Swedish walls. Children's ladders for home training Children's ladders horizontal bars for home

In order for children to have the opportunity to play sports or just warm up at home, parents often think about purchasing a sports ladder. This design will not only become an excellent playground for your child, but will also contribute to improved health and active physical development. There are a huge number of their varieties on sale. Let's consider which model is better to choose for an apartment or private house and how to make an analogue of a purchased staircase with your own hands.

Components of the structure

If you decide to purchase a ladder for children, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this design and its constituent elements. Standard products are characterized by minimal dimensions and simplest configuration. This mainly includes a Swedish wall and a safety mat. If you have the opportunity to equip an entire sports ground, pay attention to the additional equipment that can be equipped with the product.

The sports ladder promotes the active physical development of children

This design may include the following elements:

  • Swedish wall. This is a regular ladder for sports and games, consisting of vertical posts and rounded rungs.
  • Rope-ladder. In order to diversify the use of the children's wall, you can add a section made of rope and crossbars or a regular rope net for climbing.
  • Gymnastic rings. This is a very useful equipment for developing the child's strength and endurance. In addition, they take up minimal space and can be attached to the horizontal part of the sports wall.
  • Mat. Provides not only a soft area for games, but also safety when climbing stairs and other equipment. It is advisable to include it in any design.
  • Swing. This is the favorite part of the wall for many children, especially girls. Swings can have different designs; some models require the presence of parents and their assistance during use.
  • Basketball hoop. The miniature design, which is an analogue of full-fledged equipment, is suitable for games in the apartment. A full ring is best used for installation outside the house.
  • Punching bag. This projectile will be useful for both boys and girls. With its help you can burn off energy, learn techniques and just have fun.
  • Venues. Some stairs are a multi-level structure, with small platforms between the sections.
  • Slide. You can afford to install a small inflatable slide in your apartment. But if the complex is located in the courtyard of a private house, you can equip it with a wooden or plastic model. Access to it can be via stairs or from an adjacent platform.
  • Horizontal bar. For straightening posture, developing muscles and stretching the skeleton, this compact equipment is simply irreplaceable.
  • Rope. Many children love to climb on a rope, so you can hang it from a stand or a wall bar with a horizontal part.

A sports ladder can include many elements for the physical development of a child

Certain elements are selected for a specific age. For a one-year-old baby, a simple design is enough, and as your child grows, some components can be added or replaced.

Available models

As for the types of structures, several classification criteria can be considered here. First of all, let's consider the possible material of manufacture. The following materials can be used for modern children's stairs and sports complexes:

  • Tree. This is an environmentally friendly and comfortable material to use. It is pleasant to the touch and light in weight. It is important that the surface of the wood is processed perfectly, that is, there are no chips or burrs, and there is additional coating or polishing.
  • Metal. Such designs are perfect for the street. The metal is very durable, but it can also be dangerous. Therefore, it is important to check for burrs, rust, and warped paint. Additional polymer coating is welcome to add softness. Please note that in cold weather it will be uncomfortable to use the structure and may even be dangerous (slipping, sticking).
  • Plastic. Lightweight, simple ladders for very young children are made from plastic. For older children, it is better to choose more durable models, and leave plastic for auxiliary components.

Types of children's sports ladders depending on the material of manufacture

According to the method of fastening, home stairs can be:

  • wall – fixed along the wall;
  • spacer - attached to the ceiling and floor.

Outdoor models are mainly installed by digging into the ground with or without a foundation.

In addition, there are the following models of ladders:

  • L-shaped;
  • T-shaped;
  • multi-element;
  • combined.

The first two varieties are standard and contain a minimum of elements in addition to the wall bars. Multi-element ones consist of a wide variety of projectiles. But combined stairs can be part of a more complex design and can be combined with a bunk bed, shelving unit, children's playhouse and other furniture.

Primary requirements

To get the most out of a children's staircase, you need to make sure it meets the basic requirements. These include, first of all, safety and environmental friendliness criteria. When purchasing, you should check for a quality certificate for a specific design. This is especially true for plastic parts. In addition, the threat may lie in the use of toxic paints and polymer materials. A characteristic unpleasant odor can serve as an alarm signal.

Next, pay attention to the way the parts are connected. The crossbars should not wobble, scroll, etc. The material itself should also be strong enough. The stability of the structure can only be finally verified at the installation site.

Another factor is the distance between the ladder rungs. The younger the child, the smaller it should be. The same applies to the height of additional equipment such as swings, rings and parallel bars. In addition, specific weight restrictions apply to different models. And finally, make sure that both you and your child like the design’s appearance.

The main requirements for children's stairs are safety and environmental friendliness

In order to choose a good children's staircase, use the following recommendations.

  • Select the product according to age categories. Basically, sports structures are divided into those that are intended for very young children, that is, children from 1 to 3 years old, for primary schoolchildren and children from 10 to 14 years old. They differ in the parameters of the location of the projectiles and the general equipment. You can take a complex that is also suitable for adults with additional equipment, for example, a bench for the press. It must withstand a load of 100-120 kg.
  • Rubberized crossbars do not slip and prevent injury when hitting them. This is especially true for metal structures. Additionally, lay a mat underneath.
  • It is more profitable to buy kit systems, because if necessary, you can add another projectile without replacing the main structure.
  • The mounting method must suit your conditions. On uneven surfaces, the difference in distance must be compensated by special fasteners. The quality and safety of fasteners is what you need to pay the most attention to.
  • The ability to adjust the height of the elements is a huge plus. You can adapt the product to the age and height of your child.
  • Dimensions can also influence your choice, because it is not always possible to accommodate a large complex in an apartment. For the street, the only limitation is the available budget.

First of all, you need to choose a children's wall bars according to the age of the child.

Installation Rules

To install a purchased wall bars in an apartment, you will need a hammer drill, since to ensure stability, you need to fix the racks in the wall or to the ceiling. In order to fit the structure in height, it is advisable to buy products with legs that are adjustable in level.

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to assemble all the parts together. To install a wall staircase, you need to drill the required number of holes at the required level, according to the instructions. The racks are provided with holes for installing bolts and nuts. To ensure that the fasteners do not injure the child, special plugs are used to disguise them. Ceiling mounts are installed in the same way. Some elements are hung on corners pre-screwed on top.

Street complexes are installed on a concrete base under support posts. For each of the supports, a hole about 40 cm deep is dug, a stand is placed there on a crushed stone base and filled with concrete. It is imperative to make sure that the level is maintained for each element: both vertically and horizontally.


If you don’t want to spend money on ready-made stairs for your child’s sports activities, you can try making a similar design with your own hands. The simplest wall bars can be made from wood.

Scheme for making a simple wall bars made of wood a) supports c) holes for fastening

First you need to make supports. For them, a beam is taken and cut to the specified height of the future staircase. For crossbars, it is best to take a processed round block. To fix them at the same distance, recesses are cut out on the bowstrings, and the edges of the block are ground down for a locking connection. Then the crossbars are driven into one string and pressed against the other on the other side. For reliability, glue and spacers are used at least at the top and bottom so that the bowstrings do not move apart.

The sports ladder will contribute to the proper physical development of the child. An active lifestyle is the key to good health.

What child does not dream of his own personal play space in the house, where no one would bother him to play for his own pleasure. Any parent can make this childhood dream come true. All you need to do is purchase or make your own sports children’s corner with such exciting equipment as a sports ladder, parallel bars, wall bars, and so on.

This article, illustrated with colorful photos and useful videos, is devoted to instructions for do-it-yourself installation of such a design.

A children's sports complex should be in every home, as it not only engages the child in a useful and exciting activity, but also helps strengthen physical health

Sports corner - basic safety requirements

A children's sports corner is very important for every child. After all, it not only allows you to captivate your baby with an interesting activity, but also contributes to his harmonious physical development.

When purchasing a ready-made sports kit for children, be sure to ensure that it meets all safety requirements

However, if you decide to make a sports ladder and other elements of a children’s corner for your home with your own hands, then the first thing you should study is the safety requirements for this design.

If you decide to make a sports complex for children with your own hands, be sure to adhere to all existing standards and safety regulations

The basic conditions that a sports corner must meet are:

Make the system so that it can easily support the weight of an adult

Choosing a place in the apartment

Before you start making a sports corner for your child according to the instructions, you should decide on a place for it in the apartment. The size of the sports structure depends on factors such as the area of ​​the room: large, small or medium in size.

A sports complex for children can come in a wide variety of configurations, the main thing is that it is safe and interesting for the child to engage in it.

In a big house

If you are the happy owner of a large house or spacious apartment, then you can place a whole sports complex for your children in it, including not only stairs, but also rings, a rope, a horizontal bar, a swing, and a wall bars.

For boys you can hang punching bags, and for girls you can make a dollhouse. In this case, you can allocate a separate room for the complex.

For a children's sports simulator it is not at all necessary to have a large apartment or house; you can make a more compact version of the complex

In a small apartment

If the square meters of your living space do not allow you to allocate a lot of space for a corner, you can place a gymnastic wall, a sports ladder and rings right in the corridor along the wall.

In a small apartment it is quite enough to place the main equipment - a spiral staircase and beams

Necessary tool

Prepare the following equipment for installing a sports children's staircase with your own hands:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • file.

All components for the sports corner can be purchased ready-made at a sports store.

Main details

All parts of our staircase structure can be purchased at any construction supermarket or on the websites of specialized stores.

To install the system we will need the following parts and paint materials:

  • wooden crossbars;
  • gymnastic sticks;
  • hooks;
  • nylon cord;
  • PVC tube;
  • wooden steps;
  • paintwork;
  • stain.

To make a corner for sports, you need to prepare not many parts


You can make a drawing for the stairs yourself, use the services of a designer, or take a ready-made sketch as a basis. The photo below shows a drawing of a sports ladder for DIY installation.

You can draw a drawing of a sports design yourself, or you can use a ready-made sketch with the indicated dimensions

DIY installation

In order to make a high-quality staircase for children, use these step-by-step instructions for its installation: 5. We fasten our rope system to the wall using reliable bolts.

You can always order a ready-made staircase structure of any configuration in the Staircase Master specialized store at an attractive and economical price.

A ready-made sports complex for children of high quality can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store at a fairly economical price.

Video: do-it-yourself sports staircase of the “wall bars” type

From the video you will learn how to make a sports staircase for your home with your own hands.

The vast majority of babies love to jump, run and climb. Even in supermarkets they create special places for them where they can spend their energy while waiting for their parents. In order to ensure such physical activity at any time of the year, special children's sports corners for the home have been invented.

You can purchase them in retail chains, online stores, or make them yourself; fortunately, there are plenty of instructions today.

Movement is health, so from a very early age you should teach your children to lead an active lifestyle. Often, parents let their child choose games based on their interest, which in many cases really pays off. Although spending time together very often has a more beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

If there is enough space in a house or apartment, it is best to allocate 2-3 square meters for a sports corner. meters of area. The child will quickly get used to it and will perceive it adequately. You can start introducing him to equipment at the end of the first year of life.

At this age, children almost do not perceive possible dangers, so they must be insured, especially if they decide to climb high. In addition, try to ensure that your child takes his actions seriously and does not get distracted or laugh, distracting his attention.

Advice: if a child is working out alone at a sports complex, which is possible no earlier than 3 years from birth, and you hear him fall and scream, you should not run to him immediately, and when after that he is silent, drop everything and quickly run to him .

Sports children's corners or complexes are good because they can be configured as you need. Typically, assembly instructions come with the product. You shouldn’t immediately fill the space with all the sports equipment; it’s better to do it gradually, as the baby grows.

The DSK consists of sports equipment, which is selected according to the age of the child, and the main frame is a children's sports ladder, it is often called “”. Most of the elements of the corner are attached to it.

In this case, the age of the baby is taken into account so that the step of the steps corresponds to him. Subsequently, a simple complex can be organically supplemented with more complex elements.

Exercise corners must be durable enough to withstand even the weight of parents when they decide to show their children how to do exercises. Therefore, when choosing DSC, pay special attention to this component. Joint activities help to establish contact with the child and get closer to him.

In addition to the Swedish wall-stairs, the main parts of the children's complex include:

  1. Gymnastic rings. They allow you to develop the vestibular apparatus, help strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen and legs. When choosing, you should give preference to non-slippery materials so that your baby’s hands do not slip off them.
  2. Rope. It’s a complex gymnastic apparatus, but it fulfills children’s desires to climb somewhere or hang somewhere. And even though the height of a standard ceiling is only 2.4 m, this is quite enough for a child to be able to strengthen many muscles of the body, become more resilient and, to some extent, not only stop being afraid of heights, but also control their fear.
  3. Swing. Rather, it is not a sporting element, but a delight, especially for the little ones. However, even he will teach children to control their movements. Just remember that you need to allocate enough space for the swing.
  4. Horizontal bar. One of the simplest, but very necessary sports equipment. With its help, many muscle groups are strengthened, the spine is straightened, which often stimulates the child’s growth organs.
  5. Rope sports ladder for children. A simple and at the same time complex projectile, which is not so easy to climb. In children's games and fantasies, a rope ladder will become an integral companion. An alternative is a mesh, but it requires much more space.
  6. Balance beam. Not always used in home sports corners, since there is always not enough space for them. But, with its help, the child will be able to begin to control his sense of balance.
  7. Nest. Another interesting accessory for games, which is usually placed at the very top, and the bottom is made soft, usually wicker.
  8. Sports mats. The safety of the child comes first. Soft mats significantly reduce injuries, while teaching children how to fall correctly, which is important.

Advice: if from the first lessons you can instill in your child responsibility for their health at the sports complex, the risk of injury will be significantly reduced.

The DSK projectiles listed above are not limited to. They can also be equipped with a treadmill, parallel bars, and a boxing bag.

By the way, improvised objects that are familiar to us can replace some sports equipment, including children's sports ladders. For example, to prevent a child from developing flat feet, a bed rail is used. Walking on it, as well as on the hard rug from the hallway, strengthens the foot and gives the necessary lift. (see also the article Child protection on stairs: what is best for the safety of a child)

To develop the vestibular apparatus, the log is replaced with cubes glued to the board. The limited surface allows the baby to concentrate. You can also train your sense of balance on a rolled-up mattress or blanket.

An artificial tunnel can be stools and chairs placed in a row. Boxes and boxes are used to create "rugged" terrain. The child climbs into them or climbs over them, training the muscles of the arms and legs.

An interesting “simulator” is a ribbon with toys hanging on it. The baby will reach for them, thereby “irritating” the growth area. Toys should be attached with adhesive tape, then tearing them off, the baby will be completely delighted.

Don't have a basketball hoop? No problem, you can use a laundry basin by placing it at the desired height. Throwing balls into it is great fun for little athletes.

Who among us has not built “fortresses” from sofa cushions? Take advantage of your experience and give your child obstacles that he will overcome with laughter.


Some parents rush to introduce their children to sports without thinking about the consequences.

In this case, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Up to 2 years - a soft mat and wall bars with a pitch of no more than 20 cm and a crossbar thickness of up to 3 cm. There are options with massage pads that will stimulate blood circulation on the child’s legs and arms. It also prevents the development of flat feet and develops motor skills. Do not forget that the surface of the crossbars should not be slippery so that the baby does not accidentally injure himself.
  2. From 2 to 3 years – a wooden swing, a rope ladder fixed to the floor and rings can be added to the children’s sports corner.

Classes in this age category must be conducted under adult supervision.

  1. From 3 to 8 years – attach a rope to the ceiling, hang a “pear”, install a ring.
  2. Then the child himself will say what he needs. The main thing is that the classes are interesting and not boring.

We build it ourselves

It is not necessary to purchase expensive sports corners for children. It is quite possible to make them yourself.


A sports equipment consisting of a durable suspension, for example, belts and the rings themselves (wooden or plastic). The structure is attached to a crossbar, which can be part of the frame or directly attached to the ceiling.


It can be made from:

  1. ropes with wooden crossbars;
  2. wood;
  3. aluminum

The first structure can be created from a rope up to 10 mm and wooden steps measuring 35x450 mm attached to it. The pitch between them is 20 cm, the working part located between the main ropes is approximately 400 mm, the height is about 2 m.

Assembling the stairs should begin by drilling holes with a diameter of 10 mm on each side of the step at an equal distance from the edge. A rope is threaded through them, which is fixed at the top and bottom of the crossbar with knots. In this case, the price of the product will be minimal.

Tip: metal rings should be installed at the ends of the steps to prevent them from cracking during use.

When making a wooden staircase with your own hands, 200x50x20 mm bars are used for spacers. It is secured using fastening pins. To do this, holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm should be made on the sides at a distance of 20-30 mm from the end of the bars.

It is better to make the crossbars round using a lathe, and for them to drill through seats with a diameter of 25 mm on the main bars. The steps and bars should be connected with wood glue.

A sports ladder for a home is fixed between two buildings, and the fasteners must pass through the ladder and the buildings. With the help of the latter it is possible to adjust the height of its inclination.


This is a crossbar suspended horizontally by straps or rope. Its length is approximately 600-800 mm, with a diameter of 35 mm. The best option is steel or aluminum, but it can also be made from hardwood.

A gymnastic trapeze is made as a rope ladder. The holes in the crossbar are 10 mm, departing from its end 40-50 mm. It should be secured with two knots for better reliability.

Rope wall

It consists of a frame that is attached to the floor and wall with metal anchors. It is made of wood, and the mesh is made of hemp or clothesline.

The latter is attached to the frame, passing through holes, the distance between which will be equal to the size of the cell. The mesh is woven from ropes that are pulled vertically and horizontally, the ends of which are stretched and tied in knots.

How to choose

First of all, you need to consider where it will be located. There are two reliable main options - the sports ladder is mounted on the wall or directly between the ceiling and floor.

In the second case, the complex can be installed in any convenient location. In addition, it is more mobile in operation, i.e. it can be quickly disassembled and installed in another location. In both options, the load on the complex is the same.

It is recommended to install the spacer DSC in a room where the ceiling and floor are made of reinforced concrete slabs. This way you can achieve maximum reliability. If the floor is wooden and the ceiling is plasterboard, you should pay attention to other methods of fastening.

In this regard, you should also take into account the material of the wall. It should be reinforced concrete, brick or cinder block. It is strictly forbidden to attach a sports complex to a plasterboard wall, as it may fall along with it.

If your apartment or house does not have suitable supporting structures, you can opt for the option without fastening. In any case, safety and reliability must come first.

Safety regulations

  • You cannot use DSC without gymnastic mats. Make sure that there are no toys in areas where the child may fall or jump off.
  • Do not allow your child to be at the sports complex with food or toys in his hands. When playing or practicing at the playground, the child must be barefoot or wear non-slip shoes.
  • Do not allow multiple children to use the same sports equipment at the same time.


The sooner parents start doing physical education with their child, the easier it will be for him in the future. The sports corner makes it possible to splash out accumulated energy, thereby making the baby more balanced. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Physical activity is very important for the normal development of a child’s body. Therefore, to perform exercises at home, many parents install a Swedish wall. This children's exercise machine allows you to regularly exercise with your baby from an early age, developing his endurance, strength and dexterity.

A little history

For the first time, the wall, which is called Swedish, appeared, as the name implies, in Sweden at the beginning of the 19th century. It was created by the therapist Per Henrik Ling for his own gymnastics system, which he taught at the first Swedish gymnastics institute.

His son Hjalmar helped spread the Swedish wall throughout the world, including our country. In the post-war period, this sports simulator in the USSR was included in the list of mandatory attributes of school gyms.


In addition, this sports equipment has the following positive aspects:

  • The presence of a wall bars at home will especially help if there is no high-quality and safe playground in the yard.
  • Also, training on such a sports simulator is indispensable in the winter, when children are outside less often and not for as long as in the summer.
  • The Swedish wall attracts with its versatility, because you can attach a variety of additional equipment to it - a rope, a bench, a swing, a horizontal bar and much more.
  • Such a sports complex does not take up much space.
  • The wall will help distract the child from the TV and computer, as well as provide active rest for the schoolchild during breaks between doing homework.


  • If the wall is made of wood, then it should be taken into account that this natural material is characterized by low strength. It is poorly resistant to water, mechanical stress, and high temperature.
  • Some wall models are quite large and are not suitable for a small city apartment.
  • If a child climbs onto the wall while the parents are away or the wall is not installed correctly, various injuries are possible.

At what age should the sports complex be used?

Installing a wall bars at home is recommended from the first years of a child’s life. Experts call 1.5 years the most optimal time to start using such a simulator. However, you can install a sports complex in your apartment earlier by starting to exercise with your baby when he is 6 months old.

Mounting options

To Wall

This method involves fastening the complex in four or six places to the wall using U-shaped brackets. With this fastening, the lower legs of the wall will rest against the floor. This mount will not work if the wall is weak or covered with plasterboard.

To the ceiling

Such walls are attached using a spacer method to the ceiling and floor simultaneously. It does not require drilling into walls or ceilings. However, it should be noted that this fixation will not work if the room has a suspended ceiling.

There is also a mixed version of wall installation, in which it is first screwed to the wall, after which a spacer is used to hold the simulator between the floor and ceiling.

Manufacturing materials

As a rule, wall bars are made of wood or metal. Each option has its advantages, as well as some disadvantages. Metal walls are made from a profile with a minimum thickness of 2 mm. They are very durable, but are considered more dangerous because metal bars are easy to slip off. In addition, they are cold to the touch.

Wooden walls are most often made from pine, maple or beech. To prevent the appearance of splinters, their parts are carefully adjusted and polished, sometimes treated with varnish on top.

Is it worth buying a wooden wall bars?

Many parents are inclined to buy a wooden wall for the following reasons:

  • The wood is more pleasant to the touch, and its surface is slightly rough.
  • Wooden crossbars are not slippery, so this wall is less dangerous.

However, at the same time, there will be the following arguments against buying a wooden wall:

  • A wooden sports complex is not very durable, even if the wood used for its manufacture is a durable species.
  • Wooden walls have weight restrictions.
  • Wood can be destroyed under the influence of various external factors, for example, direct rays of the sun, high humidity and others.


The main elements that are equipped with a wall bars are:

  • Horizontal bar;
  • Gymnastic rings;
  • Ladder;
  • Bars;
  • Basketball hoop;
  • Trapezoid;
  • Punching bag;
  • Rope;
  • Handlebars;
  • Swing;
  • Rope-ladder.

With horizontal bar

The wall model, represented by a ladder installed against the wall and a protruding last “step” with a horizontal bar, is one of the most common. Exercising on the horizontal bar is important for strengthening the muscles of the arms and back.

With parallel bars

The bars are usually represented by a special hanging element, which, if necessary, is hung on the wall bars, and when they have worked out, they are removed from it. Exercising with parallel bars strengthens the arm muscles.

Mixed type

Such sports walls include a large number of hanging parts. They can be removed and put away as needed to create different workouts.

Types of construction

The currently offered wall bars are conventionally divided into the following models:

  1. I-shaped. This is the simplest option, represented by only two racks and several crossbars. There is no provision for adding attachments to such a wall.
  2. L-shaped. This is the most popular option, in which there is a horizontal bar at the top of the wall.
  3. T-shaped. This is a rather practical wall, often fixed at random. It is represented by a ladder located in the middle and arms extending from it in two directions, from which different types of equipment can be hung.
  4. U-shaped. This is a massive wall installed in a spacious room. A large number of accessories are usually attached to it.

Which walls are considered professional?

Professional walls include walls that have the most durable construction. They are able to withstand significant loads (up to 250 kg) and are often installed in fitness clubs and sports centers.

Review of models, sizes and prices

A ladder wall with a horizontal bar is inexpensive, but the more additional accessories there are on the wall bars, the more expensive the complex will cost you. The most popular models of sports complexes for children are:

Vertical Cheerful Kid

Floor-mounted complex 1.2 m high made of metal. It occupies an area of ​​1.3 by 1.1 m on the floor, weighs 30 kg and can withstand a load of 50 kg. In addition to the net, swings, gymnastic rings and trapeze, the complex includes a bungee and a mat. The average cost of a simulator is 12,000 rubles.

Kampfer Kitty

A complex for children, including a slide, a 1.2 m high ladder and a swing. Installed on the floor, made of wood (pine and birch), withstands 30 kg. On the floor, such a sports complex occupies a space of 1.3 by 1.6 m. The advantages of the simulator are the ability to be installed next to any walls, the ability to move, rounded parts, and a wear-resistant coating. The average price of such a children's corner is 11,000 rubles.

Carousel Moon small

Swedish wall made of wood and laminate. Recommended for children from 3 to 5 years old, can withstand up to 50 kg. This wall weighs 12 kg, is attached to the wall, and its height is 142 cm. The advantages of the model are natural material, different colors (petals can be green, red or blue), easy installation, and compactness. The average price for such a wall is 4,000 rubles.

A metal complex for children, including a wall bars and a horizontal bar, as well as a rope, rings and a trapeze. This corner is attached to the wall, its height is 218 cm, and on the floor it occupies a space of 44 by 95 cm. This projectile weighs 25 kg and can withstand a load of up to 100 kg. The average price of a corner from this manufacturer is 6,000 rubles.

Compare the DSK Gorodok and Karusel models in the video of the Tatyana Novikova channel.

Wooden wall made of beech and pine. Attaches to the wall and can support up to 120 kg. Such a wall weighs 20 kg, its width is 80 cm, and its height is 260 cm. The average cost of this wall bars is 4,000 rubles.

Kampfer Compact (ceiling)

A complex that can be installed by surprise and includes, in addition to the wall bars, rings, a trapeze and a swing. Made of wood (pine and birch), weighs 30 kg and can withstand up to 120 kg. The height of the complex is 271 cm, its width is 64 cm, and on the floor it occupies an area of ​​65 by 10 cm. The advantages of this corner are its installation that does not require drilling, rounded safe parts, hidden places for fastening bolts, the presence of a wear-resistant coating, and compact dimensions. The average cost of the complex is 12,000 rubles.


Children's complex made of metal, installed by surprise. The height of the wall is 225-285 cm, on the floor the complex occupies an area of ​​150 by 90 cm. This corner weighs 30 kg, can withstand up to 100 kg, and is available in different colors. Its equipment includes not only a wall bars, a horizontal bar and rings, but also a trapeze, a rope and a rope ladder. A separate option is offered, the steps of which are covered with PVC. The average cost of this complex is 7,000 rubles.


Metal complex for children with PVC coating. Such a projectile is installed by surprise, has a height of 250-300 cm, can withstand up to 90 kg, weighs 27 kg and occupies an area of ​​65 by 54 cm on the floor. This complex includes a wall bars and a horizontal bar, as well as a trapeze, rings and a rope. The average price for this corner is 6,000 rubles.


Swedish wall with a metal horizontal bar, which is attached to the wall. The height of the projectile is 227 cm. Such a wall weighs 21 kg and can withstand up to 100 kg. Its average cost is 6,000 rubles.

  • To ensure the quality of the wall you are purchasing, ask the seller if there are certificates for its products.
  • Select the wall mounting option taking into account the characteristics of the place where it will be installed.
  • Carefully inspect all the details of the complex to avoid purchasing a defective product.
  • When choosing a configuration option, it is preferable to purchase a fully or half-completed wall rather than a “naked” projectile. With various additions, the children's sports corner will be more interesting for the child and allow him to perform more different exercises.
  • Don't skimp on buying a mat. This addition to the wall bars is very important for the safety of little simulator explorers.
  • If your child does not like the new sports complex, do not insist on classes, but try to interest the child in something. If the wall can support an adult, show the little one a few exercises yourself, and if the exercise is only for children, invite other children to visit, this will certainly awaken interest in the wall bars.
  • When exercising at such a sports complex, wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

When buying a metal wall, take a closer look at models in which the crossbars are covered with non-slip material. For example, DSK "Carousel" has anti-slip steps with the effect of acupressure.

Where to place it?

Try to install the sports complex in a place where there will be space for various exercises and swinging on the gymnastic equipment that is equipped with the wall. It is important that there are no potential hazards near the machine, such as windows or furniture with sharp corners.

Installation rules

  • The installation of the wall, if it is attached to a wall, should be carried out only next to the load-bearing wall.
  • It is permissible to mount the complex to a wall made of concrete, stone, brick or solid wood. If you doubt the strength of the wall, consult a specialist.
  • If you choose a wooden model, install the wall in a dry room. High humidity will lead to rapid damage to the complex.
  • The exercise machine should be mounted on the wall in at least four places.
  • It is best to assemble and install the wall with an assistant.
  • Assemble the complex in a place where it will be convenient for you to work and nothing will interfere.


When assembling a wall at home, you need:

  1. Place one side panel on the floor with the holes facing up.
  2. Insert the crossbars and secure them with bolts.
  3. Place the second side panel on top so that its holes coincide with the crossbars.
  4. Sequentially secure all the crossbars to the second sidewall.
  5. Assemble the horizontal bar according to the instructions.
  6. Attach brackets to the assembled wall, and then secure it to the wall.

Assembly example Watch DSK "Comet 2" in the following video.

A set of possible exercises

The ability to perform certain exercises on the wall bars will be influenced by the equipment of your sports complex. In addition, the selection of exercises is carried out taking into account the age of the child.

Exercises from 6 months to 3 years

From as early as six months, when the baby learns to crawl and sit, and later to stand and walk independently, a home sports complex will help in mastering these skills. There are even special complexes for very young children, which include an age-appropriate slide, ladder and swing. The only downside is the fact that the little one grows out of such a sports complex quite quickly, so it has to be replaced with another one.

Children especially actively begin to master the Swedish wall at the age of 1.5 years, climbing it and deftly going down. At this age, they are interested in rings and horizontal bars, cling to them and hang, and also swing and raise their legs up. By regularly practicing on the wall, rings and horizontal bar, your baby improves his motor skills. It is only important that the adult constantly insures the baby during such activities.

Exercises from 3 years

Preschoolers and school-aged children are interested not only in climbing the wall, but in completing their parents’ tasks. It is even better if it is possible to arrange small competitions in strength and agility, for example, between two children or between a child and one of the parents. Offer your child the following exercises:

  • Hang on the horizontal bar for as long as possible.
  • While hanging, raise your legs bent at the knees.
  • While hanging, raise your legs straight.
  • While hanging, raise your legs straight and turn them alternately to the sides.
  • Pull yourself up.
  • Squat while holding the bar with your hands.
  • Raise your legs one by one, holding the bar with your hands.
  • Hang on the crossbar and swing to the sides like a pendulum.
  • Stretch your legs by lifting them one by one onto the bar and leaning forward.
  • Ride a rope.
  • Climb the rope.
  • Swing on the rings.
  • Bend your legs while hanging on the rings.
  • Hang on the rings with your legs bent at right angles for as long as possible.

For information on what exercises will help a child to unload the back after sedentary work, watch the video of the Youtube channel "Tatyana Novikova".


  • When using a wall bars, it is important to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the permissible load (body weight) and the age of the child.
  • If any parts are worn out or damaged, such a sports complex cannot be used. It is advisable to use original parts to repair the product.
  • You should not change the wall structure yourself, as this can cause injury and damage.
  • From time to time (every 1-2 months) check the screw connections and tighten them.
  • A child exercising at a home sports complex must be supervised by adults.
  • Before you start practicing on the wall bars, you should take into account possible contraindications (it would be a good idea to take your baby to the pediatrician and assess his health).
  • It should be remembered that excessive exercise poses a health hazard to both children and adults.

The desire of any parent is to see their baby healthy. The role of physical development in this cannot be underestimated. Therefore, the question often arises of purchasing a children's horizontal bar ladder for the home. Special sports complexes serve as an interesting and useful activity for the child, helping to develop endurance and agility. Next we will talk about what kind of stairs can be arranged for children. In addition to sports facilities, models for children's beds and toilets will be considered.

What is included in children's sports complexes?

The list of sports equipment for home use for both children and adults includes the wall bars. It makes it possible to pull yourself up and climb the bars. Various variations of this ladder are possible. In most home complexes, the wall bars are supplemented with other types of exercise equipment.

Many children love the horizontal bar. Sports activities with this apparatus teach the child to pull himself up, thereby training the abdominal and shoulder girdle muscles. By the way, the horizontal bar is also popular among professional athletes.

The wall bars will be ideally complemented with gymnastic rings. They will add variety to your active time at home. You can attach them to the last crossbar of the wall bars. Made from plastic, children's sports rings are safe and provide a secure grip.

Another common projectile is a suspended rope ladder. Thanks to the reliability of the bars and the optimal distance between them, it is convenient for the child to train. Rope exercises also help develop different muscle groups. It can be included in a complex for the home or for the street.

An abdominal bench is suitable for abdominal muscles. If a wall bars are located nearby, the bench can be secured to one of the crossbars. Thanks to this, you can diversify the list of exercises performed.

Security issue

When setting up a horizontal bar for a child at home, we must not forget about safety. For this purpose, a mat must be placed under the complex. Thanks to this device, the wall bars will become safe, and the mat is also indispensable for doing gymnastics at home.
The horizontal bar and other children's sports equipment should not have any sharp edges that could cause injury. The edges of metal, wood and plastic parts are either protected with polymer or carefully processed.

Wall bars: choosing a model

The first difference between the presented wall bars is the material. It can be metal or wood.

A metal wall bars will easily fit into the interior of your home. Its advantage is that it can support more weight. Metal sports ladders are wear-resistant and retain their decorative characteristics for a long time. They are relevant for small children, since metal crossbars will have a smaller diameter. This wall bars are easy to assemble.

Despite less wear resistance, wooden wall bars are more common. It is made from environmentally friendly material and easily fits into the interior of the room. It is worth considering the weight limit, which is usually 80 kg.

Fixation of the wall

There are two ways to fix the wall bars - to the wall with bolts and in a spacer without additional fasteners. In the first case, for reliable fixation, it is important that the wall of the house is a solid partition, and in the second case, suspended and suspended ceilings are excluded.

The Swedish wall is notable for the fact that it allows you to train different muscle groups. At the same time, children improve coordination of movements and increase endurance. You can choose a set of various exercises for your child, and as he grows up, he will be able to come up with children’s sports games himself. Interestingly, the wall bars are recommended for classes for children from six months of age - of course, with the support of adults.

Types of children's complexes

Children's sports complexes are performed in several basic variations. The table shows the main ones.

MaterialAdvantagesFlawsOther Features
AluminumLight weight of the product with sufficient reliability, not subject to corrosion, practical, ideal for household useRelatively high price
DuraluminQuite durable material, affordable priceLess strength than aluminum and steelIs an aluminum alloy
SteelHigh strength, reliability, suitable for professional stepladdersSusceptible to corrosion, steel structures weigh more than aluminumTo attach steps to the supports of metal structures, bolting or welding is used
TreeEasier to process than metal, maintainability, you can make a ladder with your own handsLarge weight of the finished product, exposure to the environmentWhen making a stepladder, you should pay attention to the absence of knots in the wood; a varnish coating is necessary to protect it from external influences

Installation of a sports complex

It is less labor-intensive to install a children's horizontal bar or complex in a spacer. At the same time, for metal models the ceiling height varies from 2.4 to 3.0 m, while for analogues made of wood the upper limit is 2.7 m. To adjust the height, the metal horizontal bar is equipped with special racks that can be pulled out from the main supports. To adjust the height of a wooden staircase, a fragment of the post is sawed off. This explains the lower upper limit.

Not only the height, but also the material of the ceiling matters. It is recommended to install the horizontal bar in a spacer in a room with concrete or wooden ceilings. Theoretically, if they are tensioned or mounted, installation is also possible, but it is more difficult to perform. If the ceilings are suspended, fastenings for the children's complex are made during installation. As for the floor, there are no specific finishing requirements. To avoid damage to the coating when installing a horizontal bar or wall bars, you can make additional gaskets.

However, if suspended ceilings have already been installed or the ceiling height is more than 3 meters, the horizontal bar and children's complexes are attached to the wall. The supplied fasteners are designed for reinforced concrete or brick. To install a horizontal bar in a wooden house, you will have to purchase self-tapping screws. An important condition for this type of installation for plasterboard walls is the presence of a solid wall.

Ladder for children's bed

When choosing a loft bed for a child, stairs require special attention. It is this element of children's furniture that often causes injuries. One of the requirements for the stairs to the bed is the presence of comfortable handrails. In addition, it is not recommended to purchase models where the steps are located strictly vertically or are fixed between the upper and lower tiers. The best option is bed stairs with a slight slope.

To make it easier to place a bed ladder in the interior, it is better to purchase a model that allows you to place it on any side.

The bars should be spaced frequently and wide enough so that the child feels stable while ascending and descending. It is not recommended to purchase bed ladders made of chrome pipes. They are very slippery and, as a result, dangerous.

It is best to place the bed steps in the corner of the room. A nearby wall will provide additional insurance.

You can create a safe and practical lift for a children's bunk bed or a loft-style bed using a chest of drawers. In this version, the steps have a convenient size. They also act as spacious drawers near the bed. Some of these stairs have side walls that serve as railings.

Toilet ladder