Suprima-broncho syrup is a herbal cough medicine for children and adults. Cough syrup Codelac Broncho: instructions for use Suprim broncho before or after meals

Codelac Broncho is a combined medicine with a mucolytic effect used to treat cough in infectious pathologies. Instructions for use syrup Codelac Broncho allows its use by adults and children from 2 years of age.

The content of the drug and the release form

Codelac Broncho can be found on the pharmaceutical market in the following dosage forms:

  • In the form of flat-cylindrical tablets of a yellowish tint, 10 and 20 pieces in a cardboard box. Tablets are intended exclusively for the treatment of adult patients and patients over 12 years of age.
  • In the form of a syrup with a volume of 100 and 200 ml. The elixir is a thick liquid Brown color. A measuring spoon is included in the package with the drug. It is used as part of the complex treatment of patients who have reached 2 years of age. Unlike the tablet form, the content of the syrup includes thyme, which gives the elixir a pleasant smell and taste.

The composition of the liquid form also contains the following components:

  • ambroxol - an ingredient that helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and extract it from the bronchopulmonary tract;
  • sodium glycyrrhizinate relieves inflammation, acts as an antiseptic component, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of viruses;
  • thyme extract, containing essential oils, has a moderate antispasmodic effect, stimulates expectoration, relieves inflammation.

Auxiliary components are purified water, sorbitol, nipagin and other substances.

The drug does not include codeine, an antitussive substance that is addictive and drug dependent. Due to this, it can be used by different categories of patients, including young children.

How it works

Cough syrup Codelac Broncho has a complex effect. Affecting the central nervous system, it reduces the excitability of cough receptors, inhibiting cough reflexes.

The main action of the drug is aimed at thinning the accumulated mucus. Due to its properties to reduce the viscosity of sputum, the product quickly improves the patient's well-being:

  • relieves cough;
  • relieves pain in the sternum;
  • prevents the development of bronchospasm;
  • cleanses the bronchi;
  • inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The peculiarity of the drug lies also in its ability to eliminate the cause of the disease - the inflammatory process.

Once in the body, the active ingredients quickly dissolve in the digestive tract. The maximum concentration of substances in the circulatory system occurs 1 hour after the use of the drug, and can be observed within 4-6 hours.

Syrup Codelac Broncho has become known not only for its herbal composition, but also for its excellent result. Taking the remedy on a regular basis, you can get rid of a cough in a short time. In addition, clinical studies have established the safety of active ingredients for the body of children of primary preschool age.

In terms of therapeutic effect, Codelac Broncho is significantly superior to its counterparts, quickly relieving the symptoms of serious illnesses - an unproductive excruciating cough, whistles and wheezing in the pulmonary tract, as well as difficulty in respiratory function. Thanks to the substance sodium glycyrrhizinate included in its content, which has cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, the drug reduces the period of intoxication of the body and effectively eliminates the common cold.

Indications for appointment

Syrup Codelac Broncho with thyme is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the upper ENT organs, accompanied by a cough:

  • bronchitis in the acute stage and in the chronic form;
  • complications of tracheitis;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • pulmonary obstruction.

The antibacterial properties of the drug can reduce the likelihood of complications of pneumonia, due to the active suppression of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the remedy will help prevent the development of bronchospasm against the background of severe forms of the disease.

What cough to take

Cough as a manifestation of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, can be dry and wet.

When the infection enters the respiratory tract, the patient experiences irritation in the pharynx, accompanied by pain and bouts of dry coughing. Codelac Broncho has antitussive properties, making it easier to endure unpleasant symptoms that occur during the inflammatory process.

First of all, it is recommended to take this syrup with an unproductive cough. Due to the ability to inhibit cough reflexes, it not only eliminates dryness in the throat, alleviating the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminates the main cause of the disease.

When a dry cough passes into a wet one, a large amount of mucus is formed in the lungs, which can lead to its stagnation, as well as the development of various complications. To reduce inflammation and free the bronchi, drugs are used that thin the mucus and contribute to its easy extraction.

Therefore, the remedy can also be used for wet coughs. By affecting the viscosity of sputum, the syrup stimulates its separation and excretion in a natural way.

Dosage and method of application

Elixir must be taken with food, drinking medicine a small amount water.

Adolescents from 12 years old and adults are prescribed 2 tsp. funds up to 4 times a day.

  • at the age of 6-12 years - 1 tsp;
  • children from 2 to 6 years old - 0.5 tsp each.

For a convenient dosage, you can use a measuring spoon.

The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the picture of the disease. Most often, the medicine is taken for 5 days.

Restrictions on admission and side effects

Cough syrup with thyme Codelac Broncho does not apply:

  • with hypersensitivity to active substances;
  • in childhood under two years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Particular care must be taken in patients with bronchial asthma, severe hepatic and kidney disease, as well as erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and 12 duodenal ulcer.

Before using the drug, you must inform the specialist about the presence of chronic diseases.

The medicine is not allowed to be used simultaneously with other antitussive medicines. The combined use of syrup with antibiotics contributes to their better penetration in bronchial tissue.

The presence of a patient with diabetes mellitus requires therapy under the guidance of a medical professional: the syrup contains sorbitol.

Side effects are observed in rare cases, and affect mainly the digestive tract, nervous and respiratory systems. Among the negative consequences after taking the remedy, there may be:

  • pain symptoms in the head;
  • dry mouth;
  • prostration;
  • stool disorder - constipation, diarrhea;
  • increased production of mucus in the nasal cavity;
  • long-term use of high doses of the drug provokes abdominal pain, nausea, gag reflexes.

In rare cases, skin rashes, a violation of the urinary function can be observed.


The use of the drug in high dosages leads to the occurrence of undesirable symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and dyspeptic symptoms. In these cases, the patient will need gastric lavage, as well as an artificial induction of vomiting.

Cost, term and storage conditions

Codelac Broncho is sold freely, without a prescription.

After opening the vial, the medicine must be stored at room temperature in a dark place. Do not keep the drug in the refrigerator: this may reduce some of its medicinal properties..

The syrup is good for 24 months. Prolonged storage leads to the appearance of a small sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

The cost of funds depends on the region. The average price for 100 ml of elixir in Russia varies within 182 rubles, a bottle of 200 ml can be bought for 262 rubles.

Codelac Broncho is an affordable and inexpensive drug that has recently appeared on the pharmaceutical market and is rapidly gaining popularity among consumers. Among the many antitussive drugs, the drug stands out for its high therapeutic properties: it is able to shorten the duration of the disease, facilitate the removal of mucus, and also quickly eliminate wheezing in the lungs.

The drug "Suprima-broncho" instructions for use refers to phytopreparations that produce anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. The drug exhibits mucolytic and bronchodilator properties. Country of origin - India.

Pharmacological activity

The action of the drug is due to the ingredients of plant origin present in its composition. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

  • Adatoda wasika- a plant whose leaf extract has been used for several millennia as an effective remedy for tuberculosis and other diseases. The effectiveness of this component is associated with its antispasmodic, mucolytic, expectorant properties. Adatoda wasika is used in many cough and cold medicines, including Suprima Broncho.
  • Licorice naked- the most famous and at the same time the most studied plant used to treat cough. Its pharmacological action is mentioned in the Treatise on Herbs written by the Chinese three thousand years before our era. Recipe Analysis Tibetan medicine showed that licorice was used in almost 98 percent of all collections. The plant has a calming, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant activity. Its effectiveness is associated with the presence of glycyrrhosin, a substance that helps reduce viscosity and increase sputum production, and, accordingly, facilitate its removal from the body. As the instructions for use explain, Suprima-broncho, to a greater extent, due to the action of naked licorice, allows you to relieve swelling and eliminate dry cough. This is achieved by stimulating the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and trachea.

  • Turmeric longa- grass, which is an integral part. The inhabitants of this country use it in industry, and in everyday life, and in cooking, and in cosmetology, and, of course, in medicine. The plant contains curcumin, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, the extract of the rhizomes of turmeric long improves the functioning of the digestive system and stimulates appetite, which is very important for restoring the body weakened after an illness, especially in childhood.
  • holy basil- one of the most revered plants in India. It has been used for thousands of years as a medicine with great healing power. Basil contains many active substances, which together produce antipyretic, antiseptic, antitussive, expectorant effects. As part of the Suprima-Broncho medication, it also provides an analgesic effect.
  • real ginger- an amazing plant, first mentioned around two thousand years BC in a treatise by Emperor Shen Nong. Ginger in Sanskrit means "universal medicine", and I must say that this is fully justified. The drug "Suprima-broncho" (the instruction informs about this), due to the action of the ginger rhizome extract, expands the bronchi, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and the essential oils present in the plant strengthen the immune system and promote a speedy recovery.
  • Nightshade yellow-fruited- a plant common throughout India. It is used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Even Hippocrates mentioned its medicinal effect. The active substances have expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the presence of yellow-fruited nightshade in the composition of the nightshade, the Suprima-broncho drug (the instruction emphasizes this) effectively normalizes body temperature.

  • real cardamom- one of the most popular and highly valued spices all over the world. However, the seeds of a plant from the ginger family are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, because they exhibit bronchodilator and virusostatic activity. More than three thousand years ago, cardamom began to be used to ease breathing, treat colds and flu.
  • Pepper long- a plant widely used in pharmaceuticals in many countries. The first mention of his medicinal properties in Indian literature dates as far back as the 2nd millennium BC. Pepper long produces antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects. Among other things, it contributes therefore and was included in the composition of the medicine "Suprima-broncho". The instruction reports that the fruit extract allows you to neutralize viruses and bacteria.


The activity of the drug, as already noted, is determined by the cumulative action of the ingredients included in its composition, so it is not possible to conduct pharmacokinetic studies.

Indications for appointment

The drug "Suprima-broncho" instruction advises to use in diseases of the respiratory tract of an inflammatory nature, accompanied by cough (tracheitis, initial stages whooping cough, laryngitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, bronchitis), as well as chronic respiratory diseases (lecturer's laryngitis,

Dosage form. Composition

The medicine is produced in the form of a dark brown syrup with a characteristic odor. In pharmacies, it is released in bottles of 50, 60 or 100 milliliters. 5 milliliters of syrup contains 30 milligrams of a thick extract of adatoda vascular, 20 milligrams of a thick extract of licorice, 10 milligrams of a thick extract of holy basil, long turmeric and medicinal ginger, 5 milligrams of a thick extract of long pepper, yellow-fruited nightshade and cardamom present. The secondary components are sodium benzoate, bronopol, sucrose, fennel flavor and raspberry flavor, seventy percent sorbitol solution, levomenthol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, caramel, hydrochloric acid, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, purified water, citric acid monohydrate. The drug "Suprima-broncho", the price of which varies from 98 to 125 rubles, can be purchased at any pharmacy without providing a doctor's prescription.

How to use. Dosage

Children after fourteen years and adults are shown to drink one or two teaspoons of syrup (5-10 milliliters) three times a day. Patients from six to fourteen years old are prescribed three times a day to take half or one teaspoon of medication (2.5-5 milliliters), and children from three to five years old - no more than half a teaspoon (2.5 milliliters). The therapeutic course averages two to three weeks.

Side effects

The drug "Suprima-broncho" is tolerated very well by patients of all ages. Reviews practically do not contain information about the occurrence of any negative effects after its application. However, the instruction still warns of the possibility of developing an allergy in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


In case of intolerance to the ingredients of the drug, its use should be abandoned. Do not prescribe the drug to children under three years of age. Special care must be taken when taking the remedy for those who suffer from diabetes, because 5 milliliters of syrup contains 1.5 grams of sugar. During the period of bearing a child and during lactation, the prescription of the drug "Suprima-broncho" is made only in case of emergency.

Interaction with other drugs

You should not use syrup with antitussive medicines at the same time, since in this case it is difficult to expectorate liquefied sputum.


To date, there has been no information on overdose.

Medicine "Suprima-broncho" for children. Reviews

Parents respond positively to the drug. They are pleased that the drug does not contain narcotic substances and includes exclusively plant materials. Dads and moms note that the syrup acts on the body gently, does not cause unwanted reactions in children. After taking the drug, the swelling of the mucosa is relieved in children, dry cough stops. This is due to some relaxing effect of the drug on the bronchi, which spasm with intense coughing. Parents also report that as a result of the use of Suprima-Broncho syrup, the temperature decreases in children.

Suprima-Broncho (Suprima-Broncho)


5 ml of Suprima-Broncho syrup contains:

adatoda wasiki extract thick

licorice naked extract thick

turmeric long extract thick

holy basil extract thick

ginger extract thick

nightshade yellow-fruited extract thick

long pepper extract thick

thick cardamom extract

Excipients: sucrose, sorbitol solution, guar gum, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate, bronopol, caramel, citric acid monohydrate, fennel flavor, raspberry flavor, hydrochloric acid, purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Suprima-Broncho is a complex drug based on medicinal plant materials. Endowed with pronounced mucolytic, bronchodilator, expectorant and anti-inflammatory pharmacological effects.


The action of the drug Suprima-Broncho is due to the presence in the medicinal plant material of various active components of a glycosidic, aromatic and other nature, exhibiting a wide range of pharmacological activity.

Adhatoda vasika (Adhatoda vasika) through content essential oil and alkaloids, quinazoline derivatives (vasitsin, vasitsinol, vasitsinone, peganin), as well as campferol, glycosides and queritin, vasitsin and albatadonic acid help to thin sputum, dilate the bronchi and stimulate expectoration. At the same time, the active components of the plant contribute to the manifestation of antiseptic and antihistamine properties, inhibit the reproduction of staphylococcus, streptococcus, diphtheria and tubercle bacillus cells, which are very often the cause of respiratory diseases.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) also very often used for respiratory diseases. The glycoside glycyrrhizic acid and flavonoids contained in the roots and underground shoots contribute to the manifestation of a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Gum and mucous substances are responsible for the plant's expectorant action. Also, the presence of resins and tannins, ascorbic acid and carotene in the plant determines the manifestation of antispasmodic, antihistamine, antitoxic, analgesic, sedative and diuretic. pharmacological effects, due to which licorice is effective for coughs and other symptoms of colds.

Turmeric long (Curcuma longa) known for the presence of essential oils, yellow dye (curcumin), starch, resins and antioxidants. It is used in medicine as an antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent. Able to improve blood circulation and stimulate the formation of red blood cells. It is very important to use the plant for colds of a bacterial nature. The ability to improve blood circulation has a positive effect on the healing process.

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) due to the content of essential oils, tannins, saponins, glycosides and vitamins A and P, it has an expectorant, antipyretic and antiseptic effect. Its use is effective in various diseases of the respiratory system in order to stimulate functions, as well as improve blood circulation and enrich the affected cells with oxygen. The astringent properties of basil have a soothing effect on various inflammatory diseases of the throat.

Real ginger (Zingiber officinale) exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence in its composition of essential and fatty oils, as well as starch, resins, tannins and sesquiterpenoids.

Yellow nightshade (Solanum xantocarpum) due to the content of alkaloids, glycosides, saponins and tannins, it exhibits anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antipyretic, anti-allergic effects. Due to its properties, the plant is very often used to treat bronchitis and whooping cough.

Long Pepper (Piper longum) contains resins and essential oils as active substances, as well as the alkaloid piperine, which gives the pepper a burning sensation. Known for its persistent antibacterial and antiseptic effects. The presence of antihistamine and antioxidant activity of this plant was also noted.

Real cardamom (Elettaria Cardamomum) has a pronounced virusostatic and bronchodilator effect due to the content a large number essential oils. It is successfully used for various acute respiratory viral infections and other colds (laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia) as an antiviral and antimicrobial component. Also cardamom essential oil relieves depression, eliminates melancholy, headache associated with many diseases of the respiratory system.

Menthol (Mentholum) isolated from peppermint essential oil. Menthol is very actively used in modern medicine in the treatment of various colds due to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to facilitate breathing and relieve pain in inflammatory diseases of the throat.

Thus, the drug Suprima-Broncho exhibits a pronounced mucolytic, expectorant, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory pharmacological activity, and also has a less pronounced decongestant (reduces swelling of the respiratory tissues), antiviral, antimicrobial and weak immunomodulatory therapeutic effects. Given the properties of the drug, the use of Suprima-Broncho syrup is relevant for various disorders of the respiratory system.


The pharmacokinetics of Suprima-Broncho has not been sufficiently studied, since the presence of a large number of active components in the composition of medicinal plant materials makes it impossible to conduct kinetic and biological studies. For the above reason, it is difficult to determine the metabolic products of the drug.

Indications for use

Phytopreparation Suprima-Broncho is indicated for various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, a pronounced symptom of which is cough:

  • flu;
  • SARS;
  • sore throat (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis);
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;

Also, the drug is used to eliminate cough, which is a consequence of the abuse of tobacco smoke, and acute laryngitis, which appears due to increased stress on the vocal cords (lecturer's laryngitis).

Suprima-Broncho syrup can be used simultaneously with other drugs of a similar therapeutic effect to improve the healing process, as well as as an independent therapy.

Mode of application

Suprima-Broncho is intended for oral administration 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. Before use, shake the vial with the drug. After taking the drug for 15-20 minutes, it is undesirable to drink or eat, as this reduces the therapeutic effect of local localization (soothing and analgesic effect in case of throat diseases). If the doctor has not prescribed otherwise, then the drug Suprima-Broncho is taken in a course of 2-3 weeks according to the scheme below.

Patients over 14 years old - 5-10 ml of syrup 3 times a day.

Children from 6 to 14 years old - 2.5-5 ml 3 times a day.

Children from 3 to 6 years old - 2.5 ml 3 times a day.

Must comply caution when prescribing the drug to patients with a history of diabetes, since 5 ml of syrup contains 1.5 g of sugar.

The ability of the drug to negatively affect the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions of the patient was not revealed.

Side effects

Possible occurrence allergic reactions different localization on the components of the drug in the presence of a tendency to allergies in the patient. Another negative impact on the patient's body has not yet been identified.


Taking the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 3 years.


Since adatoda vasika can stimulate labor activity and is sometimes used in gynecology as a mild abortifacient, Suprima-Broncho can be taken only after consulting a gynecologist and carefully studying the course of pregnancy.

During the development of the drug, clinical trials were not conducted in women during lactation and pregnancy. Therefore, there are no data on the possibility of its use in this category of patients.

drug interaction

It is known that you can simultaneously use the drug Suprima-Broncho with antimicrobial agents. It is forbidden to take the drug along with antitussives, as the evacuation of already liquefied sputum from the respiratory system is inhibited and this is fraught with serious complications for health and even life.

A more detailed study of the chemical interactions of the drug Suprima-Broncho with various medicinal substances have not been studied due to the multicomponent composition and, as a result, the difficulty in conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of active compounds.


To date, there have been no cases of overdose with Suprima-Broncho.

Release form

Suprima-Broncho is available as a dark brown syrup with a characteristic odor. It is sealed in dark glass bottles with a metal screw cap that has a first opening control. Vials of the drug are available in 50, 60 and 100 ml and are placed in cardboard boxes.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Whooping cough (A37)

Acute pharyngitis (J02)

Acute laryngitis and tracheitis (J04)

Suprima-Broncho cough syrup is a combined herbal medicine. The composition is used to treat dry and wet cough mainly in acute respiratory viral pathology, as well as inflammatory changes in the upper respiratory tract caused by various reasons. The product is approved for use in pediatric practice.

Dosage form

The drug is produced in the form of a syrup intended for dosed oral administration.

Description and composition

The syrup has a viscous consistency, dark brown in color. The composition has a sweet smell.

The product contains extracts medicinal plants, namely:

  • licorice naked;
  • adatoty wasik;
  • long turmeric;
  • sacred basil;
  • real ginger;
  • nightshade;
  • long pepper;
  • real cardamom.

Activity medication achieved through the action of the listed components.

Pharmacological group

The therapeutic effect of the drug is based primarily on the action of specific substances found in ivy - saponins.

These substances stimulate the cells of the bronchial tree. The production of protective mucus by alveolar cells increases. The glandular cells of the bronchial wall function more actively. Due to this, an expectorant effect is manifested - sputum leaves more easily and cough is not accompanied by painful sensations.

In addition, getting into the stomach, the plant-based preparation causes irritation of certain cells of the stomach. From them by vegetative nervous system the impulse gets to the secretory cells of the bronchi. Receiving such stimulation, they work even more actively.

The drug has some properties of an immunostimulant. Mobilizes immune mechanisms and helps in the treatment of chronic diseases, protracted course of acute ones.

Against the background of taking the composition, the following actions are traced:

  1. Expectorant action.
  2. Antiseptic effect with the destruction of various pathogens of infectious processes.
  3. Normalization of body temperature during fever.
  4. Reducing the severity of pain.
  5. Mucolytic action with liquefaction of sputum and improvement of its discharge.
  6. Sedative (calming) effect.
  7. Reducing the severity of the inflammatory reaction in the mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  8. Decrease in the severity of edema of the mucous membrane and submucosal layer of the area of ​​development of the inflammatory process.
  9. Antispasmodic effect with the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi and the improvement of the passage of air through them.
  10. Regenerative action, which consists in a faster and more complete restoration of damaged tissues in the area of ​​the pathological process.

The listed pharmacological efficacy is sufficient for the treatment of cough of various etiologies in patients. The composition is well tolerated and does not provoke the appearance of adverse reactions. The tool can be used by patients of different age categories.

Indications for use

The list of indications for admission includes:

  1. Acute inflammatory process in the respiratory tract of various localization.
  2. , which is of bacterial origin.
  3. associated with increased functional load on the vocal cords.
  4. Chronic inflammatory pathology of the respiratory system, accompanied by a cough and having an infectious and non-infectious origin.
  5. Mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

The tool has an extensive list of indications for use and is often used as part of complex therapy.

for adults

The drug is used for diseases of inflammatory etiology, localized in the upper respiratory tract and having a dry cough as a symptom. Also, the use of the drug is advisable for dry cough in smokers. The use is carried out for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, which are associated with cough with concomitant complicated sputum discharge.

for kids

The medication can be used for children older than 3 years for the same medical indications.

The drug should not be used during childbearing and breastfeeding.


The list of contraindications for admission includes the following conditions:

  • syndrome of glucose-galactase malabsorption;
  • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • recovery period after acute and (for patients in childhood);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • age less than 2 years;
  • individual hypersensitivity to substances acting in the agent as auxiliary or acting.

Applications and doses

Suprima-Broncho is intended for oral use. Syrup should be washed down with a sufficient amount of clean warm water or tea.

for adults

For adults and adolescents over 14 years of age, the average recommended therapeutic dose of the drug is 10 ml 3 times a day at regular intervals. The average course of therapy varies within 2 weeks. If you need to repeat or extend it, you should consult your doctor.

for kids

Dosing regimen used in pediatric practice:

  • 3-5 years - 2.5 ml (½ teaspoon) 3 times a day at approximately the same time intervals.
  • 6-14 years - 2.5-5 ml 3 times a day at approximately the same time intervals.

The duration of the course of exposure is determined individually.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The safety of use in pregnant women, as well as in patients who are breastfeeding, has not been proven. Accordingly, the use of Suprima-Broncho is not recommended for these categories of patients.

Side effects

During the use of the drug, the following undesirable effects may occur: dryness, burning, numbness in the mouth; allergy, which can be manifested by photosensitivity, rashes, itching, Quincke's edema, laryngospasm, anaphylaxis.

If these reactions occur, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of syrup with drugs that suppress the cough reflex is not recommended, as this can provoke a worsening of sputum discharge, its stagnation in the lumen of the respiratory tract, followed by infectious complications.

The tool can be actively used in conjunction with drugs of the NSAID group or antibiotics.

special instructions

Prescription of the drug for children under 3 years of age is excluded.

There is currently no data on the effect of the active components of the drug on the functional state of the cerebral cortex, the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration of attention.


An overdose of the drug can provoke the appearance of the following clinical picture:

  • increased heart rate;
  • stop breathing;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • temperature rise;
  • fear;
  • excitement;
  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions.

These symptoms can be observed when the drug is swallowed at a dosage several times higher than therapeutic doses. As a rule, they are observed in children. There is currently no complete antidote, symptomatic treatment is being carried out.

Storage conditions

The medication is indicated for over-the-counter dispensing.

The drug Suprima-broncho should be stored in a dark place out of the reach of children.

The expiration date is 3 years from the date of issue of the product. Use after this period is prohibited.


As analogues of the drug, drugs aimed at treating cough in acute respiratory viral infections are considered.

The action of the drug is aimed at antitussive and expectorant effects. The active ingredients in the composition are thyme and ivy. The composition is prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In pediatric practice, it is used to treat children over the age of 3 years. The composition is produced in the form of oral drops.

A popular anti-cold drug is produced in several dosage forms. As an analogue of the drug, the form of a syrup intended for oral administration is considered. The composition contains natural ingredients, which is an advantage. Against the background of taking the drug, adverse reactions rarely occur. The risk of their development is increased for patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the individual components of the tool.

The line of drugs includes several drugs intended for the treatment of coughs of various etiologies. The preparation with plantain ensures the separation of sputum and its removal with a wet cough, and the remedy with primrose helps to ensure the transition of a dry urge into a productive cough. The tool has high rates of efficiency and safety, therefore it is often used in pediatrics.


The cost of Suprima-Broncho syrup is an average of 148 rubles. Prices range from 119 to 185 rubles.