Shade-tolerant plants for the garden with photos and names. Shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennial flowers for the garden Flowers for shaded areas

Is the garden not located in a sunny area? Then you will need shade-loving flowers. If you place such plants in your flowerbed, you can get a beautiful and bright landscape. To do this you need to know the names suitable colors, secrets of their cultivation.

Fragrant lilies of the valley and lupins

The most common perennials for shade are lilies of the valley. These plants are low (maximum 30 cm in length) and have broad, lanceolate, oblong leaves that resemble the ears of a hare. The flowers look like a brush, in which there are from 6 to 20 white jugs. Lilies of the valley bloom with their buds from May to June, and also emit a subtle and strong aroma.

To grow shade-loving perennials on your site, you need to plant them correctly. Most often, this process is performed in the fall (late September). It is better to place them under bushes or trees, and also choose places protected from the winds. The soil required is moist, slightly acidic or neutral. Before planting, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with humus or peat compost (10 kg per 1 m²). Placing lilies of the valley in open ground is carried out using sprouts with part of the rhizomes in even rows in grooves, and the distance between flowers is 10-12 cm. The furrow should be approximately 1.5 cm deep. If the soil is dry, it must be watered after planting lilies of the valley. As soon as frost sets in, you need to cover the area with mulch. This will protect you from freezing in the event of a snowless winter. It must be remembered that without transplantation, flowers can last for 5 years.

Plants take excellent care of themselves - they displace other representatives of the flora from the site. The only thing you need to do is water the crop in hot weather. In addition, loosening the soil and getting rid of weeds is mandatory. In case of diseases, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides.

Another shade-loving garden flowers are lupins. Buds - blue, pink, dark red, white, yellow. The plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings. It is completely undemanding to the soil, but when planting it is necessary to enrich it with peat.

Caring for flowers in the first year of life consists of removing weeds and loosening the soil. Be sure to add soil if the root neck of the plant suddenly becomes exposed. It wouldn’t hurt to fertilize a flower bed with lupins. mineral fertilizers. After 5-6 years, the bushes need to be removed and new ones planted, since the old flowers will not produce lush buds. If lupins grow in windy areas, then they definitely need to be tied up. Water the crop moderately, otherwise it may get sick.

Saxifraga and periwinkle

Excellent shade-tolerant flowers for the garden are saxifrages. This is a common plant that can decorate any flowerbed or garden plot. They decorate retaining canopies and alpine coaster. The culture includes more than 350 species that are found throughout the world. The plant is compact, frost-resistant and durable. The flowers are white, pink and red. The leaves are green with a silvery tint, the height of saxifrage is 70 cm, it creates original carpets that have an attractive appearance. The plant can be grown from seeds, followed by replanting in open soil. You need to know that the first leaves are weak, so picking must be done after their number increases.

It is recommended to plant these shade-tolerant perennials in late May-early June. Saxifraga requires preparing soil with good drainage. The distance between the bushes should be 9-11 cm so that they have room to grow. This will create a continuous floral carpet.

In order for saxifrage to grow well, it is necessary to properly care for it. It is very important to moisten regularly, but the soil must have time to dry out. If the soil is flooded, the flowers may rot. For feeding, you should use complex fertilizers, which can be purchased at any florist store. In the first year, saxifrage will not bloom; this will happen only in the second summer.

Excellent plants for a shady garden are periwinkles. These are subshrubs that creep along the ground, characterized by leathery leaves of a dark green hue. Sometimes they have a cream border or spots. The flowers are solitary, the most common being blue, but there are also white, pink and pure purple buds. The mass opening of the crop occurs in the spring; during this period, periwinkles look especially attractive.

Plants are grown from seeds, which are placed in the soil in the spring or winter. Sometimes these perennial flowers are planted even in the summer, but in this case it is done on rainy or cloudy days. The sowing depth is 1 cm, then the furrows are covered with soil and watered. Caring for periwinkle is quite simple. You don’t even need to remove weeds, since the plant can handle it on its own. Sometimes you can feed the crop with organic matter or mineral fertilizers. At the end of mass flowering, it is necessary to trim the periwinkles so that next year they have a beautiful shape.

Anemones and marigolds

If you have a shady garden, then anemones are perfect for it. These are original herbaceous plants, surprising with their colors and buds. This culture prefers loose, fertile soil with good drainage. Plants can be grown from seeds or tubers, depending on the anemone variety. The most difficult thing in caring for plants is maintaining an optimal level of humidity, since the roots of the crop will not tolerate excess water.

To create mulch for anemones, experienced gardeners It is recommended to use peat, fallen leaves or special mixtures. The thickness of such a layer is approximately 4-5 cm. If the soil is enriched in advance, then you don’t have to feed the plants throughout the entire summer season.

The most common varieties of anemone:

  1. 1. Forest. They are dense bushes, up to 1.5 m in height. These garden perennials have buds that are arranged singly. Their diameter is 6-7 cm. The leaves of the plants are large and characterized by long petioles.
  2. 2. Crowned. The height of this anemone variety is 25 cm, and the flowers reach 6 cm in diameter and can be of different shades. The leaves are collected in a rosette.
  3. 3. Japanese. The length of the bush is 40 cm. The palette is quite wide, the buds are groups of loose inflorescences.
  4. 4. Tender. This variety is low-growing (maximum 20 cm). They are very reminiscent of daisies, the color ranges from white to purple.

Note that these shade-tolerant garden plants are used to create bouquets.

Marigolds can decorate a shaded area. They are sown in open ground, for this purpose holes are made 2 cm deep. There should be a distance of 1.5 cm between the furrows, and after placement, the seeds must be covered with soil and watered. If the seedlings sprout very densely, they must be evenly placed in the flower bed. Caring for marigolds is not at all difficult. The main rule is to protect flowers from the wind. It is recommended to feed the plants once a month, and if you do this more often, the bushes will only stretch and will not open their buds. Colors - yellow, white, brown-orange, etc. There are many varieties that differ in height. For marigolds, it is very important that weeds are removed from the soil. Thanks to this, they will be able to take root well and present their owners with beautiful bouquets.

Already in early spring We begin to think about the layout of our garden, distributing the plants that we will plant in different corners of the summer cottage. As a rule, most people are faced with the problem of choosing a plant for planting in shady places, which they really want to decorate with beautiful flowers or shrubs, because such areas often remain empty and unkempt.

What to plant in a shady place or which plants are shade-tolerant

A shady place is considered to be an area where sunlight reaches no more than 3 hours a day, and the rest of the time there is deep shadow.

Every garden has shaded areas; these can be on northern or western slopes, near a fence or between large trees.

In fact, the shadiest places in the garden are the most best places, because, as a rule, this is where the favorite bench for relaxing on a hot summer day is located. However, not every plant will be able to withstand the shade, grow successfully and delight the eye with its flowering.

Shade-loving plants include those plants that, no matter how strange it may sound, cannot tolerate sunlight at all or suffer from its excess. They typically have bright, lush, green foliage.

All shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants can be divided into 2 varieties: decorative foliage and flowering.

  • To the shade-loving flowers and flowering shrubs include the following: weigela, matthiola two-horned, daisy, forget-me-not, rudbeckia, fragrant tobacco, astilbe, brunnera, lungwort, hydrangea (large-leaved, tree-like, serrated), heuchera, honeysuckle, hawthorn, bergenia, Rogersia, arizema, basilisk, Volzhanka, aquilegia, dicentra, aconite, tenacious (ayuga), lily of the valley, cuff, astrantia, kupena, black cohosh, buzulnik.
  • To the shade-loving decorative deciduous bushes includes hosta, fern, astilboides, euonymus, Thunberg barberry, privet.

Advice! When you arrange plants in a shady area, do not plant only monocultures; shade-loving perennials and annuals look great in close proximity.

Popular shade-loving shrubs

Ideal among shrubs for shady places barberry thunberg. In deep shade you will hardly get the bright yellow and red colors and it will most likely just be a uniform green color, but it is still a very noticeable shade tolerant plant.

Another small and shade-tolerant shrub is euonymus. Its variegated and low form looks very good in the garden.

Under the shade of trees, a low bush will be quite noticeable privet. Its lemon-colored leaves seem to illuminate a shady place.

If you want to plant a taller shrub in a shady corner of your garden, and even with healthy berries, then it is best suited for these purposes hawthorn.

And if you need a beautiful flowering shrub, then this is suitable for this weigela. However, different varieties differently belong to the shade - some are more shade-tolerant, some are less.

It will look very decorative in a shady corner cotoneaster. It has beautiful dark green leathery and shiny leaves. Again, the varieties differ markedly in shade tolerance.

Imagine how pleasant it will be to sit in a gazebo that is entwined with honeysuckle with its magnificent flowers.

By the way, decorative viburnum Buldenezh ( Snowball) also shade-tolerant.

Popular annual and perennial shade-tolerant flowers

Favorites among the flowers for a shady garden will be matthiola bicorne, forget-me-not, rudbeckia, and fragrant tobacco.

Fragrant tobacco

If we talk about seasonal and annual shade-loving plants, then under the trees, where there is a lot of shade, in the spring you can safely plant , , and , because they will bloom in all their glory long before the leaves appear on the trees.

Brief descriptions of the most popular shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennial plants: shrubs and flowers


According to many gardeners, hosta is simply the queen of the shady garden. It has a wide variety of leaf colors, ranging from bluish to yellow-green, and there are even leaves with a white edge.

It is very appropriate to combine hosta with the most different varieties ferns, planting them in the shade of the house, where everything is in order with humidity (it is high).

Video: care and cultivation of shade-loving hosts


This is a fancy plant that thrives in shade and thrives in moist soil.

Video: growing and caring for shade-loving astilbe


The most striking feature of this plant is its original large leaves. Its leaf can reach from 80 to 100 centimeters in diameter.

Another distinctive feature of astilboides is that its stalk is attached in an unusual way: it grows directly from the middle of the leaf. In other words, it turns out to be an umbrella on a leg.

This luxurious and spectacular plant loves to grow near swampy rivers, it is at its best Suitable for decorating artificial ponds.


There are a lot of varieties of buzulniks. Those that grow in natural natural conditions, dark green leaves and irresistible inflorescences yellow color.

Artificially bred buzulniks often have dark brown, even burgundy foliage and unusual daisy-like yellow flower stalks that can last for a whole month.


This is a completely unique plant, ideal for planting in the shade. It goes into winter in a green state and after winter again appears green to the eye. The fact is that under the snow, bergenia does not shed its leaves and does not die, but remains green all the time.

The flowers of this plant are simple and modest, but very cute.

Another interesting property of bergenia is that its old leaves, which turn dark or brown, have special healing properties. In Tibet, they are brewed as a rejuvenating tea.

Video: unpretentious and shade-tolerant bergenia

Brunner (Forget-me-not)

Indispensable for decorating a small shady area.

In addition to the beautiful leaves of impressive coloring (variegated and green with silvery cobwebs), it also blooms angelically and charmingly - with small blue forget-me-nots.

You can look at her for hours, she is so airy and beautiful. It's simply impossible to take your eyes off!

Video: planting and caring for the shade-loving plant Brunnera macrophylla

Volzhanka (Arunkus)

It tolerates partial shade remarkably well, but blooms a little less profusely in deep shade. And yet the unassuming Volzhanka blooms its inflorescences again and again!

Video: unpretentious Volzhanka for planting and flowering in the shade


Heuchera looks absolutely wonderful, which is why it has won the hearts of many gardeners. The number of leaf colors is surprisingly rich: from lilac-steel to bright red and green.

The sizes are also quite varied: from miniature forms to quite tall specimens.

This is absolutely unpretentious plant, which does not require special attention, grows well and does not lose its decorative effect from May to October.

In addition, heuchera is very winter-hardy and tolerates the first autumn frosts well, going under the snow with leaves covered with frost.

And in the month of May, heucheras take off very quickly and gain their color due to the amazingly beautiful foliage.

It blooms amazingly beautifully, the flower stalks rise quite high above the plant and last quite a long time.

In the recent past, botanists crossed Heuchera and Tiarella and got new variety heucherella. The plant has become even more resistant to maintaining color, and the color range is much wider.

Video: everything about growing shade-loving heuchera

Dicentra (Broken Heart)

It can grow both in open and sunny areas and in shaded areas. However, in the sun, the buds bloom and fade early, and the flower stalks are not particularly large or splendid. In shady places, the color develops more slowly, but the flowers are brighter, larger and give pleasure with their wonderful appearance until July-August. Therefore, it would be good to plant the dicentra, for example, closer to the gazebo or house, the shadow from which will fall on the plant most of the day.

It will look good near the fence.

Video: how to grow dicentra or broken heart in a shady garden

Black cohosh (Cohosh)

Its name, of course, is not entirely euphonious, but the foliage is so delicate and pretty that when you see it, you will most likely just fall in love.

At the end of summer, it usually throws out a peduncle - a long panicle with silvery flowers. The spectacle is impressive! It is simply impossible to pass by without stopping.

Another important advantage of this shade-tolerant perennial is the fact that it can grow in the same place for quite a long time.


On our summer cottages this flower is not widespread, but nevertheless it is a very friendly plant, which is more suitable than any other for the shady side of a summer cottage.

Its coloring can vary from dark green to variegated, when the edge of the green leaf is bordered by white stripes.

Delicate white and pink flowers all over the stem, somewhat similar to a lily of the valley, are a very pleasant sight.

The plant grows quite quickly, so if you need to fill the shady space under fruit trees or planted in the shade next to conifers, then the kupena deserves your attention.


Another king of shade is the fern. Of course, it doesn’t produce flowers, no matter how much we want and expect, but it has stunning foliage that comes in different colors, different sizes and forms. He lives best in a damp, shady corner.

We are used to the fact that fern is always dark green, but now we have developed varieties with dark brown coloring, lilac center and silver leaf edges.

If you plant a fern in the shade of your garden house or in another shady place, then it will completely take all your attention and the attention of the guests of your garden.

Video: caring for ferns and growing them in the shade under the canopy of trees


Many gardeners call it the queen of the shady garden, which grows up to 1.5 meters in height.

Thanks to its magnificent large leaves, Rogersia is very picturesque throughout the season.

Fluffy and fragrant panicle inflorescences of white, pink or cream color bloom in early July and can bloom for more than a month.

Shaded area design idea! Plant tall and shade-loving plants such as buzulniks, black cohosh and ferns in the background, make the second tier of hostas, and heucheras and heucherellas on the bottom.

In your summer cottage, only shaded areas remain unplanted, and is it difficult for you to select suitable plant specimens to revive them? Use our tips and recommendations for landscaping, and then the whole mosaic of your garden will come together.

Video: what plants to plant in shady areas

If you are, then shadows will definitely appear on it. Residential and outbuildings, trees and large shrubs will create areas with complete or partial absence of direct light. The most common light-loving plants will not be able to survive in such places, as a result of which the dacha may have a somewhat deserted appearance. This article will talk about those plant crops that will help you solve this problem.

Dahlias - perennial shade-loving flowers for the garden

General provisions

First of all, let's draw a dividing line between plant species according to their dependence on sunlight, in order to avoid possible confusion in the future:

Separation according to photophilousness

Advice: before purchasing, be sure to check with the seller which specific group the flora representative you are purchasing belongs to, since incorrect placement on your site will deprive it of the opportunity for full development.

Shadow Control

In addition to choosing plants with different needs for sunlight, you can also optimally plan the placement of shady areas. To do this, just adhere to the following rules:

Tip: if you need to identify dark places in an already planted garden, it is convenient to do this in the spring when the snow melts. Where it lasts the longest, you can safely plant shade-loving crops with your own hands.

Species and representatives

The crops in question have many variations:


There are several representatives of bush vegetation common in summer cottages that thrive even with limited light supply:

  1. Rhododendron. They can do without the sun at all, but then they won’t bloom, so it’s better to choose partial shade for them.

  1. Hydrangea. Its delicate buds will decorate any dark area.

  1. Kalina. Not only is it unpretentious, it is also useful.

  1. Elderberry. Also famous for its medicinal properties.

  1. Ivy. The price of such a plant is minimal, but the possibilities with the right approach colossal.

  1. Clematis. It also belongs to the climbing species and can become a decoration for any.

Flowers and ornamental vegetation

  1. Perennials include greatest number representatives of shade lovers.

Here are some of them:

  • Badan. Able to develop normally in growth even with complete absence light, only its flowering can suffer.

  • Hosta. Not only is he not afraid of the shadow, but he also adores it. The only important thing is that the soil is sufficiently moist.

  • Aconite. Twilight and moisture are all it needs for full growth.

  • Brunner. An unpretentious and fast-growing plant. Keep an eye on it so it doesn't grow too big.

  1. Biennials:
  • "Pansies" will delight you with their continuous flowering from spring to autumn.

  • Digitalis. When growing it, it is very important that the agricultural technology instructions are strictly followed.

  • Forget-me-not. Allows you to create an aesthetic carpet even in the darkest place.

Almost every garden has areas where you can plant only shade-loving or shade-tolerant plants: both annual and perennial flowers and shrubs. The article contains titles and detailed descriptions various unpretentious crops with colorful photos.

Perennial shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden

It is traditionally believed that flowers love the sun, so they either bloom poorly in the shade or do not grow at all in such areas. That being said, there is a difference between cultures that only really feel comfortable away from sun rays, and between those that simply can exist in such conditions:

  • if in the shade the plant has lush greenery and a healthy, blooming appearance, it is shade-loving. In nature, such crops are located in the lower tiers of the forest, under the crowns of trees, so they can be planted in the garden there;
  • if the plant blooms in the shade, but slightly worse than in the sun, this is a description of a shade-tolerant flower that adapts to the conditions.

Attention! The shadow may be on the site throughout the day, or it may depend on the position of the sun in the sky. Also an important factor is continuous or diffuse shadow in the area you have chosen (for example, the sun can peek through the crowns of trees). Take this into account when selecting shade-loving crops.

For areas of varying degrees of shade, for example, the following perennial crops are suitable:

  • . Another name for this flower is columbine, because after dew its cups are always full of water. The plant is best planted on fertile, moist soil, then it abundantly produces inflorescences of various shades, reminiscent of stars. The watershed also grows in the sun, but its flowering in such conditions is worse than in partial shade. Every 3-4 years, aquilegia needs to be replanted, because it loses its decorative effect.
  • . Differs in variety color range and height range: dwarf varieties grow up to 30 cm, tall ones - up to 1.5 m. It is believed that in one place astilbe can bloom profusely for a maximum of 5 years, and then it requires replanting. The inflorescences are collected in original panicles; in the sun they have less bright shade than in partial shade. Plant a shade-loving plant in slightly acidic, nutritious soil. It tolerates frost well, but in the first year it needs shelter for the winter.

Advice. If you choose the right varieties of astilbe, you can ensure flowering in the area from June to September.

  • . There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence of this perennial plant. It overwinters well, in some cases retaining foliage during the cold season. In nature, there are 10 varieties of the crop, and the name of one of them - thick-leaved bergenia - is very familiar to lovers of healing Chigir tea, which is brewed from the leaves of this plant species. Unpretentious perennial will sit comfortably on moist, loosened and slightly alkaline soil.
  • Periwinkle. A creeping plant that tolerates both shade and drought. In spring, blue or purple flowers appear on it, less often white or pink. It has medicinal properties, but if self-medicated, periwinkle is dangerous.
  • Brunner. A shade-loving plant in which everything is beautiful: and blue flowers, and leaves with an interesting pattern. Thanks to this, it retains its decorative properties from the moment of flowering (late spring) until frost. Looks great when decorating borders, near bodies of water. Prefers nutritious soils, but grows well in infertile soils.
  • Tenacious. The name of the plant is, in fact, its description, since the low-growing crop takes root well in any soil and requires watering only in times of severe drought. It blooms from the end of spring until about mid-June, but it is irreplaceable in areas where you need to quickly create a beautiful decorative carpet: it grows well, and even those who have no gardening experience can grow it.
  • . Medicinal plant, looks impressive in the shade. Its other names are “Solomon’s seal” or “wolf berries”; it looks beautiful in bouquets, in compositions in photos, and has a delicate aroma. It loves moist, fertile soil, on which it produces white flowers in May-June, and by the middle and end of summer the berries of the kupena ripen. Requires caution when handling as it contains toxic substances.
  • Lily of the valley. A classic flower for growing in the light shade of trees and near fences. Needs abundant watering and protection from drafts, which can cause a lack of flowers. Lily of the valley does not like frequent transplants, quickly multiplies and grows, and does not tolerate the proximity of other plants. Such a fragile-looking flower has a powerful root system. It blooms in May-June, and sometimes, depending on the climate, at the end of April.

Advice. If you do not want to create lily of the valley plantations on the site, make the borders of the flower bed by digging pieces of slate into the ground (depth - about 0.5 m).

  • . Thanks to the variety of colors, this unpretentious plant is loved by many gardeners. After all, from it you can create a colorful flowerbed, playing with white, cherry, pink, brown and other shades. Needs moist and loose soil.
  • . A real queen of the shady garden. It does not bloom, but it will decorate any area with its beautiful decorative leaves of various colors. This unpretentious crop grows on any soil, grows in one place for up to 20 years, and tolerates winter well.

Annuals that can be planted in the shade

Among annuals that grow comfortably in the shade, the choice is not as extensive as in the case of perennials, but there is still:

  • . They grow quickly and delight with a variety of colors, from yellow to burgundy and brownish. They decorate the garden all summer and autumn, right up to frost. Among the varieties there are “babies” that grow up to 20 cm, and real giants that reach 1-1.2 m in height. A flowerbed with marigolds needs to be thinned and watered regularly. They protect garden beds from aphids, nematodes, fusarium, mice and mole crickets.
  • Begonia ever-blooming. Looks good both in flowerpots or flower beds, and under trees. The plant is not tall - only about 15-20 cm, so a carpet of begonias looks impressive. The flowers are colored in shades of white, pink, orange, red and crimson. Requires fertile and moist soil. If you bring it indoors for the winter, you can grow it as a perennial crop.
  • . This flower adorns many rural landscapes and colorful photos. It grows up to 1.2 m. Annual varieties are distinguished by bright, large flowers with veins that are darker than the main shade. Mallow is a shade-tolerant rather than a shade-loving plant: in the absence of sun it has a paler color, but grows well. The soil for this crop should be loose and watering should be moderate.
  • . Tolerates light shade. Only young plants need abundant watering; adults need moisture only during severe drought. Annual terry nasturtium will decorate the border or balcony. The leaves and flowers of this crop are used for making salads and seasonings, as well as in folk medicine.
  • The tobacco is fragrant. Its main advantage is the wonderful aroma that this unpretentious flower emits mainly in the evenings. Tobacco can be white, pink, or red, and varieties of soft, simple shades smell stronger. Partial shade and moist, loamy soil are suitable for its cultivation. We must not forget about regular watering and timely removal of dried inflorescences.

Advice. Some crops that tolerate shade well can be grown as both annuals and perennials. For example, this is balsam and forget-me-not. Pansies are cultivated as a biennial. They can also be planted under trees or in shady flower beds, although the flowering here will not be as abundant as in the sun.

Flower garden in the shade: video

Shade-loving plants: photo

What flowers can be grown in the shade? - This question is relevant for any amateur gardener. In a garden with many trees and shrubs, it is sometimes difficult to find open areas for flower beds that will be illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

According to the requirements for sunlight illumination garden plants They are divided into light-loving, shade-tolerant and shade-loving. We have prepared a small list of popular shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennials. These perennial flowers are suitable for planting in shady and lightly shaded areas of your garden. They tolerate shade well.

Shade-tolerant perennials can be grown under the canopy of trees and shrubs, in the shade of a house. They can grow and bloom in more or less direct sunlight.

Hosta "Cadillac". Photo: Hardyplants.

Perennial flowers for slightly shaded areas of the garden

These perennials prefer partial shade. They will grow well in partial shade. These flowers love the sun, but they only need to be exposed to open sunlight for a few hours a day. Partial shade is when an area is illuminated by the sun in the first or second half of the day, approximately 6 hours during the day.
Of course, these flowers bloom in sunny areas. perennial plants will be more abundant and lasting than in the shade.

(Astilbe Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don)

Anemone oak forest
(Anemone nemorosa L.)

Alpine catchment
(Aquilegia alpina L.)

Dicentra is magnificent
(Lamprocapnos spectabilis(L.)T.Fukuhara)

Dicentra is beautiful
(Dicentra formosa(Haw.) Walp.)

Primrose Julia
(Primula juliae Kusn.)

Japanese primrose
(Primula japonica A.Gray)

(Paeonia L.)

(Scilla L.)

Large sedum
(Sedum maximum(L.) Suter.)

Corydalis nobilis
(Corydalis nobilis(L.) Pers.)

Caucasian ash*
(Dictamnus caucasicus(Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Grossh.)
Photo: Øyvind Holmstad, Karlafg, Juan José Sánchez, dalbera, Danny Steven S., KENPEI, Meneerke bloem, Poco a poco, Axel Kristinsson, Bjoertvedt, Rolf Engstrand, Hedwig Storch.

Perennial flowers for shady areas of the garden

Almost every garden has shady areas under the canopy of old trees. What to plant in a shady garden?

Not all plants can grow under trees. Only species resistant to root pressure coexist under the canopy of old trees. Therefore, under trees it is worth planting flowers with a shallow root system.

Majority shade-tolerant plants- spring blooming. Nature itself took care of them: they bloom when there are still almost no leaves on the trees, and they have enough sunny color.

You should not expect abundant long-term flowering or large, double flowers from shade-tolerant plants. Shade-tolerant plants are decorative, primarily due to their foliage and appearance(habitus). Therefore, a shady garden is mainly a decorative deciduous garden.

These perennials are suitable for planting and growing in shady areas of the garden. They tolerate shade and lack of sunlight well. They can be grown under tree canopy. Use them to fill areas of your garden where the sun rarely shines. And then a beautiful shady garden will grow on your site all summer.

Bergenia thickleaf
(Bergenia crassifolia(L.) Fritsch)

(Vinca minor L.)

Volzhanka vulgare
(Aruncus dioicus(Walter) Fernald)

Saxifraga shadow
(Saxifraga umbrosa L.)

Saxifraga cuneifolia
(Saxifraga cuneifolia L.)

May lily of the valley*
(Convallaria majalis L.)

Lunar coming to life
(Lunaria rediviva L.)

(Pulmonaria L.)

(Helleborus L.)

(Digitalis L.)


Noble liverwort
(Hepatica nobilis Mill.)

(Galanthus L.)

Soldanella mountaina
(Soldanella montana Mikan)

(Hosta Tratt.)

Astilboides lamellar ( Astilboides tabularis
(Hemsl.) Engl.)

Darmera thyroid ( Darmera peltata(Torr. ex Benth.) Voss)

Rogersia concochestanifolia ( Rodgersia aesculifolia Batal.)

Fragrant violet
(Viola odorata L.)

Epimedium or Horny Weed ( Epimedium L.)

Voronets spica* or Voronets spica black* ( Actaea spicata L.)

Podophyllus thyroid ( Podophyllum peltatum L.)

Pachysandra apex ( Pachysandra terminalis Siebold & Zucc.)

An ordinary lady's slipper or a real lady's slipper ( Cypripedium calceolus L.)

Photo: Salvor Gissurardottir, H. Zell, Epp, Jerzy Opioła, Hectonichus, Hans B., Hedwig Storch, Wildfeuer, Jebulon, Meneerke bloem, Jonas Bergsten, Redsimon, Zdeněk Pražák, Qwertzy2, nestmaker (Rbrausse), Wouter Hagens, Jerzy Opioła , Fritz Geller-Grimm, brewbooks, Andrey Korzun, Sten Porse, Algirdas, Manuguf.

* Poisonous plants. They require great care and compliance with safety measures when contacting them. If you have small children, you should avoid growing these plants in your garden.

Most shade-tolerant plants are primroses. They bloom in the spring, when the trees do not yet have dense foliage, so they have enough sunlight to bloom.