Sewerage diagram in an apartment - wiring arrangement using examples. Sewage systems of high-rise buildings Preventive cleaning of sewerage in an apartment building norms

It is worth noting that residential areas are something without which it is impossible to imagine a residential area in a modern metropolis. If just some twenty years ago, the mass construction of such buildings was just beginning to gain momentum, today, design solutions in this direction are impressive not only for their visualization, but also for their versatility. Considering the above, we can draw a completely logical conclusion that almost every second person in our state is a resident of a panel high-rise building, which, in turn, has a built-in sewer system. Unlike those people who at one time gave preference to suburban housing construction, the inhabitants of multi-storey buildings, for the most part, are deprived of all the main difficulties associated with the creation of private sewers, emptying cesspools and interruptions in water supply,

We are all accustomed to the fact that almost all problems can be solved using two valves. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The built-in sewerage system is a rather complex structure that requires not only constant inspection and performance monitoring, but also the replacement of quickly wearing parts. Many things depend on how well this communication is arranged, such as the presence of an unpleasant odor in the bathrooms, flooding of neighbors below and constant blockages. Therefore, high-quality prevention, as well as planned repairs of individual pipelines and at the same time the entire system, must be placed at the top of the list of highest priority tasks for persons who represent public or private utility services, as well as, of course, residents of a multi-story building. But first, it is important to understand on what principle the system itself works and what rules of its operation you definitely need to know.

Features of the built-in sewer system

It should be noted that most of the panel housing construction projects, which were built in the 90s of the last century, have such a layout that the room for the bathroom and bathroom are located near the kitchen. This scheme has been introduced so that a single sewerage layout can be used. Its principle of operation is as follows: the wiring begins from the kitchen area, passing through the bathroom, as well as the toilet, and only then does it enter the general apartment riser. The top of the latter must be exposed to the roof to ensure proper ventilation. This sewerage system in a multi-storey building does not have any design features and is very simple to install. Its main function is the process of redirecting the liquid pressure from the drain of the built-in sewerage system of each of the apartments of the building to a common riser.

Sewage installation diagram in apartments

This principle can be called the leading one during the design of multi-storey buildings and sewage systems in them. The pipeline must be laid at a slope, but only after experienced plumbing specialists have carried out all the necessary computational work. The degree of slope must be absolutely uniform throughout the entire pipe that is used for work, since accumulations of various waste will constantly be observed at the connection areas, which will greatly complicate the process of direct use and repair of the entire system. For pipelines that have a diameter of 0.4-0.5 centimeters, the slope angle must be at least 3 percent, and for a pipeline with a diameter of 0.85-0.1 centimeters - 2 percent, respectively. Remember the main rule, which will certainly come in handy - the farther the equipment used is located from the drain point, the higher the sewer pipe should be placed.

Today, as a rule, the sewer system of absolutely every apartment in a panel building in a residential area implies the presence of one or several plumbing fixtures, each of which must be located at a correctly calculated angle. Thanks to proper calculation, you can significantly extend the service life of the sewer system, as well as avoid various unpleasant situations that may arise during operation. As the practice and experience of craftsmen shows, the indicated percentage proves that for every meter of pipeline having a diameter of 0.4-0.5 centimeters, the slope should be at least 3 centimeters. Based on the above, the sink, which is located 1.5-2 meters from the common riser, should have the end of the pipeline raised by about 6 centimeters.
Features of proper operation of the sewer system of a panel house

In order to ensure that the sewer system of a residential building does not cause any malfunctions and does not fail under minor loads, it is necessary to check it from time to time for the presence of waste and clean it if necessary. Imagine that even a precisely calculated sewer slope level will never give you a guarantee that the sewage pressure will flow through the pipeline unhindered and at the required speed. As a rule, it is in such systems that mousse, gases, and food waste are retained, which with each year of operation significantly reduces the permeability of the riser itself, thereby causing blockages. The reason for such situations is that it is not pure liquid that enters the sewer, but one saturated with a variety of waste, such as chemicals from detergents, food particles, and much more. Alas, all of the above sooner or later begins to settle on the walls of the pipeline, turning into blockages. At the stage of creating a system design, engineers expect that the risers will self-clean due to constant movement under a certain pressure. It is the latter that will provide the most favorable angle of inclination.

But even the most well-established sewer system of an apartment building requires periodic maintenance in the form of cleaning. These manipulations must be carried out in areas where the bathroom is connected to the riser. In modern and Soviet housing construction, designers took this feature into account and left a special hole so that all the necessary work could be carried out without much difficulty. If the area is long, then such preventive repairs are especially necessary; in the case of minor runs, you can do without cleaning at all.

The rule that determines the most optimal level of slope does not apply to those devices and equipment that are equipped with pumps. Such household appliances are dishwashers and washing machines. This equipment in a high-rise building always supplies liquid under pressure, which is why the height of the connection points is not important. The sewer system of panel houses involves the installation of a special water plug, which is a kind of water seal. It is this that allows you to create a natural barrier that prevents the exhaust of sewer gases so that unpleasant odors do not enter living spaces. In Soviet times, the role of a cork was played by a siphon, which had a curved shape. There was an accumulation of gases in it, there was a place for pressure changes, and it was the siphon that was a kind of blocker of unwanted odors.
Repair and maintenance of the sewer system

Approximate layout of the elements of the sewer system in a typical bathroom of an apartment high-rise

The most important requirements that are put forward for an improved system are, of course, primarily convenience, safety and functionality. Above we have already described the principle of the internal part, but the sewage system also has an external one. It consists of collectors that are combined simultaneously by several risers and are discharged outside the building into a wastewater system or into special wells that are intended for wastewater that comes not only from one panel house, but also from neighboring high-rise buildings.

External sewerage systems, which ensure uninterrupted operation of the systems of multi-apartment panel buildings, are city networks. Considering that sewerage is something without which it is impossible to imagine life in a big city, it is fundamentally important to repair it as needed and not turn a blind eye to small malfunctions that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Previously, municipal plumbers believed that the best option for installing sewer systems were pipes made of cast iron or steel. Of course, the reliability of such structures is known, and in terms of their strength they are not inferior to any analogues. But, despite all this, it also has significant drawbacks. First of all, it is important to note the considerable weight, and therefore significant difficulties in installing them. Inside the pipeline made of this alloy, there is a rough surface, which over time causes the accumulation of food and household waste on the walls. Of course, such a pipeline will last a long time, but will require frequent maintenance due to its design features.

External drainage wells

Today, at the design stage of any apartment building, it is specified what type of pipes will be used. Particularly popular are plastic pipes, which are quite capable of replacing and completely displacing cast iron materials. Main advantages:
- Availability. The price of such pipes is impressive in its affordability, because taking into account the initial costs of all the necessary materials, the system will fully pay for itself and will reduce the cost of installation work.
– Light weight. Light weight and compact dimensions make the installation process faster and simpler.
– Ease of use. Many wastes do not accumulate on the walls of such structures, so preventive maintenance and replacement of plastic pipes are not needed too often.
– Durability. The average service life is 10 years or more.

Do not forget that in addition to consumables for installing a sewer system, you must also take into account the costs that will be needed for periodic prevention of blockages.

Taking into account all the described aspects and features of operation and repair work, you can now form your own idea of ​​​​how the sewage system is arranged in a multi-storey building. Without forgetting about all the recommendations that were given in the article regarding proper operation, you will be able to ensure uninterrupted and durable operation of the sewage system of a modern residential high-rise.

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Sewage system in an apartment building: 6 main elements

Probably, few of the readers are familiar in detail with the sewerage system in an apartment building. In my article I am going to fill this gap by describing all the elements of the wastewater system, its typical problems and methods for eliminating them.

Down up

Let's start with a simple listing of sewerage elements. When listing, we will move against the movement of stocks - from bottom to top:

  1. Yard sewer well is under the authority of the Gorvodokanal. It ends in a well that discharges the drains of several risers outside the walls of the house (usually from one entrance);
  2. Outlet to the well- a pipe with a slope in its direction, laid through the foundation of the building and laid below the freezing level of the soil. The outlet discharges wastewater into a tray in the concrete bottom of the well;
  3. Lezhnevka— a horizontal pipe connecting sewer risers;

I am using terms used in the region where I happened to work as a plumber.
Often, even among professionals, the same object is called differently.
The same bed can be called a sun lounger or simply a horizontal sewer.

  1. Riser— a vertical pipe collecting waste from apartments located one above the other;
  2. Comb- indoor sewage system. It got its name in those days when plastic wiring for apartments with adjacent bathtubs and kitchens was made monolithic and really looked like a rare comb for combing hair;
  3. Fan pipe— ventilation outlet of the riser to the roof.



If the storm sewer is closed with lattice covers to receive wastewater, then the yard sewer well is closed with a monolithic cover, which prevents the entry of foreign objects into it.

Its location is marked on the wall of the house with a designation of the form KK12, KK5, etc., in which the letters indicate the sewer well, and the number indicates the distance to this well in meters along a line drawn perpendicular to the wall with the designation.

A typical material for well walls is reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1000 mm. Steel brackets are fixed in the wall, allowing you to go down to the bottom level. The bottom is concreted to prevent untreated waste from entering the ground; There is usually a recess in the concrete - a tray that directs wastewater into the next well and then into the collector.


A blockage between the wells means that the entrance drains enter it, but do not go to the collector. Cleaning according to the current regulations must be carried out pneumatically:

As you know, in our country not all technological operations are carried out in accordance with the regulations. Drain cleaning is no exception. In practice, sewer wire is used for it - steel wire with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm with a hook at one end and a handle at the other.

Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. The coil of wire is completely unwound;
  2. The mechanic goes down into the well and feeds the wire with a hook to the blockage;
  3. His partner pulls the wire, preventing it from folding into loops, and rotates the handle, helping the hook break the cork.

This method has four serious disadvantages.

  1. The walls of the well are always covered with a layer of dried sewage. A person who descends into it rises to the surface in a very unsightly form;
  2. The brackets of old wells are often partially or completely destroyed: wet waste fumes have a detrimental effect on the steel;
  3. Methane and other gases that are products of fermentation of wastewater or penetrating from the ground often accumulate in the well. By themselves they are not overly toxic; however, a lack of oxygen may well lead to loss of consciousness, and lifting an adult from a narrow shaft is more than a difficult task. The accumulation of gases in wells leads to the death of several people every year;
  4. When clearing a blockage, a multi-meter column of sewage hits the opposite wall of the well with such speed and force that it is quite problematic to escape from the splashes.

That is why experienced Vodokanal mechanics carry with them to accidents the simplest device - a pipe with a diameter of 32 - 40 mm, bent in the shape of a hockey stick. Its short side is inserted into the outlet from the side of the well, after which the wire is fed to the blockage through the pipe.

Outlet to the well


The typical outlet diameter is 100-150 millimeters. The beginning of the outlet from the basement is equipped with a plugged tee for cleaning. The slope of the pipe is at least 1 centimeter per linear meter; changes in slope, and especially counter-slopes, are strictly prohibited, as they will inevitably lead to constant blockages.

Since the outlet is laid in the ground, quite stringent requirements are imposed on the strength of the pipes. The release is being laid:

  • Cast iron pipe (including ductile iron pipe - high-strength cast iron with nodular graphite);
  • An orange PVC pipe designed for outdoor use and with high ring rigidity.


With regard to the areas of responsibility in relation to the outlet, the situation is quite complicated: its blockages are cleared by employees of the housing department or the management company, repairs and replacements are carried out by them; however, damage to the outlet due to subsidence of the well walls must be repaired by Gorvodokanal. However, every controversial case serves as a cause for friction between interested parties.

The most common exhaust problem is a clog. Its causes are:

  • Rags dropped by residents into the toilet when washing floors. The rag clings to any unevenness inside the pipes and quickly becomes overgrown with other debris;
  • Fat plugs. Fat from the plates settles on the walls of the pipes as the wastewater cools, gradually reducing their useful cross-section.

In this case, sewer cleaning in an apartment building is also carried out using sewer wire. It is practiced to clear blockages from both the basement and the well.

When clearing the grease plug, the hook at the end of the wire is made larger, and the wire itself, with continuous rotation, passes the blockage several times. The goal is to remove as much fat as possible from the pipe walls.



The lezhnevka combines the risers of the entrance and is laid with a constant slope towards the outlet to the well of 1 - 2 cm/m depending on the diameter. In houses built after the 70s of the last century, the typical diameter of the bed is 100 mm; in Stalinka and earlier buildings you can find beds with a diameter of 150 and even 200 mm.

The pipe is laid on supports (including basement bulkheads) or hung on steel hangers, which are anchored to the ceiling. The fastening pitch depends on the diameter and material of the pipe.

With a large fastening step, the plastic pipe sags over time, forming counterslopes.
Cast iron pipes are mounted as rigidly as possible on the sockets, which prevents the destruction of their seal.

The lezhnevka is equipped with revisions or (in the case of cast iron pipes) plugged tees for cleaning:

  • On turns and bends;
  • Every 8 meters on straight sections.


These include:

  • Inevitable blockages. In addition to rags and grease, the list of causes includes construction debris, sand and cat litter that settle in areas with minimal slope;

When plugs are installed and inspections are closed, blockage of the drainage pipe or outlet to the well leads to flooding of the apartments on the lower floor.
The drainage from the entire entrance begins to flow into their toilets and bathtubs.

  • Leaks at socket connections (including due to destruction of sockets).

How are these problems solved?

Eliminating a leak in a plastic socket comes down to re-joining the pipes, or less often, to replacing the o-ring seal.

A cast iron bell usually has to be re-coined. How to do this work yourself?

In addition to describing the algorithm of this work, it is worth mentioning a number of its subtleties:

  • The easiest way to remove the old cement seal from the socket is with a chisel or a wide screwdriver. The cement is broken with a hammer and removed along the entire circumference of the pipe;
  • The old heel can be removed with the same screwdriver;
  • When re-minting, you can use a graphite gland instead of a heel: it is much more durable than organic fiber impregnated with oil or bitumen;
  • For embossing, you can use either a specialized tool (a steel tube bent in the shape of the letter Z and flattened at the end) or a wide screwdriver;
  • To seal the socket, you can use a cement-sand mixture in a 1:1 ratio or pure cement.

The blockage is cleared through the nearest tee or revision. It is advisable to clean it from top to bottom: otherwise, you may not have time to dodge the fetid stream rushing down the pipe.

Is it possible to somehow prevent flooding of first-floor apartments due to clogged drains?

Yes. It is necessary to leave the risers below the basement floor unsealed and at the same time to prevent sewage from entering the basement during normal sewer operation. This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. By installing an oblique tee on the riser instead of an inspection;

If the riser is clogged, the drainage will flow through the tee outlet into the basement. Its flooding is also not a gift, but it’s still better than a flood in the apartment.

  1. Replacing the inspection cover with a homemade one, equipped with a bend directed upward at an oblique angle.



The typical diameter of a sewer riser is 100 mm. However, there are no rules without exceptions:

  • In post-war houses I have seen risers with a diameter of 150 mm;
  • In small-family houses of some layouts, kitchens are equipped with a separate riser with a diameter of 50 mm.

The riser is laid with socket pipes with the sockets oriented upward; At the floor level, tees and crosses are installed to connect the combs. Cleaning inspections include:

  • In the basement, half a meter - a meter above the connection with the bed;
  • On the extreme floors;
  • In buildings of five floors and above - every three floors.

At the top, the riser extends beyond the roof and ends with a waste pipe communicating with the atmosphere.


There are four main problems with sewer risers.


A clogged sewer in an apartment building in most cases is a consequence of violation of the rules for using the sewer. The riser is clogged by foreign objects that have entered it from apartments or from the roof.

The blockage is cleared from top to bottom through the nearest revision.

For cleaning, we use the already familiar sewer wire. Strong and large objects that fall into the sewer require special measures: cleaning is carried out from the roof through the drain pipe and comes down to breaking through the blockage with a crowbar lowered on a rope.

Ventilation failure

In winter, the fan outlets of the risers often freeze: moist vapors settling on the walls gradually reduce the clearance to zero. The thrust in the riser does not disappear anywhere; As a result, sewer aromas begin to saturate the apartments on the upper floors through leaky connections to plumbing fixtures and water seals damaged by the vacuum that occurs when toilets are flushed.

The problem is solved:

  • defrosting the riser. For this purpose, it is enough to pour a bucket of hot water into the drain pipe;
  • insulation of the drain pipe, preventing the freezing of vapors on its inner surface.


Plastic pipes have one unpleasant feature: they make the slightest noise in the riser audible. As a result, you hear the neighbors above draining water, the noise of the wind in the drain pipe, the sound of dripping from a faucet that is not fully closed, and other annoying noises.

The noise problem can be solved in two ways:

  1. Installation of so-called silent pipes. They differ from conventional ones by the addition of mineral filler, increased thickness and variable density of layers;

The price of a silent sewer pipe is 3 - 4 times higher than the cost of a conventional PVC pipe.

  1. Soundproof the riser with any roll insulation, foam shell, or a box made of plasterboard, wall panels or lining constructed around the riser.

Violation of tightness

Its typical cause is the destruction of the cast iron pipe socket or coupling under the weight of the pipe and due to corrosion.

The photo shows a destroyed cast iron coupling.

The defective area is replaced using a sewer coupling and a compensating pipe:

  1. Two cuts are made above and below the destroyed bell. The distance between them should be equal to the length of the compensator;
  2. The compensating pipe is pushed all the way onto the upper pipe;
  3. A coupling is put on the down pipe;
  4. The compensator settles into the coupling socket;
  5. All connections are sealed.

To repair a cast iron riser, you can use a plastic fitting of the appropriate diameter.
The surface of cast iron pipes is first cleaned of layers and rust.



A horizontal pipe collecting apartment wastewater from several plumbing fixtures is laid with a diameter of 50 mm. An exception is the toilet: the outlet for its connection should not have a smaller diameter than its outlet.

The slope of a comb with a diameter of 50 mm should be 3.5 cm/m. To attach plastic pipes to the wall, clamps and clips are used; The attachment points should be no more than 40 - 50 cm apart from each other.

In the absence of clamps and clips, I laid the pipes on 6 mm thick wire driven into holes drilled in the wall. The ends of the improvised brackets were bent into a vertical position.

The connection of the comb outlets with plumbing fixtures is made airtight to avoid the appearance of odors. For sealing, standard sewerage seals or rubber cuffs are used.


Plastic indoor sewage systems are characterized by only two problems:

  • Smells. Their reason is in leaky connections of the comb with sinks and washbasins. To combat odors, it is enough to seal the joints with cuffs. As a temporary measure, they can be wrapped with regular tape;
  • Blockages. A typical problem with a clogged 50mm comb is grease deposited on the walls of the pipe, which gets into the drain when washing dishes. The blockage can be cleared with a cable followed by rinsing with hot water; however, it is better to simply disassemble the sewer and shake out all the accumulated debris from the pipes.

Cast iron combs of old houses often leak along the sockets. I described the method of minting cast iron sockets above.

Fan pipe

Its diameter in general should be equal to the diameter of the riser; however, in new houses it is common practice to combine two to four risers with one outlet leading to the roof. I have already touched on the problems and their solutions in the “riser” section.

All you need to know about the sewer drain is that it is necessary for the normal functioning of the sewer system. The practice of replacing a drain pipe with a vacuum valve is not a complete solution. The draft arising in the riser in the absence of ventilation transports all odors to the nearest leaky connection on one of the upper floors.

Exiting the riser to the roof is not at all an extra detail of the interior.


I have written a lot about sewer problems, but not a word about how you can avoid them.

The rules and regulations for sewerage in an apartment building, which are mandatory for all residents, are simple and understandable.

  • The toilet is used only for its intended purpose. Food waste, construction waste, thick paper, garbage are disposed of in other ways;
  • The outlets of bathtubs, showers and sinks are equipped with grates or mesh to prevent foreign objects from entering the sewer system;

  • Unauthorized transfer and change in the diameter of risers, benches and outlets to the well is strictly prohibited. If you want to change their configuration, contact your local housing organization for approval;

  • Before you pour water into the toilet after washing the floors, take the time to make sure there is no rag in the bucket.

A simple recommendation will help you get rid of fatty plugs in the comb, which, alas, is often ignored by the rules for using sewerage in an apartment building published in the media. Wash dishes with hot water (literally on the verge of a comfortable temperature). I have long noticed that problems with fat deposits begin in the summer, when the hot water temperature drops to its minimum.


I hope that I was able to answer all the questions related to the sewage system of an apartment building. As always, the video in this article will offer additional information. I would appreciate your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

July 7, 2016

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When installing a sewer system in a multi-storey building, many features must be taken into account, including servicing a large number of apartments. Such a system must withstand heavy loads, water shocks and be autonomous. In order for the pipeline to operate smoothly, it must be installed in accordance with all requirements.

Find out how the sewage system works in a multi-storey building.

Installation of a sewer system in an apartment building

In standard designs that were built in the USSR, the bathroom is located next to the kitchen, sometimes behind the wall.

Pipes run from the kitchen to the bathroom and toilet, and pass into a common riser that extends to the roof for sewer ventilation. The design is simple and easy to clean when clogged.

All parts are tilted so that the liquid itself flows into the sewer. The slope is different for each pipeline diameter. Before installation begins, calculations are carried out and a diagram is drawn.

  • The slope for thin parts should be greater than for thick elements:
  • for 40-50 mm – no less than 3%;

If during the calculation process an error is made in the form of a smaller slope, then a blockage will form in areas of weak bending, which will prevent the water supply from being fully used. When installing a system, the slope must be 3 cm for each meter of pipe. All work is carried out in accordance with SNiP, otherwise a blockage in the sink may cause a major repair of the sewer system in the entire building.

In houses that were built not so long ago, the system is installed in a similar way, but with a larger number of risers. Thanks to this, the kitchen and bathroom can be located in different places in the apartment. The sewer system diagram is drawn up, conditionally dividing the installation into wiring stages. The first is vertical wiring, when pipe systems are placed vertically. This allows the wastewater to flow by gravity into the next sewer drain. The pipelines do not become clogged due to the large diameter of the elements.

According to SNiP, 3-5 risers should be installed in one entrance, each of which has a drain pipe. It can be installed in any high-rise building or building with more than 2 floors.

The design prevents unpleasant sewer odors from entering the room and causing water hammer. In the vertical distribution there are clearings that are installed every 2-3 floors.

They are windows through which you can clean the pipeline if it is clogged. An inspection in the form of a small window is installed across the floor, through which the blockage is inspected, and after cleaning it is removed. A sufficient number of inspections and cleanings must be installed on the riser. This will allow you to quickly solve the problem due to direct access to the sewerage system in an apartment building.

The horizontal distribution includes all pipelines through which wastewater flows from plumbing equipment and household appliances. In this type of wiring, blockage occurs due to the fact that the sewer pipes are not installed at the desired angle.

When using residential premises, siphons are installed on plumbing fixtures to prevent gases from entering the premises. This device also needs to be periodically cleaned of accumulated dirt.

Another sewer circuit is installed in the basement, which is called a drainage system. It can be located in the upper area, below or attached to the wall. One end of the bench is connected to the riser, and the second extends to the well, passing under the foundation. In the basement of apartment buildings, at the connection of the bench and pipe system, a cleaning system is installed. This point is taken into account when approving the plumbing plan of the building.

The owners do not have access to this structure, so if a blockage occurs in this area, they will have to call utility services to fix the problem. In this case, they will not look for the culprit. At the final stage, wells are installed, from which wastewater flows into the central sewer system.

When the building is located in a low area and the wastewater does not flow into the well itself, a sealed collector is constructed. A fecal pump is installed in it. This device forcibly moves waste liquid into a well, from which it flows into the central system. There should be a hatch next to it through which emergency removal of blockages is carried out.

An example of a house sewer diagram.

For sewerage, you will need pipes made of different materials, which include plastic, cast iron, asbestos cement and concrete. For internal utility networks, hidden installation is suitable.

For this, grooves, channels, shafts and boxes are used. To protect the pipeline, waterproofing roll material is used.

Any structure has a storm drain, which is necessary to drain away precipitation. It consists of a large number of parts and prevents flooding of the roof and erosion of the foundation.

The system can be external and internal. In the first case, it is assembled from pipes, funnels and trays, which are attached to the lower edges of the slopes. In the second, water accumulates on the roof and is discharged through a pipeline that is hidden outside, in the wall of the building.

In multi-storey buildings, it is customary to install an internal storm drain. It serves for a long time and does not spoil the appearance of the apartment building. The system is installed on flat roofs and on structures with a slope.

Sewerage in an apartment building: norms and rules

All residents of an apartment building must follow the rules and regulations for the use of sewerage:

  1. A mesh is used to protect the system from debris. It is placed in the outlets of plumbing equipment. Grids can be replaced with special gratings.
  2. The toilet must be used for its intended purpose. It is not intended for the disposal of construction waste, thick paper and food waste.
  3. Changes to the riser configuration must be agreed upon with the management company.
  4. Any leak in the system must be repaired immediately.
  5. When carrying out major repairs, it is prohibited to use the sewer until the work is completed.
  6. If a blockage appears in any section of the sewer channel, the pipeline should not be used until the contamination is eliminated.

If the system is not functioning fully and a blockage appears, residents of the house must submit an application to the appropriate service.

At the same time, half of the residents living in the entrance must sign it, indicating apartment numbers and personal data, as well as describing a complaint about a sewerage breakdown.

A sample document is taken by employees during a personal visit to the company or it can be completed on its official website. It is recommended to file a complaint immediately after discovering problems with the pipeline, because The application may take several days to be considered. If an emergency arises, contact the utility service using the phone number indicated in the documents or on the website.

SNiP 2.04.01-85*

Building regulations

Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

Internal cold and hot water supply systems


17. Internal sewerage networks

17.1. Wastewater discharge should be provided through closed gravity pipelines.

Note. Industrial wastewater that does not have an unpleasant odor and does not emit harmful gases and vapors, if this is caused by technological necessity, may be discharged through open gravity chutes with a common hydraulic seal.

17.2. Sections of the sewer network should be laid straight. Change the direction of laying the sewer pipeline and connect devices using connecting parts.

Note. It is not allowed to change the laying slope on the branch (horizontal) pipeline section.

17.3. Installing indents on sewer risers is not allowed if sanitary fixtures are connected below the indents.

17.4. To connect branch pipelines located under the ceiling of premises, in basements and technical undergrounds to the riser, oblique crosses and tees should be provided.

17.5. Bilateral connection of drain pipes from bathtubs to one riser at the same level is allowed only with the use of oblique crosses. It is not allowed to connect sanitary fixtures located in different apartments on the same floor to the same outlet pipeline.

17.6. It is not allowed to use straight crosses when positioned in a horizontal plane.

17.7. For sewerage systems, taking into account the requirements of strength, corrosion resistance, and savings in consumable materials, it is necessary to provide the following pipes:

for gravity systems - cast iron, asbestos-cement, concrete, reinforced concrete, plastic, glass;

for pressure systems - pressure cast iron, reinforced concrete, plastic, asbestos-cement.

17.8. Pipeline connecting parts should be taken in accordance with current state standards and technical specifications.

17.9. The laying of internal sewer networks should include:

openly - in underground spaces, basements, workshops, utility and auxiliary rooms, corridors, technical floors and in special rooms intended for placing networks, with fastening to building structures (walls, columns, ceilings, trusses, etc.), as well as on special supports;

hidden - with embedding in building structures of floors, under the floor (in the ground, channels), panels, wall grooves, under the cladding of columns (in attached boxes near the walls), in false ceilings, in sanitary cabins, in vertical shafts, under baseboards in the floor.

It is allowed to lay sewerage from plastic pipes in the ground, under the floor of the building, taking into account possible loads.

In multi-storey buildings for various purposes, when using plastic pipes for internal sewerage and drainage systems, the following conditions must be observed:

a) the laying of sewer and drainage risers should be provided hidden in installation communication shafts, culverts, channels and boxes, the enclosing structures of which, with the exception of the front panel providing access to the shaft, box, etc., must be made of fireproof materials;

b) the front panel should be made in the form of an opening door from combustible material when using pipes made of polyvinyl chloride and from a fire-resistant material when using pipes made from polyethylene.

Note. It is allowed to use combustible material for the front panel with polyethylene pipes, but the door must not open. To access fittings and inspections in this case, it is necessary to provide opening hatches with an area of ​​no more than 0.1 square meters with covers;

c) in the basements of buildings in the absence of industrial warehouses and office premises, as well as in the attics and bathrooms of residential buildings, the laying of sewer and drainage plastic pipelines may be provided openly;

d) the places where risers pass through the floors must be sealed with cement mortar to the entire thickness of the floor;

e) the section of the riser 8-10 cm above the ceiling (up to the horizontal outlet pipeline) should be protected with cement mortar 2-3 cm thick;

f) before sealing the riser with mortar, the pipes should be wrapped with rolled waterproofing material without a gap.

17.10. Laying internal sewer networks is not allowed:

under the ceiling, in the walls and floors of living rooms, sleeping quarters of children's institutions, hospital wards, treatment rooms, dining rooms, work rooms, administrative buildings, meeting rooms, auditoriums, libraries, classrooms, electrical and transformer rooms, automation control panels, supply ventilation chambers and industrial premises requiring special sanitary conditions;

under the ceiling (open or hidden) of kitchens, premises of public catering establishments, trading floors, warehouses for food products and valuable goods, lobbies, premises with valuable artistic decoration, industrial premises in places where industrial furnaces are installed, which are not allowed to get wet, premises, where valuable goods and materials are produced, the quality of which is reduced by moisture.

Note. In the premises of the supply ventilation chambers, drainage risers are allowed to pass through when they are placed outside the air intake zone.

17.11. The following should be connected to the sewer network with a flow break of at least 20 mm from the top of the receiving funnel:

technological equipment for the preparation and processing of food products;

equipment and sanitary appliances for washing dishes installed in public and industrial buildings;

drainage pipelines of swimming pools.

17.12. Domestic sewer risers located in the upper floors of buildings passing through public catering establishments should be provided in plastered boxes without installing revisions.

17.13. The laying of industrial wastewater pipelines in production and warehouse premises of public catering establishments, in premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale and in utility rooms of stores may be placed in boxes without installing revisions.

From industrial and domestic sewerage networks of shops and public catering establishments, it is allowed to connect two separate outlets into one well of the external sewerage network.

17.14. To prevent inspections on the risers during hidden installation, hatches should be provided with dimensions of at least 30x40 cm.

17.15. The laying of outlet pipelines from appliances installed in restrooms of administrative and residential buildings, sinks and sinks in kitchens, washbasins in treatment rooms, hospital wards and other utility rooms should be provided above the floor; In this case, it is necessary to provide for cladding and waterproofing.

17.16. The laying of pipelines transporting aggressive and toxic wastewater under the floor should be provided in channels brought to the floor level and covered with removable slabs or, with appropriate justification, in walk-through tunnels.

17.17. For explosion- and fire-hazardous workshops, a separate industrial sewage system with separate outlets, ventilation risers and water seals should be provided for each of them, taking into account the requirements of safety regulations given in departmental standards.

Ventilation of the network must be provided through ventilation risers connected to the highest points of the pipelines.

It is not allowed to connect industrial sewerage systems transporting wastewater containing flammable and flammable liquids to the domestic sewerage network and drains.

17.18. Domestic and industrial sewerage networks that discharge wastewater into the external sewer network must be ventilated through risers, the exhaust part of which is discharged through the roof or prefabricated ventilation shaft of the building to a height, m:

from a flat unused roof.......... 0.3

" pitched roof........................ 0.5

"operated roof................... 3

"cut of the prefabricated ventilation shaft....... 0.1

Exhaust parts of sewer risers located above the roof should be placed from openable windows and balconies at a distance of at least 4 m (horizontally).

There is no need to provide wind vanes on ventilation risers.

17.19. It is not allowed to connect the exhaust part of sewer risers with ventilation systems and chimneys.

17.20. The diameter of the exhaust part of the sewer riser must be equal to the diameter of the waste part of the riser. It is allowed to combine several sewer risers at the top with one exhaust part. The diameter of the exhaust riser for a group of combined sewer risers, as well as the diameters of sections of the prefabricated ventilation pipeline combining sewer risers, should be taken in accordance with paragraphs. 18.6 and 18.10. The prefabricated ventilation pipeline connecting the sewer risers at the top should be provided with a slope of 0.01 towards the risers.

17.21. When wastewater flows through the sewer riser exceed those indicated in the table. 8, it is necessary to provide for the installation of an additional ventilation riser connected to the sewer riser through one floor. The diameter of the additional ventilation riser should be one size smaller than the diameter of the sewer riser.

The connection of an additional ventilation riser to the sewer riser should be provided from below the last lower fixture or from above - to the upward-directed branch of the oblique tee installed on the sewer riser above the sides of sanitary fixtures or audits located on this floor.

17.22. To monitor, if necessary, the movement of wastewater from process equipment on pipelines discharging wastewater or waste chilled water, a stream break should be provided or inspection lights should be installed.

17.23. On internal domestic and industrial sewerage networks, it is necessary to provide for the installation of inspections or cleanings:

on risers, if there are no indentations on them - in the lower and upper floors, and in the presence of indentations - also in the floors located above the indentations;

in residential buildings with a height of 5 floors or more - at least every three floors;

at the beginning of sections (along the movement of wastewater) of drain pipes when the number of connected devices is 3 or more, under which there are no cleaning devices;

at network turns - when changing the direction of movement of wastewater, if sections of pipelines cannot be cleaned through other sections.

17.24. On horizontal sections of the sewerage network, the largest permissible distances between inspections or cleanings should be taken according to Table. 6.

Table 6

Distance, m, between inspections and cleanings
depending on the type of wastewater

Pipeline diameter, mm

production uncontaminated
and gutters

household and industrial, close to them

industrial, containing a large amount of suspended substances

Type of cleaning device



200 or more

Notes: 1. Instead of inspecting suspended lines of sewerage networks laid under the ceiling, it is necessary to provide for the installation of cleaning systems leading to the upper floor with a hatch in the floor or open, depending on the purpose of the room.

2. Inspections and cleanings must be installed in places convenient for their maintenance.

3. On underground sewerage pipelines, inspections should be installed in wells with a diameter of at least 0.7 m. The bottoms of the wells must have a slope of at least 0.05 to the inspection flange.

17.25. The minimum depth for laying sewer pipes should be taken from the condition of protecting the pipes from destruction under the influence of permanent and temporary loads.

Sewage pipelines laid in premises where mechanical damage is possible due to operating conditions must be protected, and sections of the network operated at subzero temperatures must be insulated.

In domestic premises, it is allowed to lay pipes at a depth of 0.1 m from the floor surface to the top of the pipe.

17.26. On industrial sewerage networks that discharge wastewater that is odorless and does not emit harmful gases and vapors, it is allowed to install inspection wells inside industrial buildings.

Inspection wells on the internal industrial sewerage network with a diameter of 100 mm or more should be provided at turns of pipelines, in places where slopes or diameters of pipes change, in places where branches are connected, as well as on long straight sections of pipelines at the distances given in SNiP 2.04.03-85.

In domestic sewerage networks, installation of inspection wells inside buildings is not allowed.

On industrial sewerage networks that emit odors, harmful gases and vapors, the possibility of installing wells and their design should be provided in accordance with departmental standards.

17.27. Sanitary fixtures, the sides of which are located below the level of the hatch of the nearest inspection well, must be connected to a separate sewerage system (isolated from the sewerage system of the premises located above) with a separate outlet device and the installation of a valve with an electrified drive on it, controlled automatically by a signal from a sensor installed on the pipeline in sewered basement, and sending an alarm signal to the duty room or control room.

Behind the electrified valve downstream of the water, it is allowed to connect the sewerage system of the upper floors, while installing inspections in the basement on the riser is not allowed.

Outlets from the sewer network of basements should be provided with a slope of at least 0.02.

Canalized basements must be separated by solid solid walls from warehouses for storing food or valuable goods.

Note. It is permissible to install a valve with a manual drive, provided that maintenance personnel remain in the basement 24 hours a day.

17.28. The length of the outlet from the riser or cleaning to the axis of the inspection well should be no more than that indicated in the table. 7.

Table 7

17.29. The outlet diameter should be determined by calculation. It must be no less than the diameter of the largest of the risers connected to this outlet.

17.30. The outlets should be connected to the external network at an angle of at least 90° (calculated according to the movement of wastewater). At the sewer outlet, it is allowed to install differences:

up to 0.3 m - open - along a concrete spillway in a tray, entering with a smooth turn into the external sewer well;

over 0.3 m - closed - in the form of a riser with a cross-section not less than the cross-section of the supply pipeline.

17.31. When the outlet crosses the basement walls or building foundations, the measures specified in clause 9.7 should be carried out.

Only specialists should carry out sewerage repairs in a multi-storey building.

The sewer system in an apartment building is much more complex than an individual sewer system. Difficulties arise from the need to serve more users. At the same time, the system must be able to withstand heavy loads, hydraulic shocks and operate autonomously. It is important to know how the sewerage system in a multi-storey building is arranged and what requirements are put forward for it.

In most homes today, developers place the kitchen next to the bathroom. This is done for the convenience of laying communications. So, the sewer line begins in the kitchen, passes through the sanitary unit, after which the wastewater is discharged into a common riser. To ensure ventilation, the top of the riser is exposed to the roof.

Before installing a sewer system, a drawing is made

The sewer system in an apartment building operates using a gravity-fed type.

This operating principle is decisive when creating a project. After all, in order for wastewater to be drained naturally, the pipeline must be laid at a certain angle. As a rule, the slope is calculated separately depending on the diameter of the pipes and the location of the treatment facilities.

The sewer distribution diagram in a multi-storey building includes the following components:

  • Vertical. Contains vertically located risers (3-5 pieces per entrance), cleanouts (installed every few floors) and inspection windows.
  • Horizontal. This includes the internal piping that connects the plumbing fixtures in all apartments.
  • Shower. This node is located in the basement of the building and connects the internal sewage system of an apartment building with the external one.

The final link in the sewer distribution system of a multi-storey building is the sewer wells, from which sewage waste enters the city sewer system. They are located at a depth sufficient for wastewater to flow into them naturally. If the house is located in a low area, drainage by gravity may not be possible. In this case, the system is equipped with a receiving collector with a fecal pump, which forcibly moves wastewater into the city sewer system.

General requirements of SNiP

When developing a sewer system project in an apartment building, all contractors are guided by state standards, building codes and regulations. They are the ones who can guarantee the installation of reliable and safe sewage systems. Indeed, if the rules are violated, problems such as blockages, flooding and unpleasant odors may appear in an apartment building.

Therefore, it is important that the underground pipeline from the building to the waste collection points has the same slope along its entire length.

Otherwise, blockages will form at the bends of the pipeline, which will complicate the operation of the system. According to SNiP, the drainage slope must be at least 3% for pipes with a diameter of 4-5 cm. For a pipeline with a diameter of 8.5-10 cm, the slope must be 2%. The outlet of the network should be connected to the external sewerage system at a right angle.

It is forbidden to change sewer pipes without the appropriate permission.

In addition, the following requirements are put forward for the installation of sewage systems in an apartment building:

  • Taking into account strength, corrosion and load, cast iron, asbestos-cement, concrete or plastic pipes should be used for drainage in multi-storey buildings.
  • The installation of internal communication networks should be carried out in a hidden way in installation grooves, shafts, channels and boxes.
  • The pipeline should be protected with waterproofing roll material.

It is not allowed to lay sewer pipelines under ceilings in kitchens, in the floors and walls of living rooms. To ensure ventilation of the system, exhaust ducts should be installed at least 4 m above the roof level. In this case, the connection of the exhaust sewer and chimney ducts is not allowed!

The principle of operation of city sewerage

City household sewerage is an external sewerage system for drainage systems in private and multi-storey buildings. It is a complex engineering system designed not only for drainage, but also for disposal of household wastewater. Such a system is designed quite simply and operates on the non-pressure principle of natural drainage.

The central sewer system consists of:

  • Sewage wells;
  • Pipeline networks;
  • Street, district and city collectors with pumping stations;
  • Treatment facilities.

Sewage wells are located near any building. They are the protective mechanisms that protect the system from blockages. Collectors are engineering structures that collect wastewater from two or more lines. Wastewater can move through collectors either by gravity or using pumping equipment. It depends on the features of the terrain.

Sewage treatment plants are enterprises that receive and treat wastewater discharged through public sewer systems.

They perform mechanical, biological and chemical wastewater treatment. After this, the wastewater is discharged into the nearest reservoirs or rivers. At the same time, facility workers always monitor the quality of purified water. Most treatment plants have their own laboratories.

Purpose and types of stormwater system

Storm drainage in any building is intended to drain atmospheric precipitation. It is an engineering system consisting of many elements that help avoid flooding of the roof of the building and erosion of the foundation. Installation of such a system begins from the roof. Moreover, it is installed both on flat structures and with slopes.

Sewerage in multi-storey buildings often has a long service life

Depending on the type of installation, storm drainage is divided into:

  • External. It consists of gutters, funnels and trays and is attached along the lower edges of the roof slopes.
  • Internal. This system allows you to collect moisture directly on the roof and remove it through a pipeline hidden in the outer wall of the house.

External storm drainage, as a rule, is installed only in houses with pitched roofs. In some cases, such sewerage can be seen on houses built in the 60-80s. last century. Modern multi-storey buildings are designed with internal storm drainage. This solution is more durable and does not spoil the appearance of the building.

The system for draining domestic wastewater in apartment buildings is quite complicated. This is due to the increased load on communications. Due to the large number of objects being serviced, serious requirements are put forward for the installation of such a system. After all, improper organization of communications can lead to constant blockages and flooding in the house. The installation of sewerage systems in multi-storey buildings is regulated by the requirements of SNiP and state standards. It is according to them that contractors install the system.