Timothy meaning. The meaning of the name Timothy. Famous people named Timofey

Meaning of the name Timofey: The name for a boy means “worshipper of God,” “respecter of deity.” This affects the character and fate of Timothy.

Origin of the name Timofey: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Timofeyka, Timosha, Timokha, Timonya, Timusya, Tima, Timakha, Timasha, Tema.

What does the name Timofey mean? The name Timothy comes from the ancient Greek name Timoteos. The name translates as “who worships God.” Another meaning of the name Timothy is “respecting the deity.” This is a man of his word: if he promises something, he will certainly fulfill it! A guy with this name feels good in any company, both male and female.

Patronymic name Timofey: Timofeevich, Timofeevna; decomposition Timofeich.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Timofey celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 4 (January 22) - Timothy, an apostle of the seventy, a disciple and companion of the Holy Apostle Paul, was the first bishop of Ephesus, died stoned in 93.
  • MAY 16 (3) - The Holy Martyr Timothy for the faith of Christ was crucified together with his wife Mavra opposite each other on crosses. They lived like this for nine days, praising the Lord, and then died (IV century).


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet named - Saturn
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious name tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - belladonna
  • Patron - bittern
  • Timofey talisman stone - sapphire

Characteristics of the name Timofey

Positive features: The name Timofey has a great charge of love of life, mobility and a tendency to have fun. These qualities appear already in childhood. A child with this name is restless, curious, loves all kinds of games, and strives for older children. In his studies, he compensates for the lack of diligence and perseverance with the ability to think quickly and grasp information on the fly.

Negative features: The name Timothy brings cunning and hypocrisy. In the event of a threat of punishment, Timofey can compose a coherent lie. He tends to do only what interests him at the moment. When the enthusiasm of a name fades, a man with this name can easily give up the job halfway, leaving without the support of those whom he managed to lure there at one time.

Character of the name Timofey: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Timofey? The name Timokha is easy and fun, he has many friends and acquaintances. He always needs company and communication. A man instantly finds his way in an unfamiliar environment. But if he can get tired of a man's company, then he never gets tired of a woman's company! This is a kind person, he does not remember the insult for long. He loves work, especially if its results give him the opportunity to shine.

The meaning of the name Timofey in childhood. This is a soft, calm child. From time to time it is useful to return him to earth from the land of dreams, where he willingly retreats when faced with any difficulties.

A child with this name experiences a difficult childhood, not in financial terms or exposure to some diseases, but because the mother’s power in the family was too strong and he, even having a father, did not receive a male upbringing. Having become an adult, but never escaping from his mother’s care, Timofey falls into yet another woman’s hands: due to his rather handsome appearance, gentle character and cheerful disposition, he has no end to girls. A man named Timofey is a little worried that he does not have a purely male “cool” company, but is quite happy with a female one, where he is the center of attention. Even if Timofey wants to enter some fashionable men’s circle to assert himself, he is not infected by its emotions and ideas, and he soon gets bored with it. He only shows himself among close people; he is capable of both wild fun and deep dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfaction with the environment manifests itself in ambitious dreams. A man with this name will patiently implement his life plans, trying to get a good education and make a career. For a long time Timokha is forced to do what he does not want. However, he is interested in doing only that work, the results of which will give him the opportunity to advance and shine.

Outwardly, Timofey is calm, communicates smoothly with everyone, is kind, does not remember insults for a long time, and even knows how not to immediately react to a conflict. for him have special meaning loved ones.

Timofey and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The union of the name with Alevtina, Anfisa, Glafira, Evlampia is favorable. The name Timofey is also combined with Praskovya. Difficult relationships are likely with Valentina, Vassa, Kira, Stefania.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Timofey promise happiness in love? He is confident in his irresistibility and easily wins the attention of women, resorting to cunning and lies. He may one day discover that he himself is no longer able to distinguish truth from fiction, which is why he will begin to make many mistakes, provoking all sorts of troubles in his life. family relationships.

The marriage of the name will be quite strong if Timofey’s feelings are clearly expressed, with a strong emotional connection. It is necessary to have a common circle of friends and more joint activities. It is very good if Timokha and his wife have the same profession; he attaches great importance to common work. A big difference in the level of culture and upbringing can become a serious problem. In his marriage, great tension may arise due to difficult relationships with relatives of both parties. Under no circumstances should the guy allow them to interfere in his family affairs, and in general the house should be protected from any active interference from the outside.

With women, the one with the name is soft, gentle and affectionate, but considers them not so good creatures. His temperament is rather weak, but he considers himself quite normal in the field of sex. Sometimes he has an unsatisfied wife, but considers himself the offended party.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Timofey needs to find his own business in life, in this case it will be difficult to find a person more diligent than him. He Timofey can compensate for gaps in his studies with self-education and high erudition. If his curiosity is well developed in childhood, then he can become a good encyclopedist scientist, who, unlike the “armchair” scientist, often manages to have his say in a variety of areas. He rarely seeks to subjugate people, but he can still attract his comrades with him and prove himself to be a good organizer.

Business and career: The guy is greedy for all sorts of adventures, and his enthusiasm can be very contagious. He can win large sums, but is not able to save and increase his funds.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Timofey: The meaning of the name Timofey from a medical point of view. He needs to know the limits of the joys of life, the abuse of which can lead to the destruction of physical and mental health.

The fate of Timothy in history

What does the name Timofey mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Timoshka Ankudinov (1617-1653) - an impostor who pretended to be Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of Tsar Vasily Shuisky. Served in the order "New Chet". After a fire in his house, in which his wife also burned down (after torture, testimony was given that Timoshka himself burned the house and his wife), Ankudinov fled to Constantinople, where he declared himself Tsarevich Ivan (1646). Then he made his way to Venice and in 1649 appeared in Ukraine, where he found a patron in Khmelnitsky, who sheltered him and did not hand him over to the Russian ambassadors, but managed to provide him with refuge in Sweden.
  2. Timofey Buldakov is a serviceman of the Yakut district, known for his travels around the Arctic Sea. In 1649, he was sent with a detachment as a clerk to collect tribute to Kolyma. During the preparations, a strong wind arose from the shore and broke all the ice (September 1), which was carried into the sea, and with it the kochi. Buldakov wandered for several days on his kochas. After examining the thickness of the ice by Cossack Andrei Pogorelov, he was about to head across the ice to the shore, when a new storm carried them even further out to sea. Five days later, the wind died down, and the travelers on the ice, exhausted to the extreme by hunger, cold, labor and scurvy, finally reached the mouth of the Indigirka, the winter quarters of Uyandina, where they found help and spent the winter of 1650/51. All of their ships were destroyed by ice. In 1651, during Great Lent, from Uyandina Buldakov went to Kolyma through the mountains, on sledges, and thus walked to the Alazeya River (which flows at a distance of 500 miles, through swampy terrain and flows into the Arctic Sea with five mouths; deep and rich in fish) for a whole month, eating bark along the way. What then happened to Buldakov is unknown.
  3. Timofey Granovsky - (1813 – 1855) historian, public figure, Westerner, Russian medievalist, laid the foundations for the scientific development of the Western European Middle Ages.
  4. Timofey Gurtovoy - (1919 – 1981) conductor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  5. Timofey Krasnobaev - (1865 – 1952) surgeon, academician, one of the founders of domestic pediatric surgery. Timofey Podurov - (1723 – 1775) in some documents – Padurov; associate of Emelyan Pugachev, commander of the rebel regiment.
  6. Timofey Tribuntsev - (born 1973) Russian theater and film actor.
  7. Timofey Spivak - (born 1947) theater and film actor, director, artistic director of the Theater-Studio “Cinema and Theater Actors” (A.K. Timofey).
  8. Timofey Lokot - (1869 - 1942) Russian agronomist, political figure, publicist Timofey
  9. Timofey Zabolotsky - Russian diplomat of the 16th century, was active during the reign of Elena Glinskaya./li>
  10. Timofey Belozerov - (1929 - 1986) Soviet poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.
  11. Timofey Prokhorov - (1797-1854) Russian industrialist, son of the founder of the Trekhgornaya manufactory Vasily Ivanovich Prokhorov, manufactory advisor and hereditary honorary citizen.
  12. Timofey Prokhorov - (1894 - 2004) “Father Timofey”, as everyone called him in Munich; Russian hermit in Munich, “Olympic hermit.”
  13. Timofey Neff - (1805 - 1876/1877) at birth - Timoleon Karl von Neff; historical and portrait painter.
  14. Timofey Gorbachev - (1900 - 1973) Soviet scientist in the field of mining science, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958), Hero of Socialist Labor (1948).
  15. Timofey Pisnya - Soviet mechanical engineering worker, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  16. Timofey Illinsky - (1820 - 1867) Russian pathologist.
  17. Timofey Khryukin - (1910 - 1953) Soviet military leader, pilot, Colonel General of Aviation, twice Hero Soviet Union (1939, 1945).

Timofey in different languages ​​of the world

Translation to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Timothy (Timothy), in Spanish: Timoteo (Timoteo), in German: Timotheus (Timoteus), in Polish: Timotheusz (Timoteush), in Ukrainian: Timofiy.

Timofey Shapkin - (1885 - 1943) Soviet military leader, active participant in the First World War, Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, Lieutenant General (1940).


By origin, the name Timothy is considered ancient Greek, because it comes from ancient Greek words. The root word is "Timotheos", consisting of two separate words - "timao" (to honor) and "teos" (God). The literal interpretation of this name sounds like “who worships God.”

The male name Timofey today is not as popular as it was 20-30 years ago, but even now it occurs periodically, however, like many old names. And the reason lies in the simplest – it has excellent significance, interesting symbolism, and good compatibility...

Conversational options: Timosha, Tima

Modern English analogues: Timotheos, Timothy, Timotheus, Timo

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Timofey endows its bearers with a large number of contradictory qualities. Usually, such character traits as lack of conflict, independence, sensitivity, calmness, affection, curiosity are promised, and, as a counterbalance, also such as authority, selfishness, laziness, inattention. In general, Timofeys for the most part are very complex people, men with whom it is difficult to find a common language even in the most critical situations.

Depending on his upbringing, such a man can grow up to be hardworking and developed, or he can become a lazy and selfish person who does not know how to achieve his goals. Timofey can also be greatly influenced by his environment, the atmosphere in the family and how he is treated in society.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of the bearers of this name is that they are very inquisitive and are ready to do anything in order to constantly feed themselves with new knowledge, new information, sensations and feelings.

Timofey has a bad attitude towards people who try to impose their opinions on everyone around them, lazy slobs who do not want to improve and change, and secretive and introverted individuals...

The name Timofey was once very popular, especially in Soviet times, but later its popularity began to decline steadily.

Character of the name Timofey

The character of a name is one of the most difficult factors, and at the same time one of the most interesting. As for the name Timofey, so in in this case this parameter is almost decisive in the characteristics of nature. Thus, the influence of this factor on a boy named Timofey usually leads to the fact that the character of the guy so named suggests the presence of a bunch of good qualities, among which are friendliness, and eloquence, and various talents in various fields, and justice, and honesty, and devotion, and fidelity, and many others. The character of a guy named Timofey is such that he promises an exceptionally kind nature - he will never take out evil on a loved one, will never offend, even if there is a good reason for this, and in no case will he betray his comrade; on the contrary, he is ready to help and He may even sacrifice something important to help a loved one. And Timofey’s character is such that it promises success in any business he undertakes - all thanks to hard work and determination, accompanied by the ability to concentrate on the goal.

On the other hand, it should be noted that character largely depends not only on the characteristics of the name form, but also on a bunch of additional factors, among which are children’s parental upbringing, and the influence of the energy of the zodiac sign, and even the patronage of the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

IN early childhood a boy with a male name Timofey will have a lot of emotions and impressions. The meaning of the name Timofey can reward him with a bunch of good characteristics such as good nature, integrity, kindness, activity, energy, calmness, correctness, fairness, efficiency, sociability, friendliness and talkativeness. This boy has many talents, he copes with any task with the highest marks, plus he is also purposeful, and if he wants to achieve something, he definitely achieves it.

Among his peers, he is always, as they say, “on horseback” - no, he is not a leader or an organizer, but usually in the center of everyone’s attention and easily gains popularity. Perhaps chances for leadership will appear periodically, but he himself will refuse them, because despite his talents, he himself is afraid of responsibility and avoids it in every possible way.

But he enjoys learning everything new, never philanders, and is ready at any moment to take responsibility for what his parents entrust to him. Of course, this boy also has shortcomings, but there are such an insignificant number of them that few people pay attention to them - this is an unwillingness to take responsibility, indecisiveness, inconstancy, and, no less important, the inability to resist the influence of comrades.


In the life of a boy named Timofey, who has reached the teenage stage, a lot of interesting things can happen, but the main thing is not this, but the fact that the boy himself, for whom in childhood his parents decided to choose male name Timofey is diligent in everything, without exception. He begins to show responsibility, commitment, diligence, hard work and determination - these qualities will help him achieve popularity at school and become someone whom even teachers will treat with the utmost respect.

But there are also several significant “buts” - one of them is his fear of criticism from classmates; even the weakest and insignificant criticism, or teachings, can drive him into a dead end and unsettle him. In addition, this guy’s nature has many other flaws, of which one of the most important is sensitivity and receptivity - a nickname, a bad deed on the part of a comrade, betrayal, deceit, unfair treatment, and even just being ignored can drive Timofey into depression, which itself This can have an extremely negative impact on everyone without exception, both on studies and on communication with children.

In general, meaning can give this boy a unique character, one that can only be envied - on the one hand, he is a diligent student and a responsible person, on the other, an optimistic boy, cheerful and sociable.

Grown man

For a man who has reached maturity and received the name variation Timofey at birth, quite good things await him ahead, but he cannot do without bad things. The meaning endows him with excellent character, kindness, fairness, attentiveness, caring, sociability, friendliness, and along the way, the qualities required for successful professional development, such as self-confidence, hard work, diligence, constancy, planning. In fact, the meaning of this name promises its bearer great chances of becoming a successful professional in any chosen field - however, Timofey himself will most likely choose a profession directly related to communication, for example, the profession of a psychologist, educator, or teacher.

A very important feature - Timofey is a person who is very devoted to principles; he will never cheat for his own gain, will never leave a friend in trouble, is ready to help and will in no case take advantage of a person’s weaknesses in order to achieve personal goals. But there is also an important minus - despite his willingness to help people, moreover, everyone around him, regardless of his status in society, Timofey himself will never let anyone in on his experiences, and will try to cope with all the problems on his own, even if his personal one is clearly visible ahead loss. This is the meaning of this name, and this is the nature it promises...

Interaction of Timothy's character with the seasons

Winter - this season, due to its significance, endows the bearer of the name Timofey with a calm, balanced, reasonable and cheerful character. He knows how to establish contact, communicates easily, is eloquent and tactful, attentive, and rarely criticizes directly to his face. But there is a minus - this boy is fickle, reaching for the unknown. Not every lady can win his heart - he needs an interesting and versatile woman, a warm-hearted companion.

Spring - this period will also give calmness and balance, but also authority. He likes to keep everything under his own control, does not know how to be equal to people, tries to be a leader, and he succeeds. He is the life of the party, always achieves the goal, for him there are no unsolvable tasks. Will be the object of female adoration. Has exorbitant willpower and strong character.

Summer - the summer months will bring Tima into this world, on the contrary, too restless, withdrawn, taciturn, restless, shy and timid. It is difficult for him to communicate with people, he does not get along with ladies, and strives for loneliness. And he will take a calm companion who does not require communication as his wife. Needs peace and solitary concentration, does not like noisy companies, is a creator by nature.

Autumn is, by nature, a person of stability. He is constant, stable, predictable, reliable and responsible, but boring, does not know how to have fun and have fun, and has a complex character. Follows his own plan, is not capable of rash actions. Values ​​constancy and regularity. The other half will not claim his attention, will be independent, flexible and patient, so as not to distract him from career advancement.

The fate of the name Timofey

The fate of the name Timofey in relationships with female representatives, in love, and accordingly in marriage, this is enough complex issue, which has rather theoretical rather than exact answers. However, for me, for many, this parameter is a matter of paramount importance, and therefore it is worth paying attention to it, especially since researchers, in turn, have been studying it too...

The fate of the guy, named variation Timofey, is such that it suggests a large number of disappointments and separations, and all through the fault of Timokha himself. The fact is that Timofey himself is too idealistic by nature and often ascribes to the people around him, including women, traits that do not exist. This ultimately leads to disappointment, mistakes, and erroneous relationships - such is the fate of Timothy.

But on the other hand, the fate of a man named Timofey in adulthood presupposes his becoming a real father and a truly exemplary husband. His destiny does not imply becoming a family leader, this is a fact; rather, his wife will be the leader in the family, but Timofey himself may well turn out to be a person who deserves the title of an ideal family man - such is his destiny. Although, again, all this is just a theory, so it’s up to you to believe in it or not...

Love and marriage

It is difficult for women to resist Timofey's charm and gallantry. He communicates with his fans at ease, maintaining friendly relations with them even after the breakup. In fact, with such relaxed behavior, Tim is trying to hide his caution in choosing a soul mate. A decent, modest and balanced woman who has managed to maintain an atmosphere of calm, peace and love in their family nest will suit him.

Because of his caution and selectivity, Timofey decides to marry at a fairly mature age. His wife should be a caring, attentive and wise woman. Timofey will value his wife for her complaisance, loyalty and decency, but he will never forgive disrespect or betrayal on her part. Tim is very principled in this, and moreover, he himself will never commit treason.

It is interesting that Timofey does not see anything wrong with matriarchy - and there are not so many men who accept this. He will calmly accept the fact that his wife will perform the duties of the head of the family. He absolutely doesn’t care who will lead in their relationship; he is even ready to help his beloved with housework. However, he will always be a real breadwinner and protector of his family, taking care of its well-being and well-being.

Timothy as Father

Thanks to his character, Timofey is not only a wonderful husband, but also a loving father. He simply loves spending time with children, and such reverent fatherly love is evident from the first days of the little ones’ lives. He is always ready to run when they call. He will love both his daughter and his son equally strongly. He spares no expense on a bunch of educational toys: all kinds of musical carousels, rocking chairs, rugs.

As the children grow up, his fatherly feelings and sense of responsibility only grow stronger. He makes sure that his children do not need anything. It is important for him that they have only good memories of childhood. Timofey regularly takes them to the zoo, cinema, circus, amusement park, various playgrounds and even museums. In the summer, he certainly takes the whole family either to the sea, or to the river, or just to nature.

He controls the educational process only in general terms, and, of course, his wife monitors this more closely. He actively participates in the sports development of children and makes sure that they have good health.

Horoscope named Timofey


Aries - born under the auspices of the meaning of Aries, the owner of the name Timofey will grow up cheerful and open, easy to communicate, cheerful and good-natured, but an idealist. This will be a reliable friend and faithful life partner. Needs energy, movement, adventure.


Taurus - and this boy, by origin, is pragmatic and calm, reasonable and calculating, decisive and confident in his own actions, assertive and authoritarian. He loves to rule, maintains the brand of a persistent person who does not bend under the troubles of life. He firmly defends his opinion. Stubborn and hardworking.


Gemini is a sweet and charming boy named Timofey, who from childhood becomes a treasure in the eyes of girls. In adulthood, he will become a ladies' man, frivolous in character, kind, sympathetic, and unpredictable. There is no seriousness in him - until the last he will be a free bachelor.


Cancer – this promises reliability, responsibility, inexhaustible fortitude, loyalty, openness and sensitivity. But it’s difficult for him to live in this world - traitors appear everywhere. What is lacking is attention and understanding - this deficiency will be filled by searching for an ideal and reliable spouse-friend.

a lion

Leo - born under the rule of this zodiac and given the name Timofey, will become selfish, ungrateful, independent, strict, self-sufficient, without complexes. Self-confident - does not know how to listen to criticism and teaching normally. In ladies he values ​​femininity, complaisance, and weakness. Too hypocritical and independent.


Virgo - nature born of a virgin multifaceted and unusual. This is an intellectual who understands everything without exception, an intelligent and capable analyst, reasonable and systematic, cunning and a little selfish. He needs a woman who is serious, honest, thorough, calm and powerful.


Libra - this sign has poor compatibility with others, smart and cheerful ladies are not suitable for creating a family, and adventuresses are not needed. He values ​​only calmness, passion, and complaisance in ladies. He himself is delicate, open, tactful, knows how to communicate and speak beautifully, smart, intelligent.


Scorpio - such a owner of the name Timofey will be harsh, complex, domineering, arrogant, straightforward, selfish from childhood. This is an egoist for whom there is no other person's opinion, he loves to rule and manipulate. It will be hard for his wife and children - he is a “king”, waiting for indulgence and obedience.


Sagittarius is sensitive, naive, a little shy, sensitive, vulnerable and capricious, withdrawn and infantile. This little man is prone to depression and loneliness. He needs a wife who can put “rose-colored glasses” on him, who is open, optimistic, and a lover of adventure.


Capricorn - this constellation will give Tim confidence, determination, assertiveness, perseverance, selfishness, responsibility and hard work. He will be purposeful and persistent, will achieve his goal, and will not give up in the face of difficulties. This is how a companion should be, faithful, honest.


Aquarius - and this bearer of the name Timofey is a lover of adventurism and adventure, a careerist, hardworking and persistent, dependent on material wealth. Despite his restlessness, he will dream of peace and a strong family. He needs a reliable, faithful, calm, romantic wife - then he will change.


Pisces - sentimentality and romanticism are evident here. But this is a distrustful and suspicious person, and therefore compatibility is observed only with powerful and persistent women who are ready to take the first step. He is a refined and light man, simple, and needs constant stimulation to life.

Compatibility with female names

Timofey has the best compatibility with such female names as Faina, Emma, ​​Stella, Dora, Bronislava, Marianna, Mirra.

With Alevtina, Elina, Elvira, Susanna, Lada, Larisa, Dina, Anna, Vera and Daria, a truly strong couple can be created, and, accordingly, an equally strong marriage.

And with people like Elena, Ninel and Elsa, Timofey has no compatibility at all.

Origin of the name Timofey

Translated from ancient Greek, this name means “who worships God,” another option is “God-fearing.”

Briefly about the name Timofey Main features: calmness, rich imagination, modesty, attentiveness, depth of inner world, generosity.

Character of the name Timofey

As a child he is very curious, restless and spontaneous. Because of which it can be very harmful.

The energy of this name is filled with vibrations of the element of Water. She gives Timofey extraordinary sensitivity and Creative skills. Outwardly, such a man is always calm, but like sensitive photographic film, inside he responds to the slightest changes. Timofey can admire art and the beauty of nature to the depths of his soul. In communication, he becomes so imbued with the problems of his interlocutor that he begins to experience them as if he were his own. Responsive and kind. Timothy is characterized by an interest in mysticism. He has intuitive insights and premonitions.

Timothy should learn not to take everything so personally. He lacks healthy ambition and gives in too easily to others. He does not know how to stand up for himself, which is why in his youth he is often offended by his peers. Timofey may lead the passive life of a dreamer; he lacks the motivation to realize his creative talent. But if there is a strong personality nearby who can inspire and guide him, he can move mountains.

Name Timofey in love and family

Timosha is growing up as an affectionate, charming and attractive boy. It's easy to please the opposite sex. Knows how to be delicate and find a common language with people. He finds friends quite easily and they love him. Trusting and polite. But it is fully revealed only in the circle of relatives and friends. He is always in contact with them, sociable, open and very loyal. For others it may be a mystery. This boy loves his mother very much; as a child he always tries to be close to her.

Timofey's loves are often platonic in nature. If he decides to take the first step in a relationship, it will be difficult for him to move to the sensual phase. Even after getting married, he seems to be embarrassed by the need to fulfill his marital duty. Timofey is very romantic, dedicates poems to his chosen one, and sees perfection in her. Touchingly takes care of her during illnesses and supports her in difficulties. Often gives his wife the reins of power in the family. He likes strong women.

The main drawback of this man is his inability to everyday life. He is absent-minded, may forget to turn off the water in the bathroom, and does not pay for months. public utilities. The role of breadwinner is also difficult for him; his wife must earn more than him in order to have enough for everything. Although it also happens the other way around. But Timofey is an excellent family man, a faithful, reliable husband, he is kind to children and is able to take care of them no worse than his mother.

Characteristics of the name Timofey in his career

Timosha is a smart, very inquisitive and responsible boy, he strives to do everything carefully and efficiently. It tastes great. He doesn't like routine. She loves novelty and variety, which must be taken into account when choosing a profession. Timofey will make an excellent teacher, psychologist, educator. However, creative professions, especially those related to fine arts. Timofey does not pursue material success and respect from society. The main thing for him is to be as useful as possible more of people. He is fueled by their gratitude.

Horoscope name Timofey: how to choose a name for a boy

This name corresponds to the signs of Pisces and Cancer, and is also suitable for Virgo with Neptune accentuated in the horoscope.

Compatibility of the name Timofey

For a strong marriage, Praskovya, Alevtina, Glafira, Anfisa, Tatyana, Marina, Nadezhda, Varvara, Victoria, Irina, Alena, Vera, Elena are most suitable for Timofey.

Full name and synonyms: Timofey, Timothy, Tim, Timothy, Timoteo, Theo, Timo.

Diminutive, pet name: Timosha, Tisha, Timofeyka, Timofeychik, Tima, Timasha, Timonya, Timokha.

Timofey's name day

Saints: Timothy, Apostle of the Seventy, St. Martyr Timothy.

What does it mean

Timothy means “God-honoring,” “God-fearing.”


Analysis of the mystery of the name Timofey it makes sense to start with origins. History of the name Timofey has ancient Greek roots and comes from the Greek word ????????? , which is translated as “honoring God.”

What does the name Timofey mean according to D. N. Zima

The character of the name Timofey is influenced by its rarity. She strengthens its impact on Timofey’s psyche. Owners of rare names often exaggerate the degree of attention others pay to them and may, as a result, behave differently. They will either step aside or, conversely, try to be the center of attention.

He will not be surrounded by a crowd of comrades. Only with those closest to him is Timofey able to express his sincere emotions, be it uncontrollable joy or deep sadness.

He can get irritated. He may be annoyed, for example, by his unrealized plans for the future. Timofey is very ambitious. Of course, only a select few will know about these plans.

In case of conflict situation, Timofey behaves quite balanced.

Characteristics according to E. Grushko and Yu. Medvedev.

It’s easy and fun to be with Timofey; he has many friends and acquaintances. He cannot live without communication. Timofey quickly finds his way in an unfamiliar place. But if the male fraternity can bore him, then the female fraternity - never! Timofey is a friendly person, unforgiving. He loves his profession, especially if he is successful in the business he does.

In accordance with the interpretation according to B. Higir.

As a child, he is a balanced boy. He is capable of pranks, but they are of a kind nature, relationships with children, as a rule, develop quite without conflict, adults love him for his calm disposition, although because of his children's pranks they sometimes lose patience.

Over the years, Timofey has become just as active and sociable. He gets along easily with others, captivating them with his sparkling sense of humor. Timofey is devoted to his friends and you can always rely on him. It seems that he charges the air next to him with joy and fun.

Timofey is loved by women, it costs him nothing to meet the girl he likes, but this man is distinguished by his decency. In relationships with the fair sex, he tries to be honest. Sex is not the last place in his life. The owner of this name starts a family only when he is deeply in love.

According to the description of the name Timofey according to L. Tsymbalova.

Tim is a soft, balanced boy. He loves to dream, and his parents often have to return him to the sinful earth.

Often Timofey is raised by one mother. Therefore, further in life, he often chooses female company for communication, especially since women like him.

He does not like the dullness of real everyday life, he is ambitious, and always wants more.

Tim gives the impression of a calm person, he is sociable and not vindictive. Discharges among friends.

Family life with Timofey promises to be cloudless. This will be facilitated if Timofey and his wife have a common job. The situation can be ruined by relatives who interfere in their relationship.


Variations for the name Timofey: not found

Diminutive names Timofey: Tema, Tima, Timanya, Timakha, Timasha, Timonya, Timosya, Timofeyka, Timokha, Timosha, Timunya, Tyunya.

Different languages.

  • Name Timofey in English: Timothy
  • Name Timofey in Czech: Timoteus
  • Name Timofey in Danish: Tim
  • Name Timofey in Italian: Timoteo
  • Name Timofey in Polish: Tymoteusz
  • Name Timofey in Swedish: Tim
  • Name Timofey in Slovenian: Timotej
  • Name Timothy in French: Timoth?e

Famous Timothys:

  • Timofey Granovsky (1813–1855) – Russian historian, public figure.
  • Timofey Krasnobaev (1865–1952) – Soviet surgeon, founder of pediatric surgery.
  • Timofey Podgorny (1873–1958) – Russian master of bowed instruments.
  • Timofey Gorbachev (1900–1973) – Russian scientist, author of research in the field of mining.
  • Timofey Smetanin (1919–1947) – Yakut poet.

What does the name Timofey mean?
This name most likely means someone who loves or even worships God.

Origin of the name Timofey:
This is definitely a Greek name.

Character conveyed by the name Timofey:
Timofey is always a very sensitive and incredibly receptive person. He is also very vulnerable. And this is probably why it is incredibly difficult to endure the slightest insults and ridicule; he simply cannot forgive it. And if suddenly someone offended him strongly enough, then Timofey will never communicate with this particular person again, but he definitely will not take revenge, since he really is not vindictive at all. Among other things, he has quite a lot of different interests, he wants to find out and double-check everything, but he always perceives all the information only in his own way. He is usually in almost constant voltage. And I must say that the only thing that can really interfere with him is living normally and thinking logically. He also simply cannot stand it when close friends begin to mock him somehow, because this is always a big blow for him, but he doesn’t care about other people at all in this regard, he, first of all, does not tolerate the slightest ridicule precisely from the closest people. And when he can quarrel with his parents, as a rule, he always bears it extremely hard. And this is probably why he always tries to maintain the most peaceful relations, and if suddenly some kind of disagreement occurs, then he always tries to reconcile with them as quickly as possible, since he believes that he has no one closer to them at all. He also treats very well all those who have been kind to him, and always has great respect for such people and, of course, is always ready to help them if necessary.

Among other things, little Timofey can often suffer from some serious throat diseases, such as pharyngitis or laryngitis. And of course, because of this, in early childhood he is unusually irritable and restless. Already at school he studies well, and teachers often love him, probably because he is a fairly efficient and kind boy, who, as a rule, likes to help them. Studying is always easy for him, especially mathematics and physics. But he still doesn’t like such subjects as literature and the Russian language, and the grades in these subjects are always worse, as a rule, since he is always too lazy to do these homeworks.

Among other things, he makes a really good worker. He takes his work incredibly seriously, and does not tolerate imperfections or the slightest negligence. He always does his job according to his conscience, without paying the slightest attention to those who are really slacking, and also always strives to do only the right thing. He always has very developed administrative skills and abilities, and he can manage a fairly large team without any problems and, of course, everyone will listen to him, probably because he really knows how to captivate different people.