Collection of basic prices for highways. Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of public roads. The procedure for determining the base price of project

Linear objects include all structures reflected in the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction “Public Highways” ed. 2007 (SBC-2007), the main indicator of which is set to a unit of length (km).

A highway as a structure does not require the presence of on-site engineering networks, communications, including connections to power supply networks, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, etc. However, in order to ensure road safety at traffic intersections, intersections, junctions, bridge structures and individual sections highways, electric lighting is installed, which is a separate structure from the point of view of calculating the cost of design. Communications and networks laid in the right of way of a highway that are subject to transfer during construction, reconstruction or major repairs of a highway, for the purpose of calculating the cost of developing design and working documentation, are also separate structures, although they may be geographically located within the construction site. The criterion for classifying on-site engineering networks, communications, structures and devices as included in the prices of the Directories of basic prices for design work is the impossibility of functioning of a capital construction project (structure) without connection to the specified objects.

It should be borne in mind that during the reconstruction or construction of a highway, a large number of communications (electric networks, power cables, gas pipelines, water pipes, etc.) enter the work area. Thus, the installation (rearrangement) of utilities both within the right of way of the highway and beyond is not taken into account by the SBC-2007 prices.

When determining the base price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of city streets and roads according to the Directory of base prices for design work for construction “Public Highways” ed. 2007 (SBC-2007) calculation is carried out according to the corresponding price indicators of the Directory with the use of correction factors taking into account urban conditions for the construction of facilities provided for by the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction “City Engineering Structures and Communications” ed. 2008 (SBC-2008).

So, for example, if, according to the relevant characteristics given in clause 8 of Chapter 1 of SBC-2008, including intersections, the object belongs to category III of design complexity, then to determine the base price of design work, the cost determined according to clause 1 of Table 3 is necessary SBC-2007, adjusted using a coefficient of 1.25 (see clause 11 of SBC-2008).

All design work related to major road repairs is reflected in the technological design standards of the corresponding construction project.

In the case of performing certain types of work that are not provided for during a major overhaul, their cost is determined as a share of the design costs for the conditions of new construction, while the implementation of additional specified work must be reflected in the assignment for designing a major overhaul.

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997. No. 116-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” and its annexes when designing highways, the need to develop an industrial safety section should be determined in accordance with the requirements set forth therein (for example: transportation of hazardous substances , in accordance with Appendix 1 to the specified Federal Law). Basic prices of the SBC “Public Highways”, 2007 edition. the cost of developing the “Industrial Safety” section is not taken into account, and if it is necessary to develop it for the construction of a specific highway, the cost of the section is determined additionally.

In the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction "City engineering structures and communications" ed. 2008 and “Public roads ed. 2007, the cost of designing bus stops, as well as access pockets to them, is not taken into account. The cost of designing access pockets can be taken into account by the coefficient for an additional traffic lane, entering it according to the proportion of the total length of the object and the total length of access pockets.

Basic prices for the design of public roads do not take into account measures to protect existing utilities and the cost of these works should be determined additionally using the Directories included in the Federal Register, and in their absence - in accordance with paragraph 2.1.4 of Section II of MU-2009.

At the same time, the design of measures to protect existing utilities is not work similar to the work on reconstruction and removal of all types of communications from the construction zone.

Report on the topic:

construction work

city ​​streets and roads"

(third stage)

Explanatory note. Draft Directory of basic prices for design work in construction “Public roads and city streets and roads

Moscow 2011

public corporation

Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Engineering

support of investments in construction

Report on the topic:

“Development of a Directory of basic prices for project

construction work

"Public roads and

city ​​streets and roads"

Agreement No. dated 01.01.01

(third stage)

Explanatory note. Draft Directory of basic prices for design work in construction “Public roads and city streets and roads


Moscow 2011

1. Explanatory note.

1.1. Development of the state estimate standard “Directory of basic prices for design work in construction” “Public roads. and city streets and roads" (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is carried out in accordance with agreement No. dated October 1, 2010, concluded by the Association of Road Design and Survey Organizations "RODOS" (hereinafter - the Customer) and JSC "CENTRINVESTproekt" (hereinafter - the Contractor).

1.2. The purpose of the work is to develop, coordinate and approve the State Estimated Standard “Directory of Basic Prices for Design Work in the Construction of “Public Highways and City Streets and Roads” in the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

1.3. The goal of the third stage of work is to clarify the scope of application of the specified Directory, include a new section “City Streets and Roads” in it, develop the final version of the Directory and submit it to the Ministry of Regional Development for approval.

used the data and price indicators contained in the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction “City Engineering Structures and Communications”, 2008 edition (SBC-2008) and the Directory “Public Roads”, 2007 edition (SBC-2007).

The Directory takes into account the instructions contained in the “Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 87 (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”), as well as. provisions of the Guidelines for the application of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01. No. 000, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 2010 No. 000.

The first edition of the Handbook was submitted to the Customer for consideration on December 20, 2010.

The price level in the Directory is set at 01/01/2001. Taking into account additional requirements for the development of design and working documentation from the moment the SBC-2007 was released to the present, including taking into account the introduction of the “Regulations” and, as a consequence, in connection with the increase in the volume of work on the development of design documentation, in the final version The directory price indicators in the tables are recalculated with an increasing factor of 1.1.

Official publication






Car roads

public and city streets and roads

Moscow 2011

Directory of basic prices for design work "Public roads and city streets and roads"

Ministry of Regional Development, Moscow, 2 pages.

The state estimate standard “Directory of basic prices for design work “Public highways and city streets and roads” (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation in construction, as well as the initial prices of competitions when placing a state or municipal order, for the design of public roads, transport interchanges and city streets and roads.

DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company “Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of Engineering Support of Investments in Construction () together with the Association of Road Design and Survey Organizations “RODOS”.

APPROVED: Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by order No. dated ""

REGISTERED: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registration number dated " " 2011.

Information about changes to this SBC, explanations and consultations on the use of SBC, distribution of SBC is carried out by CENTRINVESTproekt OJSC (Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 63; tel. (4

And the Association of Road Design and Survey Organizations "RODOS" (; tel. (4

BASIC PROVISIONS…………………………………….


Chapter 2.1. Public roads and transport interchanges………………………………………………………………

Chapter 2.2. City streets and roads. Transport interchanges..


Table No. 1. Indicators for determining the basic prices for designing public roads….

Table No. 2. Indicators for determining the basic prices for designing transport interchanges………………………...

Table No. 3. Transport interchanges at one level (squares) and pedestrian streets…………………………………

Application No.______

To the order of the Minister of Regional

development of the Russian Federation

from "___"___________2011 No.______



1.1. State estimate standard Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Public roads and city streets and roads" (hereinafter referred to as the "Directory") is intended to determine the cost of developing design and working documentation in construction, as well as the initial prices of competitions when placing state or municipal order for the design of public roads, transport interchanges and city streets and roads.

1.2. When using this Directory, you should be guided by the Guidelines for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Guidelines for the use of Directories of base prices for design work in construction” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23. 2010, Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal executive authorities, 2010, No. 16) (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

1.3. The basic prices given in the Directory are set depending on the physical indicator of the design object (length) or for the object as a whole.

1.4. The level of basic prices contained in the tables of the Directory is established as of 01/01/2001.

1.5. The Directory provides basic prices for individual design of new construction of public highways and city streets and roads.

1.6. Basic prices take into account the costs of developing design and working documentation and profit, excluding value added tax.

1.7. Basic prices of the Directory in addition to the works listed in clause 1.3.6. Section I of the Methodological Instructions, the following works and services are not taken into account and require additional payment:

1.7.1 choice of road route;

1.7.2 selection of sites for the construction of permanent and temporary buildings and structures, as well as sites for the extraction of local and reserve soil;

1.7.3 design of structures of bridges, overpasses, overpasses, transport and pedestrian tunnels, galleries, balconies, retaining walls, pedestrian crossings at different levels, ferry crossings, landslide protection structures, strengthening of weak foundations of the roadbed;

1.7.4 design of traffic police (SAI) structures, as well as roadside service facilities, road and motor transport services;

1.7.5 development of a road and city street maintenance project;

1.7.6 development of a project for landscaping roads and city streets;

1.7.7 development of a project for lighting roads and transport junctions, street lighting, as well as special communications for road and motor transport services;

1.7.8 design of bicycle paths, sidewalks and landscaping of populated areas;

1.7.9 design of traffic light objects;

1.7.10 reconstruction and removal from the construction zone of all types of utilities;

1.7.13 project for the reclamation of temporarily seized lands;

1.7.14 designing measures to reduce noise levels in populated areas;

1.7.15 design of storm sewerage and treatment facilities;

1.7.16 development of working drawings for special auxiliary structures, fixtures, devices and installations when designing objects with particularly complex structures and methods of work;

1.7.17 production of demonstration models;

1.7.18 assessment of the financial efficiency of the implementation of the project for the construction of highways with their subsequent operation on a toll basis;

1.7.19 work (costs) related to the functions of the customer-developer for: collection of initial data, including obtaining technical specifications; development of technological regulations for the implementation of certain types of construction work; development of tender (competitive) documentation; development of a section on delimiting the balance sheet ownership of demolished, rebuilt, and newly built objects; preparation of documents for the transfer of lands into transport lands; organizing and conducting public hearings;

When assigning road sections to various categories of complexity, their length should be at least 5 km, with the exception of approaches to artificial structures (bridges, overpasses, overpasses, tunnels, etc.).

Design complexity category

Development, availability of engineering

and transport communications

Relief, terrain




Undeveloped area

The territory is built up to 0.1 of the length of the route or undeveloped territory, but the number of intersections with utilities is over 5 per 1 km of the route

The territory is built up from 0.1 to 0.25 of the route length or undeveloped territory, but intersections with roads and railways are more frequent than after 2 km of the route length

The territory is built up from 0.25 to 0.5 the length of the route

Note - The terrain is classified according to its relief:

- the terrain is flat, hilly - the terrain is flat, slightly hilly, hilly, rugged, differences in elevations of adjacent landforms are up to 10 m, the slope is not steeper than 1:5, with unsecured and also with secured drainage;

- foothill area - foothill terrain, dissected relief, difference in elevations of adjacent landforms from 10 to 30 meters, slope from 1:5 to 1:3, as well as approaches to artificial structures with an embankment height or excavation depth of 6-12 m;

- mountainous terrain - mountainous terrain with mountain passes, differences in elevations of adjacent landforms from 30 and over 50 meters, slopes from 1:3 to 1:2 and steeper, as well as approaches to artificial structures with an embankment height or excavation depth of 12-25 m or more.

2.3 The base price for designing a highway consisting of sections with different road categories or design complexity is determined by summing up the prices for designing sections calculated using the formula

2.1.3. The basic price for designing approaches to artificial structures (bridges, overpasses, overpasses, tunnels, etc.) is determined by the prices of the corresponding categories of roads and the complexity of design based on the length of each approach to the structure, excluding the length of approaches from the total length of the road.

In the case where the total length of approaches to artificial structures is less than 2 km, the estimated length is taken equal to 2 km and is excluded from the total length of the road.

2.1.4. The basic price for designing approaches to the main road, sections of intersecting roads, local driveways, driveways for connecting separated areas is determined separately for each structure in accordance with the length, category of the road and design complexity. When designing two or more similar entrances with a length of less than 2 km as part of a road, the base price for designing the entrances should be determined based on their total length in accordance with the category and complexity of designing the section of the main road on which they are located.

2.1.5. The basic price for designing road sections with a separate roadbed for traffic in each direction is determined at prices corresponding to the total length of sections with a separate roadbed.

2.1.6. In the case of complex development of design materials when designing entrances, interchanges and other structures as part of a road, in accordance with the relative cost tables, the costs of developing sections included in the design and working documentation for the main road and not developed separately should be excluded from the design price of these structures for this building.

2.1.7. When designing facilities at a distance of up to 25 km from the borders of cities with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million people, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.1 should be applied to the base prices.

When designing facilities at a distance of up to 50 km from the borders of cities with a population of 1 million people or more, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.2 should be applied to the base prices.

When designing facilities at a distance of up to 50 km from the borders of federal cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), a pricing coefficient of up to 1.4 should be applied to the base prices.

2.1.8. When determining the base price of design and working documentation related to the design of public roads according to Table No. 1 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· when designing roads of categories 1A, 1B and 1B for 6-lane roads, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.3 should be applied to the base prices for designing 4-lane roads; 8-way - coefficient up to 1.6; 10 or more lanes - coefficient up to 1.9;

· the base price for designing roads with high embankments and deep excavations (more than 12 m) is taken according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.04;

· the base price for designing road structures with frost-protective layers using thermal insulation is taken according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.04;

· the base price for designing roads with a roadbed made of structural layers of various geosynthetic materials is taken according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.02;

· the base price for the development of working documentation for the highway with the implementation of the consolidated construction plan is determined according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.12;

· when designing road sections with pedestrian and bicycle paths and sidewalks, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.08 is applied to the base prices of the table;

· if it is necessary to develop documentation for technological and temporary roads, the cost of their design is determined according to the base prices of this table established for roads of categories IV and V;

· the prices in this table take into account the cost of barrier fencing on multi-lane roads (categories IA; IB; IB). If it is necessary to design a barrier fence for roads of II and subsequent categories, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.05 should be applied to the design prices;

· the price of designing road structures with shallow and deep drainages, intercepting planar drainages, etc., is determined according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.08.

2.1.9. When determining the base price for the development of design and working documentation related to the design of transport interchanges according to Table No. 2 of this Handbook, the following features must be taken into account:

· the prices in the table take into account the cost of designing intersections at the same level with the construction of express lanes, traffic islands or roundabouts. When designing intersections at one level without installing express lanes, a coefficient of 0.35 should be applied to prices;

· the base price for designing junctions at one level is determined by applying paragraphs to the prices. 1-3 tables of coefficient 0.75. For all types of junctions at the same level without the installation of transitional express lanes, a coefficient of 0.35 should be used when calculating the price;

· the prices in the table for the design of traffic interchanges at different levels do not take into account design work on the main and intersecting roads;

· the base price for designing intersections (junctions) at one level takes into account the costs of designing exits and entrances on the approaches to the main road up to 0.2 km long;

· when designing transport interchanges on roads of categories 1A, 1B and 1B for 6-lane roads, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.3 should be applied to the base prices for designing 4-lane roads; 8-way - coefficient up to 1.6; 10 or more lanes - coefficient up to 1.9;

· the base price for designing transport interchanges with high embankments and deep excavations (more than 12 m) is taken according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.04;

· the base price for designing road structures for transport interchanges with frost-protective layers using thermal insulation is accepted according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.04;

· the base price for designing a transport interchange with a fabric made of structural layers of various geosynthetic materials is taken according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.02;

· the base price for developing working documentation for a transport interchange with the implementation of a consolidated construction plan is determined according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.12;

· the base price for designing a transport interchange with pedestrian and bicycle paths and sidewalks is determined with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.08;

· if it is necessary to develop documentation for technological and temporary roads, the cost of their design is determined according to the prices of this table established for roads of categories IV and V;

· the prices in this table take into account the cost of barrier fencing at traffic intersections on multi-lane roads (categories IA; IB; IB). If it is necessary to design barrier fencing for traffic intersections for roads of II and subsequent categories, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.05 should be applied to design prices;

· the base price for designing roads with thin-layer, monolithic and prefabricated cement concrete pavement is taken according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.02;

· the price of designing road structures with shallow and deep drainages, intercepting planar drainages, etc., is determined according to the prices in the table with a pricing coefficient of up to 1.08.

Chapter 2.2. City streets and roads. Transport interchanges

2.2.1. This chapter provides the procedure for determining the cost of designing city, town, rural streets and roads within residential areas, transport interchanges, pedestrian streets and roads, streets and roads of industrial and municipal warehouse areas, carried out on the basis of territory planning projects.

2.2.2.. When designing facilities in cities with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million people, a pricing coefficient of 1.1 is applied to prices; with a population of more than 1 million people – coefficient up to 1.2; for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg - coefficient up to 1.4.

2.2.3. The distribution of the base price for the development of design and working documentation is carried out according to the indicators given below and can be specified by agreement between the contractor and the customer.

Types of documentation

Percentage of base price

Project documentation

Working documentation

2.2.4. The base price for designing city streets and roads for the 1st category of design complexity is taken according to the prices in Table No. 1 of this Handbook for the first category of design complexity according to the following rules:

· main roads: motor roads of categories 1A, 1B, 1B;

· main streets of citywide importance: motor roads of categories 1A, 1B, 1B; when designing independent driveways with a median width of more than 5 m, the cost of design is determined at the base prices of motor roads of categories II (4 lanes) and II (2-3 lanes) separately for each driveway;

· main streets of district significance: motor roads of categories II (4 lanes) and II (2-3 lanes);

· streets and roads of local importance: motor roads of category III;

· passages: motor roads of category IV.

2.2.5. The base price for designing expressways and main streets is based on 4 lanes. When designing 6-lane roads, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.3 should be applied to the basic prices for designing 4-lane roads; 8-way - coefficient up to 1.6; 10 or more lanes - coefficient up to 1.9.

The basic price for designing streets and local roads is based on 2 lanes. When designing these streets as 3- and 4-lane roads, a pricing coefficient of up to 1.3 should be applied to the base prices for designing 2-lane roads.

2.2.6. The main design works included in the prices of the Directory are:

· plan for the location of the facility within the red lines;

· vertical planning of the object using the method of design marks or design contours;

· justification and calculations of subgrade and road pavement structures;

· development of longitudinal, transverse and structural profiles for the elements of the object;

· development of drainage design for drying road surfaces;

· development of layout drawings for the object and its elements;

Fire safety measures

Construction estimate

Other documentation

Table No. 5. Recommended estimated relative cost of developing a working
documentation for the construction of linear facilities (as a percentage of the base price)

Name of objects (according to table No....)

Explanatory note

Right-of-way design

Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial structures (engineering facilities, networks)

Buildings and structures included in the infrastructure of the facility

Construction organization project

Work organization project

for demolition (dismantling)

Environmental protection measures

Fire safety measures

Energy efficiency measures

Construction estimate

Other documentation

Civil defense and emergency prevention measures

*) - is assessed additionally; **) - documentation for the section of the design object is not developed.

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

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DEVELOPED by CENTRINVESTproject OJSC together with the Association of Road Design and Survey Organizations "RODOS" with the participation of the Dormost Association.

REVIEWED by the Office of Construction Programs of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy).

INTRODUCED by the Office of Construction Programs of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy).

RECOMMENDED FOR USE by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) by letter dated October 9, 2007 No. SK-3743/02 in agreement with the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) dated June 29, 2007 No. 01-29/5858.

INSTEAD of Chapter 5 “Public Highways” of the Directory of Basic Prices for Design Work for Construction “Railways and Highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial Transport”, 1995 edition.







1.1 This Directory of base prices for design work for the construction of “Public Highways” (hereinafter referred to as the “Directory”) is recommended for determining base prices for the purpose of subsequent formation of contract prices, as well as initial prices of competitions when placing a state or municipal order for the design of automobile public roads and transport junctions.

1.2 When using this Directory, you should take into account the General Guidelines for the Application of the Directories of Basic Prices for Design Work for Construction, 2002 edition (hereinafter referred to as the “General Guidelines”).


2.1 This Handbook uses terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the General Guidelines for the Application of the Handbook of Basic Prices for Design Work for Construction, 2002 edition.


3.1 The basic prices given in the Directory are set depending on the physical indicator of the design object (length) or for the object as a whole.

3.2 The base prices of the Directory take into account the cost of two-stage design “project” + “detailed documentation”.

3.3 The level of basic prices contained in the tables of the Directory is established as of 01/01/2001.

3.4 The base prices take into account the costs of developing project documentation and profit, excluding value added tax.

3.5 The Directory contains basic prices for individual design of new construction projects. The cost of designing reconstruction and major repairs is determined by introducing correction factors in accordance with the procedure established by this Handbook.

3.6 The base prices of the Directory, along with the work on designing the main facility and issuing design documentation in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, take into account and do not require additional payment for the following works and services:

3.6.1 protection of design documentation in examination bodies and approving authorities and making appropriate changes based on their comments;

3.6.2 costs for analyzing the estimated cost of materials and equipment provided for in the project;

3.6.3 drawing up a contract for design and survey work.

3.7 The following works and services are not taken into account by the reference prices of the Directory and require additional payment:

3.7.1 engineering surveys;

3.7.2 economic research;

3.7.3 inspections and measurement work at facilities subject to major repairs, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment 1.

1 The cost of such work should be determined using the relevant Directories, or by calculating the cost in accordance with cost calculation

3.7.4 choice of road route;

3.7.5 selection of sites for the construction of permanent and temporary buildings and structures, as well as sites for the extraction of local construction materials and soil reserves;

3.7.6 development of design solutions specified in the design assignment, in several options, with the exception of variant studies for selecting optimal design solutions 2.

2 The development of additional project options, detailed design or individual technological, structural, architectural and other solutions is established in the design assignment, where sections (or parts of these sections) of the project for which the development of these options and the initial data necessary for their development.

The degree of development of additional options is established in agreement with the customer. In this case, the cost of the main (first) option is accepted with a coefficient of 1, and the additional option - with a decreasing factor, depending on the composition and complexity of the work.

3.7.7 design of bridges, overpasses, tunnels, galleries, balconies, retaining walls, pedestrian crossings at different levels, ferry crossings, anti-landslide structures, strengthening weak foundations of the roadbed;

3.7.8 design of traffic police (SAI) structures, as well as roadside service facilities, road and motor transport services;

3.7.9 development of a road maintenance project;

3.7.10 development of a road landscaping project;

3.7.11 development of a project for lighting roads and transport junctions, as well as special communications for road and motor transport services;

3.7.12 design of bicycle paths, sidewalks and landscaping of populated areas;

3.7.13 design of traffic light objects;

3.7.14 reconstruction and removal from the construction zone of all types of utilities;

3.7.15 design of ponds, reservoirs, hydraulic structures;

3.7.16 project for the production of hydromechanized and drilling and blasting operations;

3.7.17 project for the reclamation of temporarily seized lands;

3.7.18 designing measures to reduce noise levels in populated areas;

3.7.19 design of storm sewerage and treatment facilities;

3.7.20 development of the section “Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations" (ITM GOChS) 3.

3 The base price for the development of the ITM GOES section is determined according to the Directory of base prices for design work for construction “Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures to prevent emergency situations. Protective structures of civil defense and other special structures” ed. 2006

3.7.21 development of the section “Environmental Impact Assessment” (EIA) 4.

4 The development of the EIA section is carried out at the pre-design stage, the cost of development can be determined additionally and amount to 20% of the cost of justification for investment in construction, or 4% of the total cost of design (“project” + “detailed documentation”).

3.7.22 development of design documentation for individually manufactured equipment, in addition to drawing up the initial requirements for the design of this equipment 5.

5 The reference price guide takes into account the costs of drawing up initial requirements for the development of design documentation for individually manufactured equipment, including single and small-scale equipment. The technical specifications for the specified equipment are developed by the manufacturer. In some cases, when the development of the specified design documentation is entrusted to a design organization, it is carried out, as a rule, under agreements with the equipment manufacturer. If the manufacturer is not determined, then the development of design documentation for the equipment can be carried out by a design organization on behalf of the customer. In this case, the base price for performing the specified design work is determined according to the departmental prices of the manufacturers of the specified equipment.

3.7.23 development of automated process control systems (APCS), automated production management systems (APS) and automated traffic control system (ATCS) 6.

6 The base price for the design of automated process control systems, automatic control systems and automated control systems is determined according to the relevant price documents for the development of the specified technical documentation.

3.7.24 development of working drawings for special auxiliary structures, fixtures, devices and installations when designing objects with particularly complex structures and methods of work 7.

7 The base price for the development of working drawings of the specified structures, fixtures and devices is determined by calculating the cost in accordance with the cost calculation.

3.7.25 development of projects for construction and installation works (CEP);

3.7.26 production of demonstration models;

3.7.28 carrying out research and experimental work;

3.7.29 assessment of the financial efficiency of the implementation of the project for the construction of highways with their subsequent operation on a paid basis 8.

8 The cost of performing the specified work can be determined on the basis of cost accounting.

3.7.30 expenses for business trips, including the costs of administrative personnel, if the trips of this personnel are directly related to the design of the facility;

3.7.31 making changes to the design documentation caused by the customer’s decision or changes in the requirements of regulatory documents during the design process (with the exception of correcting errors made by the design organization);

3.7.32 work (costs) related to the functions of the customer-developer for: collection of initial data, incl. obtaining technical specifications; identifying owners of real estate; development of technological regulations for the implementation of certain types of construction work; selection of supplier organizations and sources of materials, semi-finished products and structures; development of a section on delimiting the balance sheet ownership of demolished, rebuilt, and newly constructed facilities; preparation of documents for the transfer of lands into transport lands; organizing and conducting public hearings; payment of expenses of local government bodies (administration), state supervision (control) and interested organizations for the approval of planned design decisions, etc.; examination of design documentation, including obtaining opinions from independent experts.

3.8 The base price for the development of design documentation for the reconstruction of structures is determined according to this Directory of base prices using an increasing factor from 1.2 to 1.5.

3.9 The base price for the development of design documentation for major repairs is determined according to this Handbook using a reduction factor to the design price for new construction conditions in the amount of no more than 0.85, depending on the composition and volume of work.

3.10 When determining the cost of design work at the base prices of the Directory, in the presence of complicating factors, increasing factors are applied. If there are several complicating factors and, in connection with this, several coefficients greater than one are applied, the overall increasing coefficient is determined by summing their fractional parts and one.

3.11 When determining the cost of design work at the base prices of the Directory, reduction factors may be applied in cases provided for by the General Guidelines and this Directory.

When determining the cost of design work using several coefficients less than one, the overall reducing coefficient is determined by multiplying them.

3.12 The base price for the development of design documentation for the construction of structures in difficult conditions is determined at the prices of the Directory with the following coefficients applied to the cost of design work.

Factors that complicate design



seismicity 7 points

seismicity 8 points

seismicity 9 points

Unfavorable ground conditions

waterlogged soils

peat, subsidence soils

water-saturated soils

rocky soils

landslide phenomena

shifting sands

saline soils

permafrost soils

If there are two or more complicating factors, coefficients are applied for each factor.

3.13 When designing facilities at a distance of up to 25 km from the borders of cities with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million people, a coefficient of 1.1 should be applied to the base prices.

When designing facilities at a distance of up to 50 km from the borders of cities with a population of 1 million people or more, a coefficient of 1.2 should be applied to the base prices.

When designing objects at a distance of up to 50 km from the borders of federal cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), a coefficient of 1.4 should be applied to the base prices.

3.14 When determining the base design price according to this Handbook, in the event of a reduction in specific design periods compared to the standard ones, it is recommended to apply the following increasing factors:

if the period is reduced by 1.2 times - 1.1;

1.4 times - 1.2;

2 or more times - 1.4.

3.15 When developing estimates using the resource method, it is allowed to apply an increasing factor of up to 1.5 to the cost of developing the “Estimate Documentation” section. The maximum value of the increasing coefficient when drawing up estimate documentation (using software) is accepted if there is no centralized data bank in the region on the cost of resources to take into account the additional costs associated with its formation.

3.16 The costs of design organizations associated with their implementation of the functions of a general designer and supervision of design work transferred to subcontracting are determined in the amount of up to 2% of the base price for the development of design documentation transferred to subcontracting design organizations, and are paid additionally.

3.17 The base price for the development of design documentation, carried out in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents governing the design of facilities for construction abroad, is determined in accordance with clause 13 of Section III of the General Instructions.

3.18 The base prices of the Directory take into account the cost of 4 copies of design documentation issued to the customer. The cost of copies of design products issued at the request of the customer in excess of the specified quantity is determined in addition to the base price.

3.19 The costs of the general design organization for participation in the selection of the road route and sites of associated structures are determined based on the prices for the design of the relevant structures given in the Directory, applying a coefficient of 0.25 to the cost of developing documentation at the “project” stage.

3.20 The base price for developing the Justification for Investment in the Construction of Facilities is determined at the prices of the Directory using a reduction factor in accordance with the labor intensity of the work. The size of this coefficient to the prices of the Directory at the “project” stage is up to 0.5.