Evergreen indoor fern: home care, perennial varieties for growing in a pot. Indoor fern: varieties, photos, home care How to transplant indoor fern

In the house, the fern will be an unusual and very attractive houseplant. There are many interesting legends and tales about this flower. But in order to grow it at home, you need to know not only the legends, but the rules of care. This article will tell you how to grow an indoor fern in your home.

Perhaps the most mysterious plants on Earth are ferns. This species has been around for millions of years. Despite the fact that every year, on the night of Ivan Kupala, those who wish go in search of a fern flower, this plant does not actually form inflorescences. Therefore, the fern flower continues to be just a beautiful legend.

As a houseplant, the fern, especially in last years, began to meet quite often. It is valued not for its beautiful flowering, but for its decorative leaves.

Both in the wild and at home, the house fern looks like an openwork bush. In the wild, these plants grow in swamps, meadows and forests. This must be taken into account when growing this flower in your home (especially when choosing soil for a fern).

To date modern science over ten thousand species and 300 genera of ferns are known. Home grown flowers come from tropical species. In addition, some species have increased winter hardiness, which makes it possible to grow them in winter gardens and in their garden plots.

Most of the bushes of this flower have pinnate and openwork leaves. Many plants can form pinnately dissected leaves. But there are species that have whole leaves of various shapes and sizes. Botanists call fern leaves fronds.

It is worth noting that in a fern, young leaves have a different appearance from old leaf plates. Usually young leaves are twisted in the shape of a snail, which unwinds as they grow.

The leaves of the fern are also a receptacle for the reproductive organs. They are placed on the bottom of the sheet plate.

A fern as a houseplant is a very profitable acquisition, as it, in fact, will play the role of an "ecological inspector". The fact is that even if fern care is correct and complete at home, the plant can still die due to air pollution. If there is a lot of dust in the air, then the plant in such home conditions will react very quickly to this. The flower will become lethargic and if nothing is done, it will soon die. Therefore, when growing a fern at home, you need not only to know the rules of care, but also to choose the right place to place it.

Video “Fern. We grow a plant at home”

About the methods of growing fern, described in the video.

Where to put

In the wild, ferns can do without watering, fertilizers and other manipulations for a long time, which are necessary conditions for growth and development. At the same time, the unpretentiousness of these plants is preserved when grown at home. But, despite this, there are a number of conditions here, the observance of which is a guarantee that your decorative flower be strong and healthy.

When choosing a place for a pot with a fern, you must remember that this plant serves as an "indicator" of air pollution. You can not put this flower in a room where the following situations often occur:

  • smoke;
  • pretentiousness;
  • air dryness.

As you can see, in the kitchen your homely handsome man will not stand it and wither away, but in rooms located away from the kitchen, the fern will feel great. Although some, on the contrary, put this flower in the kitchen to have a live “indicator” at hand. Indeed, at the slightest gas leak, the plant will begin to wither, which will help you quickly find the cause of its withering and avoid the negative consequences of such a state. But in order to create favorable conditions for its cultivation in the kitchen, an extractor hood is needed in the room. Also great solution will install a humidifier. As a result, both you and the plant will be comfortable in the kitchen.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the fern needs both light (but not direct) and shadow. Therefore, it is best to put it in a corner opposite the window. Also at home, this plant needs to provide an influx of fresh air.

When choosing a place to place a fern in your home, you need to take into account the characteristics of its growth. This flower can grow quite large, forming around itself lush and large leaves. Therefore, on the windowsill, he is clearly not enough. Otherwise, fern leaves will rest against the walls and glass, deforming at the same time. The decorative appearance of the flower will suffer from this.

Thus, the choice of a fern growth site at home should be based on the following care parameters:

  • lighting;
  • temperature regime;
  • the soil.

Let's consider these parameters in more detail.

Lighting Requirements

According to many flower growers, ferns are considered shade-tolerant plants. But if the flower at home is constantly in the shade, then it will simply die. In order for the plant to form strong, large and healthy leaves, bright and diffused light must fall on it. Therefore, according to given parameter An ideal place to grow ferns in your home would be a southwest window. In this case, the pot should not be placed on the windowsill, but on a separate flower stand.


Another important parameter when choosing a place to grow in a house for a fern is the temperature regime. This plant grows well in the temperature range of + 15- + 22 degrees. But some varieties need a certain temperature:

  • heat-loving species (nephrolepis, maidenhair, asplenium and platicerium). During the cold period, the temperature in the room should not be lower than +18 degrees;
  • winter-hardy varieties (polypodium pimply and pellet). IN winter period the temperature should not fall below +12 degrees.

At the same time, compact species of ferns and caring for them in this aspect will not be very difficult. The main thing is not to put the flower in the way of drafts and cold air. But the room in which this plant is grown should be ventilated frequently. In the summer, you can even take the pot out to the balcony. You need to put it in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on the fern.


Growing ferns at home, you need not only to take care of them correctly, but also to choose the optimal soil. Without this, all your efforts to create favorable conditions for the flower will not be successful.

The following soil is suitable for ferns:

  • the earth must be loose, for good transmission of air and water;
  • slightly increased acidity;
  • with a large number of rotted leaves;
  • the soil should have a small content of needles and peat. You can also add a little humus and sand.

It is this kind of land that is found in the forest - a favorite place for the growth of ferns in the wild.


At home, an important parameter for caring for ferns is a properly organized water regime. This is due to the fact that although these plants can tolerate the aridity of the soil, overdrying of the soil is contraindicated for them. Water is introduced into the ground when the topsoil dries up. If the land is allowed to dry out, then subsequent watering will no longer be able to revive the flower.

At the same time, remember that excess moisture is also undesirable. After all, if water stagnates in the soil, it begins to rot root system plants. Therefore, it is very important to care for the fern properly. The optimal watering for him is once a week. For irrigation, it is better to use rainwater or well-settled water.


At home, ferns reproduce as follows:

  • disputes. A very difficult way to grow a flower at home. At the same time, under such conditions, it turns out to be ineffective;
  • dividing the bush (through processes). The most convenient and unique possible variant reproduction of ferns at home.

For dividing the bush, it is recommended to use only young basal processes (rosettes). Only in such a situation can a positive result be expected. At the same time, it is necessary to separate the outlet from the mother bush with some care so as not to damage the adult plant. Also in this matter, you need to remember that as much land as possible should be preserved on the separated outlet.

Having received material for propagation, after which you can proceed to plant it in new pot. After planting for quality rooting planting material, as well as its rapid adaptation, it is necessary to create an optimal water regime for the plant and fresh air. Thus, you can quickly and efficiently propagate the fern with your own hands.

Disease and pest control

  • violation of the conditions of detention. Drafts, improper watering (especially stagnant water in the soil), poorly selected soil;
  • infection of the plant from other indoor flowers.

When the air is dry, thrips, scale insects and aphids may appear. To prevent their appearance, you need to periodically spray the flower.

As you can see, caring for indoor ferns at home is not so difficult. You just need to create the right growing conditions and water irrigation, and in the end you will get a beautiful decorative flower.

Video “Ferns – millions of years of struggle for survival”

Details about growing a fern at home are described in the video.

Home ferns adorn many apartments and offices with their lush dark green foliage, they are considered unpretentious plants that can withstand a long drought and lack of top dressing. Impressive specimens look good in the foyer, on the veranda and terrace, smaller plants feel great on window sills and whatnots.

Indoor fern, home care for which is available even to beginners in floriculture, is able to enliven the interior of any kitchen and living room, add rich colors boring design rooms.

Fern (Polypodiophyta) is the oldest plant with a history of many millions of years, with more than 300 genera and 10 thousand varieties. In apartment conditions, only a few of its varieties are grown:

  • nephrolepis;
  • maidenhair;
  • polypodium;
  • platicerium;
  • pellet.

This lush indoor flower with a dense spherical or spreading crown, it consists of two parts: a not too powerful rhizome and pinnate openwork leaves, scientifically called fronds. Arc-curved sheet plates differ in different varieties shape and size, come with dissected or whole sheets. Indoor fern does not have flowers and fruits, however, spores are successfully formed on the underside of the leaf.

Many fern owners appreciate these plants for their healing properties and the ability to clean the air of dust. However, with a long stay in a dusty and polluted room, the fern begins to wither, and may even die. Another feature of an evergreen flower is in the structure of its leaves. Young, unopened leaf blades grow tightly coiled, then acquire a darker shade, become dense, almost completely straighten out.

It's important to know. Using the roots of the plant for the treatment of eczema, having abscessed, one must remember that the rhizomes are poisonous, and failure to follow the recipe of the decoction can cause poisoning.

Species and varieties

Flower growers have been successfully growing homemade fern for many hundreds of years, during which time the appearance of the plant has practically not changed. In apartment conditions, the following types are bred.

  • The most famous variety with a lush rosette of dense openwork leaves, covered on the underside with small spores. The length of the leaf blades in the adult state usually reaches 40-50 cm.

  • Among the people, the variety received another name - hare's foot. The bush is distinguished by shaggy roots of a reddish color hanging from the pot on all sides, rich green leaves.

  • This species has flat leaves sticking out in different directions, resembling a bit the shape of deer antlers. The dense middle of the plant with brownish-green leaves also resembles a cabbage head.

  • Asplenium. The second name is bone. This variety of domestic fern with undivided, slightly wavy leaves along the edges. The flower does not like touching and frequent rearrangements.

  • It reminds a little of a palm tree, grows up to a meter in diameter, has fronds that are very hard to the touch.

  • Popularly called centipede, it is distinguished by strongly dissected leaves growing on thin stems. The rhizome spreads over the surface of the soil, and the bush itself can grow, hanging in the air.

All ferns are quite unpretentious and not capricious, they can withstand temperature changes and a long absence of watering, but they have a beautiful bush shape only with regular care.

Choice of location and conditions of detention

In caring for indoor ferns, the grower will not have to look for expensive indoor fertilizers, unusual soil composition, or original-shaped ceramic pots. It will be enough to occasionally feed the flower, periodically water it, observing simple requirements for temperature regime, illumination and location. What conditions must be met so that the fern grows healthy, fluffy, does not dry out and remains green all year round?

  • Lighting and location. Too bright rays of the sun for the fern are harmful, cause burns, so in spring and summer the flower needs a little shading. In a strong shade, the flower will grow, but its decorative effect will suffer significantly from the lack of diffused light. The best option placement - not on the windowsill, but not far from the southwestern window, placing the pot on a table, whatnot.
  • Temperature. Most ferns are native to the tropics, so they love warm and humid air. In summer, it is comfortable for the plant to grow at temperatures up to 28–30 ° C; it is not recommended to allow long overheating in the bright sun. You can even take the pots out into the garden or on outdoor terrace hanging large specimens in pots on hooks. In the fall, you will have to bring all the pots into the house so as not to destroy the plants. In winter, it is desirable to reduce the temperature in the room to 17-18°C. When the thermometer drops below 10 ° C, the heat of the rhizomes can become supercooled and rot.
  • Air and humidity. The plant in the heat requires not only abundant watering, but also frequent irrigation of foliage from a spray bottle with filtered water. The usual, from the tap, will leave unsightly white spots on the fronds. It will not be superfluous to place a container of water next to the pot to humidify the air and wipe the leaves of some varieties with a damp sponge. You can also spread sphagnum moss moistened with water on the surface of the soil, purchase an air humidifier. You also need to make sure that the indoor flower is protected from drafts at any time of the year, and in summer from strong gusts of wind when grown outdoors.
  • Soil and pot. All ferns prefer loose soil with the addition of humus and a handful of rotted leaves. The presence of spruce needles and peat in the soil is not prohibited. The earth must be airy so that the water flows well when watering to the roots. Be sure to have drainage from expanded clay or pebbles at the bottom of the flowerpot. The soil mixture is easy to purchase at the garden center, but you can also do it yourself by mixing turf, peat, and leafy soil from the garden in equal proportions. Mixing is not allowed a small amount river sand and humus. It is recommended to plant small specimens in strong clay pots or inexpensive plastic containers of any shape with a diameter 2-2.5 times smaller than the fluffy crown.


Knowing how to care for a fern of any variety, you can grow it at home in 2-3 years beautiful plant with dense and healthy foliage. Moreover, it is enough to perform all procedures not too often, paying closer attention only to watering and transplanting as the plant grows. Regular home care for an evergreen flower with openwork fronds instead of leaves includes only 4 simple activities.

  • Watering. Ferns in pots should be watered with settled or filtered water at room temperature, pouring it gently under the roots or into trays. In summer, watering should be frequent, in winter - more rare, about 1-2 times in 7 days. It is necessary that the soil on the surface is always slightly damp, but not flooded. Overflows and droughts are not very useful for a flower, although they do not cause problems with a single occurrence.
  • Top dressing. It is necessary to fertilize nephrolepis and other varieties only in the spring and summer. It is advisable to purchase ready-made liquid feed formulations in stores, apply them during irrigation a couple of times a month according to the instructions on the bottle. Suitable as mineral fertilizer, and organic, for example, mullein infusion. Some flower growers pour tea leaves into the pot or pour some cooled tea.
  • Rest period. A flower is required from October to early February, during the winter cold. At this time, it is better to keep the plant in a cool room, reducing the frequency of watering and completely stopping feeding.
  • Transfer. Young specimens are needed every year, then every 2 years with intensive growth of the rhizome and crown. Due to the severity of the leaves, a small pot may not support the weight of the bush, so in the spring you need to pick up a more spacious container with a diameter of 2-3 cm wider than the old one. It is also necessary to replant the specimens bought in the store, after waiting about 2 weeks for the flower to take root a little in new conditions for it. When transplanting, the fern is carefully removed from the container, the excess earth is shaken off the rhizome, dried or rotten roots are removed. Pour drainage into a new pot, a layer of nutrient soil, place the plant and sprinkle it with earth. Then watered.

Many inexperienced flower growers are interested in how a fern reproduces if it does not bloom and practically does not give offshoot children? Actually breeding problems beautiful flower does not occur - for reproduction, the plant requires only spores located on the lower part of the leaves. True, the process of growing them at home is quite long and laborious, for some it is easier to purchase an already formed sprout with several fronds in the store or divide the bush into two parts during transplantation.

Reproduction of ferns by spores consists of two stages.

  1. Collection of spores matured in sporangia on fronds.
  2. Sowing planting material in nutrient soil, followed by watering.

Usually, it takes 3 to 5 years to obtain a normal-sized plant from spores. Therefore, if it is possible to divide the bush into separate outlets, it is better to reproduce an adult specimen in this way.

Some varieties, to the delight of flower growers, are able to reproduce by dividing underground shoots, some species give rise to children on the so-called mustache or form daughter rosettes on fronds. Such bushes then fall off and take root themselves next to the parent specimen.

Diseases and pests

Like any houseplant, fern can be affected by insect pests, especially:

  • white fools;
  • whitefly;
  • nematodes;
  • mealybug;
  • spider mite;
  • thrips;

Most often, insects appear on fronds and rhizomes with improper care - overflows, temperature changes, excessive heat in the apartment. Gotta fight them folk remedies and special chemicals - insecticides, after removing the flower "for quarantine".

Among the diseases that affect the plant, fungus and mold are most often manifested. Due to overdrying, overflows and drafts, the flower can also wither, lose leaf turgor. Heat, drought and the bright rays of the sun can cause yellowing, darkening of the foliage, its drying and death. Affected fronds should in any case be treated with a fungicide, cutting off the dried tips. When mold appears on the ground, it is recommended to replace the earth layer with a new one.

Watching over appearance fern-shaped of any kind, you can understand whether the air in the apartment is so fresh and clean, whether there is a gas leak or heavy dusting. With any of these problems, the flower will immediately feel bad, turn yellow and wither. Therefore, if the air at home is too humid or dry, it is better to purchase a humidifier and install an extractor hood in the kitchen. This will be useful not only for a houseplant, but also for all the inhabitants of the apartment, including small children.

It is also necessary to remember that a narrow window sill or a dark corner is not the best place for a fluffy handsome fern. For getting decorative look it is necessary that his fronds grow simultaneously to the sides and up. This position of the leaves is easier to form by hanging a specimen in a flowerpot or placing it on a bookcase, coffee table, low column, stand.

Hello, friends! Today I will tell you about one of my hobbies: indoor floriculture. I have a lot of plants, but today we will talk about indoor ferns, which are not so easy to care for at home, and not everyone manages to grow beautiful specimens of these southern beauties. I will share my many years of observations and little secrets for caring for ferns.

If you have ever seen ferns in nature or in a greenhouse, then you probably noticed that they grow not only in the ground, but also on trees and snags. Lygodium clings to a support and grows like a vine.

Tree ferns look majestic: cybodium, dixonia, cyathea. Of the eight thousand species known and described by botanists, only a few hundred have proved suitable for breeding new varieties that we can grow in room culture.

If you want to have a beautiful fern in your home or office that delights guests, you need to consider its needs and provide suitable conditions.

What conditions are needed for growing indoor ferns?

Let us consider in more detail what factors affect the growth and development of domestic ferns.


Most ferns do not require bright lighting. Moreover, in summer and spring, when the bright sun shines, they will not grow on the southern windows: the leaves will dry out and turn yellow, the plants will look unpresentable.

But a north-facing window will do just fine. If you have windows facing east and west, that's fine too. In this case, the fern can be placed near the window. If you want to keep it on the window, then you need to shade a little in summer time otherwise the plant will be uncomfortable.

I’ll tell you right away in more detail about the winter maintenance of ferns. As a rule, it is written everywhere that ferns are shade-loving. This is not entirely true. Yes, they do not like direct sunlight, but they love bright diffused light.

Pay attention to what specimens of ferns are available in public buildings, where there are huge bright windows. In the shade, far from the window, in the conditions of my apartment shaded by trees, they develop poorly, I have to build a backlight.

But on a cooler and lighter loggia, where the temperature is + 18 ... 20 ° C, the plants survive the winter normally and without additional lighting, although they are very grateful if I provide it to them. They look healthy and fluffy.


In the summer, all my ferns grow well at any temperature, unless, of course, there is an abnormal heat. The ideal temperature for tropical species in summer is + 20 ... 25 ° С, in winter - + 15 ... 20 ° С.

Subtropical species in winter time they require coolness (+ 12 ... 16 ° C), but they develop well at + 20 ° C. And, of course, if possible, add light to them, turn on a lamp above the plant for at least a few hours, you can use a simple table lamp with an energy-saving light bulb.

Winter drafts are contraindicated for ferns, as well as hot air from the included batteries.


All ferns love moist air. In summer, the humidity is already normal, but in winter the air in the apartments is dry, like in the desert. Bad for flowers and people. But don't believe those who say that houseplants must be sprayed. This procedure does not give anything, except for white spots from salt on plants and furniture, if the water is hard. Humidity rises for a few minutes and that's it. Then desert again.

My advice: buy a humidifier. And everyone will be happy: both flowers and people. If for some reason you can’t put a humidifier on (I don’t buy it either, because I think my cats won’t like ultrasound), then I’ll give you another tip: ferns grow well in winter in an apartment with additional lighting or on a cool loggias, where you can do without lighting.

You can put the plants on a wide pan with water or wet pebbles (expanded clay), but only so that the roots do not come into contact with water, otherwise they will rot.

Soil for ferns

A fern cannot simply be planted in the ground from a vegetable garden. He needs a specially prepared substrate. In the literature, you can see many recipes for its preparation.

But I do it simply: I mix 1 part of purchased peat soil with 1 part of garden soil with humus. Sometimes, instead of garden soil, I take loose soil from a neighboring park, we have a lot of molehills. But this mixture is suitable for adult specimens of ground ferns. For young plants, I add more peat to make the soil lighter.

Epiphytes are grown in trellised baskets or pots with holes in very light soil, which is easier to purchase ready-made, and coconut fiber is laid instead of drainage. I do not grow epiphytes, in my conditions they will have to be watered very often.

It is very good if you add crushed charcoal and crushed pine bark to the fern substrate. I don't do it now, I decided to simplify everything.

It is better to choose a pot for an indoor fern that is low, but wide, since its roots do not go deep. If you like tall pots, you can use them too, but then put more drainage on the bottom (expanded clay, small pebbles or pieces of foam).

Watering indoor ferns

Ferns love soft water. To soften, add a few grains of oxalic acid. Tap water needs to be defended. I water all my plants with warm water.

As for the frequency of watering, I can’t give unequivocal advice here. Watering depends on the composition of the soil, room temperature, light. But the ground should always be moderately moist. It is impossible to overdry ferns, as well as arrange a swamp in a pot.

If you dried the plant, put the pot in water for a few minutes, let the soil absorb moisture well. Ferns love rain, shower them often. If water remains in the pan after watering, be sure to drain it to prevent root rot.

Feeding house ferns

If you repot your ferns every year, you don't have to feed them. In general, ferns love organic fertilizers. Although some experts advise feeding them in the spring and summer with complex fertilizers in a dose reduced by 2-3 times than recommended. I feed my ferns mostly organic.

Fern reproduction

Ferns reproduce in nature by spores, but at home they are easier to divide into parts. I do this in spring, summer and early fall. I put young delenki in shaded places for a couple of weeks, and when they take root, I transfer them to a brighter place.

In viviparous ferns, brood buds fall to the ground and take root themselves. Small plants are transplanted when they have a pair of leaves. They love high humidity, so you can build a greenhouse for them by covering the pot with a bag, not forgetting about ventilation.

The substrate for young ferns should be taken lighter than for adults. I use the soil "Terra-Vita" for indoor plants.

If you decide to share your old fern, then you should know that it will lose its former beauty for some time. We'll have to wait until new fronds grow (leaves, if someone doesn't understand what I mean).

Types of indoor ferns

I can’t tell about all types of ferns in one note, so I’ll talk about the most common ones that can be found on sale.


This is my favorite fern. It has many varieties that differ in the size and shape of the segments. Very beautiful and graceful "curly ferns". Nephrolepis can grow as a terrestrial and as an epiphyte. Although the literature says that it can withstand the shade, but it grows well only in a bright place without direct sunlight.

If it is properly watered, illuminated in winter, or kept at least not in the heat, then it grows well, does not act up.

Lygodium japonica

A beautiful liana fern, I haven’t seen it for sale in the shops of my city. Does not like waterlogged soil, grows on a support, very decorative.

asplenium bulbosa

This is a viviparous fern. Brood buds are formed on the upper side of the leaves. Quite a large species, fronds grow up to 1 m in length. Looks perfect on a stand. Shade-tolerant.

Asplenium nesting

A relative of the species described above, although it is an epiphyte, it is grown in pots at home. Leaves up to 1 m long form a "nest", grow upwards.

Woodwardia rooting

Ground view, grow room needs a tall stand. The species is viviparous, brood buds are located at the bottom of the leaf.

Goniophlebium auricularis

Steady appearance, large, fronds grow over 1 m. It looks beautiful on a high stand in a large room or in a winter garden, where it can be hung from the ceiling.

Polypodium golden

Popularly called "centipede", it has a shape with a bluish wax coating. This fern has a beautiful rhizome covered with golden brown scales.


There are several species of these delicate ferns. I have no backlight in the winter disappears completely. Likes humid air, can not stand the sun. It's a tricky look, you have to get used to it. But very beautiful, and what is nice, medium-sized. Can be grown on a window.

Blehnum hunchback

This fern likes coolness in winter up to + 18 ° C and limited watering, does not like spraying. My experience: bought many times, constantly died. Although she rushed with him as best she could. Apparently not mine, I don't buy anymore.

There is also a Brazilian blehnum, even larger, you can spray it.

Scolopendra leaflet

If you do not have an insulated loggia or a cool winter garden, then it is better not to buy it, because in winter it likes a temperature of + 10 ° C. It grows well on north-facing windows.


This fern is called "deer antlers", it has two types of leaves: spore-bearing and sterile. Sterile leaves are pressed to the soil, and spore-bearing ones are precisely the “horns”.

Houses are grown in hanging planters, it reaches large sizes. Needs a warm environment.


Davallia dissected is an unusual fern. Its rhizomes remind me of the furry legs of a spider. They stick out of the pot in different directions. A small fern that can be grown in a hanging basket or planter.

Davallia grew with me for many years, but for some reason died. It seems to me that she did not like the division, but this is just guesswork. The substrate for davallia needs a very light, air-permeable.


This fern does not require high humidity, has hard dark green leaves, withstands drafts, dry air and cool content, is considered one of the most unpretentious.


Friends, you have learned how to grow indoor ferns, home care for which depends on the species. There are unpretentious species, and there are those who love "dancing with a tambourine", but they are worth it to tinker with them.

When buying a new fern, first find out how big it gets with age so you don't get frustrated if you have limited window space. And that's all I have for today. Natalya was with you.

P.S. Do you grow indoor ferns? Maybe you know the secrets of growing, which I did not mention? Share in the comments!

The fern is ideal for landscaping such premises in an apartment or house where there is a lack of lighting. These shade tolerant plants can be confidently placed in rooms with north windows, in bathrooms and kitchens, in hallways, corridors and stairwells. Also, a home fern will grow with pleasure at elevated temperatures and humidity. Ferns will successfully develop where other plants will not be very comfortable. And since the varieties of this plant grown in room conditions enough, then with it you can solve any problem.

Stasia lil / Flickr.com

Fern will look great when performing "solo". By choosing such spectacular and fairly large types of ferns as nephrolepis, driopteris, asplenium or kostenets, leafwort or didimochlena, you can cover up an uncomfortable corner in a room or create a structural accent in a group of plants. Smaller ferns, such as davallia and some pteris and adiantum, for example, will fit perfectly on shelves and window sills. For apartments with dry air, pellets are suitable. Platicerium and nephrolepis will be a wonderful decoration of the room in a hanging planter.

suju / Flickr.com

What kind of care does an "average" indoor fern need?

  • Room temperature , where ferns grow, should be in the range of 20-25ºС. It is allowed to lower the temperature to 16ºС, in exceptional cases to 10ºС. Platiceriums, for example, need a constantly high temperature, and someone will endure small drops.
  • Air humidity high is required for almost all types of ferns. It is necessary to regularly spray the leaves of the plant with water at room temperature, or maintain a sufficient level of humidity in the room in other ways. If you grow blechnum, then it is advisable not to spray it, but to increase the humidity around with wet moss or expanded clay. Pelleya generally prefers dry air, and the multi-row, cyrtomium and centipede "tolerate" it well. But spray the asplenium with caution, excess liquid, with abundant spraying, easily rolls down its smooth fronds right into the middle of the plant, the growth point, from where new leaves appear. With abundant watering and cool content, the middle can simply turn black and rot, and the whole plant will disappear. Avoid placing plant pots near central heating radiators.
  • Almost all ferns are shade tolerant plants. , but there are certain types of ferns that are more suitable for the diffused light of an east or north window.
  • Watering Ferns need regular, plentiful, room temperature water, especially in the summer. If the earthy ball of this plant dries up, the consequences can be irreversible. At the same time, it is impossible to have a swamp in a pot. It is necessary to find an individual watering regime for each plant, depending on such indicators as temperature and humidity of the room. Winter watering is reduced.


If you have several ferns or many other plants, try not to place the pots too close together. Ferns are fragile plants. Despite giving the impression of a rough and powerful plant, ferns are easily injured. The fronds of nephrolepis and aspleniums break especially easily. And it is better not to touch the leaves of the maidenhair (Venus hair) at all. In this regard, also pay special attention to the choice of pots for transplanting. It is desirable that they be stable, wide and massive, especially if the fern will stand on the floor, on a stand or shelf. Some ferns grow a massive and voluminous cap-crown. For example, leaf, asplenium or platicerium is very easy to “hook” and turn the pot over. Transplanting ferns is best done in the spring. Young plants need frequent annual repotting, while mature ferns only need to be repotted on demand. A transplant will be needed when the roots of the plant fill the entire pot.


Buying a fern , find out its exact correct name and be interested in the conditions for its cultivation. There are certain types that are not suitable general recommendations. The easiest ferns to grow are the popular Nephrolepis, the graceful Nesting Bonnet or Asplenium, Cretan Pteris, Cyrtomium and Davallia. Excellent neighbors for the fern will be asparagus, selaginella, pillia, soleirolia and many other plants.

Ferns are a huge world of interesting and amazing plants, looking into which you can become a fan of them. You can grow only one fern, or arrange entire fern thickets. You can use them as a wonderful backdrop for other contrasting plants, or for flowering plants. With ferns, you can improve your level of florist, moving from a novice amateur to a professional. Fern is a plant that is ready to give positive emotions.

The fern is one of the most ancient plants on the planet. His family tree dates back to prehistoric times and goes back millions of years. Numerous fossilized leaf prints, which are found during archaeological excavations, testify to the antiquity of the fern.

Experts have more than 10,000 species of this plant. You can meet ferns in different latitudes. But in most cases, they prefer tropical and subtropical climates. The fern began to enjoy particular popularity in the 19th century, when it began to be massively grown in greenhouses. You can grow this culture at home. The main thing is to provide the necessary conditions maintenance and basic care.

Types and varieties of fern for growing at home

Although there are many types of ferns in nature, only a few of them are of the greatest interest as indoor ones.


The plant is native to the rainforests of America. This is a genus of ferns from the Lomariopsaceae family. The rosette is formed by openwork leaves, which are covered with spores from the inside. It includes about 30 varieties. Nephrolepis is the most popular for home cultivation and one of the most unpretentious.


Epiphytic fern with thin light green leaves up to 35 cm long, which are located on thin black shoots. The leaf plates are openwork, reminiscent of curls. Among the varieties of adiantums, the most common are Tenerum Farleyense, Capillus Veneris.


A large plant native to the tropical part of Australia and Africa. At the base, brown leaves form a middle, resembling a head of cabbage. The leaves have unusual shape. They are wedge-shaped, to the top they resemble deer antlers. There are more rounded leaves that are flat to the ground. They accumulate water, which the plant feeds on.

Common ostrich

It grows mainly on the outskirts of swamps, in moist forests, in shady areas. Its leaves are spore-bearing, reminiscent of ostrich feathers. The plant is characterized by rapid growth, unpretentious care. At the end of summer, spore-bearing shoots appear, which are used to create floral arrangements.


Has whole leaves with wavy edges. This species does not like to be disturbed and touched once again.


It has hairy modified shoots-rhizomes. They come out of the ground and hang down. The leaves of the plant are bright green. It is grown as an ampelous culture. For home cultivation, Canarian dawllia, which is also called "hare's feet", is more often used.

Home care

Growing a fern at home is not particularly difficult. It all depends on the variety. Although in most cases these plants are unpretentious and require simple care.

Location and lighting

Under natural conditions, ferns prefer shady areas, but at home it should not be placed in the shade. Although light partial shade will not harm the culture. A well-lit place is more suitable for her, but without direct sunlight.

The fern is a spreading crop that grows quickly. This must be taken into account when choosing a location. While the plant is small, the flowerpot can be placed on the windowsill. But in the future, it is better to prepare a floor stand for it. The fern looks good in the corner opposite the southwest window. Nothing should hamper the growth of the stems. In summer, you can take the pot to the terrace or veranda, shading from the bright sun.

Flowerpot selection, soil and drainage

The soil should be loose, well pass moisture. Otherwise, stagnant water in the soil can cause root rot. The substrate should be slightly acidic. For a fern, a mixture of peat, rotted leaves, turf, sand is suitable.

To ensure that excess moisture is quickly removed, good drainage must be provided. It can be expanded clay, broken brick, crushed foam. A fern pot is better to take ceramic or clay. It passes air well, allows the roots to breathe. The roots of the plant grow mainly in breadth. Therefore, the capacity for it is suitable for wide and shallow.

Landing and transplant

The fern should be repotted as needed. The plant is gaining deciduous mass fairly quickly. Therefore, transplants are needed annually. It is better to carry out the procedure in the spring.

Action algorithm:

  • Prepare a pot 5 cm larger than the old one. Pour a layer of drainage into it.
  • Cover it with moss, pour soil on top.
  • Remove the plant from the pot, without disturbing the earthen ball, transfer to a new one.
  • Fill all the voids with the finished substrate, compact it.
  • Water ferns generously.

If the plant has signs of disease, then it is better to clean the roots from the ground by soaking them in water.


In the spring-summer period, it is better to keep the fern at a temperature of + 20-22 degrees. You can take it outside. He easily adapts to new conditions. In winter, a cooler temperature is suitable for the plant. But it should not fall below +12 degrees. You also need to protect the plant from drafts.

Watering and humidity

Ferns should be watered sparingly. The soil must not dry out. It should always be slightly moist, but not swampy. If the soil is not watered for a long time, and then abruptly filled with water, this is a 100% guarantee that the roots of the plant will begin to rot. Watering should be done in small amounts. The optimal irrigation schedule during the growing season is 2-3 times a week. In winter, the need for watering is reduced.

Note! Most ferns prefer to grow in conditions humid air. Therefore, in order for the plant to feel good, its leaves must be sprayed regularly. In this case, it is important to take into account the temperature in the room and humidity. From time to time, a fern can arrange a warm shower. Water for irrigation and spraying needs soft, settled.

Top dressing and fertilizers

When a fern is actively growing, it may not have enough nutrients. Therefore, from the end of spring and all summer it needs to be fertilized. For this, complex mineral supplements are suitable. They are recommended to be applied on average 1-2 times a month. A good composition for a fern: a solution in 1 liter of water 1.5 g of superphosphate, 1 g of potassium salt, 1.5 g of ammonium nitrate. Use organics very carefully. It can cause root burns.


In order for the culture to fully grow and look healthy, it is pruned from time to time (every few years). But during the growing season it is not recommended to do it. Exceptions are cases when the fern is sick and needs urgent rehabilitation. Do not touch young snail leaves during pruning. Old leaves in adult specimens are removed.

Reproduction methods

Since it is unlikely that anyone will be able to wait for fern to bloom, it reproduces in the wild with the help of spores. But this method at home is very laborious and rarely used. It is commonly used in breeding rare varieties of ferns.


The spores are located on the underside of the leaves in small sacs. When they ripen, they turn brown. They are cut along with part of the sheet. Stored in a paper bag. Dry spores are shaken out of the bags and sown in the ground.

The optimal composition of the substrate for planting: 1 part sand and 3 parts leaf ground. A ready-made mixture for violets is suitable. The soil must be well sifted, it must first be disinfected by steaming. Spores are sown on the surface of the soil, moisten it and compact. Its thickness should not exceed 3-4 cm. Cover the container with a film, place in a warm room so that shoots appear. If the temperature is below +15 degrees, then the disputes will not rise. Watering seedlings to produce only in the pan. When the seedlings grow up, they dive into separate pots.

By dividing the bush

More often at home they use the division of the bush. The procedure is best done in the spring during fern transplantation. The plant is divided into separate outlets. Each should have several leaves and a growing point. Only young basal rosettes are suitable for reproduction. Separation of the bush is carried out very carefully so as not to injure the roots.

Features of seasonal care

In different seasons, fern care has some differences. Although the plant does not have a clearly defined dormancy.

In spring and summer it is necessary to provide:

  • temperature + 20-25 degrees;
  • regular moderate watering;
  • top dressing 1-2 times a month;
  • bright diffused light.

In winter, all processes are dulled, so the plant can slightly reduce the temperature of the content, reduce the amount of watering, and stop feeding.

Care errors and their elimination

Problems when growing ferns and how to solve them:




leaf fall

Lack of watering

Water regularly, do not allow the soil to dry out

Leaf yellowing, brown spots

Dry, hot air

At low humidity, spray the plant more often, bathe it in the shower, put a container of water nearby

pale leaves, slow growth

Nutrient deficiency

During the growing season, regularly apply mineral supplements.

This culture is also credited with the ability to bring harmony into the relationship of spouses. Close people stop swearing if a fern has appeared in the house. Also, if a fern leaf is put in a wallet, it promises financial well-being and profit.

But it is better not to put a pot with a plant by the bed. He takes energy. The best place- near the computer, TV.

Fern is a perennial plant that will decorate any interior. In order for him to always remain healthy, actively develop, he needs to create elementary conditions for keeping: good light, heat, moderate watering and frequent spraying.

More in the next video useful information and tips for flower growers on the features of growing ferns in a home: