Evidence of the existence of mermaids. Do mermaids exist - evidence that these amazing creatures are among us. How to Summon a Mermaid Spirit to Extend Your Hair

Many people who like to find answers and unravel the mystical secrets of this world are interested in what mermaids look like. Finds in real life also cause a lot of controversy and speculation.

In folk tales, the little mermaid is a supernatural creature that lives in bodies of water. The upper part of the body resembles a human, and the lower part resembles a fish tail. Psychics assure that any description of a magical creature must be viewed from different points of view.

Using a summoning ritual, they encounter a clot of energy. They say that the mermaid is a water spirit, a disembodied energetic entity from another dimension.

Ancient rituals have been preserved to this day, allowing one to summon the spirit of water.

What real mermaids look like in reality

The main argument of those who believe in the supernatural in the debate “do mermaids exist” is that the bodies of half-humans, half-fish are found in bodies of water all over the world.

Science does not give an exact answer about the finds, but ancestors described similar creatures in legends. These are sirens luring sailors into the abyss of water with their enchanting voices.

The image was embellished. Although the upper part of the mermaids found resembled women or men, it is impossible to call them beautiful.

The bodies of the creatures that were discovered in 1679, 1737, 1982, 1992 are similar to humans and fish, but do not differ in attractive appearance.

These mermaids have round eyes, a neck, shoulders, ears, arms, and ribs. Females were caught in the sailors' net. In 1837, a male one was caught. She differed from the man in her tail and flattened nose. Almost all have green hair and gills that extend from the corners of the mouth and continue down the throat.

The face and body of the creatures found were covered with growths resembling coral. Therefore, the image that movies portray (a beautiful mermaid with white skin, silky hair, beautiful face), is a figment of people's imagination.

To date, not a single living mermaid has been found. It is impossible to determine whether they could speak, how they reacted to people, whether they were intelligent.

There are also stories that in ancient times mermaids were caught alive. According to legend, the creature made sounds reminiscent of a growl.

What does a mermaid tail look like?

In legends and in found specimens, it is completely identical to the fish. Covered with dark green or gray scales, long and wide. In different myths, the color of the tail of creatures varies.

Scales covered part of the back and stomach. Interestingly, these scales are an ingredient in witchcraft potions.

A real mermaid is not the heroine of the Disney cartoon “The Little Mermaid” or a character from a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. This is an unattractive and rather evil entity. Therefore, when performing any rituals that involve contact with this evil spirits, be careful.

Instead of legs. Their skin is snow-white. Mermaids have a melodic and hypnotic voice. According to legend, they could be girls who died before marriage or because of a heart broken by love, as well as small unbaptized or for some reason cursed children. To the question of who mermaids are, some myths give the answer that they are the daughters of Vodyanoy or Neptune and belong to

origin of name

Mermaids prefer not only salty sea water, but also feel comfortable in fresh lake water. The assumption about who mermaids are and what the origin of their name is based on the etymology of the word “bed” - meaning the favorite place of mermaids. These mythical creatures are called differently: nymphs, sirens, swimmers, devils, undines, pitchforks.

Legends about mermaids

In the old days, people believed that communicating with a mermaid was a rather dangerous thing. At first she attracts you with her beautiful melodic voice, and then tickles you to the point of fainting and carries you into the abyss. There is an assumption that mermaids hate hot iron, therefore, by pricking this river nymph with a needle, you can save your life.

The objects of interest for mermaids have always been men. It was believed that they did not touch small children, and sometimes helped lost children find their way home. At their whim they could drown or, conversely, save a person in trouble. Sea beauties also love bright things that they can steal or ask for. Mermaids live longer than humans, but they are still vulnerable, although the wounds on their bodies heal quite quickly.

Among the mermaid games, it is worth mentioning tangling fishing nets and disabling boats. These harmful creatures are most active during the “mermaid week” in June; in the old days this is what Trinity Week was called. Thursday is considered the most dangerous, when swimming alone and in the evening is more expensive.

Is there evidence of the existence of mermaids?

The question of who mermaids are and whether they really exist has been exciting people’s imaginations for quite some time now. for a long time. Although many deny the possibility of the existence of such creatures as mermaids, unicorns, vampires, centaurs, there is still a belief in miracles in the human mind. Moreover, the well-known saying “There is no smoke without fire” makes us think about the possibility of the existence of such creatures. Indeed, in the folklore of various peoples of the world there are a huge number of stories about naked seductresses with fish tails.

With the advent of Christianity, the idea of ​​a mermaid's soul appearing if she forever renounces the sea and lives on land. This choice was quite difficult; rarely did anyone dare to make it. There is one sad story about a Scottish mermaid from the 6th century who fell in love with a priest and prayed for the acquisition of a soul, but even the prayers of the monk himself did not convince the sea beauty to betray the sea. The grey-green stones on the shores of the island of Iona are still called the tears of the mermaid.

Beautiful and terrible

The main source of stories about mermaids were sailors. Even the skeptic Columbus believed in their reality. When he traveled in the Guiana region, having no idea who mermaids were, he said that with his own eyes he saw three unusual, but for some reason masculine, creatures with tails like those of fish having fun in the sea. Or maybe it’s just sexual fantasies, longing and dissatisfaction in the love and affection of seafarers who have been traveling for months? Then the stories about inaccessible and alluring sea seductresses are quite understandable, and, looking at the seals, they imagined naked half-women luring them with magical singing.

Even Peter I was interested in the question of who mermaids are and whether they exist at all. His appeal to the clergyman Francois Valentin from Denmark is known, who described one siren from Amboyna; fifty people witnessed this nearby. He argued that if any stories were worth believing, then only about these wonderful creatures.

To believe or not to believe?

Like modern stories about aliens, rumors about mermaids quickly spread after another. There is no exact definition that explains in an unambiguous way who mermaids are. Photos that exist do not provide a 100% guarantee of authenticity. The interesting sea creatures were not always described as charming nymphs, but sometimes they were rather unpleasant and ugly creatures with large mouths and teeth sticking out, sharp as thorns.

In the Middle Ages, many European church buildings were decorated with carved figures of undines. Few, of course, can honestly admit their belief in their existence, but still stories about mermaids continue to excite people's imagination.

Mermaids in the myths of the Eastern Slavs

The answer to the question of who mermaids are and how they appeared can be given by East Slavic mythology. Not only unbaptized babies, but also girls who committed suicide or were pregnant could become mermaids. The birth process took place in the afterlife. In Eastern mythology, the imaginary image of a mermaid was described as naked or in a white shirt, an eternally young and incredibly beautiful maiden with long hair the color of swamp mud and a wreath on his head. At the same time you can find in folk beliefs a terrible and ugly image of this mythical character. Who is this mermaid? In the mythology of the Eastern Slavs, she was represented as excessively skinny or, conversely, with a large physique, large breasts and disheveled hair. This demonic nymph was always pale, with cold long arms.

Mermaids lived in deep reservoirs and swamps, and certain sources indicate that they could also hide in the clouds, underground, and even in coffins. They stayed there for a whole year, and during Trinity Week, when the time for rye to bloom, they went out to frolic and became visible to the people.

What are the dangers of meeting a mermaid?

Who the mermaid is and what she does can be found in ancient epics, according to which they cannot tolerate young females, as well as older people. But children and young men are attracted by their charm and can be scared to death, or they can, after playing enough, let them go home. You should be wary of their charming voice, which has hypnotic properties. A person can stand motionless for several years, listening to the mermaid singing. The warning signal of such singing is a sound reminiscent of the chirping of a magpie.

Seduced by the unearthly beauty of a mermaid, you can remain her slave forever. The people believed that anyone who knew the love of an undine or tasted her kiss at least once would soon become seriously ill or commit suicide. Only special amulets and certain behavior could save. When you saw a mermaid, you had to cross yourself and draw an imaginary circle of protection. Also, two crosses on the neck, front and back, could also save, since mermaids tend to attack from the back. You could also try to wave the villain away or hit her shadow with a stick. According to old belief, mermaids hate the smell of nettle, wormwood and aspen.

The little mermaid from a fairy tale

When starting a conversation on the topic of mermaids, it is impossible not to remember the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. The brave Little Mermaid saves the life of the prince during a terrible storm, and then makes an exchange with the evil witch, losing her magical voice and gaining the ability to walk. Every movement brings unbearable pain, but still, without her voice, she is not able to conquer the prince. She ends up losing the battle and turning into sea foam.

Walt Disney's cartoon about the little mermaid Ariel has a more optimistic ending: “they got married and lived happily ever after.” These beloved fairy tales incorporate many elements from the tales of these creatures. This is a captivating voice, and the ability to choose land or sea, as well as forbidden romantic relationship between a man and a mermaid. The rest, of course, is a work of fiction, but the result is a positive image of the tailed beauty.

Magical sirens are popular characters in the folklore of various peoples and cultures, and interest in who mermaids are continues to this day.

According to everyone, a mermaid is an unusual creature, main feature which consists of a human upper torso and a fish tail instead of legs. Due to constant exposure to water, their skin is pale, almost White color. They have an alluring temperament and an amazing deep voice, and they can sing. So who are mermaids? Do they really exist? Let's try to figure it out.

How to become a mermaid?

People know several hypotheses about the appearance of mermaids. So, according to one legend, it is impossible to become mythical creatures, because real mermaids are the daughters of Neptune, the god of water.

But part of the population believed that girls who were going to get married but never did for some reason became mermaids. Also, females could acquire a fishtail due to a broken heart by a loved one. Sometimes, according to legend, unbaptized children also became mermaids. Also, such a fate could befall a girl who, for some reason, was once cursed.

So who are mermaids? This the most beautiful creatures with an alluring voice and a kind heart? Or perhaps they are evil nymphs whose main goal is to drag more young people into the dark abyss of waters? And do they even exist?

Let's figure out who mermaids are

In the old days, people did not just believe in the existence of mermaids, without any doubt about it. These creatures were called differently: undines, sirens, devils, nymphs, pitchforks, swimmers. But the essence was the same - they were afraid of mermaids. People believed that their favorite place was the river bed. Thus, real mermaids, as you can see, prefer fresh rather than salt water, contrary to popular belief.

As they believed in the old days, water beauties attracted young men with the help of a beautiful melodic voice. The guys were fascinated and approached the undine, who began to tickle them until the victim lost consciousness. Then the sirens carried them into the depths of the sea. But young people who were aware of such tricks always carried a needle with them. It was believed that the nymphs were afraid of hot iron.

The erroneous opinion about who mermaids are is that they are creatures seeking to destroy as much as possible more people. Firstly, mermaids only attracted men. Secondly, they never touched the children. And according to some sources, mermaids even often helped lost children find the right path.

All these beauties have their own character and whims. So, depending on desire or mood, they can either save a drowning person or, conversely, drag him to the bottom. They are also greedy for bright things. Some mermaids simply steal them, and some may ask them to give them back.

In addition, beauties love various pranks. They entangle fishing nets, drag boats to the bottom and even break mills. They become especially playful in June during “mermaid week.” Now is the time when the Trinity holiday falls.

Do they really exist?

Many legends and fairy tales have been written about mermaids. There is no exact evidence of their existence yet, but many people are sure that there is no smoke without fire. After all, in the culture of the most different peoples of the world, the same young ladies of beautiful appearance and with a fish tail are mentioned.

There is also a legend that if a mermaid wants to find a soul, she needs to give up water forever. Few of the nymphs dared to do this. For example, one of the little mermaids once fell in love with a priest with all her heart, and her love was mutual. She cried for a very long time and thought about acquiring a soul. Even her lover begged her to give up water. But the nymph was never able to betray the sea.

There is a fairy tale about the mermaid Ariel very similar to this legend. Perhaps this is just a skillful copy of a beautiful story, or maybe the fairy-tale beauty really existed.

Sources of stories

The first stories about mermaids were told by sailors. Even the skeptical Columbus was sure that water nymphs were real. He repeatedly talked about creatures with a human top and a fish bottom.

Perhaps these stories are just the imagination of male sailors who have not seen women for a long time, which is why their subconscious painted such a wonderful picture. But if real mermaids exist, then they do not harm anyone, at least no one has heard of this in the last century.

Should we believe in their existence?

Despite the fact that many photographs of mermaids have now been published, not a single source can guarantee that they are not fake. In addition, nymphs were not always described as beautiful and charming creatures with an alluring voice. According to some sources, these creatures have one thing in common with ancient legends - the tail of a mermaid. Her body is masculine, and instead of a beautiful face there is a huge mouth and sharp teeth sticking out.

Little mermaids from oriental legends

Not only modern girls wondering how to become a mermaid. The Eastern Slavs also thought about this in their time. But after much thought, people came to the conclusion that it was impossible to become a mermaid on purpose.

The birth of the nymph took place already in the afterlife. And it could be a girl whose mother committed suicide while pregnant. At the same time, a sophisticated, extremely attractive little mermaid with long hair the color of sea mud and a wreath on her head grew out of her.

Nymphs lived not only in reservoirs. According to legends, they could choose clouds, the underground kingdom and even coffins. And only during “mermaid week” did the beauties come out of their hiding places to have some fun.

Is it worth meeting a mermaid?

There are many legends on this topic, but the most popular is that mermaids adore children and young men. But they simply cannot stand women and old people.

To avoid getting caught in the mermaid's net, you need to quickly get out of the dangerous place before she starts singing. You can determine its imminent appearance by the sound, which resembles the chirping of a magpie.

Legends also say that salvation from a mermaid is always imaginary. If a man knew her love, or she managed to kiss him and let him go, then very soon he will either become very ill or commit suicide. Special rituals and amulets were salvation from such consequences. Particularly persistent guys could try to scare away the mermaid on their own by hitting her shadow with a stick.

Also, beliefs say that nymphs are afraid of nettles like fire.

The little mermaid from a fairy tale

The fairy-tale image of the little mermaid Ariel has already been mentioned above. This is a character from the Walt Disney film adaptation. There, the little mermaid emerges from the sea for the sake of the handsome prince and her love for him. Having overcome all obstacles, they get married and live happily ever after.

But Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale is not so optimistic. The Little Mermaid saves the life of a handsome prince during a storm and falls madly in love with him. For the sake of her beloved, she makes a deal with the witch. Having gained the opportunity to walk on land, the girl loses her magical voice, which the prince remembered so much. At the same time, every step brings her unbearable pain. As a result, the Little Mermaid loses and turns into sea foam. This is perhaps the most famous fairy tale about a mythical girl.

Mermaids are extremely popular heroes of myths, legends, fairy tales, cartoons, films and stories. To believe or not to believe in the existence of nymphs, you need to decide for yourself. But even recognized researchers believe that it is not without reason that the image of the mermaid is so ingrained in existing stories.

For more than a hundred years, humanity has been trying to get the only correct answer to the question: do mermaids exist? As always, society is divided into two camps. Some people shout that this is all just fiction, and the facts do not prove anything. Others firmly believe in the existence of mermaids. Evidence of the existence of these mythological creatures has been collected since the 19th century. In this article we will figure out whether mermaids are a myth or truth?

Who are mermaids?

Before you begin to analyze the evidence for the existence of mermaids, you should figure out what kind of creatures they are. You can find descriptions of mermaids in legends, myths, and even in ordinary children's fairy tales. You can even find descriptions of eyewitnesses that date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. However, those who actually managed to meet these unique creatures describe them appearance completely different. And not only the appearance is different, you can find different names, different descriptions of character traits and behavior. For example, in European countries the word “mermaid” will be familiar, while the Greeks called these mythological creatures “siren”, and the Romans firmly believed in the existence of nymphs. What is the truth about mermaids?


If we turn to the mystical point of view, then in the understanding of magicians, a mermaid is an accumulation of energy, a spirit of water, whose ability is to fulfill desires and help others. There are a huge number of myths and legends about mermaids. But such a mermaid is just a clot of energy, an incorporeal creature that controls the water element. However, the mythical creatures found by people in the vastness of the ocean also differ from the heroes of myths and fairy tales. Scientists have put forward a version that several species of so-called mermaids live at the bottom of the sea. Of course, they don't look much like the wonderful characters from their cartoons. Some experts put forward the theory that man originated from these sea creatures, because life originated in the ocean. The debate about whether mermaids are a myth or reality has become serious.

This version has not yet received a full scientific substantiation, but history is rich in examples and eyewitness accounts that confirm their existence. Many are also of the opinion that it is true that mermaids attack when meeting people.

They exist?

So is the mermaid myth or reality? The best proof of their existence is documented. The first mention of mythological creatures dates back to the 12th century and belongs to Irish chronicles. The description says that the creature had the body of a woman, but instead of legs there was a fish tail. It was called the word “margigr”.

The next mention appeared only in 1403 in Holland. The book “Wonders of Nature” by Sigault de la Fonda describes a rather atypical situation. After a terrifying storm, a strange girl was thrown ashore from the water. She was covered in mud and algae, and instead of legs there was a fin. The book says that people took the girl to the city and taught her how to do housework. The siren spent 15 years on land, among people, but never began to speak their language and tried to return to the water at every opportunity, but this never happened. Soon the siren died among ordinary people.

17th century references

The next significant mention, which is ready to answer the question of whether mermaids are a myth or reality, dates back to 1608. On June 15 of this year, two men set off on a journey under the guidance of the famous navigator G. Hudson, where they discovered a living mermaid. Two sailors with fire in their eyes convinced everyone around that they had seen a siren with long black braids, a bare bust and a huge fish tail. However, none of the other sailors could confirm the words of the two men.

A new storm of discussions in the 17th century was caused by the found archives about the amazing guy Francisco de la Vega Casar. He lived in Lierganes and was distinguished by his ability to swim excellently. Legend has it that a sixteen-year-old boy went swimming and fell into the abyss. He got sucked in and people were never able to find the boy. After some time, the sailors discovered a very strange creature at the place where the guy went missing. It was still the same guy, but his skin was snow-white, and scales grew on some parts of his body. Membranes grew on the boy’s limbs, but he himself could not speak as before, but only made sounds incomprehensible to human hearing. The creature was distinguished by its incredible strength, but it was still caught and taken to the temple, where an exorcism ritual was performed on the guy. For three weeks the young man was subjected to rituals of expelling demons and only a year later he was returned home to his mother, who immediately said that her son was not a person at all. Two years later, the guy was able to escape and disappeared into the sea.

Evidence of the existence of monsters in the 18th-19th centuries

In 1737, a new wave of discussion began on the topic of the existence of mermaids, as more evidence appeared. New story happened already in England, where fishermen, along with the day's catch, pulled a strange creature onto land. Frightened by the sea monster, the sailors immediately killed it, and those who were on board claim that the sea creature moaned like a man. Waking up from fear, the fishermen discovered that in front of them was a male siren. The appearance of the creature was frightening, but remotely the mermaid was very similar to a person. The siren's corpse was used for a long time as an exhibit in the museum in Exeter.

The year 1739 also became significant; an article appeared in Scot’s magazine in which it was said that sailors had caught a real mermaid, but there was no significant evidence of this fact, since the sailors had to cook and eat the caught sea creature.

Discussions were returned to in 1881, because on October 31, a Boston publishing house released news that people had caught the body of a strange creature. was a woman, because the entire upper body looked like ordinary person, and everything below the waist was covered with scales, instead of legs there was a fin. And this was not the last case of the nineteenth century when sailors managed to catch a siren.

Mermaids in the USSR

In the Soviet Union, the situation was more complicated, and the story of the appearance of a mermaid on the shores of Lake Baikal was kept secret for a long time. In 1982, combat swimmers were trained on the western shore of the lake. This is where the unusual was found. One of the tasks for the swimmers was to scuba dive to a depth of 50 meters, and it was there that the unusual creatures were found. They reached about three meters in length and were covered with scales. Scuba divers are firmly convinced that these were not people, since the creatures moved much faster and without swimming suits and special equipment.

The squad leader decided that the swimmers needed to make contact with the creatures, and prepared a team of 8 people. All scuba divers were well equipped and prepared for the task. But the mission was never completed: as soon as the squad approached the siren and attempted to throw nets at the creature, it seemed as if by the power of thought it pushed them to the shore of the lake. After the incident, all members of the operation fell ill with decompression sickness, three of them died two days later, others remained disabled.

Strange monsters in the USA

The territory of the United States has not been spared strange stories. Eg, interesting case occurred in 1992 in Key Beach, Florida. Eyewitnesses say that near the shore they noticed unusual creatures with a human-like upper body, and the lower part was like that of a seal. When people tried to come closer to look at the unusual creatures, they quickly disappeared to the bottom of the sea. After some time, the fishermen took their nets out of the water, but they were cut, and the catch was released.

An unusual exhibit is presented in the Tombstone Museum. It represents the body of a creature, the upper part of which is quite similar to a human one. Arms, shoulders, neck, ears, nose, eyes - the strange creature had it all. Locals claim that they often catch such creatures in their fishing nets. The best proof of the debate about whether the mermaid is a myth or reality is a photo. However, their reliability is questionable.

Mermaids: myth or reality?

It is actually very difficult to answer the question whether these unusual inhabitants of the sea exist. Dragons were also considered ancestral legends until complete dinosaur remains were found. As for mermaids, they really could exist, but due to the fact that they often came across to people, a person could completely destroy their race. Some scientists believe that sirens are just a type of dolphin. One can argue for a long time about the real and mythical existence of mermaids; one can firmly believe or reject it. But the fact remains that people still encounter unusual creatures. Perhaps high technology and human activities, including in the depths of the sea, force these sea creatures to hide in the depths of reservoirs.

All people living today, without exception, are familiar with the red-haired beauty Ariel - the famous Disney little mermaid. The cartoon, in which she is the main character, based on the plot of the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen, still excites the hearts of children's girls, making them dream of finding a tail and bombarding their parents with questions about the reality of the existence of real mermaids.

But a seemingly completely childish question: “Are there mermaids?” - baffles many adults, because this mystery of the depths of the sea has still not been solved.

Etymology of the name

The mermaid, as you know, is a character from ancient Slavic mythology. This term, according to various sources, comes from the word “bed”, that is, the bed of a river - the favorite habitat of mermaids. However, the name “mermaid” also has a number of synonyms used in popular and foreign languages: for example, siren, undine, crowfish and bathing suit.

Myths and legends

Since ancient times, the belief has been preserved that a relationship with a mermaid will not bring any good, because they have proven themselves far from the best: luring men with a sweet, terribly melodic voice, mermaids dragged them into the depths of the seas to certain death. The water nymphs did not lay a finger on small children, although quite often they helped the kids return home if they suddenly got lost.

Mermaids managed to ruin the lives of not only sailors who were “lucky” to meet them on their way, but also fishermen: entangling fishing nets and sinking boats has always been a kind of fun game for sea beauties.

However, in Slavic mythology, the image of a mermaid was not so rosy: these creatures were represented as very pale and skinny drowned girls, whose hair was always disheveled and whose arms were long and cold. Water nymphs lived in deep lakes and swamps, only occasionally appearing to people during Trinity Week.

Why is a relationship with a mermaid dangerous for a person?

According to ancient epics, beauties have always given their preference to men. And it is for them that sirens pose a great danger: seduced by the beauty of the inhabitants of the deep sea, men risk becoming their slaves forever.

And those who were “lucky enough” to fall in love with a mermaid faced a rather tragic fate: they soon became seriously ill for a long time or committed suicide.

Do mermaids exist?

Now in modern world, the secret of these mysterious creatures continues to remain a secret, closed from the human world by a dark veil of uncertainty. However, the presence of such characters in the folklore of a huge number of nations makes us think about their reality, because, as we know, there is no “smoke without fire.”

In the twenty-first century, the Internet is replete with all kinds of photographs that supposedly prove the reality of the existence of sea beauties, but most of them simply demonstrate the level of Photoshop skills of the person who created such a photo.

However, there are also more believable photographs - those in which fins, skin covered with scales and pimples, and an open mouth with disgustingly long teeth are clearly visible.

Such photos, even though they depict far from the beautiful creatures that people have developed images of thanks to Walt Disney and a number of other film directors, really force skeptics to put a grimace of surprise on their faces and reconsider their beliefs about mermaids.

Another proof of the existence of undines is the stories of experienced sailors. From each of their voyages, sailors brought back many stories about these naked temptresses with charming voices, and the more experience such a sea explorer had, the more stories about mermaids.

In the end, all that can be said on the question of whether it is true that mermaids exist is limited to just one phrase: “97% of the ocean has not yet been studied, so it cannot be said that mermaids do not exist.”

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