Fireplace insert - how to heat it correctly. Caring for the fireplace hearth. Fireplace in a country house: issues of design and operation How to light a fireplace

Before setting fire to the wood, you need to warm up the cool air in the chimney a little. In order to perform this function, you need to stick a lit torch through the firebox directly into the chimney and hold it there for a few seconds. With all this, primary draft will appear in the pipe channel and the fireplace will not smoke when the wood burns.

Various combustible materials are used as fuel for the fireplace: special briquettes, coal and ordinary firewood. For our country, the most affordable type of fuel is, obviously, firewood. In addition, properly sawn logs serve as a good decorative addition to your room.

Compared to a stove, a fireplace is more demanding when it comes to the type of firewood. You should not use coniferous trees to fire an open fireplace. For example, spruce or pine begins to shoot when burning. With all this, sparks can fly out of the fireplace and ultimately burn you or set fire to something. The most preferred firewood is from deciduous trees - alder, birch, and aspen. Birch is a dense wood that, when burned, produces a beautiful, colorful and very hot flame. However, when burning birch firewood, a huge amount of soot appears, and it often settles in the chimney. But aspen and alder firewood are inferior to birch in terms of heat loss, but they are able to burn soot, which reduces contamination of the pipe channel. As a result, the fireplace will have to be heated with a mixture of alder and birch firewood.

How to use the fireplace? Some tips

1. To light the fireplace, you need to use soft paper and small firewood and wood chips. You shouldn’t try to light huge logs right away.

2. The fuel in the fireplace can burn from 5 to 10 hours with one load, but you should not overload the fireplace and load the firebox to more than 2/3 of its volume.

3. Firewood is loaded in several passes to avoid smoke in the room.

4. If the fireplace has not been lit for more than a month, you should not light a large fire in it. Due to the water that accumulates in it, cracks may form in the masonry walls.

5. While the fireplace is burning, you should not create drafts in the room, but you need to take care of the usual flow of fresh air.

6. If you use the slow burning mode of fuel in the fireplace for a long time, the chimney will become clogged with soot more quickly.

7. During long-term operation of the fireplace, it is necessary to monitor the degree of filling of the ash pan. If it is overcrowded, the air flow will be difficult and there may be smoke.

8. Once a year it is necessary to carry out a technical inspection of the fireplace, or rather its smoke channels. And if the chimney becomes clogged, call a professional to remove soot.

9. The draft in the fireplace chimney is influenced by weather conditions. For example, when there is gusty wind, the draft increases, and when there is fog, on the contrary, it decreases.

10. When using the fireplace, follow technical safety rules and use personal protective equipment (protective gloves) and special keys for all manipulations in the firebox.

What should you not do when using a fireplace?

2. Without the help of others, change the design of the firebox and use it for purposes other than its intended purpose.

3. Extinguish the fire in the fireplace with water.

4. The fireplace cannot be used for drying things.

5. It is forbidden to use a faulty firebox, even with a broken or cracked protective glass.

6. Don’t leave kids by themselves near a blazing fireplace.

7. You cannot clean the chimney of a fireplace that has not cooled down.

8. It is prohibited to place furniture and other flammable things at a distance of 1.5 m from the fireplace.

Fire has been with man throughout history, and even today few people will refuse to bask in front of a comfortably crackling fireplace. But what to do if it turns out to be not the most attractive place in the house, but, on the contrary, the cause of constant hassle for the owners? Most likely the reason is improper handling. Answers to questions about how and with what to properly light a fireplace will solve numerous problems.

So, what should you pay attention to when lighting a fireplace?


An open fire is the main attraction of a fireplace, so the choice of fuel for it must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Hardwood, such as oak, hornbeam, chestnut or beech, is best suited for this purpose. They have excellent heating properties and do not smoke. Popular birch logs are not recommended for use precisely because of their high tar content, which causes a lot of soot. For the same reason, you should not use coal.

Firewood from coniferous trees is attractive due to its cost, but this is not the best option for fireplaces. The resin contained in the needles is unable to burn completely, which means it will clog the chimney and cause condensation.
Of course, only thoroughly dried logs can be used to light a fireplace, so it is best to take care of purchasing them in advance. They are stored in a specially designed closed room or outdoors, wrapped up.


Cleanliness of the chimney is the basis when using a fireplace or any other stove. With each ignition, soot inevitably accumulates in it, and if it is not cleaned out, a fire may occur. Ceramic and steel chimneys promoted on the market by modern companies such as are resistant to fire. In addition to fire safety, such chimneys are more durable and aesthetically attractive than traditional brick ones.

Any chimney needs cleaning, and the cleanliness of it depends on the mode in which the fireplace is used. If every day, then cleaning should be done at least once a year, if only on weekends - less often. In any case, it is best to entrust this procedure to professionals.

Starting the fireplace

Properly lighting a fireplace or stove is not at all difficult, but if practice is not enough, then it would be useful to listen to the following tips:

  1. Before starting kindling, the view always opens. If you miss this step, within a few moments the entire room will be filled with thick smoke. Depending on the fireplace model, the view can be opened by pulling a lever or turning a handle.
  2. Ashes usually remain in the fireplace from previous fires. There is no need to remove it - the ash protects the walls from overheating, and the fire from cold air entering. Above the ash you can see a metal grate - the logs are placed here.
  3. To ignite a flame, you need kindling, that is, thin, necessarily dry branches or wood chips. They are placed crosswise on the grill so as not to prevent air from reaching each splinter. For faster combustion, you can place a wad of paper or newspaper under the wood grate.
  4. Firewood is placed on top of the kindling. For fireplaces, logs no larger than the length of a palm in diameter are selected. An important rule: they must be thoroughly dried. The logs are placed in the firebox not in a pyramid, but with an inclination towards the room. This is done so that the heat is directed into the room and not into the chimney. The thickest firewood is placed on the far wall of the fireplace, and the rest is placed on it at an angle towards the person. For faster combustion, you can place paper between the logs. It is most convenient to ignite with a newspaper rolled into a tube in the form of a torch.

Keeping the fire going

  1. Once the flame has ignited properly, it must be maintained. To do this, you need to stir the logs periodically: using a poker or tongs, turn them over so that they burn evenly.
  2. There should not be a lot of firewood in the fireplace, but as soon as the previous ones begin to burn out, new logs are added. It is also safest to use forceps for this purpose. Fresh logs are placed closer to the wall, and those that are almost burnt are moved closer to the front of the grate.
  3. If firewood is added gradually, then without adding new firewood the fire will quickly go out naturally. It is unsafe to extinguish it using artificial methods. After the end of combustion, it is necessary to close the screen in the fireplace and keep the viewer open for several more hours, until the coals have completely cooled.

By following these simple step-by-step instructions, you can easily learn how to properly light any fireplace. The main thing is not to forget about quality materials and safety precautions.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website.

One of the events in all pioneer competitions was the ability to light a fire. Years have passed, but we remember many of the subtleties associated with this process. From a physics point of view, for the combustion process it is necessary to provide access to oxygen and remove combustion products. These two principles are implemented in any fireplace and any stove using design features.

A real fireplace, regardless of its type, is based on the release of heat when fuel burns. The characteristics of the fireplace, including its efficiency, are constant parameters depending on the design of the device and the material. But under all the same conditions, fireplaces can produce different amounts of heat. It turns out that it all depends on how you light the fireplace.

Filling the house with warmth and comfort


Before dealing with fire, you should prepare the fireplace for use. Even if you heat it daily, still do not neglect this step for your safety.

  • It all starts with a chimney inspection. The accumulation of soot on its walls can lead to uncontrolled combustion, that is, to a fire. Soot contains flammable resins and a substance called creosote. They need to be disposed of in a timely manner.
  • While the fireplace insert is not filled with wood, you should check the draft. This is easy to do if you set fire to a piece of old newspaper. If there is draft, the fire flame will clearly deviate towards the chimney.

Each owner independently determines what to light the fireplace with, but there are a number of tips that you need to heed. Each of us has wondered why dry wood burns better. Damp firewood contains moisture between the fibers. It is necessary to transfer the amount of heat for a long time so that it completely evaporates, and only then the firewood will ignite.

Dry firewood, ready to use

Therefore, if you have a wood-burning fireplace, you should use only dry logs, preferably hardwood. , of course, it is possible, but it will require a lot of effort from you. A freshly felled tree is suitable for firewood after a year of proper drying, so owners of wood-burning fireplaces have pre-prepared firewood.

The parameters and characteristics of the fireplace are of fundamental importance for the most rational use of the heating capabilities of this device. A fireplace that is too large will cool the room and create drafts, while a fireplace that is too small will not warm the room. Therefore, when building a fireplace or when purchasing a finished device, it is necessary to carefully analyze the dimensions of the fireplace and carefully examine all its parts to ensure they match each other.

Portal. The area of ​​the portal should be 1/50 of the area of ​​the room. The height of the portal is no more than twice the depth of the firebox.

Pre-furnace platform. The protrusion of the pre-furnace platform in front of the portal is at least 50 cm, and on the sides of the portal - 21-30 cm.

Pre-furnace sheet should extend beyond the site by 20-30 cm.

Under the firebox. The area of ​​the hearth is 0.7 parts of the portal area. The firebox can be located on the same level as the fireplace table, 30-50 cm above it, or 40-60 cm above the level of the fireplace table.

Firebox. Height – 3/5 – A/5 of the firebox width. Depth – 1/2 – 2/3 of the height of the firebox. Excessive depth of the firebox reduces the efficiency of the fireplace; insufficient depth can cause smoke to enter the room. The side walls of the firebox should be at an angle of 45-60°, tapering towards the smoke collector. The rear wall in the lower part should be strictly vertical at 1/3 of the height, and then tilt inside the firebox at an angle of 20-22°. Inclined surfaces of the firebox better reflect radiant energy.

Chimney. The internal cross-section of the chimney is 0.1-0.15 of the portal area. If the internal cross-section is too large, the flue gases cool quickly, which promotes the formation of condensation. The most preferred cross-sectional shape is round (asbestos-cement and ceramic pipes), the least recommended is square and rectangular, in the corners of which a lot of soot is deposited. The total area of ​​the internal heat-receiving surface of the chimney must correspond to the volume of the firebox. If it is less, then the heat will go into the chimney unused. If it is more, then there is a high probability of condensation formation. The side walls of the chimney are symmetrical and taper towards the chimney at an angle of 45-60°. The back wall is strictly vertical. The height of the fireplace chimney should be greater than that of the stove chimney, and the walls should be thicker. This is explained by the fact that the fireplace requires a significantly larger amount of air to operate. Therefore, it is important not to allow the fireplace to cool down quickly. The thickness of the walls of the fireplace chimney located near the outer wall is 1 brick, and the thickness of the walls of the fireplace chimney located near the inner wall or in the center of the room is 1/2 brick.

Smoke damper located in the chimney at a height of 20 cm from the combustion opening.

Chimney. The height of the chimney is at least 5-6 m from the grate. Height above roof level – 1m. In addition, the fireplace chimney must be higher than any roof extensions. The minimum height of the pipe above the ridge for fire-resistant roofs is 30 cm, for flammable roofs – 50 cm. The internal cross-section of the pipe is 1/10 - 1/12 the size of the combustion hole. In any case, the internal cross-section of the pipe should not be less than 140x270 mm. Ideally, the chimney should be strictly vertical, but in some cases deviations from the vertical are allowed by no more than 30°.

Foundation. The foundation depth is 0.5 m for a one-story house and 0.7-1 m for a two-story house.

Blower channel. The internal cross-section is at least 200 cm2.

Fireplace care

The firebox must be regularly cleaned of ash residues, using either a broom and spatula, or a vacuum cleaner in dry cleaning mode. Some vacuum cleaners even have a fireplace cleaning function.

Fireplace location

Typically, fireplaces are located near the internal main wall. Fireplaces should not be installed near external walls or opposite walls with windows and doorways. Protect your fireplace from drafts and hypothermia. To maintain heat in a room equipped with a fireplace, it is recommended to insulate windows and doors. We do not recommend installing fireplaces, especially with open fireboxes, in the hallway and next to the stairs.

It is not recommended to install a fireplace in a small room (the area of ​​which does not exceed 20 sq.m.), since it will not provide sufficient air supply for fuel combustion.

Based on their location, fireplaces can be divided into wall-mounted, wall-mounted and island-mounted.

A built-in fireplace has a combustion chamber and chimney built into the wall. Such a fireplace can only be installed in a house under construction, at the same time as the walls are being laid. A significant advantage of a built-in fireplace is that it takes up little usable space.

When installing a wall-mounted fireplace, its functional part is hidden behind a false wall, which also does not require much space. Such a fireplace can be erected in an already rebuilt building. A wall-mounted fireplace can be located in a corner or in the middle of a wall. In the first case, the fireplace is capable of heating three rooms at once, but not very well. In the second, more preferable and most common case, it is recommended to install the fireplace in such a way that there is a free space of at least 1 m on the sides of it. The ideal option for placing a wall-mounted fireplace is in the middle of the wall.

An island (open on all sides) fireplace has a very impressive look if it fits organically into the interior, but takes up a lot of space. Therefore, it is more advisable to install it in large rooms. Typically, island fireplaces are installed at some elevation. The convector hangs from the ceiling on chains or springs, located directly above the combustion part of the fireplace.

The main requirement for placing a fireplace is open access to the portal, which should face the central part of the room. The fireplace should allow you to organize a resting place next to it. What kind of relaxation is it near the fireplace if you can’t see the fire!

Features of fireplaces

The word "fireplace" comes from the Latin word meaning "hearth." There is a hypothesis that the word “room” came from the word “fireplace”. A traditional fireplace is valuable primarily because it allows you to admire the flames thanks to the open firebox and heats the room with radiant energy in a matter of minutes. However, a significant disadvantage of a traditional fireplace is its inability to retain heat for a long time, in which it is much inferior to a household stove. Due to the open combustion space of small depth and the absence of smoke circulation in the convector, much more air enters the fuel than is necessary for its maximum combustion, and the draft in the chimney of the fireplace is insufficient. Therefore, the fireplace does not use all the thermal energy from the burned fuel - and most of the hot gases go into the chimney. The room is heated not due to heat transfer from the walls of the convector, which absorb an insignificant part of the heat, but due to radiant energy emanating from the burning fuel. Thus, the fireplace heats while the fuel burns. The efficiency of a traditional open-hearth fireplace is on average 10-15%. All this makes the fireplace popular in the city, but completely useless in the countryside.

The heat output of the fireplace can be increased to a maximum of 20-25% by using various additional devices, such as a smoke tooth, an electric smoke extractor, or a deflector. Modern imported fireplaces are also equipped with a heat-resistant combustion door made of quartz glass, in the lower part of which there are special levers that allow you to adjust the draft force. Such fireplaces have the efficiency of a household stove (75-85%). But they cost accordingly.

The easiest way to get a high-efficiency fireplace is to build a fireplace stove, which is a household stove with a built-in fireplace. The fireplace stove quickly heats the room (due to the fireplace), but also retains heat for a long time (due to the stove).

History of the fireplace

Previously, wood, peat and brushwood were the only fuel, and therefore, in order to light a fire and maintain its continuous burning, it was necessary to spend a lot of time. Until the invention of matches in the 19th century, flint and flint, which were used to produce sparks, and tinder, which consisted of bark, dry leaves, ferns and other plant materials, were carefully protected.

When maintaining a fire required such effort, there were few fires. People warmed their frozen fingers at the only source of heat in the main hall and often slept right next to it.

As dwellings expanded, a complex chimney system was developed, and the fireplace wall became one of the main load-bearing elements in the buildings. In Europe before the Reformation, the papal tax on chimneys meant that no one wanted to build chimneys, but after 1529 the number of elaborately decorated brick chimneys and magnificent fireplaces depicting biblical scenes, hunting scenes and various gods increased. Plaster had its advantages, which 16th-century craftsmen immediately mastered - the shape could be made once and then repeated, and the material itself was relatively cheap and easily available. The plasterer had a book with samples that the customer could look at and choose the design he liked.

The proliferation of fireplaces created a degree of comfort in homes, but heat, especially in crowded wooden buildings, came with danger. The Great Fire of London of 1666 destroyed much of the city. But this disaster also had positive consequences - the city was rebuilt, and the streets, mostly made of stone, became wider. The new city became the capital of the trading world, depriving Antwerp of this role. In New England, fireplaces were huge and uneconomically heated with wood. Over time, they became more elegant and functional.

The only element of the fireplace that has undergone minor changes since the Middle Ages is the fireplace tools (tongs and poker, scoop, firewood stand and fireplace grate). They remained the same instruments with which a medieval inhabitant would still feel at home today.

Wood-burning fireplaces dominated until the early 90s. The market share of wood-burning fireplaces was about 70%. Since 1997, gas-fired fireplaces have taken the lead - their share was about 60%. And now the market has been captured by a new type of fireplace - a decorative electric fireplace.

User manual


Installers and users are strongly advised to strictly follow the instructions and recommendations detailed in this manual, as this will directly affect the safety (risk of fire) and the quality of operation of the fireplace. The manufacturer does not accept any liability in the event of commissioning failure, abnormal operation or incorrect installation if the following instructions and recommendations are not observed.

Specialists and merchants selling fireplaces to private individuals must issue these Instructions to their clients, explaining to them, if necessary, the operating features.

Individuals who wish to install a fireplace on their own are strongly advised to have it inspected and especially put into operation by a competent specialist.


The use of the fireplace must be preceded by drying, which, depending on the relative humidity, can sometimes take from 3 to 5 weeks. The first kindling should be light, moderate, with a small amount of firewood. After the first kindling, a pungent smell of burning and smoke may be felt: charring and burning of paints and binding materials occurs. The smell disappears after several subsequent fires. The fireplace damper must be OPEN before lighting.

It is necessary to light the fireplace gradually (small wood); It is prohibited to use alcohol, gasoline, solvents and similar substances for this purpose, since this poses a risk of explosion or thermal shock due to a sharp rise in temperature.


Only wood should be burned in the fireplace.

Use dry firewood with 15% humidity. This is necessary to prevent the formation of resin. Higher humidity leads to reduced heat transfer (water vapor). Dry wood = 3200 kcal/kg Wet wood = 1750 kcal/kg

Solid wood produces good heat and burns slowly. This is the wood of hornbeam, OAK, ASH, BIRCH, ELM AND BEECH.

Less dense softwood and coniferous wood, on the contrary, produces more fire, but less coal and heat. This is PINE, FIR, POPLAR AND LINDEN wood.


A ton of dry wood gives the same calorific value as 0.4 tons of fuel oil.

The heat of combustion depends mainly on the moisture level of the wood (see table).

Average percentage of wood moisture content depending on drying time

Time Log Round Time
Log Round
Fresh rubles 75% 78% 1 year
26% 35%
3 months
48% 62% 1.5 years
18% 27%
6 months
37% 46% 2 years
16% 24%
9 months
33% 38% 2.5 years
15% 24%


To turn the water contained in wood into steam, you need to spend 600 kcal per kg of water. That is why the heat of combustion of wood is inversely proportional to its moisture content.



Among the types of fuel available and prohibited for use in our fireplaces, we note:

  • solid mineral fuel (coals and their derivatives).
These fireplaces are not designed to burn coal due to the risk of carbon monoxide being released and accumulated in the room, leading to severe health problems and even death of people living in the house.
  • liquid mineral fuels: GASOLINE, FUEL OIL, SOLVENTS, USED OILS…
  • alcohol
  • wood treated with creosote
  • freshly cut and unseasoned wood
  • paper and cardboard waste - shavings, briquetted sawdust.
  • sawdust


VALVE: Depending on the model, the fireplace may be equipped with a damper. It opens and closes manually. The damper partially closes the vent (exit from the fireplace). That is why you should never close the damper when lighting the fireplace, otherwise there is a risk of strong smoke. On the contrary, if the fireplace is not in use for a long time, the damper must be closed.


The air supply is regulated by moving the air supply lever located in the upper part of the fireplace base.

Simultaneous installation of the damper and air supply valve in the appropriate position regulates the combustion mode.


To avoid clogging of the ash pan and grate, it must be emptied regularly. A thin layer of ash (2-3 cm) on the bottom of the ash pan does not interfere with normal functioning. Empty the ash pan only after all the coals have burned out (if necessary, emptying can be done after 24 hours after burning).

Dispose of the contents of the ash pan into a specially designed metal container or container made of non-combustible materials. Ash, which appears to have cooled down, can retain a high temperature even after some time has passed.


Storing flammable materials (paper, fabric, solvents, aerosols, gas cylinders...) in the immediate vicinity of the fireplace is completely unacceptable. It is prohibited to keep, even briefly, flammable materials or materials exposed to fire and heat in the immediate vicinity of the fireplace.

These materials should not be stored in firewood, in niches intended for firewood under and/or next to the fireplace.


The glass ceramic screen and the front of the fireplace can reach temperatures in excess of 100 degrees. Careless touching of them, especially by children and unwarned persons, can cause serious burns.


The glass screen needs to be cleaned regularly using special products.

Using wet firewood (humidity above 15%) will result in excessive resin deposits on the screen.

Glass cleaning

  • Wait until the fireplace has cooled down before cleaning the glass.
  • Cover the area of ​​the floor and the base of the fireplace to prevent it from getting dirty!
  • Wipe the glass with a damp cloth.
  • Spray the glass with a cleaning composition intended for this purpose (consult your dealer), following the instructions for use.
  • Wipe with a damp sponge
Periodically, as necessary, clean the fireplace from combustion products.


Before using the fireplace, the chimney must be cleaned. Sanitary regulations require two cleanings per year.

Connecting pipes must be cleaned with a brush of appropriate diameter.

After cleaning, you need to make sure that there is no disconnection of the pipes.

You should check whether depressurization has occurred at the level of the fireplace dome and chimney.

General provisions
  • Never use water to extinguish a fire.
  • Glass and some parts of the firebox can reach very high temperatures:
“Take precautions to avoid burns, including for children.”
  • The fireplace produces significant thermal radiation: the minimum distance from the base of the fireplace to materials and objects susceptible to heat is at least 1.20 m.
  • It is prohibited to place combustible or flammable materials near the fireplace.
  • When removing ash, throw the contents of the ash pan into a specially designed metal container or container made of non-combustible materials.
Chimney fires
  • In the event of a soot fire in the chimney, set the primary air supply lever to the closed position.
  • Call the fire department and leave the house.
  • Keep an eye on what's happening outside (for example, sparks coming out of a chimney).
How to avoid fire in a chimney?

The easiest way to avoid a chimney fire is to use only dry firewood!

Using wet firewood actually entails not only a decrease in heat transfer, but also poor combustion (glass contamination) and contributes to the formation of flammable creosote deposits (tar deposits in the chimney)!

After a fire in the chimney, it is prohibited to use the fireplace again until a qualified specialist, who must check the damage caused to the chimney due to the fire, gives his opinion...

Mandatory mechanical cleaning of the chimney must be carried out at least twice a year, including once during the heating season.

If the fireplace has not been used for a long time: before lighting, make sure that the chimney is not blocked or blocked (for example, by bird nests or beehives).


Any change to the fireplace or its installation made by the purchaser, other than the installer or user, may cause malfunction and reduce safety.

Installation of accessories and devices not supplied by the company, as well as disassembly and removal of certain parts that ensure the safety and proper functioning of the device, may have the same consequences.

In these cases, the company declines responsibility for possible consequences, and its warranty ceases to be valid.

The fireplace requires quite careful, qualified and careful handling. Its improper operation can lead to a number of negative consequences, expressed, for example, in a decrease in the efficiency of its thermal operation or deterioration in appearance. A gross violation of the rules for operating the fireplace can even lead to its destruction. Below are some tips for using your fireplace to prevent such undesirable moments.

  • It is not recommended to light the fireplace during the first four weeks after its assembly. This time is necessary to complete the evaporation processes of moisture accumulated during installation. After this period, short-term heating (up to 40 minutes) with a small amount of firewood should be carried out twice a day for 10 days. During these test firings, the blower hole (on the façade of the ash pit) should be slightly open.
  • When using the fireplace for the first time, a pungent odor of drying mastic or paint residue may appear. After several longer runs, the unpleasant odor will disappear.

    To make it easier to light the fireplace, you need to place crumpled paper on the grate, followed by wood chips and small firewood. After this, you should set fire to the paper and close the firebox door, while opening the ash pan. If you encounter difficulties in lighting, you can leave the firebox door ajar for a while. You can read more about how to light a fireplace.

    The duration of combustion in the firebox from one load of firewood can reach 5...10 hours - you should not try to increase combustion by overloading the firebox with fuel; the firebox should not be filled to more than 2/3 of its volume.

    Fuel must be loaded in several batches. When reloading, to avoid the release of smoke into the room, you should hold the door ajar for a while and only then slowly open it completely.

    If you have not lit the fireplace for more than a month, light the firewood in small batches - dampness has accumulated in the stove, and cracks may form during sudden heating.

    It is not advisable to roast shish kebab, a young pig on a spit, etc. in the fireplace. - a grease-stained portal and the smell of a cheap eatery hardly suit a reputable fireplace.

    While fuel is burning in the fireplace, try not to create drafts in the fireplace room. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure sufficient air flow into the room for fuel combustion.

    It should be taken into account that long-term operation of the fireplace in a slow burning mode leads to contamination of the firebox, firebox glass (if any) and the smoke duct.

    When operating the fireplace, you must constantly ensure that the ash box is not overloaded, and clean it as it fills, because an overfilled ash pan prevents the flow of air to the grate, which can lead to smoke and a gradual cessation of combustion. At the same time, the presence of a small amount of ash and unburnt coals on the grate and in the ash pan of the fireplace serves as protection against damage to these firebox elements, makes it easier to light the fireplace and avoids the appearance of brown spots on the glass.

    If a niche is provided in the fireplace lining for storing firewood and air enters the firebox through it, then in order to avoid overheating of the fireplace, it is necessary to prevent the niche from overflowing with firewood.

    During operation, the technical condition of smoke ducts must be checked once a year to identify the condition of the internal walls of the ducts and the presence of soot deposits. Periodic cleaning of smoke ducts must be carried out before the start of the heating season and during the heating season at least once every two months.

    Work on cleaning smoke ducts requires a special license or must be carried out by VDPO specialists. Resinous soot can also be removed by burning well-dried aspen wood or dry potato peelings.

    After the end of the heating season, all elements of the cast iron firebox should be cleaned. To do this, you can use a brush and a special paste (to protect against rust).

    The fireplace can be equipped with a firebox with a fire-resistant glass door. The latter, as a rule, are equipped with a self-cleaning system, which is a narrow slot in the upper part of the door through which an air flow enters the firebox, deflecting the flame from the glass. However, during use the glass may smoke. Cold glass of the firebox should be cleaned with a solution of caustic soda or a glass-ceramic surface cleaner.

    Mechanical impacts on the glass should be avoided.

    If the fireplace is not used regularly during cold or humid seasons, hypothermia or dampness of the smoke duct may occur. In this case, when lighting the fireplace, some difficulties and an unpleasant smell of drying mastic may arise. With gradual heating of the smoke channel, the draft will be restored and the unpleasant smell will disappear.

    The operation of the fireplace is also affected by weather conditions. The draft in the smoke channel decreases during fog and, conversely, increases during gusty winds.

    When the fireplace is finished operating, make sure that the wood is completely burned before closing the chimney.

It is prohibited to operate the fireplace.