Valeria Lukyanova performed what operations. Secrets of Barbie from Odessa: How many plastic surgeries has Valeria Lukyanova done? Did “Odessa Barbie” have plastic surgery?

Remember your childhood toys? Among them there was probably a slender, long-haired doll with big eyes, which all the girls dreamed of. Barbie was the standard of beauty in our childhood. Many people wanted to have such a body, but only a few dared to get it, and among them Odessa Barbie Valeria Lukyanova. Several operations, grueling training, diets and Valeria Lukyanova’s parameters, according to her, reached 86x47x86 with a completely doll-like height of 170 cm, which makes her look like a living copy of the legendary Barbie.

Biography of Valeria Lukyanova

Barbie girl Valeria Lukyanova was born in Tiraspol (Moldova) in 1985, but lived most of her life in Odessa on the shores of the Black Sea, being the most ordinary girl who cherishes dreams of. However, unlike the majority, Valeria Valerievna Lukyanova, as our unearthly girl is called, became a teenager and began to actively make her way into the fashion industry. Having found herself in one of the small local modeling agencies, she traveled around the country with shows, participated in extras for videos and led a corresponding lifestyle, which, as she claims in her interviews, she now greatly regrets. In 2007, the girl became the owner of the title “Miss Diamond Crown of Ukraine,” which gave a sharp impetus to the growth of her popularity. Her personal videos began to appear on YouTube, professional photo shoots and interviews in popular publications. But she entered the world stage only in 2012, giving an interview for V Magazine.

Comments on a girl's appearance

Photos of the girl that appeared in magazines caused widespread criticism both from ordinary readers and from specialists in the field of plastic surgery. In particular, the famous surgeon Alexander Teplyashin claims that the girl’s appearance is far from natural and has undergone many changes, such as the removal of pairs of ribs, changing the shape of the ears, breast enlargement and even teeth extensions. At the same time, Ukrainian Barbie Valeria Lukyanova herself claims that she had only one plastic surgery - she enlarged her breasts by two sizes. Whether this is true or not can be judged by her older photos taken before the girl was transformed into a doll.

In addition, there is data confirming the use of graphic editors to process photos of girls that end up on the Internet.

The main reason for controversy about Valeria Lukyanova’s appearance is the girl’s waist. Since official measurements of the parameters were not carried out, critics have every reason to assume that her volume is far from the declared 47 cm, which looks simply unrealistic, and her thinness is achieved through masterful photo processing. This is indirectly confirmed by the girl’s neighbors, who say that they absolutely do not recognize Valeria in the photographs.

Secrets of the image of Ukrainian Barbie

If we ignore the facts of artificial correction of Valeria’s appearance, the girl puts a lot of effort into improving her figure and developing the overall image of a cute doll. Valeria Lukyanova’s diet is widely known, the features of which she sells at her trainings, which have already taken place in many cities of the CIS. The fact of her regular visits to the gym is also confirmed.

Every day, according to Valeria herself, she also devotes time to developing new ideas for makeup, which she always applies herself. Creating Valeria Lukyanova's makeup for a photo shoot usually takes about two hours, because it includes several corrective and decorative layers at once. And mysterious eyes, by the way, are created using lenses.

The biography of Valeria Lukyanova before creating the image of “Barbie” is full of gaps. In her youth, the girl was interested in various subcultures, had a lot bad habits and did not strive to gain good knowledge.

Later, she became interested in esotericism, wrote poetry, traveled and participated in beauty contests, becoming “Miss Diamond Crown of Ukraine.”

After working on her appearance, popularity came quickly, and the girl was already invited to federal channels. But after declaring her extraterrestrial origin, the blonde stopped communicating with the press personally and banned photography.

But some photos of Valeria Lukyanova still leak onto the Internet and raise a lot of questions among users about the naturalness of beauty. It’s hard to believe the words of the Odessa “Barbie” that she had only one breast augmentation operation: “I am presented as a doll who has achieved such appearance thanks to plastic surgery."

The girl calls the rest the result of spiritual practices, genetic factors and hard work on herself. Lera Lukyanova looked attractive and beautiful before the operation, but after plastic surgery and an obsession with the Barbie image, not only the size of Amatue’s breasts (Lukyanova’s nickname) changed, but also her waist size.

The girl says that she got a “wasp” waist in gym and with proper nutrition.

In one of her interviews, “Barbie” stated that family values ​​are not the main thing. This did not stop her from becoming the wife of the owner of a large construction company. Internet users suggest that it was her husband who helped Lukyanova realize her dream of an ideal appearance.

Valeria Lukyanova after surgery

Ukrainian “Barbie” does not deny mammoplasty - breast correction. She increased her breasts two sizes to achieve the look she wanted. In one of the social networks, the Internet star regrets that she did not enlarge her breasts even more. The girl justifies mammoplasty very simply: with the help of the operation she wanted to balance her body: “In an effort to balance my hips and emphasize my waist, I made my breast size somewhat larger.”

Valeria Lukyanova looks completely different before and after the proposed surgical intervention. Changes are noticeable in the girl’s facial features and figure.

Plastic surgeons are sure that Amatue, in addition to breast enlargement, performed rhinoplasty and Botox injections. IN childhood Lera’s nose had a small hump, which completely disappeared in later photos of the Internet star.

A frozen “mask” on the face and lack of facial expressions may indicate numerous Botox injections. Amatue believes that all means are good to match the doll's parameters. There is an opinion that Valeria Lukyanova had surgery to change the shape of her eyes, the shape of her cheekbones and eyelids. The star categorically denies all journalists' assumptions about plastic surgery and focuses on spiritual qualities, talents and extraterrestrial origin.

I am presented as a doll who achieved this appearance through plastic surgery.

Valeria Lukyanova before and after operations: assessment of appearance

Some experts, when viewing photos of Valeria Lukyanova before and after, have no doubt that she used the services of plastic surgeons. Before plastic surgery, Valeria Lukyanova did not have a model appearance, but after surgery and numerous experiments she turned into a “living doll.” Along with her popularity, Lera became the owner of an unnaturally thin waist, a straight nose and too large eyes.

Others believe that the effect of a doll's appearance is achieved by skillful makeup and the use of photo editors. On the beach or on television, in his video blog or on the streets of his hometown - everywhere Amatue appears with spectacular makeup. She willingly shares with fans the secrets of applying tone and gives recommendations on choosing cosmetics.

Valeria speaks negatively about plastic surgery and tries to attract attention with her hobbies and diets. The girl doesn't like being compared to Barbie, but everyone possible ways tries to improve her doll-like appearance. Even some of Amatue's outfits are similar to those of the popular toy.

There is no doubt about mammoplasty and correction of the shape of the nose, but the rest of Valeria Lukyanova’s plastic surgeries still remain a question mark.

Valeria Lukyanova looks different before and after plastic surgery. People have ambivalent perceptions of the girl’s thoughtful image, admiring it or calling it madness.

On the eve of Valeria Lukyanova’s 30th birthday, which Valeria Lukyanova will celebrate this summer, a debate has once again flared up among fans and critics of the extravagant beauty about how many plastic surgeries the living Barbie girl from Odessa has undergone. And this is not surprising! After all, the incomparable Amatue (and that’s exactly how she behaved in last years calls Lera Lukyanova) carefully hides information about herself. Information about Valeria Lukyanova’s height, weight, age and other parameters is extremely contradictory. So, although most sources indicate that Lera was born on August 23, 1985, in her VKontakte profile she herself indicates June 21, 1992, and instead of her native Moldovan Tiraspol, Mexican Cancun is named as her place of birth.

But most of all, Odessa Barbie hides the secrets of her special appearance, categorically denying any intervention by plastic surgeons, except for breast augmentation. Is it so? Let's take a closer look!

Exciting bust

The only plastic surgery that Valeria Lukyanova does not deny is mammoplasty. Since Lera generously shared her photographs even before the radical transformation, in the photo/video BEFORE and AFTER plastic surgery, changes in breast size are more than obvious! An additional argument is the obvious disproportion between the voluminous bust and the fragile figure: as you know, Barbie does not have children and is not expected to do so in the near future, so it is difficult to attribute breast enlargement to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

According to Lukyanova herself, she actually installed implants, enlarging her breasts by 2 sizes, out of a desire to make her body proportions more harmonious.

So, the probability of breast surgery is 100%.

Wasp waist

But here everything is much more complicated. Yes, in the early photos Lera looks much thicker, but given her passion for a vegetable diet and raw food diet, as well as active exercise in the gym, a decrease in waist size does not look so unrealistic. According to various sources, Lukyanova weighs from 42 to 45 kg with a height of 162-170 cm (there is no reliable data on this matter), which means she should have practically no layer of fat in the abdominal area. This is indirectly confirmed by well-defined abs.

And yet, 47 cm waist... Did Barbie really have to remove her lower ribs?! Although spiteful critics are almost sure of this and even claim that the surgical intervention was carried out in China, perfect body The scars characteristic of this operation are invisible. It is quite possible that the subject of Lukyanova’s special pride still has a natural origin and was the result of hard work, multiplied by good heredity (Valeria’s mother also has a slender figure).

In addition, there is a persistent rumor among Internet users that in some photos Barbie’s waist looks somewhat… photoshopped.

So, the probability of waist surgery is 5% (perhaps excess fat tissue was removed using liposuction?).

Saucer eyes

Another trademark of Lera is her beautiful huge eyes. In Lera's childhood photographs they do not look so large, and, moreover, the outer edge of the upper eyelid droops somewhat. The future Barbie retains a similar eye shape even before her star debut, although the drooping eyelid becomes less noticeable.

In modern photographs of Valeria Lukyanova without makeup, the shape of the eyes is practically no different from the earlier photographs, but still the eyes seem more open and clear, so the possibility of upper blepharoplasty is not completely excluded.

And yet... A big role in the “cartoonishness” of Barbie’s look is played by the use of colored contact lenses, as well as specific make-up with a special outline of the lips and a bright outline of the new eye contour.

So, the probability of eye surgery is 10%.

Neat nose

But here, most likely, it could not have happened without the help of plastic surgeons. Most likely, in this case, skillful and careful rhinoplasty was performed. Valeria’s nose is too different in early and modern photographs! Take a closer look: in old photographs there is a barely noticeable hump on Lukyanova’s nose, and its tip seems heavier and more voluminous. Today, Barbie is the owner of an elegant narrow nose, which is difficult to achieve with makeup, even if very skillful.

And it is precisely in this case that the idea of ​​​​good heredity fails Leroux. Although her mother is very beautiful in appearance, Barbie from Odessa’s nose in early photographs is very reminiscent of her mother’s somewhat heavy one.

So, the probability of a nose job is 90% (we leave 10% at risk - what if Valeria has become a master of super-makeup?!).

Expressive cheekbones

It’s hard not to agree that the “unearthly” Amatue’s cheekbones look much more graceful than those of the earthly Valeria Lukyanova. In childhood, and even in her teenage years, Lera’s cheeks looked plumper than they do now. However, let's not rush. Of course, it would be easiest to declare that Barbie's sharp facial features are the result of plastic surgery.

Firstly, Lera really follows a fairly strict diet and, they even say, is going to completely switch to “nutrition solar energy" And a person who carefully watches his figure has a face that seems more pointed. And secondly, the skillful use of foundation, powder, correctors and blush allows you to place any accents you like. In recent photos without makeup, Valeria Lukyanova has a very cute round face!

And finally, you can watch Lera’s wonderful transformations into a Barbie doll in the videos that she periodically posts on Youtube.

So, the probability of cheekbone surgery is 10%.

Plump lips

Although evil tongues claim that Barbie from Odessa’s lips are not real, most likely the girl did not have contouring done.

In the early photos and the photo with her husband, Valeria Lukyanova’s lips look plump by nature. In addition, with additional lip augmentation it is much more difficult to achieve the effect of big eyes!

So, the probability of lip surgery is 1% (let's leave it for risk - and experts may be wrong!).

Perfectly smooth skin

Another mystery of Amatue - beautiful skin without facial wrinkles (and this is almost 30 years old!). Of course, when a very thick layer of make-up can correct any “irregularities”. However, in the photo without makeup, Valeria Lukyanova also looks charming and fresh. There are publications on the Internet in which Barbie is suspected of using hyaluronic fillers and Botox, but, I think, everything is much more common. No bad habits and correct lighting combined with Photoshop can work real miracles!

So, the probability of beauty injections is 1%.

No matter how much Valeria Lukyanova is discussed and condemned, for the sake of fairness it is worth noting that Barbie from Odessa has become a noticeable Internet phenomenon. At the same time, she continues to work carefully on her appearance: without regular exercise, healthy image life and, to be honest, good heredity, no amount of money from a businessman husband would help! And even if plastic surgeons had a hand in her special beauty, what’s wrong with that?!

Valeria Lukyanova - “living Barbie”. Once again the worldwide Internet is shaken by sensations - a new virtual star has lit up, whose photos amaze and confuse. Who is this girl and where did she get her memorable appearance? Did nature endow her with stunning appearance or is this the fruit of the painstaking work of plastic surgeons?

Childhood "living Barbie"

Valeria Valerievna Lukyanova was born on August 23, 1985 in Tiraspol, Transnistria, into the family of a builder. Little is known about her childhood years. This is due to the fact that new star The young man carefully guards information about himself on the Internet. Let's just say that Lera Lukyanova was born quite an ordinary girl. She has a brother who lives with his mother in the capital of Russia, and her father remains to live in his homeland. There were no prerequisites indicating that the girl was in danger of popularity. Like many children, she studied averagely, without much zeal. Living Barbie Valeria Lukyanova admits that she did not understand the meaning of many school subjects, and often negotiated grades.

The youth of a modern Internet star

Having moved to the Ukrainian city of Odessa, Lera Lukyanova entered and graduated from music school. However, God did not give her any special vocal abilities. At the age of 14, as a teenager, she drank a heavy dose of diphenhydramine because of unrequited love, but she received medical assistance in time. Russian Barbie joined a vampire sect and ran to meetings of the Red Dragon organization. Realizing that this hobby would not bring anything useful, she gave up on everything and went to study at the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, where she subsequently received a bachelor's degree. It was then that strange metamorphoses began with her external data.

Plastic surgeries of Valeria Lukyanova

Looking at the photo of Valeria Lukyanova in in social networks VKontakte and Instagram, you’re amazed at how much this girl resembles the Barbie doll beloved by all fashionistas. The image is not new, but this is not the first generation of eccentric ladies who want to be like this slender beauty at all costs. Women of different colors often fail, because with any tuning a VAZ 2106 will not work as a Mercedes. But after the operations, Lera Lukyanova became the embodiment of a children's toy.

  • Rhinoplasty. Living Barbie Valeria Lukyanova covers her nose with tons of cosmetics. It is possible to get to the bottom of the true state of affairs there only after archaeological excavations in the depths of the cream and powder. However, studying the photo of Valeria Lukyanova before the operation, you will clearly see that the star’s nose was much wider, and there was a hump on it. Nowadays on VKontakte and the girl’s Instagram there are photos in which the nose is narrow and clearly defined. It's like it's been cut out puppet master made from a piece of high quality plastic.

  • Upper blepharoplasty. The star denies any surgical interventions to create a doll-shaped eye shape. But world-famous surgeons have doubts about the naturalness of the girl’s huge wide-open eyes. On top of that, Valeria Lukyanova, like a real doll, poses in front of camera lenses, her eyes unnaturally widening. Thick makeup and bright lenses that enlarge the iris enhance the effect.

  • . Russian Barbie got plump lips from nature. But in Lately their volume has increased noticeably. There is talk of surgery. Lera Lukyanova abuses various lipsticks and glosses before and after lip augmentation. By the way, now the girl has switched exclusively to pink colors V .

  • Hyaluronic acid. “Beauty injections” have been attributed to the star since the very moment of her appearance on the Internet. At first, fans believed that the absence of facial wrinkles and folds was a consequence of multi-color makeup, but even photos of Valeria Lukyanova without makeup are distinguished by the virgin smoothness of the skin. Experts suggest that it was Botox that became the reason for such an ideal condition of the skin.

  • Plastic surgery of cheekbones. Photos from 2016 showed that Russian Barbie's face had noticeably shrunk. The girl herself completely refuses to talk about possible plastic surgery, insisting only on the idea. It’s difficult to judge, but comparing what Lera Lukyanova looked like before the operations, you understand that without skillful hands There were no Aesculapians there.

  • Breast augmentation. Before plastic surgery, Valeria Lukyanova had a modest 1.5 breast size. Recently, photos of Valeria Lukyanova show voluminous breast implants that would be the envy of the most popular doll. Lera Lukyanova admits that she enlarged her breasts to achieve the desired image. Note that this is only one operation to which the girl confessed. “I actually increased my breasts a couple of sizes, at first I was one and a half. I really regret that I didn’t increase it even more!” she says on her Instagram. My husband paid for the operation. It cost $3000.

  • Removal of ribs. A controversial topic that Lera Lukyanova prefers to remain silent about. But the ubiquitous paparazzi got to the bottom of it and found her confession. The star says that she removed two lower ribs in China to achieve the effect of a wasp waist with a diameter of 48 cm. Many doctors and fitness instructors claim, no matter what the girl says, it is impossible to achieve such a result only with training and diets. But in order to maintain a minimum girth, she goes to the gym 3 times a week and is convinced.

Living Barbie Valeria Lukyanova and her Ken

Lera does not really like to talk about the person of her husband, who is also the sponsor of all her blissful ideas for changing her appearance. Valeria Lukyanova's husband Dmitry Shkrabov, an Odessa businessman, does not mind having a living Barbie doll nearby.

According to available information, he spent $800,000 on updating his wife. Valeria herself practically never leaves the character. Even at home, she puts on kilograms of makeup and walks around not in a robe, but in a short top. Traditional family life The girl considers it something terrible and definitely doesn’t want children. She is convinced that she cannot be a mother.

Pranoedia Valeria Lukyanova

The girl is also known by the name Amatua. And this is no more, no less, but the goddess of the Sun. Valeria convinces all subscribers that she came to Earth from another planet, that she is a deity who has acquired an earthly body. For a long time she only ate raw foods, then switched to liquid food, and then an unsuccessful attempt at prana-eating followed. Living Barbie Valeria Lukyanova was not able to feed on solar energy for long. She suffered a fiasco and wisely postponed attempts indefinitely.

The girl is offended if she is compared to a Barbie doll, although she strives with all her might to achieve the cherished image. And no matter how hard she tried to divert the attention of the audience to her spiritual qualities, everything turned out to be unsuccessful. Lera Lukyanova changed a lot before and after the operations, gradually acquiring a kind of soulless, cosmic beauty. Her fans say: “She was a nice girl... That's what dolls do to people! It would be better if everyone played with cars."

Video: Valeria Lukyanova answers tricky questions live

Ukrainian Internet celebrity and aspiring model Valeria Lukyanova has gained worldwide fame thanks to her extraordinary appearance. Online she prefers to use the nickname Amatue, but journalists and fans gave her a more descriptive nickname - “living Barbie.”

And indeed, the girl does everything to ensure that her face and body correspond to the “doll” parameters: smooth skin, wide eyes, large breasts and an incredibly narrow waist. It is not surprising that one of the most interesting and discussed topics was plastic surgery, with the help of which Lukyanova achieved such a clear resemblance to plastic Barbie.

Moreover, Valeria herself is only saddened by this state of affairs - she has repeatedly urged fans to pay attention to other aspects of her life: the talents of a singer and composer, esoteric practices, work to promote a healthy lifestyle and much more. But, as you know, people are greeted by their clothes, so it is not surprising that all attention remains focused on the star’s appearance.

What plastic surgeries did Valeria Lukyanova perform?

At the first glance at the girl, the artificiality of her forms is beyond doubt (although, looking ahead, we can say that this impression is quite deceptive). Here are just the main operations that are attributed to Valeria in various sources:

  • Removal of lower ribs (to create a thin waist)
  • (to widen the eyes)
  • or lip filler injections
  • and/or

Western journalists have calculated that such a “set” would cost Amatue at least half a million dollars - however, the star herself denies almost the entire list, calling her appearance the merit of her parents and her own efforts.

Each side in this discussion has its own weighty arguments, but the easiest way to draw objective conclusions is by looking at Valeria’s photographs different years, which she often shares with subscribers on social networks.

Breast surgery is the only operation that the star does not deny performing. “I actually enlarged my breasts by 2 sizes, initially I was the first and a half. I regret that I didn’t increase it more!” she said. However, there is no point in denying anything here: the difference in bust size in old and relatively new photos is too significant. Such an “increase” cannot be made by any other means than installation.

In addition, the contrast between the girl’s fragile figure and voluminous breasts also indicates mammoplasty. This, of course, is possible without surgery - during pregnancy and lactation, but, as you know, Lukyanova does not have children and is not planning to.

Is it true that Valeria Lukyanova had her ribs removed?

The origin of Amatue's extremely thin waist is much more controversial. After her triumphant photo shoot in V Magazine, American surgeons unanimously said that it was impossible to achieve such a girth naturally. The authors of numerous gossip agree with them - in a number of domestic media there was even an alleged quote from Valeria Lukyanova herself that she went to China to have her ribs removed.

In fact, the girl did not say anything like that and she tries to stay away from discussions of this issue. The version of the operation cannot be completely ruled out, but if you look at the photographs of Valeria’s mother, you can see that the unusual proportions were clearly inherited by her.

The narrowness of the waist is further emphasized by wide hips and enlarged breasts, as well as complete absence fat in the abdominal area (the girl not only spends a lot of time in the gym, but is also a convinced raw foodist).

Photo of Valeria Lukyanova before and after possible plastic surgery

“As for me, she either had several operations on her face or put a couple of kilograms of makeup on it,” commented Beverly Hills surgeon Anthony Yun, a well-known fan of “tearing the covers off” star plastic surgery, commenting on Lukyanova’s appearance.

In general, Valeria does not hide her passion for cosmetics - she not only puts an impressive amount of makeup on her face, but also regularly experiments with “coloring” options, sharing her finds on her own video channel. It is through makeup, in her words, that doll-like facial features are formed, which to many seem to be the work of a surgeon or a Photoshop master (however, Photoshop actually takes place in her photos, especially studio ones - and often in quite large quantities).

This can be believed, but Valeria Lukyanova’s nose, compared to her old photos, looks noticeably thinner, and its tip somewhat less heavy and voluminous. It is quite possible that this actually took place, but it was not a radical correction of shape and size, but only a slight “polishing”.

Mother and daughter have very similar facial features, with the exception of the same nose:

In addition, it is striking that, compared to childhood photos, Amatue’s cheekbones have become more graceful and thinner. These changes are unlikely to be a consequence of plastic surgery; with a high probability they are caused by the “branded” make-up, without which the girl has not appeared in front of a photo or video lens for a long time, be it winter or summer, the streets of her native Odessa or the beaches in tropical countries.

It would be logical to attribute the lack of facial wrinkles to the make-up, if in the photographs without make-up Valeria’s skin was not still as smooth. Some publications explain this using hyaluronic fillers, but the reason is much simpler and more logical: Lukyanova long ago got rid of all bad habits (in adolescence she sometimes drank heavily on alcohol, but stopped in time), eats healthy food and exercises regularly.

She also spends a lot of time in ecologically clean parts of the planet (in particular, on the mountain peaks of Asia and Mexico), sunbathes little and is largely protected from most modern stresses - such as financial problems and conflicts at work. Add to this lifestyle good genetics, a very young age and just a little Photoshop - and the issue of wrinkles disappears by itself, at least for another 5-7 years.

As for Valeria Lukyanova’s eyes, from childhood to today their cut hasn't changed much. It is extremely doubtful that plastic surgery took place here - if you look closely, you can see that in most of the photographs the girl simply opens her eyes wide. Also, visually they add volume contact lenses, specific makeup, narrow nose and specially contoured lips. By the way, this is why the version with lip plastic surgery is unlikely - there is no point in increasing them further for Valeria, since in this case it will be more difficult for her to create the effect of huge eyes.

Moreover, the girl denies not only the operations attributed to her, but also the doll image itself. “All these comparisons really offend me,” she told NewMediaRockStars. - I'm beautiful, but I have nothing in common with Barbie. Yes, I like to take care of myself and wear feminine clothes, but I only look like myself. As for plastic surgery, I have nothing against it, but my appearance is due only to good genes: everyone in my family is like that!”