Zamioculcas in open ground. Zamioculcas: what a caring owner of a dollar tree needs to know. Should the flower of celibacy bloom?

The “female happiness” flower, or zamioculcas, is an evergreen perennial from the Araceae family, native to East Africa. The flower has complex leaves, consisting of several pairs of shiny leaf blades. Leaf cuttings converge at the rhizome, which forms a tuber. At good care V room conditions the flower can reach a height of up to 1 meter. But the low-growing variety ‘Zamicro’ grows only up to 60 cm in height. Even with a careful attitude, it is very difficult to achieve flowering from zamioculcas. The plant blooms very unusually, for which it received one of the popular names “female happiness.” The inflorescence is a large light green spadix surrounded by a light green spathe. It is formed at the base of the leaves. Very often, Zamioculcas is sold under a different name - “dollar tree”. Popular rumor claims that Zamioculcas is excellent at “managing money affairs,” just like his “employee” the fat woman (“ Money Tree"). And Feng Shui masters recommend growing it to anyone who wants to increase their savings, especially if they are stored in dollars. In order for a flower to help overcome financial difficulties, it is necessary to determine its place in the southeastern sector of the room or house. They say that the flower that “works best” is one that was given by a good person for some holiday. Choosing a location. Zamioculcas likes bright, diffused light. This means that straight Sun rays are not needed for him. A place near the south window will be the best “registration”. But in order to protect the plant from excessive sunlight, it is better to place the pot not on the windowsill, but next to the window, on a table, shelf or even on the floor. In summer, women's happiness prefers to be on fresh air. If you give it this opportunity, the flower will noticeably increase in growth and look better.

The soil . For the plant, you can purchase a substrate intended for cacti and succulents, or select any light soil without clay impurities.

Watering. Excessive watering is detrimental to the flower, and it can even kill it. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to water women’s happiness moderately, so that the soil in the pot has time to dry out. All water that has leaked into the pan must be drained immediately, since the plant cannot tolerate stagnant water and may get sick. In winter you need to water it much less often than at other times of the year.

Temperature. This unpretentious plant tolerates any temperature, but in winter it needs to be given the opportunity to rest in a room with an air temperature of 16 to 18 °C.

Humidity . The leaves of female happiness should be sprayed and wiped from dust from time to time (at least 2 times a month). The flower especially needs spraying in winter period when the air in the apartment is usually dry. In addition, spraying has a good effect on the growth rate of the plant. Women's happiness looks very beautiful after using a special polish for leaves.

Feeding. Frequent feeding of the flower is not required. Fertilizing should be done carefully, approximately once a month (during the period of active growth). For this purpose, you can use fertilizers for succulents and cacti. There is no need to feed the flower in winter. If the goal is to grow a large specimen, then feeding should be regular during the growing season. This procedure should include alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

Reproduction. Women's happiness is easily propagated by leaf blades or by dividing the bush. The leaf blade needs to be carefully cut and the cut area should be slightly dried. After this, it must be deepened into the soil by a third. Noticeable changes to this leaf will not occur immediately. Most likely, he will not change in appearance for about 6 months. No need to worry: the little Zamioculcas is simply growing the tuber all this time. The flower generally grows very slowly, so such “freezing” is normal for it. An alternative method of propagating Zamioculcas is propagation using a leaf with a bud. Leaf cuttings you need to cut off at the base, leaving the bud and dry the cut. After this, the cuttings need to be rooted in the substrate. Dividing the bush can be done in the spring. An adult plant must be divided into two parts and planted in separate containers.

Pests and diseases. The flower may be attacked by pests such as spider mite, scale insects, scale insects and aphids. Due to improper care, it can become affected by diseases or lose its decorative properties. If overwatered, it may develop stem rot. For the same reason, all the leaves of a woman’s happiness can dry out and fall off en masse. If a flower does not have enough light, its leaves turn pale. The tips of the leaves dry out when kept in a room with very dry air. In mature plants, the lower part of the leaves may sometimes become bare, but this is not a sign of disease, but an absolutely normal phenomenon. Even a seriously “sick” plant can be saved. If its tubers have not rotted and are viable, then Zamioculcas has every chance of life. The tubers must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and replanted.

Zamioculcas is a perennial, evergreen plant that is easy to care for at home. In everyday life, it received the name “dollar tree”, since, presumably, with its energy it is capable of “attracting” wealth and prosperity to its owner.

General information

According to rumors, as soon as a new piece of paper appears, a certain amount of money appears completely unexpectedly (for example, you were returned an old debt, given a bonus, received a percentage of the deposit, and much more).

But if the leaf falls, then this is a warning about material problems (for example, you should not invest money in some new business - it may burn out, or the car will break down and you need to spend money on repairs, etc.). Maybe for this reason, many people like this plant, and it can be found both in apartments and offices.

There is also an opinion that the money tree, Crassula, serves to increase wealth in the houses where it grows.

There is another sign associated with another name for this flower - “female happiness”. When zamioculcas blooms, this indicates that the owner has found her betrothed, but flowering occurs very rarely and only if the care rules are followed.

Due to such a protracted period, many blame the plant and call it the “flower of celibacy.” Everyone believes in different variants, but the fact that this is a beautiful and unpretentious plant is not in dispute.

The flower is not very expressive. An arrow is released from the tuber, and an inflorescence begins to ripen on it, which is a white or cream-colored cob wrapped in a green “veil.”

Those who believe and follow the rules of Feng Shui should know that in order to increase savings, the flower should be placed in the south-eastern part of the room or house. If a flower was given to you, then it should be a kind person with good intentions.

Zamioculcas is a genus of plants of the araceae family, represented by a single species: Zamioculcas zamiifolia, originating from tropical Africa.

Zamioculcas care at home

For healthy growth zamioculcas must be planted in a well-drained and “poor” substrate consisting of turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (1:1:1:1), you can also add small pebbles, because under natural conditions the plant is found in rocky soils.

If you buy a ready-made mixture, soil for cacti will be suitable. The main thing is that oxygen flows freely to the roots and the soil dries out in time, otherwise, for example, in soils with a high humus content, water lingers at the roots for a long time, which leads to rapid rotting and the plant gradually dies.

Zamioculcas transplant at home

As for transplantation, this procedure is carried out as the rhizome grows, when the zamioculcas plant becomes crowded - it is transplanted into a more spacious pot.

When choosing containers, give preference to clay ones, since the root system is very powerful and there have been cases when the pot cracked.

Zamioculcas watering

Zamioculcas is a heat-loving plant, so it tolerates heat quite easily, just increase the humidity (frequent spraying). A temperature of 18-26°C is considered comfortable; it is better not to allow it to fall below 15°C.

It is resistant to dry periods, but it is better not to force the plant to starve, otherwise it begins to absorb its own reserves, which can lead to depletion; the leaves and trunk become thinner and turn pale.

Therefore, as long as regular watering is observed with breaks to dry the soil, Zamioculcas will be able to stock up on a sufficient amount of water. In winter, watering should be reduced to a minimum, just slightly moisten the soil so that it does not dry out.

Lighting for Zamioculcas

The plant is adapted to exist even in a dimly lit room or in the back of the room. This does not mean at all that it does not like light; on the contrary, with good lighting and, accordingly, good watering, it will grow much faster.

It is not afraid even of direct sunlight, but in this case additional moisture is necessary, since the moisture will evaporate faster.

Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings

To do this, any leaf or even part of it is selected and planted in wet sand, or a mixture of sand and peat. Treat the cut with a rooting accelerator (for example, Kornevin). The soil must be sterile.

Cover the top with transparent cut plastic bottle or a glass jar, to create greenhouse conditions, and place it in a warm, well-lit place. Rooting occurs within one month to six months. The process is long. You must be patient and do not forget to ventilate the plant (remove the jar) and moisten the soil, if necessary.

Zamioculcas reproduction by tuber

Only an adult plant with large tubers can be propagated in this way.

The tuber is cut so that each part has at least one growth point. It is planted in the prepared substrate, without burying the head of the tuber too much. The new plant grows very slowly.

Diseases and pests

The most common problem when caring for zamioculcas is yellowing of leaves .

There are two reasons: if old leaves turn yellow , then this is a natural process of replacement with young leaves, and if new leaves begin to turn yellow , then the cause may be constant waterlogging of the soil, which led to rotting of the roots.

In some cases, if the process is not too advanced, the plant can still be saved; to do this, it must be pulled out of the pot, carefully shake off the soil, inspect the root system and cut off the rotten parts. Treat the cut areas with charcoal and spray the entire plant, for example, with Fundazol, let it dry a little and plant in new soil and pot.

Zamioculcas is better known as the “dollar” or “money tree”. Many people believe in the sign of prosperity and financial wealth of the house where this tenant has settled. The plant is unpretentious and does not require special conditions. It takes root well on any windowsill at home and does not require complex care. All year round pleases the owners with green leaves. Zamioculcas is a perennial.

Most of the best houseplants grow slowly, and Zamioculcas, being one of the best, is no exception. Zamioculcas spreads easily at home and is replanted, but it does not develop quickly, increasing in growth step by step, so be patient.

Like all indoor plants, Zamioculcas is excellent at improving indoor air quality. But unlike others, it can also improve the health of people in living spaces, as it was recently discovered that Zamioculcas can remove carcinogens such as benzene, which are often found in home environments.

Homeland of Zamioculcas - tropical Africa. There is only one species in the aroid family, the full name of which is Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Zamioculcas can be found in nature in Tanzania, especially in the Zanzibar region; the plant inhabits central Africa and the eastern coast of the continent. The plant's natural environment consists of rocky soil in lowlands or highland foothills. Zamioculcas is accustomed to long periods of very dry weather alternating with heavy rains.

Zamioculcas has been known as a botanical species since 1892, but has only become popular as a houseplant within the last 15 years or so. This happened thanks to Dutch producers who took on the task of growing it in 1996 for home breeding.

Green, beautiful and practically indestructible: Zamioculcas is, above all, a fabulous work of nature. The green personality has strong, prominent, leathery leaves that grow on branches that look a bit like feathers. Despite its robust stems, Zamioculcas is still classified as an herbaceous plant.

Symbolism and characteristics of the Zamioculcas plant

Popular rumor claims that the appearance of a new leaf foreshadows a replenishment of the wallet in the form of a bonus, an unexpected bonus, or the return of an old debt. A healthy and fast-growing Zamioculcas is the epitome of stability.

If the leaf turns yellow and falls off, then the zamioculcas warns the owner of a possible loss or unexpected expenses. You should be wary, carefully consider financial offers and even refuse some of them, be more attentive to the little things. Whether this is true or not, a pot of this flower is often found in homes and offices.

Another opinion suggests that the fat plant or “money tree”, by its presence, already attracts wealth and financial benefits to the owner. The dollar tree is literally permeated with a noble shade of well-being.

The trouble is that the flower appears very rarely and only if all the rules of care, watering and feeding are followed. But happiness also will not come on its own and requires some effort. If a woman does not forget about herself and is able to regularly take care of at least a plant, then happiness will definitely knock on this door. And no one will know how much Zamioculcas helped in this.

Due to the rare flowering period, Zamioculcas has the unspoken name “celibacy flower”. Everyone believes in what is dearer to them, but its beauty and unpretentiousness have made the plant a welcome guest in many homes.

The flower looks modest, but has its own charm. On the green arrow emerging from the tuber, a white or cream inflorescence appears, reminiscent of an ear, shrouded in a green “veil”. In this regard, there is a belief that it is associated with the flowering of the plant. A woman in whose house zamioculcas has bloomed is predicted to meet her betrothed soon.

According to Feng Shui, the zameolkulkas is located in the southeastern part of the room, which is responsible for the harmonious movement of financial flows. You should be careful about giving a flower. The plant can only be taken from hand good man with pure intentions.

Rules for caring for Zamioculcas at home

The plant's natural habitat is poor rocky soil. Therefore, it is best to plant zamioculcas in soil that consists of sand, peat, turf and rotted leaves in approximately equal proportions. Adding small stones will have a good effect on the well-being of the root system.

Of the ready-made mixtures, you should pay attention to the mixture for cacti. It is the closest in composition, allows excess water to pass through well without retaining it in the lower layers and prevents root rot.

Zamioculcas transplant process

Replanting will have to be done annually, preferably in the spring. IN new pot with a slightly larger size, fill it with nutritious soil. If the flower is young, then it is better to keep the proportions approximately as follows, and in equal shares:

  • land share of turf;
  • share of rotted leaf soil;
  • peat share;
  • portion of sand.

Rotted humus from a compost pit goes well with traditional fillers. If your plant is old enough, 5 years or more, then Zamioculcas can be replanted less frequently, usually once every two years, in the same way, with the onset of spring. A pot for zamioculcas must be selected from clay with dimensions larger than the root system. Be sure to build drainage, for example from the bottom of the container.

At proper care the plant slowly grows out of the pot, it becomes cramped and needs to be moved to a more spacious container. For replanting, you need to prepare a larger container; preference should be given to clay pots.

Clay products are environmentally friendly and much stronger plastic products. This important point, since Zamioculcas has a powerful root system and not every flower pot can withstand its pressure.

Frequency of watering Zamioculcas

Caring for zamioculcas at home does not involve frequent watering. The plant is accustomed to hot climates and can easily tolerate prolonged drought. And here lower limit temperatures should not fall below +15. A comfortable temperature for zamioculcas is considered to be between 18 and 26 degrees Celsius, but if in the summer the thermometer stubbornly stays at around 40, then nothing bad will happen to the plant.

You just need to spray it more often warm water. In critical situations, the flower is able to go without water for a long time due to the absorption of internal reserves. But the view becomes unpresentable. The leaves become thinner, become limp, and the trunk turns pale and loses its elasticity. True, when regular watering is resumed, it quickly returns to its blooming appearance.

Proper watering necessarily involves periods for drying the soil. In winter, watering is reduced to regular wetting of the soil.

Lighting level requirements

Zamioculcas feels great in any amount of light. Even without receiving enough life-giving sunlight, it continues to stubbornly grow. It is not afraid of direct light and, in fact, can live on any windowsill. Including as a room decoration on a stand far from the window. Please note that on the hot sunny side you should slightly increase the frequency of watering.

Even though Zamioculcas does well in low light levels, bright lamplight makes it even better. Zamioculcas is one of those plants that thrives in fluorescent light.

Tip: Keep the pot out of direct sunlight as the plant may burn. Ideally, good bright filtered (through the tulle) afternoon sun will fall on the green leaves.

Plant propagation

Zamioculcas does not require any special type of soil preparation or special watering. Any well-drained soil recommended for indoor plants will do its job just fine.

In the natural environment, even fallen leaves take root in Zamioculcas, and they for a long time exist due to internal reserves of moisture until the first root penetrates deep enough to extract it from the outside.

The home method is not much different. A leaf or piece of a plant is selected, the cut is treated with a means for accelerated growth and carefully placed in sand or a mixture with added peat. Zamioculcas spreads easily because parts of its leaves begin to take root as soon as they come into contact with the ground.

To create a greenhouse effect, the leaf is placed under a jar or plastic container. The neck should fit tightly to the ground. In a warm place with good level lighting, the process of rooted growth occurs within a month. Sometimes it happens that it lasts up to six months. To prevent rotting, you need to periodically open the jar and ventilate the sprout, moistening the soil as necessary.

When transplanting the plant into another pot, you can divide the tuber so that each part has a dormant bud. It is allowed to cut only a large tuber from an adult plant. However, this method is not very attractive, since Zamioculcas is sick and grows very slowly.

Regarding the requirements for fertilizers. Universal, balanced liquid indoor fertilizer(20-20-20 – proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), applied once a month. Fertilizing and watering will provide the nutrients necessary for the sustainable growth of Zamioculcas.

Disease prevention and pest control

Like any living creature, Zamioculcas sometimes gets sick. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the normal processes of green mass renewal and signs of disease. In the case when old leaves turn yellow one by one, there is no reason to worry. This is a natural process of leaf aging.

But when it is noticed that the plant’s young, barely budded leaves change color, then most likely the watering was excessive and the roots began to rot. It is worth trying to save Zamioculcas by treating the affected parts and replanting. You will need a new pot, a mixture for planting and Fundazol for treating the roots.

Don't let the plant sit in water or stay wet, or you will experience root rot. The plant feels better on the dry side. If you water your Zamioculcas too much or the plant is constantly oversaturated with water, you may one day find yellowed leaves.

The plant is carefully removed from the old pot, inspected and parts of the roots damaged by rot are removed. Treatment with Fundazol is carried out once, the roots are dried in the open air for several hours. After this, it can be transplanted into a new pot.

Pests rarely pay attention to zamioculcas; it is protected by hard, leathery films on the leaves. But if suddenly the leaves shrink and turn pale, you need to treat them against aphids. Darkening on the trunk and leaves of the plant signals the appearance of a thyroid gland. Wet areas are a sign of rotting. Darkening of leaf areas indicates unfavorable conditions for the plant: too low a temperature, drafts, excessive watering.

If your dollar tree shows a yellowing leaf, this does not mean that the plant is sick. Zamioculcas slowly and surely continues to grow; as it grows, the old yellow leaves are renewed and replaced with new green shoots. When yellowed leaves die, dark spots may appear on the stems, which will go away over time.

The main thing is to ensure that fresh shoots germinate and darkened spots remain dry. If you observe these processes, then rest assured that the flower is developing normally. Completely yellowed and dried leaves can be carefully removed.

Enemies of Zamioculcas

Spider mite- appears extremely rarely at home. Tiny red “spider”. You can find it at the bottom of the leaves - that’s where it weaves its web. You can destroy the pest with a regular solution of tobacco tincture using a spray bottle. You can use numerous industrial insecticides, fortunately they are now sold in any “Gardener” store.

Shchitovka, another pest that reproduces at lightning speed by eating green foliage. Aphids become noticeable already in adulthood, when they acquire a shell or shield - hence the name. Their voracious larvae are especially dangerous. They are destroyed quite easily. We take the same tobacco tincture, add soapy water and a few drops of kerosene to it. If kerosene is not available, denatured alcohol will do. We spray and wait for a positive result.

Aphid- a harmful insect whose goal in life is to eat everything green growing, sucking all the juices from the plant. For destruction, it is better to purchase ready-made chemical products in the store. She will cope more effectively with the impending disaster. If you miss the moment, the aphids will quickly deplete the leaves of the plant and it will dry out.

Zamioculcas can be found among many lovers of living plants. It is popular because it does not require special content. There is also a secondary name “money tree”; it received this nickname thanks to the existing version that Zamioculcas attracts additional cash. Zamioculcas will certainly create coziness in your home and complement the interior.


Zamioculcas is ornamental plant. It has erect and hard leaves, covered with a waxy coating. They have a characteristic shine and are located on a thick stem. There are very small, completely invisible flowers collected in a spadix. Zamioculcas has a large underground tuber. If you provide him necessary conditions, Zamioculcas at home can grow up to one meter in length, with the exception of low growing variety, it can reach a maximum of 45 - 55 centimeters. When breeding zamioculcas, you need to know that it is poisonous, so when transplanting or propagating the crop, wear gloves for safety, and also warn children and animals.

How Zamioculcas blooms

At home, it is very difficult to achieve full flowering of zamioculcas, in fact, as in the wild. But still, such an event rarely happens. In fact, there is nothing beautiful in the flowering of Zamioculcas; all the beauty is taken over by the leaves of the flower. Flowering zamioculcas looks like an ear wrapped in a thick blanket; flowering usually occurs in adulthood. The flowers in the cob are divided into female and male, and grow separately from each other. The inflorescences are light green in color, on which small red berries soon appear. Its flowering is not particularly impressive, so it is better to take care of the brightness and health of the leaves.

Zamioculcas flower is not the main decoration

Care and cultivation

Caring for a flower at home is simple and understandable even for a novice gardener. To grow Zamioculcas with a healthy appearance and achieve maximum sizes it is enough to provide him with proper maintenance.

Watering. Since indoor zamioculcas belongs to the aroid family, water it regularly, but moderately. Watering is carried out as soon as the earthen ball begins to dry. In winter, watering is done much less frequently to prevent rotting of the root system.

Lighting. In order for Zamioculcas to feel good, it is recommended to place it in a brighter place with diffused lighting, and in the summer you can place the flower on the balcony. IN winter time bring it into the house, placing it as close to the window as possible. For uniform growth, it is recommended to sometimes turn it over with the other side facing the window.

Air temperature and humidity. Zamioculcas loves warmth, the optimal temperature is 24 - 26 degrees. Temperatures below 16 degrees are considered critical for the plant. Air humidity is not important, but regular spraying or wiping is necessary; carry out activities once a week, alternating procedures.

Under the frozen open window In winter, the zamioculcas leaves in the photo darkened and drooped. After being moved to a warm place, the drooping leaves did not recover, but new shoots (light green) appeared.

The soil. The zamioculcas flower feels comfortable in loose soil. It can be purchased ready-made at flower shops, or you can make it yourself. To loosen the soil, river sand or fine expanded clay is usually used. The finished soil should become well wet when in contact with water.

Fertilizers. It is recommended to feed Zamioculcas no more than once a month, starting from April to early autumn. Alternate organic and mineral fertilizers; fertilizers intended for cacti are also suitable for the flower. You can use foliar fertilizers, spraying only the stem and leaves.

Transfer. Basically, young zamioculcas are transplanted; the transplantation is carried out during the growth of the tuber, when it begins to fill the pot. The pot must be spacious. Provide sufficient drainage before replanting.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas at home

Many home crops can be propagated in several ways, zamioculcas is no exception. Please note that with any propagation option you need to be patient, since the rooting process takes a very long time. Zamioculcas can be propagated in three ways:

Propagation by tubers. Remove the tuber from the pot and carefully divide it into several parts. Before planting the tubers in the pot, dry them thoroughly. You can sprinkle the tubers with charcoal.

Propagation using cuttings. To implement this method Zamioculcas reproduction, break off a small twig. Before planting the cuttings in the ground, dry them for a day, after which you can plant the cuttings in the prepared soil. It is advisable to root the branches using greenhouse conditions.

Reproduction of Zamioculcas by leaves

Reproduction by leaves. This option is the simplest; its implementation will not be difficult even for novice growers of ornamental crops. Only healthy leaves are suitable for such propagation. Carefully break off the leaf without damaging the stem, then stick it into the seedling substrate and all you have to do is wait until it takes root.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Unfortunately, any indoor plant is susceptible to various diseases and ailments, one of them being yellowed leaves. Yellow leaves in Zamioculcas are quite common. If the leaves of a plant turn yellow, we will consider what to do below. Possible reasons appearance of the disease:

  • Excess moisture. There is no need to water the soil until the earthen lump is dry. In winter, you need to water the flower even less often than usual. Excess moisture in the soil causes yellowing of the leaves.
  • Do not place Zamioculcas in a place where direct sunlight hits it for more than five hours. Neglect important rule, can cause a burn, resulting in yellowing.
  • Since Zamioculcas grows rather slowly, many try to speed up growth with the help of various fertilizers. This should not be done, because with excessive feeding, the roots begin to rot, then the leaves turn yellow, and soon the flower dies completely.
  • Disease of the root system of Zamioculcus.

When of this disease, first of all, reduce watering, and, if possible, replant the flower in fresh soil.

Zamioculcas pests

If the content is not correct decorative culture, the following unwanted guests may appear:

Spider mite. This pest is caused by too dry air. It appears in the form of small whitish cobwebs that affect the interleaves of the plant. For treatment, a soap solution is used; it is necessary to spray and wipe the indoor flower with it daily.


Shields. Zamioculcas becomes infected with scale insects from neighboring flowers; they are difficult to notice, but they multiply very quickly and infect the leaves in the form of dark spots. As a rule, large individuals are inactive and can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth. To remove the larvae, it is necessary to spray the plant with insecticides or a soap solution.

Aphid. The defeat of aphids is especially important if the zamioculcas is standing on the balcony. The leaves first curl into a tube, dry out and fall off. Ready-made anti-insect sprays designed for indoor crops will help destroy aphids. You can purchase the product at any flower shop.

After any pest removal procedure, wash the flower in the shower a few days later, while covering the soil with a plastic bag.

Zamioculcas is rich in great virtues; even those who suffer from allergies can enjoy it. Stick to it some advice for caring for zamioculcas and the evergreen culture will delight you for a long time and serve as a decorative element.

Zamioculcas - African exotic in our house

Lukyanchik Irina

This plant was first discovered in the 1830s on the sun-scorched mountain plateaus of East Africa, and it grows here and there in Madagascar. Relatively recently (a couple of decades ago) it appeared for sale on the shelves of our flower shops, and is still considered quite rare and expensive.

We will talk about a close relative of Dieffenbachia and Monstera, also belonging to the Araceae family. This is Zamioculcas zamiifolia. It received such an ornate name for its external resemblance to a rare gymnosperm plant - zamia.

The appearance of Zamioculcas is somewhat unusual, which is not uncommon for representatives of hot climate zones. In the soil, in the form of a large tuber that stores moisture, there is directly the main stem itself - the trunk, in other words. Only 4-6 feathery leaves rise above the soil surface. They are closely located on a short horizontal stem, as if collected in a rosette (at first glance). The leaf petioles in the lower part are strongly developed and swollen, which is why they are often mistaken for stems.

These petioles often reach 80-100 cm in length, and along their entire length there are dense dark green glossy leaf blades. The hot African climate turned Zamioculcas into a succulent capable of growing and surviving in conditions scorching sun and drought. The leaves are covered with a dense waxy coating that protects them from burns and prevents excess evaporation of precious moisture.

Zamioculcas grows very slowly, and new leaves rarely appear. It blooms, like all aroids, with inflorescences consisting of a spadix and a spathe, which appear at the very base of the leaves in quite old age plants.

Conditions of detention. What Zamioculcas is certainly good for is its unpretentiousness to living conditions: it does not care about dry soil and infrequent watering, dry air, poor lighting, pests, etc. He's just perfect in quality indoor plant. It will grow well on a window of any orientation, but it is still better where there is enough light. Although he won’t be capricious far from the window either. The temperature in the room also does not play a fundamental role, but it is advisable that it is not too cold: the optimal range in summer is from 20 to 25 C, in winter - 16-18 C.

Water zamioculcas like other succulents (the presence of leaves should not mislead you), that is, rarely, but abundantly, after waiting until the soil has completely dried out, plus a few more days. In any case, even if you forget about it for a long time, it will not suffer: after all, there are water reserves in the tuber. In winter, of course, watering is reduced to a minimum. There is no need to spray the plant, but periodically it is necessary to carefully wipe off dust from the fragile leaves soft cloth, and in the summer a warm shower won’t hurt. During the active growing season, you can occasionally feed with fertilizers for cacti and succulents: in spring and summer once every 3-4 weeks, in winter when kept warm - once every 5-6 weeks.

Transplantation and propagation. When thinking about the composition of the soil for zamioculcas, you must not forget that it is a succulent, and focus in this direction: it should be loose and permeable. You can make a mixture of equal parts of fertile soil, peat and coarse sand, not forgetting to lay a large layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot so that there is no stagnation of water in the tuber area. You can also sprinkle pebbles or coarse sand on the surface.

As the zamioculcas grows, it is transferred to a larger pot, a shallow one, preferably a wider one. Root system it is small, the growth rate is very low, so young specimens are replanted no more than once a year, only slightly increasing the volume of the pot and renewing the soil, and adults - no more than once every five years.

To propagate Zamioculcas, lower leaf blades from adults are used, which are called “ripe” leaves. The leaf is carefully cut off with a sharp blade, the fresh cut is treated with activated carbon powder (you can even just burn the match to the end - that’s coal!) and dried for 2-3 days. After this, it is buried about 1.5 cm in dry sand, which does not need to be moistened, and covered with a jar. Although the practice of our non-African flower growers shows that rare spraying accelerates rooting.

In general, after 5-6 months, nodules with roots develop; now the young plant can be transplanted into the soil and carefully watered until the first true leaf appears. For propagation, they also use dividing an old large plant into separate parts so that each new specimen has one growth point.

Possible problems. With improper care or rotting of the roots, a sudden drop of leaves occurs. In addition, you need to know that in old plants the lower leaves partially fall off, regardless of care - it’s just how they are supposed to be due to their age. Among the pests, Zamioculcas can be damaged by aphids and spider mites, but this happens very rarely.

Attention! All parts of the plant contain very poisonous juice! Therefore, care must be taken when caring for it.