Old browsers are better than new ones. The fastest and lightest browsers. New Yandex Browser: Dark theme and new tabs

Good day, Friends! Sorry that there have been no updates on the blog for a long time, I promise to improve and delight you with articles more often. Today I have prepared for you ranking of the best browsers of 2018 for Windows 10. I use this one operating system, so I will focus on it, but there will be no particular difference for users of previous Windows versions will not be.

On the eve of last year I did. Now the situation has changed a little, which I will tell you about in this article. I will be glad to see your comments and remarks. Go!

Best browsers 2018: ranking for Windows

I don't think it will come as a surprise to anyone if I say that more than 90% of the population uses the Windows operating system on their computers. The most popular version remains, which is understandable due to the huge list of advantages (but more on that in another article). I literally switched to it a couple of months ago and therefore this article will be especially relevant for Tens users.

1st place - Google Chrome

Google Chrome is once again the leader among browsers. It is quite powerful and efficient, just ideal for owners of modern computers. According to open LiveInternet statistics, you can see that almost 56% of users prefer Chrome. And the number of his fans is growing every month:

Share of Google Chrome usage among users

I don't know what you think, but I think almost 108 million visitors can't be wrong! Now let’s look at the advantages of Chrome and reveal the secret of its truly wild popularity.

Tip: always download programs only from the manufacturer’s official website!

Advantages of Google Chrome

  • Speed. This is perhaps the main reason why users give their preference to it. I found an interesting speed test of different browsers. Well done guys, they did quite a lot of work, but the results are quite expected: Google Chrome is the leader in speed among its competitors. In addition, Chrome has the ability to preload the page, thereby making the work speed even faster.
  • Convenience. The interface is thought out to the smallest detail. There is nothing superfluous, the principle is implemented: “open and work”. Chrome was one of the first to implement shortcut functionality. The address bar works in conjunction with the search engine selected in the settings, which saves the user a few more seconds.
  • Stability. In my memory, only a couple of times Chrome stopped working and reported a failure, and even then the cause was viruses on the computer. This reliability of operation is ensured by the separation of processes: if one of them is stopped, the others are still running.
  • Safety. Google Chome has its own regularly updated database of malicious resources, and the browser also requires additional confirmation to download executable files.
  • Incognito mode. This is especially true for those who do not want to leave traces of visiting certain sites, and have no time to clear their history and cookies.
  • Task Manager. A very convenient feature that I use regularly. It can be found in the More Tools menu. Using such a tool, you can track which tab or extension requires a lot of resources and complete the process to get rid of the “brakes”.

  • Extensions. There are a huge number of different free plugins, extensions and themes for Google Chrome. Accordingly, you can literally make your own browser assembly that will meet exactly your needs. A list of available extensions can be found at this link.

  • Built-in page translator. An extremely useful function for those who like to surf the Internet in a foreign language, but have absolutely no knowledge foreign languages. Translation of pages is carried out automatically using Google Translator.
  • Regular updates. Google carefully monitors the quality of its products, so the browser updates automatically and you won’t even notice it (unlike updates in Firefox, for example).
  • Okay Google. Google Chrome has a voice search feature.
  • Synchronization. Let’s say you decide to reinstall Windows or buy a new computer, but you’ve already forgotten half of your passwords. Google Chrome gives you the opportunity to not think about it at all: when you sign in, all your settings and passwords will be imported to your new device.
  • Ad blocking. I wrote a separate article about this.

Disadvantages of Google Chrome

But everything can’t be so rosy and wonderful, you ask? Of course, there is also a “fly in the ointment”. The main disadvantage of Google Chrome can be called it "weight". If you have an old computer with very modest performance resources, it is better to stop using Chrome and consider other browser options. The minimum amount of RAM for Chrome to work correctly should be 2 GB. There are other negative features of this browser, but the average user is unlikely to be interested in them.

2nd place - Opera

One of the oldest browsers that Lately began to be reborn. The heyday of its popularity was in times of limited and slow Internet (remember Opera Mini on Simbian devices?). But even now Opera has its own “trick” that none of its competitors have. But we'll talk about this below.

Advantages of Opera

  • Speed. There is a magical function of Opera Turbo that can significantly increase the loading speed of sites. In addition, Opera is perfectly optimized for working on slow computers with weak technical characteristics, thus becoming an excellent alternative to Google Chrome.
  • Saving. Very relevant for Internet owners with restrictions on traffic volume. Opera not only increases page loading speed, but also significantly reduces the amount of traffic received and transmitted.
  • Information content. Opera may warn you that the site you want to visit is unsafe. Various icons will help you understand what is happening and what the browser is currently using:

  • Express bookmarks panel. Not an innovation, of course, but still a very convenient feature of this browser. There are also hot keys for instant access to browser control directly from the keyboard.
  • Built-in ad blocking. In other browsers, blocking endless ad blocks and intrusive pop-ups is implemented using third-party plugins. Opera developers took this into account and built ad blocking into the browser itself. At the same time, the speed of work increases by 3 times! If necessary, this feature can be disabled in the settings.
  • Power saving mode. Opera allows you to save up to 50% of the battery power of your tablet or laptop.
  • Built-in VPN . In the era of the Yarovaya Law and the heyday of Roskomnadzor, there is nothing better than a browser with a free built-in VPN server. With its help, you can easily access prohibited sites, or you can watch films that are blocked in your country at the request of the copyright holder. It is because of this incredibly useful feature that I use Opera all the time.
  • Extensions. Like Google Chrome, Opera boasts big amount(more than 1000+) various extensions and themes.

Disadvantages of Opera

  • Safety. According to the results of some tests and studies, the Opera browser is not safe; it often does not see a potentially dangerous site and does not save you from scammers. Therefore, you use it at your own risk.
  • May not work on old computers, high system requirements.

3rd place - Mozilla Firefox

A rather strange, but still popular choice for many users is the Mozilla Firefox browser (known as “Fox”). In Russia, it is in third place in popularity among PC browsers. I won’t judge anyone’s choice; I myself used it for quite a long time until I switched to Google Chrome.

Any product has its fans and haters, Firefox is no exception. Objectively, it certainly has its merits, I will consider them in more detail.

Advantages of Mozilla Firefox

  • Speed. Quite a controversial indicator for the Fox. This browser is quite fast until you install a few plugins. After this, your desire to use Firefox will disappear for a certain period of time.
  • Side panel. Many fans note that the sidebar (quick access Ctrl+B) is an incredibly convenient thing. Almost instant access to bookmarks with the ability to edit them.
  • Fine tuning. The ability to make the browser absolutely unique, to “tailor” it to your needs. Access them through about:config in the address bar.
  • Extensions. A huge number of different plugins and add-ons. But, as I already wrote above, the more of them are installed, the more the browser slows down.

Firefox Disadvantages

  • Tor-mo-za . This is exactly why a huge number of users abandoned using Fox and preferred any other browser (most often Google Chrome). It slows down terribly, to the point where I had to wait for a new empty tab to open.

4th place - Yandex.Browser

A fairly young and modern browser from the Russian search engine Yandex. In February 2017, this browser for PC took second place in popularity after Chrome. Personally, I use it very rarely; it’s difficult for me to trust a program that is trying to deceive me at any cost and almost force me to install itself on my computer. Plus, sometimes it replaces other browsers when downloading from non-official sites.

Nevertheless, this is a completely worthy product, trusted by 8% of users (according to LiveInternet statistics). And according to Wikipedia - 21% of users. Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Yandex.Browser

  • Close integration with other Yandex products. If you regularly use Yandex.Mail or, then Yandex.Browser will be a real godsend for you. You will essentially get a complete analogue of Google Chrome, only ideally tailored for another search engine - the Russian Yandex.
  • Turbo mode. Like many other Russian developers, Yandex likes to sneak ideas from its competitors. I wrote about the magical function of Opera Turbo above, it’s essentially the same here, I won’t repeat it.
  • Yandex.Zen. Your personal recommendations: various articles, news, reviews, videos and much more right on the start page. We opened a new tab and... woke up 2 hours later :) In principle, the same thing is available with the Visual Bookmarks extension from Yandex for other browsers.

  • Synchronization. There is nothing surprising about this function - when you reinstall Windows, all your settings and bookmarks will be saved in the browser.
  • Smart line. Really useful tool- answers to questions directly in the search bar, without the need to go to search results and search on other pages.

  • Safety. Yandex has its own technology - Protect, which warns the user about visiting a potentially dangerous resource. Protect includes several independent protection modes against various network threats: encryption of data transmitted over WiFi, password protection and anti-virus technologies.
  • Customizing the appearance. Choose from a huge number of ready-made backgrounds or the ability to upload your own picture.
  • Quick Mouse Gestures. Managing the browser has become even easier: just hold down the right mouse button and perform a specific action to obtain the desired operation:

  • Yandex.Tableau. It is also a very convenient tool - on the start page there will be 20 bookmarks of the sites you most visit. The tile panel for these sites can be customized as you wish.

As you can see, this is a truly complete modern tool for browsing web pages. I think that its share in the browser market will constantly grow, and the product itself will continue to develop.

Disadvantages of Yandex Browser

  • Obsessiveness. No matter what program I try to install, no matter what service I access, there it is: Yandex.Browser. He follows right on his heels and whines: “Set me up.” Constantly wants to change the start page. And he wants a lot more. He looks like my wife :) At some point it starts to infuriate.
  • Speed. Many users complain about the speed of opening new tabs, which even eclipses the infamous glory of Mozilla Firefox. This is especially true for weak computers.
  • No flexible settings. Unlike Google Chrome or Opera, Yandex.Browser does not have wide adaptation capabilities to suit your own individual needs.

5th place - Microsoft Edge

The youngest modern browser, was launched by Microsoft in March 2015. This browser has replaced Internet Explorer, which is hated by many (which is quite strange, since according to statistics IE is the most secure browser!). I started using Edge from the moment I installed Ten, that is, quite recently, but I already had my own idea about it.

Microsoft Edge has rapidly burst into the browser market and its share is growing every day

Advantages of Microsoft Edge

  • Full integration with Windows 10. This is perhaps Edge's strongest trait. It runs as a full-fledged application and uses all the capabilities of the most modern operating system.
  • Safety. Edge has taken over from its “big brother” IE the strongest features, including safe web surfing.
  • Speed. In terms of speed, I can put it in third place after Google Chrome and Opera, but its performance is still very good. The browser is not annoying, pages open quickly and load in a couple of seconds.
  • Reading mode. I most often use this function on mobile devices, but perhaps someone will find it useful in the PC version.
  • Cortana voice assistant. To be honest, I haven’t used it yet, but rumor has it that it’s significantly inferior to “Okay Google” and Siri.
  • Notes. Microsoft Edge includes handwriting and note-taking functionality. Interesting thing, I must tell you. Here's what it looks like in reality:

Create a note in Microsoft Edge. Step 1.

Create a note in Microsoft Edge. Step 2.

Disadvantages of Microsoft Edge

  • Windows 10 only. This browser is available only to owners of the latest version of the Windows operating system - “tens”.
  • Sometimes it's dull. For me it happens like this: you enter the page URL (or make a transition), a tab opens and the user sees a white screen until the page is completely loaded. Personally, this bothers me.
  • Incorrect display. The browser is quite new and some old sites “float” in it.
  • Meager context menu . It looks like this:

  • Lack of personalization. Unlike other browsers, Edge will be difficult to customize for specific needs and tasks.

What browser do you use? I'm waiting for your options in the comments. If you have any questions, ask, I will answer as best I can!

I’ll probably start my subjective article about the best browser for Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 with the following: currently time, we can only identify 4 browsers that are truly fundamentally different - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. You can add Apple Safari to the list, but today the development of Safari for Windows has stopped, and in the current review we are talking about this OS.

Almost all other popular browsers are based on Google developments (the open source Chromium, to which this company makes the main contribution). And these are Opera, Yandex Browser and lesser-known Maxthon, Vivaldi, Torch and some other browsers. However, that doesn't mean they aren't worth a look: even though these browsers are based on Chromium, they each offer something that Google Chrome or others don't.

On the one hand, I put Google Chrome in first place, on the other hand, I am aware that the Mozilla Firefox browser is no worse in most respects, and in some it is superior to the above-mentioned product. So it’s difficult to say which browser is better - Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. It’s just that the latter is a little less popular here and I personally don’t use it, but objectively these two browsers are almost equal and, depending on the tasks and habits of the user, either one or the other may be better. Update 2017: released a new version this browser - (review will open in a new tab).

In terms of performance, Firefox is slightly inferior to the previous browser in most tests, but this “slight” is unlikely to be noticeable to the average user. However, in some cases, for example, in the WebGL, asm.js tests, Mozilla Firefox wins by almost one and a half to two times.

Mozilla Firefox does not lag behind Chrome in the pace of its development (and does not follow it by copying functions); literally once a week you can read news about improvements or changes in the functionality of the browser.

Advantages of Mozilla Firefox:

  • Supports almost all the latest Internet standards.
  • Independence from companies that actively collect user data (Google, Yandex), this is an open non-profit project.
  • Cross-platform.
  • Excellent performance and good security.
  • Powerful developer tools.
  • Synchronization functions between devices.
  • Own decisions regarding the interface (for example, tab groups, pinned tabs, on this moment borrowed from other browsers, first appeared in Firefox).
  • An excellent set of add-ons and options for customizing the browser for the user.

You can download Mozilla Firefox for free in the latest stable version on the official download page https://www.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/new/

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is a relatively new browser that is included in Windows 10 (not available for other operating systems) and there is every reason to assume that for many users who do not require any special functionality, installing a third-party Internet browser in this OS will eventually become irrelevant.

In my opinion, Edge is the closest developers have come to achieving the goal of making the browser as simple as possible for the average user, but at the same time functional enough for the experienced (or developer).

And finally, the new browser from Microsoft has created one trend that is useful for all users: after it was stated that Edge is the most energy-efficient browser that provides the longest battery life on the device, other developers began optimizing their browsers and within a few months Positive progress in this regard is noticeable in all major products.

Yandex Browser is built on Chromium, has a simple and intuitive interface, as well as synchronization functions between devices and close integration with Yandex services and notifications for them, used by many users in our country.

Almost everything that has been said about Google Chrome, including support for multiple users and “surveillance,” applies equally to the browser from Yandex, but there are also some nice things, especially for a novice user, in particular, integrated add-ons that you can quickly enable it in the settings without searching for where to download them, among them:

  • Turbo mode to save traffic in the browser and speed up page loading on a slow connection (also present in Opera).
  • Password manager from LastPass.
  • Yandex Mail, Traffic and Disk extensions
  • Add-ons for safe operation and ad blocking in the browser - Antishock, Adguard, some of our own security-related developments
  • Synchronization between different devices.

For many users, Yandex Browser can be a good alternative to Google Chrome, in some ways more understandable, simpler and closer.

You can download Yandex Browser from the official website https://browser.yandex.ru/

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is the browser you always have right after Windows installations 10, 8 and Windows 7 on your computer. Despite the prevailing stereotypes about its slowness and lack of support for modern standards, now everything looks much better.

Today, Internet Explorer has a modern interface and high operating speed (although in some synthetic tests it lags behind its competitors, in tests of page loading and display speed it wins or is on par).

Additionally, Internet Explorer is one of the best in terms of security of use, has a growing list of useful add-ons (add-ons) and, in general, there is nothing particularly to complain about.

True, the future fate of the browser against the backdrop of the release of Microsoft Edge is not entirely clear.


Vivaldi can be described as a browser for those users for whom simply browsing web pages is not enough; in reviews of this browser you can find a “browser for geeks,” although it is possible that the average user will find something for themselves in it.

The Vivaldi browser was created under the leadership of the former manager of Opera, after the browser of the same name switched from its own Presto engine to Blink, among the tasks during creation were the return of the original Opera functions and the addition of new, innovative features.

Among Vivaldi's features that are missing in other browsers:

And this is far from full list. Some things in the Vivaldi browser, judging by the reviews, do not work as we would like (for example, according to reviews, there are problems with the work of the necessary extensions), but in any case, it can be recommended to those who want to try something customizable and different from the usual programs of this kind.

You can download the Vivaldi browser from the official website https://vivaldi.com

Other browsers

All browsers in this section are based on Chromium (Blink engine) and essentially differ only in the implementation of the interface, a set of additional functions (which can be enabled in the same Google Chrome or Yandex Browser using extensions), and sometimes to a small extent in performance. However, for some users these options turn out to be more convenient and the choice is given in their favor:

  • Opera was once a unique browser powered by its own engine. Now on Blink. The pace of updates and the introduction of new features is not what it used to be, and some updates are controversial (as was the case with bookmarks that cannot be exported, see). What remains original is, in part, the interface, the Turbo mode, which first appeared in Opera, and convenient visual bookmarks. You can download Opera at opera.com.
  • Maxthon - by default it is equipped with ad blocking functions using AdBlock Plus, site security assessment, advanced anonymous browsing functions, the ability to quickly download video, audio and other resources from the page and some other “goodies”. Despite all of the above, the Maxthon browser consumes less computer resources than other Chromium browsers. Official download page - maxthon.com.
  • UC Browser - a popular Chinese browser for Android is also available for Windows. From what I managed to note - its own system of visual bookmarks, a built-in extension for downloading videos from sites and, of course, synchronization with the mobile UC Browser (attention: installs its own Windows service, I don’t know what I’m doing).
  • Torch Browser - among other things, includes a torrent client, capabilities for downloading audio and video from any sites, a built-in media player, Torch Music service for free access to music and music videos in the browser, free games Torch Games and a “download accelerator” of files (warning: was found installing third-party software).

There are other browsers, even better known to readers, not mentioned here - Amigo, Sputnik, Internet, Orbitum. However, I don't think they should be on the list of the best browsers, even though they have some noteworthy features. The reason - the unethical distribution scheme and subsequent work is that most users are interested in how to remove such a browser, and not install it.

Additional Information

You might also be interested in some additional information about the browsers reviewed:

In general, for the vast majority of users there will be no significant difference between the described browsers, and the answer to the question which browser is the best cannot be unambiguous: they all work decently, they all require a lot of memory (sometimes more, sometimes less) and sometimes slow down or crashes, have good security features and perform their main function - browsing the Internet and ensuring the operation of modern web applications.

So in many ways, the choice of which browser is the best for Windows 10 or another version of the OS is a matter of taste, requirements and habits of a particular person. New browsers are also constantly appearing, some of which, despite the presence of “giants”, are gaining a certain popularity, focusing on some specific necessary functions. For example, beta testing of the Avira browser (from the antivirus manufacturer of the same name) is currently underway, which, as they promise, can become the safest for a novice user.

Browser is an application necessary for any digital device with Internet access. Its importance is so great that some devices, such as ChromeBooks, run on an operating system that is 99% browser-based.

It plays no less a role on regular PCs, because the choice of application will determine how comfortable you will feel online. This review includes 12 time-tested web browsing apps that you can install on your home computer or laptop.

Google Chrome - The Best of the Best

Google Chrome

Chrome is the most common browser from Google. Evolving since 2008, it not only became the choice of Windows users, but also popularized the WebKit engine, which powers the vast majority of modern browsers.

Promoted as the “fastest browser,” Chrome truly deservedly held this title for a long time, but other programs did not stand still and today this application is gradually losing popularity due to its “gluttony.”

Poor organization of work with RAM makes its use uncomfortable on a PC with 4 gigabytes or less of RAM. The developer is trying to turn the situation around, but with varying degrees of success.

  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • Functionality
  • Large selection of extensions

Google Services

Mozilla Firefox - The Best Alternative

The only full-fledged Chrome competitor using its own Gecko engine. The history of this browser began in 1998, when part of Netscape's code was open-sourced to third-party developers. For some time, the Mozilla browser (known today as SeaMonkey) was developed based on the source code, and in 2003 the Phoenix project separated from it, which then became Firebird and, in February 2004, Mozilla Firefox.

The share of this browser began to decline with the advent of Chrome, but has been gradually regaining its position over the past few years. Having the same capabilities as the Google application, Firefox is more careful with RAM and does not suffer from performance drawdowns, working at the same speed under any load.

The browser supports all modern web technologies, there is a store offering extensions and themes. Recently, support for WebExtensions has appeared, with which you can quickly transfer any extension from Chrome. Like its competitor from Google, the program has cloud storage for bookmarks, passwords and user settings.


  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • Functionality

VIDEO: Setting up anonymity in the Mozilla Firefox browser

Setting up anonymity in the Mozilla Firefox browser

TOP 12 Best browsers for the Windows 7/10 operating system | Review 2019

Microsoft Edge - Optimal for Windows 10

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft's underrated browser comes with Windows 10. Introduced in 2015, it replaced Internet Explorer, which many users used only once - to download another browser. Along with the browser, the manufacturer introduced a new engine - EdgeHTML, which is characterized by high performance and resource efficiency, however, at the end of 2018, the developer announced that in future versions the proprietary engine will have to be abandoned in favor of Chromium - how this will affect the operation of the application is still difficult to say .

Edge has built-in ad blocking capabilities and the ability to quickly share links and notes on social networks.

There is an application store, but their number does not exceed several hundred.


  • The browser is interesting to those who are not burdened with attachment to its competitors and do not have a large amount of information in the cloud storage of other applications. Highly recommended for use on weak PCs and tablets running Windows 10.
  • High integration with Windows 10


VIDEO: Review of the Edge browser on Chromium

TOP 12 Best browsers for the Windows 7/10 operating system | Review 2019

Edge browser review on Chromium

Opera has long been a popular browser in the CIS countries, but since 2010 it began to rapidly lose ground. Some users switched to the increasingly popular Chrome, while others left after the native Presto engine was replaced by Blink (a version of WebKit) in 2013. From that moment on, Opera began to come as close as possible to Google Chrome, differing from it only in the icon, name and several additional functions.

The browser has its own cloud storage for profiles, containing passwords, form data, bookmarks and other user information.

There is a separate application store, but you can also use Chrome WebStore - due to the same engines, browser extensions are fully compatible.


  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • The second wave of popularity came to Opera after it added a built-in VPN function that allows you to bypass blocks and hide your IP address from servers. Many users also use Opera Turbo, a traffic compression technology designed to speed up page loading, but the latter does not work very stably, often slowing down loading rather than speeding it up.
  • Functionality

Built-in VPN

VIDEO: 8 features of the Opera browser that make it worth starting to use it

TOP 12 Best browsers for the Windows 7/10 operating system | Review 2019

8 features of the Opera browser that make it worth starting to use it.

Chromium - Open Source Alternative

Chromium This browser is an open version of Google Chrome, which is based on Chromium.

All the features present in Google's solution are here, with the exception of a few differences related to copyright issues. The browser is demanding on RAM and behaves poorly on PCs equipped with 4 GB or less of RAM


  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • Functionality

. Built-in support for profiles using Google services (since this company is one of the leading developers), an extension store is available (Chrome WebStore).

Vivaldi - Highly customizable browser

If you take the leading developers of Opera, force them to abandon their own product and give away the source code for the Chromium browser, you get Vivaldi. This characteristic not only describes the essence of the browser, but also tells its history, which began in 2011, when John Stephenson von Tetzchner (founder of Opera Software) left the company, not agreeing on a number of issues with the board of directors.

Otherwise, it is the same Chromium, with characteristic demands on RAM, a system of extensions, as well as cloud profile storage (from Vivaldi Technologies).

  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • Continuing the traditions of Opera Presto
  • Functionality

Torch Browser - Optimal for downloading torrents

Torch Browser

If this browser had appeared 15 years ago, it would be a leader today. The main difference between this application and its competitors is its focus on downloading information.

Torch can download regular files, torrents, as well as streaming audio and video. For this, the program does not require external plugins or extensions - all functions are available immediately after installation.

Downloading regular files occurs in several threads, as was common in the days of Download Master, ReGet, FlashGet and analogues.

  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • This allows you to increase the maximum download speed up to the possible limit of your tariff plan. The application has a built-in Torrent client with a built-in search system for the necessary files. The browser can also download online video and audio from sites such as Vine, Instagram, Youtube and others. In all cases, viewing/playback becomes available at the start of downloading - there is no need to wait for the download to complete.
  • Functionality

Otherwise, it is a browser based on Chromium and has all the functions of its progenitor.

Built-in torrent and media download functions Maxthon - Cloud Browser

In 2002, PC users no longer liked Internet Explorer, but continued to use it. Then Maxthon appeared - a browser that used the Trident engine, but supplemented it with features that IE lacked - an extension system, quick control over page loading, and tabs. Over the past 17 years, new functions have been added to these functions, but the primary reason for their popularity is precisely those facts that are indicated here.

Maxthon is a Chinese-made browser, but has localizations in all languages ​​of the world. Since 2010, in addition to Trident, the WebKit engine has become available, which users can connect at any time. By the fifth version, which is current, the application added cloud functions, night mode, mouse gestures, an ad blocker and other features.

  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • Functionality

The main audience of the browser is users who got used to it in the first years of its existence.

For new users it is of little interest, since it does not have any clear advantages over Chromium or Vivaldi.

The Russian search engine often tries to repeat the steps of its Western counterpart, or even get ahead of it. Since there is Google Chrome, there must be Yandex.Browser.

The application appeared in 2012 and took “a little bit of everything” from each of the country’s popular browsers. Engine – Blink. It is also used in Chromium and Chrome.

This allows you to quickly include support for new technologies in the application and gives access to the extension store (the Opera store is offered by default, but you can install plugins from the Chrome WebStore).

  • The browser supports working with multiple profiles, so several people can work on one PC, each of whom will have their own settings, remembered passwords, theme, etc. A significant advantage is the store of extensions, the number of which exceeds those of competitors.
  • From other browsers, the Yandex application borrowed mouse gestures (like Vivaldi), turbo mode (like Opera), and a built-in translator (like Chrome).
  • Functionality

There are also personal developments - Yandex.Advisor, which analyzes prices in online stores, a “smart line”, and more recently, Alice – the company’s voice assistant.

Built-in Yandex services

TOP 12 Best browsers for the Windows 7/10 operating system | Review 2019

VIDEO: New Yandex Browser: Dark theme and new tabs!

New Yandex Browser: Dark theme and new tabs!

UC Browser - Fast browser made in China

UC Browser

Like Maxthon, this browser is developed in China and uses the system browser engine. In the case of Windows 10, this is EdgeHTML. This approach allows for maximum integration of the application into the OS and ensures high performance and low resource requirements. At the same time, the browser complements the capabilities of Edge with a number of additional functions.

UC Browser has a built-in download manager that can resume downloads when the browser is restarted, as well as organize downloaded files so that they do not become a “dump”.

Added voice search functionality, native cloud storage for settings, and improved web app support.

Great emphasis is placed on safety. The search engine knows where and what, so it cleverly blocks suspicious sites, pop-up windows, automatic downloads of all sorts of garbage and other harmful activity. Many people like to read their personal Zen news feed. You can enable an effective turbo mode. Smart search bar understands different types requests: will show the weather, exchange rates, etc. without going to websites. Mountains of applications, very high page launch speed, mouse gesture control, advanced built-in reader, translator, appearance customization - all these are elements of the best browser on the market.



  • For those who do not use Yandex services, the browser loses a significant part of its advantages;
  • Occasionally there are problems with transferring browsing history and settings.

2. Google Chrome

The application was created based on a free build of Chromium from a hybrid of the WebKit engines from the Safari browser and V8. This concept has been perfected by many major developers (Opera, Yandex, among others). The guys from Google were the first to assemble a public version of the browser from the concept, calling it “Chrome”. The product places great emphasis on security: there is a database of phishing and malicious resources that is regularly updated. The browser runs multiple processes that have separate low priorities. It works stably, the interface is simple and well thought out. Has its own task manager in “additional tools”.


  • Recognizable and simple design, ergonomic interface;
  • Cross-platform, fast data synchronization across all devices;
  • Separate panel Google services, which are available under a single account;
  • Hundreds of thousands of add-ons for every conceivable task;
  • Automatic mode and high update frequency;
  • Convenient “incognito” mode;
  • High level of security and speed of operation, Sandbox technology for protection against hacking;
  • Task manager for monitoring used resources.


3. Mozilla Firefox

A high level of security for user data is offered. You can enable blocking of all ads in settings. The bookmarks panel in the form of tabs is convenient and looks nice. The dark design of the interface will appeal to many. All this consumes slightly less system resources than other popular solutions. It works smoothly and stably, although not super fast (performance can be adjusted). There is support for WebVR and WASM for toy lovers. Updates are automatic by default. There are a lot of settings out of the box that are interesting to web developers. Customization of the interface is flexible: you can change themes, icon options and toolbars.


  • Well suited for web developers thanks to rich built-in tools and optional plugins;
  • You can customize it in detail for yourself, achieving individual look and a set of capabilities;
  • Included are NoScript and AdBlock security plugins;
  • Convenient built-in document reader;
  • The bookmarks sidebar (Ctrl+B) is easy to use;
  • High reliability.


  • In terms of speed, it is inferior to browsers based on the WebKit engine;
  • The more plugins installed, the more obvious the performance drop;
  • The interface looks overloaded with options, which can scare off newbies;
  • Sometimes it turns out to be unable to display the contents of pages due to lack of support for something there;
  • Consumes a lot of RAM and is gluttonous.

4. Opera

The browser has a built-in VPN, it is free and works fine. Supports extensions and has one of the best quick access panels to sites. There is a built-in ad blocker, postal and map services. You can use voice control, there is a personal news feed. New versions are often released, including test ones with experimental functions. Appearance can be customized by changing covers, fonts, etc. Allows you to watch videos in pop-up windows. A smart search bar, synchronization of settings under a single account and other familiar things are present.



  • Average level of reliability and safety;
  • Quite high system requirements in default mode;
  • Frequent crashes when working with WML (displaying content structure on mobile devices).

5. Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer– the native Windows browser, ancient and familiar to everyone. Downloading other programs for surfing the Web through it has long become a good tradition. Development ended with the release of Edge. It falls short of current browsers in terms of a long list of features. The speed is above average, the interface is simple and classic. Supports everything necessary for the correct display of content on modern sites. The security level is below average: for a long time it was a window for viruses and attacks of all stripes on PCs with Windows on board. However, many are accustomed to using it, for this reason it is still included in the ratings.

IE 11 version boasts a privacy mode and supports caching to improve performance. Developers use it to configure routers; for everything else, there are better solutions. A minimal number of add-ons, useful settings, outdated design, almost no built-in branded features, except for the SmartScreen filter and a store of add-ons with a modest assortment. But it does have hardware acceleration. Due to this, the page loading speed is high, but there is no smooth animation, so the browser still works a little jerky. Internet Explorer is a browser for nostalgia.


  • Comes with Windows and does not require separate installation;
  • Good page loading speed;
  • The older version fixed most of the security holes;
  • Address bar combined with search;
  • Availability of SmartScreen filter;
  • Enables hardware acceleration to render pages.


  • Minimal functionality;
  • Few extensions;
  • Outdated design.


Functionally, it can do everything that Chrome does: it supports extensions, synchronizes with a Google account, and works quickly and reliably. To completely block ads, it is best to install AdBlock. Integrated selection of extensions for webmasters. Thus, the browser is a specialized solution for site owners on uCoz, with proprietary tools and all the advantages of other products created on WebKit.

7. Safari

Safari- Apple's proprietary browser. Support for the Windows version ended back in 2012 - the Safari version 5.1.7 ( for Windows was the last, and it is already outdated and not updated, but is available for download from the official website. However, some people still use it. It stands out for its decent operating speed and distinctive interface. All this is offset by the lack of support from many modern technologies. The browser is not able to display the content of many sites, including YouTube and even, so to speak, native Apple.com. This is the main problem.

In general, there is an interesting mode for working with bookmarks (main screen), extensions are supported, there are convenient tools for storing articles - a reading list and a built-in reader, but all this is no longer important. The WebKit engine used to create it formed the basis of Chrome and many other popular browsers. Current versions now they work only in products with branded OS, being part of them - Mac, iPhone, etc.


  • A proprietary interface that many people liked;
  • Good speed.


  • Support and development have ceased, the browser has completely lost its relevance for the Windows platform.


Out of the box, the browser is richly equipped: AdBlock, reader, RSS grabber, tool for creating and processing screenshots, media content sniffer (downloading music, videos and pictures from previously visited sites). There is a good library of extensions, but it is inferior in richness to those of Chrome and others. The browser integrates proprietary cloud technology to synchronize everything. It is cross-platform, there is a password manager, mail, etc.


  • Reminds me of a Swiss Army knife - there's a lot out of the box;
  • Parallel viewing of two tabs in split screen mode;
  • Mouse gesture support;
  • Flexible customization of interface and design;
  • Many additions;
  • There are the necessary security and confidentiality settings for work.


  • Interface overloaded with icons and settings;
  • Average performance.

9. K-Meleon

K-Meleon is an ideal browser for a weak PC, it is very light and fast. The browser does not eat anything extra, devoting all its resources to displaying the content of pages: startup speed is 2-4 s, RAM consumption is only 150 MB, CPU load is at 2-5%. Just right for an old laptop running Windows XP. It integrates news and email clients. The settings are clearly structured by category, you can scale the image and text while surfing. There is protection from malicious sites and private browsing options.


  • High performance;
  • Low PC resource consumption.


  • Primitive default interface design;
  • Sometimes there are problems with displaying texts in Cyrillic.

10. Tor Browser

While surfing, the IP address and location are hidden, cookies do not work, cache and other personal data are not saved. You shouldn't listen to music or watch movies through it. Suitable only for entering blocked, prohibited resources. The HTTPS Everywhere plugin is built-in, encrypting all connections in a row. You don’t need to do anything special to set up anonymity and connect to the Tor network; the browser will do everything automatically.


  • Provides a high level of privacy;
  • Allows you to access sites and networks that cannot be accessed from a regular browser and search engine;
  • Supports all technologies necessary for displaying modern websites.


  • Low page loading speed.

The optimal browser for a Russian-speaking person, from our point of view, is a product from Yandex. It is as fast and advanced from a technical point of view as Chrome, but at the same time it can offer technologies and services of the domestic search giant that are relevant to us. This is convenient, because many already use them every day. The design didn't disappoint either.

Firefox - interesting choice for geeks, Opera has a nice design, works quickly and pleases with additions. Uran is a niche product that can interest webmasters of sites on uCoz, and indeed everyone who likes Chrome with its speed and simple interface. The rest of the rating browsers are closer to exotic - you can use it on occasion (Tor, for example) or just know that they exist.

Creating a new browser today is easier than ever - there is Chromium, which you can fork and add any functionality. Companies do this according to the same logic by which toolbars were once created - this is just an attempt to hammer their brand into the user and force him to use other company products. But when independent developers do it, the product's goal is to make its mark in a virtually static browser market. Don't get me wrong - I don't believe you'll switch to one of the indie browsers. But it's interesting to see what they offer, isn't it?

To switch or not?

When it seems like everything that can be said in some area has already been said, trying to do something differently is breathtaking: at first you think it’s wild and utopian, but as a result you begin to look at market leaders in a new way. For the same reason, in the December issue ][ we talked about such “strange” mobile OSs as Tizen, Firefox OS or Maemo. Therefore, in my opinion, when talking about alternative browsers, it is incorrect to pose the question bluntly: to switch or not. No, you definitely won't cross over. But you can try to repeat the functionality you are interested in in your favorite browser - for this, in each case, I tried to select the appropriate extensions.

The idea of ​​creating a browser that closely interacts with popular social networks, has long been exciting the minds of developers. There were many attempts to create such a combine, but, perhaps, the Rockmelt company did a better job. No wonder they were able to receive serious financial investments.

The project of the same name was launched in 2009 and immediately enlisted the support of one of the founders of Netscape. A year later, the first beta version, built on Chromium sources, was released, and in a short time it managed to gather a decent number of fans. The main feature of Rockmelt is its unobtrusiveness. Integration with Facebook and Twitter was implemented as additional functionality, and not an intrusive addition.

Rockmelt may have had a bright future ahead of it, but in 2012 the developers shut down the desktop version and focused on creating an iOS app. Despite the drastic changes, the mobile application was born quickly and turned out to be quite interesting.

So, we are offered a solution that is interesting primarily because of its interface. Browser control centers around a single input line. It is both an address bar and a navigator for various content groups. For example, you can choose a specific topic and immediately receive a pack of thumbnails of new posts corresponding to it. The presence of additional gestures allows you to perform a number of operations (sharing, liking) with one click or swipe.

Thus, together with the browser we get a content generator. At the same time, we have the opportunity to quite easily influence the conditions for issuing materials. You just need to go to any website and click on the “Follow” pimp. The resource is added to the watch list (RSS feed is taken into account), and new materials will appear in the personal news feed.


  • Content generator. Plugin for Google Chrome Feedly;
  • New materials by category. Plugin for Google Chrome: StumbleUpon;
  • Interaction with social networks (publications, sharing, etc.). Plugin for Google Chrome: Buffer.

SRWare Iron

Project audience: conspiracy theory lovers

The first releases of Google Chrome (as well as Chromium) caused a lot of noise. Users paid attention not only to the interesting interface and speed of operation, but also to a couple of clauses in the license agreement that deal a blow to privacy.

After this, a boom in articles on the topic “Big Brother is watching you” began, eventually forcing Google to reconsider its ambitions. Despite this, Chrome still contains several functions that somehow violate the user's privacy.

For example, everyone knows that immediately after installation, Google Chrome generates a unique identifier, which is transmitted to the company’s server. The "suggestions" function works in a similar way. All entered data is sent to Google for the purpose of providing search suggestions. The discussion about other nightmares is in roughly the same vein: the background update service, sending error reports, and so on.

SRWare is ready to solve all the problems raised. In fact, this is the same Google Chrome, but with the language cut off. It does not transmit any information to the Google server, but also brings several nice features:

  • offline installer;
  • built-in ad blocker;
  • ability to change User-Agent.

Verdict: The solution is primarily for conspiracy theorists. Additional features the browser has a few, and they are all implemented using appropriate extensions. As a result, it turns out that all the advantages come down to providing an additional level of privacy.


Project audience: web developers, enthusiasts

Another project that grew out of a Chromium fork, CoolNovo compares favorably with similar alternatives. Firstly, developers from the Middle Kingdom are setting ambitious goals for themselves, and not just creating another clone with a couple of additional extensions. Secondly, they position their solution as a complete replacement for Google Chrome. The idea of ​​such a solution managed to win the hearts of users, and the browser itself received a number of awards.

One of the most interesting and useful functions- IE Tab. My main activity is partly related to the development of web applications, which means testing whether the layout is displayed correctly in browsers that use different rendering engines. IE Tab simplifies the testing process in Internet Explorer. It eliminates the need to launch a separate copy of IE, and allows you to change the rendering engine used for rendering with one click.

Gesture controls also deserve special attention. At one time I got used to using similar functionality in Opera, and I must say that the implementation in CoolNovo is no worse.

The developers share the same views on the inviolability of personal space as the guys from the SRWare Iron project. All secret transfers of information to the company’s servers are cut to the ground.

Other most interesting features worth noting:

  • instant translation of pages into other languages ​​(using Google Translate);
  • taking screenshots of a page or selected area;
  • quick history clearing;
  • separate sidebar for placing frequently used widgets and extensions;
  • ad blocker.

Verdict: CoolNovo has long been a leader among alternative Chromium-based builds. Today he continues to hold his position and still remains good decision for users who want to get an upgraded browser out of the box. The only sad thing is that CoolNovo has been updated less frequently lately. If this continues, sooner or later a competitor in the form of Chrome will throw it out of the race.


  • Fast and flexible cleaning of history, cookies and other network activity files. Plugin for Google Chrome Click&Clean Click&Clean ;
  • Link shortener. Plugin for Google Chrome URL Shortener;
  • Gesture control. Plugin for Google Chrome: CrxMouse or Gestures for Chrome;
  • Reading mode (without displaying pictures and unnecessary layout elements). Plugin for Google Chrome: iReader or Clearly;
  • Button for quick RSS subscription. Plugin for Google Chrome: RSS Subscription Extension;
  • Super drag. Plugin for Google Chrome: Super Drag;
  • Translator. Plugin for Google Chrome: Google Translate.


Project audience: All inclusive lovers

Maxthon is one of those projects that has experienced a rebirth. He first saw the light in the early 2000s under the pseudonym MyIE. Back then it was a convenient wrapper for Donkey IE and a number of useful functions. It had a built-in download manager, tabs instead of separate windows, and other useful features.

When Firefox, and subsequently Google Chrome, boomed, MyIE was forced into obscurity by major renovation. The total straightening brought it back with a new name, an updated set of functions and a completely different face.

Today Maxthon is more like a powerful Internet center than just a browser. Under the hood of the adventure game there are already two engines - WebKit and Trident (used in Internet Explorer). Moreover, unlike most similar solutions, Maxthon is able to independently determine pages for which the use of Trident is more preferable (as a rule, these are old sites). I specifically took one out of the pantry old project, adapted for viewing in IE, and tried to watch it Maxthon. Without thinking twice, the browser immediately switched the display to retro mode and rendered the page using Trident. In addition to simultaneous work with two engines, Maxthon’s greatest strengths are its own cloud and the availability of versions for mobile platforms (Android, iOS). Your own cloud not only allows you to store various small information such as browsing history, list open pages and similar things, but it is also quite suitable for storing files.

For example, I was very pleased with the ability to save files from a web page to the cloud with one click. This function looks most beneficial when working on a mobile phone/tablet. The usefulness of Maxthon does not end there, but rather just begins. Among them:

  • Gesture support;
  • SuperDrop function, which simplifies interaction with the browser interface in the absence of a mouse;
  • ad blocker;
  • completely redesigned application interface (not another Chrome clone);
  • simultaneous processing of search results from several search servers;
  • viewing pages in reading mode (without unnecessary information);
  • saving videos from YouTube;
  • mute sound on any page;
  • simultaneous viewing of several tabs in one window;
  • download manager;
  • own extension store;
  • setting an arbitrary refresh time for open pages;
  • night surfing mode. When this mode is activated, Maxthon darkens the bright background of pages, thereby reducing eye strain;
  • increased productivity and much more.

Verdict: Maxthon will appeal to both casual users and hardcore geeks looking for new adventures. Availability of versions for mobile platforms and a full-fledged personal cloud - two key functions, allowing Maxthon to outperform many competitors. Add to this good performance, numerous victories in tests for compliance with web standards, and we get an almost ideal, but little-known browser.


  • Retro mode (page rendering using the IE engine). Plugin for Google Chrome: IE Tab ;
  • Taking screenshots. Plugin for Google Chrome: Webpage ScreenShot;
  • Night mode. Plugin for Google Chrome: Hacker Vision or Turn Off the Lights for comfortable viewing of videos;
  • Password storage. Plugin for Google Chrome: LastPass;
  • Ad blocker. Plugin for Google Chrome: AdBlock;
  • Built-in notepad with the ability to store notes in the cloud. Plugin for Google Chrome: Memo Notepad;
  • Resource sniffer. Plugin for Google Chrome: Web Developer.

Project audience: lovers of everything fresh

Chromium became the father of many webkit-based browsers. It forms the foundation of almost every new browser, and it is hardly possible to shake its dominant position.

So, you probably already know that it is on this project that all new products are tested before they get to Google Chrome. Support for new HTML5 features, corrections of terrible bugs, new interface features - all this is primarily received by Chromium users. Unfortunately, the frequency of updates comes at the price of stability. Major problems that prevent you from working normally with the browser are rare, but accurate.

It is quite difficult to single out some original interface features or capabilities, since they are largely the implementation of new HTML5 features and are relevant for web developers, not mere mortals.

Nevertheless, Chromium still has a number of differences that can interest the average user. For example:

  • no error reporting;
  • the RLZ identifier is not transferred to the company servers;
  • there is no Updater hanging in the background;
  • Only open and free media formats are supported;
  • productivity is very high.

Verdict: A special version of Google Chrome for enthusiasts and geeks. Everything new appears here, and these user groups will definitely like it. Chromium is unlikely to be suitable for mere mortals, since this is a product primarily for testing. And there are few users eager to be the first to test, say, the Battery API.

Avant Browser

Project audience: web developers

The primary goal of the Avant Browser developers is to provide users with an easy way to combine the work of engines within one application. It would seem that the task is not easy, but looking at Avant Browser, you are convinced of the opposite. The developers were not only able to bring together all the popular engines under one wrapper, but also came up with easy way switch between them. Changing the rendering engine is done in a couple of mouse clicks.

This is where the super useful functions end, and what remains are typical for such solutions:

  • a simple cloud storage capable of storing RSS subscriptions, favorites, passwords and other information;
  • ad/popup blocker;
  • creating screenshots of pages;
  • simple implementation of gesture control;
  • creating aliases for pages, with which you can quickly go to frequently visited sites;
  • built-in RSS reader;
  • mail client.

Verdict: Avant Browser cannot be considered as a full-fledged application for everyday use. This is more of a specialized solution that can serve web developers well, but not the average user. There are simply no other interesting features in Avant Browser.