Julia Vysotskaya height and weight. Julia Vysotskaya, biography, news, photos. A modern woman should be thin

Let's start with the fact that the presenter never denies herself anything. This is where it becomes curious, how does she manage to weigh 54 kilograms with a height of 174 centimeters?

Yulia Vysotskaya - it's about the profession

While women are looking for a better diet, Yulia Vysotskaya has completely abandoned them. The actress allows herself even the worst things: cakes, flour products... This immediately begs the question, how does she manage to keep herself in such luxurious shape with her height of 174 centimeters for a woman? Is it really a sport?

Of course, you can’t live without sports. But this is not the only thing the presenter uses to keep her figure slim. Meanwhile, sport remains a privilege.

But it's all about attitude. Considering Yulia’s profession, no matter how you look at it, she needs to be in shape, and in order to be in shape, she needs to eat less and move more. That's the whole secret, actually. Did you eat a bun? I ran on the treadmill. Both pleasant and useful.

And, by the way, for those who are especially curious and slow-witted, who like to make their own guesses about what Vysotskaya does to stay in excellent shape, she also answered:

“I don’t have a magic pill, or a magic metabolism that burns everything. Of course, from time to time I allow myself everything - and I love bread and butter more than anything in the world. But in principle I try to control myself” (The author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved, editor’s note).

Fans of Andrei Konchalovsky's wife were showered with compliments from appearance your idol and from the correct persistent position:

“I admire you, Julia! You are simply an example to follow!! I wish you success in all your endeavors and health to all of you and all your loved ones”, “You are smart, I’ll lead by example!”, “Clever and beautiful) thanks to people like you, I have a place to learn choice and taste)))” (Spelling and punctuation by the authors saved, editor's note).

In general, she has always advocated a healthy lifestyle and motivates her fans to adhere to this position. This is the only way, according to the presenter, that a person can achieve the desired results. That is, being healthy, energetic and cheerful.


Yulia Vysotskaya was born into a family with Cossack ancestry (her ancestors are the Ryazan noble family of the Melikhovs). Julia lived and studied in Yerevan, Tbilisi, then in Baku, where she graduated in 1990 high school No. 9, and Yulia had the opportunity to receive her higher acting education in Belarus, where in 1995 she graduated from the acting department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts. Three years later - the London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art.

Julia Vysotskaya: filmography

Starting her career, Vysotskaya worked at the Belarusian National Theater. Yanka Kupala, and for the play “Look Back in Anger” based on the play by English playwright John Osborne, the actress was awarded the prize for best actress. Now performances with Yulia's participation are performed on the stage of the Moscow Academic Theater named after Mossovet.

Since 1992, Vysotskaya has been on camera. The actress acts in films directed by Nikolai Knyazev and Garnik Arazyan. For the film “House of Fools” in 2002, Yulia received the prize for best actress at the festival “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!” But the most popular was the role of Vysotskaya in the film directed by Andrei Konchalovsky “Gloss”, where the actress played the naive provincial Galya, who set off to conquer Moscow.

In 2003, actress Yulia Vysotskaya became the host of the daily morning program “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya”, as well as the Sunday program “Eating at Home!”, which revealed another talent of the actress - culinary. In 2009 for propaganda healthy image life program “Eating at home!” awarded the sign “Approved by Russian environmentalists”.

Inspired by her culinary successes, in 2006 Vysotskaya published her first cookbook, “Eating at Home. Recipes by Yulia Vysotskaya,” and three years later she founded a glossy magazine about food and recipes.

Julia Vysotskaya: height, weight

Yulia Vysotskaya's height is 174 cm, and her weight is 54 kg.

Julia Vysotskaya: personal life

In 1998, actress Yulia Vysotskaya married film director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, who is 36 years older than her. The family has two children: daughter Maria (1999) and son Peter (2003).

IN Lately Yulia Vysotskaya's activities are focused on cooking, which was once just a hobby. In 2010, Yulia initiated the launch of a culinary social network www.edimdoma.ru, and in 2011, together with her husband, she opened the Ernik restaurant and Culinary Studio in Moscow, where both her own and master classes by chefs from different countries. The actress also launched a project of visiting master classes “Culinary Travels with Yulia Vysotskaya.”

Julia Vysotskaya, photo: EKSMO

How tall is Jeremy Renner?

On the domestic Internet, the famous actor who played roles in The Avengers is credited with a height of 178 cm. And in foreign sources, this actor is stated to be 172-173 cm. To understand this issue and find out who is mistaken and who is telling the truth, we will find photographs with this actor, what will stand next to others famous people and based on these photos it will be clear how tall he really is.

Here we can see Jeremy Renner next to Tom Cruise, whose height is about 170-172 cm. Obviously, this photo should already make one wonder whether our celebrity really is 178 cm tall.

And in this photo, Jeremy Renner, whose height is supposedly 178 cm, and next to him is Mark Wahlberg, with a height of 173 cm. You can find countless similar photos, where the height of our celebrity will be in the region of 172-173 cm. It is obvious that in RuNet people are mistaken about Jeremy Renner’s height.
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How tall is Doutzen Kroes?

The famous Dutch supermodel and actress of Frisian origin is credited on the Internet with a height of 178 cm. But is this really so? Foreign information resources have a different opinion and attribute a height of 172-176 cm. To understand the reliability of scattered data, we will use a comparison of the heights of celebrities from photographs. We will simply take a photo where our model stands next to others famous models and compare her height based on these frames. Based on the data, we will understand where the information is correct and where it is not.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes with an alleged height of 178 cm and Adriana Lima with similar data. Only now we see that our model is shorter than she is credited with.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes and Maggie Grace with a height of 175 cm. As we can see, both celebrities are the same in height. Based on these photos, it turns out that Doutzen Kroes is clearly not 178 cm tall, but closer to 175 cm.

German film, television and voice actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. The pinnacle of his acting skills is considered to be the role of Martin Brest in the crime comedy Knockin' on Heaven's Door by Thomas Young, also known for his roles in the films Where's Fred?, Inglourious Basterds, This Means War.

Til Schweiger's height is 178 cm

American actor, producer and screenwriter. Winner of an Oscar and two Golden Globe awards, as well as a BAFTA nominee. The most famous films with the participation of Matt Damon: the drama “Good Will Hunting”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Dogma”, the crime drama “The Talented Mr. Ripley”; three parts about the adventures of Ocean's friends: "Ocean's Eleven", "Ocean's Twelve", "Ocean's Thirteen"; the Jason Bourne tetralogy: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum and Jason Bourne; as well as the films "The Departed", "Interstellar" and "The Martian" and "Ford v Ferrari"

Matt Damon's height is 178 cm


Megan Fox was born on May 16, 1986. She is an American actress and model. Foxx began her film career in 2004 in the film Teenage Drama Queen. Her first famous film was the blockbuster "Transformers" in 2007. After Transformers, she won many Teen Choice Awards. She has eight famous tattoos on her body, which include her ex-boyfriend's name "Brian" and Marilyn Monroe's face on her forearm. Fox said she has a Marilyn Monroe tattoo because: "She was one of the first people I saw on television. Marilyn was a big influence on me."

Megan Fox's height is 163 cm

Megan Fox's weight is 49-51 kg

How tall is Kristen Stewart?

For some reason, the famous actress from the Twilight saga is credited with a height of 165 cm in RuNet. Although the celebrity herself in her controversial interviews said that her height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is equal to 167 cm, and that she feels like she is 173 cm. But many eyewitnesses say that We saw the actress live near us and noted that her height was hardly higher than 160 cm. To figure out what is true and what is not, we will find photographs where the celebrity will be near people whose height is similar in their data.

Three photos show Kristen Stewart, who states that her height is as much as 167 cm; Dakota Fanning, with a real height of 163 cm. As we can see, our celebrity, with a stated height of 167 cm, turns out to be lower than 163 cm, which means that her parameters do not correspond to reality in reality her height is about 161 cm. This phenomenon is very common among Hollywood stars, when they talk about one thing, but in reality everything is different.

Recently, a new column appeared in the magazine “7 Days” - “Master Class by Yulia Vysotskaya”, in which the actress and TV presenter shares with readers her most cherished culinary secrets, which she has never given out to anyone - neither in her TV shows, nor in cookbooks. The section is designed for a year, and its essence is to learn how to eat very tasty and at the same time very healthy - so as to always remain energetic, slim and beautiful. Julia Vysotskaya claims that these things are quite compatible!

- Julia, you are not a nutritionist, not a doctor, not a psychic or a fitness specialist. But they trust you, and it is from you that many want to learn what to do in order to eat both tasty and healthy, and without compromising their figure...

You are absolutely right - I am not a nutritionist or even a professional chef. I'm just a trained amateur cook. It's almost like dancing. There are people who love to dance, get a thrill from it, feel the dance, but they won’t be accepted into ballet on this basis. So I’m not a “ballerina” in cooking, I just “love to dance.” (Laughs.)

- Some women believe that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, while others say that this is nonsense and is important in family harmony completely different, sexual attractiveness for example.

Or mutual understanding, common interests... What about Andrei Sergeevich Konchalovsky? Does the path to his heart go through his stomach or not?

My husband's mother Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya was a wonderful housewife. I think that for Andrei Sergeevich it was always subconsciously important that a woman could create a hearth and maintain it. I suppose he doesn’t consider culinary talents obligatory, but you’ll agree that it’s more pleasant to return to a house where it smells of pies, freshly brewed coffee and vanilla.

- Do you want to say that it was with your culinary skills that you conquered him at one time?

Well, actually, in the first year, when we just started living together (it happened quite quickly), I didn’t cook anything, we went to cafes and restaurants.

Andrei Sergeevich was not at all concerned about my culinary abilities at that time. But when he saw that I liked to cook and that I was good at it, I think he breathed a sigh of relief. Although he is, of course, one of those people who can always get a job and is able to hire a good housekeeper who would cook delicious food.

- Do you remember the moment when cooking began to captivate you?

Perhaps this happened when Andrei Sergeevich and I lived either in London or in Los Angeles. It was the mid-90s, the first time I saw such an abundance of products in stores. We can say that he opened the entire world cuisine for me.

Photo: Photo from the personal archive of Yulia Vysotskaya

We went to Thai, Chinese, Italian, French restaurants. For a person who loves to eat like me, it was unforgettable, but the main thing is that the next day you could buy all the ingredients in the store and cook exactly the same thing at home. The best compliment for me comes from my husband’s words when he grumbles: “Well, you’re just like my mother. Mom, in the same way, voluntarily killed herself before the guests arrived, and then moaned: “That’s it, I can’t, I don’t have the strength.” And who forced her to knead dough from five in the morning, bake bread herself, as if it couldn’t be bought? You are the same."

- Have you mastered many of Natalya Petrovna’s recipes?

In principle, there are few of them left after her. After all, Andrei Sergeevich only ate and did not watch his mother cook - how could he know the recipes?

Russian actress and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya is well versed in healthy eating and even published the book “Eat, Run, Live,” in which she tells everything about the features of various diets that help her keep in shape.

Julia Vysotskaya: height, weight and figure parameters ^

short biography: Yulia Vysotskaya was born on August 16, 1973 in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. Zodiac sign - Leo, by eastern horoscope — . Family life things didn’t work out for Yulia’s parents; her father left the family when she was very young. Mom married a military man of low rank, and soon Yulia had a younger sister, Inna. Their age difference was 8 years.

Because of his stepfather's profession, the family often moved from place to place. During her school years, Yulia managed to live in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and changed her place of study seven times. In Tbilisi, the girl attended a music school for two years. In 1990, she received a certificate of secondary education from one of the schools in Baku.

Since childhood, Julia dreamed of the theater stage. After school, not daring to try her hand at Moscow schools, she tried her luck in Minsk and on the first try became a student at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. Maly Theater actor Boris Andreev, who was present at the exams, said: “If you don’t take her, I’ll take her to Moscow, right away for the third year,” and after his words the girl was accepted.

Julia received her first film role, namely in the psychological drama “To Go and Never Return,” while still a student. The actress speaks about this experience as follows: “It seemed to me that the director hated me... I understood that my time was unlikely to ever come.” After graduating from university in 1995, Yulia got a job at the Yanka Kupala Theater, where she worked for the next two years, appearing on stage in productions of “The Bald Singer,” “Look Back in Anger,” and “Nameless Star.”

At the same time, she diligently studied English language, until I could read Shakespeare in the original. All this was necessary to enter the London Academy of Musical and Dramatic Art. Vysotskaya received her diploma in 1998.

Culinary shows Vysotskaya

In 2003, the culinary show “Eating at Home” was launched on the NTV channel, the host of which was Yulia. She taught viewers how to cook delicious and healthy food at home. In 2009, the “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya” program was added to “Eating at Home with Yulia Vysotskaya.” The topic was dedicated to preparing light breakfast food that energizes and sets the mood for work. In the same year, Vysotskaya was invited to the position of editor-in-chief of the culinary magazine “Bread-Salt”.

In parallel with culinary programs, Vysotskaya published several books about products and healthy eating. Their number grew into dozens - in 2013, her 39th book, “Cooking for Children,” was published. In addition, Julia is the owner of the Moscow restaurant “Yornik” and the culinary studio “Julia Vysotskaya”.

Personal life

Yulia Vysotskaya's first marriage occurred during her student years. It was fictitious - Yulia was not a citizen of Belarus, and without citizenship she might not finish her studies and lose her job. Her husband was senior student, native Minsk resident Anatoly Kot. He helped her out difficult situation, and former spouses for a long time maintained friendly relations.

Julia met Andrei Konchalovsky at the Kinotavr film festival in 1996. The first meeting took place in a hotel elevator. The director spoke to the aspiring actress and invited her to dinner. Two days later they were flying together on vacation to Istanbul. Subsequently, Julia recalled that at that moment she perceived their romance as an exciting adventure, but very soon her feelings, which were not hindered even by the age difference, grew from youthful love into true love.

At that time, Yulia was single, but the director was married (fourth in a row) to TV presenter Irina Martynova. But soon Vysotskaya heard a marriage proposal. Well, in 1999, their first common child was born - daughter Masha.

After the wedding with Konchalovsky, Julia entered the “Mikhalkov clan”. She was received warmly by the family; she still recalls family evenings in the house of Sergei Mikhalkov, who, according to her, was their bonding core. Vysotskaya developed good relationships with both Yegor Konchalovsky (son of Andrei Sergeevich from Natalya Arinbasarova) and with her husband’s brother Nikita Mikhalkov. The age difference between Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky is 36 years.

Soon after the wedding, the couple moved to Los Angeles, but they could not live abroad for a long time, away from their home, and in 2000 they returned to Moscow. In 2003, a son, Peter, appeared in the family of Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya.

Is Yulia Vysotskaya on a diet?

According to the actress herself, she has a hereditary predisposition to being overweight, so throughout her life she had to try on herself various diets. Many of them did not give desired results, and even the most severe methods not only did not help to lose weight, but, on the contrary, contributed to the appearance of excess weight.

Having gained experience, Julia chose for herself several of the most optimal nutrition options, which she later described in the book “Eat, Run, Live.”

Julia Vysotskaya's figure parameters: 91-64-91 (chest-waist-hips)

  • Liquid diet of Yulia Vysotskaya;
  • Cleansing diet;
  • An extreme diet of apples, rice and boiled chicken, lasting 9 days.

How Yulia Vysotskaya lost weight

With a height of 174 cm, the actress weighs only 54 kg, but previously her weight was about 10-15 kg more. She was helped to achieve such results by a drinking diet, which she usually follows several times a year for 10 days.

Clothing and shoe sizes

Julia Vysotskaya: height 174 cm, weight 54 kg

There is no need to even doubt that Yulia Vysotskaya lost weight without any operations or pills; besides, she herself admits that she has an extremely negative attitude towards such methods of figure correction. The secrets of the actress's slimness are very simple:

  • It limits fatty and rich in carbohydrates food: for example, for 3 days he eats only low-calorie foods, and at 4 he allows himself to eat any favorite dish;
  • Achieve perfect figure Not only diet helped her, but also sports, because... she tries not to miss classes at the gym;
  • To avoid overeating, Julia gave up late meals and eats no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • In her opinion, it is very easy to overcome occasional attacks of hunger: just sit down at the table every 2 hours and eat in small portions to significantly reduce your appetite;
  • After sudden weight loss, the skin usually sags, but Yulia managed to prevent this with the help of regular massage and sports.

How Yulia Vysotskaya loses weight: menu and diet recipes ^

The secrets of Yulia Vysotskaya's slimness and ideal figure

Julia Vysotskaya's weight loss rules

To achieve maximum effect from each diet, you need to follow simple rules:

  • All products for the drinking diet must be natural;
  • While using any of the methods, you should not eat high-calorie foods;
  • It is advisable to use these diets 2-3 times a year in order to maintain your figure and, if necessary, get rid of accumulated kilograms.

Detox diet of Yulia Vysotskaya

This diet can be followed for up to 10 days, but doctors recommend sticking to it 3 days a month. At this time, due to the lack of the usual nourishing food, you may feel headache and dizziness, so it is best to resort to this technique on weekends. The main idea is to consume juices and fruits, which have a cleansing effect on the body. Menu for one day:

  • We have breakfast with berries or fruits, drink 250 ml of any natural juice;
  • For lunch we drink juice (250 ml);
  • We have lunch with a portion of soup and a small plate of steamed vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon snack with juice;
  • We have dinner with 300 ml of soup and vegetable salad.

Drinking diet

If you need to lose weight as quickly as possible, Yulia Vysotskaya uses the following menu to lose weight:

  • We have breakfast with a vegetable energy cocktail;
  • We drink for lunch vegetable juice And green tea with lemon;
  • We have lunch with juice squeezed from vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon meal with vegetable broth and warm lemon water;
  • 2-3 hours before bedtime, drink some cabbage broth.

Diet of Yulia Vysotskaya for 9 days

Another radical way for the actress to lose weight is as follows:

  • For the first 3 days we eat only boiled chicken (up to 500 g per day);
  • From the second to the sixth days we eat only boiled rice;
  • For the remaining three days we eat only apples.

Recipes for slimness

Energy cocktail recipe:

  • Place half a lemon, the same amount of peeled beets, parsley root, a couple of carrots, and celery in one container;
  • It is worth considering that Julia does not use such diets too often and mostly adheres to proper nutrition. Doctors believe that her methods are safe only for those who do not have chronic diseases; in other cases they are contraindicated.

    Most best option, in their opinion, is eating healthy food, which even if does not contribute so much fast weight loss, but it brings great benefits to the body.

    What Yulia Vysotskaya looks like now: photo