Insurance and self-insurance when performing physical exercises. Receptions of insurance and self-insurance. Insurance assistance and self-insurance in gymnastics

A prerequisite in tourism when overcoming obstacles is safety, which is ensured by thorough physical, technical and tactical training, which allows you to choose the best path, schedule and correctly perform the movement.

In this section, we will focus on safety practices that are mandatory for all tourist athletes. They can be divided into three groups: team insurance, self-insurance, judicial insurance.

Insurance - a set of measures that ensure the detention of a participant in case of a breakdown in a difficult area.

For insurance (self-insurance), harnesses (systems), ropes, carabiners, hooks are used (see the "Equipment" section),

The ropes are fastened with knots. In a wide variety of situations, one can manage relatively a small amount knots, but in tying them you need to achieve full automatism. According to the author, this is a conductor, a double conductor, a middle conductor, a figure of eight, a bowline, a bramshkot, a straight line, an academic, an oncoming one, grasping: Prussian, Austrian, Bachmann (carbine), stirrup (see Fig. 8).

Insurance is divided into lower and upper. The bottom belay is when the rope approaches the athlete from below. To reduce the fall distance, the rope can be pulled through carabiners attached to fixed points of support. The belay is called top when the rope comes up to the athlete from above, and the belay point is not below the chest. In this case, the insurer himself can be located below, but the insurer rope passes through a carabiner located above the chest.

Belaying can be done through natural or artificial belay points. Natural points of insurance - a rocky ledge, a stone, a tree. It is necessary that the angle between the rope going by hand and the direction of a possible fall should be no more than 90 °. As the angle decreases to 0°, the effectiveness of the insurance increases.

Artificial points of insurance are rock or ice hooks, loops, railings that transfer forces to hooks, stretched railings along which insurance moves, etc. For the convenience of working with the rope and reducing its abrasion, a carabiner is put on the hooks and loops, sometimes even a carabiner with block.

Consider the organization of insurance on a rocky distance.

As already mentioned, the points of insurance can be trees growing on a slope, or rocky ledges .. In their absence, you have to drive rocky hooks into cracks. Often at competitions, a standard ice hook is driven in instead of rock pitons. For responsible points of insurance, it is recommended to drive in 2-3 hooks. It is advisable to put on a loop from the main rope for all of the above points of insurance.

When belaying through a rocky ledge, you must first check if there are any sharp corners on it that can cut the rope, or narrow slots into which it can jam. Then, if a rope loop is not put on, the belayer lays the rope over the ledge and becomes facing or sideways to it. If the angle between the ropes is close to 0°, i.e. the friction is high, the rope should be held by the hands on both sides of the ledge; if the angle is about 90 ° - then on the one hand. The same applies to belaying through a tree. When belaying through a carabiner, the rope is held on one side with both hands, no closer than 0.5 m from the carabiner.

The points of insurance must be positioned so that there is no pendulum in the event of a fall. Therefore, when traversing or moving at a large angle to the vertical, belay is used through a carabiner sliding along the railing rope. To move the carabiner, you can use another rope. The method of pulling a safety carabiner can be used.

Judge's upper belay on the rocks is organized not only for competitions, but also for the preparation of the distance. At the same time, it is advisable to hang a carbine at the top, and place the belayer himself at the bottom: it is more convenient to correct his actions, and it is better for him to work. A carabiner is attached at the feet of the insurer, through which the rope passes. If it is more convenient to place the belayer at the top, then the rope should be passed not through the block, but through the carabiner. When changing the direction of movement, points of change of the referee are possible. insurance, but there should be fewer such points, because when changing referee insurance, confusion may arise in a hurry, and the athlete will be left without insurance. Therefore, in judicial insurance, the above-described method of insurance through a sliding carabiner and the method of pulling a safety carabiner are often used.

Crossing insurance. When crossing the ford of the first person, it is necessary to make the so-called mustache. For the rest, railings can be stretched later. The scheme of the organization of the crossing is shown in fig. 11. It should be emphasized that the rope is attached to a carabiner sliding along the chest harness. In addition to the safety rope, a second rope must be attached to the athlete - for pulling in the event of a breakdown (transportation). It is desirable that the angle between the ropes be equal to 90 °.

Rice. 11. Wade insurance:
1 - safety rope; 2 - transport

When crossing stones across a narrow river, one safety rope is enough.

When arranging a hanging crossing, an additional safety rope hangs over the working rope along which the team and cargo are transported, pulled by the team or judges.

Clarifications on insurance at individual stages are given in their description.

It should be emphasized that all types of belay must be carried out in gloves, because during a fall, the rope slips, which can lead to injury to the belayer's hands.

To facilitate the work of the athlete and the insurer, there are well-established commands. Before the start of the movement, the athlete should ask: "Is the insurance ready?" If the spotter is ready to belay, he answers: "Ready!", And after the command "Go!" movement begins. During the movement, the belayer fixes the amount of remaining rope and, starting from 5 m, after each meter announces, for example: "3 m left!". Athlete's response: "Understood!"

Self-insurance. The belayer must attach the rope coming from the chest harness to a ledge, hook, noose, tree, located on the side opposite the intended fall. It is desirable that the place of attachment of the self-insurance was higher than the shoulders. The lanyard rope may have some slack. Fastening the insurance and self-insurance to one hook is not allowed.

The end of the belay rope must be secured. A special case of self-insurance is movement along vertical or horizontal railings. When climbing vertical railings, self-insurance is provided by a grasping knot, and when descending, by a grasping knot, even when using technical means such as eights and slingshots. In these cases, the grasping knot is higher.

It should be remembered that in areas equipped with vertical railings, where an injury is possible during a fall, regardless of the use (according to the Conditions) of the grasping knot, an upper belay is required: for the first one, when lifting, as a rule, judicial, for the rest of the participants, a team one is possible.

When moving along horizontal railings on a rocky slope or at a crossing, you need to fasten yourself to them with a carabiner. Only one athlete can be between fixed points of the railing. When moving down the inclined railing - if the Conditions provide for the use of a grappling knot - in the opinion of the author, the knot is moved above the participant with a hand covering the railing above the knot.

Due to the continuous increase in the complexity of gymnastic exercises, insurance and assistance are becoming an integral part of the teaching and training methodology at all stages of training gymnasts and effective measure injury prevention.

Under insurance means a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of gymnasts in the process of doing the exercises. It is carried out without first grasping the hands or other parts of the body. When performing a complex exercise, it is advisable to do the grip in advance, without making it easier for the practitioner to perform it.

Distinguish individual and group insurance. Both forms of insurance are used at the initial stages of learning the most complex and risky elements and connections. Individual insurance is carried out by the teacher or one of the students. Group insurance is carried out by two or more people. At the same time, each of the insurers is located in a certain place and performs the necessary actions. An indispensable condition for group insurance is the clear actions of each of the insurers. Relying on an insurance partner is strictly prohibited.

The presence of a variety of insurance funds in most cases allows the use of individual insurance. Group insurance is used less often.

To ensure insurance, special and technical means are used. To special include: palm pads - strips of natural (moose) leather, worn on the fingers and secured with a strap on the wrist; webbing loops and gloves - used for learning to swing with a large amplitude and high speed; foam rollers, pads, mats and coatings that protect against impacts on the crossbar and poles, as well as when jumping off the log; manual and suspension belts (lounges); various elevations for the convenience and reliability of insurance; a foam pit or a springboard - foam pit - trampoline system - helps to master exercises with complex rotations in the unsupported phase, reduces the feeling of fear, and reduces the risk of injury. For safety reasons, the trampoline is installed at floor level. Mats are laid on its metal frame and shock absorbers. To technical means include various simulators with a belt for wiring when studying high speeds on the crossbar and rings, circles on a horse and other exercises; shock-absorbing belt for insurance when learning acrobatic exercises, etc.

Insurance and assistance are closely interconnected and often replace each other at the initial stages of learning a new exercise.

Help not only eliminates the possibility of falling off the projectile, falling, but is also one of the teaching methods of training. It contributes to the creation of a correct idea of ​​the exercise being studied, the rapid mastery of the technique of its execution and is used in case of insufficient development of muscle strength, coordination of movements, speed and other abilities among those involved.

There are the following types of assistance: wiring- the actions of the coach accompanying the gymnast throughout the exercise or its separate part, phase; fixation- delay of the gymnast by the teacher at a certain point of movement; nudge - short-term assistance when moving the gymnast from the bottom up; support - short-term assistance when moving the gymnast from top to bottom; backspin- short-term assistance to the gymnast when performing turns; combined techniques- the use of various techniques applied simultaneously and sequentially; serial tricks- are used in accordance with the construction of the combination: push - support, support - push, twist - push, etc.

As the exercise is mastered, the degree of application of physical effort by the teacher decreases, and then stops altogether and is replaced by insurance. Help and insurance should not be abused, otherwise you can deprive those involved of self-confidence, decisive and courageous actions. You need to get them to exercise on their own.

When implementing insurance, it is necessary: ​​to know the technique of the performed exercise; be able to quickly and correctly choose a place for insurance; apply right ways and methods of insurance and assistance; take into account the individual characteristics of students (physical, technical and psychological readiness, abilities); stand steadily at the place of insurance, as close as possible to the performer of the exercise, but at the same time in the Remya without interfering with him. It is impossible to use unstable stands from which insurance is carried out, to bet on insurance of persons who are not prepared for this. The choice of insurance techniques depends on the individual characteristics of the insurer and the degree of technical preparedness of the trainee.

When performing exercises independently, an important role in the Prevention of injuries is acquired by lanyard- the ability of the trainee to make the right decisions in a timely manner and independently get out of dangerous situations. To prevent possible injury, you can stop the exercise or change it, create additional support, intercept with your hands, do a dismount, etc. It is very important to teach students how to land correctly during a fall. Self-insurance skills are acquired in the process of studying exercises and improving their performance.

Insurance assistance and self-insurance in gymnastics

In the system of means of prevention and prevention of injuries in physical exercises, an important place is occupied by the development and skillful use of insurance and self-insurance techniques during their implementation. There are many such methods. Their number and specific features are predetermined by the specifics of the structure, the degree of complexity of the technique of movements, the level of technical and physical fitness of those involved, etc. Therefore, even when performing the same exercise, these techniques may be different. Acquaintance with them and their development (especially when mastering complexly coordinated gymnastic exercises) should be given great attention and special time should be allocated for this in the classroom.

This becomes especially relevant when mastering complex movements associated with the risk of execution. Such exercises in themselves are very useful, they are a powerful means of not only physical, but also moral, moral-volitional education. Therefore, their application in practice physical education justified and highly desirable. However, the risk must not be transferred certain boundaries lead to injuries, and even more so, to accidents. To avoid this, and at the same time to push the boundaries of reasonable risk when performing such exercises, the use of various methods of insurance, insurance-assistance, and self-insurance.

As already noted, there are a great many such methods. Each of them must be familiarized in the process. practical exercises when mastering specific movements, therefore, the purpose of this section is only to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for their application.

To the basic rules insurance and insurance-assistance are

* knowledge of technique and understanding of the peculiarities of the structure of the mastered exercise;

* right choice location of the spotter in accordance with the most difficult and dangerous elements of the exercise, where a breakdown or fall is most likely;

* do not carry out insurance while standing on any object;

* when insuring the exercise on gymnastic apparatus (for example, on uneven bars), place your hands in such a way as to exclude the possibility of them falling “on a break” between the body performing the exercise and the gymnastic apparatus;

* use methods of insurance-assistance as necessary at the initial stages of mastering movements or when introducing elements of its complication;

* the use of support and assistance techniques should contribute to faster mastering of movements and therefore should be carried out exactly as much as is necessary for each individual involved in order to prevent a fall or unsuccessful landing.

Self-insurance - this is the ability of the student to find a way out of an unexpectedly dangerous situation, manifested during the exercise, independently and in a timely manner.

The development of self-insurance techniques should always be given due attention. Their arsenal is noticeably expanding along with the enrichment of the motor experience of those involved as the technique of mastered exercises improves.

Self-insurance techniques include the ability to stop the exercise in time or modify it along the way so that it prevents a breakdown or alleviates its consequences, and avoids injury.

Self-insurance is especially important in gymnastics classes, where as much attention as possible should be paid to improving the technique of performing various somersaults, groupings after various falls in different conditions and body positions. This can alleviate the undesirable consequences of breakdowns, falls, and not only when performing gymnastic exercises, but also many others.

When performing running exercises, as a rule, injuries of the lower extremities predominate. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the correct setting of the foot, take into account the nature of the coating or the peculiarity of the soil, the terrain in the process of cross-country training, etc.

When performing jumping exercises, it must be remembered that at the moment of landing (the most traumatic moment), the legs should be kept half-bent and tense, followed by a mandatory grouping.

For the purpose of self-insurance and prevention of injuries during occupations by mobile and sports games First of all, during the warm-up, it is necessary to prepare the wrist joints and fingers of the hands, as well as the ankle and knee joints well for work. Very useful for solving the problem of injury prevention is a special acrobatic training that takes into account the characteristics of a particular sports game.


Safety in gymnastics lessons

Head teacher

The performance of individual exercises by students (especially on gymnastic apparatus and vaults) is associated with a certain risk. Failure to comply with precautions and awkward movement may result in falls from the equipment (crossbar, bars, balance beam, gymnastic ladder, etc.) and falls, resulting in injuries.

Typical injuries:

  • abrasions, abrasions and breakdowns of calluses;
  • bruises and sprains of the bag-ligamentous apparatus of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee and ankle joints;
  • ruptures of the Achilles tendon and the triceps muscle of the lower leg;
  • head injuries are excluded.

Security Measures

  1. Correctly choose the places of employment and place shells in the hall, place them at a sufficient distance from the walls and from each other. You can not put the shells so that the students perform the exercise facing a bright light. Pupils should have a good view of the projectile and the place of the dismount. The apparatus must be overlaid with gymnastic mats, taking into account the landing sites after dismounts and possible breakdowns and falls. It is advisable to lay two layers of mats at the landing sites. Lay gymnastic mats like this. so that there are no gaps between them, and the landing is in the middle of one of them.
  2. In preparation for classes on the uneven bars, first of all, you need to check the height of the bars. To do this, support the pole (and not the liners) with one hand, and with the other, unscrew the locking screw, press the latch spring. If this is done with two people, then one student should hold the poles and change their height, and the other should unscrew and wrap the locking screws. The height of the poles is usually set simultaneously at both ends, while standing under them is prohibited.
  3. When installing the crossbar and bars of different heights, special attention must be paid to the vertical position of the uprights and the uniform tension of the cables at the bar of the crossbar or at the poles of the bars so that they do not overlap. When attaching to hooks on the floor (frogs), it is necessary to ensure that the chain link is previously released and the extensions are twisted securely. To check the correct installation of the shells, you need to take hold of the cables and pull them strongly towards you and away from you: the crossbar and the bars must be in a strictly vertical and stable position. Before starting the lesson, wipe the crossbar neck with a dry rag and clean it with fine sandpaper.
  4. At least once a school year, it is necessary to carefully inspect hanging equipment (rope, pole, rings) and gymnastic walls. Especially often and carefully you should check the reliability of fastening shells. Ropes, poles, gymnastic walls must be strong, securely attached to the ceiling, wall. On the ropes, gusts of threads and tying knots are not allowed. Poles and slats gymnastic wall must be smooth and free of cracks or chips.
  5. In the preparatory part of the lesson, when performing general developmental exercises, especially with objects, it is necessary to indicate the appropriate distances and intervals so that students do not touch each other, which can lead to bruises. The warm-up should include preparatory exercises of directional impact.

To prepare the wrist joint, rotational movements of the hand are used; jumps and movements on hands in an emphasis lying; from a standing position, bending over, falling forward into an emphasis lying down.
Preparation of the ankle joint is carried out by rotational movements of the foot; lifting on socks with springy rocking, etc.
To prepare the elbow and shoulder joints, perform: rotational and jerky movements; flexion and extension of the arms. It is effective to perform these exercises using gymnastic sticks and weights, such as dumbbells.
Preparation of intervertebral joints includes: deflections and deep inclinations; various twists and turns.
When performing flexibility exercises, it is necessary to take into account the level of physical fitness of those involved, since some exercises (for example, twine) can cause damage to the musculoskeletal system.
6. In the main part of the lesson, assistance and insurance are important for ensuring safety. Help in gymnastics is facilitating the student's actions when performing exercises. It contributes to the creation of the correct idea of ​​the exercise among the trainees, mastering the technique of its implementation; It is used in case of insufficient development of muscle strength, coordination abilities, speed among trainees.

There are the following types of assistance:

  • posting - the actions of the physical education teacher accompany the student during the entire exercise or its separate part, phase;
  • fixation - the delay of the student by the teacher at a certain point in the movement;
  • pushing - short-term assistance in moving the student from the bottom up;
  • support - short-term assistance in moving the student from top to bottom;
  • backspin - short-term assistance to the student when performing turns;
  • combined assistance - the use of various techniques applied simultaneously and sequentially.
  • Help, as a rule, is provided at the initial stage of learning a new exercise. As the technique of performing the exercise is mastered, direct assistance is replaced by insurance, which allows solving the problems of psychological preparation of those involved (overcoming fear), as well as avoiding injury.
    Insurance is the provision of safety during the exercise, carried out by the teacher physical education or class students. Depending on the complexity of the exercise, one person or several people insure at the same time. You can not bet on the insurance of students who are not prepared for this.
    All trainees should be taught not only methods of assistance and insurance, but also self-insurance so that they can independently get out of dangerous situations.
    Self-insurance is a pre-learned safety technique used by the practitioner himself to prevent injury. For example, you can prevent falling off the projectile by timely stopping the movement, dismounting from the projectile, performing additional movements (bending the arms, legs, torso to slow down the inertial movement), changing the exercise.
    It is very important to learn how to land correctly during a fall: when falling back, you need to crouch, bend and roll back; when falling forward - do a somersault forward or fall at point-blank range, bending your arms elastically.
    The person on the belay is obliged to choose the right place for belaying and, without interfering with the exercise, skillfully use different methods of belaying. So, when performing exercises on the uneven bars, you can’t keep your hands above the poles in the way of the student’s movements. On the crossbar, rings and bars of different heights, they insure, either standing exactly under the projectile, or moving slightly in the course of the swing. It is especially necessary to insure students during the dismount (the insurer must be directly near the landing site). When performing vaults on a horse (goat), they insure, standing directly at the landing site, supporting the student by the hand.

    Insurance and self-insurance during exercise;

    Speed ​​and strength exercises include those that require the exercisers to show maximum effort in a relatively short period of time. As an example, we will name such exercises as a jump up with a push of both legs from a place, a long jump, sprinting, throwing a stuffed ball with two hands from behind the head, a flip over at point-blank range on a high crossbar, etc.

    For the development of speed-strength abilities, various weights are most often used (barbell, dumbbells, belt with sand, weighted objects fixed on the upper or lower limbs, etc.), as well as changing the conditions for performing exercises (running uphill, on sand , up the steps, etc.)

    The basic rules for the independent performance of speed-strength exercises state the need:

    ♦ perform exercises corresponding to the physical fitness of the body;

    ♦ use weights depending on age and fitness level;

    ♦ use dumbbells, training bars, stuffed balls, expanders, rubber shock absorbers, exercise machines in accordance with height, weight, physical fitness;

    ♦ systematically use the pulse and external signs to exercise self-control over the state of the body;

    ♦ rationally select exercises and the mode of their implementation in order to ensure uniform work of the main muscle-ligamentous groups.

    When performing gymnastic exercises, it should be remembered that some of them are associated with a certain risk. The presence of risk brings up such positive qualities as the will and desire to win, but the risk should not lead to injuries, and even more so to accidents. To avoid this, the insurance of the student performing the exercise is applied by the teacher or students.

    Only those who know the technique of the exercises being studied and the rules for performing insurance can successfully insure during training. It is very important to choose the right place for insurance. The insurer should be where a breakdown or fall of the practitioner is possible. He is obliged to move behind the student in the course of the exercise. Insurance techniques are predetermined by the technique of the exercise, its structural features, complexity, as well as the preparedness of the performer. One of the methods of belaying is assistance, in which the belayer directly helps (physically) the trainee to perform the exercise. During support (also one of the methods of insurance), the insurer touches the practitioner, but does not provide him with physical assistance in the exercise, does not restrict his movements. The basic rules of insurance include knowledge of the most difficult and dangerous moments in the exercise. The insurer should be positioned in such a way as to help the trainee at any time and at the same time not interfere with him to perform the exercise. If the student is in danger during the further performance of the exercise, he must be stopped. You should not belay while standing on any stand. This is dangerous, but it makes it difficult for the insurer to move. You can not place your hands between the body of the performer of the exercise and the gymnastic apparatus (for example, when performing exercises on uneven bars). With the support of a gymnast, it is not always necessary to make maximum efforts. Sometimes a slight push or light support is enough to prevent the practitioner from falling or landing badly. In the process of providing assistance, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of insurance on the crossbar, uneven bars, beam, rope, when performing a vault, acrobatic exercises. When belaying girls, it is important to carefully ensure that when performing exercises, they do not hit the chest or lower abdomen on the gymnastic apparatus. For better implementation of insurance, it is necessary to systematically monitor the correctness of preparation for classes on various apparatuses.

    Self-insurance is a very important element of the educational process. This is the student's ability to make timely decisions from and independently get out of dangerous situations that may arise during the performance of various exercises. The student can stop or modify the exercise to prevent injury or relieve the force of a fall. In gymnastics lessons, special attention should be paid to mastering the technique of somersaults forward and backward from any position. This will make it possible during an unsuccessful jump from the gymnastic apparatus or a fall to facilitate the landing.

    During easy lessons athletics, it is important to conduct high-quality training of the main muscle-ligamentous groups. Experience shows that injuries to the lower extremities predominate during athletics. During the run, special attention should be paid to the correct positioning of the foot, it is necessary to land in jumps on the legs bent at the knees.

    During training games in basketball, handball, volleyball, the hands are most often bruised. Therefore, during the warm-up, it is necessary to warm up the wrist joints, fingers, and phalanges of the fingers well.

    Insurance and assistance during exercises on gymnastic equipment

    Insurance and assistance in gymnastics help to avoid injuries as a result of breakdowns and falls. Insurance is understood as the readiness of a teacher or a student to support the performer of the exercises in a timely manner, in case of an unsuccessful attempt to prevent him from falling. In contrast to insurance, assistance provides for support, pushing, "wiring" the student. Her goals:

    1) prevent the projectile from falling or falling off;

    2) make it easier for the student to complete the exercises;

    3) help to choose the right way to perform a particular movement.

    Self-belaying: the ability to land with shock absorption with the legs, rolls and tucks during a fall without support from the hands. Falls forward followed by a somersault or soft cushioning with arms and legs, backwards, to one side with rolls in a group.

    ♦ fulfillment of all commands and orders of the teacher;

    ♦ when performing combat exercises, observe intervals and distance;

    ♦ mats should be placed near each projectile, keep a distance while performing somersaults, flips;

    ♦ land in the vault and when dismounting on implements only on mats;

    ♦ check the serviceability and fastening of shells;

    ♦ do not stand near the landing place when jumping, do not interfere with the running comrade;

    ♦ not to slip on the rope when descending;

    ♦ at the beginning of the session, warm up to warm up the muscles and ligaments.

    Insurance and assistance in gymnastics

    The safety of gymnastics depends on a number of measures used by the teacher and the students themselves. As well as proper preparation places of employment and shells, inventory must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, requirements for the organization and methodology of teaching exercises, for the behavior of those involved in the gym.

    To prevent injuries and achieve better results in the process of training, the following rules must be observed:

    handle equipment and inventory with care, properly prepare them for classes and then clean them up;

    handle magnesia carefully, clean the hall after each lesson;

    to be in the hall (on the gymnastic ground) only in gymnastic suits and slippers;

    during classes, accurately follow the instructions of the teacher, help comrades;

    study safety rules and methods of insurance, self-insurance, perform exercises given by the teacher;

    enter the hall and leave it only after receiving the permission of the teacher;

    when performing exercises, use lead-up exercises that facilitate the development of the exercises learned in this lesson.

    The steady implementation of these rules and the systematic educational work of the teacher contribute to the improvement of the educational process and the prevention of injuries. An important role in this is also played by physical assistance in mastering the exercises, insurance and self-insurance.

    Physical assistance the teacher in the process of teaching gymnastic exercises contributes to the formation of students' clearer ideas about the movement, helps to quickly and better master the exercise being learned. Physical assistance can be short-term: pushing in separate (most critical) phases of movement and support (most often in static positions - initial, intermediate and final).

    Insurance- this is the readiness of the teacher or partner (student) to support the performer of the exercise in a timely manner in case of some mistake in the technique of movement, which can lead to failure, a fall.

    Wiring(by movement) contributes to the exact performance of the exercise by the performer, without restricting his movements, but together
    thus protecting in case of failure in the technique of performing the exercise.

    self-insurance- the ability of the student himself to find the right way out of the situation (in case of an error in the technique of performing the exercise, a possible breakdown from the projectile, etc.) and avoid falling or injury.

    Students learn insurance and assistance simultaneously with learning gymnastic exercises.

    Test questions:

    1. What types of classes exercise unites gymnastics?

    2. When did gymnastic sports competitions first begin?

    3. From what moment does the modern history of gymnastics begin?

    4. What are the main stages in the development of domestic gymnastics.

    5. Which of the outstanding domestic gymnasts do you know?

    6. Describe sports types of gymnastics.

    7. What are general principles sports training?

    8. What gymnastic exercises are used in the university program in physical culture?

    9. What types of gymnastics, in your opinion, should be preferred when practicing health-improving physical culture?

    10. How often per week should I train and for how long for the training to be effective enough?

    11. How are gymnastics classes organized?

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    Speed ​​and strength exercises include those that require the exercisers to show maximum effort in a relatively short period of time. As an example, we will name such exercises as a jump up with a push of both legs from a place, a long jump, sprinting, throwing a stuffed ball with two hands from behind the head, a flip over at point-blank range on a high crossbar, etc.

    For the development of speed-strength abilities, various weights are most often used (barbell, dumbbells, belt with sand, weighted objects fixed on the upper or lower limbs, etc.), as well as changing the conditions for performing exercises (running uphill, on sand , up the steps, etc.)

    The basic rules for the independent performance of speed-strength exercises state the need:

    ♦ perform exercises corresponding to the physical fitness of the body;

    ♦ use weights depending on age and fitness level;

    ♦ use dumbbells, training bars, stuffed balls, expanders, rubber shock absorbers, exercise machines in accordance with height, weight, physical fitness;

    ♦ systematically use the pulse and external signs to exercise self-control over the state of the body;

    ♦ rationally select exercises and the mode of their implementation in order to ensure uniform work of the main muscle-ligamentous groups.

    When performing gymnastic exercises, it should be remembered that some of them are associated with a certain risk. The presence of risk brings up such positive qualities as the will and desire to win, but the risk should not lead to injuries, and even more so to accidents. To avoid this, the insurance of the student performing the exercise is applied by the teacher or students.

    Only those who know the technique of the exercises being studied and the rules for performing insurance can successfully insure during training. It is very important to choose the right place for insurance. The insurer should be where a breakdown or fall of the practitioner is possible. He is obliged to move behind the student in the course of the exercise. Insurance techniques are predetermined by the technique of the exercise, its structural features, complexity, as well as the preparedness of the performer. One of the methods of belaying is assistance, in which the belayer directly helps (physically) the trainee to perform the exercise. During support (also one of the methods of insurance), the insurer touches the practitioner, but does not provide him with physical assistance in the exercise, does not restrict his movements. The basic rules of insurance include knowledge of the most difficult and dangerous moments in the exercise. The insurer should be positioned in such a way as to help the trainee at any time and at the same time not interfere with him to perform the exercise. If the student is in danger during the further performance of the exercise, he must be stopped. You should not belay while standing on any stand. This is dangerous, but it makes it difficult for the insurer to move. You can not place your hands between the body of the performer of the exercise and the gymnastic apparatus (for example, when performing exercises on uneven bars). With the support of a gymnast, it is not always necessary to make maximum efforts. Sometimes a slight push or light support is enough to prevent the practitioner from falling or landing badly. In the process of providing assistance, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of insurance on the crossbar, uneven bars, beam, rope, when performing a vault, acrobatic exercises. When belaying girls, it is important to carefully ensure that when performing exercises, they do not hit the chest or lower abdomen on the gymnastic apparatus. For better implementation of insurance, it is necessary to systematically monitor the correctness of preparation for classes on various apparatuses.

    Self-insurance is a very important element of the educational process. This is the student's ability to make timely decisions from and independently get out of dangerous situations that may arise during the performance of various exercises. The student can stop or modify the exercise to prevent injury or relieve the force of a fall. In gymnastics lessons, special attention should be paid to mastering the technique of somersaults forward and backward from any position. This will make it possible during an unsuccessful jump from the gymnastic apparatus or a fall to facilitate the landing.

    During athletics lessons, it is important to conduct high-quality training of the main muscle-ligamentous groups. Experience shows that injuries to the lower extremities predominate during athletics. During the run, special attention should be paid to the correct positioning of the foot, it is necessary to land in jumps on the legs bent at the knees.

    During training games in basketball, handball, volleyball, the hands are most often bruised. Therefore, during the warm-up, it is necessary to warm up the wrist joints, fingers, and phalanges of the fingers well.

    Insurance and assistance during exercises on gymnastic equipment

    Insurance and assistance in gymnastics help to avoid injuries as a result of breakdowns and falls. Insurance is understood as the readiness of a teacher or a student to support the performer of the exercises in a timely manner, in case of an unsuccessful attempt to prevent him from falling. In contrast to insurance, assistance provides for support, pushing, "wiring" the student. Her goals:

    1) prevent the projectile from falling or falling off;

    2) make it easier for the student to complete the exercises;

    3) help to choose the right way to perform a particular movement.

    Self-belaying: the ability to land with shock absorption with the legs, rolls and tucks during a fall without support from the hands. Falls forward followed by a somersault or soft cushioning with arms and legs, backwards, to one side with rolls in a group.

    Safety regulations:

    ♦ fulfillment of all commands and orders of the teacher;

    ♦ when performing combat exercises, observe intervals and distance;

    ♦ mats should be placed near each projectile, keep a distance while performing somersaults, flips;

    ♦ land in the vault and when dismounting on implements only on mats;

    ♦ check the serviceability and fastening of shells;

    ♦ do not stand near the landing place when jumping, do not interfere with the running comrade;

    ♦ not to slip on the rope when descending;

    ♦ at the beginning of the session, warm up to warm up the muscles and ligaments.

    AT modern world no need to go to the office and waste time waiting in line. All you have to do is visit the website and apply online:

    1. Select the age of the insured.
    2. Select a category and all the sports you play.
    3. Add one or two more insured people to the policy, not necessarily relatives.
    4. Select the term of the contract - a year or any arbitrary period up to a year and calculate the preliminary cost of the policy.
    5. Select the cost or coverage amount of the policy and click "Buy Online".
    6. Enter the information about the buyer of the policy and the insured.
    7. Make a payment convenient way the document will be sent to you by e-mail.

    Amateur or professional?

    • If you are involved in non-extreme sports at the amateur level, i.e. "for yourself", select an item in the calculator "Amateur".
    • When practicing on professional level or passion for a traumatic sport (wrestling, parachuting, snowboarding, etc.), you must select the item "Professional and extreme".

    If you are in doubt about choosing a category, select the item for professionals. In this case, there is less chance that Insurance Company refuses to pay due to violation of insurance rules.

    How much does a policy cost?

    The cost of the policy depends on the type of sport, the age of the person and the sum insured. So, for children and extreme people, the document will cost more.

    Also remember that payments for an insured event directly depend on the amount of insurance coverage. The larger it is, the higher the payout. Select best option taking into account the ratio of risk to your health and the cost of the policy.

    Due to the continuous increase in the complexity of gymnastic exercises, insurance and assistance are becoming an integral part of the teaching and training methodology at all stages of gymnast training and an effective measure for preventing injuries.

    Under insurance means a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of gymnasts in the process of doing the exercises. It is carried out without first grasping the hands or other parts of the body. When performing a complex exercise, it is advisable to do the grip in advance, without making it easier for the practitioner to perform it.

    Distinguish individual and group insurance. Both forms of insurance are used at the initial stages of learning the most complex and risky elements and connections. Individual insurance is carried out by the teacher or one of the students. Group insurance is carried out by two or more people. At the same time, each of the insurers is located in a certain place and performs the necessary actions. An indispensable condition for group insurance is the clear actions of each of the insurers. Relying on an insurance partner is strictly prohibited.

    The presence of a variety of insurance funds in most cases allows the use of individual insurance. Group insurance is used less often.

    To ensure insurance, special and technical means are used. To special include: palm pads - strips of natural (moose) leather, worn on the fingers and secured with a strap on the wrist; webbing loops and gloves - used for learning to swing with a large amplitude and high speed; foam rollers, pads, mats and coatings that protect against impacts on the crossbar and poles, as well as when jumping off the log; manual and suspension belts (lounges); various elevations for the convenience and reliability of insurance; a foam pit or a springboard - foam pit - trampoline system - helps to master exercises with complex rotations in the unsupported phase, reduces the feeling of fear, and reduces the risk of injury. For safety reasons, the trampoline is installed at floor level. Mats are laid on its metal frame and shock absorbers. To technical means include various simulators with a belt for wiring when studying high speeds on the crossbar and rings, circles on a horse and other exercises; shock-absorbing belt for insurance when learning acrobatic exercises, etc.

    Insurance and assistance are closely interconnected and often replace each other at the initial stages of learning a new exercise.

    Help not only eliminates the possibility of falling off the projectile, falling, but is also one of the teaching methods of training. It contributes to the creation of a correct idea of ​​the exercise being studied, the rapid mastery of the technique of its execution and is used in case of insufficient development of muscle strength, coordination of movements, speed and other abilities among those involved.

    There are the following types of assistance: wiring - the actions of the coach accompanying the gymnast throughout the exercise or its separate part, phase; fixation - delay of the gymnast by the teacher at a certain point of movement; nudge - short-term assistance when moving the gymnast from the bottom up; support - short-term assistance when moving the gymnast from top to bottom; backspin - short-term assistance to the gymnast when performing turns; combined techniques - the use of various techniques applied simultaneously and sequentially; serial tricks - are used in accordance with the construction of the combination: push - support, support - push, twist - push, etc.

    As the exercise is mastered, the degree of application of physical effort by the teacher decreases, and then stops altogether and is replaced by insurance. Help and insurance should not be abused, otherwise you can deprive those involved of self-confidence, decisive and courageous actions. You need to get them to exercise on their own.

    When implementing insurance, it is necessary: ​​to know the technique of the performed exercise; be able to quickly and correctly choose a place for insurance; apply the correct methods and techniques of insurance and assistance; take into account the individual characteristics of students (physical, technical and psychological readiness, abilities); stand steadily at the place of insurance, as close as possible to the performer of the exercise, but at the same time in the Remya without interfering with him. It is impossible to use unstable stands from which insurance is carried out, to bet on insurance of persons who are not prepared for this. The choice of insurance techniques depends on the individual characteristics of the insurer and the degree of technical preparedness of the trainee.

    When performing exercises independently, an important role in the Prevention of injuries is acquired by lanyard - the ability of the trainee to make the right decisions in a timely manner and independently get out of dangerous situations. To prevent possible injury, you can stop the exercise or change it, create additional support, intercept with your hands, do a dismount, etc. It is very important to teach students how to land correctly during a fall. Self-insurance skills are acquired in the process of studying exercises and improving their performance.