of Article 12.21.2 of this Code, the detention is carried out by stopping the movement using blockers devices. In case of committing an administrative offense provided for in Article 12.9, parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.16 and Article 12.21.3 of this Code, in relation to vehicles belonging to foreign carriers, owners (possessors) of vehicles, detaining the vehicle by stopping movement using blocking devices applies until an administrative fine is paid. If the vehicle in respect of which the decision to detain is made will create obstacles for the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians, before the detainment begins, it can be moved by driving the vehicle by its driver or by the persons specified in part 3 of this article, in the nearest place where the vehicle will not create such obstacles. In the event of the commission of administrative offenses provided for in Articles 11.26, 11.29, 12.9, parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.16, Article 12.21.3 of this Code, the detention of a vehicle may be carried out by moving it by the driver of the detained vehicle or by the persons specified in Part 3 of this article, and placement in the nearest specially designated guarded place (specialized parking lot), as well as by stopping traffic using blocking devices. (Article 27.13 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Tighter penalties for repeated traffic violations help protect other road users from the possibility of getting into an accident. A driver who commits such an offense faces a very large fine or deprivation of his license.

To find out how long a repeated violation of traffic rules leads to deprivation of the ability to operate a vehicle, you must first understand what this wording means.

The corresponding provision is quite clearly stated in Art. 4.6 Code of Administrative Offences. It says here that a person who has committed an administrative offense is subject to the chosen penalty from the moment the resolution comes into force and valid throughout the year.

Depending on the punishment, the period during which the driver is subject to enforcement action varies. Thus, in the case of a fine, the year is counted from the moment of its payment, but in the case of deprivation of rights, the year is counted only after the expiration of such a restriction.

It is important that drivers are able to understand what is considered a repeat traffic violation. Perhaps awareness of the likelihood of receiving a more significant punishment will help road users to be as attentive as possible.

How is a repeat violation identified?

Before drawing up a protocol, if an administrative offense is detected, the traffic service officer, through the duty station, establishes the presence of identical offenses committed by the driver earlier. If such precedents have taken place, then the traffic police officer draws up a protocol, but a decision to impose a fine is not issued. The documents are submitted to the duty station, where the appropriate decision on the case is made. It is also possible to send the papers to the courts.

An option is possible when the check is carried out not on the spot, but after submitting the protocol to the duty station. If during an inspection it is discovered that the driver has already committed an identical offense within a year, then the car owner is notified of this and, depending on the nature of the violation, final decisions are made.

What are the consequences of repeated traffic violations?

Many repeated traffic violations result in deprivation of the right to operate a vehicle. The length of such a sentence will depend on the nature of the offense. If we talk about repeated traffic violations in the state alcohol intoxication, That a driver detained while drunk is required to pay 50,000 rubles fine An option with deprivation of rights for 3 years is also possible. Moreover, the first violation of the same nature costs the driver a fine of 30,000 rubles or the withdrawal of his license for 2 years.

From July 1, 2015, penalties for repeated traffic violations by drunk drivers have been tightened. Such an offense is punishable by a fine from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles, being sent to forced labor for 480 hours or even imprisoned for 2 years.

Regarding other repeated offenses, Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that Running a red light again may result in a 4 or 6 month license suspension.. An alternative penalty is a fine of 5,000 rubles.

As for driving without a license, driving a vehicle by a car owner who has been deprived of a driver’s license is fraught with a fine of up to 30,000 rubles.

The table describes the most common repeat offenses and the punishment applied in this case.

Type of repeat violation Period of deprivation of rights Alternative punishment What article is it regulated by?
Running a red light 4-6 months Fine 5000 rubles Art. 12.12. Part 3
Lack of vehicle registration certificate 1-3 months Fine 5000 rubles Art. 12.1 part 1
Driving while intoxicated 3 years Fine 50,000 rubles Art. 12.6. Part 4
Incorrect crossing of a railway crossing 1 year Art. 12.10 p.3
Transferring control to a drunk person 3 years Fine 50,000 rubles Art. 12.8. Part 4
Exceeding the speed limit by more than 60 km/h 1 year Fine 5000 rubles Art. 12.9 p.7
Exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 km/h 1 year Fine 5000 rubles Art. 12.9 p.7
Traveling onto tram tracks in the opposite direction 1 year Art. 12.12 p.5
Drifting into the oncoming lane on a one-way road 1 year Fine 5000 rubles Art. 12.16. Part 3

An alternative penalty is applied at the discretion of the court. Much depends on the nature of the offense. For example, a second punishment for tinting will be much lighter than a punishment for driving while intoxicated.

How to return rights after the expiration of the established period?

The return of rights after the expiration of the deprivation period has its own characteristics. To re-receive the document, the driver must pass a theoretical traffic rules exam. The offender must first pay a state fee.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that passing the exam is a mandatory procedure, regardless of the period of revocation of a driver’s license.

Controversial issues

There are situations in which one year has already passed since the commission of the offense, but the traffic police officer still intends to submit documents to revoke his driver’s license. In this case, you must contact the appropriate authorities. It is important to start from the fact that, in accordance with Art. 4.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the shelf life for one offense cannot exceed one year. Additionally, the driver is required to provide evidence of this.

What should I do?

Repeated violation of traffic rules is very severely punished. As a punishment, a fine is imposed or the license is withdrawn. But the most dangerous thing is that committing an identical offense on the road can threaten the lives of others. To avoid this, you must be as careful as possible and follow established traffic rules.

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    Good afternoon.

    Tell me, in 2018 there were two fines of 500 rubles for speeding by 22 and 25 km/h; recently I exceeded the speed by 67 km/h.

    Is the latter a repeated violation of the first two, since they are different parts of Article 129? The case was sent to court, can I expect a fine?


    The situation is that the car is owned by one person and driven by another. All violations are recorded using cameras. The question is: who will be punished? Driver or owner.

    Hello, I received a fine for Art. 12.9ch6, speeding in the NP 40-60 km/h, a decision was made to pay a fine of 2000!

    1. how can I understand that, taking into account the photo recording, this fine is mine, how accurate is this information?

    2. Do I need to pay for it now since I’m not sure that this is exactly the case?

    3. I correctly interpreted the law, that now, if there is a repeated violation within a year, there will be automatic deprivation of rights (for how long and according to what decision and in what form)

    Thank you for your detailed answer.

    Why did the Sberbank terminal give us a discount for paying the fine before the expiration of 20 days, although we violated Article 12.9 Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation again, and now it turns out that the fine has been partially paid...?

Compliance with traffic rules – important condition the safety of all participants in the process: drivers and passengers of vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Traffic violations (these are traffic rules) are different, depending on their types and severity, car owners may bear administrative responsibility for them (fines or deprivation of rights) or even criminal punishment.

How and for what can a violating driver be punished?

What is traffic rules? History of creation

Traffic rules appeared a long time ago; their prototype was created back in Ancient Rome along with the first transport. But the official beginning of their birth is recognized as the appearance in London in 1868 of the first semaphore to control vehicles on the capital's streets. Since 1909, they began to discuss international rules for organizing traffic on the roads of the world.

Traffic rules in Russia are a set of certain requirements for transport and the persons operating it.

The formation of the foundations of road safety began under Peter the Great; in 1920, driver’s licenses were already mentioned in the traffic rules in Moscow, but this normative act acquired its familiar form by 1968, then only changes were made to the document.

Why do you need to follow traffic rules and what are the consequences of violating them?

It is clear that following the same rules for all road users makes it possible to ensure safety, maintain order and manage traffic flows without much intervention.

Violation of traffic rules first of all puts the violator himself at risk - he risks his car and health, but the punishment can also be significant.

Drivers are often concerned with the following questions: “What will be the punishment for not fastening a seat belt for a driver, an adult passenger or a child?”, “Violation of the rules for transporting children: what responsibility will the driver have to bear?” and “How can it be used and what will happen if you break the rules?”, there are many other traffic violations that a driver can commit while driving.

You must first clearly understand what responsibility will motorists have to bear?:

  1. If the offender inflicts serious harm to health or causes death to victims in an accident, as well as repeated driving while drunk or refusal to drink alcohol - criminal liability, up to imprisonment.
  2. In case of minor harm to health and damage to the vehicle and property of the victims - administrative liability, including a fine, seizure of the car or deprivation of a driver's license.

It is better not to commit any offenses and not to find out in practice how humane or strict the court is towards negligent car owners.

What types of traffic violations are covered by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation?

Especially for violators of these rules there is article 264 in the Criminal Code and its provisions contain the following list of penalties:

  1. For grievous bodily harm caused in an accident– imprisonment for up to 2 years; if the driver is intoxicated, the possible term increases to 4 years.
  2. For the death of a victim in an accident– imprisonment for up to 5 years, and if the car owner drank beforehand, then for up to 7 years.
  3. For causing death by negligence in an accident– up to 7 years and up to 9 years, depending on the driver’s condition, respectively.

On July 1, 2015, an additional article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was also introduced, dedicated to the question of what the driver faces for driving while drunk? At all Alcohol is no joke, and criminal liability comes even without an accident in the following cases:

  • I got a “deprived” of my license, who lost it earlier due to alcohol intoxication;
  • repeated use of alcohol while driving – within 1 year after the previous violation;
  • conviction for a drunk driving accident and within 3 years of serving a sentence for that crime.

For such a repeated traffic violation as being caught drunk, the violator can receive up to 2 years in prison or a fine of 200 to 300 thousand rubles.

He no longer has a driver's license, but the criminal punishment will be quite severe.

Repeated traffic violation: an aggravating circumstance?

If the existing punishment does not affect the driver’s behavior in any way, we can talk about a repeated traffic violation.

In accordance with clause 1.2 of Art. 4.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation An aggravating circumstance of an administrative offense is the repeated commission of a traffic violation during the period when the person is considered subject to punishment.

The same Code states that such a period is 1 year from the date of execution of the decision on the violation. Thus, if you have committed: the penalties provided may be higher if you do it again within a year. The situation is similar with any other “chronic” traffic violation.

So repeated driving while intoxicated is punished to the fullest extent - up to and including criminal prosecution, even if there were no casualties or accidents, and the driver was simply detained on the road twice during the period while the previous punishment is in effect.

What is evidence of a traffic violation?

The following may serve as evidence of the legality of the actions of the traffic police inspector:

  1. Photo and video materials directly the violation process (this can be recorded with special devices).
  2. Incident diagram, compiled directly on the spot.

The traffic police officer enters the identified violations into the protocol and, if necessary, asks witnesses to sign. You can challenge this evidence with retaliatory measures– provision of witnesses, whose data can also be included in the protocol, video recording from other angles, audio recording of a conversation with a traffic cop. You can present your disagreement with the content of the charge in court or out of court within 10 days after receiving the decision.

Record the fact of violation and draw up a protocol(resolution) on an administrative traffic violation not only representatives of authorities have the right responsible for order on the roads (including the VAI), but also local police commissioners, as well as employees of other law enforcement agencies.

However, their power extends only to a limited list of offenses (Article 23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); in other situations, he must call a traffic police squad. Now you know whether a local police officer can issue a fine for violating traffic rules.

The concepts of “subject” and “object” of traffic violations

The object of traffic violations is public order, as well as the property and interests of people, and most importantly – their safety.

The subject is individual , legal entity and official who drives the vehicle and is responsible for its safe operation, or other road users who are responsible for the accident or simply do not follow the rules.

Violation statistics

The subjects of traffic offenses are most often drivers of passenger cars - their share in the total share (about 29 million violations) reaches 78%, truck and bus drivers - 9 and 3%, respectively, pedestrians - 8%, and the rest ( drivers of motor vehicles and self-propelled vehicles, passengers) account for another 1% of non-compliance with the rules.

And also more than 31 million deviations from traffic rules are recorded automatically by special cameras and then car owners receive “chain letters” demanding to pay a fine.

Typical examples of permitted violations

The most common problems that concern many car enthusiasts are:

Is there an amnesty for violations?

Amnesty involves the removal of responsibility from those who are not particularly dangerous criminals.

Such forgiveness is usually timed to coincide with some significant date - the anniversary of the Victory, for example.

In 2015, it was proposed to apply an amnesty for traffic violators and non-payers of fines. But this one the initiative was not approved.

Now the deputies have not given up on the idea of ​​including traffic violations in the scope of amnesty and can pass a corresponding bill, but there is a possibility that they will no longer return to discuss this issue.

You can avoid liability and not pay a fine if performance list about the punishment got lost somewhere for two years or more. The statute of limitations for such documents has passed, but it is no longer possible to punish for violating traffic rules after 2 years.

That's just It is not recommended to intersect with traffic cops and bailiffs during this period - then the fine will be withheld, the vehicle ends up at the arrest site, and the car owner himself will not be released from the country. During this entire period, the violator will also be limited in other ways, including the ability to register a car or re-register an expired license.

In what cases is there no punishment for violating traffic rules?

There are several situations where a violator of traffic rules can go unpunished. For example, a car owner will prove in court that the traffic police inspector incorrectly carried out all the formalities when drawing up a protocol and recording a violation, and did not comply with the necessary regulations and procedures.

But there is another opportunity not to be punished - to prove that they acted within the framework of extreme necessity ( Art. 2.7 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). If the existence of such a need is confirmed, you can challenge the punishment for your unlawful actions in court. An extreme situation is recognized when blindly following traffic rules will harm the health or lives of citizens:

The court may agree that the driver was right, crossing a double solid road or driving into the oncoming lane, if this allowed to avoid an accident.

Will be considered taking into account mitigating circumstances.

When a doctor stops his car where parking is prohibited to help a person who has become ill on the street, he can prove that the violation was absolutely necessary.

Then the question of what fine the driver will receive in the event will not be relevant for him.
Or the motorist left the scene of the accident to take the victims to the hospital, rather than wait for the traffic cops and properly register the incident.

However, it is impossible to avoid responsibility if you had to drive while drunk., for example, in order to urgently take a patient to a doctor (you can call an ambulance) or have time to deliver a relative to the airport (you can order a taxi). Therefore, you need to clearly understand when the need to violate traffic rules is caused by extreme necessity, and your actions will eliminate the danger to the lives of others, and not expose them to even greater risk.