There are solar and lunar eclipses in a year. Russians will be able to see the longest lunar eclipse in the 21st century. When to watch a lunar eclipse

On the night of July 16-17, residents of most of Russia will be able to see the so-called partial lunar eclipse. The satellite of our planet during its orbital movement will plunge into southern part earth's shadow. This will be the last lunar eclipse for the next six years with a significant darkening of the Moon, which can be observed from Eastern Europe.

A lunar eclipse is the moment when the Moon hides in the shadow of the Earth and we do not see it completely (total lunar eclipse) or partially (partial). During this phenomenon, the Earth is located on the line between the Moon and the Sun. During an eclipse, the satellite is painted with a characteristic red tint. This is explained by the fact that those reflected from the Moon sun rays, passing tangentially to the earth's surface, are scattered in the atmosphere of our planet and are partially reflected back to the surface of the Moon. The Earth's atmosphere is most transparent to the rays of the red-orange part of the light spectrum, which are reflected by the surface of the satellite.

When to watch a lunar eclipse?

As noted on the Moscow Planetarium website, the duration of the shadow eclipse on the night of July 16-17 will be 1 hour 58 minutes.

The main part of the eclipse can be viewed starting from 23:00 Moscow time. At this time, the darkening of the left side of the satellite will be clearly visible. The Moon will begin to sink into the Earth's shadow.

At 0:31 Moscow time July 17 The maximum phase of the partial eclipse will begin. 65 percent of the lunar disk will be in the shadow of our planet. At this moment, the redness of the Moon will be maximum. Eclipse ends at 2:00 Moscow time when the satellite completely emerges from the earth's shadow.

Where to watch Lunar Eclipse?

According to the Moscow Planetarium, some phases of a partial lunar eclipse will be visible in most of Europe, most of Asia, Australia, Africa, the southeastern United States, South America, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, and Antarctica.

It can be observed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, except for the northern and remote eastern regions.

“The best observation conditions will be in Crimea and the northern Caucasus, where the Moon’s height above the horizon will reach 20°, and summer weather conditions will most likely be favorable for observations,” the report says.

“It will be clearly visible in the European part of Russia (except for its north), where the eclipse will occur near local midnight. The initial phases of the eclipse will also be visible in southwestern Siberia already in the morning, at sunset. In most of the visibility zone on the territory of our country, the Moon will be located low above the southern horizon,” notes the Moscow Planetarium website.

Provided the weather is cloudless, Moscow residents will also be able to see the lunar eclipse. The Planetarium notes that the eclipse will be visible to the naked eye, but astronomers advise viewing it through binoculars or a small telescope. Not far from the Moon plunging into the shadow you can see Saturn, and to the right (to the west) you can see.

When can we expect the next eclipse?

According to the RIA Novosti agency, citing the head of the observatory of the St. Petersburg Planetarium, Maria Smirnova, the next lunar eclipse with significant shading of the satellite will take place only in 6 years - on September 7, 2025. At this time, residents of Russia will be able to see a total lunar eclipse. The planet's satellite will turn completely red.

Partial solar eclipse January 6, 2019 – this is the 58th eclipse of 122 Saros (Saros Series 2S, B. Brady).

A partial eclipse is a solar eclipse in which only the lunar penumbra crosses the earth's surface; the shadow cone and its extension do not intersect the earth's surface. The axis of the lunar shadow on January 6, 2019 passes at a distance of 904 km. from the surface of the Earth. World time at the moment of greatest eclipse: 01:42:38

The area of ​​best visibility of the eclipse falls in the polar and middle latitudes northern hemisphere. The eclipse will reach its maximum at a point with coordinates 67.4° north latitude, 153.6° east longitude. The eclipse can be observed in eastern Russia and China, and Alaska.

B. Brady on the Saros 2 S eclipse series:

The eclipses of this series are associated with unusual groups and human involvement in these groups. This may be a time when a person notices or suddenly wants to find a certain group that has something to do with healing, the arts, or philanthropy. The person will feel that he can gain a lot by being involved in such a group.

Eclipses in 1950 - 2050:

1910,1928,1946,1964,1982,2000,2019, 2037

It will be short-lived, it manifests itself violently, sharply, but ends quickly. In an earth sign, an eclipse portends decline agriculture, crop failure of grain and fruits of the earth, earthquakes, disasters in mines. Eclipse in the second decanate of the sign of Capricorn - the soldiers are agitated against their commanders, and this upsets all their plans. (Vronsky)

Those who have strong accents in personal horoscopes at 16 degrees of the signs Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra.

Working with eclipse energies means the ability to find parallels between past experiences (look up the archives of your personal history, what happened in past eclipses of the current Saros series) and present opportunities.

Also look at the points where the solar and lunar eclipses occurred on the eve of your birth. This may lead to some interesting thoughts. Not necessarily in connection with the current eclipse. And regarding the eclipse on January 6, 2019 - look at which point of your horoscope it activates, whether it falls on a significant element or Angle of the horoscope, in which house, sign. An eclipse, especially if it is visible, activates the horoscope point on which it falls very strongly, and maintains this effect for a long time, usually until the next eclipse.

The eclipse falls at 16 degrees of the sign of Capricorn, at the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto. Heavy work involving large groups of people or alone. Perseverance, endurance, fanatical movement towards the goal. The increasingly precise square of Mercury with Mars - intensity and aggressiveness in armed conflicts, the tendency to impose one's will on others. In private cases - exposure to surgical intervention, physical violence, quarrels, breakup of relationships. The positive thing in the eclipse chart is the trine of Venus with Chiron and VLU, which promises a favorable outcome of events for the side that uses the hidden side of the situation, acts outside the box, bypassing the rules. This is also indicated by the sextile of the eclipse point with Neptune - the tendency to manipulate and confuse. Keyword for the tendencies of this eclipse - treachery.

This is the 49th eclipse of the 134th Saros series. This eclipse will be clearly visible on two American continents, Cuba, the Pacific region, Europe, Africa, and the northern regions of Russia. Time at peak of the eclipse – 5-16 GT

The eclipse will occur in the 1st degree of the sign Leo. The conjunction of Venus with Jupiter in Sagittarius will add scale and significance to everything that happens at this time. The square of this conjunction with Neptune will continue the trend established by the solar eclipse - strange and unusual turns of events, intrigues, thefts, vindictiveness.

Total solar eclipse July 2, 2019 this is the 58th eclipse of 127 Saros (Saros Series 3N, B. Brady). The area of ​​its best visibility falls in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere. The eclipse reaches its maximum at a point with coordinates 17.4° south latitude, 109° west longitude. Time at maximum eclipse: 19:24 GT. The axis of the shadow runs between the center of the Earth and the south pole; the minimum distance from the center of the Earth to the axis of the lunar shadow cone is 4124 kilometers. A total eclipse is a solar eclipse in which the cone of the lunar shadow crosses the Earth's surface (the Moon is close enough to the Earth to completely block the Sun). The average length of the lunar shadow is 373,320 km, and the distance from the Earth to the Moon on July 2, 2019 is 356,936 km. Moreover, the apparent diameter of the Moon is 1.0459 times greater than the apparent diameter of the solar disk.

Where will the eclipse be observed?

In South America.

B. Brady about the Saros 3 N eclipse series:

This is a very immoderate family of eclipses. Its main theme is news related to young people, or news that transforms the situation. This information may cause anxiety or may cause the person to become obsessed. The person may want to undertake significant activities or carry out big plans, which can be very positive as long as they do not get too carried away.

Eclipses in 1950 - 2050:


Effect of an eclipse in the sign of the cardinal cross will be short-lived, it manifests itself violently, sharply, but ends quickly. Eclipses in water signs foretell increased mortality of people, the death of birds and fish. An eclipse in the 2nd decanate of the sign of Cancer portends drought, depletion of springs and rivers.

For those who celebrate their birthday close to this date.

For those whose eclipse point is connected by a major aspect to the natal Moon.

On those who have strong accents in personal horoscopes in the 11th degrees of the sign of Cancer, Aries, Libra and Capricorn.

The eclipse point on July 2, 2019 falls at the 11th degree of the sign of Cancer. The Sabian symbol of the degree of eclipse well complements the information about this Saros series - irrepressibility, travel, theatricality, but also infantility. Eclipse in opposition to Saturn - difficulties in choosing a strategic direction, lack of support, vitality, a crack, but also a bridge between form, tradition, the unshakable - and a new challenge, the unknown. In the background we see a Square of Mercury and Mars with Uranus. Frantic work, competition, tension, sudden turns of situations, carelessness, impulsiveness. A plus may be the development of events in accordance with the plan that comes down from above. So Ruslan sets off straight from the wedding bed in search of Lyudmila. And the result is a wealth of new experience, new level understanding of life.

The key word to the trends of the July 2 eclipse is rebound, recoil. Don't be presumptuous when making statements or ratings.

21st eclipse of the 139th Saros series. Visibility area South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia. Time at peak of the eclipse is 21-31 GMT. The eclipse falls at the 25th degree of the sign of Capricorn. Pluto is in the orbit of the eclipse, so the key trend will be the purification and revival of what has a further right to life. Something is in danger of disintegration and disappearance, but after the test, powerful fresh forces will flow into something else. This is also emphasized by the opposition of Venus to Saturn. This lunar eclipse will force you to look back at yourself and not yet look into the unknown.

The key word is maturity.

Annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019 - this is the 46th eclipse of the one hundred and thirty-second Saros. (Saros Series 3S, B. Brady).

The maximum duration of the ring-shaped phase will reach 3 minutes 40.

Where will the eclipse be observed?

The ring-shaped strip will pass through the Indian and Pacific oceans, crossing Arabia, southern India and Indonesia from west to east. Residents of the southern regions of our country, countries of Africa, Asia and Australia will see private phases.

B. Brady on the Saros 3 S eclipse series:

This family of eclipses brings an unexpected ending to a connection or relationship, perhaps with a younger person. There is a significant emotional component (due to the involvement of Pluto) and a sense of traumatic transformation. This may be due to news received or short trips taken.

Eclipses in 1950 - 2050:

1911,1929,1947,1965,1983,2001, 2019, 2038

Effect of an eclipse in the sign of the cardinal cross will be short-lived, it manifests itself violently, sharply, but ends quickly. In an earthly sign, an eclipse foreshadows the decline of agriculture, crop failure of grain and fruits of the earth, earthquakes, and disasters in mines. An eclipse in the first dean of the sign of Capricorn portends misfortune for great people, the relocation of a ruler, and riots.

For those who celebrate their birthday close to this date.

For those whose eclipse point is connected by a major aspect to the natal Moon.

Those who have strong accents in personal horoscopes in 5 degrees of the signs Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra.

The eclipse will take place at the 5th degree of the sign of Capricorn in conjunction with Jupiter. The solar stellium in the sign of Capricorn (here Saturn and Pluto) is best described by Brady as a traumatic transformation. Passionate impatience and a stony will foreshadow significant projects and events. Architectural restructuring of a vital plot will be accompanied by a simultaneous change in essence. The more significant event falls under the influence of an eclipse, the more patience it will require and continuous struggle, striving for the goal.

Keyword: ascension

Here is the eclipse calendar for 2018-2022. For each year there is a separate table, which indicates the date, Moscow time, type of solar or lunar eclipse, degree and zodiac sign in which the eclipse will take place, as well as the regions where this phenomenon can be observed.

Eclipses are not such rare events; they happen every year. Solar eclipse occurs during a new moon, when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, partially or completely blocking the sunlight.

Lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon, when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon and the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon.

Impact of eclipses

Solar eclipses have a greater impact on physical health, while lunar eclipses have a greater impact on emotions and mental state.

People who are sensitive, emotionally unstable, as well as those with cardiovascular diseases are advised to reduce business activity and get plenty of rest in the days around eclipses.

Also, eclipses have a greater impact on those people in whose horoscopes important points are affected by the eclipse.

Eclipses. Calendar for 2018

There were 5 eclipses in 2018 - 3 solar and 2 lunar.

Date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
31.01.18 16:30 Total lunar eclipse 11°37′04″ Lion Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, western North America. The eclipse can be observed over most of Russia *
16.02.18 0:05 Partial solar eclipse 27°07′50″ Aquarius Private: Antarctica, southern South America
13.07.18 5:48 Partial solar eclipse 20°41′14″ Cancer Private: south of Australia
27.07.18 23:20 Total lunar eclipse 4°44′53″ Aquarius South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
11.08.18 12:58 Partial solar eclipse 18°41′42″ Lion Private: northern Europe, northeast Asia. The eclipse is visible in most of Russia, except for the South-West (Smolensk, Tula, Tambov, Saratov and further south), Chukotka and Kamchatka. In Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova and Ukraine - not visible. In Moscow, the maximum phase of the eclipse occurs at 12:36 Moscow time.

Total lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR *

Lunar eclipse January 31 in one form or another could be observed throughout the territory of the former USSR. All its phases were completely visible in the eastern and central parts of the Russian Federation - in the Far East and almost all of Siberia federal district. For observers in these regions, in order to find out the maximum phase of a total lunar eclipse, it is enough to replace Moscow time in the table with the time of their time zone. So in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, the culmination of the eclipse took place at 23:30, the beginning of the partial eclipse at 21:48, and the beginning of the total eclipse at 22:50. Below is the time beginning of the private phase, the beginning of a total lunar eclipse when the Moon completely goes into the Earth's shadow and maximum phase of the eclipse in the largest cities in the region.

  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 23:48-00:52-01:30;
  • Magadan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: 22:48-23:52-00:30;
  • Birobidzhan, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk: 21:48-22:52-23:30;
  • Blagoveshchensk, Chita, Yakutsk: 20:48-21:52-22:30;
  • Angarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude: 19:48-20:52-21:30;
  • Abakan, Barnaul, Biysk, Gorno-Altaisk, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Kyzyl, Novosibirsk Norilsk, Tomsk: 18:48-19:51-20:30;
  • Omsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan): 17:48-18:52-19:30;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk: 16:48-17:52-18:30;

To the west it was impossible to fully observe the beginning of the eclipse - its partial phase before the total eclipse, since in these regions the Moon had not yet risen at the beginning of the eclipse. And the further you go to the southwest, the larger part of the eclipse is hidden from the observer’s gaze under the horizon line. For this group of settlements, we indicated the start time of the total eclipse, its largest phase and the end time with the transition to a partial eclipse, when the Moon peeks out of the shadow.

  • Almaty, Astana, Karaganda ( Kazakhstan), Bishkek, Osh ( Kyrgyzstan): 18:52-19:30-20:08;
  • Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Perm, Ufa, Chelyabinsk; Dushanbe ( Tajikistan- entire territory), Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan ( Uzbekistan): 17:52-18:30-19:08;
  • Arkhangelsk, Murmansk: 15:52-16:30-17:08;

Even further to the west there is a strip in which a total lunar eclipse is visible, i.e. The disk of the Moon is completely closed, but the beginning of the full phase cannot be observed and the Moon is located at the very horizon. During the eclipse, the Moon rises higher and visibility of the final phases of the eclipse is better. The time of moonrise is indicated in parentheses after the name of the city, and at the end of each group of cities in different time zones is the end of the full phase.

  • Orenburg (18:01): 19:08;
  • Astrakhan(17:48), Samara (17:17), Saratov (17:40), Togliatti (17:18), Ulyanovsk (17:20), Baku (17:56, Azerbaijan): 18:08;
  • Moscow(16:59), Volgograd (16:56), Vologda (16:32), Nizhny Novgorod (16:29): 17:08;

And finally, the area where the eclipse is visible only as a partial eclipse at moonrise. In brackets after the title settlement The sunrise time shown is local time.

  • Veliky Novgorod(17:12), Krasnodar (17:30), Rostov-on-Don (17:21), Pskov (17:28), Saint Petersburg(17:08). In Kaliningrad, the eclipse is visible only as a partial penumbral eclipse - after moonrise at 17:16 local time - Russia;
  • Kyiv(16:49), Dnepr (16:36), Donetsk (17:26), Zhitomir (16:58), Zaporozhye (16:38), Nikolaev (16:54), Odessa (17:01), Kharkov ( 16:27), in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Ternopil and Uzhgorod the eclipse is visible only as a partial penumbral - Ukraine;
  • Tallinn (16:35, Estonia), Riga (16:51, Latvia), Vilnius (16:55, Lithuania), Chisinau (17:07, Moldova), Tbilisi (18:14, Georgia, Yerevan (18:19, Armenia);
  • Minsk(17:49), Brest (18:13), Vitebsk (17:33), Gomel (17:38), Grodno (18:06), Mogilev (17:38) — Belarus;

If your place of residence is in an unspecified location, then simply select the closest of the listed cities and do not forget about time zones!

Total lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

Total lunar eclipse July 27/28 could be observed on most of the landmass of our planet, except for North and Central America, as well as the northern and northeastern regions of the Russian Federation.

Eclipses. Calendar for 2019

There will be 5 eclipses in 2019 - 3 solar and 2 lunar.

Date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
6.01.19 4:28 Partial solar eclipse 15°25′02″ Capricorn northeast Asia, north Pacific Ocean. The eclipse could be seen on Far East Russia (except for the northern and northwestern regions). *
21.01.19 8:16 Total lunar eclipse 0°51′34″ Lion Central Pacific, North and South America, Europe, Africa. **
2.07.19 22:16 Total solar eclipse 10°37′34″ Cancer Private: South Pacific, South America
Full: South Pacific, Chile, Argentina
17.07.19 0:38 Partial lunar eclipse 24°04′09″ Capricorn South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia. ***
26.12.19 8:13 Annular solar eclipse 4°06′52″ Capricorn Private: Asia, Australia. You can read about visibility on the territory of the former USSR below****
Circular: Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Kalimantan

Partial solar eclipse on January 6, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the Russian Federation *

Solar eclipse January 6 in Russia could only be observed in the Far East. Below are the times (local!) the beginning of the eclipse, maximum phase And end of the eclipse in the largest cities. At the end, the value of the maximum phase of the eclipse, expressed in hundredths of unity, is highlighted in green. The closer the number is to one, the more the Moon covers the Sun's disk.

  • Blagoveshchensk: 08:40-09:58-11:23 ☀️ 0.56
  • Vladivostok: 09:38-10:57-12:24 🌞 0,49
  • Irkutsk: 09:11 (with sunrise)-09:16-09:48 🌞 0.28
  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur: 09:48-11:12-12:42 ☀️ 0.61
  • Magadan: 11:11-12:37-14:04 ☀️ 0.70
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 12:17-13:48-15:18 ☀️ 0.66
  • Ussuriysk:09:39-10:58-12:25 🌞 0,50
  • Khabarovsk: 09:44-11:07-12:37 ☀️ 0.58
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: 10:50-12:18-13:52 ☀️ 0.59
  • Yakutsk: 09:40 (with sunrise)-10:14-11:36 ☀️ 0.66

Total lunar eclipse on January 21, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR **

This eclipse is the only total lunar eclipse in 2019. It is noteworthy that it occurs during the so-called. supermoon - when the full (or new) Moon in its elliptical motion around the Earth is at its closest point. In addition, the “supermoon” became “bloody” during the eclipse - when passing through the Earth’s penumbra, the lunar disk acquired a brownish tint. In Europe, it is still very difficult to observe the eclipse, since the Moon was located low above the horizon, and the further east it was, the lower it was.

Click here to expand the text and read more about the eclipse

Lunar eclipse January 21 could be observed in most of the former USSR, with the exception of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and eastern Kazakhstan. In Russia, the eclipse was not visible at all in the southern part of Siberia and the Far East. The largest cities that were missed by this eclipse: Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok. The table below shows local time the beginning of the full phase, the maximum and the end of the full phase, when the Moon peeks out from the Earth's shadow. Cities where the eclipse is visible as partial or penumbral are not included in the table.

City Beginning of the full phase Eclipse maximum End of full phase
Arkhangelsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Vilnius 06:41 07:12 07:43
Volgograd 08:41 08:39 08:51 (with sunset)
Voronezh 07:41 08:12 08:25 (with sunset)
Dnieper 06:41 07:12 07:29 (with sunset)
Donetsk 07:41 08:12 08:16 (with sunset)
Kazan 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with sunset)
Kyiv 06:41 07:12 07:43
Kishinev 06:41 07:12 07:43
Lviv 06:41 07:12 07:43
Minsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Moscow 07:41 08:12 08:43
Murmansk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Nizhny Novgorod 07:41 08:12 08:29 (with sunset)
Permian 09:41 09:39 09:49 (with sunset)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 17:41 (with sunrise) 17:46 17:43
Riga 06:41 07:12 07:43
Rostov-on-Don 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with sunset)
Samara 08:41 08:39 08:47 (with sunset)
Saint Petersburg 07:41 08:12 08:43
Tallinn 06:41 07:12 07:43

Partial lunar eclipse July 16-17, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR ***

All phases of the eclipse can be observed in the Southwestern regions of Russia, in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, almost all of Uzbekistan and in the west of Kazakhstan.

The Earth's shadow at the maximum of the eclipse will cover the Moon's disk by about 65 percent. What time will the eclipse begin? The table below shows the start time of a partial (NOT penumbral) lunar eclipse, its maximum and end in local time.

City Beginning of a partial eclipse Eclipse maximum End of partial eclipse
Arkhangelsk 23:01 (16.07) 00:30 (17.07) 01:59
Vilnius 23:01 00:30 01:59
Volgograd 00:01 01:30 02:59
Voronezh 23:01 00:30 01:59
Dnieper 23:01 00:30 01:59
Donetsk 23:01 00:30 01:59
Yekaterinburg 01:01 02:30 03:59
Irkutsk 04:01 04:55 05:02 (sunset)
Kazan 23:01 00:30 01:59
Kyiv 23:01 00:30 01:59
Kishinev 23:01 00:30 01:59
Krasnoyarsk 03:01 04:21 04:27 (sunset)
Lviv 23:01 00:30 01:59
Minsk 23:01 00:30 01:59
Moscow 23:01 00:30 01:59
Murmansk The eclipse is not visible
Nizhny Novgorod 23:01 00:30 01:59
Novosibirsk 03:01 04:30 05:15 (with sunset)
Nursultan 02:01 03:30 04:59
Permian 01:01 02:30 03:59
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky The eclipse is not visible
Riga 23:01 00:30 01:59
Rostov-on-Don 23:01 00:30 01:59
Samara 23:01 00:30 01:59
Saint Petersburg 23:01 00:30 01:59
Tallinn 23:01 00:30 01:59
Ufa 01:01 02:30 03:59
Khabarovsk Only as penumbra. Maximum at 05:08
Chelyabinsk 01:01 02:30 03:59

Annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR ****

Annular solar eclipse December 26 how private in Russia can be observed in some southern regions and in Primorye. However, the eclipse phase will not be very long. In the territory of the former USSR, the best visibility will be in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. But if you are an enterprising person, then this eclipse provides the opportunity for a completely accessible observation of an “almost total” solar eclipse, since the maximum corridor passes through the territory of the United Arab Emirates. It is likely that getting out into the desert from Abu Dhabi for such a spectacle will not be difficult.
Below is the local time the beginning of the eclipse, maximum phase And end of the eclipse in the largest cities. At the end, the value of the maximum phase of the eclipse, expressed as a percentage, is highlighted in green. The higher the percentage, the more the Moon covers the Sun's disk.

  • Astrakhan: 08:30 (with sunrise)-08:34-08:54 🌞 12.0%
  • Ashgabat: 08:20 (with sunrise)-08:48-09:58 ☀️ 46.0%
  • Baku: 08:02 (with sunrise)-08:05-08:53 ☀️ 40.9%
  • Vladivostok: 15:23-16:15-17:03 🌞 9,6%
  • Vladikavkaz: 07:31 (with sunrise)-07:34-07:52 🌞 11.4%
  • Grozny: 07:28 (with sunrise)-07:28-07:52 ☀️ 17.7%
  • Derbent: 07:14 (with sunrise)-07:17-07:53 ☀️ 28.7%
  • Yerevan: 08:23 (with sunrise)-08:26-08:51 ☀️ 20.0%
  • Makhachkala: 07:20 (with sunrise)-07:23-07:53 ☀️ 22.2%
  • Tashkent: 08:01-09:00-10:07 ☀️ 26.2%
  • Tbilisi: 08:26 (with sunrise)-08:26-08:52 ☀️ 19.8%

Eclipses. Calendar for 2020

There will be 6 eclipses in 2020 - 2 solar and 4 lunar.

Date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
10.01.20 22:21 Penumbral lunar eclipse 20°00′13″ Cancer Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia *
5.06.20 22:12 Penumbral lunar eclipse 15°34′03″ Sagittarius Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
21.06.20 9:41 Annular solar eclipse 0°21′23″ Cancer Private: Africa, southwest Europe, Asia
Circular: central Africa, southern Asia, Pacific Ocean
5.07.20 7:44 Penumbral lunar eclipse 13°37′48″ Capricorn North and South America, Africa
30.11.20 12:30 Penumbral lunar eclipse 8°38′01″ Twins Asia, Australia, Pacific, North and South America
14.12.20 19:17 Total solar eclipse 23°08′15″ Sagittarius Private: Pacific Ocean, southern South America, Antarctica
Full: South Pacific, Chile, Argentina, South Atlantic

Penumbral lunar eclipse January 10-11, 2020. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR *

All phases of the eclipse can be observed throughout the entire territory of the former USSR and almost all of Europe. The eclipse will begin at 20:08 Moscow time, reach its maximum phase at 10:02, and end after midnight - at 0:12 on January 11. To determine the time of the eclipse for your place of residence, you need to take into account the difference with Moscow time. For example, in Vladivostok the maximum of the eclipse will take place on January 11 at 5:10 am local time.

MOSCOW, July 27 – RIA Novosti. A unique astronomical phenomenon - the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century, which will coincide in time with the Great Opposition of Mars with the Sun, will occur on Friday. It can be observed throughout Russia.

Mars will approach the Earth at a minimum distance, become brighter than Jupiter and will be second in brilliance only to the Sun, Moon and Venus. It will stand out in the sky with a bright orange color. The next Great Opposition of Mars will not occur until September 15, 2035. In turn, the duration of the total lunar eclipse will be three hours 56 minutes (from 21:24 Moscow time to 01:20 Moscow time), and the total phase will last one hour 43 minutes (from 22:30 Moscow time to 00:13 Moscow time).

“During the full phase, the Moon will completely enter the Earth’s shadow and acquire a purplish-red hue,” note astronomers at the Moscow Planetarium.

The Moon is expected to pass through the center of the Earth's shadow. This will be the first central lunar eclipse since June 15, 2011. It occurs near apogee, when the Moon's disk is at its minimum, making the eclipse the longest of the 21st century. By a rare coincidence, Mars passes the point of great opposition with the Sun on the day of the eclipse. During the eclipse, both luminaries will be located close to each other on the southeastern horizon.

In total, 225 lunar eclipses will occur in the 21st century, of which 85 are total, and of these total, only six lasting more than three and a half hours. The longest and most spectacular will be the total eclipse on July 27, 2018.

Where to watch in Russia

The total lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 is one of the most interesting and favorable for observations in the European part of Russia in several years. Despite the short summer night, the phenomenon will be visible from beginning to end, and only in the northwestern regions will the Moon rise above the horizon in the initial phases of the eclipse. The full phase will be clearly visible in Western Siberia, and its beginning will be as far as Lake Baikal.

The best conditions for observing this eclipse from Russian territory will occur in the North Caucasus, the Caspian Lowland and the Southern Urals. There the phenomenon will culminate around local midnight and will be visible at an altitude of more than 20 degrees above the horizon. IN central regions In Russia, the Moon will be visible at a lower altitude, astronomers at the Moscow Planetarium specify.

The initial partial phases of the eclipse are available for observation on the morning of July 28, even in the Far East. The eclipse will not be visible only in the northern part of Siberia.

Visibility in Moscow

In Moscow, the full Moon will rise above the southeastern horizon after 21:00 Moscow time, having already begun to plunge into the Earth's penumbra. An hour later, at 22:00 Moscow time, bright red Mars will appear there after it. At the moment of the maximum phase of the eclipse, at 23:30 Moscow time, the Moon will be 14 degrees above the horizon, and Mars will be six to seven degrees lower, near the southern horizon. Both luminaries will be located in the constellation Capricorn, red in color and likely of similar brightness, presenting a rare spectacle.

The celestial performance on July 27, 2018 will be visible to the naked eye, but with binoculars and a telescope it will be possible to distinguish the surface elements of both luminaries. The most important condition- clear, cloudless weather.

How will the eclipse take place?

On Friday at 20:15 Moscow time, the Moon will touch the earth's penumbra - at this time a penumbral eclipse will begin. It is poorly visible to the naked eye, especially at small phases, but as you approach the edge of the earth's shadow, the darkening becomes more and more noticeable. At 21:24 Moscow time, the Moon will be completely immersed in the earth's penumbra and touch the earth's shadow - the beginning of a partial eclipse; At this time, the darkening of the eastern lunar limb will be clearly visible. The Moon will begin to sink into the Earth's shadow.

At 22:30 Moscow time, the Moon will be completely immersed in the Earth's shadow - at this time a total eclipse will begin. Depending on the state of the atmosphere and some other factors, the darkening of the lunar disk during a total eclipse may differ from other total lunar eclipses. It can be very dark, when the Moon is practically invisible in the night sky, or it can be light, when the Moon is clearly visible even at full phase.

At 23:22 Moscow time, the maximum phase of the total eclipse begins - a third of the moon’s disk will be below the center of the earth’s shadow; at this moment the darkening (redness) of our companion is maximum. The Moon will be in the Earth's shadow for more than an hour (103 minutes). At 00:13 Moscow time, the Moon begins to emerge from the earth's shadow - the end of the total eclipse and the beginning of its partial phases. Gradually becoming brighter, the eclipsed lunar disk will take on phases similar to the phases of the Moon during the month, but they will only change much faster.

At 01:19 Moscow time, the Moon will completely emerge from the Earth's shadow - the end of the partial phases and the beginning of the penumbral eclipse. At 02:29 Moscow time, the Moon will completely emerge from the earth's penumbra - the end of the eclipse, the night star will shine again in full force.

Where else can you see

The July 27 eclipse will be fully visible in East Africa and Central and South Asia, as well as Antarctica. In South America, West Africa and Europe, the eclipse will begin at moonrise, at East Asia and Australia - on the contrary, upon entry. In North America, the eclipse will not be visible at all.

When a total eclipse occurs, the Moon takes on a reddish or brownish hue. The color depends on the state of the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. The total lunar eclipse on July 6, 1982 had a reddish tint, and on January 20-21, 2000, it had a brown tint. These colors are due to the fact that the earth's atmosphere scatters red rays more, so you can never see a blue or green lunar eclipse.

  • Partial solar eclipse on January 6, 2019 in Capricorn
  • Total lunar eclipse on January 21, 2019 in Leo
  • Total solar eclipse on July 2, 2019 in Cancer
  • Partial lunar eclipse on July 17, 2019 in Capricorn
  • Annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019 in Capricorn
  • Eclipse corridors in 2019
  • There are two dominant schools of thought regarding eclipses. The first is the point of view of skeptics: an eclipse is just a spectacular optical illusion. The second, inherited from medieval mystics and even their predecessors: eclipses are astrological disasters, from which pestilence, famine and other disasters should be expected.

    Today, astrologers are convinced that neither one nor the other is true. Eclipses are windows of opportunity that can be used to your advantage, well, or to your detriment. It all depends on how prepared you are for them. By the way, are you ready?

    Saros cycles. What is it?

    You may have noticed that eclipses most often come in pairs: the Solar one is followed by the Lunar one and vice versa. It is not surprising that this was noticed in ancient times, when eclipses were given much greater importance. Even the ancient Babylonians were able not only to predict these astronomical phenomena, but managed to group them into cycles, which much later, in the tenth century AD, the Greek lexicographer Soudas called the Saros cycles.

    The length of such a cycle is 6585.3 days, or 18 years, 11 days and just under 8 hours. During this time, 28-29 lunar and 41-43 solar eclipses occur (15-17 partial, 15 annular and 13 total).

    As you can see, lunar eclipses occur less frequently than solar eclipses, but they can be observed over half the globe. And, for example, a total solar eclipse occurs only in a narrow strip about 300 km wide.

    After three saros (this period is a multiple of a full day), eclipses are repeated: they occur at the same time, but in a different place. That is why in one area total solar eclipses actually rarely occur: on average, once every three hundred years.

    When will a total eclipse happen again at the same time and in the same place? In approximately 1200 years! They seem to move around the globe in a spiral: they are “born” near one of the poles and smoothly “move” towards the equator and the opposite pole. It takes 1200-1300 years to “get” to the opposite pole, during which time more than 70 events occur - total and partial solar eclipses. There are 38 such spirals moving around the globe at the same time.

    Eclipses 2019

    Partial solar eclipse on January 6, 2019 in Capricorn

    The January 6 eclipse is part of the Saros cycle, which began on April 17, 991 and will end on June 13, 2280. In Russia, it can be observed in the south of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

    The energies of the eclipse are favorable for creative and business people, setting themselves high goals those planning large-scale projects: the eclipse point is located between Saturn and Pluto. This is a good time to start - the connection with Saturn increases the chances of long-term success, but you should not expect quick achievements. Thanks to such a project, you will achieve a lot, but only with daily systematic work. Saturn develops discipline and patience, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, allows you to remove obstacles and see your goal clearly.

    The sextile of Neptune and Saturn allows you not to give up - it leads you to your dreams, helping to turn your plans into reality. On the one hand, you see all the difficulties and limitations, on the other, pleasant prospects for wealth and recognition. But this aspect is more important not for business, but for creative projects. An eclipse of the Sun in aspect with Neptune promotes the development of talents: you can safely rely on your intuition, seek inspiration in dreams and visions, and be inspired by meditation. The balance of the ideal (Neptune) and the real (Saturn) will allow you to realize and formulate your goals, correlating them with the overall picture of the world.

    Total lunar eclipse on January 21, 2019 in Leo.

    The January 21 eclipse is part of the Saros cycle, which began on April 1, 1550 and will end on June 13, 2857. Various stages of the eclipse can be observed throughout Russia.

    The square of the Sun and Moon with Uranus in Aries will cause an irrational desire for quick and decisive changes, and Leo, the sign of the eclipse, will give determination to implement them. Mercury conjunct the Sun will provide you with important new information, But…

    Many decisions made in haste, under the influence of an eclipse, will turn out to be downright unsuccessful. You need to wait at least a week, cool down and think about everything again before leaving your wife, job, country.

    Total solar eclipse on July 2, 2019 in Cancer

    The July 2 eclipse is part of the Saros cycle, which began on October 10, 991 and will end on April 7, 2479. Observers in Russia will not see this eclipse.

    The eclipse on July 2 will develop the theme of January: on the one hand, this is another good moment to start big things, on the other hand, too much “human factor” can interfere with clarity of thought. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Venus and the opposition with Saturn and Pluto connect love with business and money with feelings.

    Fortunately, the eclipse will occur in the sign of Cancer - cautious and delicate. Despite the raging emotions, before starting something new, you need to think carefully. But this is a very convenient situation to change something in way of life, for example, get rid of bad habits and get useful ones.

    Partial lunar eclipse on July 17, 2019 in Capricorn

    The July 17 eclipse is part of the Saros cycle, which began on September 19, 1541 and will end on February 27, 2993. The eclipse can be observed throughout Russia, except for the Far East.

    A very energetic eclipse, actually the peak of the year. This time the Moon conjunct Pluto and Saturn opposes the Sun, Venus and Mercury. Unexpected news, sudden events - all this confuses and even plunges you into panic. It is important to choose the right point of application of forces so as not to waste the energy of the eclipse in vain. The main thing is to get rid of debts, not necessarily financial ones; rather from those people and circumstances that weigh you down and do not allow you to move forward.

    Emotions need to be contained, but feelings need to be dealt with. It is very useful to dive into yourself and understand your true desires and aspirations, to separate them from those imposed from the outside.

    The eclipse stone is jet.

    Annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019 in Capricorn

    The December 26 eclipse is part of the Saros cycle, which began on July 17, 1163 and will end on September 25, 2470. In Russia it can only be observed in Transbaikalia and Primorye.

    Unlike the January one, the December eclipse has a completely different, optimistic character: the Sun and Moon are close to conjunct Jupiter and Mercury, and also form a trine with Uranus in Taurus. The mood for positive changes (after all, we lived with Jupiter in Sagittarius for a whole year) and active Uranus can push us to take decisive action. The main thing is that the circumstances will be favorable for this: some circumstances that interfered with you will naturally disappear by this moment from your life. If - if! - you took advantage of the energies of the summer lunar eclipse and worked on this earlier. Remember the importance of getting out of debt?

    The eclipse stone is carnelian.

    Eclipse corridors in 2019

    As you can see, eclipses occur in pairs, with an interval of about two weeks between the solar and lunar eclipses. These gaps are called “eclipse corridors.” At such moments, the doors of fate are open - events take on a fatal connotation, and what happens to us at this time continues to influence our lives for many years. It is undesirable to start something new and important - it will be impossible to change or “replay” anything.

    Nearest eclipse corridors:

    What should not be done during this period?

      If possible, limit travel and travel. Choose the safest form of transport: it’s better to travel a little longer by train than to fly quickly by plane (will you make it?) and, moreover, to get behind the wheel yourself.

      Do not schedule this time important events: weddings, engagements; try to reschedule important speeches, interviews, presentations to another time.

      Avoid large purchases and serious financial transactions: this applies to real estate, transport, and securities.

      It is better to avoid participating in large events: rallies, demonstrations, even large concerts and sporting competitions.

    Eclipses are an important part of our lives, do not ignore them, even if they are not visible in the region where you live. Control your destiny with the stars!