Topics for exhibitions in kindergarten for the year. “Thematic exhibitions for parents in preschool educational institutions. We are grateful to our mothers for their initiative and active participation in the life of the kindergarten

Brightly colored ribbons or strings and clothespins also work great as a display.

Frame, ropes and exhibition is ready:

The display can be built not on the walls, but something similar can be made from ordinary thick wire, wood, or whatever is available:

Attach wooden slats to the wall to which you can attach pictures:

Some tips:

No matter how you plan to organize children's drawings, before sending them for storage, make sure that you do not forget to sign the project, age or category, as well as other useful information about the work. It seems to you that you will always remember at what moment the drawing was made, but believe me, it is not possible to remember everything. Eventually you may forget. Therefore, it is better if the work is sorted and labeled. Alternatively, you can attach a photo of your child to the box or folder where you store the work, so as not to forget which of your children drew this or that work.

You can create several boxes, one in which you will put the works you like most and which you would like to keep as a keepsake. The second is for temporary storage so that your child can improve his drawing during the school year. This way you can compare the drawings and think with your children about how they can be improved.

Consult with your children and break down the work you would like to keep into categories. Don't keep work that doesn't make sense to keep. Determine the criteria with your children. Sometimes in the eyes of children, some works that we may not like look in a special way. You may think that these drawings can be thrown away, but your children are quite the opposite. There is nothing worse if you throw away some children's work, and the child asks to show it after some time. Together with your children, identifying worthwhile works and drawings that can be thrown away is also learning, because you can’t save everything.

Take photos of your best artwork. Often children are ready to part with some work if they know that you have their photographs. Create a separate folder on your computer where you will store such works and view them from time to time with your children. Create subfolders and sort your drawing photos into categories for quick retrieval. Be mindful of the file names, or even write down the title, the name of the child who created the work, and the creation date or age of the child in a text file. You can also use these photographs to create gift calendars, posters or photo albums for yourself or your relatives.

Make a video! Film your child drawing, sculpting or making appliqué. Children love to look at themselves and their creativity. Make short videos and also save these files on your computer. You can later, using simple programs, compose these short films into a short film, recording it on a disc for home viewing on TV. It's nice to look back, isn't it?

Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments, Reports, teacher councils, seminars..., Preschool age

Position: Deputy Head of MKDOU
Place of work: MKDOU kindergarten "Firefly"
Location: r.p. Yurts, Taishetsky district, Irkutsk region

Municipal state preschool educational institution
kindergarten "Firefly" r.p. Yurts


Thematic exhibition
for teachers of MKDOU in the methodological office
"Dialogue with parents"

“No matter how wonderful our preschool institutions are, the most important masters who shape the minds and thoughts of children are

mother and father»

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

The relevance of the problem of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

Family education – purposeful interaction between older family members and younger ones, based on love and respect for the personality of children, taking into account their capabilities and in accordance with the values ​​of the family and society.

The modern family is experiencing a crisis, which is expressed in the worsening difficulties of family education and weakening attention to spiritual values. The lack of a conscious attitude among young parents to their role, a decrease in social attitudes towards the upbringing and education of children negatively affect the full development of the child’s personality and negatively affect his development.

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult periods. Material values ​​often dominate over spiritual ones, so children’s ideas about goodness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship, and patriotism are distorted.

The aspect of interaction and cooperation between family and preschool educational institution is the “eternal” problem of preschool pedagogy. Today it is obvious that it is impossible to raise a child in isolation from society; it is necessary to teach a growing person to evaluate and “weigh” social influences, accept the positive, reject the negative.

Family was, is and remains in the foreseeable future the strongest factor of influence on a person at any age. The influence of the family on a growing person is much stronger than the influence of other social institutions. However, parents do not always understand or want to take primary responsibility for raising a child. The traditional scheme of communication between preschool educational institutions and families no longer corresponds to the new task of family education: education as competitive person.

The activities of adults in the interests of a preschooler will be successful only if they become allies, which will allow them to get to know the child better and see him in different situations, which is greatly facilitated by interactive methods of interaction with the family.

For successful work with family

preschool employees must:


  • techniques and technologies for working with families of preschool children;
  • ways to create social and psychological support for the family;
  • measures to influence a child in the family;
  • the relationship between families and public education.

Be able to:

  • creatively organize the pedagogical activities of parents, direct their initiative in the right direction;
  • identify pedagogical difficulties and mistakes of parents in family education;
  • study the difficulties of parents in communicating with children;
  • improve the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • use non-traditional techniques and technologies for working with families, various methods of activating parents in the work of a preschool educational institution.

Possess skills:

  • techniques and technologies for working with families;
  • conducting diagnostic techniques to identify the nature of family relationships;
  • planning and drawing up a social and pedagogical profile of the family;
  • correction of family education, control over this activity.

Use positive communication skills with parents:

Goals and objectives and principles of working with parents

Target interaction between kindergarten and family is to establish partnerships between participants in the pedagogical process, including parents in the life of the preschool institution, i.e. creation of a unified educational space, implying interaction and cooperation between preschool employees and parents throughout preschool childhood.

The goal follows tasks:

  • familiarize parents with the content and methodology

educational process;

  • carry out psychological and pedagogical education of parents;
  • involve parents in joint activities with children;
  • help parents with correctional work;
  • interact with public organizations and parent committees in providing social support to families in need.


Forms of interaction between teachers and parents

Conscious parenting is an integral attribute of a competent family. Parents are people whose interests fit into the child’s life, thanks to which this life becomes richer, richer, more joyful. Pedagogy has no recipes: there are no role models for working with families, since parents, like children, are unique.

However, it is necessary to work with parents using a variety of forms and methods:

The connections between the family and the kindergarten are built on trust. And mutual trust arises as a result of effective information exchange. If educators want to encourage successful parent involvement in their work, it is necessary to establish active, personalized, ongoing, flexible and positive communication with parents.

Requirements for the design of an information stand for parents and the reception area

  • The information posted on the stand should be dynamic. The material must be updated at least 2 times a week.
  • The stand should be colorfully decorated. When designing, you should use not only drawings and signatures, but posters and photographs (preferably children of the group and parents).
  • Every day, materials about the past day should be presented in the form of: drawings, crafts, project themes, the text of a song that was learned, the title of a work that was used for continuous educational activities.

Thematic sections when decorating the reception area

and an information stand for parents

Desktop-thematic information.

Information on issues of pedagogy, psychology, medicine is located on the table (booklets, magazines, books).

We read “Educating a Literate Reader” at home.

It is advisable not just to list books to read, but also to give a brief summary of them. The section can be supplemented with suggestions from parents for exchanging reading books. Nearby you can place a tablet with drawings - children’s illustrations from the book they read.

Children's creativity.

The reception area houses children's work in drawing, appliqué, modeling, and design. The GCD topic and the main tasks are placed side by side.

Expert advice.

In this section, parents are provided with suggestions and consultations from various specialists, for example, a nurse provides information about the child’s anthropometric data, answers parents’ questions about the prevention of certain diseases, etc.

Bulletin board.

On the notice board there is official information about an event.

We say thank you.

The colorful stand displays words of gratitude to parents who provided assistance in improving the site, kindergarten groups purchasing materials, making and repairing toys, participating in competitions and other events.

Who is friends with...

A constantly updated section, the purpose of which is to inform parents about their children’s successes in mathematics, speech development, physical education, labor, behavioral culture, etc.


The section shows that the birth of a child is significant not only for his parents, but also for the entire children's team. You can place a collective congratulatory work on the stand, which the child will then take home. Congratulating parents on holidays and events helps create a good mood and serves as a sign of attention and respect.

Our life is day by day.

Materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, project topics, etc.

Children's rights.

A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of children’s rights in preschool institutions and families, provides addresses and telephone numbers of organizations where they can turn for help, and official documents are posted.

Our day by minute (routine).

The section is permanent, but throughout the year it is possible for parents to offer some kind of task, preliminary work (for example, for a targeted walk, designing a game, preparing for a holiday), and then post a report on the activities carried out

Our parents advise.

Returning characteristics of children.

Include requirements for all areas of child development in accordance with the preschool education educational program.

Parent mail...

A box, a box where various information from parents is collected.

You can offer several boxes:

  • "Parental Anger Mail"
  • “Parental Happiness Mail”;
  • “Gratitude from Parents”;
  • “Parents are perplexed why...”;
  • “Parent Ideas Mail”, etc.

In this case, teachers demonstrate their interest, and parents demonstrate their readiness to solve the problems of their children with the help of kindergarten and for the child’s full stay in kindergarten.

Thematic exhibitions, screens, folders - moving.

Verbal information for parents is supplemented with drawings (samples of toys, gaming materials, etc.) made by the hands of children, parents, and teachers.

The ratio of text and illustrations in screens and folders should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they should attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.

Creative exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “Miracles from an ordinary garden bed”

The exhibition turned out to be very “rich”.

An exhibition of the group “Preschool Children” took place

“Appliqués from leaves”

As part of the Life Safety Month, an exhibition of joint creativity “My Cheerful Traffic Light” was held

Many thanks to all participants of the exhibition!!!

2017-2018 academic year.

As part of the week of friendship with nature, an exhibition of joint creativity “The colorful world of insects” was held in the kindergarten

Many thanks to all exhibitors!

Exhibition of children's drawings “My Family”

Creative exhibition “Fireworks of candy wrappers”

From April 23, the kindergarten hosts a creative exhibition “Fireworks of candy wrappers”

This is such a wonderful exhibition that we have. And we have seen for ourselves how many interesting things can be made from ordinary candy wrappers. Many thanks to all exhibitors!!!

Exhibition dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

The guys from the “Polyanka” group made rockets, spaceships from Lego,

and the children of the “Preschool Children” group made aliens out of Lego construction sets.

Creative exhibition “Dad can do anything”

From 02/19/2018 a creative exhibition is being held in the kindergarten “Dad can do anything.”

Purpose of the exhibition: development of all types of arts and crafts among children and fathers and increasing the role of the father in raising the younger generation.


  • development of creative potential by involving children and fathers in active creative activities;
  • creating conditions for self-realization of children and fathers, developing their arts and crafts skills and creative thinking.

Our dear dads, thank you so much for participating in the creative exhibition, you really can do anything!

Creative exhibition ECO-YOLKA”

On the eve of the New Year and the end of the Year of Ecology, a creative exhibition “Eco-Christmas tree” was held in the kindergarten in order to draw attention to the protection of Christmas trees, because we saw for ourselves what interesting Christmas trees can be made from scrap materials.

Exhibition “Mom’s hands never get bored”

Mom has warm hands like the sun,

They know how to caress so tenderly,

They will cure pain, relieve boredom,

Ready for a hug at any moment.

Mom's hands are kind, gentle, affectionate. How many things and worries they have in everyday life! And at the same time, our mothers never cease to amaze us with their creative ideas. In our kindergarten, on the eve of Mother’s Day, an exhibition “Mom’s Hands Know No Boredom” was organized, where works made in various techniques (embroidery, painting, paperwork, knitting, culinary masterpieces) were presented.

The purpose of the exhibition: strengthening parent-child relationships, nurturing the child’s emotional sphere, and instilling respect for mother’s work.

We are grateful to our mothers for their initiative and active participation in the life of the kindergarten!!!

As part of the “Good Hands Craftsmanship” project, an exhibition was held in the kindergarten

“The creativity of our employees”

Exhibition of children's drawings “My favorite kindergarten employee”

dedicated to Preschool Worker's Day

Exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “Autumn Bouquet”

Thank you very much to all participants of the exhibition, you are the most creative and most talented among us!

2016-2017 academic year.

Exhibition of paintings and embroideries “How beautiful this world is”

As part of the “Good Hands Craftsmanship” project, an exhibition of embroidery paintings by kindergarten employee Mamzeleva Kh.A. was held in the kindergarten.

Spring exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “Blossoming Spring”

Many thanks to all participants, the exhibition turned out to be truly spring-like and “blooming”.

Exhibition dedicated to the New Year,

“Santa Claus's mitten”

On New Year's Eve we announcedviewing exhibition “MittenSanta Claus" and invited parents and children to fantasize about fairy tale "Mitten", turning it into a fairy tale

« Santa's mitten."

You could come up with the children together: where did Santa Claus lose his mitten, who lived in it, or what interesting thing happened to it, who helped him find the mitten, and then make Santa Claus’ mitten the way you would like it for yourself can you imagine from any materials. And that's what happened!

Exhibition of children's creative works “Mom, Mommy, Mommy”

Exhibition of children's creative works “Beloved and dear land, there is no more beautiful than you”

Exhibition of joint creativity between children and parents “Rich Harvest”

In October, an exhibition of crafts made from vegetables and fruits “Rich Harvest” (joint creativity of children and their parents) traditionally took place. The exhibition was a great success, no matter what and who was there! Many thanks to all exhibitors! You are simply GREAT!

Invitation letter.



This is probably the first letter that has been written to you personally.

And, despite the fact that mom or dad, grandfather or grandmother reads it, it is addressed to you.

“Who is this letter from?” - you are surprised...

Let's get acquainted. My name is Galina Vasilievna.

I am a teacher. I love working with small children, playing with them, and traveling through fairy tales. I like to teach poems to children, solve fun and tricky puzzles, draw pictures and arrange exhibitions of them for parents.

Kindergarten is a children's home, a house of joy and friendship. Do you want to live in this house? Come join my group! I'm waiting for you! I'll be glad to meet you!


We thank you for choosing our kindergarten. In order to plan together with you the work of the group that your child will attend, we invite you to FIRST PARENT MEETING, to be held



Yours Galina Vasilievna

Appendix 3

Approximate contents of a preschooler's portfolio.

Chapter Content
1. "Let's get acquainted!" Photo. Last name, first name of the child, name of the group.
2. Statements and drawings of the child on the topics: “I love”, “I like”, “I love it when...” "I'm growing"
3. Anthropometric data (in an artistic and graphic solution): “That’s what I am!”, “How I’m growing”, “I’ve grown up”, “I’m big”, etc. "Portrait of my child"
4. An essay by parents about their child. "I'm dreaming…"
5. Statements by the child himself on the topics: “I dream of...”, “I would like to be...”, “Who will I be when I grow up...”, etc. "My achievements"
6. Certificates, diplomas, medals and prizes. "Advise me…"
7. A sheet of recommendations for organizing individual work of parents with a child at home, which is filled out by the teacher and specialists of the preschool educational institution. “That’s what I can do!”
8. Products of the child’s creativity (drawings, stories, homemade books). "Through the Mouth of a Baby"
9. Interesting statements from children. “Ask, parents!”

Questions from parents to preschool specialists and answers to them.

Appendix 4

Information corner for parents. Content
Category title · “Group News”
Information about affairs (present or future), events. · “Learning by playing”
Grid of activities. · “Everything is in order”
Daily regime. · "Bon appetit"
Menu · “Tasty stories”
Recipes suggested by the teacher, parents, nurse. Congratulations to the birthday people.
· “Pocket of pleasant surprises” Pocket for small gifts for the birthday boy.
· "Home toy library" Description of games played at home with parents.
· "This is interesting" Material on pedagogy and psychology, “cheat sheets”, commandments for parents. (The material is posted by a teacher, psychologist, and preschool educational institution specialists).
· "Announcement" Bulletin board.
· "Be healthy!" Medical information, advice.
· “Our lost ones” Box for forgotten things.
· Group business card. Name of the group, photos of children and teachers.
· Notebooks “Sing with us!”, “Learn with us.” Contents of poems and songs for memorization.
· Congratulatory folding folders. Congratulations on the holidays, invitations to matinees.
· Children's creativity corner. Children's work in folders - files.
· "Parent mail" A box for notes with questions, comments and suggestions.
· “Our parents advise” Tips, information from parents.

Appendix 5

Appeals to parents on behalf of children.


Dear moms and dads!

We are trying so hard to be neat that we have run out of scented soap again, and toilet paper will soon be nothing but memories.

Help out urgently!

Your sons and daughters.

1. Gratitude.

Thank you very much, our mothers and fathers,

for a bright, cheerful New Year holiday.

Your children.

2. Homework request.

Dear mothers!

We really like sports, we enjoy going to gymnastics, aerobics, and physical education classes. Our sports uniforms are asking to be washed. Let's take it away for the weekend and wash it together. Yes, please remind us to bring it on Monday.

Your future champions.

3. Information about the results...

Dear moms and dads!

Today we held the “Autumn Olympic Games”.

We showed the following results:

We are waiting for your congratulations.

Your children.

Appendix 6

Techniques for activating parents at parent meetings.

No. Reception name Contents of the activities of participants in the parent meeting
1. "Head of Questions" Parents write notes with questions to each other, put them in a hat, and then take them out one by one and answer. The topics of questions can be different: - on the topic of the meeting;
2. - about the life of children in kindergarten; - about the upbringing and development of children, etc.
3. "Magic wand" Parents answer the teacher’s questions one by one, passing the wand to each other. For example, they call personality traits...
4. "A story based on a picture" I suggest parents come up with a name for a child’s drawing or write a story on a specific topic.
5. "Word relay race" Parents listen to audio recordings of children's statements or musical performances.
6. Children's participation Showing a fragment of a lesson and children's performances.
7. Practical tasks I suggest parents complete a task similar to the one their children did.
8. Problem situations I propose to discuss life situations that have arisen between children, between children and parents, and find ways to solve them. Sometimes I provide solutions.
9. Contest For example, I propose to take part in the competition “Who will praise the longest” (that is, who will say the most words of compliments for their child).
10. "Window" I give parents very short news on the topic of the meeting.
11. "Spicy dish" Parents pass each other a balloon with a question. At the signal they stop, and the one with the ball answers.
12. Products of the child’s creativity (drawings, stories, homemade books). I read out interesting statements from my students from the “Children Speak” notebook
13. Organization of exhibitions I organize exhibitions of children's works and pedagogical literature.
14. Parents' speeches Parents make pre-prepared messages (thematic or from their experience in raising and developing children).

Appendix 7

Gathering scenario

“We don’t miss tea.”

Target: Creating conditions for communication with parents through joint

creative activity.


1. Greeting. (The most common drink in the world is tea).

2. Information about tea and tea drinking. (Parents are preparing a message).

3. Divide into 2 teams. (Coming up with tea party-related team names).


· Name items related to tea drinking.

· Guess riddles about tea drinking items:

Ø Water flows from a hot well through the nose. (Kettle)

Ø The white stone melts in your mouth. (Sugar)

Ø Guess easily and quickly:

soft, lush and fragrant,

he is black, he is white,

and sometimes it’s burnt. (Bread)

Ø Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk)

Ø I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)

Ø It boils, steam comes out,

and whistles and bursts with heat,

rattles the lid and knocks:

- Hey, take me off! - shouts. (Kettle)

· Who can say the most names of teas?

· Guess the taste of what the jam is made from.

4. Calculation of the number of points scored.

5. Rewarding teams with sweet prizes.

6. Tea party.

7. Mini disco.

Appendix 8

Gathering scenario

"Pancake evening."

Target: Creating conditions for communication with parents through joint creative activities.


From ____ to ____it will be Maslenitsa week, which means it’s time to eat pancakes. We invite you, our dear parents, to the “Pancake Party”, which will take place on ________________.

In a programme:

· “Briefly about Maslenitsa”;

· Poems, riddles, proverbs about Maslenitsa;

· Treating yourself to pancakes prepared by your children;

· Exchange recipes for making pancakes.

Waiting for you!

Start __________


From _____ to _____ it’s not an easy week, it’s Maslenitsa week.

Hello, Madam Maslenitsa!

Let us celebrate Maslenitsa,

Yes, treat us to pancakes!

Let us praise Maslenitsa,

Yes, carry it on a sled!

What is Maslenitsa? (question to children, parents)

Maslenitsa is the most daring and fun spring holiday. He came to us from ancient times. This is the time when winter is said goodbye and spring is welcomed.

How many proverbs have the Russian people created about Maslenitsa? Let's remember at least some of them. (Task for parents and children).

The child reads proverbs about Maslenitsa.

During Maslenitsa, each day of the week had its own name:

Monday – “Meeting”, Tuesday – “Flirting”, Wednesday – “Gourmand”, Thursday – “Broad Thursday”, Friday – “Mother-in-Law’s Party”, Saturday – “Sister-in-law’s Gatherings”, Sunday – “Merry Maslenitsa”. (Give brief information about each day, involve parents in the story).

On Sunday we rode slides, played snow towns and fortresses, and lit bonfires. People had to lie down, it was believed that the earth transferred its power.

You and I will also see off the winter (children read poems about Maslenitsa).

Guess what the most important treat for Maslenitsa is? (children make riddles about pancakes).

Today the guys baked pancakes and pancakes with fillings for everyone. We invite everyone to try our treat!

Exchange recipes for making pancakes.

Appendix 9

Approximate themes of exhibitions.

Appendix 10

Pivot table

results of parent survey

junior group (2008)

Educator: Kreneva Galina Vasilievna.

Purpose of the survey– identifying the assessment and level of satisfaction of parents with the process and results of cooperation with the teacher.

Questions and answer options results
Number of elections Sum of points
1. Are you satisfied with the relationship that your child has with the teacher: A) very satisfied B) satisfied C) not entirely satisfied D) dissatisfied - -
2. Are you satisfied with your relationship with the teacher: A) very satisfied B) satisfied C) not entirely satisfied d) dissatisfied - -
3. Do you think that the teacher’s assessment of your child’s knowledge, actions and behavior is objective and fair: A) yes, this is so B) perhaps yes C) perhaps no D) no, the teacher is often unfair to the child - -
4. Has it ever happened that you wanted to talk to the teacher about problems related to the child, but for some reason it didn’t work out: A) no, I can always calmly turn to the teacher B) no, parent-teacher meetings are enough for me C) yes, it was 1 or 2 times D) yes, and quite often - -
5. Do you feel that the teacher is your assistant in raising your child: A) certainly, yes B) perhaps, yes C) perhaps no D) certainly no - - -
6. Do you feel like an assistant teacher in raising your child: A) definitely, yes B) perhaps, yes C) perhaps, no D) definitely, no
7. Are you willing to go to parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten: A) yes, willingly B) not always willingly C) always reluctantly D) I try to avoid attending parent-teacher meetings - - -
Total points: