Zanzibar entertainment and nightlife. Zanzibar island - resorts of tanzania A couple of words about history

Zanzibar has been part of Tanzania since 1964. The authorities of Tanganyika and Zanzibar signed an agreement on the creation of a single state - Tanzania (the name is made up of the first three letters of the words "Tanganyika" and "Zanzibar"). At the same time, Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous territory, since 2005 it has its own flag, parliament, and its own president. Zanzibar is a good place for a beach holiday, diving, as well as some natural, cultural and historical attractions. One of the islands of the archipelago, the private island of Mnemba, is chosen by world celebrities such as Bill Gates and Naomi Campbell for their holidays.

How to get to Zanzibar

There are no direct flights from Russia and the countries of the former USSR to Zanzibar. Most often, the flight happens with two transfers. In order to buy the best air ticket for the cost and time of the flight, you should use the air ticket search systems, which include the largest number of airlines.


Upon arrival in Tanzania, Russian citizens are issued a visa at the border. To apply for a visa at the border, you need to provide the following documents.
a passport with a validity period of at least six months from the date of entry;
completed on English language migration card (cards are issued at border crossing points);
a completed health questionnaire in English (questionnaires are issued at border crossing points);
return tickets or tickets to a third country;
confirmation of the availability of sufficient Money for a trip at the rate of 5000 TZS (~$3.0) per person per day.
In practice, border services rarely ask about the availability of funds and return tickets.
The cost of a tourist visa for up to 90 days is $50, a transit visa for up to 14 days is $30.
Tanzania is part of the countries of the East African Union (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda). In fact, this translates into the fact that if you have visited any of these countries and decided to return to Kenya, then you do not need to pay the fee again.

Tanzania money

The national currency of Tanzania is the Tanzanian shilling (Tsh). One shilling is equal to 100 cents. You can exchange money at the airport, banks, exchange offices and hotels. Many hotels and large shops accept credit cards. Withdrawing cash from the card is very problematic.

Climate in Zanzibar

You can travel to Zanzibar all year round, but best time the period from June to October is considered to be visited, when it is not so hot and there is little rain. For those who like it hot, we can advise the period from December to April. The rainy season is from October to November and from April to May in Zanzibar.

Attractions and things to do in Zanzibar

Diving and snorkelling
Zanzibar a good place for lovers of diving and snorkelling. Visibility here ranges from 10 to 30 meters. The island itself and nearby islets are surrounded by coral reefs, and the underwater world is rich in marine life, and in March you can see whale sharks.
The best place to dive is called Boribi Reef by many. Here are the most beautiful underwater mountains and various corals, as well as you can see big lobsters and white sharks. The maximum depth is 30 meters. Between the islands of Pange and Bawe there is the ship "Great Nozerner" that sank in 1897.
beach holiday
The beaches in Zanzibar are made of clean and white sand, and the water has a beautiful turquoise. At the same time, some parts of the island are subject to high ebb tides and sometimes you have to walk a long distance to get to big water. For comfortable swimming at any time, I recommend the northern part of the island.
turtle island
"Turtle Island" is famous for its giant specimens of turtles, which can not be seen even in the best zoos in the world.
Spice tours
Once Zanzibar supplied half the world with spices. Today, spy tours are organized on the island during which you can see how spices and many exotic plants and fruits grow. Some can be tasted.
Khosani forest
Not far from the city of Zanzibar, there is the Hosani forest, which is rich in rare plants.
Historical and cultural attractions
Almost all the cultural and historical sights of the island are concentrated in its capital, Zanzibar. Zanzibar has been a transit point for Indian, Persian and Arab traders since the 5th century. Since then, the city has preserved the architectural styles of Africa, Asia, the Arab East and Europe. The streets of the city resemble labyrinths dotted with shops and bazaars.
But the main attraction of the city is Stone Town (stone city).There are two cathedrals, two palaces of the sultans (one of them is the Palace of Miracles), a national museum, mosques, colonial mansions and ruins of palaces and a number of cultural and historical attractions. Of particular interest are heavy carved doors with spikes, which appeared in Zanzibar from India. The spikes served to protect against attacks from war elephants. No one attacks the houses anymore, but the doors remain.
Freddie Mercury's house
Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar on September 5, 1946. There is his house in the city.

Zanzibar Entertainment & Nightlife

Zanzibar is not the best place in terms of parties and nightlife. My friend and I were on the north coast at the Kendwa Rocks hotel, there was a Full Moon Party disco once a week and it was the most party place in the area.


Shuttle buses run in Zanzibar. You can also use the services of taxi drivers, discussing the amount in advance. Upon arrival at the airport building, taxi drivers offer their transfer services to the hotel, after bargaining they can reduce the price by 10-20%. There is a bus stop about 300 meters from the airport, you can find the way to it at the tourist office located at the exit of the airport. At the bus stop, you can also catch a taxi, the price of which is likely to be less than at the airport.

Accommodation Hotels

Hotels in Zanzibar are presented in different price categories and different levels. Basically, these are hotels of medium and high level. In January 2013, I managed to find the most affordable option for accommodation in a modest beachfront bungalow for $50 for two. It was possible in a guesthouse with a price two times lower, but it would take 15-20 minutes to walk to the beach, and in 35 degree heat this is not an option. To search for hotels in Zanzibar, it is better to use search engines that include largest number travel sites for booking hotels.


In Zanzibar, you should follow standard security measures.

My friend Mikhail and I visited Zanzibar in January 2013. We flew in from Rwanda and stayed on the island for four days, and then flew to Mombasa. We had three days beach holiday and day the city of Zanzibar Stone Town. Photos of travel to Zanzibar can be viewed on this page.

Zanzibar travel photo

We fly over one of the islands of the Zanzibar archipelago.

We're going downhill.

View from our bungalow.

Zanzibar has fine and really white sand.

View from the beach to the hotel.

The way to our bungalow

And here is a modest bungalow costing $50 per night for two.

Bar on the beach.

The bar has a large selection of alcohol ranging from beer and cocktails to whiskey and rum.

Outside hotels, buying alcohol can be problematic. About 90% of the population are Muslims.

With local boys. One of the advantages of hotels in Zanzibar is that an invisible line has been drawn on the beach, through which the locals do not cross. And while sunbathing, you will be sure that souvenir merchants will not pester you.

Local women, even in the heat of 35 degrees, are wrapped in clothes from head to toe.

The local beauty salon is apparently not popular in the Islamic region.

The water in Zanzibar has a very beautiful color.

Kendwa beach on Zanzibar.

Zanzibar Stone Town (Stone City)

Exotic fruits

Infernal cane juice machine.

I decided to try myself as a juicer for a bit.

Local food - seafood, breadfruit, and I don’t remember what red.

Fish market in Stone Town.

Streets of Stone Town

Carved doors with spikes to protect against war elephants.

The fashion for such doors came from India. There are no elephants in Zanzibar, but the doors remain.

And these are super spikes.

A small square, a favorite meeting place for local men.

Shark jaws - an exotic souvenir, I regret not buying it.

National Museum of Zanzibar.

Freddie Mercury House Museum.

The embankment in Stone Town is a favorite place for locals. Some even come here to train.

One of the prides of Tanzania is the highest peak in Africa, Kilimanjaro, even beer is here.

In Stone Town there is not a bad restaurant with a balcony that offers a great view of the ocean. Many tourists and locals also come here to enjoy the sunset.

Sunset on Zanzibar

farewell photo

The colorful island of Zanzibar (autonomy of Tanzania, with the capital Stone Town) attracts with a riot of colors of nature, snow-white beaches and a rich animal world. The island is quite small: only 2654 sq. km, but whoever does not live here: just remember the words from the poem about the good doctor Aibolit - and hippos, and ostriches, and cubs, and camels.

How to get to the island

Today, the once fabulous island has become a very popular tourist destination. To get here, most often tourists have to transfer at Dubai airport, and from there fly to the capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. Next, you need to transfer to a tiny "corncob" type airplane to get to the amazing island of Zanzibar in just 15 minutes.

But, despite such a long and difficult journey, tours to Zanzibar are unforgettable journeys that will forever change your mind and expand your horizons of perception. Warm waters of the Indian Ocean, snow-white clean beaches, beautiful coral reefs, local flavor quickly smooth out all the fatigue from the flight. Here time seems to stop.

Beaches and climate of the island

The climate on the island, as in all of Africa, is very hot. All year round, the air temperature is kept at an average of +32 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature in the Indian Ocean is +28. However, thanks to ocean splashes, the heat here is not as pronounced as in comparison with mainland Tanzania. You can relax in Zanzibar all year round, but the best period is from June to October, when there is little rain, it is not so hot, and a cool breeze blows from the ocean. The rainy season here is from October to November, and from April to May.

All beaches are white, sandy, very clean, and along them there are picturesque fishing villages. The best beaches in Zanzibar are located in the southeast of the island, and all kinds of entertainment and nightlife - in the north. For sefring and other water sports, the southeast coast is ideal. For solitude with nature, you should go to the west coast, in particular to Bububu Beach. In the east of the island there are real endless beaches, with turquoise water. On the northern coast there is a huge number of cafes and hotels.

Going to the beach, be sure to bring swimming slippers with you, as the coast of Zanzibar is strewn sea ​​urchins, and come across shells, fragments from corals.

Entertainment and excursions in Zanzibar

It is better to start your acquaintance with the island from the capital Stone Town, which was founded in the 9th century by Arab traders. The city resembles a labyrinth of streets that are arranged in a chaotic manner. The main sights of the capital are: two former palaces of the Sultan, abandoned ancient baths in the Persian style, two large cathedrals, colonial mansions. Pay special attention to the doors of private houses: this is the main attribute of a dwelling, which is made for centuries, and can tell a lot about the owner. And against the backdrop of such historical buildings, you can see the quaint buildings of foreign consulates.

It is in the capital that the main diving center is located.

But the main attractions of Zanzibar are worth noting:

Home of Freddie Mercury, who was born and lived here. His apartment today is an expensive hotel room, but everyone can touch the walls of the legend;

Slave Cave. During the slave trade, prisoners were brought here, who were kept in very terrible conditions. There are still traces of torture. Another terrible page in this story is the slave market in Stone Town. In the center of it stands a monument;

Jozani National Park in the central part of the island. Tourists are offered to see many animals here, including the black mamba and the leopard, but, as a rule, only monkeys will be waiting for you on the hiking trail, while other animals will try to hide;

Prison Island (prison island), in the west of the island. Today there are: a prison hotel, a restaurant, and giant turtles act as prisoners.

The central market will be a real shock for tourists: you have definitely not seen such terrible unsanitary conditions and such a huge variety in one place. You can walk around the market and just look at each exhibit like in a museum, but you are unlikely to want to buy, as fruits, vegetables, fish are covered with flies.

Vacationers are also invited to visit the nearest islets, so on each of them the tourist will discover something new.

Among the possible entertainments are boat trips between the islands of the archipelago on boats, which are sailed by local fishermen. It will not be superfluous to drive along the coast of Zanzibar to see how each beach is very different from each other. “Spice tours” are also held daily, during which you can climb along the trees, try the breadfruit tree, pick a coconut.

To get here, as well as to the territory of Tanzania, a tourist will need to apply for a visa. This can be done in advance, even before departure, or done right at the airport by paying a fee of $50. Do not deny yourself a treat here: fruits and products in Zanzibar are very, very cheap, and bargaining is always appropriate. Here are a few local words you'll need: "jambo" - hello, "asante sana" - thank you very much, "caribou sana" - please, "hakuna matata" - no problem.

As for hotels, even ten years ago the island was a favorite place for people looking for vivid impressions, preferring to stay with a tent, without any comfort, today the coast of Zanzibar is simply dotted with hotels from medium to top level. Wildlife tourists mostly live in the northern part of the island.

Last edited: July 2017

The resorts of Zanzibar are diverse, interesting and environmentally friendly. These are beaches and islands. There are no thermal springs and other resort resources, except for the ocean and the sun. But what is, is beautiful and impeccably self-sufficient.


Zanzibar is the name of an entire archipelago in the Indian Ocean - an autonomy within Tanzania. Separated by the Zanzibar Strait from the African mainland. The archipelago, in fact, includes many islands with bizarre names: Nuange Island, Tele Island, Niamembe Island, Pamunda Island, Kshale Island, Pungume Island, Popo Island, Daloni Island, Uzi, Bau and others. Not all of them are of tourist interest. In addition to the main island, two more are inhabited - Tumbatu and Uzi. We will talk about those islands of the archipelago that we visited ourselves or about which we managed to find information. If you want to get information about the resorts of Zanzibar, which are located on the main island of the archipelago, then you are in the article " ".

Main island - Zanzibar

The real name of this island as a geographical formation is Unguja. This is the largest island of the archipelago, and therefore the main one. Its area is 1666 km², and the population is 896,721 people. It is on this island that almost all tourists stop, and from it they make interesting trips to other parts of the archipelago. On the . Also here is .

Prison Island

In another way, this island is called the island of Chang. Once there was a prison, from where the island got its name. Today there is no prison here, but its buildings, overgrown with plants, remain. However, tourists do not come here to see them. The fact is that on the island there is a reserve of giant turtles that walk literally among people and are not afraid of anyone. These turtles can be fed, stroked, and if you're lucky, you'll hear their loud, guttural voice.

Grave Island

Grave Island is perhaps one of the most spectacular in the Zanzibar archipelago. It is small: you can get around this island in just 15 minutes. But here you will see rare animals, including flying dogs, as well as baobabs. The highlight of the island is not the animals at all, but the graves, after which it got its name. In 1890, the British looked after these lands and concluded a protectorate agreement with the Sultan of Zanzibar. But the Germans were also not indifferent to these lands: they wanted to turn East Africa into their colony. In August 1914, when World War, German troops united with local residents who fought against the troops of Britain, Belgium and Portugal. At this time, many British died there, whose bodies were buried on the island of graves: the monuments have survived to this day.

Chumbe Island

Chumbe Island is also located close to the main island of Zanzibar. He is not big. Here tourists will be offered to stay in a few ecological bungalows. This island has retained its originality, up to the fact that you can see here, for example, an endemic species of antelopes, rare species of crabs. There are also historical ruins. In addition, the island is also coral and has a coral reef, where you can do water tourism and see barracudas, dolphins, sea turtles, lobsters and other marine life.

Pemba Island

This is a fairly large island by the standards of the Zanzibar archipelago: its length is 65 km, width - 18 km, area - 984 km². Pemba is located quite far from the capital - 50 km to the north. This island is famous for its spice plantations. Here you will also walk through the primeval forest with huge trees and ferns. And on the eastern shore of Pemba you will see a whole forest of Misheveni baobabs. In addition, the island is attractive because there are ruins of the ancient fortification of Pugini (15th century): an underground tomb was once excavated here.

Tumbatu Island

The blade-shaped island has a length of 10 kilometers, with a width, at its widest part (in the south), of almost 3 kilometers. It is surrounded by reefs, which makes it somewhat isolated from the rest of Zanzibar, despite the fact that its southern part is only two kilometers from the main island of Zanzibar. The island is inhabited: it has two cities.

Mnemba Island

Mnemba Island is called one of the most beautiful coral gardens in the world. This is a small island two kilometers from the island of Zanzibar. It offers a vacation only for the rich, because this island is private: it belongs to the African Conservation Corporation. The coral reefs surrounding this island are inhabited by unusual fish: about 600 species in total. Mnemba, apart from tourists, is an uninhabited island. There are no settlements here, except for the Mnemba Lodge, where celebrities like to stay.

Mafia Island

An island called Mafia with a population of as many as 46 thousand people, among whom most of them are fishermen, in fact, is not an integral part of the autonomy of Zanzibar. However, it is of great interest and is not so far away, so we will talk about it too. This is a small island - 20 km long and 8 km wide. Here, life goes on as usual, and the culture is not spoiled by tourists and is closer to the culture of the mainland of Tanzania than Zanzibar. The island is interesting not only for its originality, but also for the fact that a marine reserve is located on its southern shores. On the territory of this reserve, unique for the whole world, bizarre mangroves grow, and corals are inhabited by many species of fish (more than 400) and other living organisms. The park has a school and diving courses. This sport is best practiced here from August to March.

Zanzibar is not one island, but an archipelago consisting of the main island of Zanzibar (which was previously called Unguja - 1460 sq. Km), Pemba Island, and about 50 small islands.

Zanzibar is one of the best places for diving in the Indian Ocean, and throughout the world.

Zanzibar is the main island of the archipelago of the same name, which from 1890 to 1964 was a sultanate, part of the British protectorate, and since 1964 became a republic, part of Tanzania. The dimensions of Zanzibar are quite large: it reaches 85 km in length, up to 35 km in width, and an area of ​​1658 sq. km. The population of this island surrounded by a romantic halo is over 200 thousand people, the bulk of which (99%) are Muslims.

Trade in slaves (until 1893) and spices (especially cloves) played a huge role in the history and development of Zanzibar. Due to its location, in the 19th century the island was the world's largest supplier of cloves and one of the famous trading centers in East Africa. It was visited by Assyrians, Arabs, Egyptians, Indians, Persians, Dutch and Chinese. At the end of the 15th century, during a trip around the world, Vasco da Gama visited the island. Later famous explorers of Africa came here with their expeditions: Burton, Speke and Livingston. The strongest hurricane of 1872 destroyed most of the plantations of cloves and coconut trees, after which the islanders were forced to give up their positions to the suppliers of spices from the Far East.

The cultural and commercial center, the main city and port of the island part of Tanzania is the city of Zanzibar, located on the western coast of the island of the same name. The population of the city is over 70 thousand inhabitants.

The central part of the city, history Center, is called Stone Town (Stone City). locals it is often referred to as the Shangaani, after the Bantu tribe of Mozambique whose fishermen first settled in the area. Most of the houses in Stone Town are over 100 - 150 years old. They are distinguished by carved gates, openwork loggias and verandas. Arabic, Indian and European cultures had a noticeable influence on the architecture of the city.

Now Zanzibar is home to the best tropical resorts in the Indian Ocean. Dense vegetation and white coral sand beaches along the coast make the island very attractive for tourism. The resort industry has not disturbed the course of everyday life of the indigenous people, nature has remained untouched, and hotels and clubs organically fit into the local landscape without violating the harmony of the environment. Nature here is generous in the sun, gives beautiful views and surprises with the uniqueness of flora and fauna. This is the ocean, which never ceases to amaze with the underwater world, and a long snow-white beach of fine sand, on which it is pleasant to walk and ride bicycles, and the jungle with exotic baobabs, flexible lianas and flocks of monkeys, and the night sky with millions of stars, up to which, seems to be handy. Zanzibar is one of the best diving destinations in the Indian Ocean and in the whole world.


Indian Ocean, 35 km from Tanzania, 1.5 hours by sea ferry from Dar es Salaam.

How to get there

10-15 minute flight from international airport Dar es Salaam - Salaam - to Zanzibar Airport.


Bahari Restaurant, located in the heart of Stone Town, overlooking the ocean, is one of the most famous restaurants in Zanzibar.


Diving, yachting, snorkeling, windsurfing, beach volleyball, tennis, aerobics, water gymnastics, cycling. Games and swimming with dolphins, as well as sea safari on native boats.


Exotic masks of various tribes, wooden figurines, items made of semi-precious stones and shells.

Zanzibar Island, one of the most famous resorts in the world, is very popular among tourists. Various types of recreation and excursion programs are one of the main components modern recreation. Like most resorts in the world, Zanzibar Island can provide a different level of relaxation at a variety of prices. This resort has both luxury hotels and budget hotels.

If you are tormented by the question "Where to relax?", "Where to spend your vacation?". Then, perhaps, Zanzibar Island will be the perfect place to relax.

: rich and varied cultural heritage, carefully maintained coastline, clean coastal waters and many species of marine life. The best beaches are located in the southeast of the island, while entertainment and nightlife are in the north.

Cuisine and restaurants of Zanzibar

AT national cuisine Zanzibar has few vegetables and traditional meat. But in the course of rice and coconut milk, dishes from antelope, crocodiles, elephants, duck meat. In terms of seafood, the island is a real paradise. Octopuses, squids, shrimps, lobsters, as well as all kinds of fish - from sea bass to barracuda - are served fried, stewed, baked with intricate accompaniment of spices. Put them in dishes and drinks carefully, without turning the meal into a test. A set of fruits - as in all southern countries: papaya, pineapple, coconuts, mangoes, bananas. The latter are boiled, baked and fried.

The most popular food on the island is pilau spicy rice, onion salad with lime juice, pepper and sugar, cornmeal ugali porridge, mchicha salad of several types of spinach.

Fast food as a class is absent, but French fries are respected here and offered as a side dish to almost everything. Even right on the street they cook something like pies with egg and meat, and wash them down with a drink made from sugar cane.

Zanzibar is the territory of Muslims, so alcohol is sold in rare stores, and not all cafes have it, you need to clarify.

Establishments "for the locals" are better left to the locals: in restaurants there is a greater choice of dishes, compliance with sanitary standards is at a high level. iconic place- picturesque restaurant The Rock in the east of the island. The average check in a good establishment for a dinner with alcohol is 100,000 TZS, an afternoon snack in a village eatery is 15,000 TZS for two.

Guides in Zanzibar

Entertainment and attractions

The capital of Zanzibar - Stone Town, founded by Arab traders in the 9th century, is one of the most impressive places on the coast. This is a chaotic cluster of winding labyrinth streets with many shops, bazaars, mosques, courtyards and fortresses. The city is adorned with two former palaces of the sultans, two huge cathedrals, colonial mansions, abandoned ancient Persian-style baths and a whole collection of bizarre foreign consulate buildings. Not far from the city are the ruins of several palaces, the "cave of slaves" Mangapwani and the unique Khosani forest.

One of the visiting cards of Zanzibar is Turtle Island or Prison Island (an abandoned prison is attached). Here, tourists can look at luxurious specimens of giant tortoises, which cannot be found even in the best zoos in the world, take a walk in a forest rich in exotic plants, and look into the building of a former colony. Trips to the island are organized by agencies and numerous barkers, but some tourists go on their own: at the Small boat ferry to prison station in Stone Town, they rent motor boats together with the captain, who takes them to the place, waits and delivers them back.

It is not for nothing that Zanzibar was nicknamed the island of spices - it once supplied half the world with spices, and to this day plantations of cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and others herbs and plants are his property. To get acquainted with the spice map of Zanzibar, special “spice tours” depart daily from Stone Town. Agencies and hotels offer them for an average of 112,00 TZS, but it is almost 10 times cheaper to go to spice farms on a regular dala-dala minibus without intermediaries - entry price from 12,000 TZS.

The most famous farms are Kidichi Spice Farms (off. site in English) and Tangawizi Spice Farm (off. site in English). During the trip, you can climb trees in an attempt to pick a coconut, learn how to cut cinnamon and distinguish breadfruit from jackfruit, and at the same time - taste it all.



Since Zanzibar is located in the Southern Hemisphere, here winter is summer and summer is winter. In temperature, they differ from each other by an average of 10-15 degrees, so you can travel to the archipelago all year round, but best of all - at the end of February and from June to October: at this time there is almost no rain, it is not very hot, it is cool breeze from the ocean.

From October to November and from the end of March to May, Zanzibar is not happy with guests - the islands are flooded so that some hotels are closed. In addition, it is during the rainy months that malarial mosquitoes become active.