Construction and maintenance of a cesspool without pumping. Do-it-yourself cesspool without a bottom Do-it-yourself cesspools

Today, there are a huge number of options and methods for installing a cesspool without pumping. Of course, in some understanding this is impossible, since sooner or later solid particles will have to be removed, but there are construction methods and means to postpone the date of calling the sewer trucks for many years. In our article we will consider the question of how to make a sump without the need for regular cleaning.

Today, there are many ways and methods for arranging a complete sewer system. If we consider the classification of cesspools, there are three types:

  • Sealed pits;
  • No need for pumping;
  • Septic tank.

Practice shows that the most popular option today is a sump storage tank. What does this mean? This pit does not have a bottom, so there is no need to clean it with a sewer machine. Although, it is worth saying that there is also a huge disadvantage, since the soil becomes polluted.

Advantages and disadvantages of cesspools without pumping

A cesspool without pumping is the simplest option for draining wastewater. In addition, this device has a number of advantages:

  • Simplicity of design, which makes it possible to build pits with your own hands;
  • Variability of materials for installation work;
  • Less frequent calls for vacuum cleaners;
  • Low price and production costs.

Having looked at all the advantages of this cesspool, you might think that this is an ideal system, but, like all others, it has flaws in its operation. Namely such as:

  • The difficulty of choosing a location for a pit in accordance with the rules and regulations;
  • Over time, absorption capacity decreases;
  • Unpleasant odor;
  • The pit is dangerous to the environment;
  • If biological bacteria are used, then it is unacceptable for chemicals to enter the sewer system.

Choosing a location for a pit without pumping

The cesspool should be located on the site of the house it will serve. It is worth considering that in our case it is a sump without a bottom, which has even more requirements and prohibitions. Let's get acquainted with all the rules for the location of the pit:

  • The distance from the pit to the house's water supply must exceed 10 meters, and to a well or borehole - 20 meters. This action will protect your home's water supply from possible overflows of the sewer system.
  • The distance between the septic tank and neighboring buildings should be more than 12 meters. If these regulations are not followed, the foundation of the neighbor’s house may collapse.
  • The distance from the fence to the pit cannot be less than one meter;
  • The depth of the settling tank is prohibited more than 3 meters.

Important! Only by following all the rules can you protect yourself from liability before the law.

DIY installation materials

To create a hole with your own hands, we will need many tools and materials. Which ones we will now find out. So:

  • A staircase that is as big as a pit;
  • Bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • Bucket and other containers;
  • Trowel, construction purpose;
  • Pegs to mark edges;
  • Building level.

The cesspool has a different structure and design. This is primarily influenced by what material you choose for the base. Today, most often a sump without pumping is built from the following materials:

  • From concrete parts;
  • Wood treated with resin;
  • Clay bricks;
  • Reinforced concrete rings;
  • Utilitarian material.

DIY cesspool construction

One of the questions that plagues many home owners is how to make sure that the pit does not require pumping. It arises especially acutely when building a sump with your own hands. Before you begin installing the structure, you need to find out the type of soil on your site and calculate the volume of drainage.

Sewage waste generally always contains impurities of solid particles that are not absorbed by the earth. It is for this reason that your cesspool will need sludge pumping out. This septic tank technology is designed for natural filtration. Therefore, the type of soil is very important.

Attention! If you see that the drainage has slowed down, we recommend making several holes in the walls of the system.

We have already said that the type of soil greatly influences the functioning of the sump. This happens because of this. That they have different densities and speeds of water passage. For example, if on your site there are clay soil, then the drains will seep through its layers for a very long time and, as a result, the pit will be overfilled. In such situations, it is necessary to install an additional outlet. The principle of operation is that when the first pit overflows, the waste flows through the pipe into the second.

This type of sump can be equated to a filtration well, because the pit also accumulates and purifies liquid with the help of soil. What cannot seep through the ground must be periodically pumped out using sewer trucks. It is worth considering that the maximum depth for the sump should not exceed 3 meters. Otherwise, the hoses will not be able to reach the sludge.

The dimensions and design features of the cesspool depend only on the liquid consumption in a particular house. Based on this, the volume for the pit is calculated as follows: the average water consumption by one person per day - 200 liters - is multiplied by the number of people living.

Pit made of concrete rings

Most the best option for a private house or cottage there is a design made of concrete rings. Its huge advantage is durability, and besides, you can build it with your own hands. It is worth noting that the walls of the sump can be made of a different material, but they are less reliable and durable. It is for this reason that the ring design is the most popular.

Stages of constructing a pit from concrete rings

As with the construction of any other septic tank, it all starts with digging a pit, that is earthworks. They can be done with your own hands or using specialized equipment. It is best to carry out this stage during the construction of the foundation of the house in order to save on the services of heavy equipment. Using the mechanized method, the structure and concrete rings are assembled by crane. In this case, it is very important to correlate the sizes of the elements.

But if you decide to build a device with your own hands, the installation technology is different. This is what we will talk about now. At self-installation you need to perform the following procedure:

  • At the chosen location, place one ring and dig out the soil inside it;
  • We level the bottom of the first ring with the ground line, after which we begin the installation of subsequent concrete components;
  • The number of circles is determined by the depth sewer pipes;
  • The best material for this process are devices made of concrete elements with perforated walls;
  • If the perforations are not in the device, then you will have to do it yourself. To do this, you need to maintain the following parameters: diameter - 5 cm, distance - 20 cm from each other in the form of a chessboard.
  • Cover the bottom of the pit with a 30 cm layer of sand and crushed stone;
  • We create holes at the pipeline entrance;
  • We place the pipe so that concrete walls the distance was 20 cm;
  • After this, install the check valve;
  • Fill the opening with mortar

Attention! Very often, a filtration well is installed near such a pit, which allows for improved wastewater treatment.

Covering the cesspool

To perform such an action as flooring, you can use either a factory-made or any other concrete slab. You can purchase it in the same place where rings are sold. But it’s worth noting that you can make the lid yourself. For this you will need cement, sand, crushed stone and reinforcement bars. All actions are performed in the following sequence:

  • We make markings with pegs and pull the cord;
  • Checking the diagonals;
  • We remove soil along the entire perimeter to the upper ring;
  • We cover the ring with reinforcement in two to three places;
  • We lay out a sheet of tin, which we cover on top with film;
  • We place reinforcing bars at intervals of 25 cm;
  • For all work, reinforcement piping is required;
  • We install a ventilation system;
  • And we install the finished cover structure.

This method of constructing a cesspool without pumping out guarantees a hundred-year lifespan. However, remember that periodically it will be necessary to remove solid particles that linger at the bottom.

For seasonal living in a country house or with a small volume of water consumed, it is not necessary to install an expensive treatment facility. The optimal place for waste disposal will be a do-it-yourself cesspool without pumping. Its design is very simple, but the construction process is labor-intensive.

Sump pit layout

Types of cesspools

The simplest and most proven option for an autonomous sewer system is a drainage pit. By design they come in three types:

  • Sealed containers in which wastewater accumulates. They are environmentally friendly, easy to install, but require constant pumping costs.
  • A pit without a bottom is constructed to collect all household waste water into the soil.
  • Septic tank - the design of the structure provides for the settling and purification of contaminated water.

Frequent pumping drain hole- an expensive service that is accompanied by the spread of an unpleasant odor. It is possible to completely abandon it only when installing a biological station, but it is quite possible to reduce the call for sewer trucks to once every 3-4 years.

Construction of a cesspool without pumping

Absorbing tank without bottom – affordable way autonomous sewerage devices, which the owners implement independently. Its design is made in the form of a well, at the bottom of which a layer of filtration materials is poured. Domestic wastewater drain pipe enter the pits, the liquid seeps through the filter at the bottom, and large fractions are retained. Microorganisms in the soil process organic matter from runoff and disinfect it.

The size of the pit is selected according to water standards per person, which are 150-200 liters per day. The liquid leaves the storage tank after 3 days, so the daily volume triples. For a family of 3 people, a 1.5 cubic meter pit is required. m.

Attention. Bacteria will not be able to cope with a large volume of water, and there will be a risk of soil contamination. With daily consumption of more than 1 cubic meter. m of water, it is necessary to install a septic tank.

Advantages of a drain pit:

  • simple design;
  • affordable cost of materials;
  • quick installation.


  • bad smell;
  • environmental threat;
  • labor-intensive installation with your own hands.

Choosing a place for the pit

The placement of waste collection facilities is determined by special rules and regulations. These recommendations make it possible to protect water supplies, the foundation of the house and green spaces from contamination in the event of an increase in the water level in the drainage pit. Sanitary rules determine the following distances:

  • to the reservoir – 30 m:
  • to the well at sandy soil– 50 m, with clay – 20 m;
  • to trees – 3 m;
  • at least 5 m to the foundation of the house;
  • to the border of the neighboring plot - 2 m.

It is important to take into account the topography of the area; a low-lying area is not suitable for installing a drain tank. During rainfalls and snow melting, water will fill the hole. The depth of groundwater is also taken into account; it should be 1 meter lower from the bottom of the storage tank.

Features of the design of a cesspool on different soils

The waste disposal time depends on bandwidth soil. Sandy or peat soil has a high rate of liquid absorption, but their filtration qualities are insufficient. Contaminated runoff can reach the aquifer and poison it. In this case, part of the bottom and wall of the storage tank is concreted to reduce the area allowing drainage to pass through.

On clay soil, the opposite situation occurs - the liquid slowly seeps into the soil and there is a constantly high water level in the hole. The problem is solved by creating additional drainage. Several plastic sewer pipes filled with gravel are buried in the bottom of the hole to a depth of 1 meter. Their upper edge protrudes 1 meter from the bottom of the storage tank, and the walls are perforated. The design serves simultaneously to filter and drain waste.

Another method will require additional costs; it involves the construction of a second well nearby, connected to the pit by an overflow. As the water level rises, it will flow into the neighboring structure, and the drainage area will double.

Preparatory work

Having decided on a location for the storage tank, excavation work begins. This is the first stage in the construction of any type of autonomous sewage system. The pit is dug according to calculations made on the optimal volume of the cesspool. The depth of the sump should not exceed 3 meters, this will allow pumping from the very bottom in case of siltation. The walls of the pit are leveled for subsequent installation of the selected material.

Advice. You can save on calling an excavator to dig a pit if you do it simultaneously with the construction of the foundation of the house.

Materials for making a pit: pros and cons

To make the cesspool inexpensive, site owners are ready to use available materials: bricks, cinder blocks, tires and boards. If the first two materials are strong enough, then the rest are suitable for temporary construction, since under the influence of moisture and chemical reactions will quickly become unusable. A high-quality and durable storage tank is built from monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete rings and bricks.

Drainage pit made of reinforced concrete rings

If you can dig a pit yourself, then to install heavy rings you will have to order crane. The dimensions of the pit must exceed the standard diameter of the rings by 50 cm in order to be able to perform waterproofing. When installing several products, one must have factory perforation, specially made for the filtration well. If you purchased whole rings, you can fill the holes with your own hands. Their diameter is 5-8 cm, the distance from each other is 30 cm, the holes are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand to a depth of 20 cm and a layer of gravel or crushed stone to a height of 20-30. These rocks will become a filter that retains fecal waste in the pit.

The joints of the rings are covered with cement mortar, their outer part is covered with bitumen mastic for waterproofing. A hole is cut in the upper ring for the entrance of the sewer pipe. The pipeline itself is laid in a trench below the soil freezing line. The structure is covered with a concrete floor slab made with a hatch.

Pit made of concrete rings

Pros of the drive:

  • durability;
  • quick installation from ready-made parts;
  • high performance.
  • complexity of installation;
  • the need for pumping is not completely eliminated.

Brick cesspool

The shape of the sump is chosen arbitrarily; square, round and rectangular storage tanks are built. The material used is red solid brick laid on cement mortar. At the bottom of the excavated pit, a cushion of sand 20 cm high is placed. Formwork from boards is laid on top of it and a concrete screed is poured.

Advice. For better water drainage, before pouring concrete, wells up to 1 meter deep are drilled to bury perforated pipes.

Brick laying is carried out in two ways - with a gap of half or a quarter of a brick. Thanks to this design, water is discharged evenly. The top of the storage tank is covered with a concrete slab, which you can make yourself.

Brick drainage pit

Manufacturing of floors

The slab should protrude 30 cm beyond the perimeter of the pit on each side. The work area is marked with pegs with a taut rope. A sheet of tin is placed on the pit and covered with plastic film. Reinforcement strapping is performed on top of the waterproofing in increments of 20x20 cm. When preparing the reinforcement, a frame is inserted to limit the hatch. A ventilation pipe is installed to remove gases. For formwork, planed boards are taken and placed along a stretched rope. The finished structure is poured with concrete, compacted and leveled. The manhole cover is made at the same time as the stove or a metal one is purchased. After the concrete has set, the tin is removed in the space left for the cover.

Concrete cover

Advice. During the 4 weeks while the concrete hardens, it is not recommended to load the floor.

The slab must be airtight and raised above ground level. This will avoid catastrophic filling during rain. IN winter period The hatch cover is insulated to prevent the pit from freezing.

  • affordable price;
  • simple installation;
  • good drainage of liquid into the ground.
  • silting of walls;
  • destruction of bricks under the influence of runoff.

How to extend the life of a cesspool

The technology of an eternal cesspool must include several mandatory conditions:

  • the use of durable and durable material, which does not corrode;
  • the use of anaerobic bacteria that promote the decomposition of organic waste;
  • the pit is constructed in two parts; after filling the first reservoir, the liquid flows through a pipe into the second, the volume of the pit doubles.

The structure that meets all the requirements will be a two-chamber cesspool made of monolithic concrete. The walls of the structure are poured over the formwork, and a pipe for overflow is installed in the partition at an angle. The outer part of the walls is treated with bitumen mastic to protect against moisture. A mixture of crushed stone and gravel is used as a filter layer in a storage tank without a bottom. The pit is covered with a concrete slab with a hatch and a ventilation pipe.

Addition biological drugs reduces odor formation and accelerates the decomposition process of organic matter. Anaerobic bacteria do not tolerate low temperatures To prevent them from dying in winter, the pit needs to be insulated. Microorganisms are sensitive to the composition of wastewater, so you should avoid pouring chemicals into the sewer.

A cesspool is necessary for suburban areas; making it yourself will allow you to build a structure with the least financial cost.

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Sewage is one of the most important benefits of civilization. Without sewerage, washing, showering, taking a bath and going to the toilet are accompanied by difficulties and inconveniences. But connecting to a centralized sewer system is not always possible - for remote villages, summer cottages and cottage villages it is not available. The way out of the problem is to set up your own facilities for collection, cleaning and disposal. Wastewater. The simplest and cheapest solution is to build a cesspool without a bottom with your own hands.

How does a cesspool without a bottom work?

There are two types of cesspools:

  • sealed;
  • leaky, without bottom;

The first are a simple structure made of concrete, brick or plastic, completely waterproof. They collect liquid and solid waste coming through the sewer pipe. Regularly, on average 1-2 times a month, a sewer truck must pump them out of a sealed drain pit. The services of such specialists are expensive, which is why some owners are thinking about how to partially recycle sewage using soil treatment.

And most simple option are leaky cesspools. They are a shallow well made from bricks, old tires or concrete rings. They do not have a sealed bottom - either the soil itself is located there, or a filter pad made of sand, gravel or crushed stone. Also, many holes are created in the walls of the cesspool for the purpose of drainage. Through them and the bottom, liquid sewage partially goes into the ground and undergoes natural soil purification. The rest remains in the well and is pumped out by a sewer truck 1-2 times a year.

You might be interested in information about what it looks like

Such a structure is suitable for solving the problem of waste in a country house visited during spring and summer, or for a village house where 1-2 people live. For a large family, without a bottom is not an effective and environmentally friendly solution - in this case, it is preferable to build several concrete wells.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cesspool without a bottom

Let's briefly look at the good and bad aspects of the design of a leaky cesspool. Its advantages include the following.

  1. Extremely low price structures compared to the cost of a full-fledged septic tank - both factory-made and home-made, built from rings or monolithic concrete.
  2. Easy to create - a pit and a trench for the pipe are dug, the walls of the cesspool and a lid are installed, and the connection is made. Without any problems, all these activities can be completed independently.
  3. Construction speed – cesspool without a bottom made of concrete rings it is quite possible to arrange it in a couple of days.
  4. Lower costs compared to sealed cesspool– you can call a sewer truck not every month, but only 1-2 times in a whole year.

Due to its simplicity and maximum cheapness, such a sewer structure has serious disadvantages.

  1. Environmental problems - if such a thing is placed near the source drinking water, then over time the latter may become unusable - sewage seeping through the soil will poison it with E. coli and other microorganisms. It is possible to drink from such a well, but it is not safe.
  2. Possibility of conflict with neighbors - those who live next to you are unlikely to like the existence of a potential source of pollution. But, as practice shows, this is a problem only for well-maintained cottage villages and gardening associations - in other places, most likely, neighbors have the same or even more simple structures for collecting sewage.
  3. Problems with SES. If the sanitary and epidemiological service comes to your site to inspect it, it may consider the presence of a cesspool with waste seeping into the soil a violation of standards, with corresponding consequences.
  4. Short life of work - it should be understood that such a cesspool is unable to function for a long time– over time, the soil around it will silt and stop letting water through in the same volume. As a result, the structure will fill with wastewater faster, so it will have to be moved to a new location or replaced with a full-fledged septic tank. Or use the services of sewer cleaners more often.

Choosing a location for the cesspool

It was mentioned several times above that a cesspool without a bottom is not The best decision from an environmental and sanitary point of view. But a competent choice of location for its construction will minimize possible risks and avoid poisoning of reservoirs and wells.

It is worth saying that current sanitary and construction standards do not give a clear answer to the question of whether it is admissible or, conversely, inadmissible to build a cesspool without a bottom. Below are some excerpts from various documents.

So, if possible, a leaky cesspool should be created on soils with good water permeability and in places where the groundwater level is at least 1 meter below the bottom.

The list below gives the minimum distances between such a structure and various objects:

  • from the cesspool to the drinking well - at least 50 m;
  • to the reservoir - at least 30 m;
  • to trees and vegetable gardens - at least 5 m;
  • to the road or site boundary – from 2 to 4 m;
  • to residential buildings – 5 m.

Advice! Before starting construction, familiarize yourself with how the sewage collection structures of your closest neighbors are constructed. Also, if the matter occurs at the dacha, discuss this issue with the chairman of the partnership. This will avoid unnecessary conflicts and reduce the likelihood of inspectors from the sanitary service visiting your site.

Construction of a cesspool without a bottom from concrete rings

The most popular material for self-construction of bottomless cesspools, drainage wells and septic tanks are concrete rings. They have sufficient strength for such a structure, their installation does not take much time, and their low price makes these products accessible to any household. The process of making a cesspool without a bottom from concrete rings with your own hands is given below in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Important! Before you begin excavation work, determine how many concrete rings and what size you need. For convenience, the main characteristics of the most popular products are summarized in a table.

Table. Dimensions, weight and volume of concrete rings manufactured in accordance with GOST 8020-90.

NameInner diameter, mExternal diameter, mHeight, mWeight, kgInternal volume, m3
KS10.31 1,16 0,29 ≈200 ≈0,3
KS10.61 1,16 0,59 ≈400 ≈0,62
KS10.91 1,16 0,89 ≈600 ≈0,94
KS15.61 1,68 0,59 ≈660 ≈1,3
KS15.91,5 1,68 0,89 ≈1000 ≈1,97
KS20.62 2,2 0,59 ≈970 ≈2,24
KS20.92 2,2 0,89 ≈1480 ≈3,38

Step 1. Start building a cesspool without a bottom by determining the location where it will be located. This is discussed in more detail in the previous section of the article.

Step 2. At the selected location, mark and determine the boundaries of the future pit. Its diameter is made 20-30 cm larger than the outer diameter of the concrete ring.

Step 3. Begin direct soil extraction. If the cesspool is supposed to be shallow and there is enough time, then you can do the excavation work manually. It is advisable to do this in pairs - one digs, and the other lifts the extracted soil upward. The work is greatly facilitated by using a bucket with a strong rope and a garden wheelbarrow (or walk-behind tractor).

Important! If, when digging a pit by hand, it is discovered that the soil is prone to crumbling, then for reasons of your own safety, work should be stopped immediately. Otherwise, there is a risk of suddenly being covered with earth. In such situations, you will have to bring in an excavator.

Step 4. Regularly measure the depth of the pit using a tape measure. For cesspools without a bottom, this depth does not exceed 3 m. Also remember that there must be a distance of at least 1 m between sewage drains and groundwater (preferably more).

Step 5. Delivery of concrete rings is usually carried out by the manufacturer, and they are brought on a truck with a crane. Check the availability of all ordered products and their quality.

Step 6. Using a crane, immerse the first concrete ring into the pit.

The ring is lowered into the pit

Important! To better fix the rings to each other, apply cement mortar to their ends before laying the new product.

Step 7 In the same way, place the second and subsequent rings on the first ring. At the same time, align them relative to each other.

Step 8 Complete the laying of concrete products by installing the top round slab in which a hole is cut for the hatch.

Step 9 In loam conditions, a large contact area will be required for effective drainage. If you live in an area where the soil does not absorb water well, drill a series of medium-sized drainage holes in the bottom of the sump pit. Their total area should reach 10% of the total area of ​​the internal surface of the structure.

Important! Often, a cushion of crushed stone with a thickness of 30 to 50 cm is poured onto the bottom of such a cesspool. Its use allows you to at least slightly clean the sewage drains going into the ground. At the same time, the filler of such a pillow requires regular replacement or washing, which is not the most pleasant and simple job. Each homeowner must decide for himself what is more important to him - the ability to not pollute the surrounding land too much and groundwater or no need to go down into the cesspool and replace the crushed stone filtration bed. Instead of the latter, you can use regular sand.

Step 11 Fill the space between the walls of the pit and the concrete rings with earth or sand.

Step 10 Complete the arrangement of a cesspool without a bottom made of concrete rings by connecting a sewer pipe and installing a hatch.

Prices for concrete rings

concrete rings

Video - Cesspool

Construction of a cesspool without a bottom made of brick

Another, no less popular option for a cesspool is a structure made of brick. It should be understood that it will require more time and effort than a structure made of concrete rings. But if you have a lot of unused bricks left on your site after building a house, fence or shed, then it makes sense to put them to work and make a cesspool without a bottom entirely with your own hands, without involving third-party people and construction equipment. It will help you in this matter step-by-step instruction with photographs below.

Step 1. When building a brick cesspool, like any other sewerage structure, start with excavation work - choose a location and start digging a pit of the appropriate size.

Important! The presence of a simple lifting device will greatly facilitate the process of extracting soil from the pit.

Step 2. Check the depth and diameter of the pit using a tape measure.

Step 3. Get rid of the earth removed during the construction of the pit. At the same time, leave part of it for subsequent filling of the roof of the structure.

Step 4. At the bottom of the pit, build a flat ring of bricks, as in the image below. It will play the role of a kind of foundation under the walls of the cesspool.

Step 5. Proceed with laying the lower part of the brick cesspool walls. If you have not previously dealt with such material, then building this structure will be good practice for you, during which you will gain basic skills in working with bricks.

Important! Sand-lime bricks They absorb water well and are gradually destroyed. If you want your cesspool to last longer, replace them with ceramic ones.

Step 6. Continue laying and rise higher and higher, to the edge of the pit. Fill the space between its walls and brick with sand - it absorbs water well and partially filters it before it enters the ground.

Step 7 Complete the laying of the walls of the brick cesspool, not reaching a little to the surface of the ground.

Step 8 Lead the sewer pipe from the house into the cesspool.

Step 9 Reinforce the sump pit using a metal angle installed as shown in the image below. Instead it is allowed to use wooden beam, but the latter will not last too long - over time, the material in an aggressive environment will begin to deteriorate and rot.

Step 10 Place the same flat brick ring on top as at the bottom of the cesspool.

Step 11 Cover the top of the cesspool with a concrete slab, either prepared in advance or poured on site. Do not forget about the hole for the hatch, through which sewage will be regularly pumped out.

A cesspool without a bottom is a quick and economical solution to the problem of sewage disposal. But, if possible, replace it over time with a full-fledged septic tank produced at a factory or.

A resident of a modern city, accustomed to the benefits of civilization, cannot imagine living conditions in rural areas.

Facilities apartment buildings: plumbing, sewerage, heating - have become commonplace.

Owners of private houses do not have the opportunity to take advantage of centralized utility networks.

First, design

Design and installation of a sewer system is an important part of arranging life in a home.

Features of residence dictate the method of collecting wastewater (how to do it).

A cesspool will allow you to collect waste activities of people in one place, will protect against unpleasant odors and environmental pollution.

Structurally, the pit is not a complex object.

But improper installation and use will lead to:

  • the spread of unpleasant odors,
  • spread of infections
  • deterioration of the environmental situation.

The owner of a rural house is capable of independently make a cesspool.

To do this, you need to know the features of the technology (it is written about PVC tees for sewer pipes) and possible difficulties when installing the structure.

Technological features

Before starting work, determine the type of cesspool.

Design features will determine the course of events (read on the page how to make the transition from cast iron to plastic 160 mm).

Sewage collection facilities divided into 3 types:

  1. a hole without a bottom;
  2. sealed container;
  3. septic tank

Leaky structures without a bottom are a cheap, easy-to-manufacture option.

The pit will not require weekly cleaning, may be smaller in size than a closed container.

But such designs have several disadvantages:

  • substances from wastewater enter directly into the soil;
  • groundwater pollution,
  • Over time, the well may become silted.

The ecosystem can cope with one cubic meter liquid household waste.

Microorganisms cannot process large volumes, so before starting work, the size of the sewage is calculated.

This will help avoid soil contamination on your own site and will not cause problems with neighbors.

You cannot create a cesspool within a radius of 30 meters from a well or well that supplies water to the house.

Close location of the sump poses a risk of being hit harmful substances and microorganisms into drinking water.

Installing a sealed structure will avoid several problems:

  • spread of odors,
  • Soil pollution,
  • groundwater.

This type of sump has one serious drawback– the need to pump out wastewater several times a month.

The frequency of calling special equipment depends on the number of residents and water consumption.

The presence of household appliances (read about plumbing hatches for the bathroom) and an increase in water collection points speeds up the filling of the structure.

Modern developments will speed up the decomposition of sewage and reduce the volume of waste.

Location of the septic tank on the territory

When choosing a location for a cesspool, consider the following points:

  • the sump tank is located no closer than 5 meters from the house;
  • The security zone of a well or borehole is 30 meters.
    It is not recommended to arrange a cesspool closer;
  • It is necessary to provide access to equipment for pumping out wastewater.

In addition to the above, take into account soil features, location of aquifers and other features of the site.

What material to use

Cesspools of various types are made of brick or reinforced concrete rings.

An effective solution To create a sealed structure, buy a plastic container.

Device from polymer materials not subject to corrosion, withstands mechanical loads and aggressive environments.

The container is easy to install and operate. The only drawback is the cost.

Installation of a sump

Installation of a cesspool takes place in several stages:

How to remove deposits

Septic tanks different types fill at different rates.

Cleaning the cesspool you can do it yourself, but the right decision will call a special service.

Constant monitoring of the filling level of the sump is necessary.

Liquid level should not be higher than 20-30 centimeters from the surface. Timely pumping will protect the area from sewage spills.

A sewer truck pumps out liquid waste, so this method is not able to solve the cleaning problem completely.

Over time, sediment accumulates at the bottom, which reduces the useful volume of the cesspool.

This leads to an increase in the number of pumpings.

Special compounds and additives are capable of decomposing sludge and accelerating the disposal of sewage.

In summer, the best option will become biological activators consisting of several strains of bacteria.

Microorganisms will reduce the volume of waste and eliminate unpleasant odors. The functioning of activators takes place at temperatures of plus 4-30 degrees.

During cold periods chemical compounds are used.

Safe option will be the acquisition of a nitrate oxidizer. The substance will not have a harmful effect on the ecosystem or human health.

Compliance with sanitary standards

Installation of a cesspool (the distance from the septic tank to the house is indicated) will solve the problem of comfortable living in the country.

Safe life, good environmental conditions on the site and around are possible subject to compliance with sanitary standards:

  1. in accordance with SanPiN, the septic tank is located at a distance of 30 meters from water sources and be lower than them in level;
  2. You cannot use a design without a bottom when the daily volume of wastewater is more than one cubic meter. Access roads need to be built. The depth of the pit should not exceed three meters;
  3. The hatch must close tightly, especially in winter. The lid must be insulated. This will prevent the sump tank from freezing.

Following simple rules. You can build a cesspool yourself and ensure comfortable living in your own home. Proper execution of work in compliance with sanitation standards will allow you to use the sewer for many years.

While watching the video, you will learn how to draw up a sewerage diagram in a private house yourself.

is a way to make living in country cottage more comfortable. The main thing is that the sewer system functions correctly. Installing drains is not a difficult task if you first learn how to do the construction yourself.

It is quite possible to make a cesspool for a private house yourself

Choose this type if you do not plan to build a sauna or jacuzzi. The soil will not be able to accept large volumes of wastewater. This type of cesspool cleans wastewater with your own hands, but not 100%. The absorbent type is not suitable when a family lives in the house permanently, and the residents actively use the bathroom and washing machine.

Sealed waste water tanks

These tanks are containers made of concrete, plastic, metal and other materials that do not allow water to pass through. Thanks to the tightness, residents will be free from unpleasant odors. However, such a device for cesspools in a private house requires frequent calls to a team of sanitation workers to remove accumulated wastewater.

Storage containers made of plastic can be mounted in parallel, which increases their volume. Sealed tanks are installed above-ground and underground. The first option will be required for land plots with close groundwater.

The simplest homemade septic tanks

DIY cesspool are masters when it comes to simple and lightweight designs. If you are going to use concrete slabs for construction, then it is better to find an assistant and hire special equipment. Heavy structures are not easy to install yourself.

If you have found a plastic container for a cesspool on your farm, then start arranging summer cottage. Installation will take no more than 2 – 3 days. In addition to plastic containers, they are used metal barrels or containers, as well as products made of polypropylene or polyethylene. Each material has its own characteristics:

  1. Plastic is lightweight, easy to transport, resistant to wet environments, long service life, and easy to process;
  2. homemade welded structures require an anti-corrosion coating. Otherwise, the product will soon become unusable;
  3. Polypropylene containers are durable, moisture-proof, shock-resistant, and able to withstand sudden temperature changes;
  4. Polyethylene containers are fragile. They require careful transportation. The service life reaches 30 years.

For a homemade septic tank with several chambers, you need to prepare a foundation pit and properly fill the concrete screed to get solid foundation. The rings are installed. The structures are connected to each other. Step-by-step cleaning allows you to get beautiful natural fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden.

How to make an absorption pit

A cesspool without pumping is created in several stages:

  1. Select the location where the hole will be located. It is necessary to retreat 1 m from the fence and at least 12 m from the residential structure. Scatter the top layer of soil around the site. Leave 1.5 m3 of earth for thermal insulation above the ceiling. Remove the remaining soil from the dacha;
  2. Make walls out of concrete. Another option is brickwork. The design will be optimal for sucking liquid into the ground if the masonry is done in a checkerboard pattern;
  3. Make an overlap on top. This can be a monolithic concrete slab with a hatch.

If you do not plan to insulate the lid, then you need to install the walls 30 or 40 cm lower than the soil level so that the cesspool does not freeze in winter.

A plastic pit boiler is one of the simplest solutions

Sealed design device

There are many options for making a cesspool. This is convenient to meet the various needs of cottage owners. Use factory products to sewer pit served you for many years. Scheme of a cesspool made of concrete slabs. Installation is quick. A cesspool in a private house will be able to fully satisfy the needs of the residents: concrete rings are sold in a wide range on the market. You can easily select circles with the desired diameter.

During installation, the following order should be observed:

  1. They dig a hole. An excavator is usually hired to carry out excavation work;
  2. Lay the main circle. Install subsequent rings. Specialists will handle this work. This requires the use of special equipment. An excavator is needed to construct the bottom; the rings will be lowered down by a crane. It is preferable to use solid products in construction;
  3. The last circle should rise 20 or 30 cm above the ground.

Construction of a cesspool made of concrete rings requires the involvement of experienced professionals and special equipment.

A cesspool with overflow is an excellent replacement for central sewerage in areas where there is none. The structure has the following advantages:

  • rare pumping using sewage disposal equipment;
  • the ability to use water a second time to water green spaces;
  • no bad odors;
  • the ability to use water in large volumes;
  • absence of gurgling and other unpleasant sounds from the sewer system if the pit overflows.

If desired, the master will build a cesspool overflow structure himself. To do this you will need to understand its structure. 2 settling pits are connected to each other with a special pipe in the shape of the letter “T”.

The first container is connected to the house by a pipeline at an angle of 1.5 or 2 degrees towards the drain. Large particles sink to the bottom of the settling tank. Wastewater flows through a T-shaped pipe into another container. This sump does not have a bottom. It is filled with geotextile mixed with layers of sand, as well as crushed stone with broken bricks. Wastewater passes through all layers. After purification, it goes into the ground without causing harm environment. Loose or sandy soil makes it possible to fill the second hole with crushed stone alone. Lay geotextiles with a layer of black soil on top. Plant plants with short root systems.

Adding special preparations containing bacteria to the first septic tank helps to improve the breakdown of organic waste. If oxygen enters the container, the biological product works better. Therefore, it is recommended to leave a hole in the septic tank lid.

The first sump is built from concrete rings, and the second from red brick. You will need plastic sewer lines and a T-pipe. Instead of the latter, you can take a corner. This is necessary to prevent sewage from entering the first container into the second.

If you have to dig a ditch by hand, then use this method. Install the first concrete ring at the location where the sump pit will be. Get inside the product and dig in a circle. The weight of the ring will cause it to sink. When the concrete product is leveled to the ground, a second one is installed on it. Keep digging. Unnecessary soil is poured into a bucket, which is lifted by your assistant standing on top. After completing the installation of the rings, connect the pipes to the containers. A chisel and hammer will help you make holes in the concrete rings.

A plastic cesspool is a structure that a master creates without outside help. When installing, avoid pipe drops and sharp turns. When it is impossible to lay a straight pipeline, then make the angle of turns obtuse. This design avoids blockages. Make sure that it is convenient for the sewer truck to drive up when the sewage accumulates and you need to pump out the cesspool. The drawn diagram will help you create a competent project for local sewerage.

A DIY sewer pit made from used car tires is a budget-friendly way to create comfortable living conditions. If the volume of wastewater is small, then this design is ideal: it is affordable and practical. Installation is not difficult. However, it is difficult to disassemble a tire structure with your own hands. The homemade product will last no more than 15 years.

It is difficult to shape structures made of gas silicate blocks into a circle on your own. Therefore, it is made in the form of a square or rectangle. Sealing is carried out using special glue or cement mortar.


Ready-made cesspool kits

Today, cesspools in a private house are made in one day. Talk to professional companies who are engaged in the sale and installation of septic tanks. Select a finished product from the catalog and place an order - a cesspool made of plastic or concrete rings. In the first case, the container is already ready for use, in the second it will be assembled on site.

Factory septic tanks are divided into single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber. The last two models allow you to get more output clean water. The first option is used instead of a cesspool.