The most famous people with the name Vladimir. People who glorified the Vladimir region Native of Vladimir

Famous people from various fields of culture and sports were born and lived in our region. You don't have to look far for examples:
Vladimirov, Yuri Kuzmich, Zhukovsky, Nikolai Egorovich, Zvorykin, Vladimir Kozmich, Konstantinov, Pyotr Alekseevich, Kostin, Boris Alekseevich, Milovsky, Mikhail Pavlovich, Savarensky, Fedor Petrovich, Smirnov, Stanislav Alekseevich, Soloukhin, Vladimir Alekseevich, Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich, Stoletov, Alexander Grigorievich, Stoletov, Nikolai Grigorievich, Fomin, Nikolai Sergeevich, Shmakov, Pavel Vasilievich, Shumilovsky, Nikolai Nikolaevich.

We call the founders, discoverers, pioneers those scientists who were the first to set foot on previously unknown roads of knowledge. If you look at the lists of scientists who came out of our Vladimir region, you will notice the names of the most prominent founders.
Brilliant discoveries in the field of physics were made by A. G. Stoletov; his works helped our contemporaries come to new amazing discoveries in science and technology. The scientist N. E. Zhukovsky was the founder of modern hydraulic and aircraft mechanics; Vladimir Ilyich Lenin called him “the father of Russian aviation.”
A scientist in a completely different field of knowledge, V. S. Sopikov, a native of Suzdal, is referred to in encyclopedias as “the father of Russian bibliography.” M.P. Lazarev, admiral of the Russian fleet, was the discoverer of a new sixth continent on our planet - Antarctica.
The essay by N. Sofronov talks about three such founders, about three natives of the Vladimir land - D. I. Vinogradov, the founder of porcelain production in Russia, about Academician I. M. Gubkin, the founder of Soviet petroleum geology, and about GT. V. Shmakov, a scientist in the field of television.

How does a person live at 90 years old?

Of course, capital acquired during life. We do not mean the wealth of a stingy knight, but the spiritual sphere of life. In old age, people tend to increasingly turn to the spirit, asking themselves the question: “How did I live my life? Why did I live? Did you live? The answer is harsh and fair, edits the time.

Let us remember N.V. Gogol: “The coming old age is terrible, terrible, and gives nothing back and forth!”

The team of the folk theater "Rodnik" of the Suzdal City House of Culture, while engaged in dramatic art, at the same time strives to create a theater museum, to trace in it the history of the origin and development of theatrical traditions in Suzdal. After all, it is known that even before the revolution, a drama group existed and was popular in a provincial town. They learned that one of its active participants was Vasily Ivanovich Kuzmichev and invited the veteran to the theater living room.

A. A. Lebedeva Street(1912-1941). The tragedy occurred on a cold November night in 1941 in the waters of the Baltic Sea. The submarine "L-2" while carrying out a combat mission was blown up by mines that were torn off a minefield by a storm. An hour after the second explosion, she sank. Among the dead was navigator Lebedev, a native of Suzdal.

“...He left us too young, and this makes our sadness even deeper, our grief even stronger...” wrote the poet Nikolai Tikhonov. “He fulfilled his duty as a poet, submariner, and patriot. And the sea was with him at the last hour..."

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Nikolai Efimovich ndrianov (1952-2011) Famous gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, seven-time Olympic champion. World Cup winner, absolute world champion. He raised the bar high for the Vladimir gymnastics school. He is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the athlete who has won the most Olympic medals. A

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Ritov Kim Nikolaevich (1925-2010) People's Artist of Russia, painter. Born on Vladimir land. Front-line soldier, was awarded the medal "For Courage". Together with Vladimir artists V. Yukin and V. Kokurin, they created their own style of painting, which is known as the “school of Vladimir landscape” B

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Inogradov Dmitry Ivanovich (1720 - 1758) Born in Suzdal, into the family of a priest. He studied in Moscow at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy together with Mikhail Lomonosov. Then at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Among the best students, he was sent to study in Germany. Studied mining. He became famous for revealing the ancient secrets of porcelain production. IN

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Astello Nikolai Frantsevich (1907-1941) Born in Moscow, lived and worked in Murom. Pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War. Hero of the Soviet Union. He died on the fifth day of the war, directing his burning plane towards a column of fascist tanks. He became an example for many Soviet people who defended their Motherland from the Nazis. G

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Riboyedov Alexander Sergeevich (1795-1829) Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman. Author of the comedies “Student”, “Young Spouses”, “Feigned Infidelity”. His most famous work is “Woe from Wit.” He spent his childhood years on Vladimir land. Alexander Sergeevich subsequently came here several times. Together with the owner of the glass factories in Gus-Khrustalny, Ivan Maltsov, he served in Persia. G

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Ukovsky Nikolai Egorovich (1847-1921) Born on Vladimir soil, in the village of Orekhovo, not far from Stavrovo. Outstanding scientist. More than 200 of his works are devoted to mechanics, astronomy, mathematics, and hydrodynamics. Founder of aeronautics. With his scientific work on the lifting force of the wing, he brought closer the realization of people's dreams of conquering the sky. He is called the “father of Russian aviation”

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Vorykin Vladimir Kozmich (1889-1982). Engineer-inventor, founder of television. Born in Murom, after the revolution he left for America. There he worked on the problem of transmitting images over a distance. He created a television tube - the basis of a television. I have come to Murom more than once. Z

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Ubasov Valery Nikolaevich (1935-2014) Born in the city of Vyazniki. Honorary citizen of the city of Vyazniki and Vladimir. Candidate of Technical Sciences. Pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Been to space three times. He was a participant in the joint flight of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft with the Americans.

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Evitan Yuri Vladimirovich (1914-1983). Born and lived in Vladimir. Since 1931, announcer of the All-Union Radio, announcer of the USSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting. People's Artist of the USSR. The owner of a voice of rare timbre and expressiveness. “Voice of Victory” - that’s what Levitan was called. Hitler promised a reward of 100 thousand marks for his head. L

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Azarev Mikhail Petrovich (1788-1851) Born in Vladimir. Russian naval commander, navigator, admiral. Made three trips around the world (1813-1825). In 1819, together with the head of the expedition, the commander of the sloop “Vostok” F.F. Belingshausen set off on a voyage, during which Antarctica and a number of islands in the Pacific Ocean were discovered. Commanded the Black Sea Fleet. His students were the wonderful commanders P.S. Nakhimov and V.A. Kornilov L

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Echaev-Maltsov Yuri Sergeevich (1834-1913) The last representative of the Maltsov dynasty, the founders of the glass industry on Vladimir soil. Patron of arts who built the Church of St. George the Victorious in Gus-Khrustalny (now the Crystal Museum), Maltsov Technical School in Vladimir (now the Aircraft Mechanical College). It was mainly at his expense that the Museum of Fine Arts was built in Moscow (now the Pushkin Art Museum of Fine Arts). A diplomat who served the Fatherland for about 40 years, winner of many awards from Russia and foreign powers. N

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Ozharsky Dmitry Ivanovich (1578-1642). Commander, comes from the Suzdal princes of Starodub. In 1612, he responded to Kuzma Minin’s cry to liberate Moscow and became the leader of the militia. Thanks to his skillful leadership, Moscow was liberated from the Polish invaders. He was buried on the territory of the Spas-Efimevsky Monastery in the city of Suzdal. P

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Rokurorov Alexey Alekseevich (1964-2008) Born in the village of Mishino, not far from Murom. Skier, biathlete. Olympic champion. World champion. Winner of many gold, silver and bronze awards at various international competitions. Coach of the women's biathlon team. Awards: Order of Honor - for services to the state, many years of fruitful activity in the field of culture and art Order of Friendship of Peoples Honored Master of Sports of the USSR Honorary Badge “For Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports” Honorary Citizen of the City of Vladimir P

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ublev Andrey (about 1300-1428) Artist - icon painter. He painted the walls of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. The frescoes of the cathedral, created by his hand, have been partially preserved and are the pride of the Vladimir land. He painted the icon “Our Lady of Vladimir” in the image of the icon brought by Andrei Bogolyubsky. Rublev's greatest work is the Trinity icon, dedicated to Sergius of Radonezh. R

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Oloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich (1924-1997) Born in the Vladimir countryside, in the village of Alepino, not far from Stavrovo. Poet, writer. He dedicated his creativity to his native land. The story “Vladimir Country Roads” tells about places native to childhood. He was the initiator of the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Saint in Moscow - a monument to the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. After his death, Patriarch Alexy himself served him a memorial service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in gratitude for the restoration of the cathedral and drawing attention to the problems of Russian churches, which at that time were in oblivion and destruction. WITH

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Peransky Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839) Born into the family of a priest in the village of Cherkutino, Vladimir province. Graduated from Vladimir Seminary. Among the best graduates, he was sent to the Alexander Nevsky Seminary in St. Petersburg, where he received an excellent education and was left as a teacher of mathematics, physics, philosophy and eloquence. Civil servant, first assistant to Tsar Alexander I. He dedicated his life to the creation of laws to renew life in the Russian state. From his pen came the “Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian State” - 45 volumes and the “Code of Laws of the Russian State” - 15 volumes. He created a project for the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, where A.S. subsequently studied. Pushkin. For services to the Fatherland, he was awarded many high awards, including the highest award of that time - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. WITH

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- (1882-1918) - member of the congress from the Kovrov district and chairman of the Kovrov organization of the RCP (b).
- (1922-2003) - Soviet and Russian composer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).
- (1779-1822) - academician of painting. Born in the village. Ivanovo, Shuisky district.
- (1823-1886) - Russian publicist, poet. In 1878 he was exiled to the village. Varvarino, Yuryevsky district.
- (1841-1914) - Pokrovsky district leader of the nobility, Vladimir vice-governor, Simbirsk governor.
- (1794-1872) - Doctor of Medicine, Vladimir medical inspector and philanthropist. Born in the village. Vysheslavsky, Suzdal district.
- (1822-1877) - Sudogodsky district leader of the nobility.
- (1885-1966) - Soviet composer and conductor.
- (1777-1849) - actual privy councilor and chamberlain, envoy to Brazil.
- (1867-1942) – poet, symbolist, classic of Silver Age literature. Born in the village. Gumnishchi of Shuisky district.
- (1813–1883) - merchant, the largest gold miner in Eastern Siberia, commercial adviser, actual state councilor, public figure, one of the most significant Siberian philanthropists.
- (1889 -1919) - Russian revolutionary, Bolshevik. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918. Commissioner of the 25th Infantry Division.
- (1842-1896) - state councilor, dissector of the Imperial Moscow University, senior doctor of the Moscow police. Born in Seminova Gora, Vladimir district.
- (1807-1880) - ordinary professor of the Kazan Theological Academy. Born in the Unzhensky churchyard, Melenkovsky district.
- (1864-1945) - nurse, midwife, treasurer of the provincial committee of the RSDLP.
- (1702 -1755) - prince, vice admiral and general-krieg commissar of the Russian fleet, favorite of Princess Ekaterina Ioannovna.
- (1833-1887) - Great Russian composer, scientist chemist.
- (1809-1862) - researcher of the Shuya region. Born in the village. Nizhny Landekhe, Gorokhovetsky district.
- (1893-1973) - local historian, bibliographer.
- (1785-1864) - Russian writer and statesman. Born on the Romanovo estate, Suzdal district.
- (1857-1930) - revolutionary populist, member of the “Land and Freedom” and “Black Redistribution” organizations, member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
- (1895-1955) - employee of the Soviet state security agencies, major general, head of the commandant's office of the OGPU-NKVD-MGB (1926-1953).
- (1784-1808) - Russian poet and translator. Born in Pereslavl-Zalessky.
- (February 23, 1901 - 1975) - proletarian writer and poet, editor of the newspaper "Luch" of the mountains. Muroma.
- (January 1, 1929 - August 6, 1993) - Soviet prose writer.
- (1905-1977) - art critic, architect-restorer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, honorary citizen of Suzdal.
- (c. 1720–1758) - creator of Russian porcelain.
- (1745-1812). He died and was buried in Vladimir.
- (1828-1883) - professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy, archpriest. Born in the Vasilyevsky churchyard, Murom district.
- (1759-1817) - Russian statesman; Oryol and Vologda governor.
- (1844-1909) - director of the 10th Moscow gymnasium. Born in Suzdal.
- (1836-1912) – dissenter, senator. Born in the village. Rusyn, or Novo-Zaozerye, Kovrov district.
- (1921-2007) - outstanding French ballerina. She belonged to the noble Vladimir nobility.
- (1882-1939) - Russian revolutionary, trade unionist, poet and writer, theorist of the scientific organization of labor and head of the Central Institute of Labor.
- (1820-1890) - founder of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, first Head of the city, philanthropist, local historian, industrialist and public figure. Born in the village. Ivanov.
- (1827-1902) - historian of the Vladimir militia.
- (March 17 (30), 1912, Murom, - April 11, 1976, Moscow) - Russian Soviet playwright and screenwriter.
- (1884-?) - graduate of the Vladimir Theological Seminary, local historian and historian.
- (1871-1939) - organizer of Soviet petroleum geology. Born in the village. Pozdnyakovo, Murom district.
- (1873-1936) – teacher, participated in the development of new curricula in the Russian language, new textbooks and teaching aids.
- (1877-1948) – editor, historian.
- (1861-1919) – head of the provincial museum. Born in the village of Shegodskoye, Yuryevsky district.
- (d. 1815) - historian of the mountains. Vladimir.
- (1758-1848) - director of Vladimir schools, writer.
- (1835-1902) - researcher of Melenkovsky and Murom districts, employee of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette.
- (1822–1892) - researcher in the Vladimir province. Born in the village. Pyatnitsa-Dubenki, Sudogodsky district.
- (1888–1970) - one of the first secretaries of the Vladimir district and city committee of the RCP (b).
- (1701-1766) – rear admiral. He was buried in the Novo-Nikolsky churchyard of Sudogodsky district.
- (1817-1910) – Shuya local historian. Born in the village. Novikakh, Shuisky district.
- (1847-1921) - Russian mechanic, founder of hydro- and aerodynamics.
- (1860-1910) - writer, editor of the almanac "Vladimir Cranberry".
- (1854-1884) - scientist.
- (1817-1886) - archpriest, bachelor of the Moscow Theological Academy.
- (1864-1940) - member of the Vyazniki City Duma, local historian, author of the book “The City of Vyazniki in the Old Time.”
- (1890-1976) - first head of the Vladimir Provincial Museum (1921), head of the Vladimir Museum (1924).
- (1912-?) - General of the Main Intelligence Directorate. A native of the Vladimir province.
- (1818-1864) – Vyaznikovsky artist, in the middle of the 19th century his name was known in Italy.
- (1870-1945) - Kiev governor (1907-09), Minister of Public Education of the Russian Empire (1915-16).
- (1819-1885) - senator, privy councilor, academician.
- (1902 -1939) - Russian Soviet writer.
- (1854-1900) - Russian psychiatrist.
- (1898-1973) - People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Stalin Prize.
- (1845–1923) – owner in the city. Vladimir printing house and bookbinding workshop.
- (1874-1928) - prose writer, poet, journalist, memoirist.
- (1841-1888) - professor at the Imperial Novorossiysk University. Born in Troitsky, Alexandrovsky district.
- (1935-2014) - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR No. 18.
- (1875-1941) - Russian artist, painter, master of portraits and everyday scenes.
- (1894 – 1967) - Soviet trade unionist, poet.
- (1861-1934) - Russian general, hero of the Russian-Japanese War, commander of the Life Guards of the Grodno Hussar Regiment.
- .
- (1876-1905) - Russian social democrat, one of the participants in the workers' strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk in 1905. Born in the village of Saksino, Murom district.
- (1912-1987) - Russian writer, one of the initiators of the creation of the Vladimir branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR.
- (d. 1822) - commandant in Vladimir until 1800, governor of Vyatka.
- (1897-1965) – Vladimir composer, musician.
- (1882-1948) - Bolshevik, Soviet censor, one of the prominent functionaries of ideological censorship of the 1920-1940s, critic, literary critic.
- (1912-1941) - poet-marinist, submarine officer. Born in Suzdal.
- (1893-1972) - translator, poet. Lived in the mountains. Alexandrov.
- (1772-1848) - author of bibliographic works on the activities of the Old Believers. Born in the mountains. Yuryev-Polsky.
- (1871-1935) - Russian historian, archivist.
- (? - 1785) - Russian industrialist from the Maltsov family, founder of the village (later the city) of Gus-Khrustalny.
- (1774-1853) - Russian industrialist from the Maltsov family.
- (1771-1823) - Russian industrialist from the Maltsov family, owner of the Gusev crystal factory.
- (? - 1812) - Russian merchant and industrialist from the Maltsov family.
- (1807-1880) - large manufacturer, writer and diplomat, active privy councilor.
- (1928–1994) - Honored Builder of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.
- (1872-1938) – poet.
- (1855-1913) - Nizhny Novgorod mayor. Born in the village. Vashka, Pereslavl district.
- (1830-1891) – city doctor, philanthropist, honorary citizen of Suzdal.
- (1759-1830) – doctor in Suzdal, scientist.
- (1817-1881) - a genius singer.
- (1901-1972) - Soviet artist, participant in the Great Patriotic War; member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (since 1934).
- (1867-1918) – Kursk and Tambov governor.
- (1878-1962) - writer from the people, poet, native of the city of Suzdal.
- (1821-1878) - Russian poet, writer and publicist, classic of Russian literature. In 1861 N.A. Nekrasov visits Mstera.
- (1834-1913) - Russian philanthropist, philanthropist, manufacturer, translator, diplomat, owner of glass factories, honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir (1901).
- (1838-1902) – writer, ethnographer, archaeologist. Born in the village. Ivanovo, Shuisky district.
- (1763-1843) – Kovrov district leader of the nobility.
- (1815-1879) - Chairman of the Vladimir Provincial Zemstvo Council. Born in Kovrov.
- (1924-2001) - journalist, historian, local historian.
- - Klyazmogorodets trading people.
- (1852-1908) - founder of the cyclist club in Moscow.
- (1765-1831) - professor and rector of Kharkov University. Born in the village. Osipov, Kovrov district.
- (1786-1847) – writer, poet. Born in the village. Epiphany Pogost, Vyaznikovsky district.
- (c. 1790-1840) – writer. Born in the village. Kuchki, Alexandrovsky district.
- (1858-1941) - military engineer, the last Kovrov district leader of the nobility.
- (1893-1967) - composer, conductor, violinist, pianist, Vyaznikovsky musician, organizer of the first brass band.
- (1765-1841) - professor at the Imperial Moscow University, collegiate adviser. Born in the village. Perelog, Suzdal district.
- (1829-1900) - senior adviser to the Vladimir Provincial Board, acting. O. Vladimir Vice-Governor.
- (1850-1899) - Pokrovsky District Marshal of the Nobility, historian.
- (1863-1944) - Russian photographer, chemist (Mendeleev’s student), inventor.
- (1815-1861) – editor of the newspaper “Vladimir Provincial Gazette”. Born in Suzdal.
- (1858-1891) – doctor. Born in the village. Ustye, Vladimir district.
- (1789-1870) – priest. Born in the village. Chirikovo, Suzdal district.
- (1795-1870) – archpriest of the village. Lezhnevo, dean. Born in the village. Chirikov, Vladimir district.
- (1836-?) – writer. Born in the village. Chirikovo, Suzdal district.
- (1868-1922) - Itinerant artist.
- (1823-1875) – literary figure, compiler of children's books. He came from peasants of the Vladimir province.
- (1816-?) - German musician, music teacher at the Noble boarding school at the Vladimir provincial gymnasium.
- (1886-1918) - painter, graphic artist.
- (1886-1938) - famous shipbuilder, specialist in the field of underwater shipbuilding. A native of the Gorokhovets region.
- (1789-1858) – lieutenant colonel, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of 1813-1814, lived in Gorokhovets in 1819-1858.
- (1829-1866) - a writer from the people. Born in the village. Ivanovo (future Ivanovo-Voznesensk), Shuisky district.
- (1860-1895) - Russian writer and journalist, who left behind several collections of poems and humorous stories.
- (1746-1816) - Lieutenant General, hero of the assault on Anapa in 1791.
- (1890-1981) - sculptor and teacher.
- (1838-1912) - Russian mechanical engineer, inventor and teacher, founder of the Russian vocational training system.
- (1918-2008) - Russian writer, playwright, publicist, poet, public and political figure.
- (1748-1795) – member of the Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy. Born in the village. Krutze.
- (1900 -1977) - Soviet military leader and Komsomol worker, participant in the Civil War, Honorary Citizen of the city of Vladimir.
- (1765-1818) - bibliographer, compiler of Russian books.
- (1851-1915) - zoologist and archaeologist, manager of state property of the Vladimir and Ryazan provinces, founded the Vladimir Scientific Archival Commission and the Vladimir Society of Natural History Lovers.
- (1854-1919) - historian of Russian literature, archaeologist, archaeographer, bibliographer, doctor.
- (1819-1866) - biographer A.S. Griboedova. Born in Sushchev, Vladimir district.
- (1870-1916) – Russian church historian, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy.
- (1839-1915) - large manufacturer of Pokrovsky district, philanthropist.
- (1806-1868) – author of many famous manuals on the Latin language, “Moscow Cicero”. Born in Omuttse-Pestyansky, Vladimir district.
- (1760-1820) - ordinary professor at the Imperial Moscow University. Born in Alexandrova Sloboda.
- (1860-1904) – lawyer, ethnographer. Born in Borisoglebsky churchyard, Vladimir district.
- (1821-?) - editor of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette. Born in the village of Tuchkovo, Sudogodsky district.
- (1842-1895) - researcher of the Vladimir region. Born in the village of Koptsevo, Aleksandrovsky district.
- (1888-1914) - Russian composer and pianist. Born in Vladimir province.
- (c. 1616-c. 1716) - Russian religious figure, one of the founders of the Khlysty sect, revered by his followers for Christ.
- (d. 1912) - assistant inspector of the Vladimir Theological Seminary. Born in Nevadievsky, Murom district.
- (1815-1871) - Secretary of State of Emperor Alexander II. Born in the village. Goloperov, Pereslavl district.
- (1914-1987) – designer, Vladimir poet, “Honorary Pioneer of the City of Vladimir.”
- (1822 -1879) - ethnographer and statistician, editor of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette. Born in Kovrov.
- (d. 1850) - student of the Vladimir Seminary, Professor of the Vladimir Theological Seminary.
- (1796-1854) - the first Kovrov poet. Born in the village. Lyubets, Kovrov district.
- - Soviet engineer, designer of space and rocket technology, associate of S. P. Korolev.
- (1832-1878) - pioneer inventor, developed the technology for producing phosphorus and began its production for the first time in Russia, founding the Perm Phosphorus Plant.
- (1818-1900) - local historian of Volyn, professor of the Volyn spirit. Seminaries, Master of Theology. Born in the village. Karacharovo, Murom district.
- (1816-1864) - bibliographer and paleologist.
- (1885-1945) - Russian and Soviet poetess, translator.
- (1792-?) – doctor. Born in the village of Ivankovo, Yuryevsky district.
- (1919-1959) - Soviet Russian poet, author of many popular songs in the 1940-1970s. Born in the village. Maloe Petrino (now within the city of Vyaznikov).
- (1901-1921) - activist of the youth communist movement, one of the founders of the Komsomol, poet. Born in Pokrov.
- (1918-1993) - Russian Soviet singer (lyric-coloratura soprano), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1956).
- (1854-1887) - literary figure. Born in the Veretev churchyard, Kovrov district.
- (1893-1941) - poet.
- (1866-1919) - Russian politician; Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of all four convocations.
- (1875-1949) – naval officer and talented inventor. Born in Vyazniki.
- (1861–1922) – worked in 1890-1891. teacher at a two-year ministerial school in the village of Dubasovo. Brother A.P. Chekhov.
- (1809-1877) - employee of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette. Born in the city of Kovrov.
- (1790-1876) - Adjutant General (1825), member of the Military Council (1838-41), infantry general (1843), Kazan governor (1842-44), senator (1846).
- (d. 1897) - an outstanding zemstvo figure in the Vladimir province.
- (d. 1941) - people's teacher of the village. Zakomelye.
- (1885-1982) - Soviet scientist in the field of television and electronics.
- (1792-?) - Professor at the Imperial Moscow University. Born in the mountains. Pereslavl-Zalessky.
- (1944-2014) - Russian bell ringer.
- (1782-?) – writer, teacher. Born in the village. Podberezye, Vladimir district.


Noble families

Izedinovs, Kablukovs, Kalakutskys, Kalachovs, Kasagovs, Novikovs, .

Natives of Vladimir

- (1765-1814) - Russian poet.
- (1772 -1839) - Russian statesman, reformer and lawmaker.
- (1788-1851) – admiral.
- (1794-1876) - children's writer.
- (1814-1857) - historian, editor of the Vladimir Provincial Gazette.
- (1816-1867) - chemist and technologist.
- (1823-1894) - writer.
- (1828-1889) - academician and senator.
- (1831-1912) - Russian military leader, commander of the Bulgarian militia in the Russian-Turkish war.
- (1839-1896) - physicist, emeritus professor at Moscow University.
- (1845-1899) - Major General, buried at the Prince Vladimir cemetery in the city of Vladimir.
- (1896-1966) - Architect-restorer.
- (1832-1895) - Professor of the Imperial Moscow University, Doctor of Medicine.

city ​​vladimir landmark historical

Let's remember the people whose names are associated with the history of my hometown.

Russian naval commander Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev was born in the Vladimir province on November 14, 1788. The geographical inventions made by Lazarev are of world-historical significance. They are part of the golden fund of Russian science. Lazarev was elected an honorary member of the Geographical Society. Lazarev's services to his homeland, his achievements in strengthening the Black Sea Fleet and in educating Russian sailors are immeasurably great.

Vladimir is also the birthplace of the physicist A.G. Stoletov and his brother, the hero of the Shipka defense, General N.G. Stoletov, the composer S.I. Taneev, the lawyer V.I. Taneev, the architect and archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences N.N. Voronin, botanist-florist N.A. Kazansky, announcer Yu.B. Levitan, actor and director A.V. Batalov, multiple Olympic champion Nikolai Andrianov.

Near the city, in the village of Orekhovo (now Sobinsky district), N.E. Zhukovsky, a Russian scientist, the founder of modern hydro- and aeromechanics, was born, and in the village of Cherkutino - M.M. Speransky, a statesman. At the Vladimir State Pedagogical Institute (VGPI) named after. The writer Venedikt Erofeev studied at P.I. Lebedev-Polyansky, and the poet Konstantin Balmont studied at the provincial men's gymnasium. The artist B.F. Frantsuzov, the playwright A.S. Griboyedov (in 1812-1813), the philosopher and publicist A.I. Herzen (in 1837-1840), the writer I.S. Shmelev (in 1901-1908), publicist V.V. Shulnig (in 1945-1956 he was kept in the Vladimir Central Prison, lived in Vladimir in 1960-1976).

Popular Russian philanthropist Yu.S. Nechaev-Maltsov, who gave Russia the Museum of Fine Arts, owner of the Gusev Crystal Factory, honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir (1901). He built the Vocational School named after the industrialist I.S. Maltsov in the city (now the Vladimir Aviation Mechanical College).

In one of the exhibitions of the Vladimir Museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the battle banner of the 222nd Infantry Regiment formed in Vladimir, which fought through the entire war, is exhibited, and in the gallery located within the walls of the ancient Golden Gate, we see portraits of Vladimir residents - Heroes of the Soviet Union and their things. Here are those who were the first in our country to be awarded the great title of Hero - pilots N.P. Kamanin and A.V. Belyakov, here is our fellow countryman, pilot-cosmonaut V.N. Kubasov, his suit in which he visited space. Eternal flames burn unquenchably at mass graves, at memorial mounds and monuments. Every year on Victory Day, a procession is sent through the city to the brotherly cemetery, uniting millions of yearning and noble hearts.

The city of Vladimir today

Currently, the city of Vladimir is a city in which, against the backdrop of rapidly erecting modern buildings, special attention is paid to the preservation of architectural monuments.

A walk through the historical places of the city amazes with its authenticity. Its true decoration is the architecture of ancient Vladimir. Having visited Vladimir, you are unlikely to leave there without a souvenir - birch bark crafts, various embroidered items, nesting dolls, enamel, lacquer miniatures and many other Russian souvenirs are very popular. The food industry, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, energy, and metallurgy are well developed

The city has a large train station. In 2010, the Sapsan high-speed electric train was introduced for communication with Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. Semyazino Airport is located 5 kilometers from Vladimir. Public transport is represented by buses and trolleybuses.

1. Nikita Panfilov is a theater and film actor who is known for the films “Duhless”, “30 Dates” and roles in the TV series “Major” and “Sweet Life”. The famous actor has relatives living in Vladimir.

2. Nikolai Kuksenkov - gymnast, medalist of the Olympic Games in Rio. For his prize-winning place at the Olympics, Nikolai received an apartment in Vladimir from Governor Svetlana Orlova.

3. Alexey Slepov. Another Vladimir athlete, but this time a biathlete. Alexey has repeatedly shown excellent results at competitions not only at the All-Russian, but also at the world level.

4. Yuri Lodygin - goalkeeper of St. Petersburg Zenit, born in Vladimir. Yuri. In 2000, he moved to Greece with his family.

7. Sergei Sazhin - showman, originally from Vladimir. Sergei is called the “Vladimir star hunter”. He regularly meets all-Russian stars.

8. Anatoly Markeev - fashion model, actor who starred in episodic roles in the films “Crew”, “Bonus”, “Eternal Vacation”.

9. Nikolai Andrianov is a Vladimir gymnast who is recognized as the best gymnast of the last century. On October 12, 2016, a monument was erected to the famous athlete in Vladimir.

10. Georgy Zharkov - “What? Where? When?” player, who received the “Silver Owl” in 1998. The famous player passed away on February 28, 2016.