The widest nose in the world. The most unusual people from the Guinness Book of Records. The biggest enchilada in the world

Everyone knows the fairy tale "Pinocchio". Main character- a mischievous boy who sticks his long nose into everything, making a lot of trouble in the course of history. And his nose is really amazing! Another fairy-tale character who distinguished himself by the size of the "sniffing apparatus" is the Dwarf Nose. He was bewitched by an evil sorceress, disfiguring his face with a terrible huge nose.

But in real life there are also "sniffers". And the biggest nose in the world does not belong to a perfumer or a taster, but ordinary person. His story and more interesting facts read below on this topic.

The biggest nose in the world

Who has grown such a nose that it has no equal on the whole Earth? This is a 60-year-old Turk named Mehmet Ozyurek. For the first time in the Guinness Book of Records, he got in 2007. Then the length of his nose was 83 mm. Just 4 years later, Mehmet set a new record.

According to the official data of the Guinness Book of Records in 2011, the largest nose in the world measured 88 mm! This means that the nose of the famous Turk continues to grow and increases by about 1 mm per year. But Ozyurek is not at all happy about this. He owes his abnormally large organ to a rare disease called rhinophyma. The reasons for it have not yet been established. It mostly affects men over 40 years of age. No cure has been found for it either. Rhinophyma develops very slowly, changing the appearance of a person. First, the skin on the nose becomes bumpy and red, then the bumps merge, turning the nose into a shapeless mass. The skin grows so much that it closes the nostrils and makes it difficult to breathe. It is impossible to remove this deficiency without surgical intervention. Moreover, after the operation, the disease does not stop, but continues to progress.

Unofficial record holders

In the middle of the last century, in the Swiss town of Langenbruck, the mayor of the city and friends gathered in a pub for a glass of beer. The mayor began to make fun of his friends about the size of their "schnobels", but they did not remain in debt and, in turn, ridiculed the mayor's big nose. So, in a circle of friends behind jokes, jokes, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba competition was born, which would determine the largest nose in the world.

Today, such a competition is held every five years in the same Swiss commune of Langenbruck. Men and women whose noses have not undergone rhinoplasty or any other surgical intervention are eligible to participate. During the measurements, the contestant must stand calmly, without grimacing or grimacing, so as not to distort the measurements. Those who break this rule will be disqualified.

It is known that the most significant result belonged to the participant, whose nose measured 127 mm! It is not included in the Guinness Book of Records, since the competition in Switzerland is considered amateur and its data is not officially registered.

In the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, lives a certain Fayzan Agha, whose nose has already reached 129 mm. It turns out that the Pakistani has the largest nose in the world. A photo of this man, however, is nowhere to be found, because he flatly refuses to participate in any competitions and does not want to respond to repeated invitations. The journalists managed to talk with Fayzan's relatives. They explained that he was not at all happy with such a nose and wanted to get rid of it.

Another Turk, Mehmet Gul, according to unofficial data, has a nose 13 cm (130 mm) long. The reason for such a huge "sniffing organ" is the same unfortunate disease of rhinophyma. Mehmet, like Faizan, categorically refuses all invitations to participate in the long-nosed contest.

Average statistics

For many, the largest nose in the world is associated with Georgians: an airfield cap and an impressive nose with a serious hump. But according to statistics, jigits do not fall into the “nosy” rating at all, because the longest-nosed ones are Kurds, the length of their “respiratory apparatus” is on average 58 millimeters. The second place of honor is occupied by the Armenians - 57 millimeters. In third place are the Turks with a length of "snuff organ" of 55 mm.

Interestingly, women often directly proportionally project the size of the nose on the size of the male sexual dignity. However, scientists have found that there is no connection in this case.

Historical character

Who has ever had the biggest nose in the world? A man who lived in the 18th century. He was a German, a nobleman by birth. This is Gustav von Albach. He had a stunning 19.05 cm long nose! But he not only did not complex because of his ugliness, but also participated with pleasure in masquerades and circus performances, where he amused those around him with a huge nose, especially children, ridiculing his flaw with humor.

The figure of Gustav von Albach is reproduced and kept in the world famous Tussauds Museum.

The nose is a very important organ. human body. It is thanks to him that we are able to breathe, catch and distinguish all kinds of smells. In addition, it is one of the most important components of the appearance - the nose can radically change the overall impression of a person's appearance.

That is why almost all young people are extremely concerned about its size and shape, and many are very unhappy with these parameters. Someone's own nose seems too small, and someone - just huge; to someone he will seem too snub-nosed, and someone will complain that his nose is crooked ... But what is especially remarkable is that the person who actually has the most in the world does not experience any complexes about this. The same can be said about his "colleagues in misfortune" from the distant past: no one was ashamed of his physiology, on the contrary, they made it a dignity and the subject of benevolent jokes and funny stories.

The most in the world: photos will not leave you indifferent

When mentioned, most people, of course, remember Pinocchio (or Pinocchio). According to many, this person possessed the most remarkable olfactory organ of all possible (for that, and therefore, no one is destined to surpass him in this field. Big mistake! In the eighteenth century, far enough for a modern person, there lived and there was one German gentleman - a nobleman by blood - and his name was Gustav von Albach. His fiefdom was the city of Bremen. He had a really very big nose, the photo of which to this day amaze people all over the world.

By the way, Gustav was never ashamed of this feature of his. On the contrary, he was proud of her. Due to the fact that he had the largest nose in the world, he did not need masks for masquerades, and the children genuinely loved him for his gentle humor and many funny jokes and invented stories. Yes, and adult comrades admired Gustav for his gentleness and ability to laugh at himself.

And today, the largest nose in the world belongs to a Turkish citizen named Mehmed Ozyurek. True, he is far from the legendary von Albach - his nose reaches only 88 millimeters in length. Another thing is that it is constantly growing and over time can increase by several centimeters. Now Mehmed is a little over sixty years old, and therefore he has a chance to break his own record!

The reason for getting Mr. Ozyurek into the Guinness Book of Records is also very interesting. It turns out that he owes the size of his nose to one extremely rare disease - rhinophyma. With it, the skin part of the olfactory organ is constantly increasing.

By the way, according to some (though still unverified) data, Mehmed may soon say goodbye to his title: the largest nose in the world, it turns out, does not belong to him, but to a Pakistani named Faizan Agha. He overtakes Ozyurek by almost four centimeters!

Germany has been dreaming of getting into the Book of Records for more than a decade, and every five years it arranges a special competition in which all owners of overly large noses can take part. Not so long ago, a man and a woman won it, the length of the olfactory organs of which, respectively, was 127 and 102 millimeters.

People inhabiting our planet have noses of completely different sizes. There is an opinion that representatives of the Georgian nation have impressive noses. However, the record for the length of the organ, thanks to which we breathe, does not belong to them at all.

The largest nose can grow not only in a man, but also in a woman. For both the former and the latter, the presence of such a giant can be a real problem. Fortunately, now there is an opportunity to make adjustments, a nose job will help you with this. In the shortest possible time, anyone can become the owner of a neat, pretty nose. But our story today will be about the biggest noses in the world. This phenomenon has been known for a long time. Once in the past, it was believed that the long nose of a man tells others about the impressive size of his male gender. However, this myth has not been debunked to this day.

If we return to the Georgians, then the length of their nose can be considered quite average. But the Kurds can be called the owners of the longest noses - the average result is 58 mm. Representatives of the Armenian nationality lose a whole millimeter to them.

competition for the biggest nose

In Lagenbruck, a small town located in Switzerland, the world championship for the largest nose is regularly held. For half a century, every five years, people from different countries and continents located on our planet. Moreover, the selection is very serious, the one who tries to cheat and cheat (grimaces or tries to change the size of the respiratory organ with the help of a nose job) will be disqualified.

The last championship brought victory to the owner of a 127 mm nose.

longest nose

The Guinness Book of Records does not recognize the results of the Swiss competition: the conditions for getting on its pages are such that it is necessary to officially record the result in the presence of a specially authorized representative of the committee.

It is not the first year that the Turks hold the palm in this kind of records. Mehmet Ozyurek is the name of the man who set the record eight years ago. After another four years, the Turkish citizen beat his own result. The fact is that Ozyurek's nose is still growing - every year it adds an extra millimeter to the Turk's nose.

The mystery of rhinophyma is a disease whose causes are a mystery to doctors. Do not envy the one who happened to get sick with it. The nose begins to grow not only in length, but also in width. It changes its color and becomes lumpy. Overgrown skin, under the influence of gravity, hanging down, interferes with normal breathing. The situation can be corrected by surgery. Rhinoplasty will prevent the nose from becoming ugly and shapeless.


Two more people could claim the title of the largest nose: Fayzan Agha, a resident of Pakistan, the owner of a nose over 12 cm long, and a resident of Turkey, Mehmet Gul, his nose length also tends to 13 cm. Their names are not listed in the book of records for that simple reason that both men do not want to take part in any competitions and measurements

In the fairy tale about Pinocchio, the protagonist's nose increased when he lied. Are people proud of the parameters of their external respiratory organ? Let's answer this question and find out who owns the largest nose in the world.

In order for the owner of an impressive organ to become famous all over the world, he must apply to the editors of the Guinness Book of Records or to participate in the Big Nose Championship. The book is published annually. The competition is held in Langenbruck, Switzerland every five years.

A prerequisite is the dimensions: length from 6 and width from 5 cm (for women at least 4 cm). Unscrupulous participants use various tricks to temporarily enlarge the nose. It threatens with a lifetime disqualification. The same punishment will be incurred by a person who appeared at the championship after rhinoplasty.

In 2006, the Turks Mehmet Ozyurek won. The winner's nose grows at a rate of approximately 1 mm per year. The length increased by 2011 and amounted to 88, according to other sources 127 mm. The second number is the sum of the length and width. His figure was included in the Guinness Book. No one has officially broken the record.

A subject of pride or complexes?

But the question of who has the biggest nose remains open. For example, Pakistani Faizan Agha is very complex because of the olfactory organ, the length of which exceeds 12 cm. Relatively recently, the Internet has conquered a video about an 81-year-old old man. The Turk Mehmet Gul, according to the video, he grew a nose 12.9 cm long. Men do not consider this feature to be their pride, and stay away from world fame.

It is not proper for ladies to brag. The woman who won the 2011 championship wished to hide her name. It is known that the length of the nose was 10.16 cm. On October 17, 2013, Ksenia Gluntsova, a participant in the Let's Get Married program, stated that she was the owner of the largest nose in Russia. The girl did not confirm the words.

No need to envy!

An increase in the sniffing apparatus is not a harmless physiological feature, but a rare disease - rhinophyma. It occurs in men over 40 years of age. Only a small percentage of women are affected.

The disease is difficult to determine, at the initial stage there are no changes. After a certain time, the nose sharply loses its shape, becomes covered with purple and red spots.
Blood vessels and sebaceous glands fall under the affected area. The skin gradually sags, closing the nostrils. It is difficult for a person to breathe. You can get rid of the symptoms through surgery.

Territorial sign

There are also natural causes of nose growth. Entire nations are distinguished by majestic organs of smell. According to the results of the Swiss championships, Pakistan and Turkey are in the lead. Why do the Caucasian peoples believe that the right of primacy belongs to them?

In the 15th century, when human anatomy was poorly understood, the opinion arose: the larger the nose, the greater the manhood. Then these nations became famous. Despite advances in science, the myth has not disappeared.

Modern scientists do not fully understand the mechanism. It is believed that this makes the rarefied mountain air easier to perceive. This explains why Armenians have big noses. The nation occupies the second line of the world ranking. The Kurds are ahead by 1 mm - 58 millimeters. It is curious that the Georgians, previously prominent in this part of the body, are approaching the average European indicators.

The generation is getting smaller

According to historical data, the British Thomas Wedars was famous for his respiratory organ more than 19 cm long. It is known about his work in the circus, but other information about the life of this man has already been forgotten.

Visitors to Madame Tussauds London can see the wax figure of Gustav von Albach. The German had a nose length of 170 mm.

Thanks to the Championship and the Guinness Book of Records, we have become aware of some people with an outstanding external respiratory organ. However, most patients with rhinophyma prefer to remain in the shadows.

Joel Wall from the USA pushes his masterpiece - the largest ball of rubber bands. The 4,097 kg ball was measured in Lauderhill, Florida on November 13, 2008.

Most a large number of people dressed as Smurfs was 1,253. These are the people who came to the Muknomania festival in Castleblaney, Ireland, on July 18, 2008.

The record for the 100-meter hurdle race was 22.35 seconds. The record holder was the German Maren Zonker in Cologne, Germany, September 13, 2008.

The largest in the world pocket knife is 3.9 meters in the unfolded state and weighs 122 kg. It was designed by Telmo Cadavez from Portugal and handcrafted by Virgilio Raul also from Portugal on January 9, 2003.

The heaviest lemon in the world weighed 5 kg 265 g and was grown by Aharon Shemel on a farm in Kfar Zeitim, Israel.

Scott Murphy of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, bent a 30 cm diameter aluminum pan in 30 seconds on July 30, 2007. In girth, the resulting “lump” turned out to be 17.46 cm.

The most mugs of beer carried by a woman 40 meters is 19. This was done by Anita Schwarz in Mesenich, Germany on November 9, 2008 on Guinness World Records Day.

Sam Wakeling rode 453.6 km on a unicycle in a day in Aberystwyth, Wales from 29 to 30 September 2007.

Jean-Francis Vernetti of Switzerland has collected 8,888 different Do Not Disturb signs from hotels in 189 countries since 1985.

The total length of the nails of Melvin Booth (left) from Michigan is 9.05 meters. Lee Redmont (right), who hasn't cut her nails since 1979 and filed them carefully to grow to 8.65 meters, lost her "wealth" in an accident in February. The 68-year-old record holder says that this is the most dramatic event in her life, but also admits that it is much easier without them.

227 T-shirts were worn by Jeff Van Dyck at the Unizo event in Brecht, Belgium on April 24, 2008.

Harry Turner from the UK can stretch his skin on his stomach up to 15.8 centimeters, and all because of his Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - a connective tissue disorder that affects the skin, ligaments and internal organs. This disease affects collagen, which strengthens the skin and determines the level of its elasticity, which leads to weakening of the skin and increased joint mobility. In more serious cases, it can be fatal as a result of ruptured blood vessels.

1 911 - exactly the same number of bottles of soda with Mentos were collected in one place, namely, in Latvia by students of the TURIBA Higher School of Business on June 19, 2008.

The largest jicama weighs 21 kg and was grown by Leo Sutisna in West Java, Indonesia.

The largest collection of clones from the LEGO Star Wars game consisted of 35,310 individual models and was compiled by LEGO in Slough, UK on June 27, 2008.

The oldest person to bungee jump is Helmut Wirtz. Wirtz was 83 years 8 months and 7 days old when he bungee jumped in Duisburg, Germany on August 9, 2008.

The largest collection of watches belongs to Jack Schoff from the USA, who put together 1094 watches on June 17, 2008.

The new record was set on January 23, 2009 by Wim Hof ​​from the Netherlands - he spent 1 hour 42 minutes 22 seconds completely buried in the snow.

The largest chalk drawing was 8,361.31 meters and was drawn by 5,578 children from Alameda, California schools for a special children's project from May 27 to June 7, 2008.

The record for the fastest ride on the rear wheel of a motorcycle sitting on the handlebars was achieved by Enda Wright in York, UK on July 11, 2006 and was 173.81 kilometers per hour.

The longest skis in the world are 534 meters long. 1043 skiers rode these skis at the event in Sweden on September 13, 2008

The oldest table tennis player is Dorothy de Lowe. She was 97 years old when she represented Australia at the 14th World Veteran Table Tennis Championships in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 25, 2008.

The "Snake Boat" from Aleppi, Kerala, India, is 43.7 meters long. Her team consists of 143 people, including 118 rowers, 2 drummers, 5 helmsmen and 18 singers. The boat appeared in public in Kerala, India on May 1, 2008.

The highest speed on a skateboard in a standing position was 113 km per hour. This record was set by Douglas da Silva in Rio Grande do Sull, Brazil on October 20, 2007.

The largest gathering of Santa Claus took place at Gilhall Square in Derry, Northern Ireland on December 9, 2007 and amounted to 13,000 people.

The PAV1 Badger, developed by Howe and Howe Technologies, is the smallest armored vehicle ever built, measuring just 1 meter wide. It's strong enough to knock down doors, yet compact enough to fit in an elevator. It was commissioned by the California Public Protective Service.

The largest gastropod is the African giant snail (Achatina achatina). The largest of the individuals reached 39.3 cm from head to tail tip. The length of the shell was 27.3 cm, and the snail weighed exactly 900 grams.

Jalapi Roland from Hungary set an unusual record on November 12, 2008: a horse dragged a burning Roland 472.8 meters.

The highest speed of the lawn mower was 98 km per hour. The record was set by Tommy Passemante from the USA at Miller Park in Utah on November 18, 2008, especially for the MTV show Nitro Circus.

Japanese Kenichi Ito got into the Guinness Book of Records as the person who ran the fastest 100 meters on all fours - in just 18.58 seconds. The record was set in Tokyo on November 13, 2008.

The longest distance that a person has traveled on a bicycle without touching the ground for exactly one day is 890.2 km. The record holder was Marko Balo from Slovenia on September 6-7, 2008.

The beard of Sarwan Sing from Canada measured 2.33 meters from the tip of his chin to the tip of his beard. The record was recorded on November 11, 2008.

Ashrita Furman cracked 80 eggs on his head in one minute at New York's Panorama Cafe on December 10, 2008.

The longest ears of the dog reach 34.9 cm on the right and 34.2 cm on the left. The ears belong to Tigger, a Bloodhound owned by Brian and Christina Flessner of Illinois.

Indian Anthony Victor has hair growing from his ears, the length of which reaches 18.1 cm.

The space cowboy, also known as Cheyne Hultgren from the show "Lo Show Dei Record", set a world record on April 25, 2009 in Milan: he dragged 411.65 kilograms only with the help of his eye sockets.

The heaviest transport that a person moved 30.48 meters weighed 57,243 kg. It was dragged by Kevin Fast from Canada to the TV show "Live with Regis & Kelly" in New York on September 15, 2008.

The largest edible hamburger weighs 74.75 kg and costs $399 on the menu at Mally's Grill in Southgate, Michigan. This yummy was made on August 29, 2008.

Victor "Lari" Ramos Gomez (pictured) and Gabriel "Danny" Gomez (both from Mexico) are two members of a five-generation family who suffer from a rare disorder called congenital hypertrichosis, characterized by increased facial and body hair. Women in the family have a light coat of hair, while men have hair on about 98% of the body, excluding the palms and feet.

Ilrek Yilmaz of Turkey squeezed 279.5 cm of milk out of his eyes at the Armada Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey on September 1, 2004.

Mike Howard from the UK walked the beam between two balloons at an altitude of 6,522 meters near Somerset, UK on September 1, 2004. This feat was filmed for the television show Guinness World Records: 50 Years 50 Records.

The heaviest apple weighed 1,849 grams. He was raised by Hisato Iwasaki on his farm in Hirosaki, Japan. The apple was plucked on October 24, 2005.

On July 7, 2006, the smallest horse was Tambelina, a miniature bay mare 44.5 cm at the withers, owned by Kay and Paul Gossling of St. Louis, Missouri. Radar - a Belgian heavy horse - on July 27, 2004 was 19 palms without hooves. Radar lives on the farm of Priefert Manufacturing Inc. in Texas. The horses were photographed together for the Guinness Book of Records on September 3, 2006.

Bigfoot 5 is 4.7 meters in height, its wheels reach 3 meters in height, and this miracle weighs 17,236 kg. This is one of 17 Bigfoot Jeeps built by Bob Chandler of St. Louis, Missouri. This model was built in the summer of 1986. The car is "parked" in St. Louis and occasionally appears at city events.

He Pingping from Mongolia - the smallest man in the world (his height is 74.61 cm) - stands between the legs of Svetlana Pankratova - the woman with the longest legs. Pankratova's legs are officially 131.83 cm. Svetlana says she likes being the woman with the longest legs, but it has its drawbacks - it's not easy to find a man who enjoys being with such a tall woman.

Michael Jackson impersonator Hector Jackson performs with hundreds of people at the Revolution Monument in Mexico City August 29, 2009. The Guinness Book of Records registered 13,597 people simultaneously dancing in the style of Jackson

Kim Goodman from the USA can protrude 11 mm from their sockets. This record was recorded on the television show "Guinness World Records: Primetime" in Los Angeles on June 13, 1998.

Participants in the biggest pie fight at ABC Studios in New York on September 17, 2009 during the show “Live with Regis & Kelly.”

The world's tallest man Sultan Kosen from Turkey is measured by Guinness World Records on September 21, 2009. Kosen's height is 246.38 cm. Sultan Kosen, 27, says he is "proud and happy" to be the tallest man and man in the world. “Before that, I had a pretty difficult life,” says the giant, whose growth was the result of a pituitary gland disease. “Now it will be much easier for me to live.”

Great Dane Gibson was the tallest dog in the world. His height was 107.18 cm from floor to shoulder, and on his hind legs he reached 2.19 meters. In this photo, Gibson is playing with his friend Zoe, a 19cm Chihuahua. The tallest dog in the world died of bone cancer on August 12, 2009.

The greatest underwater depth at which a person rode a bicycle is 66.5 meters. This was done by Vittorio Innocente in Santa Margherita Ligur, Liguria region, Italy on July 21, 2008.

93% of Isobel Varley's body is covered in tattoos. Absolute record among the elderly