New Year's deposit from Sberbank of Russia: conditions, advantages. New Year's deposit of Sberbank - “Good Year New Year's deposit in Sberbank calculator

On the eve of the New Year holiday, Sberbank management decided to please all its clients by providing the opportunity for a new, more profitable placement of deposits. This is truly beneficial for every Russian, since based on the conditions proposed by the bank, every citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of such an offer, regardless of his level of income and status in society.

Sberbank specialists offer several deposit offers at once, which are very profitable for Russians. The “Simply 7” and “New Year” deposits were extremely popular. Banking management initially assumed that this proposal would remain valid by the beginning of 2019. Today we will look at promotions on Sberbank deposits for the New Year, how profitable the “New Year” deposit is.

New Year's deposit offer

Sberbank’s proposal is to have time to register the New Year’s deposit before the end of 2018. Starting from January next year, the proposal associated with inflated interest rates loses its relevance. Such a deposit has several advantages compared to other investments. He's got enough simple ways registration, this can really be done online by going to the Internet service, or at the nearest Sberbank branch.

It is important to consider that this type of investment can be made both in rubles and in foreign currency, the most common today, we are talking about dollars and euros. Ruble investments are designated from 500,000 to 100 million; in foreign currency, the permissible investment limit is from 20,000 to 10 million.

The agreement can be drawn up for a period of 30 to 366 days. The interest rate of this type of investment corresponds to 8.1%. However, it must be taken into account that the main condition of such a deposit is the impossibility of early withdrawal of funds or interest. This option will help Russians save their money in the event of rising inflation or a crisis.

Another profitable New Year's offer: the “Simply 7” deposit

This type of deposit placement of funds, similar to the previous proposal, is considered seasonal. This offer is valid only in the ruble version of investing capital; thanks to such a deposit, you can really feel the increased interest rate. The agreement is concluded for a period of up to 5 months. This deposit cannot be withdrawn or supplemented early, but its advantage over the previous proposal is that the client, if necessary, can withdraw the interest accumulated on the deposit.

It is also distinguished by its simplicity of design. The “Simply 7” deposit is actually made only remotely. This can be done through the Sberbank Online mobile application, or simply by using one of the ATMs. Investors of this deposit receive an inflated rate in accordance with 7% of the annual profit. This offer is also valid only until the end of this year.

For the New Year holidays, Sberbank launched a ruble deposit “Without Passport” with a yield of 6.5% and 7% per annum, depending on the period of placement of funds. A deposit can be opened through an ATM, terminal, Internet bank or the Sberbank Online mobile application without presenting passport data.

Sberbank deposit “Without passport”, deposit conditions

Sberbank’s new “Without Passport” deposit replaced the “Record” promotional offer, which could be issued until November 30, 2018. A new deposit will only be accepted for two months - from December 1, 2018 to January 31, 2019.

Sberbank’s new deposit “Without Passport” is a New Year’s offer. Many experienced depositors remember Sberbank’s previous holiday offers. For example, “Happy Year” at 9% or “Good Year” at 8%. On the eve of 2018, the New Year’s deposit was called “Simply 7” and was issued, accordingly, at 7 percent per annum.

Those who do not yet have the “fortune” of being a Sber client will obviously have to become one in order to open the “Without Passport” deposit. For example, get a debit card. Then you will get access to the Internet bank and you will be able to make a New Year’s deposit 2019. As indicated in its name, absolutely without a passport.

New Year's deposits in Sberbank 2019 “Happy Year”

This deposit, the “Happy Year” deposit, was launched by Sberbank on December 18, 2015. At the moment, this contribution is no longer valid and is archived. Residents of the Russian Federation could open a deposit with increased interest rates until January 31, 2016.

One of its main advantages is that cash can be placed from 150 thousand rubles for a period of 9 months in Russian rubles, from 3 thousand US dollars and euros for a period of 10 and 18 months.

The maximum deposit rate was 10% per annum in rubles, 3.10% per annum in US dollars, 2.00% per annum in euros. Interest on the deposit was accrued at the end of the term.

New Year's deposits in banks by 2019

In December, the population traditionally experiences increased income: for the holidays, people receive annual bonuses and other types of accruals. Credit organizations are in a hurry to present consumers with a seasonal offer on deposits with increased rates.

This year, such a service is offered by VTB, Alfa Bank, Moscow Credit Bank (MCB), Russian Standard, Post Bank, Vozrozhdenie, St. Petersburg, Vostochny, OTP Bank, as well as Svyaz -bank, SDM-bank, Transcapitalbank and others.

Pre-New Year deposit rates this year are on average 0.3-1.85 percentage points higher and amount to 6.5-8% per annum.

New Year's deposits in banks for 2019 in Moscow

They are ready to offer a maximum of 8% per annum in MKB (“Dreams” deposit), “Russian Standard” (“New Year’s Income” deposit). Alfa Bank is ready to offer even more than 8% on the Big Kush seasonal deposit. A three-year “Maximum” deposit at VTB with monthly interest capitalization can also reach 8% per annum.

The largest bank in Russia proposes to open seasonal contribution with a maximum interest rate of 8% per annum in rubles.

Have time! It can be opened until December 31, 2016 - in 2017, most likely, such conditions will no longer exist.

The New Year's deposit is called “Good Year” (last year it was called “Happy Year”), the maximum period for placing funds is 9 months (in rubles) 10-18 months (in US dollars or euros).

Deposit term: 3 months (last year “Happy Year” could be opened for 9 months).

Minimum deposit amount: 100,000 rubles (deposits are not provided in US dollars or euros).

Replenishment or partial withdrawal is not provided.

Interest rates in rubles

For an amount from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles - 7.40% per annum (for comparison: last year for a similar deposit “Happy Year” there was 9% per annum).

For an amount from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles - 7.70% per annum (for comparison: last year for a similar deposit “Happy Year” there was 9.50% per annum).

From 1,000,000 rubles - the deposit rate will be 8% per annum (a year ago it was 10%).

We have also prepared a review of the best offers in Russian banks -.

Also read trend review -

Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in the country. He's already for a long time is kept on the first line, which means you can safely store money on deposits here.

Sberbank promotional deposits are of great interest to individuals, because if you have time to sign the agreement, you can make good money on interest. Let's consider the New Year 2018 deposit and the interest rates on it.

Conditions for opening a New Year's deposit from Sberbank

In 2018, Sberbank is giving its clients or people who are just planning to become part of this large family the opportunity to invest money at an attractive interest rate.

The New Year's deposit is available to all segments of the population, the main thing is to comply with the conditions. The offer can be taken advantage of by:

  • individuals;
  • legal representatives;
  • pensioners.

The New Year's offer is multi-currency, so you can store in your account:

  • rubles;
  • dollars;
  • Euro.

How to transfer money from an account to a Sberbank card

The interest rate when opening a New Year's deposit in 2018 is 7%

This percentage is available only to those users who open a deposit via the Internet. When registering a deposit with a bank, the rate will be 6.5%.

To open a “New Year’s” deposit, clients need to deposit a minimum amount into the account:

  • 100,000 rubles;
  • $10,000;
  • 10,000 euros.

Deadline and early closure

The agreement is valid for 3 months. After this period, the client has the right to withdraw funds with accumulated interest or extend the contract for another 3 months. However, the conditions for calculating interest will already be on the “On Demand” deposit.

The interest rate on demand deposits is 0.01% per annum.

The client will receive exactly the same percentage of profit in case of early closure of the New Year offer.

How to open?

You can become a client of Sberbank by opening a “New Year’s” deposit in it after a personal visit to a financial institution, writing an application to open an account and transferring money to it. You can also deposit money at interest in a bank via the Internet. To do this you need to have access to .


  • log in to your personal account;
  • on the top panel select “Deposits and accounts”;
  • further “Opening a deposit”;
  • enter the required personal information;
  • indicate the details of the card from which the required amount will be transferred to the deposit;
  • We confirm the operation with a code from an SMS that will be sent to the phone number specified in the application.

Sberbank provides restrictions on amounts. So you can deposit no more than:

  • 100,000,000 rubles;
  • 10,000,000 dollars or euros.


New Year's Deposit - profitable proposition for those who are ready to deposit the required amount into the account and not withdraw interest during the entire term of the agreement. Not everyone can afford to open such a deposit, since the minimum amount is impressive - from 500,000 rubles, while other Sberbank deposits can be opened starting from an amount of 1,000 rubles. Full list proposals

The benefits include:

  • high percent;
  • opportunity partial withdrawal money (however, it is recommended to withdraw the entire amount at the end of the term to get the maximum benefit);
  • the opportunity to become a user of Sberbank Business Online for free;
  • opening a deposit remotely via the Internet.

Quick application form

Fill out the application now and receive money in 30 minutes

Buyers have long known: the best time to buy is during the December pre-holiday sales. Banks do not lag behind the stores: in late autumn - early winter they offer special seasonal programs for a short period of time, more interesting for the depositor than regular ones.

Traditionally, they are distinguished by the following features:

  • they cannot be replenished;
  • You can’t withdraw funds in parts either;
  • limited offer period;
  • but the interest rate is significantly higher compared to other deposits.

The rating of the best offers of New Year's deposits in banks in 2017-2018 will show which deposits are the most profitable.

BankContributionBid (%)Minimum amount (RUB)Duration (days)
SberbankJust 7% - online7 100 000 150
GazprombankFestive7.25 100 000 121
VTB Bank of MoscowLoud benefit7.6 30 000 121
RosselkhozbankThe key to success7.7 100 000 180
Post BankGood contribution7,8 50 000 181
SDM-BankWinter8 10 000 181
OrientalChristmas8,15 30 000 367
BinbankNew Year8,3 50 000 150-200
Credit Bank of MoscowNew Year8,5 1 000 190
Moscow Industrial BankHoliday Choice9 5 000 000 100-150

10. Sberbank, “Simply 7% - online”

  • Bid: 7,0%.
  • Minimum amount: 100,000 rubles.
  • Validity: 150 days.

The list of New Year's offers from banks opens with an old horse that will not spoil the furrows - Sberbank. Although the interest rate of New Year's deposits is one of the lowest, it will definitely exist in the next year and, probably, the next decade. And it will not disappear in the morning like dew under the sun, as too many banks have done in Russian memory over the past two decades.

The peculiarity of this particular deposit is that it can only be made remotely, via mobile phone, online banking or ATM. The generous offer from Sberbank will last until December 31, 2017.

Partial withdrawal of this deposit is impossible, as is its replenishment. It will also not be possible to automatically extend the validity period of “Simply 7% - online”.

9. Gazprombank, “Prazdnichny”

  • Bid: 7,25%.
  • Minimum amount: 100,000 rubles.
  • Validity: 121 days.

Almost the twin brother of Sberbank - an offer from Gazprombank. The interest rate is very close, and the minimum amount is generally the same. True, unlike Sberbank, you can take advantage of the offer from Gazprombank a little longer - until January 31, 2018.

Options such as opening a deposit via the Internet, auto-renewal and partial withdrawal of funds are not provided.

8. VTB Bank of Moscow, “Loud Benefit”

  • Bid: 7,6%.
  • Minimum amount: 30 thousand rubles.
  • Validity: 4 months.

The “loud benefits” were affected by the changes that occurred with the profitability of various deposits. VTB Bank of Moscow raised not only dollar interest rates, but also the New Year offer rate. It increased, however, not by much - only by 0.35%.

You can have time to discover the “Loud Benefit” before the end of December 2017. However, there are also restrictions: opening this deposit is available only to those clients who have not made deposits for six months, as well as to clients who have a deposit valid from the moment of opening at least 91 days have passed, and the amount in the accounts (in rubles) on the day the “Loud Benefit” was opened is equal to or exceeds 90% of the amount in the accounts a month ago.

Unlike most other New Year's deposits, Loud Benefit has auto-renewal, but the rate when activated will be lower - 6% per annum. And you can open a deposit through Internet banking.

7. Rosselkhozbank, “The Key to Success”

  • Bid: 7,55 – 7,70%.
  • Minimum amount: 100,000 rubles.
  • Validity: 61, 91 and 180 days.

Clarification: the minimum amount is 100,000 rubles - only if the user wants to open a deposit remotely. And if the depositor decides to step foot into the bank’s office, then the minimum amount increases five times. At the same time, the offer for remote users is valid until December 29, but with service in the office - until December 31, 2017.

There is no automatic extension of the deposit or its replenishment.

6. Post Bank, “Good Deposit”

  • Bid: 7,8%.
  • Minimum amount: 50,000 rubles.
  • Validity: 181 days.

A newcomer to the banking scene, created with the participation of VTB Group and Russian Post last year, offers quite profitable investment for three months - a pleasant rate, a relatively small minimum amount.

Attention! Post Bank is easily confused with Post Bank. These are completely different structures. If Pochta Bank is directly related to Russian Post, then Pochtobank is an old-timer in the financial market, created almost 20 years ago and the vast majority of it belongs to Svyaz-Bank.

Replenishment " Have a good contribution“It is possible, although with reservations regarding the period - within the first ten days from the date of submission of the application to the bank.

Automatic extension is also allowed, and the interest rate of the Capital deposit will be 7.7%.

5. SDM-Bank, “Winter”

  • Bid: 7,4 — 8,0%.
  • Minimum amount: 10,000 rubles.
  • Validity: 181 days.

A small Moscow bank offers a New Year's offer that compares favorably with the rest with a modest minimum deposit amount - from 10,000 rubles.

In this case, neither opening a deposit online, nor its automatic extension, nor partial withdrawal of funds is possible.

Although SDM-Bank is not as famous as other participants in the rating, it has been operating in Russia for quite a long time (since 1991). financial market. And it is included in the deposit insurance system. SDM-Bank mainly specializes in servicing representatives of medium and small businesses, as well as clients from organizations that have entered into an agreement with this financial institution.

4. Eastern Bank, Rozhdestvensky

  • Bid: 7,45 — 8,15%.
  • Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles.
  • Validity: 19, 181, 367 days.

Vostochny Bank is a large bank whose branches are located mainly in Siberia and Far East. In 2017, as a result of a large-scale reorganization, Uniastrum Bank merged with Vostochny.

This financial organization offers not only one of the most favorable pension deposit rates in terms of rates, but also one of the best pre-New Year programs with a not too large minimum amount and a relatively high interest rate.

You can open a “Rozhdestvensky” card through Internet banking, but there is no option to automatically renew it.

3. Binbank, “New Year”

  • Bid: 8,3%.
  • Minimum amount: 50,000 rubles.
  • Validity: 150 – 200 days.

You can take advantage of the offer from B&N Bank if the potential investor is not afraid of the events of September 2017. This month, a representative of B&N Bank himself turned to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with a request for reorganization. Rehabilitation is a set of measures to improve the health of a bank, and is carried out if the bank is close to bankruptcy. True, reorganization is better than revocation of a license. Of course, the bank's press service claims that nothing threatens depositors.

“New Year” can be topped up within the first 30 calendar days from the moment it opens. Another plus: early withdrawal of 20% (or less) of funds from the total deposit is provided. You can automatically extend the deposit, but then “New Year’s” will turn into “Income +” with a rate of 4.50%.

2. Moscow Credit Bank, “New Year”

  • Bid: 8,5%.
  • Minimum amount: 1000 rubles.
  • Validity: 190 days.

The New Year's offer from ICD has three extremely pleasant features for the average person:

  1. Quite a high percentage;
  2. Extremely low minimum amount;
  3. Possibility to open a deposit through a mobile application or online banking.

Literally anyone, from a pensioner to a single mother, can get some money by investing a small amount.

The deposit period is a little more than six months, but, if desired, you can withdraw money ahead of schedule. In this case, interest accrued for the period before the day the funds are received is retained.

Cons: there is no automatic extension, no possibility of replenishment, no partial withdrawal of deposit funds.

1. Moscow Industrial Bank, “Holiday Choice”

  • Bid: 9,0%.
  • Minimum amount: 5 million rubles.
  • Validity: 100 – 150 days.

If we take the interest rate as a basis, then this is the best offer among New Year's deposits in banks in 2017-2018. However, once you look at the amount of the deposit, it becomes clear that an ordinary Russian who can barely survive until his next salary has nothing to do here. 9%, of course, looks nice - but the minimum amount to open a deposit is no less than 5 million rubles. But for businessmen operating large sums, this option can be tempting.

Replenishment of the deposit is possible, but with a caveat: it stops 3 months before the end of the “Holiday Choice” period. There is no auto-renewal or online opening of a deposit.

To summarize: if you have a small amount - ranging from a thousand to 10 thousand rubles, then the most the best option— deposits numbered 5 and 2 in our list.

For people with amounts ranging from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, deposits that are in 8th, 6th, 4th and 3rd places in the selection are preferred.

For those who have 100 thousand rubles, Sberbank (ranked 10th), Gazprombank (ranked 9th) and Rosselkhozbank (ranked 7th) hospitably opened their doors.

But for the rich with 5 million rubles in their pockets, there is no alternative to the “Holiday Choice”.