The best vitamins for men over 50. The best vitamins for men according to customer reviews. Which multivitamin complex to choose

Good day, dear guests! Currently choose a suitable vitamin complex not so easy. Pharmacies offer many options, but not everyone can find the right drug.

To make a decision, you need to study the indications for use and consult a doctor. We must not forget about defects.

Let's figure out which names of vitamin for men after 50 years are worth paying attention to. At this age, useful complexes become especially relevant.

They are necessary for rapid fatigue, decreased immunity and for potency.

So, let's find out in more detail what vitamins will be useful for men after 50 years, and what are the indications. Taking medications is recommended during off-season periods, in spring and autumn, when the body lacks useful components.

Even with a balanced diet in the body, there may be a deficiency of certain components that are needed for the normal functioning of the body.

There are the following indications for taking the vitamin complex:

  1. Weakened body tone.
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. The appearance of asthenia.
  4. Great fatigue.
  5. Sleep problems.
  6. Chronic diseases.
  7. Infections.
  8. Arthritis.
  9. Bad habits.
  10. Avitaminosis.
  11. Decrease in testosterone levels.
  12. An active lifestyle and significant physical activity.
  13. Depression and problems with brain performance and memory.

What vitamins are needed at this age

Now we will find out what multivitamins are required by men in adulthood. Vitamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Both of these groups should be consumed by men over 50. Water-soluble ones dissolve well and are quickly absorbed by the body.

They need to be consumed every day as they do not accumulate in the body. From this group, it is worth noting ascorbic acid, which increases immunity and participates in the processes of tissue repair.

B vitamins have a positive effect on the work of internal organs and body systems:

  1. B 1 or thiamine stops the aging process and protects the body from the effects of alcohol and nicotine.
  2. Riboflavin or B2 is important for the formation of red blood cells in the blood.
  3. Nicotinic acid has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  4. Pyridoxine accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Folic acid protects against the formation of tumors.
  6. Cyanocobalamin stimulates blood circulation.
  7. Pangamic acid is responsible for lowering blood pressure.

The fat-soluble group dissolves in tissues and is applied as needed. They don't have to be applied every day.

Vitamin A or Retinol normalizes metabolic processes and protects against viral infections. Vitamin E prolongs beauty and youth.

Vitamin D preparations strengthen the heart muscle.

The best vitamin complexes

The main factor in choosing a complex should be the recommendations of a specialist, and not a popular name. It is also worth studying reviews of different products.

Alphabet 50+

This is a male drug for men over 50. According to the manufacturer, this remedy is a protection against osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

The composition contains potassium, which helps people with a problem such as osteoarthritis. The drug protects the eyes from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, and also slows down age-related changes in the retina.

For this, lutein is used, which is also present in the composition.


There are also good American drugs for men's health. Among these, it is worth noting Vitrum, which contains 17 trace elements and 13 vitamins.

A useful composition is recommended for the prevention of heart and vascular disease, as well as the development of cancer cells.


Good drug Gerimax. It is a combined mineral and vitamin complex. It contains the herbal components of ginseng and trace elements.

All of these substances protect the body from sleep problems, insufficient physical activity and loss of strength.


Complivit belongs to the source of invaluable vitamins. It contains vitamins of group B, C, E and A. It is an indispensable complex for men who go in for sports and lead healthy image life.

Complivit consists of different complexes:

  1. Complivit D 3 was developed for the musculoskeletal system.
  2. For nighttime cramps, the doctor prescribes Complivit Magnesium.
  3. Complivit Antistress is necessary for depression.
  4. Komlivit Diabetes normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates cerebral circulation.


Duovit is a Czech-made product. The complex is suitable for any age, but it is especially recommended for men over 50.

The complex activates the body's defenses, reduces fatigue and protects against stress. Regular use helps prevent the development of prostate adenoma.

It also improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.

You can also choose good Japanese vitamins with unusual ingredients such as ginkgo biloba extract, turmeric or oyster extract.

Vitamins also have certain contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

If you want to add something interesting, write in the comments. Until next time, friends!

Men do not think about their health until it makes itself felt. After 50, the aging of the body cannot be prevented. At this age, males are prone to fatigue, decreased sexual desire and immunity. In this case, the body needs minerals, vitamins and various substances.

Of course, to replenish the body with vitamins, eating only useful products- hard. Therefore, in order to maintain health and the immune system at a level, there are already specially selected complexes for men after 50 years.

Men over 50 need vitamins such as E, A and C, which help to reduce the rate of aging, prevent various infections and inflammations, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and support sexual function, namely:

  • E - fights aging, helps to strengthen the vascular walls, optimizes the sex glands, thereby positively affecting testosterone production and sperm quality;
  • A - helps to strengthen the immune system, lowers respiratory, urine-excreted sensitivity;
  • C - helps to avoid stress, optimizes blood pressure;
  • D - is also extremely necessary, since with its deficiency, bone tissue diseases often develop, teeth and nails are destroyed.

Also a frequent symptom is a failure of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, all this is accompanied by arrhythmia, noise, a sharp decrease or increase in pressure, fatigue, lethargy, excessive irritation.

B1 - maintains vascular health for a long time. It must be taken to achieve a good erection and improve sex drive. But not only thiamine is responsible for these functions, riboflavin, or B2 also contributes to the sexual activity of men, while ensuring the functioning of the genitals at the highest level. But, B6 is able to increase testosterone levels, as well as normalize testicular function.

With aging of the body, the function of assimilating vitamin B12 begins to decrease, therefore, men also need it as a supplement, since when eating food with cyanocobalamin, its deficiency often develops. Vitamins synthesize protein and hemoglobin, improves tissue respiration in the body, and controls cell division.

And if the liver is in poor condition, the body needs vitamin N, which not only protects it, but also helps to avoid the development of hepatitis and cirrhosis. It will also preserve the beauty of a man, protect against baldness, brittle nails and skin sagging. In addition, vitamin N contributes to the regulation of metabolism, which significantly reduces the rate of weight gain.

Indications for use

Reception should be carried out only when the man feels their deficiency. Symptoms may include:

  • Rapid fatigue;
  • Lethargy;
  • Headache;
  • Baldness;
  • Brittle nails, etc.

If the source of your activity is physical or mental activity, then you are advised to take vitamins. The reason for the appointment of vitamin components is a significant lack of trace elements and minerals in the body - this is achieved as a result of improper maintenance of the diet.

If a man has bad habits like smoking or alcohol abuse, then taking vitamins will only benefit his body.

List of the best vitamins

Most experts recommend taking vitamin complexes at this age. Their components are selected depending on the patient's possible diseases, his lifestyle, food intake, and various features organism. It is very important that the complex includes:

  • Iron (improves blood circulation);
  • Potassium (good for the cardiovascular system);
  • Calcium (strengthens bones).

An effective and high quality medicine is. Despite being inexpensive, it has been shown to be effective in preventing bone disease and preventing heart disease. The main constituent of the drug is potassium. This means that the drug can be used for diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. The drug Alphabet 50+ protects the eyes from the sun's rays.

Vitrum- multivitamins made in the USA. The preparation contains about 13 vitamins and 17 minerals. The components were selected taking into account the age characteristics of physiological processes in men over 50 years. When using this drug, the threat of oncological pathology is reduced.

Gerimax- a combination that contains vitamins and minerals necessary for a man. The main component is ginseng extract, which will help improve disturbed sleep, give vitality and energy, increase physical and mental activity, etc.

Another great drug is Gerovital... It contains most of the useful vitamins, such as B1, B2, B12, A, E, D. Gerovital helps to improve the processes of material metabolism. The medication is used to support vital abilities in the middle age.

Centrum Silver- vitamins specially formulated for men over 50 years old. They have a positive effect on the state of the brain system, raise the body's immunity, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.


If the vitamin complex contains a vitamin such as A, then such a drug is not recommended for use in the presence of gallstones, kidney disease, hepatic cirrhosis and hepatitis.

With diabetes mellitus, stones in bladder, hyperoxaluria is recommended with caution to take funds that include vitamin C.

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and heart.

For myocardial infarction, avoid medications that include vitamin E.

Side effects

If the drug does not suit you, then the following side effects may occur:

  • Tends to sleep;
  • Fatigue;
  • Lethargy;
  • Nervousness;
  • The head is spinning;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea.

Take the drug with caution, after consulting a specialist in advance.


The site provides background information for information only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Nowadays, many people accept vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Not a single vitamin is synthesized in the human body, so all of them must come from outside. The ideal way for vitamins to enter the body is through food. However, inappropriate nutrition, stress, excessive physical activity and other factors lead to the fact that an insufficient amount of vitamins or an incomplete set of vitamins comes from food (for example, some vitamins are supplied in full, while others are not). In such situations, it is necessary to additionally take vitamin preparations.

Today there are multivitamin and monovitamin preparations. Multivitamin preparations contain several vitamins, while monovitamin preparations contain only one. In addition, in recent years, they began to produce a kind of functional vitamin complexes intended for a certain category of people, for example, men, women, children, athletes, etc. These complexes include a set of vitamins that are especially needed for this category of people.

Vitamins for men - definition

In principle, women and men equally need all 13 currently known vitamins, since from the point of view of biology and physiology, exactly the same biochemical reactions and metabolic transformations occur in their organisms. However, the intensity of these biochemical reactions in the body of men and women is different. In addition, this or that biochemical reaction in the male and female body can occur with different frequencies. And as a result, the frequency and rate of occurrence of the same biochemical reactions predetermines the existing physiological differences between a man and a woman at the molecular level.

To ensure the normal course of cascades of biochemical reactions, vitamins are needed. Moreover, each vitamin provides only one specific type of reaction. That is, each type of biochemical reaction requires its own vitamin. Considering the different speed and frequency of the same reactions occurring in the bodies of men and women, it is clear that in order to maintain optimal functioning of organs and systems, they need different dosages of vitamins. In addition, different compounds are especially important vitamins for men and women. Scientists were able to isolate vitamins that are especially necessary for the normal functioning of the male body, and it was they who came to be called "vitamins for men." It is worth emphasizing that all other vitamins are also needed by the stronger sex, but they are especially in need of "vitamins for men".

Thus, it becomes clear that the term "vitamins for men" means a group of organic compounds with vitamin activity and performing important and specific functions for the male body.

What vitamins should a man drink?

Vitamins for men of all ages

Due to certain physiological characteristics, men experience a particularly pronounced need for certain vitamins, the deficiency of which will most detrimentally affect their general well-being and the functions of various organs and systems. So, men need vitamins that provide an intensive metabolism and synthetic processes that are very active in their body, and it is on their speed that typically "male" signs depend - physical strength, endurance, the ability to produce sexual intercourse and release high-quality sperm, and , therefore, to the fertilization of a woman, etc. Also, a man needs vitamins with antioxidant properties, since they prevent aging and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, to which representatives of the strong half of humanity are much more susceptible than women. Thus, scientists consider the following vitamins for men:
  • Vitamin A - retinol, beta-carotene;
  • Vitamin C - ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin E - tocopherol;
  • Vitamin H - biotin;
  • Lipoic Acid (Vitamin N);
  • Vitamin D - ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol;
  • Vitamin B 1 - thiamine;
  • Vitamin B 2 - riboflavin;
  • Vitamin B 6 - pyridoxine;
  • Vitamin B 12 - cyanocobalamin;
  • Vitamin B 9 (B c) - folic acid.
The listed vitamins are necessary for men of any age, since they ensure optimal functioning of the body and reduce the rate of aging processes. However, depending on age, a man has a high need for various vitamins, the deficiency of which will most adversely affect his health. Consider which vitamins are most needed by men of different ages.

Vitamins for men under 40

For example, for young men (up to 40 years old) vitamins of group B are especially necessary, since it is they who are involved in the assimilation of protein foods and the activation of synthesis processes, which, in turn, ensure the construction and maintenance of a powerful muscle corset, the formation of high-quality sperm, sex hormones, and etc. During the planning period of pregnancy, a man, like a woman, needs to take folic acid, which improves the quality of sperm, and, therefore, has a beneficial effect on conception. healthy child... Also, young men need vitamins A and E, since they improve testosterone production, and, therefore, maintain excellent potency and give self-confidence. If a young man occasionally drinks alcohol or smokes, he needs lipoic acid (vitamin N) to maintain liver health. If he leads a healthy lifestyle, then lipoic acid is not such a necessary vitamin.

Vitamins for men after 40

For middle-aged men (40 - 55 years old) the following vitamins are required:
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin H;
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Folic acid.
Antioxidant vitamins (E, C and A), which inhibit the aging process, allowing you to maintain youth and energy longer, and also prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases associated with it. In addition, vitamin C improves the functioning of the immune system, preventing frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases, including the common cold. Vitamins A, E and folic acid are absolutely necessary for a man over 40 years old, since they are involved in the production of sex hormones and sperm, and, therefore, support the potency and ability to conceive a child. Vitamins of group B ensure the maintenance of synthesis processes and protein metabolism at an optimal level, as a result of which tissues do not age. Vitamin H is a "vitamin of male beauty", because it is he who is responsible for maintaining the hair on the head, the health of nails and skin in a man's body.

Vitamins for men after 50

Older men (over 55 years old), first of all, need vitamin D, since the ability to synthesize it in the skin under the influence of sunlight decreases. As a result, osteoporosis can develop, teeth and nails can be destroyed. In addition, against the background of a vitamin D deficiency in a man, interruptions in the work of the heart and nervous system may begin, which is manifested by periodic heartbeats, arrhythmias, noises, pressure surges, nervousness, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, etc. The second essential vitamin is B 12 - cyanocobalamin, since the ability to absorb it from the intestines decreases significantly with age. Because of this, against the background of the normal intake of cyanocobalamin into the body with food, its deficiency may develop.

Also, older men need antioxidant vitamins - E, A and C, which reduce the rate of aging, prevent chronic infectious-inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, including myocardial infarction and prostatitis, and also support sexual function. To maintain sexual function and physical activity, men over 50 need vitamins A and E.

If the liver condition of a man over 50 is not the best, especially with occasional alcohol or smoking, then he also needs lipoic acid (vitamin N). This vitamin protects the liver, preventing the development of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

In addition, it is recommended to take vitamin H, which preserves the beauty of a man, preventing baldness, brittle nails and sagging skin. However, vitamin H is not required for men over 50 years of age, since it has a greater positive effect on appearance.

General characteristics of vitamins for men

Each "male" vitamin performs a specific function that is very important for the whole organism. Consider the functions of vitamins for men of all ages.

Vitamin E for men reduces the rate of aging, maintains energy, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protecting them from fragility, removes excess cholesterol, thereby preventing atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular diseases. In addition, vitamin E improves the functioning of the sex glands, promoting testosterone production and thus improving the potency and quality of sperm. Vitamin E also strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin D for men improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthens bones and nails, and also normalizes the functioning of the heart and brain.

Vitamin A is necessary for normal vision, because with its deficiency, "night blindness" develops. However, vitamin A is very important for men for another reason - it activates the process of testosterone production, thereby, improving potency, sperm quality, as well as sex life. In addition, vitamin A strengthens local immunity, reducing the susceptibility of the mucous membranes of the respiratory, urinary and genital organs to various infections.

Vitamin C helps the male body to resist stressful influences, including those associated with alcohol and smoking. Also, vitamin C improves the structure of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the immune system, which prevents chronic inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin H strengthens hair and nails and improves skin condition. Also, vitamin H prevents hair loss in men. In addition, biotin reduces the rate of weight gain by regulating fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Lipoic Acid (Vitamin N) it is necessary to maintain the normal state and functioning of the liver against the background of the negative effects of alcohol, smoking and unhealthy foods, such as chips, fried meat, etc. on it. Lipoic acid normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism and activates the thyroid gland, which leads to improved vision and hearing.

Vitamin B 1 maintains a normal metabolic rate, allowing all organs and tissues to be provided with the necessary nutrients.

Vitamin B 2 is necessary for the implementation of tissue respiration, that is, the transfer of oxygen into the cell. Active tissue respiration allows you to intensify metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all male organs.

Vitamin B 6 ensures the normal process of metabolism and the functioning of the brain. A good metabolism in a man is the key to the optimal and correct functioning of all organs and systems.

Vitamin B 12 is necessary to maintain normal metabolism, as well as for the synthesis of protein and hemoglobin. This vitamin helps a man maintain good nutrition and respiration in all body tissues. In addition, B 12 controls cell division, which is very important in the process of growth and formation of tissues with a correct and complete structure that can perform their functions well.

Folic acid necessary for the normal synthesis of the genetic material of cells - DNA and RNA molecules. Thanks to this, folic acid improves the structure of newly forming sperm, significantly increasing the overall quality of sperm and the likelihood of conceiving a child.

Vitamin intake rates for men

Currently, the World Health Organization has adopted the following average recommended intake of vitamins per day:
  • Vitamin A - 3000 - 5000 IU;
  • Vitamin B 1 - 1.5 - 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 2 - 1.5 - 3 mg;
  • Vitamin B 3 (PP) - 15 - 20 mg;
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid) - 4 - 7 mg;
  • Vitamin B 6 - 1.7 - 2 mg;
  • Vitamin B 9 (B c, folic acid) - 200 - 400 mcg;
  • Vitamin B 12 - 2 μg;
  • Vitamin C - 60 - 90 mg;
  • Vitamin D - 200 - 400 IU;
  • Vitamin E - 10-15 IU;
  • Vitamin K - 45 - 80 mcg;
  • Vitamin H - 30 - 100 mcg;
  • Vitamin F - 20 ml of vegetable oil per day.
The list shows the average recommended intake of vitamins, which are indicative. However, in practice, it is impossible to accurately calculate the dose of vitamins that will enter the body with food. Therefore, if, with a full and varied diet, today the body receives a little less than the norm of any vitamin, and tomorrow a little more, then this will not cause hypovitaminosis, since the human body is calculated to tolerate such fluctuations quite calmly.

Name of vitamins for men

Currently, there are two main groups of vitamin preparations for men on the domestic pharmaceutical market - these are pharmacological agents and biologically active additives (dietary supplements). Pharmacological agents are synthetic vitamins "packaged" in one tablet. And dietary supplements are natural vitamins obtained from various plant and animal raw materials, for example, extracts, infusions, extracts, homogenates, etc. This is the fundamental difference between pharmacological vitamin preparations and dietary supplements.

In addition, synthetic vitamins can be accurately dosed, but dietary supplements cannot. Therefore, in pharmacological multivitamin preparations, exact and strict dosages of each vitamin included in the composition are indicated, and in dietary supplements - only approximate ones. Determining the exact dosage of vitamins in dietary supplements is sometimes as difficult as determining the concentration of active substances in a "grandmother's" broth or infusion. On this basis, vitamin-mineral complexes of dietary supplements are almost identical to various folk decoctions, infusions, mixtures and other "drugs" used quite widely. Below we provide a list of vitamins for men that are pharmacological drugs, or dietary supplements with a strict dosage of the constituent components. The rest of the dietary supplements will not be listed in the list, since their number is too large.

All vitamins

So, the most popular, effective and safe are the following vitamins for men:
  • ABC Spectrum;
  • Azal;
  • Alphabet for men;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Aminodar;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Antoxinate;
  • Artromax;
  • Bioactive minerals;
  • Biorhythm Multivitamins;
  • Wellmen
  • Vitiron Suskaps;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Complivit Antistress;
  • Complivit Selenium;
  • Metovit;
  • Multi-Tabs Calcium D 3;
  • Multifort;
  • Nagipol;
  • Will direct;
  • Nutrikap;
  • Oxylic;
  • Oligovite;
  • Selenium Forte;
  • Selmevit and Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzink Plus;
  • Centrum Multivitamin Complex A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

Vitamins with zinc

Vitamins with zinc should be highlighted in a separate list, since they are very often used when planning pregnancy to improve sperm quality or to normalize potency. So, vitamins with zinc for men are as follows:
  • AVS Spectrum;
  • Alphabet for men;
  • Alphabet Biorhythm;
  • Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium;
  • Antoxinate;
  • Artromax;
  • Biorhythm Multivitamins;
  • Wellmen
  • Vitiron Suskaps;
  • Vitrum with beta-carotene;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Complivit Antistress;
  • Selenium compliant;
  • Metovit;
  • Multifort;
  • Will direct;
  • Nutrikap;
  • Oligovite;
  • Pikovit Complex and Pikovit Plus;
  • Selenium Forte;
  • Selzink Plus;
  • Ultra Calcium & Silicon Formula;
  • Centrum Multivitamin Complex A to Zinc;
  • Centrum with Lutein;
  • Centrum Silver.

Vitamins for men in various situations

Pregnancy planning for men - vitamins

Seriously preparing to become a father, a man should consider improving sperm quality in order to conceive a healthy child. At the stage of pregnancy planning, men need the following vitamins to improve sperm quality and normalize the level of sex hormones:
1. Folic acid (B 9 or B c) normalizes the formation of healthy, mobile and full-fledged spermatozoa;
2. Vitamin E gives spermatozoa high motility and resistance to negative influences from the environmental factor (vaginal acid, etc.);
3. Vitamin C normalizes the synthesis of sex hormones and strengthens the cell walls of sperm, making them very mobile and resistant to damage.

The most important vitamins for men when planning pregnancy are folic acid and vitamin E. The fact is that vitamin E provides normal levels of male sex hormones, which, in turn, trigger the processes of sperm synthesis. And folic acid provides optimal conditions for the production of high quality sperm. Therefore, these two vitamins are the most important when planning pregnancy.

A man can take folic acid and vitamin E several months before the planned date of conception. Doctors believe that the optimal duration of taking vitamins to prepare for pregnancy in men is 3 to 6 months.

These vitamins can be taken separately. Or, at the planning stage of pregnancy, you can take complex multivitamins designed specifically for men. The optimal multivitamins for men during pregnancy planning are as follows:

  • Alphabet for men;
  • Duovit for men;
  • Viardot and Viardot forte;
  • Complivit;
  • Proffertil;
  • Selmevit and Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzink Plus;
  • SpermActive;
  • Spermastrong;
  • Orthomol Fertil Plus.

Vitamins for men for potency

Fat-soluble vitamins A and E have the best effect on potency, since the rate of production and maintenance of the concentration of the main male hormone, testosterone, depends on them. In other words, vitamins A and E provide the synthesis of a normal amount of testosterone, which allows you to improve or maintain potency at the required level. Therefore, to improve or maintain potency, men need to take vitamins A and E or eat foods that are rich in them, for example, unrefined vegetable oil, nuts, fish, liver, milk, sour cream, apricots, etc.

In addition, vitamins C and F have a positive effect on the potency, which can be taken in addition to E and A. Vitamin F strengthens the cell membranes, preventing their destruction, which improves the structure and function of the male genital organs. And vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which also has a positive effect on the potency of men.

In addition to vitamins, trace elements zinc, selenium and copper, which are recommended to be taken in combination with vitamins A and E, improve and maintain good potency. Many vitamin and mineral complexes for men include these vitamins and trace elements.

Vitamins for immunity for men

To improve the functioning of the immune system and to maximize the body's resistance to various infectious and inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to take vitamins that have an immunostimulating effect. Vitamins that can improve the functioning of various parts of the immune system in men include the following:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 5;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 9 (folic acid);
  • Vitamin D.
The most pronounced immunostimulating effect in men is possessed by vitamins C, D, B 1, B 5 and B 6, activating various parts of the immune system and, thereby, ensuring the body's resistance to infections and making the recovery period minimal.

The following vitamin complexes have a good immunostimulating effect:

  • Alphabet Classic;
  • Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus;
  • Duovit;
  • Vitrum.

Hair vitamins for men

The following vitamins help to strengthen and prevent hair loss in men:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin H (B 7);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • Vitamins of group B (B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 and B 12).
The most important vitamins in men's hair care are two - H and E. It is these vitamins that most effectively maintain hair health and prevent hair loss. Vitamin H is sometimes even called the "male beauty vitamin" because it strengthens hair, making it beautiful, shiny and lush. If a man's hair begins to fall out, then vitamin H stops this process.

All of these vitamins must be taken orally, and vitamin E can also be used externally, making hair masks from the solution, etc.

Sports vitamins for men

Sports vitamins for men are not needed by all men leading an active lifestyle. So, if a man fully eats and does sports every day no more than 1 - 2 hours a day, then he does not need any vitamins. If a man goes in for sports for more than 2 hours a day or works a lot physically, then he needs vitamins that improve metabolism and absorption of nutrients, as well as accelerate synthesis processes. The indications for the use of sports vitamins are the following conditions:
  • Fatigue, lethargy, fatigue during training and other signs of vitamin deficiency;
  • Intense training schedule;
  • Strong physical activity that a man must withstand;
  • Violation of metabolic processes in a man's body (for example, with obesity, diabetes, etc.).
Doctors and scientists believe that during a period of intense physical activity, a man needs the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 3;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin B 12;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin A.
These vitamins can be taken in courses individually or in the form of specialized vitamin and mineral complexes designed for men involved in sports. The most popular and at the same time balanced vitamin sports complexes for men are as follows:
  • Animal Pak Universal Nutrition - Manufactured by Universal Nutrition, the leader in sports vitamins.
  • C Fit FitMax - represents pure vitamin C derived from rose hips and is natural;
  • Opti-Men Optimum Nutrition - a complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, suitable for men who exercise seriously;
  • Activite Sport MHP is a vitamin and mineral complex that includes vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids and coenzyme Q 10;
  • 100% Ultra-Premium Vitamin Pack MuscleTech Complex contains the daily value of vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed by a man;
  • CO-Q10 50 mg Scitec Essentials - contains antioxidant vitamins and elements;
  • Fish Oil SoftGels Optimum Nutrition - contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K in the form of natural fish oil;
  • Armor-V MusclePharm - Balanced Vitamin Complex;
  • Animal Omega Universal Nutrition - Contains Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Vitamin F)
  • Calcium Zinc Magnesium BioTech is a vitamin complex for men who are actively and seriously involved in sports. Supports the normal condition of joints and ligaments;
  • CultiVate SAN is a multivitamin complex consisting of substances synthesized by probiotics and enzymes;
  • Daily Formula Universal Nutrition - Vitamins for professional athletes.

Rating of sports vitamins for men

Various vitamin complexes are ideal for different purposes. Therefore, there are several ratings of sports vitamins for men, taking into account their properties and effects.

Consider the rating of the most popular sports vitamins for men and their properties:
1. Opti-men Optimum Nutrition ideally creates conditions for gaining muscle mass and burning fat;
2. Adam stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, allowing you to quickly recover after intense physical activity;
3. Monster Multi is suitable for men who are serious or professional in sports. Effectively supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
4. VitaForm is recommended when training intensity is increasing;
5. Animal Pak 44 Universal Nutrition increases body endurance;
6. Daily fomula Universal Nutrition supports the balance of strength and energy in men;
7. MultiPro 32X AST is suitable for men who lead an active lifestyle without strenuous physical exertion;
8. Orange Triad Controlled Labs supports immunity and provides elasticity to the vascular wall;
9. Dr. Feel Good SAN is suitable for men who lead an active lifestyle without strenuous physical exertion;
10. Armor-V MusclePharm improves immunity, gives strength and energy.

As you can see, the listed vitamins are intended for various purposes. Therefore, when choosing a sports vitamin complex, it is necessary to determine exactly why a man is going to take it.

A complex of vitamins for men - a brief description and reviews of the most popular drugs

Consider brief description and men's reviews about some of the most popular vitamin complexes.

Vitamins Alphabet for Men

This complex contains not only all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also herbal extracts that improve the functioning of the male reproductive system. Actually, it is these herbs that make the vitamin-mineral complex "masculine".

According to reviews about the Alphabet for men, the drug has good efficacy and a very affordable cost, so almost everyone can afford it. In the Alphabet, all vitamins, based on mutual compatibility, are divided into three tablets, painted in different colors. This arrangement of active substances improves their absorption, which leads to a much more pronounced and tangible effect in comparison with the intake of other multivitamins for men.

According to reviews, Alphabet for Men helps to improve tone and performance, as well as speed up the recovery process after work, which allows you to spend less time on rest. In addition, vitamins literally charge you with energy, vigor and good mood for the whole day.

Men who are faced with the problem of spring vitamin deficiency, and, consequently, constant colds, hair loss, drowsiness, low efficiency and lack of sexual desire, note that one course of vitamins Alphabet significantly improved their well-being and completely or partially eliminated all painful symptoms.

Vitamins for men Duovit

Vitamins for men Duovit contains almost vitamins and minerals that a person needs. These vitamins, according to men's reviews, perfectly support performance, reduce fatigue at work and help to quickly recover during periods of very powerful mental or physical exertion. Also, Duovit helped men overcome frequent colds, loss of strength and deterioration in health in the spring, autumn or winter seasons of the year. Vitamins improved overall well-being, a surge of strength and energy was felt, and cheerfulness remained throughout the day.

Separately, it should be noted that the Duovit vitamins as part of complex therapy or independently improve sexual function and the general condition of a man with chronic prostatitis. Almost all men who took Duovit note that the painful symptoms of prostatitis either completely disappeared, or their severity decreased significantly, while sexual function, on the contrary, improved. As men figuratively put it under the influence of Duovit, "life began to improve."

In addition, according to men's reviews, Duovit helped to eliminate acne on the face, back, shoulders and neck and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Vitamins for men Wellman

Vitamins for men Wellman contains almost the entire set of vitamins and minerals necessary for a man in a daily dosage. Reviews of these vitamins are ambiguous, due to the peculiarities of their action. So, in many men in the first 20 - 30 minutes after taking, they provoke nausea, which, however, goes away on its own. Vitamins do not cause any more unpleasant effects, but nausea is poorly tolerated, and men cannot take vitamins. But those men who manage to "wait out" the nausea, note that vitamins literally charge with energy and vigor, which persist throughout the day even with very intense physical and mental stress. Moreover, the effect of Velman's vitamins is usually noticeable if a man works intensively (mentally or physically) or has hypovitaminosis. Against the background of normal health and the absence of hypovitaminosis, or heavy loads, the effect of vitamins is practically not noticeable.

Vitamins for men - how to choose

Selecting vitamins should be based on their properties, desired effects and health. So, in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to take complexes with vitamin C, since this will improve health and slow down the progression of pathology.

In case of improper nutrition (eating spicy, salty and fried), drinking alcohol and smoking, it is necessary to take lipoic acid (vitamin N), which reduces the negative effect of these factors on the liver.

Men who play sports or work physically should take B vitamins to help them maximize their protein intake.

In case of baldness or poor condition of hair, skin and nails, it is recommended to take vitamin H.

To improve potency and sexual life vitamin E is needed, which can be taken both independently and as part of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Rating of vitamins for men (the best vitamins for men)

Today, men have compiled the following unofficial rating of vitamin complexes based on their effectiveness, ease of use, cost and other important parameters:

Chronic fatigue, decreased potency, weakening of sexual desire, etc. symptoms begin to actively progress when a man approaches old age. During this period, vitamins for men after 50 years become the most relevant, since they have a general strengthening effect, increase tone, provide the body with energy, prevent the development of chronic diseases, and slow down aging. A considerable assortment of mineral and vitamin complexes leads to the difficulty of choosing, therefore, we will consider the best vitamins for men after 40 and 50 years of age, find out their contraindications and side effects.

The most essential vitamins for men

The stronger sex after 40 years is recommended to take vitamin complexes, which include vitamins A, E, H, B12, B2, B6, ascorbic acid, folic acid. It is vitamins C, E and A that contribute to the inhibition of the natural aging processes, allowing men to maintain youth and energy.

These components are a good prevention of atherosclerotic changes, cardiovascular diseases. Ascorbic acid enhances immunity, acts as a prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Folic acid is the best vitamin for men over 40. Since he takes an active part in the production of sex hormones, seminal fluid, accordingly, maintains normal potency, the ability to conceive a child.

For your information, vitamin H is a "male beauty vitamin", since it is this component that is responsible for preserving the hairline on the head - it fights against alopecia, the health of nails and skin.

A man who has crossed the 50-year mark needs vitamin D. At a young age, this component is produced in the body independently under the influence of sunlight, but over the years its synthesis slows down significantly, which leads to a deficiency. The shortage leads to various health problems: myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic stroke, problems with muscles, joints, surges in blood pressure, drowsiness, constant fatigue, decreased concentration, etc. years?

Medical experts recommend choosing exactly the complexes, since they fill the body's daily need for the required components. The names of the best vitamins for men 40-50 years old do not say anything, so consider a couple of remedies that have a large number of positive feedback.

Alphabet +50

Alphabet +50 is the best vitamin complex for men after 50 years. The drug effectively fights osteoporosis, prevents cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the walls of arteries, veins and capillaries. Since the product contains high dosage potassium, it can be used to treat and prevent osteoarthritis. Course application protects the organs of vision from the negative effects of the environment.


VITRUM® CENTURY - multivitamins from the American manufacturer Unipharm. There are seventeen in the lineup mineral substances and 13 vitamins that are selected optimally for elderly men age group... The use of the drug prevents diseases of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and effectively fights against other diseases that are inherent in old age. It is clinically proven that the agent prevents the development of oncological processes in the body.


Gerimax are the best vitamins for men over 40. The composition contains more than 20 different biologically active substances, as well as an extract from the ginseng root, which eliminates age-related disorders in the body. Helps with sleep disorders, loss of strength, decreased mental activity, decreased performance, problems in the genital area. Ginseng is a natural aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire and normalizes potency at the desired level.


Gerovital is a complex that was developed specifically for the stronger sex of the elderly age group. The composition contains a daily dosage of vitamin A, group B substances, ascorbic acid, vitamin D3, iron, vegetable extracts, etc. Used to maintain optimal performance, increase the immune status, normalize carbohydrate and fat processes in the body.

Centrum Silver

Centrum Silver is a vitamin complex for men after 40-50 years. Should be consumed when there is a high risk of atherosclerosis and an elevated level of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) has been diagnosed. Reception has a positive effect on the functionality of the central nervous system, the risk of developing oncological neoplasms is significantly reduced.

It is necessary to take vitamins in accordance with the instructions for use. Usually, capsules / tablets are taken after meals, washed down with a small amount of liquid. The dosage depends on the general state of health and concomitant diseases.

Contraindications and side effects of vitamin complexes

Each vitamin has certain contraindications, which must be taken into account before using this or that complex. It is best if the remedy is advised by the attending physician who is familiar with the patient's complete history.

It is worth knowing: you can not take complexes with vitamin A, if a history of calculi in gallbladder, chronic form pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, renal failure and hepatitis are absolute contraindications. Reception is carried out with caution against the background of uncompensated heart failure, acute / chronic nephritis.

Contraindications for admission, depending on the specific substance:

  1. Vitamins of group B should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to them. There are no other contraindications.
  2. Ascorbic acid is not recommended for admission if the patient has an organic intolerance to the component. The list of pathologies that require the restriction of this substance includes diabetes mellitus of the first and second types, anemia, calculi in the gallbladder, hyperoxaluria.
  3. Vitamin D in the form of a mono-agent, as well as as part of complex dietary supplements, should not be taken in case of severe impairment of kidney function, heart disease, active tuberculosis, gastric / intestinal ulcers, duodenal ulcers.
  4. Vitamin E is not prescribed if a man has a myocardial infarction in the recent past, he suffers from cardiosclerosis.

The use of products with vitamins A leads to sleep disturbance, lethargy, apathy or excessive irritability. The development of severe headache, dizziness, increase intraocular pressure, photophobia. The clinical manifestations of an overdose include pain in the abdomen, nausea / vomiting, loose stools, and general malaise.

In older men, vitamins belonging to group B can provoke the following negative effects:

  • Peripheral neuropathy;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • Excessive excitability of the central nervous system;
  • Vomit;
  • Belching.

Excessive dosage of ascorbic acid leads to severe fatigue, insomnia, or drowsiness. Sometimes flatulence, painful sensations in the epigastric region, heartburn, and indigestion develop. Long-term use in high doses can provoke the appearance of kidney stones, ulcers, and the formation of blood clots in the lower extremities.

When taking vitamin D in high dosages in old age, the following side effects are observed:

  1. Decreased appetite.
  2. Headache.
  3. Decrease in the general tone of the body.
  4. Sleep disorder - insomnia or drowsiness.
  5. Increased irritability, sometimes aggression.
  6. An increase in the content of calcium in urine and blood.

An overdose of vitamin E is manifested by a decrease in performance, abdominal pain, symptoms that accompany renal failure. Often there is diarrhea, there is a risk of sepsis, ascites, hemorrhage in the retina and the lining of the brain.

Vitamins for men of mature age are vital preparations that help to improve the functioning of the body. Before taking it, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications and application features. To exclude a deterioration in well-being, they are taken strictly according to the instructions. On average, the course varies from 1 to 3 months.

For a full-fledged human life, vitamins and mineral components are needed. They take part in biochemical reactions that continuously occur in the body of men and women. Substances must come from food, because they are not synthesized during the life cycle. The best thing useful elements absorbed from food. However, we often have to deal with situations where it is impossible to provide a sufficient concentration of vitamins in the cells. This can be due to various factors that reduce their amount in the body.

The main causes of vitamin deficiency

The main cause of hypovitaminosis is a decrease in nutrient intake. The fast pace of life, socio-economic factors, the use of low-quality products lead to a change in diet. Over time, chronic processes are formed that lead to irreversible disorders in the body. Age criteria also affect the absorption of vitamin and mineral complexes.

The male body needs useful components throughout life. For women over 50, vitamins are also needed. This is due to the influence of various reasons. The decrease in the amount of vitamins may be due to the following factors.

  1. Poor quality food.
  2. Decreased immunity.
  3. Concomitant somatic diseases.
  4. Helminthic invasions.
  5. Change in hormonal levels.
  6. Formed bad habits.
  7. Taking some medications.

Signs of low vitamin content in the body

Over the years, representatives of the strong half of humanity are more often faced with manifestations of hypovitaminosis. This is due not only to external reasons. With age, there is a slowdown in metabolism, a decrease in the production of hormones, a decrease in the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. Such changes are reflected in the general well-being and are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • dry skin;
  • hair loss;
  • decreased vision.

It is better for men after 50 years to seek help from a doctor. They are in no hurry to see a specialist, considering complaints to be a temporary sign associated with increased psycho-emotional stress or stress at work.

Important! Ignoring the problem leads to the formation of chronic pathology.

Essential vitamins and minerals

Ensuring an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals is a major challenge not only for men, but also for women over 50. The supply of the required number of components is possible in two ways. The first option is by consuming foods that contain irreplaceable substances. The second is the daily intake of special vitamin preparations that contain the right amount chemical elements.

Vitamins for men over 50 and women of mature age should regularly enter the body. Particularly important substances are the following:

  1. Vitamin A- improves metabolic processes, participates in the synthesis of testosterone, increases sexual activity and erection, provides full visual function, stimulates immunity, reduces tissue sensitivity to infectious agents.
  2. Vitamin E- slows down the aging process of cells, is an antioxidant that improves the flow of oxygen into cells and reduces the content of toxic substances in the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  3. Vitamin C- stimulates the immune system, preventing the development of infectious diseases; helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Vitamin D- provides full absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which is especially important in adulthood due to the high risk of osteoporosis; improves myocardial and brain function.
  5. B vitamins- participate in various biochemical cycles, regulating tissue respiration, the supply of necessary substances into the cell, provide the synthesis of protein, blood cells.
  6. Vitamin H- increases metabolism in the body, normalizes weight indicators, improves the quality of skin, nails and hair, prevents their loss.
  7. Folic acid- increases the reproductive capabilities of men by improving the quality of the germ cells of the sperm.
  8. Lipoic acid- participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, improves the function of the thyroid gland, helps in removing toxic substances from the body.
  9. Iron- provides oxygen supply to tissues.
  10. Calcium- participates in the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens bone tissue, ensures the normal condition of the skin appendages.
  11. Potassium- is necessary for the full functioning of the myocardium.

Types of vitamin complexes

Exists different options grants of irreplaceable components. The main route of intake is a balanced diet, which contains the necessary nutrients. However, in most cases, it is impossible to provide a full intake of vitamins and minerals with food, especially given age-related changes. Therefore, the pharmacological market produces modern vitamins for men after 50 years. Names often reflect age criteria.

Currently, in pharmacy chains, you can choose complexes in the form of biologically active additives or official medicines. Which vitamins to take for men or women of young age, and which - at 55 years old, it is better for specialists to decide. Supplements are attracted by their natural composition, but it is not always possible to find information on the amount of ingredients. Licensed substances are manufactured taking into account all the requirements for cleaning and dosage of each element.

Attention! Some vitamins are better absorbed in combination with certain minerals.

Therefore, some pharmacological companies produce complex preparations with specific recommendations for taking vitamins. When choosing a remedy, you need to take into account the opinion of the doctor. It is determined by the characteristics of the organism, indications for the appointment, age criteria. For women after 50 years of age, medications have been developed that improve external data, help to tolerate hormonal changes more easily, and reduce the likelihood of developing chronic diseases.


Taking multivitamins for the older age group is a necessary measure for the formation of a healthy, full-fledged life stage on the way to longevity and harmony.