What's the best way to cook pilaf at home? Pilaf - step-by-step recipe with photos. Delicious, quick and simple pilaf at home

Do you want to cook the kind of pilaf that always turns out? Then follow this recipe and the pilaf will be simply delicious! This recipe will allow you to learn how to cook pilaf so that the rice remains crumbly, the pilaf does not burn and does not turn into porridge. At the same time, very little active time is spent when you have to be in the kitchen and cook. Pilaf, after some preparation, prepares itself, and you just wait and relax.

If you don’t know how to cook it yet, you will definitely learn. Of course, there are a huge variety of pilaf recipes, and everyone will tell you that the correct one is the one they know. Yes, everyone is essentially right. Some people cook this way, some others differently. I propose a certain averaged basic recipe for pilaf, which is most suitable for the majority of people who cook on a gas or electric stove. I understand that pilaf is open fire, with raisins, barberries, peas and fat tail fat may seem more authentic to some.

Yes, it’s possible, but where can you get a huge wok, an open fire, lamb and barberries to cook pilaf for dinner? I think that this is not available to everyone. At home we usually cook regular pilaf, although it’s kind of sad to call it regular. After I learned how to cook it, it is now a very tasty and wonderful pilaf. Try to cook it too, I’m sure everything will work out!

Products for cooking pilaf

  • Rice – 2 cups;
  • Meat – 400 grams;
  • Onions – 2-4 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 2-4 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Sweet peas – 3 pcs.;
  • Zira – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Drinking water – approximately 5 glasses.

Pilaf recipe

First we need a piece of meat. In this case, I had access to pork, but pilaf is very tasty from beef or lamb. The meat must be thoroughly washed and films removed if necessary.

Now cut the meat into small cubes. I like it when the meat in pilaf is cut quite finely, but sometimes you want larger pieces. Basically, cut it however you like.

Place the meat in a preheated pilaf cauldron with vegetable oil. Vegetable oil can be replaced with lard or fat that is available to you.

Stir the meat in a cauldron and quickly fry it over high heat until crusty. It is not at all necessary to simmer it and wait for it to cook inside - now all we care about is the golden brown crust.

Peel the onions, wash them well and cut into large half rings. When the meat is fried, place the onion in the cauldron with the meat, reduce the heat slightly to medium. Then mix everything well and fry the onions until light golden brown.

Peel the carrots, wash and cut into small cubes. If someone thinks that carrots for pilaf should be cut into strips - please! I just prefer small cubes. They spread throughout the pilaf and it seems to me that this makes the pilaf taste better. Add carrots to the cauldron with meat and onions and simmer briefly over medium heat.

Salt everything well, add spices: bay leaf, pepper and cumin. If any of you uses other spices for pilaf, use them. For example, I don’t always put cumin - it has some special oriental aroma. It makes pilaf seem richer to me, but I don’t always want that. Apparently it depends on everyone's eating habits and taste preferences.

After adding salt and spices, stir and pour in a glass of drinking water. Bring it all to a boil and reduce heat. You have got a zirvak - this is the name of the base for pilaf. Some call the base for zebra pilaf, etc. - these are already local variants and dialects.

Boil the zirvak for a short time, about 5 minutes, over low heat with the lid of the cauldron slightly open, then carefully (while it’s hot) try a little of the broth - it should be slightly salted. This saltiness should be enough for the rice and water added afterwards.

Then rinse the rice thoroughly. Ideally, you should wash all the flour out of it and the water should become clear during the washing process. Now carefully place the rice in the cauldron on the zirvak, carefully distributing it over the entire surface, but do not mix! Take a slotted spoon or plate and pour it over the rice. drinking water based on 2 cups of rice, 4 equal cups of water. Less rice- less water. Water in the zirvak is not taken into account. Be sure to pour in the water carefully so as not to mix the rice with the meat. Rice should lie in one top layer on the zirvak.

Close the cauldron with a lid and bring to a boil over maximum heat.

If you have ever tried real Uzbek pilaf at least once, you will never forget it spicy aroma and unique taste. The recipe for making pilaf at home is not at all complicated.

How to cook pilaf correctly

Pilaf is ancient national dish Transcaucasia, Middle and Near East, Asia. There are a lot of options for preparing this dish. However, eminent chefs assure that if several people simultaneously prepare pilaf using one recipe, everyone will still end up with a dish with different tastes.

How to cook pilaf correctly, what is the secret of Uzbek pilaf? Especially for our readers, we have put together the most important recommendations, which will help you create a small masterpiece of great art called pilaf.

Secret 1 - Technology proper preparation pilaf

One of the main secrets of ideal pilaf is not the composition of the products used, which is also not unimportant, but the method of its preparation itself. Mainly, the taste and aroma of the dish depends on the correct combination of two main components of pilaf: rice and meat base (zirvak). Sometimes wheat, corn, and peas are used to prepare this dish instead of rice. However, in any case, in order for the pilaf to absorb all the tastes and aromas, the grains in the dish are not boiled, but stewed (simmered).

Secret 2 - Bookmark products

Another important stage in the technology of preparing pilaf is the choice of the variety of rice and carrots, as well as their preliminary preparation and sequential laying. In addition to these products, you will definitely need: meat, onions, fat, salt, water, spices and seasonings. It is important to know: the ratio of carrots, rice, onions, meat should be one to one. If the meat is not very fatty, then you should add a little more oil. It is better to cut the carrots into long strips, and the longer the strips, the tastier the dish will be. Spices and salt must be added halfway through the preparation of the “dressing”, which includes meat, onions and carrots.

Secret 3 - Meat for pilaf

Almost any meat is suitable for preparing this dish. You can get amazingly tasty pilaf if you use beef, pork, rabbit, turkey, and chicken. However, the most suitable meat for classic Uzbek pilaf is lamb (back, shoulder or brisket). Only lamb can give a dish a delicate, unique taste.

Secret 4 - What kind of rice is needed for pilaf

The quality and taste of pilaf mainly depends on rice. Important condition– the rice in the dish should not stick together. It should be crumbly, strong and keep its shape. For example, round or long grains of rice should not be used for pilaf - since they are too soft and boil quickly, and the pilaf turns into meat porridge.

What kind of rice is needed for pilaf? Uzbek or Tajik varieties of rice are best suited for pilaf. They perfectly absorb fat and water, while remaining crumbly. These varieties have a certain appearance– dark oblong stripes remain on each grain even after they are cooked, and the pink powder covering the rice gives the pilaf a divine aroma.

IMPORTANT! Rice should be chosen with low starch content, strong and transparent. The grains should be pearly, of medium length, and absorb fat and water well.

Secret 5 - Spices and seasonings for pilaf

If rice and meat are the main components of oriental food, then vegetables, herbs and spices for pilaf are additional tools with which you can improvise its taste and aromas.
In addition to onions and carrots, you can add raisins, garlic, cumin grains, barberry, quince, dried apricots, hot peppers, and herbs to pilaf.

Secret 6 - Oil for pilaf

The choice of oil for pilaf also needs to be taken with full responsibility. The most delicious pilaf is considered to be cooked in vegetable oil (sesame, cottonseed) or tail fat.

Secret 7 - Dishes

The ideal utensils for pilaf are a copper cauldron, a thick and deep frying pan or a cast iron pan. In any case, the dishes should have thick walls and a tight-fitting lid.

IMPORTANT! During the cooking process, no matter how much you would like to open the lid until the recipe instructs, you cannot do this!

When the pilaf is ready, wrap the pan in a thick blanket and leave for an hour - the pilaf will become even tastier.

And now that you know the intricacies of proper preparation of real pilaf, you can safely choose any recipe we offer and try to cook it. We are confident that you will have an amazing dish! All family members will ask you to cook pilaf again and again!

The classic recipe is pilaf with lamb. But there are varieties of the dish that use other meats, such as chicken, beef, pork. There is even an option for vegetarians - with vegetables or fruits.

Classic recipe for Uzbek pilaf with lamb

lamb – 1 kg
rice-1 kg
fat (tail fat) or vegetable oil - 300 ml
onion-1 kg
carrots -1 kg
raisins - 100 g
garlic - 1 head
cumin (cumin)
seasoning for pilaf


Coarsely chop the lamb, cut the fat and vegetables into 3-4 cm strips, rinse the rice thoroughly in running water.

The fat is first rendered in a cauldron, then the meat is fried until golden brown. Then add onions and carrots (alternately). After 5-10 minutes, add spices, salt, garlic (unpeeled) and cumin crushed between your fingers.

If the meat is ready, then the zirvak is ready. Zirvak is the basis for pilaf, a mixture of meat and vegetables.

Now it's time for rice. Half the volume of cereal is poured into a cauldron with vegetables and meat, then raisins and rice again.

It is necessary to add hot water so as not to reduce the temperature in the cauldron. The water level should be two fingers higher than the rice. The dish is cooked over high heat until the water boils away, then the rice is raked from the walls to the center. It turns out to be a kind of slide. Then another 30 minutes on low heat under the lid (do not open the lid at this time!). Turn off the heat, cover with a warm towel and let sit for 1 hour. Place the pilaf on a special plate - lyagan.

Pilaf with chicken

This recipe makes pilaf with chicken more dietary and tender.

chicken fillet – 0.5 kg
onions – 4 pcs.
carrots - 4 pcs.
rice – 2 cups
vegetable oil – 100 g
salt - to taste
spices and seasonings for pilaf (pepper, cumin, dogwood, etc.) - to taste

Wash the chicken, dry with a paper towel, and pound lightly. Cut the fillet into large cubes, carrots and onions into strips. Fry everything in a cauldron or saucepan (separately). Then add chicken, salt, spices and washed rice to the container where the vegetables were fried.

All products are thoroughly mixed. Add 4 cups of water and let it all simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes. Then close the lid, reduce the heat and do not open for 25 minutes, let it simmer.

Cover with a towel and let sit covered for 15 minutes.

That's it - chicken pilaf is ready. Fast and fun! Serve with fresh vegetables.

Beef pilaf

It is prepared using the same products as in other options. We are pleased to share a recipe for beef pilaf, which is more flavorful than with chicken.

rice - 3 cups
spices and spices - to taste
vegetable oil - 200g
meat (beef) - 1 kg
vegetables (onions and yellow carrots) - 3-4 pcs.
salt - to taste
water (boiling water) – 5-6 glasses

Rinse the meat in running water, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into large pieces. In a deep cast-iron saucepan, heat the oil, add the meat, and fry it thoroughly. In a separate pan, fry the carrots and onions until golden brown. Add vegetables to the meat and mix, simmer everything together a little. After which, without removing from the heat, add boiling water, followed by salt, spices and rice. Mix well so that all ingredients are saturated with fat and juice. After 15 minutes of vigorous boiling, assemble the rice into a mound and place the garlic in the middle. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 40 minutes until done. At the end, be sure to let the finished dish sit for 1 hour.

Before serving, place the pilaf on a large dish, cut the meat into pieces and place on top. Bread is inappropriate for pilaf, so you can serve lavash.

Pilaf with pork

When preparing Uzbek pilaf, you can deviate a little from the rules and use pork instead of lamb. The result is a very satisfying and juicy pilaf with pork.

pork – 1 kg
carrots – 1 kg
onion – 1 kg
tomato (fresh) - 1 pc.
vegetable oil – 150 g
rice – 3 cups
spices and seasonings - to taste
salt - to taste

The quantity of products depends on the size of the cauldron. However, the proportions must be observed: the ingredients are taken in equal proportions of cereals, carrots, onions and meat. According to tradition, pilaf is cooked over a fire, but at home it is no less tasty and crumbly, the main thing is to adhere to the cooking rules (see the beginning of the article)

In a cast-iron bowl, beef, pre-cut into large pieces, is browned in heated oil. Next, the meat is removed and onions (in strips) and carrots (in large cubes) are fried in the same fat. After all the components of the pilaf are fried, add finely chopped tomato and mix. "Zirvak" is ready.

Add salt to taste, add spices, favorite seasonings and spices. Add rice and carefully pour in boiling water (water should be 1.5-2 times more than cereal).

Pilaf with pork takes 40 minutes to prepare. At the end, be sure to put a head of unpeeled garlic in the middle for flavor, close the lid again and let it brew for 1 hour.

Sergey Vasilenkov

Since time immemorial, pilaf has been one of the most popular dishes of the peoples of the East. Mentions of it can be found in folk tales and ancient chronicles. It was served as an honorary dish at major holidays, weddings and funerals.

In the 16th century, French chefs tried to prepare pilaf according to the description of travelers returning from Arab countries. However, the experiments ended unsuccessfully, because instead of crumbly pilaf It turned out to be ordinary rice porridge with meat. It was only in the 19th century that European chefs received the exact recipe for this dish and learned how to cook delicious pilaf. In each country, the preparation of pilaf has its own characteristics and nuances, and over the centuries hundreds and thousands of recipes for this delicious and healthy dish. It is interesting that each cook produces his own unique pilaf, even if the same recipe is taken as a basis, but there are general rules preparations that it is advisable to follow if you want to get a dish close to the original.

Choosing products and utensils for pilaf

Asian chefs are confident that the best pilaf can only be cooked over an open fire in a cast iron cauldron and certainly from lamb with fat tail fat. At the same time, a man must cook. But this does not mean that it is impossible to prepare real Uzbek pilaf, tasty, aromatic, fatty and crumbly, at home. Modern recipes so diverse and versatile that every housewife can show limitless imagination and create a unique culinary masterpiece. Let's talk about what we need for real pilaf.

Meat. Classic pilaf is prepared only with lamb - it is recommended to take brisket, ribs, shoulder or meat from the back of the lamb. However, in the East and Central Asia, beef, pork and poultry are also used to prepare pilaf. The most delicious and aromatic pilaf is obtained from fresh meat with layers of fat, which has not been frozen and kept in the refrigerator for several days. The meat in pilaf should be juicy, so it is better to cut it coarsely - into pieces no smaller than a walnut.

Rice. If you strictly follow the advice on how to properly prepare crumbly pilaf, then it is better to use exclusively long-grain varieties with a low starch content. These are Tajik and Uzbek rice for pilaf - devzira, oshpar, alanga, kenja, as well as Mexican, Arabic and Italian rice intended for paella. Durum rice is distinguished by long transparent grains and extraordinary density - it does not boil over during prolonged heat treatment, absorbs water well and remains crumbly even after cooling. Indian, Thai and Vietnamese rice varieties (jasmine and basmati) are not very suitable for pilaf, as they are too soft and can stick together during cooking. If there is no other option, then rinse them well cold water and soak for two to three hours, changing the water periodically to remove excess starch. Some recipes use wheat, pearl barley, peas, corn, or a mixture of different grains instead of rice.

Oil. According to tradition, real Uzbek pilaf is prepared with animal fat (ghee, lamb fat) or vegetable oils. In this case, it is better to use refined, odorless oils so as not to “interrupt” the aroma of the dish. Often, tail fat is mixed with vegetable oil to increase digestibility and soften the specific odor.

Spices. Flavoring of pilaf - creative process, in which you can show your imagination and inspiration. However, there is a basic composition of spices, without which the dish will not be considered a real pilaf - these are cumin (cumin), barberry and hot pepper.

Cumin gives the pilaf an exquisite oriental taste, dried barberries fill the dish with nutty notes with a slight bitterness, and hot pepper in pods or ground makes the pilaf piquant and spicy. As additional spices, you can use thyme, coriander, suneli hops, garlic and saffron, thanks to which the rice acquires a rich golden color.

Vegetables and dried fruits. In India and the Caucasus, pilaf is prepared without carrots, and in Central Asia this vegetable is an important ingredient in the dish, and it is recommended to cut it coarsely - into cubes, strips, cubes or plates. Onions are usually cut into rings, and garlic is added as a whole head, after peeling. In some recipes for preparing pilaf you can find dried fruits, since prunes, raisins, figs, apricots and dried apricots highlight the taste of the dish and add a pleasant sourness to it. It is better to add them after frying meat and vegetables - along with adding water.

Dishes. How to cook correct pilaf in the “wrong” container? Alas, this is impossible. Traditionally, pilaf is cooked in a cast iron or aluminum cauldron with a thick bottom. In a modern kitchen, a cauldron can be replaced with a duckling or goose pan. In such a bowl, the rice is heated evenly and simmered over low heat, so it does not burn and turns out crumbly. It is not recommended to use thin-walled enamel dishes, French frying pans and woks, since due to the lack of uniform heating, the pilaf in them burns and becomes viscous.

Zirvak. Zirvak is a mixture of meat and vegetables fried in oil, combined with dried fruits, spices and broth. In the East, preparing zirvak is considered a real art and sacred rite, since the taste, aroma and appearance of pilaf depend on its quality. Eastern chefs say: if you make a good zirvak, it means you know how to prepare pilaf correctly, and step-by-step recipes with photographs posted on our website will clearly demonstrate all stages of preparation.

Sequentially add meat, onions and carrots to the cauldron, fry them until golden brown, and ten minutes before they are ready, add dried fruits and spices. After this, fill the contents of the cauldron with boiling water so that the water covers the layer of meat and vegetables by two centimeters, and put everything to simmer over low heat for 40-90 minutes. Ten minutes before it is ready, salt the zirvak (it is recommended to slightly over-salt it), add the head of garlic and rice to the cauldron, without mixing it with the meat. Add more boiling water so that the water covers the surface by two fingers, and cook the pilaf until the water evaporates, adding it to the cauldron if necessary. It is advisable to allow the cooked pilaf to simmer a little more, but tasting the dish right away or letting it brew is a matter of taste and personal preference.

Salads of fresh vegetables are usually served with pilaf, which give it freshness and promote better absorption of fatty meat. However, a classic appetizer for pilaf is the achik-chuchuk salad, which includes thinly chopped tomatoes, onion rings, spicy or Bell pepper, basil and herbs, seasoned not with oil, but with grape or apple cider vinegar. Taking as a basis classic recipe pilaf, you can make adjustments to it and create a unique signature dish that will decorate not only festive table, but will also become part of your family’s daily diet.

Many housewives limit themselves to preparing literally a few dozen familiar dishes. Often they do not have enough time, energy, or desire to experiment. But in fact, many famous dishes can be prepared independently, you just need to follow the instructions. This also applies to pilaf, which came to us from Asia. Let's talk about how to cook delicious pilaf at home.

Real pilaf

To prepare delicious pilaf in Uzbek style, you need to stock up on half a kilogram of meat (lamb, pork or chicken), half a kilogram of carrots and a third of a glass of vegetable oil. Also use one glass of rice, six cloves of garlic, salt and spices (khmeli-suneli, barberry, etc.) and water.

Cut the carrots into long strips. Chop the onion into half rings. Cut the meat into medium pieces, it is best if it is fatty.
Prepare Zirvak - the basis for pilaf. Pour a third of a glass of vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it well, add meat, carrots and onions. Cook Zirvak for half an hour on the highest heat. Keep the meat uncovered half the time, and stir occasionally.

It is best to cook pilaf in a thick cast-iron frying pan or in a thick cast-iron cauldron. The lid should fit more tightly.
Halfway through cooking Zirvak, salt it and sprinkle with spices. Reduce the mixture under the lid. You should end up with a slightly salty, rich carrot-onion mixture.

After the Zirvak has evaporated, add rice to it. Sprinkle it directly on top and do not stir. Fill the contents of the frying pan (or pilaf) with cold water so that it slightly covers the rice. Cover the container with a lid and place on low heat. Cook for about an hour without stirring or uncovering.
About five to ten minutes before readiness, stick the garlic cloves (peeled or directly in the peel) on top. Wrap the finished pilaf in a blanket, so it will be maximally saturated with aroma and taste.

Pilaf Urban

To prepare such a dish, you need to stock up on four hundred grams of meat, a couple of medium carrots, three medium onions and, of course, spices. So on the market you can buy a special mixture for pilaf prepared by an Uzbek. Also use one hundred and fifty grams of sunflower oil, six cloves of garlic and three hundred grams of rice.

Rinse the rice. Fill two scoops of rice with three scoops of water. Cook with a tightly covered lid until the water boils.

Cut the meat into pieces and fry until golden in well-heated water with vegetable oil. Add carrots and onions, spices, and five to six cloves of unpeeled garlic to the pan. Add salt, stir and simmer covered for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Heat a large, heavy-walled saucepan on a separate burner. Combine vegetables, meat and rice in it, mix carefully and simmer for five minutes.

How to cook pilaf in a cauldron at home?

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare fifty to one hundred grams of chickpeas (Asian peas), one kilogram of carrots, one kilogram of rice, one kilogram of meat and one head of garlic. Also use a couple of onions and some vegetable oil.

Boil the chickpeas until tender. Cut the carrots into strips and the onion into half rings. Grind the meat into large pieces.

Heat a cauldron with vegetable oil. Fry the onion in it until nicely golden. Add meat to the container, add salt, fry and simmer. Place boiled chickpeas in a container, add carrots and unpeeled garlic (remove only the top dirty shell from the garlic). Add spices ( optimal choice will become a mixture for pilaf).

Fill the mixture in a cauldron with water so that it is two centimeters above the rice. Cook over fairly high heat, but do not cover with a lid. When the water level is equal to the level of the rice, reduce the heat to low and cover the cauldron with a lid. Cook until cooked, do not stir the rice and do not open the lid.

Delicious, quick and simple pilaf at home

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare four hundred grams of rice, four hundred grams of pork, one medium onion, one large carrot, half a glass of vegetable oil. Also use spices (for pilaf) and boiling water.

Rinse the rice thoroughly and dry. Cut the meat into small pieces and marinate if desired.
Heat the sunflower oil in a cast iron frying pan with high sides or in a cauldron. Fry the meat in it. Cut the onion into cubes and the carrot into strips. Add onions and carrots to the meat and fry until soft.
Add dry rice to the pan and fry over high heat, stirring occasionally. The rice should become transparent.
Fill the contents of the pan with boiling water from the kettle until it is about a centimeter above the rice. Add spices, salt, and add garlic cloves if desired. Cover the container with a lid and reduce the heat to low.
After all the water in the container has boiled away, the pilaf can be considered ready.

Homemade pilaf is an excellent dish that will delight everyone at home. And it’s not at all difficult to prepare it at home, you just need to follow the above recommendations.

Do you know how to make pilaf crumbly? You get crumbly and aromatic rice and delicious tender meat with vegetables and spices. Then we can say that everything really works out as it should. Or is it the other way around? The rice sticks together and looks like a sticky porridge, and the meat is tough. If this is the case, then a few simple techniques, which will be discussed below, can greatly help you.

In my family, my dad always cooked pilaf. While still in the army, one of his friends, an Uzbek by nationality, taught him to cook real Uzbek pilaf. I couldn’t do pilaf for a very long time. There were difficulties with rice: it turned out to be just rice porridge, no matter how you cry! But through experimentation and watching several cooking programs, I was finally able to get a good result.

All about how to make pilaf crumbly

Where does pilaf begin? Of course, with meat selection. Classic Uzbek pilaf is made from lamb. But let this not be a dogma for us. Everyone's tastes are different, and some may simply find lamb too oily. When choosing meat for pilaf, you just need to choose meat that is not too tough and “dry”. There should still be fat in it - this will help the meat retain its juice.

The key to delicious pilaf is right choice rice. There is only one criterion here – quality. If you choose the so-called “cut”, you will definitely not get crumbly pilaf from it. Long and parboiled rice grains are guaranteed to not stick together, but their taste and texture are a bit rough in my opinion.

I give preference rice camolino or Egyptian. These are the types of rice that are easy to find on the shelves of our stores and can be purchased at an affordable price. Before preparing pilaf, it is important to rinse the rice thoroughly. The water must be drained at least 10 times until it becomes clear. The rice needs to be allowed to dry. It is also important to maintain the proportion - 1 glass of rice and 2 glasses of water.

Uzbek pilaf must have garlic. It does not need to be completely peeled: just remove the husk, leaving the cloves in a dense peel. Don't skimp on the carrots– it gives the pilaf a pleasant sweetness and beautiful color. There is no need to stir it. The carrots are laid out on the meat in an even layer. You need to pour water into the pilaf not cold, but very hot. Its quantity is determined by the amount of rice.

A simple recipe for pilaf with pork

  • Cut the meat into large cubes (2 to 3 cm sides) and fry over high heat in a deep and wide frying pan. You should not let the meat release its juice - it must remain inside each piece.
  • Cut the carrots into thin strips, finely chop the onion, and divide the garlic into cloves. Place onion, garlic on the meat, add spices, salt and carrots and cook zirvak (the so-called meat with vegetables and spices for pilaf) over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  • Advice: There is one trick regarding salt - you need to add a little salt to the zirvak so that the rice then absorbs the salt, and the dish turns out to be evenly salted.
  • Boil water in a separate pan.
  • Pour the rice into the frying pan (or cauldron in which the meat is cooked). Distribute it evenly over the entire surface and pour hot water. You can’t mix pilaf! Pilaf should have three layers: meat, vegetables and rice.
  • Cook the pilaf under a closed lid over medium heat. When the water level goes below the surface of the rice, take a wooden stick and make holes all over the surface of the pilaf to allow the water to boil away, leaving the rice crumbly.

The secret of crumbly pilaf: summing it up

  1. Choose the right variety rice
  2. Rinse it well (the water should be clear).
  3. Pour required quantity hot water.
  4. Make holes to allow the water to boil away.

Other recipes with meat: