That's all they're up to. On social networks they are talking about the “new nickname” - a biker surgeon and his statement about Russophobia

Those who are starting this Russophobia... I address these people: “You’ll finish the game!”

Motorcycles are also an emotion that lives around the motorcycle movement.

After all, a motorcycle is not a means of transportation created for convenience. This is, first of all, romance. A motorcycle is a vehicle for a person who has a need for new sensations.

Our six-year stay in Sevastopol ended with this “Russian spring”. And I am grateful to the President of Russia that he did not allow rivers of blood to flow there if not for his support in Sevastopol.

The main thing in the concept of “Rus” is Orthodox faith. The second pillar is history and military victories.

Sevastopol is a more Russian city than Moscow.


Unfortunately, of course, the country of Ukraine does not exist - the country of Maidan exists.


I thought that after such a gift as the reunification of the country, Germany would become our ally for many years. My disappointment was all the greater when Germany refused to recognize our reunification with Crimea. This was not annexation, but a correction of injustice.

On the one hand, there is the Stalin of repression, on the other, there is the Stalin of victory in the Great Patriotic War. To save Moscow, he flew over this city with the icon. Cursing Stalin, our fathers nevertheless revered him and went to death for him, as for Christ. It's time to stop throwing mud at Stalin. Despite the fact that several generations of people were brainwashed, Russian history he remains an idol and unsurpassed leader. He created a grandiose state and saved Russian civilization from falling into the abyss after the decline of the empire of the tsars. We owe everything we have to him. Therefore, we have no right to criticize him.

The leader of the biker movement “Night Wolves” Alexander “Surgeon” Zaldostanov arrived in Brest to support the participants of the motorcycle rally on April 27. They also took part in a press conference, reports Belarusian Radio Liberty.

According to the Russian Consul in Brest, “most of the participants in the action are descendants of Red Army soldiers who walked the roads of war in soldiers’ boots.”

Before the press conference, Zaldostanov read a message to European veterans from veterans of the Oryol and Tula regions and promised that in two days the message would be delivered along the previously announced route.

Thus, Alexander Zaldostanov assured the journalists present that the “Night Wolves” motorcycle rally across Europe would take place. However, he refused to say how the action would be carried out and who would take part in it.

“In two days you will receive a report from there,” Zaldostanov said. According to him, those bikers who were banned from entering Poland yesterday will not take part in the motorcycle rally.

See photos of the search of bikers in Poland

When asked by journalists to comment on why the motorcycle rally participants were greeted at a high official level in Belarus, Alexander Zaldostanov responded as follows:

“It was you who organized this situation when this story reached the level of top officials. You made a terrible situation out of it. We didn't plan to publicize it widely. We did this for ourselves. You yourself created this situation when you began to organize opposition to our route.”

The bikers did not appeal to the official Belarusian authorities for assistance, and the reception in Belarus was an initiative of the Belarusian authorities themselves.

“Thank you very much to Alexander Lukashenko for this,” said Zaldostanov. - This is his personal initiative. This whole situation, this whole information propaganda democratic machine has failed on us.”

At the end of the press conference, the Night Wolves announced that they had received a message from their Polish colleagues. According to him, they were unable to visit the military cemetery in Wroclaw because they were “surrounded by the military.” This information aroused the interest of a Polish journalist, who asked for clarification:

“Those who are starting Russophobia, this is it, this is what they’re starting, all this, I’m addressing them to these people - you’ll finish the game. Sometimes a timid person, backed into a corner, may shoot. This is how this hysteria and obscurantism can end. A timid person can pull the trigger,” Zaldostanov told a Polish media correspondent.

Video - “Surgeon” about Russophobia

Biker "Surgeon" eloquently responds to the Polish journalist...

Let us recall that in mid-April, members of the Russian biker club “Night Wolves”, with whom Russian President Vladimir Putin is friends, announced that from April 25 to May 9, they would fight against fascism from Moscow to Berlin via Minsk, Brest, Wroclaw, Brno, Bratislava, Vienna, Prague, Munich and other European cities. Club leader Alexander Zaldostanov is the initiator of the Anti-Maidan movement and is among the citizens of the Russian Federation included in the list of those banned from entering EU countries.

The plans of Russian bikers caused a negative reaction in the countries that they intend to visit as part of the action.

On Monday, April 27, Russian participants of the motorcycle rally, called “Night Wolves,” were not allowed into Poland. At the checkpoint on the border with Belarus they were searched by customs officers, and

Earlier, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it considers Russian motorcyclists to travel through the country, since they “will not have time to go through the procedure for obtaining a permit for a motorcycle rally.”

Since the beginning of the week, the Night Wolves biker group has been an active newsmaker. Either Poland will deny them entry, then they will be searched at the border and their personal belongings will be confiscated (we were talking, in particular, about certain cosmetic bags), or hackers will place an LGBT flag on the official website. And now the leader of the Night Wolves, Alexander Zaldostanov, known as the Surgeon, spoke out about Russophobia. Yes, he spoke so clearly that he was in social networks dubbed “the new Klitschko” (who knows about the peculiarities of the Kyiv mayor’s communication style will immediately understand that this is hardly a compliment).

If you cut out from his short speech all the words that do not carry a semantic load, it turns out that those who are “starting Russophobia will finish the game.” He said this in an interview with Polish journalists, speaking after a press conference at the Russian Consulate in Brest. He did not name specific persons to whom he addressed his fiery speech. See for yourself:

“Leader. Thinker. Peacemaker,” a radio producer commented on the video. Mikhail Kozyrev.

“Those who are starting Russophobia, this is it, this is what they’re starting, all this, I’m addressing them to these people - you’ll finish the game,” the journalist shared this video. Arkady Babchenko.

"They're poking at different borders like blind bastards. Let them go through Ukraine, tho", "Intellectual, however. About the same as Givi and Motorylo", "They equated Shoto with a finger. It's not a sin to dumb down the nickname. This is his payment for victories and for the most powerful boxer in the world. And this surgeon Zadostansky, apparently, has an innate and long-standing", "What kind of surgeon is he? He is a philologist! - not a biker, except for his cosmetic bag?", "So Klitschko Cicero in this background!", "Hysterical woman with a cosmetic bag", "He is obviously very excited and is diligently trying to do without swearing so that so many simultaneous processes in the brain do not overload the processor. , and he, naturally, slows down,” “Abyrvalg,” “Our president has great friends! With such a friend, no enemies are needed!”, “He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly,” wow))) we need to introduce polite people into him. people to protect the oppressed and humiliated Russian language. I, as a cynical Russian-speaking person, I INSIST,” users write in the comments to the post.


Those who are starting this Russophobia, they are starting Russophobia, this is it, this is what they are starting, all of this. It’s to these people that I address: “You’ll finish the game. It’s with this Russophobia that you’re starting.” I’m not saying, I’m not addressing this specifically, mmm, specifically, or moreover, I’m grateful to the Polish people for their support. I just said this.

What do you mean? How can this end?

Listen, don't provoke me. I'm here... to these questions. Answer it yourself. Answer this question yourself. And where, how can this end? This is all, this is all this ongoing hysteria, which, you know, sometimes, uh, a cowardly person. Someone who is cowardly, you know, or a rat that is driven into a corner, driven, it can rush, rush to bite, and a coward can sometimes shoot out of fright. You see, this is what I mean. This, this hysteria itself, obscurantism, can force them to pull the trigger. What will happen later is just, well, I don’t think there’s any need to explain it to anyone. “I mean this,” users publish the text of the biker’s speech.

"Quote of the day. Native speech is our everything," he wrote