Sauerkraut cabbage soup: recipes and cooking secrets. How to cook cabbage soup from sauerkraut Cook cabbage soup from sauerkraut - a traditional recipe

Cabbage soup and porridge are our food, the Russian people like to say. Our website contains several recipes for porridge, but today we will talk about how to cook with sauerkraut.

There are several varieties of cabbage soup - empty (cooked in water, not meat broth), lean (mushroom broth is used for cooking), green (sorrel is used instead of cabbage), Ural cabbage soup (pearl barley is added to it) and, of course, cabbage soup from sauerkraut. The latter are found on the table, as a rule, in the winter, because it is for the winter that it is customary to salt cabbage. Sour cream and black bread are considered excellent additions to cabbage soup.

A few secrets for creating delicious cabbage soup

There is nothing complicated in the process of preparing cabbage soup, but there are secrets that will make them even tastier and healthier:

  • Sauerkraut for cabbage soup, if it is too salty, must first be soaked or, after draining in a colander, rinsed thoroughly so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dish;
  • To prepare cabbage soup, it is advisable to use beef, but if desired, you can use pork and poultry. To be fair, it is worth noting that some people prepare cabbage soup from stewed meats and smoked meats;
  • Classic cabbage soup is cooked in a clay pot in a Russian oven, simply by adding the required ingredients and filling it with water. However, nowadays it is almost impossible to taste cabbage soup prepared in this way; nevertheless, some cooks even today cook cabbage soup in the oven;
  • And finally, remember that yesterday’s cabbage soup is always tastier than freshly cooked cabbage soup, so be sure to leave at least some soup for tomorrow.

Cabbage soup with sauerkraut. Classic recipe

You will need:

  • fatty beef (brisket will do) – 1 kilogram,
  • sauerkraut – 500 grams,
  • potatoes – 500 grams,
  • onion – 1 piece,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • salt - to taste,
  • water – 3 liters.

Cooking method

  • Wash the meat. Let's dry. Place in a saucepan and fill with water. Place on the fire, constantly skimming off any foam that forms, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, without letting it boil too much, for an hour.
  • Remove the meat from the broth, and in the meantime add the slightly squeezed sauerkraut to the pan. Add heat, and after boiling, turn it down.
  • Separate the meat from the bones and add it to the broth.
  • Peel the potatoes. Cut into large cubes. We send it to the broth.
  • We clean the onion. Finely chop.
  • We clean the carrots. Grate it.
  • Sauté the vegetables in the fat skimmed from the broth.
  • We send the vegetable frying into the cabbage soup. Mix.
  • Salt. Attention: if you think the cabbage soup turned out bland, don’t be afraid and feel free to add a little more salt, it will enrich the taste of the dish.
  • Cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Let it brew for about half an hour. Pour into portioned plates and invite your household to the table! Cabbage soup is usually seasoned with sour cream, but mayonnaise is also suitable for this purpose.

Shchi with sauerkraut on pork belly

You will need:

  • pork belly – 1 kilogram,
  • sauerkraut – 500 g,
  • potatoes – 5-6 pieces,
  • onions – 2 pieces,
  • green onion – 5 feathers,
  • black pepper – 4 peas,
  • allspice – 4 peas,
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • dill – 1 bunch,
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - to taste,
  • water – 3 liters.

Cooking method

  • Pour olive oil into a cauldron (can be replaced with vegetable oil), lay out the brisket and fry it on all sides so that the fat renders out a little.
  • Add the onion cut into small cubes into the cauldron. Fry until soft for 5-7 minutes.
  • Put in cabbage. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for one and a half hours.
  • Pour in hot water. Bring to a boil. Cook over moderate heat for another hour.
  • After the specified time has passed, add the whole potatoes to the cabbage soup, remembering to peel them first, and the spices listed in the list of ingredients. Cook until the potatoes are done, about 35 minutes.
  • Wash green onions and dill. Let's dry. We cut it finely.
  • Remove the potatoes from the cabbage soup and sprinkle them with herbs. We put the remaining greens into cabbage soup. Mix.
  • Remove the brisket from the cabbage soup. Divide into portions.
  • Pour the prepared cabbage soup into plates. Add to each brisket and sprinkle with herbs.
  • Serve potatoes separately. It can be divided into pieces and added to cabbage soup or eaten as a side dish.

Lenten cabbage soup with sauerkraut

You will need:

  • potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • onion – 1 piece,
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons,
  • flour – 1 tablespoon,
  • water – 2 liters,
  • garlic – 1 clove,
  • bay leaf - 1 piece,
  • black pepper – 2 peas,
  • salt - to taste,
  • greens - optional.

Cooking method

  • Squeeze the cabbage to remove excess liquid. Put it in a saucepan. Fill with a liter of water. Simmer for an hour over moderate heat.
  • Peel the potatoes. Cut into cubes. After the time specified in the first point has passed, we send it to the stewed cabbage.
  • Pour in the remaining water. Cook for half an hour.
  • We clean the carrots. Grate on a fine grater.
  • Saute the carrots in vegetable oil. We send it to cabbage soup.
  • We clean the onion. We cut it finely.
  • Now we sauté the onion, preventing it from frying. Put it in the soup. Mix well. Simmer them over moderate heat for another quarter of an hour.
  • After the specified time, add salt. We take a sample; if it seems that the cabbage soup is not sour enough, you can add cabbage brine to it, but if the soup, on the contrary, turns out to be very sour, add a little water.
  • A little trick: some people find lean cabbage soup too runny. To give them richness and a velvety consistency, we recommend heating a spoonful of vegetable oil in a frying pan and frying the flour in it, stirring constantly. After this, pour 100 ml of water into the mixture, mix vigorously, boil the mixture for just a minute, and then send it to the cabbage soup.
  • Finally, add chopped garlic. Add laurel leaves and peppercorns. Cook for 5 minutes. Ready!
  • Pour the lean cabbage soup into plates. Sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired. Unfortunately, it is impossible to season lean cabbage soup with sour cream, but adding special lean mayonnaise to it is not forbidden. Let's try!

Shchi with sauerkraut and stewed meat

You will need:

  • stew (beef or pork) - 1 can,
  • potatoes - 4 pieces,
  • sauerkraut – 350 grams,
  • onion – 1 piece,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • dill - a few sprigs,
  • salt - to taste,
  • water – 2.5 liters.

Cooking method

  • Peel the potatoes. Cut into medium sized cubes. Fill with boiling water. We put it on fire.
  • Place sauerkraut in boiling water. Mix. After the broth boils, reduce the heat.
  • Open a can of stew. Skim off the fat and put it in the pan. We put it on fire.
  • Place finely chopped onion in a heated bowl. Cover with a lid. We simmer for a few minutes.
  • Add grated carrots to the onion. Mix. Simmer until the carrots soften.
  • We send the frying into the broth after the potatoes are ready.
  • Immediately add cabbage soup and stew. Mix. Bring to a boil, reduce heat. Cover with a lid and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  • Finally, add chopped dill and salt to the cabbage soup. Boil for a couple more minutes and remove the saucepan with delicious cabbage soup from the heat. You can pour it into plates and take a sample!

How to cook cabbage soup with sauerkraut in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • meat (beef or pork) – 500 grams,
  • sauerkraut – 300 grams,
  • potatoes - 4 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • onion – 1 piece,
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • tomato paste – 1 tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - to taste,
  • water – 2.5-3 liters (depending on the volume of the multicooker).

Cooking method

  • Cut the meat into medium-sized cubes.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Lay out the meat. Fry for 20-30 minutes in the appropriate mode.
  • Finely chop the onion.
  • Grate the carrots.
  • Peel the potatoes. Cut into cubes.
  • Add onions and carrots to the fried meat. Simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 5 minutes before readiness, you can add tomato paste or grated tomato.
  • Add potatoes, bay leaf and squeezed cabbage. Add water. Cook for 90 minutes in the “Soup” or “Stew” mode.
  • After the multicooker notifies you that the cabbage soup is ready with a brisk beep, you need to mix the prepared yummy and pour into portioned plates. Don't forget to serve sour cream and chopped fresh herbs with the cabbage soup. Bon appetit!

Shchi is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which is prepared from sauerkraut, which is why it can also be called “sour cabbage soup.” Quite often, Ukrainian cabbage soup and cabbage soup are confused, but in fact these are two completely different dishes.

From time immemorial, porridge and cabbage soup were considered the main dishes on the Russian table. In order to prepare traditional cabbage soup from sauerkraut, they had to not only be boiled, but simmered for several hours in a Russian oven, thanks to which they acquire an incredible taste and special aroma.

The main components of cabbage soup, prepared according to all traditions, are roots, herbs and a large amount of beef, lightly fried flour, and of course, the most important ingredient, sauerkraut. Modern housewives do not cook cabbage soup in the oven, so the recipe for this dish has changed slightly, but this has not made it any less tasty.

Today, quite often, instead of beef, pork and sometimes poultry are used, cereal is added along with fried flour, potatoes are added, you can take not only sauerkraut, but also fresh cabbage.

Shchi with sauerkraut
Sauerkraut cabbage soup prepared according to this recipe is slightly different from traditional ones, but at the same time it turns out incredibly tasty and aromatic.

500 g sauerkraut,
1 parsley root,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
800 g brisket (ribs),
8 pieces of black pepper (peas),
2 bay leaves,
9 tbsp. l. millet cereals,
3 potatoes,
100 g celery root,
1 pinch of salt,
fresh herbs - a little, to taste.

In order to prepare delicious cabbage soup, you will first need to ferment the cabbage. Don't be scared, this process is quite easy and won't take too much free time.

If you wish, you can buy ready-made cabbage, but you must try it before buying. It is important to remember that the cabbage that will be used to prepare cabbage soup should not contain vinegar or any additional additives (for example, cranberries, apples).

First, cook the broth. We take the meat and rinse it thoroughly with cold water, then transfer it to a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the stove to cook. Peel the onion and cut it into two pieces. We clean and wash the parsley root and carrots.

As soon as the water begins to boil in the saucepan, take a spoon and remove the resulting foam. Now turn the heat down to low and cook the broth for an hour and a half, but no less.

After the specified period of time, the broth for future cabbage soup will be completely ready. If you wish, you can squeeze and then wash the cabbage, but it is best not to do this, since the more sour the cabbage, the tastier the resulting cabbage soup will be.

The cabbage needs to simmer for a long time, about an hour and a half. To do this, we need to take a frying pan, always with a thick bottom, after which we literally pour two or three ladles of hot broth into it and add a small amount of fat.

Place the cabbage in the pan and cover it with a lid. It is important to turn down the heat to a minimum and simmer the cabbage, but you must constantly ensure that the cabbage does not have time to burn. Over time, the broth will gradually begin to boil away, so add it periodically.

While the cabbage is simmering, we work on the potatoes - peel them, wash them and cut them into fairly large cubes. As soon as the cabbage is almost completely ready, add the potatoes to the preheated broth.

Now let's start preparing the frying for future cabbage soup. Take the onion, peel it and cut it into small cubes. Next, take the carrots, peel them, wash them, and then grate them on a coarse grater. Peel and cut the parsley root into strips (you can take celery). Lightly fry the vegetables in a small amount of fat.

As soon as the potatoes are half cooked, rinse the cereal and transfer it to a saucepan with broth. If desired, to prepare traditional cabbage soup, instead of cereal, a small amount of fried flour is added to the broth to add thickness, but it also turns out very tasty with cereal.

A couple of minutes before the potatoes are completely cooked, add the frying agent to the broth. As soon as all the vegetables are cooked, put them in a saucepan and cabbage.

It is important to remember that if you add cabbage early, in an acidic environment the potatoes may not be cooked and will remain half-cooked, which will greatly spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Now we separate the meat from the bones and cut it into not very large pieces, transfer it to a saucepan. Now we will add bay leaves. We take peppercorns and pound them in a mortar, as they should be small pieces, which makes the dish much more aromatic and tastier. As soon as the pepper is chopped, transfer it to the cabbage soup.

Almost at the very end of cooking, add pre-chopped fresh herbs to the cabbage soup, adding a little salt if necessary. It is worth remembering that cabbage itself is quite salty, so do not add too much salt so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Now you need to let the cabbage soup boil, then turn off the stove. It is better to serve cabbage soup after a few hours, when it has steeped well. The combination of cabbage soup with sour cream turns out incredibly tasty.

Cabbage soup with sauerkraut in a slow cooker
In order to significantly reduce the cooking time of this dish, you can make cabbage soup with sauerkraut in a slow cooker. This recipe is simply ideal for working housewives who want to surprise their loved ones with a delicious dish, but do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

1 tomato (can be replaced with 1 tbsp tomato paste),
300 g sauerkraut,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
4 potatoes,
300 g of any meat (preferably pork),
spices and salt - a little, to taste,
vegetable oil - a little.

First, we prepare the meat - wash the meat thoroughly, then cut it into large cubes and place it in the multicooker bowl. We also pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the bowl, then turn on the “baking” mode and fry for about half an hour.

In the event that chicken meat is chosen and cabbage soup is planned to be cooked in a slow cooker, then it is worth remembering that in this case the meat does not require additional frying. Place the diced potatoes into the multicooker bowl along with the chicken and add the sauerkraut.

While the meat is being fried (for example, you can take pork, it turns out very tasty), we prepare the vegetables - cut the onion into small cubes, and chop the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel the potatoes and cut them into fairly large cubes.

If you come across very sour cabbage, then first soak it in cold water. Next, add cabbage to the bowl with meat, carrots and onions, and then mix everything well. Now close the lid of the multicooker and simmer everything together for 15 minutes, turn on the “baking” mode. Don’t forget that you need to periodically open the lid of the multicooker and stir the cabbage soup.

About five minutes before the end of cooking the cabbage soup, add the diced tomato or tomato paste. If we add a tomato, we first need to remove the skin from it, and to do this we make a cross-shaped cut on the top of the tomato, and then put it in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. After a minute or two, carefully remove the peel and cut the tomato into small cubes or three on a grater.

Next, put the already prepared potatoes into the multicooker bowl, add a bay leaf, lightly season with salt, add spices, and pour in water. Now close the lid and turn on the “stew” mode, leaving the sauerkraut cabbage soup to cook for an hour and a half.

After the signal sounds, mix the cabbage soup thoroughly and leave for a while so that the dish can infuse and be filled with aroma. It is best to serve sauerkraut cabbage soup a couple of hours after cooking.

Pour the prepared cabbage soup into portioned plates, add sour cream and sprinkle with a small amount of chopped fresh herbs.

Lenten cabbage soup with sauerkraut and mushrooms
You can cook cabbage soup not only with meat, but also a lean version of the dish, where mushrooms are used instead of meat. This dish can be prepared even during Lent.

50 g mushrooms (dried),
4 medium sized potatoes
1 tbsp. l. flour (with a slide),
1 carrot,
1 onion,
500 g sauerkraut,
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
pepper and salt - a little, to taste.

First we deal with the mushrooms - put them in a deep bowl and fill them with cold water, leave for three hours. After the specified time, cook the mushrooms in the same water (about half an hour), lightly season with salt.

As soon as the mushrooms are ready, carefully strain the mushroom broth into a saucepan, and cut the slightly cooled mushrooms into small slices.

Now take the sauerkraut and rinse it in cold water to remove all the excess salt, and then squeeze the cabbage thoroughly. Place a frying pan on the stove and let it warm up, then pour a small amount of vegetable oil and lay out all the cabbage. Turn the heat down to low and simmer the cabbage for half an hour, stirring it occasionally to prevent it from burning.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small cubes, and then put them in the prepared mushroom broth. Place a second frying pan on the stove, pour a little oil and pour in flour. Fry the flour for several minutes, stirring constantly, until it acquires a light yellow tint (it is important not to overcook the flour, otherwise the taste of the finished dish will be greatly spoiled).

Add one cup of mushroom broth to the flour in the pan, and then mix well. Next, add the mixture of flour and broth to the saucepan with the future cabbage soup.

Peel the carrots and onions, then grate the carrots on a coarse grater and cut the onions into small cubes. Now put the sauerkraut in a saucepan with mushrooms, bring the cabbage soup to a boil, add the flour mixture.

In the frying pan in which the cabbage was previously stewed, now lightly fry the onions and carrots for 10 minutes. Next, add the finished frying to the pan and cook for five minutes. Then season with a little pepper and salt.

Lenten cabbage soup with sauerkraut and mushrooms can also be prepared in a slow cooker.

Place the cabbage in the multicooker bowl and turn on the “stew” mode, leave for an hour and a half, while adding just a little water, after which we transfer the cabbage from the multicooker into the bowl.

Fry carrots and onions for 10 minutes in a multicooker in the “baking” mode, while adding a little vegetable oil. Next, add cabbage and potatoes, a little water, season with pepper and salt, cook for one hour in the “stew” mode.

It is not for nothing that they have long said in Rus' “cabbage soup and porridge are our food.” Sauerkraut cabbage soup is a traditional Russian dish that is often present on the table of both urban and rural residents. Classic cabbage soup is prepared from fresh or sauerkraut in meat broth with the addition of other vegetables.

The cooking technology hardly changes depending on the type of main product, but sauerkraut gives the first dish a characteristic sourness and its characteristic aroma. Vegetable or mushroom broth is also used to cook cabbage soup. As an addition to the presented step-by-step recipes, you can serve finely chopped greens, such as green onions, with sauerkraut cabbage soup. Also, sour cream or sauces based on it would be an excellent addition to the dish. One of the garnish options for cabbage soup is finely chopped green onions, crushed in sour cream and garlic.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup (step-by-step recipe) - general principles of preparation

To prepare the broth, it is better to take meat with small layers of fat. It cooks faster and gives the broth a pleasant taste. To begin with, the meat should be boiled until tender. You can immediately add peppercorns, bay leaves, parsley and celery root to the broth. This will give the broth a rich flavor and aroma. Then, of course, the broth must be strained to remove all excess.

Onions and carrots should be added to the broth after sauteing until half cooked. If desired, you can fry bell peppers along with them.

Sauerkraut should be added to the broth along with the potatoes. But before this, it is advisable to rinse the cabbage and simmer with a small amount of broth.

Cabbage soup with the addition of millet, rice or pearl barley turns out very tasty. Cereals should be added to the soup before potatoes and cabbage.

Real sauerkraut cabbage soup is prepared with the addition of toasted flour. It should be fried until slightly golden brown, and then you need to add a little broth and simmer it all together for a little less than a quarter of an hour.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup: a classic step-by-step recipe


200 g beef;

200 g sauerkraut;

One carrot;

One onion;

30 g tomato paste;

200 g potato tubers;

Salt to taste;

2-3 black peppercorns;

2-3 peas of allspice;

Bay leaf;

50 g parsley root;

30 g celery root;

30 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beef meat in cold water, remove excess fat and films.

2. Place the meat in a saucepan for cooking cabbage soup.

3. Fill with cold water. We don't add salt.

4. Let it cook over high heat.

5. Wash and peel the parsley and celery roots.

6. Cut the roots into large pieces.

7. Add them to the meat, they will give the broth a special aroma and additionally saturate it with useful substances.

8. At the same time, throw the bay leaf and black and allspice peas into the pan.

9. As soon as the broth boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon or a regular ladle.

10. Reduce the burner heat so that the broth simmers slightly.

11. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for about 40 minutes.

12. Then take the meat out of the pan and cut it into portions across the fibers of the connective tissue.

13. Strain the broth through a sieve, thereby removing all additives in the form of peppercorns, pieces of root vegetables and bay leaves.

14. Pour the broth back into the pan and put on fire.

15. Place pieces of meat into the broth and continue cooking the cabbage soup with sauerkraut.

17. Trying cabbage.

18. If the taste of acid is strong, place it in a deep bowl, fill it with water and leave for about a quarter of an hour.

19. When 15 minutes have passed, throw the cabbage into the broth with the meat. In an acidic environment, meat will cook faster.

20. Rinse the potato tubers under running water.

21. Peel the skin from the potatoes.

22. Place the tubers in a cup of cold water.

23. Now, one by one, cut each potato into slices, then into strips, and then into cubes. You should get a whole cup of potato wedges covered in cold water. Let's put it aside for now.

24. Separately peel and wash the onions and carrots.

25. Then cut the onions and carrots into thin strips.

26. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan.

27. Add chopped onions and carrots.

28. Place the burners on low heat.

29. Stir lightly and sauté.

30. When the vegetables acquire a light golden hue, add tomato paste to them.

31. Stir.

32. Fry for another minute and remove from the stove.

33. Add diced potatoes to the broth.

34. Wait for the broth to boil and skim off any foam if there is any.

35. Then add sautéed vegetables to the cabbage soup.

36. Stir the cabbage soup.

37. Cook for another 15-17 minutes until all vegetables are ready.

38. At this stage, add salt to taste.

39. After the specified time, turn off the heat under the pan.

40. Close the lid and leave for 5-7 minutes to infuse.

41. Now pour the cabbage soup into a portioned soup plate. If desired, you can sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs or add a tablespoon of sour cream (at the rate of 25 g per serving).

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with smoked ribs: step-by-step recipe


200 g smoked pork ribs;

100 g sauerkraut;

50 g carrots;

50 g onions;

300 g potato tubers;

Salt to taste;

2-3 black peppercorns;

Two laurel leaves;

20 ml vegetable oil;

A bunch of fresh parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the smoked ribs in cool water. We remove all excess. If necessary, cut them into pieces for ease of cooking. If desired, instead of pork, you can take any other smoked meats, such as pieces of chicken or turkey.

2. Place the ribs in a saucepan for cooking cabbage soup.

3. We also send bay leaves and black peppercorns there.

4. Be sure to fill it with cold water. If the water is immediately hot, the broth will be weak and not flavorful.

5. Place on the stove and turn on high heat.

6. When the water boils, turn down the heat.

7. Remove all the rising foam using a slotted spoon.

8. Loosely cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking.

9. We sort out the parsley from yellow and wilted leaves.

10. Place the greens in a deep bowl and fill with water.

11. Mix with your hands and take out the greens.

12. Place the parsley on a clean towel to dry.

13. Separately peel and wash the onions and carrots under running water.

14. Finely chop the washed vegetables into strips or pass through a grater. The cutting of sauerkraut and other vegetables should be similar.

15. Pour vegetable oil into a small frying pan.

16. Put onions and carrots there.

17. Place on the stove to fry.

18. Stir vegetables in a frying pan.

19. Fry until half cooked for about 7 minutes.

20. Then remove the pan from the stove and set it aside for now.

21. Wash the potatoes in water and peel them.

22. Wash the tubers again in cold water.

23. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

24. Free the cabbage from the brine. Now you need to try it. If the cabbage is too sour, you need to soak it in a bowl of cold water for 10-15 minutes, and then put it in a sieve or colander to drain all the water. If the taste of cabbage is not very sour, then use it without soaking.

25. Cut the sauerkraut into small strips, if the cut is larger. If not, then you can only cut individual thick specimens.

27. Strain the broth through a sieve, as it may contain small bones from pork ribs.

28. Place the pan with the broth back on low heat.

29. Add sauerkraut and potatoes to the broth.

30. Bring to a boil over high heat.

31. Turn down the heat.

32. Remove the foam from above.

33. Add fried vegetables.

34. Stir.

35. Cover the pan with a loose lid.

37. In the meantime, let's make pork ribs. Place them on a cutting board and remove the meat from the bone. Here again you need to focus on your own taste. You can leave the bones in the broth, or you can simply remove the meat and add it to the cabbage soup, as in this recipe.

38. So, the last stage of preparing cabbage soup from sauerkraut. The step-by-step recipe involves adding chopped meat to cabbage soup. The rest of the vegetables should already be half cooked by this point.

39. Cook the cabbage soup for another 10-15 minutes at a low simmer and half-closed lid.

40. Quickly cut the parsley into small strips on a cutting board.

41. Then, while the cabbage soup is boiling, add the greens.

42. Turn off the heat on the stove and close the lid of the pan.

43. After 5-7 minutes of infusion, sauerkraut cabbage soup is ready to eat.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup (step-by-step recipe) - tricks and useful tips

Before putting on the fire, fill the meat with cold tap water. Do not start cooking broth in hot water.

Vegetable oil for sautéing vegetables can be replaced with any other oil if desired.

If the sauerkraut is salty enough, then there is no need to add salt to the broth.

Any spices and seasonings intended for first courses are suitable for preparing cabbage soup.

If desired, the soup can be prepared from two types of meat. This will make the broth even tastier.

To make the broth a beautiful golden color, you can boil a whole, washed onion with peel along with the meat.

If the soup turns out to be too thick or salty, you can dilute it with hot boiled water.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with sour cream, fresh herbs and homemade bread is a tasty and healthy lunch that you should at least occasionally enjoy with your family. The pickled vegetable adds a piquant sourness to the dish. This soup can be cooked in meat broth or made lean.

The most popular among housewives is the version of the recipe with pork ribs broth. For such a dish you will need to use the following ingredients: 180 g cabbage, 2 potatoes, 1 pc. carrots and onions, 450 g meat product, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, a piece of butter, salt, spices.

  1. A strong broth is made from pork ribs or any other meat. You can immediately salt it and add any spices.
  2. Sauerkraut is finely chopped. If the vegetable turns out to be very sour, then it is better to rinse it with cold water.
  3. Shredded cabbage is stewed in a small amount of broth for about 60 minutes.
  4. About half an hour after the start of cooking, pieces of onion and carrot lightly fried in butter, as well as tomato paste, are added to the vegetable. Together, the ingredients simmer for another 20 minutes.
  5. After the specified period, all vegetables are transferred to a pan with broth and diced potatoes are added to them.
  6. The soup is cooked until the potatoes are soft.

If you choose vegetable broth for the dish, it will turn out to be vegetarian.

Recipe for making sour cabbage soup in a slow cooker

By choosing this recipe, the housewife will not have to constantly monitor the pan. You can simply turn on the device in the desired mode and calmly go about your business. From the products you will need to take: 250 g of any meat and sauerkraut, 3 potatoes, 1 pc. carrots and onions, 2 tbsp. ketchup without additives, a pinch of dry herbs, salt, spices.

  1. In the “Frying” mode, meat cut into small pieces, for example, pork loin, is cooked for 15 minutes with frequent stirring.
  2. The onion is cut into miniature cubes, the carrots are chopped on a coarse grater. Vegetables are fried for a couple of minutes along with meat and ketchup.
  3. After adding sauerkraut, the ingredients are cooked for 25 minutes in the “Stew” mode.
  4. All that remains is to add potato cubes, salt, herbs and spices to the multicooker bowl, and cook the dish for 30 minutes under a closed lid in the “Soup” mode.

For the last stage of preparing a treat, the “Baking” program is also suitable.

Sauerkraut soup with chicken broth

Shchi with chicken turns out not only tasty, but also light. They are perfect even for dinner on a cold day. For this dish you need to take: 800 ml. chicken broth, 280 g sauerkraut, 1 small chicken fillet, 3 potatoes, 1 pc. onions and carrots, salt, seasonings, butter.

  1. Add fillet slices and diced potatoes to the boiling chicken broth. You can immediately salt the future soup and add the selected seasonings to it.
  2. Onions and carrots are chopped and then thoroughly fried in butter.
  3. Passed vegetables are transferred to the broth along with the resulting liquid.
  4. When the potatoes become soft, add sauerkraut to the pan and cook the dish for another 12-15 minutes.

You should always taste cabbage before adding it to soup. Too acidic a product can spoil the dish, so it should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water.

Recipe with mushrooms

Cabbage soup without meat can also be made very satisfying and rich. To do this, you just need to add any fresh or frozen mushrooms (450 g) to the soup. In addition, you will need to use: 5 potatoes, 3 pcs. carrots and onions, a piece of celery, 450 g of sauerkraut, bay leaf, salt, spices, oil.

  1. Broth is made from celery, one peeled onion and carrots with the addition of bay leaves. When it's ready (about 20 minutes after boiling), the vegetables can be discarded or used in another dish.
  2. The remaining onions and carrots are peeled, chopped and thoroughly fried in vegetable oil. Along with them, pieces of mushrooms are cooked to an appetizing crust.
  3. When the vegetables are fried, a little broth is added to them, and the ingredients are simmered together for another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Place chopped potatoes into the pan with the remaining broth.
  5. When the vegetable becomes soft, you can add frying onions, carrots and mushrooms to the container.
  6. The soup is cooked for another 10-12 minutes, after which it is served hot.

Mushroom cabbage soup with sour cream is the most delicious.

Quick recipe for sauerkraut cabbage soup with stewed meat

If the cook does not have fresh meat on hand, then you can prepare cabbage soup from sauerkraut with the addition of stewed meat. These are options for a quick and budget lunch. It is better to take beef stew (1 can). In addition to meat, you will need to use: 350 g cabbage, 4 potatoes, 1 pc. onions and carrots, salt, spices, oil.

  1. If you use long store-bought cabbage, it is better to chop it finely. The vegetable is transferred to a pan, filled with water, salted and left to cook until soft (about half an hour).
  2. The potatoes are cut into small cubes and added to the cabbage about 10 minutes after the water boils.
  3. Onions and carrots are chopped in any convenient way, after which they are fried in vegetable oil until golden. A couple of minutes before turning off the stove, the stew and selected spices are added to the vegetables.
  4. All that remains is to transfer the frying into the pan and cook the soup for 10-12 minutes over medium heat.

The entire contents of the can of stew are added to the frying pan with onions and carrots - meat, fat, and liquid.

Lenten cabbage soup

During Lent, such a recipe for cabbage soup will be a real godsend for housewives. The finished soup has a rich taste thanks to the addition of a bouillon cube (1 pc.). In addition, you will need to use: 270 g of sauerkraut, 2 pcs. potatoes, onions and carrots, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 tomato, salt, spices, oil.

  1. The potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes and filled with water. You also need to add a bouillon cube to the pan. Cook the ingredients until the vegetable is soft.
  2. Chopped onions and carrots are fried in vegetable oil, after which sauerkraut, tomato paste and tomato pulp are added. Together, the vegetables are cooked over low heat for another 10-12 minutes.
  3. All that remains is to add the roasted cabbage to the broth, salt it, add the selected seasonings, and let the soup boil.

If the finished dish lacks sourness, cabbage brine will help correct this.

Recipe for cooking with pearl barley

Sour cabbage soup can also be prepared with a variety of cereals. For example, with pearl barley (150 g). In addition to cereals, you need to take: 350 g of cabbage, onion, carrot, 2 potatoes, 0.5 kg. chicken fillet, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. flour, salt.

  1. A light broth is cooked from chicken fillet in salted water.
  2. The pearl barley is washed well and added to the pan with the meat. Diced potatoes are also added there.
  3. Chopped onions and carrots in any way are fried until golden, after which sauerkraut and flour are added to the frying pan. You need to add a little broth to the vegetables and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  4. The ingredients from the frying pan are transferred to the meat and potatoes. After 10 minutes of cooking, you can turn off the soup, sprinkle it with chopped garlic, add seasonings and leave to steep for half an hour.

If desired, the dish can be served immediately. But after steeping, the soup becomes more tasty and aromatic.

  1. Sour cabbage is lightly fried in vegetable oil (the vegetable should not brown), then poured with a small amount of water and simmered over low heat until soft.
  2. The resulting mixture should be placed in a saucepan, filled with water and potatoes cut into small cubes should be added to it. While the cabbage and potatoes are boiling, you need to do the rest of the vegetables.
  3. Onions, carrots, tomatoes and peppers are coarsely chopped and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. You can add granulated garlic and any other spices to the vegetables.
  4. After 8-10 minutes, the frying is transferred to the pan. The potatoes should be soft by now.
  5. All that remains is to add finely chopped fresh cabbage to the future soup and cook it for another 15 minutes.

The dish is served with sour cream and rye crackers.

The traditional Polish recipe for sour cabbage soup with sauerkraut involves the use of a large amount of meat.

It is best to combine pork ribs (250 g), smoked brisket (150 g) and smoked lard (70 g). You also need to take: 230 g cabbage, 30 g any dried mushrooms, 3 potatoes, 50 g barley, a couple of white onions, salt, spices, oil.

  1. The broth is made from pork ribs, onions, water and seasonings. It is important to constantly remove foam from its surface.
  2. Squeezed sauerkraut, potato cubes, chopped mushrooms and cereal are added to the resulting broth. The ingredients are cooked together for about an hour.
  3. After 30-40 minutes, finely chopped lard and brisket are added to the pan.
  4. The finished soup should steep for at least 15 minutes.

Before serving, the treat is sprinkled with chopped herbs and freshly ground black pepper.

Take meat and cartilage, cook some cool cabbage soup,
You rinse the cast iron and cook cabbage soup in the cast iron,
Throw more vegetables - I can’t live without cabbage soup,
To make me fat, finally, make me some Russian cabbage soup!

“Gas Strip”, song “Shchi”

Cooking cabbage soup, like most other dishes, has three components:

First, these are the products and basic culinary techniques used for cooking most soups (potatoes, meat, onion-carrot dressing + general cooking and frying techniques)

Secondly, this is a product that allows you to position the dish being prepared. For cabbage soup it is cabbage.

Third, products and culinary techniques that allow for a wide variety of food. Usually this is the addition of additional products to the main products, such as mushrooms, cereals, vegetables and (or) special cooking techniques - simmering in a pot, infusing daily cabbage soup.

In the recipe I will show you how to cook classic cabbage soup, and at the end I will talk about different options for preparing cabbage soup.

Composition, main products:

Beef 0.5 -1 kg
Sauerkraut 300-500 gr
Potatoes 0.5 kg
Onion - 1 piece
Carrots - 1 pc.

For cabbage soup, it is best to use fatty beef. What we'll do is take beef brisket.

Of course, you can use other meat, but we’ll talk about this at the end of the recipe, but for now let’s prepare the classic cabbage soup.
Place the brisket in a saucepan, add water, let it boil, skim off the foam and cook over low heat. It is very important to cook the meat without allowing it to boil violently, and ideally boiling at all, at a temperature of about 98 degrees. When boiling strongly, the fats contained in the meat are washed out and the broth acquires an unpleasant taste.
If the burner switch is set to the lowest heat setting and the broth continues to boil vigorously, cook the soup with the lid open.
Brisket cooking time is 60 minutes or more. An hour is enough for the meat to cook, but many people like boiled cabbage soup and therefore you can cook the beef longer, until it becomes a stew.

The next step is to add cabbage. Since cabbage soup is primarily a sour soup, we will use sauerkraut for our recipe.

The cabbage needs to be squeezed out of the brine. If it is very sour, then rinse it. But don’t overdo it, the cabbage soup should be sour. The amount of cabbage again depends on its taste, but it should not be small, no matter how it is the main ingredient. We do this - take out the meat and put in the cabbage. This is necessary in order to cut the meat from the bones and cut into pieces. After slicing, place the meat back into the pan. We throw away the bones.

While the cabbage is cooking, prepare the potatoes.

Another important detail is that since the soup is cooked practically without boiling, when adding large quantities of new products you need to temporarily turn up the heat a little (switch from 1 to 2). This is necessary so that the brew quickly restores the temperature lowered by the added ingredient. If this is not done, the soup will not only take longer to cook, but will also become less tasty. As soon as the broth boils, be sure to turn the heat back to low.

The cabbage does not need to be cooked for too long; the time spent peeling and cutting the potatoes is quite enough. This means that we immediately lower the potatoes cut into large cubes (about 3x3 cm). Cutting into cubes is more suitable for cabbage soup than into cubes.

While the potatoes are cooking, make the onion-carrot dressing. This is a common dressing for most soups - carrots are grated on a coarse grater or finely chopped. The onion is finely chopped and the whole thing is sautéed in the fat removed from the broth or in vegetable oil.

Usually tomato paste is also added to the sautéing process, but this is not necessary for cabbage soup.

When the potatoes are ready, add the sauté mixture to the cabbage soup, add salt, and add bay leaves and peppercorns if desired. Cook for another 5 minutes and the cabbage soup is almost ready.

For complete happiness, it is better to let them steep for at least 30 minutes. Cabbage soup is usually seasoned with sour cream, but you can also use mayonnaise.

This was a classic cabbage soup recipe. Now comes the fun part! Various options for cabbage soup.

Sometimes sorrel is used instead of cabbage. Cabbage for cabbage soup is often pre-steamed separately.

Meat is preferable to beef. But pork or poultry will do. In summer, cabbage soup with stew is good. They make cabbage soup with smoked meats. In the recipe for Petrovsky (prefabricated) cabbage soup, meat, ham and chicken are used simultaneously.

The so-called “empty” cabbage soup is cooked in the same way, without meat, with only vegetables.
There is lean cabbage soup in mushroom broth.

Instead of potatoes, or together with potatoes, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, and mushrooms are used for cabbage soup.

Spinach or young nettles are often added to green cabbage soup with sorrel.

Ural cabbage soup is made with separately pre-cooked pearl barley.

Sometimes, when serving, half a hard-boiled egg is placed in the cabbage soup.

Daily cabbage soup is prepared in several ways. The main difference between daily cabbage soup is that they are either eaten the next day after cooking, or during the cooking process they are left to infuse for a day.
Often cabbage soup is cooked in clay or ceramic pots in the oven, imitating cooking in a Russian oven.

Note: For those who are afraid that the potatoes will not cook in an acidic environment, simmer the sauerkraut separately and add the finished cabbage to the cabbage soup at the end of cooking.

Classically, this is done like this: put cabbage in a frying pan or saucepan, add a little fat (vegetable oil is fine), add 10-15% water and simmer over low heat for 1.5 - 2 hours, with the lid closed, stirring occasionally. If necessary, add water. This is a recommendation from Soviet catering recipes.

Putting potatoes into cabbage soup before raw (both fresh and sauerkraut) cabbage is not recommended for one simple reason - the cooking time for chopped fresh cabbage is 20-30 minutes, for sauerkraut - 30-35 minutes, and the cooking time for chopped potatoes is 15-20 minutes .

That is, if you put sauerkraut after the potatoes, as some people advise in the comments, well, they really “heard the ringing, but don’t know where it came from,” then you risk getting either boiled potatoes or undercooked cabbage.

Once again - at the end of cooking, add STEWED sauerkraut!

But! Often at home and in dining rooms they didn’t bother with separate stewing, but cooked the cabbage first and then added the potatoes. And it turned out quite normally, because coupled with the preliminary removal of excess acid from the cabbage (squeezing, washing, etc.) and a little longer cooking, the effect of the acidic environment on the potatoes is completely neutralized.