Zamioculcas have thin stems. Zamioculcas is a dollar tree. Why Zamiokulkas does not give new shoots

Zamioculcas is a plant that will suit any modern gardener and decorator. It looks stylish and bright, but at the same time, it is perfect for completing the minimalist style in the interior. Another name for zamioculcas is also the "dollar tree", which creates an additional plus in choosing a plant among other options.

Zamioculcas belongs to perennial plants. The plant comes from Africa, but easily takes root in any conditions. For it, you need to create the most approximate atmosphere and basic temperature conditions to ensure good development and branching. Zamiokulkas care is also a very simple matter - watering the plant is carried out no more than once every few weeks, and feeding and pruning as needed to form a crown. At home, it is easy to keep zamioculcas and it is always pleasant to watch the fruits of your efforts.

However, there may be problems in the care of zamiokulkas. Often, the edges of its leaves turn yellow, the stems of the zamioculcas drop. Why this happens can be answered by studying in more detail the conditions of the plant.

  1. The location of the zamiokulkas at home allows the introduction of the plant into any layout. Lighting does not significantly affect the plant, therefore, whether it is shady, partial shade or bright lighting, zamiokulkas will feel great. The plant loves fresh air as well as light drafts and does not get sick if it comes under their influence. IN summer time it is advised to rearrange the zamiokulkas on a balcony, terrace, or take it outside in a pot so that the plant joins the environment. However, the obvious reason why the stems of the zamioculcas drop is just the insufficient amount of illumination, especially during the formation of young leaves. The budding weakens the plant somewhat, but it will recover quickly if it is moved to a lighted area. It is worth avoiding active sunlight in the summer, which can also weaken the plant and affect the fact that the stems of the zamiokulkas begin to descend.
  2. Temperature and humidity should be as close as possible to African territory. A prerequisite under which the zamioculcas will not be exposed to diseases, including its stems will not fall, and the leaves will turn yellow, this is the air temperature in the room in winter time not lower than 18 degrees. Also, zamioculcas must be constantly humidified at home, especially if the air is dry.
  3. Excessive watering has a detrimental effect on the development of zamiokulkas. Why often the stems of zamioculcas drop down - this is a significant waterlogging of the plant. Moderate watering, periodic drying of the potting mix, soft water are ideal for the constant care of zamioculcas at home. Fertilize it with conventional succulent mixtures. The main portion of top dressing should be applied at the end of winter, so that the zamiokulkas begins to increase the surface mass of the leaves and please its owners in the near future.

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Zamioculcas transplant and care

How to save zamioculcas if the tuber is rotten?

How does zamioculcas multiply at home?

Video: Zamioculcas does not grow, what should I do?

When is it better to transplant zamioculcas?

Modern home growers are very fond of growing exotic plants. However, many "overseas" species are very demanding on care and maintenance conditions and quickly lose all their decorative effect on the windowsill. Therefore, in most cases, preference is given to unpretentious specimens, which sometimes can be left without proper attention and at the same time not be afraid for the health of the green pet. Zamioculcas can be safely attributed to the favorites among such flowers.

One of the most popular indoor plants

Zamioculcas is an evergreen representative of the exotic flora, belongs to the Aroid family. This species has no varieties. Zamioculcas is a tuberous herb. Complex odd-pinnate leaves, having the correct shape, form a semblance of a rosette. The leaf plate is dark green with a strong gloss. The height of a houseplant is usually no more than one meter. Flowers have no aesthetic value.

This plant has a very caustic sap, which causes a strong burning sensation when in contact with the skin. Therefore, zamioculcas is considered poisonous.

Photo gallery: appearance of zamiokulkas

At home, zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely, flowering is not considered decorative
Zamioculcas roots are tubers in which the plant stores nutrients and water
The young leaf of the zamiokulkas is, as it were, rolled into a tube and has a lighter color
Breeders develop varieties of the popular dollar tree with variegated leaf color
IN open ground zamioculcas can grow up to one and a half meters and more
In nature, if a leaf falls to the ground, it takes root, therefore, zamioculcas is often propagated with a leaf at home.
Zamiokulkas leaves have a very beautiful gloss
Zamiokulkas leaf petioles are very powerful, thickened

In everyday life, zamioculcas is often called the dollar tree. This name was attached to the plant, according to one of the versions, due to the fact that with round fleshy leaves it is somewhat similar to the "money tree" - a bastard. Many believe that zamioculcas brings material benefits to the house. The leaves of zamiokulkas are larger and more powerful than those of Crassula, and therefore are popularly associated with a larger currency than rubles. According to signs, if the plant is healthy and developing well, then this is a sign of imminent enrichment. If the flower withers, then in financial plan do not expect anything good.

Under natural conditions, zamioculcas occurs in East Africa.... The presence of a powerful tuberous root allows you to store a large amount of moisture. Due to its resistance to drought and the scorching sun, it is able to grow in desert areas. Therefore, indoors, the flower is unpretentious and takes root well in indoor conditions... However, in an enclosed space (however, as in nature), it blooms extremely rarely.

Video: meet the unpretentious African zamioculcas

Another nickname for this plant is the "flower of celibacy." It was entrenched thanks to the numerous superstitions of housewives. Zamiokulkas brought into the house should attract female happiness to its owner, but only if it blooms... And flowering in this species is a very rare occurrence, so you have to wait a very long time for well-being in your personal life.


Zamioculcas is a very hardy and thermophilic plant that can withstand prolonged absence of watering. Excessive grooming can even negatively affect his condition. Nevertheless, in order for it to feel comfortable and actively develop, it is necessary to provide the flower with certain conditions.

Table: home conditions depending on the season

Season Room temperature Lighting Humidity Watering mode Top dressing
Summer25-30 ° CDiffuse light, indirect bright raysRare spraying or wiping with a wet spongeModerateOnce a month
Autumn16-22 ° CAs the soil dries upNot required
WinterNot less than 16 ° СAdditional hydration is not requiredRare watering
Spring16-22 ° COptional rare sprayingAs the soil dries upOnce a month

When to water and feed

Zamioculcas is drought-resistant. Even in summer, it requires moderate watering.... In winter, zamioculcas should be watered even less frequently, as the substrate dries out. Excessive moisture can lead to decay of the root system and fungal infections.

The tubers of the plant have the ability to store water and consume nutrients at a high rate. In the spring and summer, fertilization is an integral part of maintenance.... Top dressing is carried out once every 4 weeks with special nutrient substrates. It is preferable to use ready-made complexes of minerals for succulents and cacti.

How to leave alone

Zamiokulkas "hibernation" begins in October and continues until spring. During this period, watering should be reduced to one or two times a month. No fertilization is carried out. Zamioculcas is placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 16–20 ° С.

This flower prefers diffused sunlight at any time of the year.

Is the flower of celibacy worth blooming?

Even in nature, a money tree can bloom only in a sufficiently mature state and with a confluence of several favorable factors. A short peduncle forms near the leaf outlet, and subsequently - a nondescript inflorescence in the form of an ear, which, according to numerous reviews on the network, possesses unpleasant odor... Flowering lasts for several weeks. In the natural environment, an ovary may appear, followed by ripening of berries. The berry carries a single seed. However, experienced flower growers note that flowering and ripening of seeds depletes zamiokulkas so much that after that the plant often dies - and forgive me, goodbye, financial well-being!

Planting and transplanting

The dollar tree grows very slowly. A plant transplant is required if the pot is completely filled with the root system.... The optimal time for its implementation is the beginning of spring.

For planting zamiokulkas choose a high pot (preferably ceramic), so that the roots and tubers have enough space. The container should not be too large, otherwise the plant will waste energy on filling it with the root system and stop vegetative growth. There must be at least one drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

The soil substrate is purchased in a specialized store or prepared independently. The ideal soil composition includes sand, peat and turf in equal proportions.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil mixture yourself, it is purchased in the store. The best option is soil for cacti and succulents.

The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method in this way:

Video: transplant zamiokulkas

Most often appearance flower deteriorates due to violation of growing conditions and mistakes in care.

Table: yellowing leaves, drying tips and other signs of care errors

Problem Cause Elimination
Small yellow leaves with dry tipsLack of lightingMove the flower to a brighter place
Top leaves fallInsufficient or excessive wateringSet up watering regime
Black tubers as well as leavesRot development at low temperature and high humidityEliminate the causes of the development of putrefactive phenomena
Dark spots appear on the leaves
  • Abundant watering;
  • low air temperature;
  • high humidity during the growing season.
  • Establish a mode of watering and humidification;
  • rearrange to a warmer place.

Zamioculcas rarely infect diseases and pests, because poisonous juice and wax on the leaves protect it from damage. But sometimes the infection does occur. Therefore, it is important for flower growers to know how to treat the dollar tree.

Table: dark spots on the stem and other lesions

Some growers advise very unusual ways pest control of zamiokulkas. One of them is spraying with a pencil solution from cockroaches: grind 1/3 of the pencil, mix with 0.5 liters of warm water and spray the plant and the surface of the soil for 2-3 days, until all pests die. When zamiokulkas is affected by a putrefactive fungus, tubers and leaves darken


Reproduction of zamiokulkas is carried out by dividing the tubers and rooting the leaves. It is almost impossible to propagate a plant by seeds, moreover, they are rarely found on the free market. And the seeds collected from home zamiokulkas, as a rule, cannot be called high-quality planting material.


Most often, flower growers use the tuber propagation method.... It is considered to be the simplest and most effective one. To propagate a dollar tree with tubers, you must adhere to the following instructions:

Often, young shoots of zamiokulkas are formed in the pot. During transplantation, in most cases, it is easy to separate it from the mother tuber and plant it in a separate pot.

Leafy cuttings

A less common breeding option for zamiokulkas is with the help of leaf cuttings. For this, the following procedure is carried out:

Video: reproduction of zamiokulkas

For the normal development and growth of exotic zamioculcas, not so much is needed as it seems at first glance. But if you have got yourself this pet, you need to monitor him. Any changes in appearance that arise should be corrected immediately. Care, although not finicky, is still necessary. Let's consider some important questions in this case. Zamioculcas what to do if?

Zamiokulkas leaves curl:

Twisted and discolored zamiokulkas leaves indicate the presence of pests. It can be aphids or spider mites. A magnifying glass will help to consider the culprit. On the underside of the leaves there will be small multi-colored croup, resembling revived grains. For destruction, you can use fitoverm.

Frozen zamioculcas:

When a plant freezes, the main thing is to preserve the root system. In this case, the plant is able to recover on its own, forming new leaves. The old dead parts of the plant must be cut off. The zircon solution will help the plant adapt and get out of stress.

Zamioculcas turned yellow:

When the leaves turn yellow, does the plant still give young shoots? This means that everything is in order. This is a natural biological renewal process. Young leaves, possessing greater activity, take away all the necessary nutrients from the soil, leaving almost nothing for the more mature leaves. In this case, you should pay attention to the presence of dark spots on the leaves. Dry spots don't give you a reason to worry, the plant is fine. It does not require any additional care or external intervention.
But, frequent and abundant watering can lead to yellowing of the plant. Reducing fluid volume may not always be the solution. Often you have to take the plant out of the pot to examine it for decaying areas of the root system. They are removed by sprinkling the cut areas with crushed coal, treated with special substances that prevent the development of rot and transplanted into a new substrate.

Change temperature regime Zamioculcas does not tolerate in the room very well.

The plant can react to this with yellowed and falling leaves. Indoor views more heat-loving plants than their wild relatives. They can react to absolutely any fluctuations, whether it is a wind blowing from an open window, a running fan or any heating device. IN winter period when the room temperature rises, it is recommended to humidify the air.

Zamioculcas what to do if the tuber has rotted:

The reason for this condition is again excessive watering of the plant. He needs to be transplanted urgently. Transplant soil must be purchased at a specialized store, ordinary soil from the street will not help restore the plant. These store-bought substrates are rich in all the micronutrients necessary for quick plant recovery. A sharp knife will help to cut off all the rotten elements of the rhizome, the remaining healthy part in the places of the cut is treated with special solutions. Only then is the plant ready for transplanting. For 24 hours after transplantation, the zamiokulkas should stand in peace and quiet. No fertilizers or other means are allowed. After the time has passed, you can begin to water gently. Organic fertilizers will be useful in a week, you must continue to apply them for 1 month, no more than 1 time per week.

Zamioculcas what to do if the stems fall:

Excessive watering can lead to the fact that oxygen cannot be supplied to the plant, soil drainage will become impossible, water will not be able to flow freely into the plant roots, and excess water can seep freely. The roots will start to rot, the water and minerals will not be able to flow to the plant, which will lead to a weakening of the stem.

Video consultation

Filled with zamioculcas:

Don't expect the moisture to evaporate. The roots of the plant will have time to rot before this happens, so it is necessary to understand whether the decay process has begun and, as early as possible, take measures to process and transplant the plant to another place.

Zamioculcas does not give new shoots:

The growth of zamiokulkas in the course of its life is very slowed down. This feature is characteristic of this plant. The growth process can be almost stopped if you do not create comfortable plants for the plant. The main factors for active growth are the size of the pot in which the plant grows and the substances that make up the soil. Plants love small pots and feeds that must include nitrogen, potassium and magnesium.

Zamiokulkas' stem wrinkled:

Most likely, the roots were damaged by abundant watering of the plant. Some of them cannot function fully, and the remaining "working" parts of the root system do not have time to supply water to the entire plant. To restore the work of the root, zamioculcas must be removed from the old soil, cleaned of all dead parts, dried, sprinkled with crushed coal and transplanted into soil with a large amount of sand. In this case, the pots should not be large, only tubers should be placed in them.

Zamiokulkas has thin stems:

Limited access to lighting could be a likely cause. The plant does not tolerate bright sunlight, but diffused streams of light have a beneficial effect on it.

Zamiokulkas has dark spots on the leaves:

The reason for this may be a wide range of temperature indicators, drafts and abundant watering of zamiokulkas. By eliminating the presence of such factors, changing the irrigation regime and temperature drops, you can get rid of such a problem.
The presence of dark spots may indicate that the plant is damaged by a pest.

Zamioculcas what to do if the leaves dry and fall off:

This phenomenon can be observed as a result of the natural aging process, but, in this case, only the lower leaves will fall off. If the plant is losing foliage everywhere, then errors of improper care can be identified here. Mechanical damage can also contribute to the loss of leaves.

Zamioculcas - leaves turn yellow

Zamioculcas or the so-called dollar tree - a plant from the aroid family is a relative of monsters and dieffenbachia. In the last decade, zamioculcas has become very popular. A beautiful elegant plant with its juicy bright green shoots with dense leaves adorns not only apartments and houses, but also strict office premises.

A distinctive feature of the plant is its unpretentiousness, it feels good even in low light conditions and rare watering. Drafts are not dangerous to Zamioculcas, it easily adapts to transfer, for example, from a room to a balcony or to a garden. However, amateur flower growers notice such an unpleasant phenomenon - sometimes the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow. Let's try to find out why the leaves of zamioculcas turn yellow?

If the leaves of a zamiokulkas flower turn yellow, this does not always mean that the plant is sick. Although the flower grows slowly, during the growing season, new young leaves appear, and the old leaves gradually turn yellow and die off. So it is quite normal when individual leaves of a plant turn yellow, and new shoots appear in parallel. In this case, it is necessary to wait until the yellowed leaves are completely dry, then they can be removed painlessly for the zamioculcas.

It is much worse if the leaves turn yellow, but there are no new shoots. Here it is necessary to find out why the zamioculcas turns yellow? Often the phenomenon signals that the care of the plant is carried out incorrectly.

Causes of yellowing leaves

The most common reason, as a result of which the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, is waterlogging of the soil, which causes rotting of the root system. Somewhat less often, in this way, the plant reacts to dryness of the soil in the pots. In fact, the flower accumulates life-giving moisture in the tubers, which allows it to endure a shortage of water for a long time due to its internal reserves. Sometimes indoor plant dries and turns yellow with insufficient humidity in the room.

What to do if the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow depends on the cause of the negative changes in the plant. If the flower suffers from improper watering, it is necessary to water the zamiokulkas, taking into account the condition of the soil. If the soil in the pot is wet, and even more so if there is water in the pan, watering is not required. At the same time, drying out and cracking of the soil should not be allowed. If the depressed state of the plant is caused by dry air, you need to move the indoor flower away from radiators and other heating devices, choosing a cooler place for its growth. Also, do not forget that zamioculcas needs periodic spraying from a spray bottle with settled water at room temperature.

Zamioculcas pests and ways to combat them

Zamioculcas can suffer from damage by flower pests - spider mite, scale insects or aphids.

The pest can be destroyed by spraying and wiping the leaves with water or ready-made insecticides.

In order to combat aphids, you can also use a soap-tobacco solution with the addition of sulfate at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of solution. Even with severe symptoms of a flower's disease, do not rush to throw it away. Having freed the roots and tubers of the plant, take a good look at them. If the root of the plant is healthy and still firm, rinse it with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, let it dry and plant in new soil. Most likely, zamioculcas will give new shoots.

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Zamiokulkas leaves turn yellow: what to do and how to save the dollar tree

The indoor flower zamioculcas is popularly called the "dollar tree". Growing this plant at home is believed to increase family income and help accumulate dollars. With proper care, a dollar tree grows up to one meter in height and is distinguished by fleshy thick petioles on which beautiful, green, glossy, leathery leaves grow. If the leaves on the zamioculcas turn yellow, this indicates that mistakes were made in the care or that the plant is being grown in unfavorable conditions for it. We will describe all the causes of yellowing of leaves and how to eliminate them in this article. You can find out about all the features of caring for a dollar tree from our article "How to take care of zamiokulkas at home?"

Why the leaves of zamioculcas turn yellow - the main reasons

If the leaves of a dollar tree turn yellow, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. Care errors.
  2. Zamioculcas pests.
  3. Diseases of the dollar tree.
  4. Let's consider each reason in more detail.

    Care errors

    Zamiokulkas leaves turn yellow? First of all, remember how long this indoor flower has been growing in your house. Adult plants renew their leaves from time to time, and during this process, the old leaves on them turn yellow and dry out. This is a natural process and in this case there is no need to worry. Soon, the flower will begin to grow young shoots with new beautiful, green leaves.

    If leaves turn yellow on young shoots or zamioculcas turns yellow completely, you should pay attention to how you care for it:

  5. Incorrect watering... Zamiokulkas has not ordinary roots, but corms that do not like waterlogging. The plant can easily do without water for a long time. But constantly wet soil can cause yellow foliage. The leaves begin to turn yellow because the roots on the corms begin to rot in the wet soil. Water the dollar tree only when the soil is completely dry. And remember! It is better to dry the soil under this flower a little than to constantly water it over! Frequent and abundant watering will definitely cause yellow leaves on zamioculx.
  6. Insufficient watering... After reading that zamioculcas does not like waterlogging of the soil, you still need to remember to regularly water the plant. If the soil in the pot is dry for a long time, then the leaves on the dollar tree will begin to turn yellow, dry and fly around.
  7. Lack of light... The exotic flower loves good lighting and grows best on eastern and western windowsills. In the back of the room, far from the windows, it will not have enough light and this can cause the foliage to turn yellow.
  8. Direct sunlight... Not only the lack of light, but also its excess negatively affects the beautiful leaves. Do zamiokulkas leaves turn yellow and dry? Notice if the flower is on the southern windowsill. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is another reason.
  9. Oversupply of fertilizer... You need to feed the dollar, but very carefully. Zamioculcas grow slowly, so many growers begin to apply a large amount of various fertilizers, thinking that this will help their pet's growth. This is a big mistake! Follow this link, and read carefully how to properly feed the dollar tree.
  10. Low air temperature and drafts... The air temperature in the room where your indoor flower grows should not be lower than +18 degrees. If the plant stands in a draft or near a cold window in winter, then this may be the reason for the appearance of yellow leaves on the zamiokulkas.
  11. High temperature and dry air... In winter, the leaves of the dollar tree may begin to dry if the plant is near heating radiators. Hot and dry air emanates from them, which can cause yellowing and drying of foliage.
  12. Transfer... For any plant, transplanting is stressful, to which the flower can react by yellowing the leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant zamiokulkas by the transshipment method. But if after transplanting the leaves of the dollar tree turn yellow for a long time, pay attention to which pot you transplanted it into. Zamioculcas does not like spacious containers. After transplanting into a pot that is too large, the roots may begin to rot, the leaves may turn yellow and dry. Go to link and find out how to properly transplant zamioculcas.
  13. Tuber damage... If a tuber was damaged during loosening of the soil or during transplantation, the damaged places on it will eventually begin to rot, and the leaves will turn yellow and dry.
  14. Dollar tree pests

    Harmful insects rarely settle on zamiokulkas, since it has leathery and durable leaf plates that are almost impossible to bite through in order to feed on their juice. However, dry air in the house and contaminated soil can cause the following pests to appear on the plant:

  15. The spider mite is a very small insect, the presence of which can be recognized by the sticky cobweb on the leaves and between them. The pest itself settles on the underside of the foliage plate and looks like small black or red dots.
  16. The scutellum is a flat oval or rounded plaque of brown or yellow-brown color. This pest may not be noticed right away. You should carefully examine the stems and leaves on the flower.
  17. Aphids are small-sized insects that can be of various colors. Pests settle on leaf plates and multiply rapidly.
  18. The root worm is a pest that infects the roots of the zamiokulkas. You can only find it if you get the flower out of the pot. If there are cotton formations on the roots, it means that a root worm has settled on them.
  19. All these pests feed on plant sap, which is why the leaves on the zamiokulkas turn yellow, dry and fall off.

    Zamioculcas disease

    Of the diseases on the plant, there can only be various rot of stems and roots. The causes of the appearance of diseases can be all the same mistakes in care and contaminated soil. When the roots, tubers and stems rot on the zamiokulkas, the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall off.

    The dollar tree turns yellow - what to do?

    Why the zamioculcas turns yellow, we figured out. Having found out the cause of the disease, you can easily eliminate it and save your favorite houseplant. Moreover, the dollar tree is perfectly restored, for which you can use all parts of the plant.

    We take care of zamiokulkas correctly

    Let's figure out what to do and how to save zamiokulkas if its leaves turn yellow and dry:

  20. Seat selection... Study carefully proper care behind the dollar tree and fix any errors. Place the flower in a well-lit place, but without scalding sun rays and drafts.
  21. Excessive watering... Water the plant only after the soil is completely dry. If you often and abundantly watered the flower, then you should examine the roots. The decayed areas on the corm are cut off and sprinkled with crushed coal (activated can be used). After that, the tubers and roots are processed with special fungicidal preparations and the plant is planted in new land.
  22. Over-feeding and damage to the tuber... In these cases, you also need to inspect the roots of the flower and carry out the same treatment as with over-watering.
  23. We destroy pests

    But how to save zamiolkulkas if the leaves on it turn yellow because pests have settled on them? If pests were found on the leaves, you can save the dollar tree in the following ways:

    1. If there are few harmful insects, then they can be washed off with soapy water. To do this, the pot is wrapped in cellophane so that the soap solution does not get on the ground. After that, all the stems and leaves are wiped with a sponge, which is periodically moistened in soapy water.
    2. How to save zamioculcas if the leaves turn yellow on it due to the fact that there are a lot of pests? In this case, you will have to use special insecticidal preparations. They are bred according to the instructions and sprayed on the plant. Sometimes one treatment is not enough, and spraying is carried out several times with a week break.
    3. To destroy the root worm, you will need to carefully remove it from the tubers, after which the roots and corms are washed off the floor hot water... After this treatment, the plant is planted in a new soil. The pot is disinfected before planting.

    Getting rid of diseases

    If stem or root rot appears on your flower, you can save it using the following procedure:

    Now you know why the zamioculcas turns yellow, what to do and how to save the dollar tree. Follow all the rules for caring for your pet, and he will delight you with its beautiful green, shiny leaves.

    Zamioculcas - dollar tree

    They managed to fall in love with this plant for its unpretentiousness and unusual appearance. And they have even come up with a popular name - "Dollar tree".

    Indeed, it is very similar to the "Money Tree". Although, in all its characteristics, it is much larger and more massive. And since in our country the currency was previously valued more than rubles, it means that it is more valuable cash should attract a plant larger than Crassula. This is how the responsibilities of these two plants were divided with the appearance of this unpretentious exotic in our homes: Crassula, that is, "Money Tree" - increases family income by attracting rubles; and Zamioculcas, that is, the "Dollar Tree" - helps to earn and accumulate dollars.

    Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas). © Alle Eintrage

    Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) is a monotypic genus of plants of the Aroid family (subfamily Aroideae, tribe Zamioculcadeae), represented by a single species - Zamioculcas zamielistny (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is native to tropical Africa.

    The homeland of zamiokulkas is the desert expanses of Africa, where it grows along with other succulents - plants capable of storing moisture in fleshy stems, leaves and roots, which these plants use during drought.

    Zamioculcas has a large underground tuber, rather large leathery leaves, covered with a wax coating. Zamiokulkas leaves are pinnate, erect, located on thick, fleshy petioles. All parts of this plant are adapted to create water reserves in case of prolonged drought. In a dollar tree, flowering is a rather rare phenomenon, especially in indoor conditions. The zamioculcas flower resembles an ear in which light, small, inconspicuous flowers are collected. The ear itself is formed in the lower part of the plant and is covered with a green veil, therefore it is hardly noticeable. Zamiokulkas grows slowly, but an adult plant grows up to one meter in height, so it is more suitable for large rooms, although as a single plant it will decorate any interior.

    Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas). © Elisabeths Way

    Features of growing zamioculcas

    Temperature: Moderate, preferably 16..18 ° C in winter, but not lower than 12 ° C.

    Lighting: Bright place with diffused light. In the summer he prefers accommodation on fresh air- on the balcony, in the garden, etc. In winter, you will have to rearrange the zamiokulkas closer to the window.

    Watering: Moderate from spring to autumn, but at the same time no water should remain on the pallet, watering is rare in winter, the soil should dry well before the next watering. Zamioculcas tolerates some overdrying more easily than stagnant water in the soil - this can lead to root rot and the formation of stem rot.

    Fertilizer: From April to August, fertilizing is carried out every two weeks, since the zamioculcas quickly consumes nutrients. You can use fertilizers for cacti and succulents.

    Air humidity: Zamioculcas does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to arrange washing so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In summer, rain showers are sufficient in the open air.

    Transfer: Annually in the spring. The soil should be fairly nutritious. For young plants - 1 part of sod land, 1 part leaf land, 1 part peat and 1 part sand. You can add a little well-rotted humus earth. Transplantation of old copies of zamiokulkas is carried out every two years in the spring. The pot for zamiokulkas should be commensurate with the root system. Good drainage is a must.

    Reproduction: By dividing the bush, leaf, cuttings. It is better to dry the leaf a little before planting. Rooting cuttings or a leaf, preferably with soil heating and using phytohormones, for better root formation. Rooting can take up to 2 months.


    Zamioculcas care at home

    As a houseplant, zamioculcas has been cultivated in our country relatively recently. This plant is very suitable for our apartments, where central heating creates a dry air in the apartments close to deserts. In addition, the houseplant zamiokulkas is very unpretentious. You can forget to water it, it tolerates bright sun and light shading well, a fairly wide temperature range (from + 12 ° C degrees in winter, to + 30 ° C and higher in summer). Zamioculcas does not need to be sprayed, although spraying does not bring any harm to zamioculcas. The answer to the question: "How to care for zamiokulkas?" simple - zamioculcas loves warmth, bright light, very moderate watering. He does not like dampness, especially at low temperatures, therefore, it is necessary to water the zamiokulkas in the summer as the earthen coma dries completely, and in winter no more than 1-2 times a month.

    The best place in an apartment for a zamiokulkas is the sill of the south window, but it will not wither on the north side either. True, with this arrangement, the leaves of the plant will be somewhat smaller, and in this case it should be watered much less often. In summer, it is good to take the zamioculcas flower to the balcony.

    The dollar tree also has no special requirements for soil. The soil in the pot can be anything, just not clay (you can take a ready-made earthen mixture for cacti), but good drainage is required.

    Zamioculcas grows slowly, so it is often not necessary to transplant it, but nevertheless, when filling the entire space of the pot with roots, transplanting into a larger volume is very desirable for zamioculcas. When transplanting, pay attention - the tubers do not need to be deeply deepened into the ground. They should be slightly visible on the surface.

    It is necessary to feed zamiakulkas with fertilizers for cacti and succulents very carefully, only once a month during the growing season. Better not to feed at all than to overfeed. There is no need to feed at all during the dormant period in winter.

    Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas). © David Szalay

    Reproduction of zamiokulkas

    It is not possible to find the seeds of zamiokulkas in our latitudes, therefore, for zamiokulkas reproduction in our area is possible only in a vegetative way. All parts of the plant can be used to produce a new plant.

    The easiest way is to divide an adult plant. In this case, the plant is removed from the pot, the rhizome is divided, dried, then each part is planted in a separate container.

    The second way is the separation of a complex leaf-"branch" with a bud. The separated part is first dried, and then planted in a permanent pot, while the tuber-bud should be deepened into the ground only to the base of the leaf. Next is the usual care.

    Finally, the longest way is reproduction by a single leaf blade. The leaf separated from the plant is dried for a couple of days, then planted in a small pot, in a light sandy soil, deepening by 1/3, watered and covered with a jar, regularly ventilated. The process of forming roots-tubers is very long and new leaves have to wait about six months.

    Description of Zamioculcas zamielistny

    Zamioculcas zamiifolia, synonym - Zamioculcas loddigesii.

    The native land of the species is East Africa. From the tuberous rhizome, the plant develops leaves with a length of 40-60 cm, which - which is very rare for representatives of the aroid family - are divided into 8-12 separate feathers. The leaf axis (rachis) is thick, juicy and serves the plant to store moisture. The feathers are leathery, dense. The whole leaf resembles a leaf of plants from the genus Zamia, living on the American continent, which is reflected in the name of the plant.

    In dry times, zamioculcas can shed the upper part of the leaf with feathery lobes, which prevents excessive evaporation, while the lower part of the petiole serves as a reservoir for water and remains on the plant. Zamioculcas also stores water in a powerful underground root. Over time, the plant can stretch out and reach a height of 1 m.

    Variegated zamioculcas. © Suz & Tell

    Diseases and pests of zamiokulkas

    Zamioculcas is sick and rarely affected by pests. This is a very hardy plant, but it can also be “driven out” by inept care. The biggest mistake is over-watering. In this case, the roots begin to rot. If such a misfortune occurs, you need to remove the plant from the pot, separate the decayed parts of the plant, and sprinkle the rest with crushed coal, dry it and transplant it into new soil, then water the flower very sparingly.

    If the leaves of a dollar tree turn yellow, this does not mean that the flower is sick. Zamioculcas, although slowly, grows, new leaves appear, and the old ones turn yellow and die off, while dark spots may appear on the stems.

    If the leaves turn yellow, but new shoots are growing and the dark spots are dry, everything is in order, the plant is healthy. It is necessary to remove yellowing leaves only after they are completely dry.

    If the zamioculcas turns yellow, and new shoots do not grow, then there are reasons for concern. Yellowing of leaves can cause sudden temperature changes, drafts, insufficient watering and pest damage.

    Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas). © titanium22

    Zamioculcas can be affected by spider mites, scale insects, and aphids.

    Spider mite- a very small red "spider". It appears on the underside of the leaves and envelops them with thin white cobwebs. It is destroyed by spraying and washing the leaves, especially on the underside, with water, weak tobacco infusion, pollination (in the fresh air, outside the rooms) with ground sulfur, or the plant is treated with ready-made systemic insecticides.

    Shield, or shield aphid got its name from the waxy shield that covers the body of an adult pest. At first, at a young age, the scale insect is hardly noticeable, but it multiplies rapidly, covering the stems and leaves with dark spots. Adults are motionless and sit under shields, from under which larvae crawl out and crawl throughout the plant. At this time, they are destroyed by spraying with a soap-tobacco solution, to which you can add a little kerosene or denatured alcohol. Adult pests, along with shields, are removed with a damp swab, but you still need to treat the entire plant with insecticide or soapy water to remove the larvae.

    Aphid- a small insect can be green, gray or black in color. It settles on the underside of the leaf and feeds on plant sap, which leads to drying and folding of the leaves. It multiplies rapidly. It is destroyed by ready-made preparations that are sold in stores or solutions of nicotine - sulfate in water and soap in a ratio of 1 g. nicotine - sulfate per 1 liter of soapy water.

    After processing, the dollar tree must be washed well in a day, covering the soil with polyethylene. If necessary, the processing is repeated.

    In any case, if the zamioculcas turns yellow and flower diseases are obvious, even if the entire aerial part of the plant has disappeared, do not rush to throw it away. Remove the zamioculcas from the pot, inspect the roots and tubers, if they have not lost their elasticity and look healthy, wash them with a weak solution of manganese, dry them and plant them in new soil, start watering. It is quite possible that zamiokulkas is like in its homeland, when during a drought the entire aerial part of the plant disappears, with the onset of favorable conditions, it will give new shoots from the remaining tubers. Zamioculcas is hardy and resistant, like a real man.

    What to do if Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow and pests appear?

    In a previous article:

    Zamioculcas is one of the few plants that is rarely affected by pests or sick. Yet sometimes it happens to him. The main thing is not to miss this moment, so as not to finally lose the precious plant.

    It is noteworthy that the hardy Zamioculcas can "drive" not only pests, but also the person himself, who will harm him with his inept care.

    A big mistake would be to over-water the plant. This leads to the fact that the roots of the plant begin to rot. If you suspect that this is exactly the problem, remove the Zamioculcas from the pot, cut off the rotten parts, fill the "wounds" and living areas with crushed coal, dry it slightly and plant in new soil. After that, try to water the plant in moderation.

    Why do the leaves of zamioculcas turn yellow?

    If you notice that the leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow, you will probably think that the plant is sick. But that may not be the case. The fact is that Zamioculcas is growing, albeit very slowly. As new leaves form, the old ones begin to dry out, turn yellow and completely die off. In this case, the stems of the plant can acquire dark spots, which is also not a symptom of the disease, if, of course, the growth of new shoots is observed, and the spots that appear are dry. I recommend picking off yellow leaves only after they are completely dry.

    If Zamioculcas turns yellow, but new shoots do not grow, then you need to take urgent measures. Yellow leaves can be the result of sudden temperature changes, pest damage, insufficient watering, or exposure to drafts. You need to find out exactly why the zamioculcas turns yellow in your case, and then take appropriate measures to eliminate the causes of yellowing.

    Pest infestation

    The main enemies of zamiokulkas from the world of insects are scale insects, spider mites and aphids.

    1. Shield (shield aphid)- an insect with a characteristic waxy shield, from which the corresponding name came. The scabbard at a young age is almost invisible, but as it multiplies, it will occupy the leaves and stems, manifesting itself as dark spots. It is noteworthy that adult scale insects practically do not move. They sit under shields and produce larvae, which crawl out and fill the remaining areas of the affected plant. They can be destroyed with a solution of soap and tobacco, with the addition of denatured alcohol or kerosene in small quantities... As for adult pests, they must be removed from the surface with a damp swab, not forgetting to grab the shields. After removal, it will be necessary to additionally treat the zamiokulkis with soapy water or insecticide.

    2. Spider mite Is a miniature red spider that envelops the lower part of the leaves with thin cobwebs. It can be destroyed by washing or spraying the underside of the leaves with plain water, tobacco infusion, dusting with ground sulfur or systemic insecticides. In the last two cases, I highly recommend pollination outside the room, in the fresh air.

    3. Aphids- a small insect of black, gray or green color, which most often settles on the bottom of the leaf. The aphid feeds on plant sap, as a result of which the leaves of Zamioculkis curl up and dry out. The insect is characterized by rapid reproduction. You can destroy it with ready-made formulations for aphids, or with a nicotine solution (1 gram of nicotine, 1 gram of sulfate, 1 liter of soapy water).

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Despite its unpretentiousness and envy-worthy endurance, zamioculcas sometimes makes its owners seriously alarmed. Why does the zamioculcas turn yellow, and what to do if the stems wither and the leaves dry? The answer to the florist's questions most often lies in mistakes made when leaving or a lack of attention to a guest from tropical, but not too humid regions of Africa.

Not taking into account the biological characteristics of the culture, the florist runs the risk of facing a situation in which the unhealthy zamiokulkas signals yellow spots, drying tips of leaf plates, loss of elasticity and juiciness of the stems. The longer the plant is in uncomfortable conditions, the more serious the consequences and external signs of malaise.

If the rules of home care are not followed, the zamioculcas turns yellow, the number of leaf lobes decreases, their color becomes visibly paler. But a lack of attention threatens not only with the loss of decorativeness, but also with rotting of the root system, the base of the shoots, their drying out or wilting due to the attack of pests.

Why does zamioculcas not give new shoots?

The reason that the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, lose their rich green color, or even wither, is often a lack of light. Unfortunately, flower growers forget about the change in illumination in the autumn-winter period.

The pot with zamiokulkas located in the back of the room needs to be rearranged closer to the window, when this is not possible, the culture is provided with additional illumination.

The owner of an ornamental plant, who complains that zamiokulkas does not give new shoots, should pay attention to the location of the pot and the quality of the soil in it. Although the plant is not fast growing, the slowdown in young foliage is often attributed to a nutrient-poor substrate or the need to transplant a green pet. In this case, the root system occupies the entire volume of the pot, leaving no room for soil. Because of this, the flower suffers, the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow, growth stops, and the existing greenery withers.

To rectify the situation, for decorative culture they select a pot of the proper size, transplant or feed zamiokulkas with a complex composition.

Zamiokulkas has shriveled stem

What most growers take for the stem of the zamiokulkas and its pointed lanceolate leaves is actually a complex leaf. If the thickened petioles lose their elasticity, and the leaves of the zamiokulkas turn yellow, the reason may lie in a violation of the watering rules.

In nature, the plant encounters drought and accumulates moisture in powerful succulent leaves to maintain life. When the zamioculcas chronically receives less water, that is, watering is rare and superficial, this threatens with yellowing and wilting of all the aboveground parts. A similar situation is observed after the flooding of the soil, which led to damage to the root system.

Asking: "What to do, and why does the zamioculcas turn yellow?", The florist must analyze the care of the plant and find possible reason pet ill health.

If the stem of the zamiokulkas has shriveled due to overflow:

  • the flower is taken out of the pot;
  • carefully remove the soil and wash the roots;
  • damaged areas are removed with a clean, sharp knife;
  • slices on healthy tissue are sprinkled with charcoal powder and dried.

Having found signs of rot or fungal infection, a plant lover should not be limited to charcoal treatment. In this case, it is worth resorting to fungicides, which will destroy one of the causes of the problem, protect the roots and tubers in the future. .

Planting zamioculcas is carried out in pots, slightly more than the volume of a healthy root system. The substrate should be loose, permeable to air and moisture. It is important that irrigation water does not accumulate in the soil, therefore, powerful drainage is made in the pot, and sand, perlite or vermiculite and charcoal are added to the soil.

When the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow after transplanting, this may indicate an incorrect selection of the substrate, which turned out to be too dense.

A similar situation awaits a grower if, trying to feed the plant, he incorrectly selected the concentration of active substances. Unable to cope with excess nutrition, Zamiokulkas experiences discomfort and weakens. That is why the zamioculcas turns yellow, but what to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, even here you cannot do without replanting the bush in new soil and washing the roots.

What to do if the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, and then become covered with dark spots and dry quickly. Such symptoms indicate a too low temperature of the plant's maintenance and excessive watering. Most often this happens when the season changes, when the grower did not have time to adjust the care. If the green pet's malaise is noticed in time, it will be enough to set up watering or transfer the pot to heat.

Zamioculcas pests

If the leaves of zamiokulkas turn yellow, the flower can signal a pest attack.

A plant that is brought outdoors in summer is at risk of aphid infestation, which sticks to young shoots and the back of the foliage. The insect brings the greatest harm to immature plants.

Therefore, after bringing the pot into the room, it is better to arrange a weekly quarantine for the zamiokulkas, and to identify pests, treat the greens with an insecticide.

In addition to aphids, culture is threatened by:

  • spider mites that quickly spread in dry indoor air;
  • scale insects falling on zamioculcas from the street or neighboring plants;
  • thrips and mealybugs.

It is not enough to fight spider mites with systemic acaricides. Chemicals will only give a temporary effect if you do not take care of the yellowed zamiokulkas at home.

Systemic insecticides are used against scale insects, thrips and worms, and in relation to the last two pests, not one, but several treatments will have to be carried out.

To avoid an unpleasant spectacle for the florist, when the zamioculcas turns yellow, the leaves of the flower wither and fall off, you can provide the plant with the optimal temperature of maintenance, lighting, watering and feeding. We must not forget about the timely transplantation of decorative culture and careful attention to the selection of the substrate.

Zamiocúlcas, a celibate flower or dollar tree, belongs to a monotypic plant genus from the Araceae family. The birthplace of the plant is tropical Africa, and when cultivated on the territory of our country, flower growers may encounter problems such as zamiokulkas dried out, and also does not give new shoots or does not grow and slowly dies. That is why, when growing an ornamental crop, it is very important to do timely prevention of diseases, as well as observe agricultural techniques.

Botanical characteristic

The herbaceous plant has a thick tuberous rhizome and glossy, dark green, complex-pinnate foliage. The average length of the leaves reaches a meter... The leaves are swollen at the base. Less than ten years ago, breeders obtained a miniature cultivar of the plant, represented by a compact bush no more than 0.6 m high, with small foliage.

Zamioculcas are unpretentious plants and easily tolerate low air humidity, as well as partial shading. However, for full growth and the development of the plant needs bright rooms and the absence of direct sunlight. Ornamental culture does not react well to excessive soil moisture and moisture stagnation, therefore, irrigation measures must be strictly regulated. If the houseplant is heavily flooded, it means that it will not be possible to easily save the ornamental culture, and a whole range of restorative measures will be necessary.

There are no special requirements for the soil composition of zamiokulkas, therefore the houseplant grows well in self-made soil based on sod, leafy soil and medium-grained sand, which are mixed in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. The culture can be propagated by dividing the tuber, as well as by rooting a leaf or a separate leaf plate.

Inflorescences of zamiokulkas are hardly noticeable and not too decorative, they are light cream cobs, formed on shortened and thick peduncles. The inflorescence is surrounded by a light green veil. In home floriculture, it is extremely rare. It should be noted that the plant is poisonous, therefore, when transplanting and pruning or forming branches, as well as dividing the tubers, you need to take increased precautions using rubber gloves.

How to save zamioculcas (video)

Does not give new shoots

The main vital organ of any plant is the root system, which in the zamioculcas includes a large tuber and the actual roots growing from its apical part. At the first stage, the plant assimilates the volume and fills the flower pot, after which the tuber that stores moisture is built up. During this period, there is no development of the aboveground part of the plant.

Among other things, zamioculcas is a southern plant, therefore, the activation of growth processes, accompanied by the formation of new shoots or stems, begins quite late and continues until the last decade of winter. Shoot formation is observed in the so-called reserve buds, and the density indicators of an adult ornamental bush are directly proportional not only to the size, but also to the number of tubers.

The plant dries up

When growing zamiokulkas, it is very important to take into account the biological characteristics of this southern ornamental culture, since otherwise the plant becomes ill, and the unhealthy of zamiokulkas manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots, drying out of the tips of the leaf plates, and loss of elasticity of the stem part. Failure to comply with agricultural technology causes yellowing, a decrease in leaf lobes and blanching. Such problems threaten not only a complete loss of decorativeness, but also the death of the plant.

Why is the indoor flower crying

All amateur flower growers who grow zamiokulkas in indoor floriculture are very well aware of such an interesting phenomenon as crying decorative flower, which is accompanied by the appearance of drops of moisture on the tips of the foliage, which really resemble tears. The indoor ornamental plant cries when mistreated, including injured leaves, over-fertilization, and over-irrigation.

Other diseases

Many diseases of ornamental culture are the result of improper care. Excessive watering can reduce oxygen supply and reduce soil drainage, which makes full nutrition of the root system of an ornamental crop impossible. The roots begin to rot and nutrients are not supplied to the plant, which causes the stems to weaken. Thin and emaciated stems descend quickly. Also, thin trunks of zamiokulkas grow in low light. There are situations when the trunk disappears, but the plant can still be saved and as a result of compliance with agricultural technology, new shoots appear from the underground part.

If the stem of the zamiokulkas shrivels due to systematic waterlogging, then it is necessary to carry out the following activities as soon as possible:

  • carefully remove the houseplant from flower pot;
  • carefully but very thoroughly remove the potting mix and rinse root system;
  • remove all damaged areas of the root system clean and sharp garden tool;
  • all sections of the cuts must be sprinkled with chopped charcoal and dried.

If, during the processing, signs of rotting or fungal infections are found, then it is very important to use fungicides when processing the root system. Foliage yellowing can occur as a result of a natural, age-related aging process in which only the lower foliage falls off. The almost complete loss of foliage is most often the result of improper care and mechanical damage.

Plant pests

Zamioculcas: methods of dealing with the scabbard (video)

It is important to note that indoor zamioculcas needs sufficient competent care, and only in this case a tropical plant is able to delight the surrounding with chic, very decorative dark green leaves all year round.