Windmill from a computer cooler. How to make a bedini charger from a computer cooler. Thin neodymium magnets


Well, there are a lot of articles about “perpetuum mobiles with magnets” on the Internet, and there is no point in touching on this topic - until one of these authors assembles a working model that would at least give out something at the output (at least symbolic microvolts!).
In the meantime, something prevents the authors from doing this - either there is no special alloy for magnets, then there is no special equipment for their intricate magnetization, etc. etc!
And it is worth discussing what can be analyzed with elementary knowledge and experience - at the level of young radio amateur pioneers (from which, for example, I myself came out - many decades ago). Unfortunately, the author did not even pass this elementary school, and therefore it will be useful for him to familiarize himself with not large quantity elementary facts, which I will present.
To find out what the cooler will give out (or, more precisely, nothing will give out) - just blow it with a vacuum cleaner (as already suggested), and connect a tester (multimeter) to the outputs. As an option, you can fasten a pair of identical coolers with one (blowing) side to each other. "Glue" them with small pieces of plasticine or drag them with a pair of rubber bands. Apply 12 V to one cooler, and take readings from the conclusions of the second one by connecting the tester.
It is clear that it will not show anything - neither variable nor constant, or it will be a few millivolts (like the most the best option) induced on the switched windings and which may pass through the transistor junctions. As already mentioned, there is a switching microcircuit that, through transistor keys, alternately supplies voltage to several windings, the magnetic field of which interacts with permanent magnets in the rotor (turntable). It is clear that even a minuscule amount of what can pass through transistor junctions will not be direct current, since there is no filtering of pulsating current (in the form of electrolytes).
In general, in order to understand what power can be obtained from such devices, it is important to know that reversible electric motor-generators (and any classic electric motor can work as a generator) cannot, by definition, give more than the power that they themselves consume as electric motors.
Such coolers have a power consumption of 1.5-2 W. And when it works in generator mode, its power will be even less than what it consumes itself, like an electric motor.
It is clear that such experiments can be carried out with ordinary "motors" without any electronic switches inside.
I remember that in the Young Technique of the 70s, a homemade product from a children's motor from a toy was described, on which a generator was assembled with a load on a light bulb from a lantern. At the same time, it was proposed to install a propeller on the shaft. And as the author of the article stated, when this “windmill” was installed on a bike, power was generated sufficient to illuminate the road at night.
Personally, I think that the power of that generator would be quite enough to power a modern super-bright LED (again, for this it was necessary to install a rectifier and filter the current), but to power an incandescent lamp for a current of 0.25-0.35 A (namely, these were in flashlights) - obviously not enough.
So the author proposes to get from a cooler with a power of 2 W - the power to power three lamps of 70 W each - i.e. 210w?
But as it is already clear, there will be no voltage at its output, neither at 1V, nor even at 12V, and even more so constant!
Further, the author suggests using a 220 V converter. But the photo shows that this is an ordinary power supply with a transformer! And what is a classic transformer power supply unit for 10-12 W - namely, such a Chinese power supply unit is shown in the photo (note 10-12 W, but we need 210 W power!)?
So, in a simplified form, this is a transformer (with a step-down transformation ratio), a rectifier (diode bridge) and a filter (electrolytic capacitors). Most likely there is no stabilizer in it.
Well, after all, just by imagining the circuit of this PSU, it is quite clear that by applying a constant voltage to its output (which, as the author naively believes, should appear on the cooler outputs), you will not get anything! It does not matter whether the bridge diodes turn out to be connected in the forward or reverse direction ... In the first case, a direct current will flow to the winding, and in the second, no. But at the same time, no voltage will appear at the output of the transformer - neither direct nor alternating! And removing the diodes - you will not get anything, because in order for the transformer to be made from 12 V> 220 V, you need to apply AC voltage to it!
Again, do not forget that we have a PSU (according to appearance) no more than 12W, which means that its output power (in reverse connection) will not exceed 12W!
The author, as I understand it, does not understand the difference between conventional transformer power supplies and converters, but at the same time, you need to understand that if the converter converts 220 V alternating voltage to low direct voltage (for example, like computer power supplies), then they cannot be used to obtain 220 V alternating voltage from low constant voltage - only "by turning it on the other way around", as the author naively believes. For these purposes, you can only use the converter that was originally designed to get from constant, low to variable-network (such as a UPS for computers). And this is completely understandable to any radio engineer - since the circuit solutions (methods) for obtaining the required output voltages are different for them!

The simplest windmill can be made from an ordinary room fan. The electricity that such a windmill will produce, in the presence of wind, is enough to power a lantern for a tent or to charge a cell phone. For the manufacture of a wind generator, a serviceable fan is not needed, only a few parts from it are needed. All you need is a stand and a screw. In addition, you will need a stepper motor with a diode bridge for constant voltage. Shampoo bottle, plastic bucket lid, 50 cm plastic water pipe and plug for it.

First you need to grind a sleeve on a lathe, which will be the axis for the screw. We fix the engine-generator on the sleeve. Cut off the bottom of the shampoo bottle. We drill a 10 mm hole in the cylinder in order to install an axis machined from an aluminum bar.

After soldering all the necessary wires on the engine, we make a hole in the case for their output. Let's stretch the wires and put the body on the engine.

Now you need to make a shank for the windmill so that it catches wind flows from different directions. To make the shank, you will need a plastic tube and a plug to it. To attach the shank to the body, unscrew the cap and push the tube. We machine the end of the tube of the desired diameter so that it can be pressed in. Now it remains to cut a groove for the shank in the pipe with a hacksaw. Next, cut out the wing of the shank from the lid of the plastic bucket.

The generator remains to be assembled. Install a USB output on the back of the stand.

Tests, literally in the field, showed that the radio is powered by the generator, the smartphone is charging, it is able to give a small illumination on the LEDs. Want a windmill? They are in this Chinese store.

Today is an interesting and useful video on how to assemble a simple and efficient wind generator from improvised means. Namely, from an unnecessary home fan. Such a thing will feed any LED lamp, a receiver in the garden or cottage will work from it, as well as the most important and necessary property of this windmill to infect a mobile phone.

Generator Discussion

AT Last year I was engaged in constructions on stepper motors, well, during my spare time I tried some as a generator. So I have an idea about their capabilities.
At the speeds shown in the video, such an engine works in an almost optimal mode, but there are a couple of remarks so as not to be disappointed later:
The maximum energy of such a generator is enough to ignite one or two bright LEDs, so you should not expect special lighting (not a single light bulb will light up, whatever one may say).
This energy can be obtained only with a rather weak wind of 5-6 m / s and above. And winds like this don't happen very often.

Nevertheless, the very idea of ​​using a stepper motor as a generator deserves attention, despite their low efficiency.

Someone here hinted what was left to buy lathe to make such a device. Somehow it sounded unworthy for a home designer. There is no machine - there is a drill and a file. There is no burnt fan - there is plywood, cans... A year ago, for example, I made something similar from halves of two-liter plastic bottles, and a plastic medicine bottle, and it was spinning.
You were given an idea - then let your imagination work. And if you don’t think how to do it without a lathe, it’s better not to start.

Serg IV
The idea is normal, although it was implemented in a draft. And for good reason such malicious comments. This is probably from your own laziness, or the habit of buying ready-made, and not bathing yourself with understanding the wilds of technology that are unfamiliar to you ... after all, if you don’t understand something, you feel insecure, right?

As for the lathe - someone has it at home, I personally do not have a question to carve something, if there is a mood. Yes, and without a machine there, in principle, you can do without it, there would be a desire.
As for the fan - I recently passed by a garbage dump - there it was just such a non-working fan that someone put up, in appearance all the mechanics are intact, only the engine is dead. So it is not always necessary to break the worker. Yes, and in the heat from the fan you can catch a cold. There were not enough measurements of current and voltage in real time. Although it would not be so difficult to show.

Grammaton Cleric
It seems to me that anyone who has such a lathe does not need to be told how and from what to assemble a windmill, and those who need to be told they do not have such a machine. The next time you list what you may need, do not forget to mention the tool and use a more popular, accessible tool.

Wind is free energy! So let's use it for personal purposes. If the creation of a wind farm in industrial scale this is very expensive, because in addition to the generator it is necessary to carry out a number of studies and calculations, the state does not bear such expenses, and for some reason investors in the countries of the former USSR are not of particular interest. Then privately you can make a mini-windmill for your own needs. It should be understood that the project of converting your home to alternative energy is a very expensive undertaking.

As already mentioned: you need to make long-term observations and calculations in order to choose the optimal ratio of the sizes of the wind wheel and generator, suitable for your climate, wind rose and average annual wind speed.

The efficiency of a wind power plant within the same region can differ significantly, this is due to the fact that the movement of the wind depends not only on the climatic zone, but also on the terrain.

However, you can find out what wind power is with minimal cost by assembling a budget installation to power a low-power load, such as a smartphone, light bulbs or a radio. With the right approach, you can provide electricity small house or cottage area.

Let's look at how you can make the simplest wind turbine with your own hands.

Low-power windmills from improvised means

A computer cooler is a brushless motor, which in its original form is of no practical value.

It needs to be rewound, since in the original the windings are connected in an inappropriate way. Winding coils alternately:





You need to connect adjacent coils in series, or even better, wind it with one piece of wire, moving from one groove to another. In this case, choose the thickness of the wire arbitrarily, it would be better if you wind as many turns as possible, and this is possible when using the thinnest wire.

The output voltage from such a generator will be variable, and its value will depend on the speed (wind speed), install a diode bridge from Schottky diodes to straighten it to a constant, ordinary diodes will do, but it will be worse, because. voltage will drop from 1 to 2 volts.

Lyrical digression, a little theory

Remember the value of the EMF is:

where L is the length of the conductor placed in a magnetic field; V is the speed of rotation of the magnetic field;

When upgrading the generator, you can only influence the length of the conductor, that is, the number of turns of each of the coils. The number of turns - determines the output voltage, and the thickness of the wire - the maximum current load.

In practice, it is impossible to influence the wind speed. However, there is also a way out of this situation, if you know the typical wind speed for your area, you can design a suitable screw for a wind turbine, as well as a gearbox or belt drive, to provide sufficient speed to generate the required voltage.

IMPORTANT: Faster does not mean better! If the rotation speed of the wind generator is too high, its resource will be reduced, the lubricating properties of the bushings or bearings of the rotor will deteriorate, and it will jam, and the breakdown of the winding insulation in the generator will most likely occur

The generator consists of:

We increase the power of the generator from a computer cooler

First, the more blades and wheel diameter, the better, so take a closer look at 120mm coolers.

Secondly, we have already said that the voltage also depends on the magnetic field, the fact is that high power industrial generators have excitation windings, and low power ones have strong magnets. The magnets in the cooler are extremely weak and do not allow you to achieve good results from the generator, and the gap between the rotor and the stator is very large - about 1 mm, and this is with already weak magnets.

The solution to this problem is to radically change the design of the generator. Rather, only an impeller is required from the cooler; a motor from a printer or any other household appliance can be used as a generator. The most common are brushed motors with permanent magnet excitation.

As a result, it will look like this.

The power of such a generator is enough to power the LEDs, the radio. It will not be enough to recharge the phone, the phone will display the charging process, but the current will be extremely small, up to 100 amperes, with a wind of 5-10 meters per second.

Stepper motors as a wind generator

A stepper motor is very often found in computer and household appliances, in various players, floppy drives (old 5.25” models are interesting), printers (especially dot matrix), scanners, etc.

These motors without alterations can work as a generator, they are a rotor with permanent magnets, and a stator with windings, typical scheme connection of a stepper motor in generator mode is shown in the figure.

The circuit has a 5 volt linear stabilizer, type L7805, which will allow you to safely connect Cell phones to such a windmill to charge them.

The photo shows a generator from a stepper motor with installed blades.

Engine in specific case with 4 output wires, the circuit is accordingly for it. An engine with such dimensions in generator mode produces approximately 2 W in light wind (wind speed about 3 m / s) and 5 m / s in strong (up to 10 m / s).

By the way, here is a similar circuit with a zener diode, instead of L7805. Allows you to charge Li-ion batteries.

Refinement of a homemade windmill

To make the generator work more efficiently, you need to make a guide shank for it and fix it movably on the mast. Then, when the direction of the wind changes, the direction of the wind generator will change. Then the following problem arises - the cable going from the generator to the consumer will twist around the mast. To solve this, you need to provide a moving contact. A ready-made solution is sold on Ebay and Aliexpress.

The bottom three wires are motionless going down, and the upper bundle of wires is movable, a sliding contact or a brush mechanism is installed inside. If you do not have the opportunity to buy, be smart, and, inspired by the decision of the designers of the Zhiguli car, namely the implementation of the movable contact of the signal button on the steering wheel, and do something similar. Or use the contact pad from the electric kettle.

By connecting the connectors, you get a moving contact.

Powerful wind generator from improvised means.

For more power, you can use two options:

1. Generator from a screwdriver (10-50 W);

You only need a motor from a screwdriver, the option is similar to the previous one, you can use fan blades as a screw, this will increase the final power of your installation.

Here is an example of such a project:

Pay attention to how a gear overdrive is implemented here - the wind generator shaft is located in a pipe, at its end there is a gear that transmits rotation to a smaller gear mounted on the motor shaft. An increase in engine speed also occurs in industrial wind turbines. Reducers are used everywhere.

However, in a homemade environment, making a gearbox becomes a big problem. You can remove the gearbox from the power tool, it is needed there to reduce the high speed on the shaft of the collector motor to the normal speed of the chuck on the drill, or the grinder disk:

The drill has a planetary gearbox;

    An angle gearbox is installed in the angle grinder (it will become useful for the installation of some installations and reduce the load from the tail of the wind turbine);

    Gearbox from a hand drill.

This version of a homemade wind generator can already charge 12 V batteries, but a converter is needed to generate the charging current and voltage. This task can be simplified by using a car generator.

The advantage of such a generator is the ability to use it to charge car batteries, in principle, it is intended for this. Autogenerators have a built-in voltage regulator relay, which eliminates the need to buy additional stabilizers or converters.

However, motorists know that at low idle, approximately 500-1000 rpm, the power of such a generator is small, and it does not provide the proper current to charge the battery. This leads to the need to connect to the wind wheel through a gearbox or belt drive.

You can adjust the number of revolutions at wind speeds that are normal for your latitudes by selecting a gear ratio or using a properly designed wind wheel.

Helpful Hints

Perhaps the most convenient windmill mast design for repetition is shown in the picture. Such a mast is stretched on cables fixed to holders in the ground, which ensures stability.

Important: The height of the mast should be as high as possible, approximately 10 meters. At higher altitudes, the wind is stronger because there are no obstacles for it in the form of ground structures, hills and trees. Never install a wind generator on the roof of your house. Resonant vibrations of fastening structures can cause the destruction of its walls.

Take care of the reliability of the carrier mast, because the design of a windmill based on such a generator becomes much heavier and is already a rather serious solution that can provide autonomous power supply to a summer house with a minimum set of electrical appliances. Devices that operate on 220 Volts can be powered from a 12-220 V inverter. The most common version of such an inverter is.

It is better to use diesel generators, incl. trucks, because they are designed to work at low speeds. On average, a large truck diesel engine runs between 300 and 3500 rpm.

Modern generators give out 12 or 24 volts, and a current of 100 amperes has long become normal. After carrying out simple calculations, you can determine that such a generator will give you a maximum of up to 1 kW of power, and a generator from a Zhiguli (12 V 40-60 A) 350-500 W, which is already a pretty decent figure.

What should be a wind wheel for a homemade wind turbine?

I mentioned in the text that the wind wheel should be large and with a large number of blades, in fact this is not the case. This statement was true for those micro-generators that do not claim to be serious electrical machines, but rather instances for familiarization and leisure.

In fact, the design, calculation and creation of a wind turbine is a very difficult task. Wind energy will be used more rationally if it is made very accurately and the “aviation” profile is ideally displayed, while it must be installed with a minimum angle to the plane of rotation of the wheel.

The real power of wind wheels with the same diameter and different amount blades - the same, the difference is only in the speed of their rotation. The smaller the wings - the more revolutions per minute, with the same wind and diameter. If you are going to achieve maximum RPM, you must mount the wings as accurately as possible with a minimum angle to the plane of their rotation.

Check out the table from the 1956 book "Homemade Wind Farm" ed. DOSAAF Moscow. It shows the relationship between wheel diameter, power and rpm.

At home, these theoretical calculations are of little use, amateurs make wind wheels from improvised means, they use:

  • Sheets of metal;

    Plastic sewer pipes.

You can assemble a high-speed 2-4 bladed wind turbine with your own hands from sewer pipes, besides them, you need a hacksaw or any other cutting tool. The use of these pipes is due to their shape, after cutting they have a concave shape, which ensures high responsiveness to air flows.

After trimming, they are fixed with BOLTS on a metal, textolite or plywood blank. If you are going to make it from plywood, it is better to glue and twist several layers of plywood on both sides with screws, then you will be able to achieve rigidity.

Here is an idea for a two-bladed one-piece impeller for a stepper motor generator.


You can make a wind power plant starting from low power - units of watts, to power individual LED lamps, beacons and small equipment, to good power values ​​in units of kilowatts, store energy in a battery, use it in its original form or convert up to 220 volts. The cost of such a project will depend on your needs, perhaps the most expensive element is the mast and batteries, it can be in the range of 300-500 dollars.

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I was prompted to build this wind turbine by one of the publications I came across about homemade wind turbines. From this article, I realized that there is nothing particularly difficult in building a small windmill, the main thing is desire. The idea to provide myself with an autonomous source of energy has been in my head for a long time, and after looking at the experiences of others, I decided to build my own windmill.

Such wind turbines were often made on the basis of small motors. direct current, from all sorts of scanners, drives, and I decided to repeat these rather successful experiments. At a price, such a wind generator will cost no more than 2-5 thousand rubles, the main price is an electric motor that will be used as a generator. With economical consumption, you can generate 50 ... 250 W, which is much cheaper than panels solar panels similar power. Here, for those who are interested, is my story about how I built the generator.

To build such windmills, you do not need special tools, but enough that almost everyone has in a garage or pantry. To make my design, I only needed a drill, and a jigsaw with which I cut out the blades, and other trifles (keys, bolts, ruler, tape measure, pencil, etc.) in general, what is usually available or purchased in a store for little money.

I myself have a very modest budget, so I decided to make the cheapest wind generator possible, so I was looking for the simplest and most affordable ways to build my windmill. For the construction, I used the materials available to the maximum and were idle on my site.

P y P f There is nothing complicated in the manufacture of blades. Usually the pipe is divided into three equal parts along, and sawn. Such material is sawn quite well and can be sawn even with a hacksaw for wood, but I had a jigsaw, which made the task easier, although it is also often sawed with metal blades.

Next, it was necessary to fix the blades on the motor-generator shaft, and I decided to use a metal disk from a circular saw, they drill well, are very durable and light. To fix it on the shaft, I used an adapter, this is a special nozzle for attaching discs to the shaft.

Having previously marked out the disk, I drilled holes for the bolts for attaching the blades and assembled everything in single structure, below you can see what I did. I think that it turned out successfully, reliably, simply and accurately.

Next, it was necessary to fix the generator on something, and for this I used a square segment. I didn’t bother with the mount, but simply pulled the generator to the beam with clamps, additionally wrapping it with a casing from a piece of PVC pipe.




The tail was cut out of an aluminum sheet, and for mounting in the beam, it was cut along two lines into which the tail is inserted and fixed to the bolts through the drilled holes. I used a piece of pipe and a flange as a rotary axis, which I screwed to the beam after drilling the holes. Below is a photo of an almost finished wind generator, it remains to build a mast and lift it into the wind.




In the course of assembly, all parts were immediately painted with automotive paint in spray cans. The mast was assembled from water pipes using ready-made adapters, this made it possible to significantly facilitate the assembly process without resorting to welding or drilling for bolts. During the assembly process, he worked as a mechanic, working with adjustable wrenches, as if assembling a plumbing unit. The result is a fairly strong and reliable mast.