Vandals damaged the media center in Zaryadye Park (and not only). In the new Zaryadye Park, the glass dome and window of the media center were broken. What vandals did in Zaryadye Park

“Until we understand that we need to protect and not steal, until we teach to take care from childhood, we will not change anything,” State Duma deputy Olga Timofeeva told the newspaper VZGLYAD, commenting on the antics of vandals in the new Zaryadye park near the Kremlin. In a matter of days, 10 thousand plants, including those listed in the Red Book, were destroyed. The park had to change its operating hours. What causes the behavior of vandals and what countermeasures should be taken?

Natural landscape park "Zaryadye" near the Kremlin on September 9, on the Day of celebration of the 870th anniversary of Moscow. The opening was attended by President Vladimir Putin and the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin.

The day before, Moscow authorities announced the final cost of construction of Zaryadye facilities as 14 billion rubles. Of these, 4 billion were spent on landscaping.

10 thousand planted plants were destroyed in two days

Earlier it became known that several objects and green spaces in the park, which opened on Monday, were vandalized. In just two days, hooligans destroyed about 10 thousand plants, reported the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication.

In addition, one of the triangles of the so-called glass cortex was damaged, and the skylight on the roof of the Media Center pavilion was cracked from being “hit by some object.”

The damage caused will require complex and expensive restoration work, which is due to begin on Sunday, September 18.

Upon completion of the restoration work, “small fences will appear that will not allow visitors to enter the center of the plantings,” Igor Safiullin, head of the department for landscape gardening and environmental work at Zaryadye Park, told the newspaper VZGLYAD.

Note that all the actions of vandals, in theory, should have been recorded - the park is equipped with 364 external and 49 internal CCTV cameras.

Plants from the Red Book could be mistaken for ordinary weeds

"Unfortunately, a large number of visitors perceive parks as a kind of planting of traditional garden plants, such as roses, peonies, phlox. But in our park the plants have a natural, natural character,” noted Igor Safiullin.

Let us remind you that one of the goals of Zaryadye Park is to create an idea of ​​the natural landscapes of Russia, including plants of different climatic zones. The plants planted in the park “are probably perceived by some visitors as the most common ones - if not weeds, then like plants that can be found everywhere in the meadow,” Safiullin explained.

“That’s why these people probably don’t attach any importance to such plants and walk right over them,” the interlocutor suggested.

Earlier, Safiullin explained that among the plants pulled out of the ground was marsh marigold, listed in the Red Book of Moscow. Other “Red Book” crops were also affected: European swimmer and eryngium.

From Zaryadye with loot

But rare plants were not only trampled down. “I saw how plants were pulled out of the soil and lay next to the place where they used to grow,” says Igor Safiullin.

The Zaryadye management reported that some park visitors were seen digging up recently planted plants that could easily be pulled out of the ground. They hide them in bags and leave, representatives of the park management complained.

"We can create wonderful parks, botanical gardens... But when people behave simply like vandals and do not understand that this was done for them and their children, this raises questions,” the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Protection told the newspaper VZGLYAD environment, co-chairman of the ONF Central Headquarters Olga Timofeeva.

She noted that she was deeply outraged by the way seedlings collected from all over Russia, which had not even taken root yet, were taken out of the newly opened park in the city center.

Psychologists in response to this question suggest that the problem is infantility, immaturity of thinking.

Such massive vandalism can hardly be explained by the fact that all these people were drunk, Vera Koltsova, deputy director of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted in a comment to the Moslenta portal. “The destruction of beauty, that is, the absence of any aesthetic needs in a person, is, from the point of view of psychology, a serious deviation from the norm,” the psychologist believes.

“For me, as a person who loves nature, of course, any damaged plant is a personal pain,” says Igor Safiullin.

How to stop vandals

It is clear that security of the park should be strengthened, stated State Duma deputy Olga Timofeeva. “But this is not a question for the authorities. First of all, this is a question for all of us,” the deputy noted. “You can’t assign a policeman to every tree, to every seedling.”

Timofeeva recalled that the park is not particularly protected natural area, the park is simply a local recreation area. In her opinion, a fine of one hundred, one thousand or ten thousand rubles will not stop people who take out seedlings. They don’t think and don’t know that such penalties exist, the deputy added.

The question must be raised in education, the interlocutor emphasized. “We can write any laws, introduce any stiffening of the fine. But we need to get back to changing the brain. Until we understand that we need to protect and not steal, until we teach from childhood to take care, we will not change anything,” Timofeeva summed up.

In your opinion

September 11, 20:07 The Moscow City Hall reported that on the first day of operation of Zaryadye Park (it was only opened today to everyone), vandals damaged the glass dome and window of the media center. Who exactly did this and under what conditions is not specified. As Galina Gordyushina, a representative of the Mosinzhproekt company controlled by the mayor's office, said, the repairs are planned to be carried out as soon as possible.

Every day in the park losses are calculated:

– Someone threw a stone into the roof – the “glass crust” above the Philharmonic. One of the transparent triangles from which the “bark” is assembled is completely covered with cracks.

– In front of the entrance to the “Reserve Embassy” pavilion, floor lamps were broken.

“And on the roof of the Media Center pavilion, a skylight also cracked due to a thrown stone.

But the plants suffered the most.

“Over three days of work, the load on the park several times exceeded design calculations,” Igor Safiullin, head of the department for landscape gardening and environmental work at Zaryadye Park, told KP. “Unfortunately, visitors trampled plants and lawns, especially in the northern zone of the landscape. Almost 30 percent of the green cover there has been destroyed. But you can’t relax on the grass everywhere, but only in special places.”<...>

“Imagine, they dig up plants, hide them in their bags and leave,” Igor Safiullin almost cries. “All the greenery has not yet taken root, it was only recently planted, so they quickly pull it out of the ground with their hands. This is sedge and marigold, listed in the Red Book of Moscow swamp. Both our specialists and security are making every effort to stop the vandals. But the flow of visitors is so large that it is impossible to keep track of everyone, even with the help of video cameras. There are a lot of people, and the plants are destroyed in seconds. It’s time to start restoring lawns and the northern landscape"<...>

According to Zaryadye Park, about 10 thousand new plants will have to be purchased to replace them. In order to somehow save the park, signs saying “Do not walk on the lawns” have already been placed on the green lawns. In addition, the loudspeakers constantly ask visitors not to destroy the park.

This was stated by Galina Gordyushina, director of civil project design at Mosinzhproekt JSC, as reported on the website of the capital’s mayor’s office.

“The nature of the damage to one of the triangles of the glass crust indicates that there was some kind of physical impact. The skylight on the roof of the Media Center pavilion also cracked. And not because they walked or jumped on it - the material can withstand up to 300 kilograms. This clearly happened from being hit by some object,” Gordyushina said.

They plan to restore the damaged elements as soon as possible, but this will not be easy, since the glass is different and designed using special technology, Gordyushina noted.

Park director Pavel Trekhleb called on citizens to respect the work of “a huge team of people.”

“People worked day and night to make such a gift. And of course, all of us - developers, builders, employees of Zaryadye - are very upset to see such a negligent attitude towards both the park’s objects and its botanical collection. I would like to appeal to all visitors with a request to be more attentive and take care of the park created especially for you,” Trekhleb said.

Let us remind you that Zaryadye Park opened on September 9 for the 870th anniversary of Moscow on the site of the Rossiya Hotel, which was demolished in 2006. The area of ​​the park is 130 thousand square meters. meters. It became the first large park created in the capital over the past 50 years, Echo of Moscow clarifies. Construction of the facility cost 14 billion rubles. Read more about the new park in

Zaryadye Park survived an attack by vandals - they damaged the glass bark and the window of the media center, and also trampled the lawn almost a day after the park opened to everyone. Ivan Yakunin figured out how this could happen.

There is a saying among car enthusiasts: as soon as new car leaves the salon, it immediately loses 30% of its value. The same thing happened with Zaryadye Park. As soon as it opened to everyone, it suffered losses: the glass dome and window of the media center were “wounded,” and green spaces were also damaged - according to some estimates, the same 30%.

Such incidents are the result of an increase in aggression in society, Vladimir Rimsky, a leading researcher at the Indem Foundation, is convinced. He emphasized that, most likely, the offender is a modern Herostratus.

“One of the factors is the difficulty of realizing in life some of one’s own interests, priorities, and generally demonstrating independence and initiative for the vast majority of people. And if people don’t have the opportunity, then, unfortunately, they will do it the way they can,” says Rimsky.

The situation is complicated by the fact that video cameras did not record the vandals. Anton Tsvetkov, Chairman of the Public Security Council of the Officers of Russia organization, believes that the park needs to reconsider the work scheme of the security service: “We are installing a huge number of cameras that no one really watches. Video recordings are used only after something has happened. All over the world, the practice is different - when cameras are installed, professional dispatchers sit and, in the presence of certain offenses, coordinate the work of the security service. Now it is necessary to conduct an additional security audit of the facility, install additional CCTV cameras if there are not enough, and evaluate how security posts and police units are placed and make adjustments.”

And this is not the only incident at Zaryadye. Yesterday, footage appeared on the Internet of two BMW X5s standing on the observation deck - black and white. However, no additional protective measures will be taken, official representative of the Russian Guard Valery Gribakin told Kommersant FM: “In our opinion, according to all calculations related to security elements, the forces and means involved are quite sufficient. To date, there are 45 posts in the park. Of these, 44 are on duty around the clock, and one is on duty for 12 hours. There is no reason to worry. In fact, the security is reliable. Now the question is being carefully studied to determine what happened. And I think that based on the results of the inspection, appropriate conclusions will be drawn.”

Social media users reacted violently to the incident in Zaryadye. One user suggested that the vandals had a message: “Your park is too good for us.”

Zaryadye Park took two and a half years to build on the site of the demolished Rossiya Hotel. In total, 14 billion rubles were spent - three times more than planned.

To replace the plants destroyed by visitors, the management of Zaryadye Park will have to purchase about 10 thousand new plants. The head of the park’s gardening and environmental work department, Igor Safiullin, told “” that the greenery has not yet taken root, “it was only recently planted, so they quickly pull it out of the ground with their hands.”

Mainly affected were sedge and marsh marigold, listed in the Red Book of Moscow.

“Both our specialists and security are making every effort to stop the vandals,” Safiullin said. “But the flow of visitors is so large that it is impossible to keep track of everyone even with the help of video cameras.”

The northern landscape suffered the most - 30% of green spaces there were trampled.

In the near future, park management will begin to restore the lawns and northern landscape, but this will not be easy. “We have a crazy rush, there are a lot of people, and the plants are destroyed in seconds,” Safiullin complained. In addition, all plants for the park were grown to special order.

Visitors to the park not only step on rare mosses and grasses, but also simply take part of the landscape with them.

“Imagine, they dig up plants, hide them in their bags and leave,” Safiullin is amazed.

“Do not walk on the lawns” signs are installed everywhere in the park and visitors are asked via loudspeaker not to destroy Zaryadye.

On the first day after the park opened to the general public, someone damaged the glass “bark” above the Philharmonic - after throwing a stone at one of the triangles, it cracked. The same thing happened with the Media Center - the skylight there cracked.

Safiullin said that the glass “bark” and the window have already begun to be replaced. As the company that built the park, Mosinzhproekt, emphasized, the glass was designed using special technology and varies in size. Each fragment of the translucent structure must be adjusted to the size of a specific dome cell.

The glass bark partially covers the large amphitheater, on the roof of which there is a garden.

This is the world's largest translucent structure without enclosing walls; it is connected to the concert hall only on the eastern side.

Its area is 8.7 thousand. square meters. Thanks 150 solar panels the air temperature under the bark is several degrees higher, which makes it possible to grow heat-loving plants.

The capital’s Center for Expertise, Research and Testing in Construction (CEIIS), which checked the quality of construction of the “bark”, stated that if a stone is thrown on the glass, cracks can actually appear.

Its surface consists of at least three layers connected by a polymer film, so the fragments do not fly apart and cannot injure visitors.
Due to destruction by vandals, the capital's Zaryadye Park is changing its operating hours. As the director of the park explained, a number of restrictions are being introduced in Zaryadye to preserve the landscape and architecture.

From September 14, entrance to the territory, observation deck The "floating bridge" and the pavilions will be carried out at 15-minute intervals. It is noted that this will distribute the flow of visitors and increase control over objects. Trekhleb called the restrictions a forced measure.

“If we don’t take care of green plants now, many of which were damaged as a result of careless actions of visitors, they will die. We already understand that some of the plantings will have to be restored, but a lot of work has been done to select, order, grow and deliver them to the park,” said the director of the park.

Restoration work will begin at Zaryadye on September 18. On Mondays, the entrance to the park will open to visitors from 14.00.

Zaryadye Park was opened by the President of Russia as part of the celebration of the 870th anniversary of Moscow. The first to visit it were the capital's schoolchildren, children from large families and boarding schools. The park was opened to other visitors on the morning of September 11.

According to preliminary estimates, the park will be visited by 10 million people a year. The area of ​​​​Zaryadye is relatively small - 10.2 hectares; four natural areas Russia: northern landscape, meadows, steppe, forest.

In total, 760 trees, 7 thousand shrubs, 860 thousand perennial and 150 thousand annual plants were planted in the park.

Among other rare plants, arctic raspberries, various feather grasses and dwarf birches were planted in the park.

The construction period for Zaryadye Park was 2.5 years. The construction of a landscape park on the site of the demolished Rossiya Hotel cost the city treasury 14 billion rubles.