Strengthening openings in any walls. Reinforcing an opening with a corner Strengthening openings with reinforcing mesh

Strengthening the load-bearing floors of a building when expanding existing openings or constructing them is carried out using a metal profile - a channel or corner. The channel, of course, is considered more robust construction, but The corner version of the reinforcement is more convenient to use and fits more tightly to the wall.

Subject to all technical requirements and correct calculation of the distributed load, strengthening the doorway with a corner can be done both in a standard panel and in solid brick or concrete wall.

Stages of work execution

You can begin installing metal corners immediately after the opening in the load-bearing wall is ready. First the frame is assembled. To do this, the corners are cut to the required dimensions and rigidly fastened to the wall using clamps. Holes for anchors are drilled in the frame. For greater reliability, all frame parts must be welded. The clamps are removed, all frame parts are welded, and the structure itself is secured to the wall with anchors. Additionally, the corners are connected to each other by transverse metal plates.

Support elements are welded to the base of the frame to reduce point loads and correct weight redistribution.

There are cavities and gaps between the frame and the wall. They get rid of them using a self-expanding cement-sand mortar. After caulking, the solution hardens, filling all cavities and voids and fixing the metal structure.

Types of corner structures

In order to strengthen a standard window opening, it is enough to install an upper metal lintel.

Doorways are reinforced around the entire perimeter using a welded U-shaped structure. Installing it on a solid wall begins with installing the top lintel BEFORE cutting the opening itself. This is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of cracks and destruction in the load-bearing wall. The corners are inserted into grooves pre-cut with a wall chaser and take on the main load. And then the opening itself is constructed. It is better if this is done using diamond cutting.

This method allows:

  • Avoid destructive vibration effects on floors (as is the case with a sledgehammer or hammer drill);
  • Get smooth and neat edges of the cuts, which do not require additional leveling with a solution or trimming with a grinder. Such edges allow for convenient and quick installation of the reinforcing corner structure flush.

Prices for reinforcing openings with corners depend on what products are selected for the installation of a metal frame or lintel - equal or different flanges, hot-rolled or bent. Required view products is indicated in the design documentation. Hot-rolled products are considered more reliable. Multi-shelf corners are used when it is necessary to reduce the weight of the finished reinforcing frame, while maintaining the ability to withstand load-bearing loads.

To make premises more functional and aesthetically attractive, their owners strive to build various options extensions; move interior partitions; pierce, widen, or change the shape of window or door openings. Such actions qualify as redevelopment of the premises' space.

This is a labor-intensive and rather troublesome task - at least for those who strive to complete similar work with your own hands. Even if the building is private property, such actions must be approved by the appropriate authority.

Permits for redevelopment are issued by the housing inspection, and what is required for this, and how doorways are arranged and strengthened, we will tell you with the help of a video in this article.

Imagine that moving a doorway, even if it is made in a non-load-bearing interior partition, is also a redevelopment. But apartment owners cannot always correctly determine whether a particular wall is truly non-load-bearing.

As a result, the price of such actions turns out to be too high: even if unauthorized intervention did not lead to destruction, it may be impossible to sell the apartment or house afterwards. Therefore, even if you just need to move the door, do everything properly.

How to find out if a wall is load-bearing

For both an apartment and a private residential building, the owner has a floor plan, which is issued by the BTI when the building is put into operation. Most often, load-bearing walls are shown thicker than partitions. But this is not always the case, and a lot depends on the type of house.

  • In houses that we used to call “Khrushchev”, especially brick ones, the partitions are always non-load-bearing. But in multi-apartment panel buildings built according to modern projects, the loads from the floors are distributed across almost all partitions. There is nothing surprising about this; construction technologies simply change over time, and this must be taken into account.

  • External and inter-apartment walls are always load-bearing. As for the interior wall, the easiest way to determine whether it is load-bearing is by its thickness. The enclosing structure is 8-10 cm thick and clearly does not bear any loads, and you can safely make a new opening in it by filling the old one with bricks.

Note! The only thing the apartment owner needs to do in this case is to notify the housing inspection about the redevelopment of the opening. To do this, you should take a copy of the floor plan of the premises, display the design changes on it, and attach it to the corresponding application.

At the appointed time, an inspection employee will come to you and duly coordinate and formalize the acceptance of the apartment after the redevelopment has been completed. No approvals are required to slightly widen the opening in such a partition.

But how to obtain permission for more significant design changes will be explained in the instructions in our next chapter.

How to coordinate an opening in a load-bearing wall

As you can see, with ordinary partitions everything is simple, and approval for the relocation of the opening is made after the work has been completed. It's a completely different matter when it comes to a load-bearing wall. In order to make such structural changes in it, permission is required - and both the transfer and the expansion of the opening will have to be coordinated with the housing inspectorate.

  • By the way, permission for redevelopment must be obtained not only individuals, but also legal. So a company that is planning such changes, for example, in its office, is also required to have a permitting document on hand. The only thing that does not require approval is changing the direction of opening the internal door.
  • To obtain permission to make structural changes to a load-bearing wall, first of all, you need to obtain a technical opinion from the organization that designed the building. If you succeed, then you can safely go to the design office with this paper. It looks something like the one shown in the photo below.

  • Next, copies of the certificate of ownership and registration certificate for the apartment are attached to the drawing, and an application for redevelopment is written. In a month and a half you will receive the desired permission - although this is not a fact. You will be given a 100% positive answer if you have a conclusion from the author of the project.
  • If you were unable to obtain such a conclusion, then there is no guarantee that you will be allowed to move the opening, even if you submit a project. In any case, you need to apply for approval in advance, since in the event of unauthorized redevelopment, permission will not be issued at all, and you will also be punished.
  • Once the approvals are completed and you finally have permission, you can begin work. When they are completed, the owner of the premises must notify the housing inspection and ensure the presence of its representative to accept and draw up the appropriate act. After this, an engineer from BTI will also come to you, who will put the last point in this epic.

  • What situations are taken into account by the housing inspectorate when considering an application for redevelopment of an opening in a load-bearing wall? Mostly, difficulties arise for apartment owners in multi-storey buildings. First of all, the total number of floors in the house matters.
  • The higher it is, the less load on the floors becomes, and the greater the chances of getting approval to reconstruct the wall. The age of the building is also taken into account. If, for example, it is more than half a hundred years old, touching dilapidated structures can be simply dangerous. If permission for punching is given in such cases, then most often it is limited to the opening width of 90 cm.
  • Again, when it comes to multi-storey buildings, the housing inspection examines the condition of the walls in all apartments below and above you. If one of your neighbors has already made an opening in this wall, then you may not receive permission. Or, on the contrary, they may demand that it be moved to the side.

In this case, all related factors are analyzed. For example, the opening on interior wall should not be located in the area where floor slabs meet; it also cannot be located closer than one meter to the outer wall.

An obstacle to making an opening can also be the presence of ventilation ducts or chimneys, or electrical wiring that cannot be moved. All these nuances require careful study - which is what the housing inspection does when considering applications.

The project as the basis for redevelopment work

A load-bearing wall, the original integrity of which has been damaged by knocking out or sawing out a fragment, needs to be strengthened. For this purpose they use metal constructions, whose role is to make up for the lost strength of the wall.

This is why a redevelopment project is needed. In addition to the dimensions of the opening and the rolled metal used to reinforce it, you can find a lot of other necessary information in the drawings.

  • For example, the project will propose an option for arranging temporary support posts, indicate the installation locations of anchors, and show enlarged details of the nodes for fastening the metal to the floor. The designers will even offer the best way– after all, the metal structure needs to be hidden somehow.

  • The options for framing openings are different, depending on the type of walls. In houses built on reinforced concrete or metal frame, or having monolithic walls, the reinforcement is minimal, and may not be provided at all on the upper floors.

If we talk about brickwork, then we will have to strengthen the opening even in the partition. But in modern panel houses, redesigning doorways will not be allowed at all.

The thing is that today they are built not even from individual panels, but from volumetric blocks that are load-bearing around the entire perimeter. Accordingly, there can be no talk of any additional openings here.

Opening reinforcement technology

So it turns out that most often openings are made in brick walls.

To strengthen them, a channel is usually used, which is placed as a jumper on both sides in pre-cut grooves with a prepared heel. They are tightened together with anchor bolts, and if the wall thickness exceeds 50 cm, cross members are also welded to them.

  • The length of the steel beams is calculated as follows: divide the height of the opening in half, and add 15 cm to the resulting figure. The outer anchors should be installed in those places where the lintel rests on the pier, and the voids between them are filled with a solution based on self-expanding cement.
  • No matter: a new opening is made in brick wall, or the old one is expanding, first reinforcement is made, and then fragments of the slopes are removed. If this is done manually, then first through holes are drilled around the perimeter of the opening, and then a jackhammer is used.

  • But in general, there is such a technology as diamond cutting of structures. It is carried out at the request of the customer by specialized companies that have in their arsenal various equipment that allows cutting concrete, reinforced concrete, and thick brickwork quickly and without dust.
  • Another thing is that not in every city, not to mention smaller ones populated areas, such a service is available. In this case, only the percussion instrument remains, but, for example, in panel houses, it cannot be used - and this will certainly be reflected in the project. Vibrations and shock loads can cause cracks in concrete. And this can be fraught with consequences for the entire house, although the consequences may not appear immediately.
  • As for strengthening slopes, in some cases it is not done. If such a need exists, then from the same channel, or unequal steel angle, a frame is mounted around the entire perimeter. This is why a project for redevelopment of openings is needed: why carry out work at random when everything in the drawings will be calculated down to the smallest detail.

  • When constructing walls and partitions, they are used various materials: the wall can be monolithic, prefabricated, well, lined with brick or decorative blocks. Naturally, all this influences the choice of option for strengthening the opening being penetrated. Only the marking process looks the same.

Walls whose thickness exceeds 0.5 m are not so uncommon - especially when openings break through basements. In this case, even a wall saw cannot cut across the entire thickness at once. Therefore, markings have to be done on both sides.

Correct marking is the key to quality cutting

The main task is to correctly determine the mark of the horizontal part of the opening on one side, and accurately transfer it to the other side.

  • This is done using a water or laser level, focusing on perpendicular walls, or by drilling through the perimeter of the opening. Those who are trying to do this kind of work on their own should know that in order to avoid displacement of the marks, the drill must enter the wall at a strictly right angle.
  • To achieve this, all means are good: someone pulls the mooring cord that plasterers use to control the horizontalness of the masonry rows; someone temporarily attaches a guide profile to the wall, as drywallers do. The main thing is to understand how important it is to do the markup correctly.

  • For companies that provide such services to customers, such problems do not exist. Most of them use special electronic equipment, consisting of elements such as a detector and a target. They are installed on opposite wall surfaces, and when they are aligned, they sound a sound signal.

If the marking is done correctly, we can consider that half the battle is already done. After this, they begin to groove the wall in the place where the lintel will be installed.

We think everyone understands why it is mounted before removing a piece of the wall. A metal beam allows you to redistribute the load from the weight of the floor and the wall’s own weight.

Redevelopment of residential premises major renovation Many people do it, but they do not always comply with the necessary requirements for carrying out such work. However, it is important to take into account all the standards for the safe implementation of structural changes in the load-bearing elements of the building.

How to properly reinforce an opening in a brick wall

The design of each building must be as safe as possible. Therefore, such elements as window and door openings are always given special attention when carrying out construction or repair work. After all, if they are not strong enough, this can lead to the destruction of the building.

IN brick houses built from such small-piece material, the use of especially reliable technologies for strengthening the openings is required.

When you need to strengthen

If under construction new house, then even when drawing up a project, the most suitable way strengthening door and window openings, arches. But there are situations when it is necessary to strengthen the opening in an existing building.

Cases when it is necessary to strengthen openings:

  1. If the walls of the building have become deformed, cracked due to time or mechanical damage. The technical condition of the house needs to be monitored. If cracks appear, the cement bonding layer is destroyed, or bricks fall out, restoration work must be urgently carried out. In a timely manner Taken measures will help keep the room in good condition longer.
  2. When redevelopment is carried out, the holes are widened or they are made in other places. In these cases, reinforcements are installed even before new openings are dismantled. First, you need to draw up a project for carrying out the work, after consulting with a specialist, whether it is possible to break through the wall in the chosen place, and whether this will weaken the structure of the building.
  3. When replacing windows, you need to check before carrying out the work how strong the opening is, and, if necessary, pre-strengthen it before dismantling the old window.

Do I need permission?

Reconstruction and strengthening of a finished window or door unit is not reconstruction and therefore does not require special permission. But during redevelopment, when you have to punch a new hole in the wall, you must fill out the appropriate documents. Without them, such work will be considered unauthorized and may entail not only administrative problems, but also lead the building into disrepair.

First of all, you need to conduct a survey of the premises, inviting specialists to do this. If the house is already old and multi-storey, then due to its dilapidation it is unlikely to be able to obtain such permission. Another situation is when the neighbors above or below have already done redevelopment. Then new door can only be done on the same level as what is in their apartment. Because placing openings in one wall at different levels can greatly weaken its load-bearing capacity.

Methods for strengthening openings in a monolithic or brick house

The strengthening technology is selected depending on the thickness of the wall, what material it is made of, and the size of the hole itself. Several options are used to strengthen brick walls:

Unlike brick walls, it is much more difficult to make openings in monolithic ones, because there is reinforcement inside the concrete. Here it is necessary to use diamond cutting to cut the metal and also to create a hole without the risk of cracks in the wall.

Since almost all monolithic walls are load-bearing, it is necessary to involve specialists to calculate the location for a new hole in which the strength of the structure will not be compromised. The opening is strengthened with a U-shaped welded metal structure.

Before installing the fasteners, all metal elements must be treated with protective compounds against corrosion.


The design of a door frame is similar to a window frame. The difference is that the horizontal bar below is the threshold. Doors can be external (the openings are located in load-bearing walls) or internal (then a particularly reinforced frame is not necessarily required).

  1. To strengthen the holes in the load-bearing walls, high-strength channels are selected, corresponding in size to the thickness of the brick wall. A U-shaped frame is made from them. Then this structure is mounted in the opening and secured with anchors.
  2. Internal openings are reinforced with corners. They fit more tightly, which makes it easier to perform in the future. finishing works, openings look neater. First, vertical posts are made that carry the main load, which are then connected with corners. Afterwards, the corners are installed in the upper opening and the entire structure is tightened with studs.


Windows are located in external walls, which are load-bearing and are subject to heavy loads. Therefore, reinforced structures are used for such openings.

Most often used for windows of brick buildings:

  1. Channel profile. At the place where it is attached to the opening, a groove is made, into which the channel is then tightly inserted and secured cement-sand mortar. To connect the profiles, special studs and washers with nuts are used.
  2. Vertical supports made of two channels. Installed with wide window openings (more than 1.5 m). Such racks are welded to channels secured along horizontal jumpers.

Welding of the structure is not done spotwise, but along the entire length at the joints - for greater strength.

The work performed to create and strengthen openings in walls made of brick or other materials is very responsible. Therefore, first of all, you need to make the right calculations, choose suitable materials and tools, take into account all the features of the wall.

What you need to know about the wall before carrying out work:

  • is it load-bearing or is it an ordinary partition;
  • its thickness;
  • whether pipes or fittings are installed in it;
  • where the electrical wiring goes.

What materials to choose to reinforce openings:

  • channels are suitable for brands 10P, 12P, 14P;
  • the thickness of the corners must be at least 5 mm, and the dimensions of their shelves must be at least 60×60 mm;
  • stud brands from M16 to M23 and the distance between them is no more than 30 cm.

To carry out the work efficiently, you will need the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • wall chaser;
  • welding machine;
  • spanners;
  • devices for markings.

Before punching an opening in the wall, install an upper horizontal beam to strengthen it. The length of the steel crossbar must exceed the width of the opening by 1 m. Therefore, 0.5 m recesses are made on the sides for it.

Strengthening openings requires a responsible approach from drawing up a work project to its implementation. You shouldn’t rely only on your own strengths, especially if you don’t have enough experience. You definitely need to use the services of specialists - architects, engineers, skilled workers.

You should not save on materials and labor costs. Timely completion of work to restore the strength of a window or doorway will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems and expenses later, and ensure safety and comfortable living.

Useful video

Obviously, it is necessary to strengthen the opening if the strength of the building materials from which it is built is insufficient. The need for this procedure is determined based on the requirements that the customer puts forward for the door.

Reasons for strengthening the doorway

First of all, you need to figure out why exactly the strength of the doorway is not enough. And there can be two such situations:

· the walls around the opening are not able to withstand dynamic loads - that is, the door itself and the forces from its movement when opening and closing;

· there are doubts about the ability of the partitions to withstand forceful break-ins - in this case, it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion after strengthening the opening.

Such situations most often arise in the following cases.

1. The wall is not load-bearing, thin, laid out in half brick.

2. The opening is made of foam concrete - this problem exists in almost all new buildings. Foam concrete is cheap and lightweight, which is why it is very attractive for builders. But here's a massive one steel door such a wall will not withstand, and therefore needs additional reinforcement.

3. In old houses, plaster walls are quite common, which are also not very durable.

4. Wooden houses require special reinforcement of the doorway due to the fact that several years after construction they shrink, which inevitably leads to deformation of the opening.

There are also situations when the opening does not seem reliable enough. For example, if it was unprofessionally laid with bricks for the purpose of narrowing. Or there is simply a desire to achieve the highest possible strength.

Ways to strengthen doorways

There are several common amplification options. The appropriate one is selected in each specific case taking into account the material from which the walls are made, their thickness, the mass of the future door and other particular features. For the chosen method, taking into account the above, the materials from which the reinforcement will be made are also selected.

If construction technologies are followed, openings are strengthened even at the construction stage of the building. This is the most correct and reliable option. But, unfortunately, quite rare. Therefore, much more often you have to resort to those methods that involve the presence of an already built house.

Use of mortgages

This method is especially relevant for modern buildings made of foam concrete or aerated concrete. A mortgage is a metal corner that is fixed in the opening. Reinforcing “whiskers” are welded to it and placed in the joints of the masonry. Such a mortgage is installed on each side of the doorway. Subsequently, the door frame is mounted directly to these elements.

The procedure for installing mortgages is as follows.

1. Measurements are taken according to which they are manufactured required quantity mortgages and weld reinforcement to them in the right places.

2. Treat the parts with an anti-corrosion coating.

3. During the masonry process, mortgages are installed.

The length of the reinforcing “whiskers” must be at least 1200 millimeters. Anti-corrosion coating is mandatory.

Strapping with steel corners

This is the most common strengthening option doorways. For this purpose, steel corners are used, from which the frame for the opening is made. The number of corners, their size and the number of mounting plates required to connect the frame are determined in each specific case.

The procedure for strengthening the opening using this method is as follows.

1. The metal corner is cut according to the height and width of the opening

2. Weld them together into two frames - one for the outside, the second for inner sides opening.

3. The frames are installed in the opening and connected to each other by welding with metal plates.

All metal elements are primed and painted to prevent corrosion. This method of strengthening a doorway is no less reliable than using mortgages.

Reinforcement with pins

This method is used for weak-bearing walls. Here are used metal rods 10-14 millimeters thick, which are driven into the wall at different angles at a distance of 15-35 centimeters. Instead, you can use plates that are mounted on the wall and connected with metal corners.

The method with pins cannot be used for foam concrete, since it will simply crumble, and over time the door will begin to noticeably wobble in the opening.

Strengthening an opening in a narrow wall

In such a situation, it is basically pointless to strengthen the wall itself due to its small thickness. That's why channels are used. They are installed on the wall and secured with fittings to the floor and ceiling. The door frame is attached to these channels, and not to the wall itself.

Strengthening openings in wooden houses

As a result of the shrinkage of the house, it is impossible to simply install a door in the opening. Otherwise, in a few years the wall will rest on door frame, which will lead to its deformation, and even deformation door leaf Same. The result may be the complete impossibility of using the steel door.

It uses its own technology. A sliding casing is performed on the doorway - it plays the role of a rough frame. This box is attached to the frame with spacers, and a gap is left on top where the seal is placed. The metal box is already installed on the casing. As a result, when shrinking, the logs simply slide along the rough frame without affecting the door itself in any way.

What you need to pay attention to when strengthening a doorway

First of all, the best option Only a specialist can suggest how to strengthen a doorway. Qualified installers will be able to perform this work efficiently and reliably. However, like any other type of construction work.

When strengthening a doorway, you need to remember the following points:

· foam concrete cannot withstand shock loads, therefore all fasteners can only be screwed into it;

· all metal elements must be treated with a primer or special paint to protect against corrosion.

Despite such difficulties, branded door sales stores provide a full range of related services. This includes strengthening doorways. A specialist will be able to determine the need for this, as well as select the most rational method and the most suitable materials.

The cost of installing reinforcement depends on the type of reinforcement and material specifications.
There are standard solutions for strengthening a standard-sized opening in a panel house. In most such cases, the openings are reinforced with a corner around the perimeter.

To calculate the cost of non-standard reinforcements or wide openings, we need to familiarize ourselves with the project, which you can send by email indicating the address of the object or WhatsApp 89257715642, 89261524271.

Cheap openings with reinforcement and fixing defects If you don't have a project and you are going to make an opening

without permission or you do not need documents from us, we can offer you to make an opening reinforced with a channel or corner for a standard solution. Below is the cheapest cost of ready-made openings with reinforcement

channel without documents from us. An opening in a panel house with standard channel reinforcement,

including metal and its delivery. The connection nodes have a corner and a strip. Anchors and plate (heels) for the channel.
Concrete thickness
walls Reinforcement material
Price in rubles 14 cm 28000 !
16 channel, sheet 10, angle 75, fittings 12 16 - 18 cm 36000-38000
18-20 channel, sheet 10, angle 75, fittings 12 19 - 20 cm 45000
22 channel, sheet 10, angle 75, fittings 12 24 channel, sheet 10, angle 75, fittings 12 52000
50 cm typical opening in two room apartment V block houses tower type house series I-209a reinforcement with horizontal jumper 16 channel, 50-80 strip, M16 stud 55000

Separate removal of remaining construction waste: 4,000 rubles for removing garbage into a container (openings in the walls are 14-18 cm thick), if there is no container + 7,000 rubles for a container within the Moscow Ring Road. Completion time is one or two working days (depending on the thickness of the wall and breaks for noisy work).

Metal to the size for reinforcement is prepared at the work site.

Strengthening openings in brick walls

Complete dismantling of the load-bearing wall followed by box

strengthening according to the project.

Preparing metal to strengthen openings on the first floor. Metal is always prepared to size on site.

Installation of combined reinforcement of load-bearing walls.

Completed combined reinforcement of the opening on the top floor in a 2-room apartment after partial dismantling of the load-bearing walls and dismantling of the reinforced concrete lintel according to the MNIITEP project (type A).

Completed combined reinforcement of the opening on the top floor in a 2-room apartment after shortening the load-bearing walls and dismantling the reinforced concrete lintel according to the MNIITEP project (View B from the kitchen).
Complex reinforcement of wide openings after dismantling walls

27 channel on bolts according to the project.

Box reinforcement of openings with channels.

When expanding the opening to a wide size, the project provided for reinforcement with 20 channels under the ceiling with additional piping with 140 corners.

Before cutting a wide opening, the opening is first reinforced with a tie rod.
Finished opening reinforced with tie rods

according to the project.
Finished opening reinforced with tie rods

Standard opening with double-row reinforcement with tie rod
Strengthening a wide opening in a load-bearing wall as prescribed by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate

with partial sealing of the opening.
An opening with reinforcement for a niche and a doorway with reinforcement according to the project

in a load-bearing brick wall.
Complex reinforcement of an opening in a 20 cm wall according to the project

developer SU-155 (Mosaic).
Combining two apartments, complex combined reinforcement

opening according to the project.

The upper unit of the combined reinforcement of the opening.

The lower unit of the combined reinforcement of the opening.

Combined reinforcement of an opening from a channel and a corner in a monolithic wall.

Framing the opening with metal according to the project.
Finished opening reinforced with tie rods

Strengthening a wide opening in a panel house on the top floor
Finished opening reinforced with tie rods

Combined opening reinforcement. Before cutting a wide opening, preliminary reinforcement is placed with a channel under the floor slab of the upper floor ( standard project MOSPROEKT).

The opening is ready, only after installation of the main reinforcement is the preliminary reinforcement dismantled.

Fixing the marriage. According to the project, strengthening the previously made opening and tying the column 125 with a corner.

Strengthening an opening in a brick wall and tying a column.

Expansion of a monolithic floor with reinforcement from 27 channels
Finished opening reinforced with tie rods

Partial dismantling of the ceiling and installation of reinforcement,
24 channel is placed under the walls.

Finished opening with reinforcement in the ceiling according to the project.

And such projects for strengthening openings are not uncommon. The channel is welded to the reinforcement in the wall.

To open the reinforcement, you have to knock down the edges with a jackhammer.

Strengthening the opening in monolith 22 according to the project

Reinforcement of openings by welding of exposed reinforcement according to the project.

Strengthening a wide opening in a concrete wall according to the project.

Strengthening the opening, the project involves “recessing” the channel into the wall and tying it with studs.

ATTENTION! We do not have other sites, but on many Runet sites, the topics of which are: diamond cutting, apartment redevelopment, strengthening of openings and walls, drilling holes- photographs of works made by the company Slom Service are posted, as well as information from the website website.