Sharpening disk saw victorious attacks. How to make a circular disc at home Circular Disk Pyl Addresses

Sharpecker disk saws It is a mandatory measure during the operation of this equipment. Wood processing requires a tool wizard with relevant cutting properties. Like sharpening chainsaw chains, disk saws require increased attention. If you do not fix the shortcomings on time, over time the tool will begin to fasten much faster.

Sharpening saws - this is a common event, as well as chainsaw chains, performed by their own hands. You can entrust the fixture with carbide, victorious attacks to specialists. This is due to the fact that victorious attacks have an increased hardness, because of which it is impossible to perform a conventional file. For this, it will take expensive diamond slopins.

The first thing you need to do is determine the current state of the saws. Disc and chains of chainsaw have certain signs of wear. If you know about them, you can easily learn that the disk saw sharpness deteriorated significantly.

  1. On the engine of the engine of your disk saw began to significantly increase the temperature.
  2. To cut the workpiece, you have to apply more physical effort with your own hands. A similar phenomenon is characteristic of the shut-off chains of chainsaws.
  3. Periodically, the engine can go smoke.
  4. When processing blanks is formed unpleasant fragrance Gary.
  5. At the edges of the sawing circle darkens are formed. This is a nagar. It can manifold on the surface of the chainsaw chains.
  6. Wooden blank begins to move on the machine with jerks, although with normal sharpening the movement should be smooth.
  7. During the operation of the machine there is an extraneous noise.
  8. The geometry of the teeth of the saws of your circular saws is disturbed.

General rules sharpening

Photo methods sharpening disk saws

As in the case of sharpening chainsaw chains, self-sharpening requires adheres to certain recommendations.

  • Carefully follow the uniform removal of the metal along the profile of the teeth of the saw circle;
  • Never press a tight saw blade to a grinding circle. If the machine for sharpening disk saws will be tightly in contact with the circular circle, it will lead to overheating and further deformation of the material;
  • Monitor the preservation of the height and profile of sharpening upon completion of processing operations;
  • Performing disc sharpening, use the cooling fluid. This is also recommended for those who carry out chainsaw chains;
  • Avoid the formation of a burr at the sharpening of the saw disk;
  • Dragging the face, rely on an important rule. It is necessary to sharpen only the front, or the front and rear side of the tooth. Although in practice, many masters do it with their own hands to sharpen on the back side of the saws, considering this method more convenient;
  • Products with victorious attacks are silent by diamond sharpeners. Only such tools are able to really effectively restore the cutting properties of this tool. You can apply the usual file, but in fact it will not give the desired effect.

Sharpening methods

you can use sharpening machine. For saws or fir feeders.

There are three basic sharpening techniques where a specific device is used, and the disk processing rules are followed. Which one is the right one, it is difficult to say. Touching each technique, you can make certain conclusions for yourself.

Sharpening happens:

  • Classic;
  • Full-face;
  • Sharpening faces of teeth.

We will tell about each of them separately.


This technique of sharpening was used long ago, because of what was obtained.

  1. The sharpening begins with the rear surface of the disk.
  2. The front part flashes on the material during cutting remains in its unchanging position.
  3. The processing can be carried out directly on the disk saw or remove the sawing circle by setting it into vice.
  4. If you roll up on a circular, be sure to turn off the feeding machine.
  5. To fix the disc, use a pair of bars that will clip the circle as if wedges. Bruks should be tightly pressed to the product to prevent its movement at sharpening.
  6. Flomaster applies a label to the first tooth from which you will start.
  7. Perform a certain number of movements with a sharpening device on the first tooth. Remember their number.
  8. For all subsequent teeth, repeat similar in the number and intensity of motion.
  9. Upon completion of sharpening, be sure to check the operability of the saw updated with your own hands. If there is no extraneous noise, vibrations and the disk machine behaves stably, you managed to perform the right job.

Alternative solutions

Alternative methods of sharpening include those two methods that we described above. They are effective enough, therefore are often used by masters.

  1. Full-faceting of the saw disk. Among all the methods of sharpening, this method can be considered the most accurate and high quality. This is due to the fact that specialized grinding machines are used for full-belly sharpening. A special circle is chosen in size and for one approach passes all the depression between the disk teeth, capturing the surface of the adjacent cutting edge. A similar method of sharpening saw disks allows you to avoid the probability of deformation of the tooth circle. The only drawback of the sharpening method is that sawing different profile It will be necessary to use the appropriate different circles.
  2. The sharpness of the faces of the teeth. The popularity of this method of sharpening tools of circular saws is explained by the fact that it can be used on professional level And at regular home. If the sharpening is carried out using the machine, you will need to purchase the appropriate abrasive circles corresponding to the parameters of your saws. But optimally for most owners of circular saws to use a home processing method. This is due to the fact that it is often not necessary to carry out a large amount of work, and all the processing of cutting edges is carried out by Nadfil. To effectively sharpen the product, sometimes it is enough to hold 4-5 movements with high-quality supfil. So the teeth will acquire the necessary degree of acute.

Experience is useful thingThrough which you can avoid a number of errors characteristic of newbies. Therefore, pay attention to the advice of specialists is very useful if you want to achieve a positive result for the dialing saw.

  • Always use safety glasses. For some reason, this rule is ignored for some reason, because of what the masters themselves suffer from themselves. Therefore, before starting sharpening, it is necessary to put on all the necessary means of protection;
  • Do not try to remove more metal than required. Remove exactly so much to remove all existing cracks, burrs and irregularities;
  • During the sharpening disk, be sure to hold in a constant position;
  • If the disk did not sharpen a long time, you will have to remove a larger layer of metal;
  • Observe the identity of all teeth in shape and altitude.

Initially, it seems that sharpening is a technologically complex process. But having received a little experience, you will be able to easily sharpen circles of disk saws.

Disk saws are used everywhere in construction. Many work requires resizing used building materials, creation of suns and more. Circular saw allows you to quickly cut the most different materialsHowever, the cutting speed is very large, and the quality of the cut is the best. The continuous use of the equipment under consideration determines the fact that the cutting tool begins to blunt, it has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the work carried out and their quality. That is why many are thinking about how the sharpening of the disk saws with their own hands. After all, the ability to qualitatively perform such work will significantly save.

Required tools

With your own hands, discs for circular slabs can be sharpened only if there are special tools. There is also a machine that allows you to automate the process, make it more efficient.

To carry out work on sharpening a disk, you can use the tools below:

  1. mounting vice;
  2. file;
  3. tree bar.

You can also use a sharpening machine for disk saws, for which the above tools are not needed.

When do you need to work on the restoration of disk saws?

A rather important issue can be called a definition when the sharpening of the disk saws should be carried out. Strong wear can lead to a lack of similar work. Three clear signals can be distinguished, which determine the need for sharpening a circular saw disk:

  1. The appearance of smoke, heating the protective casing. The device, as a rule, has a special protective cover, which can be heated if the disk fastened. It should also be noted that in special cases there is an emergence of smoke due to strong heating of the cutting zone.
  2. Also, when mechanically served, when the pressure is regulated with your own hands, it should be given a lot of effort to obtain the desired result.
  3. When processing wood or other material in the cutting zone, traces of a car and the corresponding smell appear.

Principles and angles of sharpening disk saws

The saw has four main angle sharpening disk saws on the working part. Corners under consideration, as well as the shape of the tooth, can be called the main operational characteristics. Each tooth can be described as follows:

  1. front and rear corner;
  2. corners of the front and rear surface.

The values \u200b\u200bof the above parameters depend on the assignment of the sawing device, such as the material of the workpiece.

By the above parameters, you can select a few saws:

  1. to perform longitudinal cutting. In this case, the front angle must have an indicator from 15 ° to 25 °.
  2. when performing a transverse cutting, the index under review should be from 5 ° to 10 °.
  3. the universal option is recommended to sharpen at an angle of 15 °.

The type of material being processed also determines which indicators should have a tooth. As a rule, the harder material, the more difficult it is. That is why it is recommended to a lesser degree to sharpen the cutting teeth.

With long-term use of saws from carbide material, significant wear occurs on the upper cutting edge. When considering the plane of the tooth it is worth noting that greater wear concerns the front surface.

Execution of the sharpening of disk saws at home

You can put the saw with your own hands without using a special sharpening machine that has a greater value and is used to destroy quite rarely due to the use of carbide material when creating a cutting edge. However, it is easy to keep a circle in your hands, since it is necessary to achieve certain slice parameters to provide the desired performance indicator.

To fix the gear circle in a strictly defined position, an ordinary flat stand is used. It has features below:

  1. The surface of the flat stand must coincide with the level of the sharp disk axis.
  2. The gearbox is located on the stand so that the sharpening plane is perpendicular to the saw blade.
  3. The considered device for teeth, located at a certain angle, is equipped with a swivel hinge.

The adaptation under consideration allows you to fix the processed element relative to the abrasive material used. With the help of a colored marker, it is applied to marking lines that allow you to choose right corner. Also need vice in which the created fixture device is attached.

Sharpening with machine

If there is an opportunity to purchase a special machine, then the process in question can be carried out with a maximum efficiency. Such a device has a compact size, it can be used at home.

Special attention is paid to the choice of the abrasive circle. In this case, we note the following nuances:

  1. The carbide disk is difficult to sharpen.
  2. When choosing, you should pay attention to the circles from ELBOR, with a diamond crumb or from green silicon carbide.
Circular saws with carbide teeth consist of a web (disk) made of steel 9khf, 65g, 50hf, etc., and carbide plates performing the role of incisors.

In domestic saws, sintered tungsten-optical alloys of VK brands (VK6, VK15, etc. The number means the percentage of cobalt) as material for cutting plates. In VK6 hardness 88.5 HRA, VK15 - 86 HRA. Foreign manufacturers apply their alloys. Solid alloys of VCs consist mainly of tungsten carbide with a cobalt crafted. Alloy characteristics depend not only on its chemical composition, but also the grain size of the carbide phase. The smaller the grain, the higher the hardness and strength of the alloy.

Fasten carbide plates to a disc need for high-temperature soldering. As a material for soldering, at best, silver solders are used (PSR-40, PSR-45), in the worst case - copper-zinc solders (L-63, PMC-68-4-2).

Geometry of carbide teeth

A carbide tooth has four working planes - front (a), rear (b), and two auxiliary side (B). Crossing each other, these planes form cutting edges - the main (1) and two auxiliary (2 and 3). The determination of the faces and the edges of the tooth is given in accordance with GOST 9769-79.

The form differences the following types of teeth.

Usually used in saws for longitudinal fast sawing, in which quality does not matter much.

Oblique (beveled) tooth With the left and right angle of inclination of the back plane. The teeth with a different angle of inclination alternate with each other, because of which they are called alternately. This is the most common tooth shape. Depending on the magnitude of the sharpening angles, the saws with alternately intended tooth are used to saw the most different materials (Tree, chipboard, plastics) - both in the longitudinal and transverse direction. The saws with a large tilt angle of the rear plane are used as cutting plates with double-sided lamination. Their use allows you to avoid chipping in the edges of the cut. An increase in the bevel angle reduces cutting force and reduces the risk of chips, but simultaneously reduces the durability and strength of the tooth.

The teeth may have a slope not only the rear, but also the front plane.

A peculiarity of these teeth is a relatively slow rejection rate of cutting edges in comparison with alternated teeth. Usually they are used in combination with a straight tooth.

Alternately, with the last and slightly towering over him, the trapezoidal tooth performs a draft sawing, and the straight line next to him is chisty. Saws with alternating straight and trapezoid teeth are used for cutting plates with double-sided lamination (chipboard, MDF, etc.), as well as for sawing plastics.

Saws with a conical tooth are auxiliary and used for nubbits of the lower layer of laminate, protecting it from chips when the main saw is passed.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the front edge of the teeth have a flat shape, but there are saws and with a concave front face. They are used for finishing cross sawing.

Corners sharpening teeth

There are four main angle sharpening of the disk saw, which is equally with the form of the tooth determine its characteristics. This is an anterior angle (γ), rear (α) and angles of the front and rear planes (ε 1 and ε 2). The alarm angle (β) has an auxiliary value, since it is defined by the front and rear corners (β \u003d 90 ° -γ-α).

The values \u200b\u200bof the angles of sharpening are determined by the assignment of the saw - i.e. Those for cutting what material and in which direction it is intended. Saws for longitudinal sawmills have a relatively large front angle (15 ° -25 °). A cross-cut saw angle γ usually ranges from 5-10 °. Universal sawsintended for transverse and longitudinal sawing, have averaged the anterior angle - usually 15 °.

The values \u200b\u200bof the angles of sharpening are determined not only by the direction of cutting, but also the hardness of the sawn material. The higher the hardness, the less should be the front and rear corners (less tooth pointing).

The front angle may be not only positive, but also negative. Saws with such an angle are used to cut non-ferrous metals and plastics.

The basic principles of sharpening

The main wear of the carbide tooth occurs on its main (upper) cutting edge. In the process of work, the latter curves up to 0.1-0.3 mm. From the faces faster than all the front.

When sawing massive blanks, side faces are subjected to rapid wear.

Should not be allowed to overflow saws. The radius of the cutting edge of the cutting edge should not exceed 0.1-0.2 mm. In addition to the fact that when working a highly blued saw, the performance drops sharply, it takes several times more time on it than the sharpening saw with a normal bunge. The degree of blunting can be defined both by the tooths themselves, and according to the type of dot, which they leave.

The correct sharpening of the disk saws is to simultaneously with the provision of due sharpness of the cutting edge, to ensure the maximum amount of sharpening, which in the optimal case can reach 25-30 times. For this purpose, the carbide tooth is recommended to be stuck on the front and rear planes. In essence, the teeth can be stuck on one front plane, but at the same time the amount of possible sharpening turns out to be almost two times less than when sharpening in two planes. The drawing below visually demonstrates why this happens.

The last passage when sharpening the saws is recommended to do on the rear plane of the tooth. Standard metal removal value - 0.05-0.15 mm.

Before sharpening, it is necessary to clean the saw from contaminants, for example, the resin, and check the values \u200b\u200bof the sharpening angles. On some saws, they are written on the disk.

Equipment and materials for sharpening saw disks

Depending on the material from which the teeth are made, the sharpening of the disk saws can be carried out with circles from ELBN (CBN), green silicon carbide, or diamond (PCD) circles. Thus, elboronic circles are able to sharpen discs from high-speed steel steel, diamond circles and circles from green silicon carbide - cutters from solid alloys.

When using abrasive circles (especially diamond), it is desirable to cool the coolant.

One of the essential drawbacks of the diamond is a relatively low temperature stability - at a temperature of about 900 ° C, the diamond combines.

With an increase in temperature, the microhardness of abrasive materials is reduced. The temperature rise to 1000 ° C reduces the microhardness almost 2-2.5 times compared to the microhardness at room temperature. An increase in temperature to 1300 ° C causes a decrease in the hardness of abrasive materials by almost 4-6 times.

The use of cooling water can lead to the appearance of rust on the details and nodes of the machine. To eliminate corrosion to water, soaps and certain electrolytes are added (carbonate sodium, calcined soda, trinitium phosphate, sodium nitrite, sodium silicate, etc.), which form protective films. With ordinary grinding, most often use soap and soda solutions, and with chisty grinding - low-concentrated emulsions.

However, when sharpening saws at home with a small intensity of sharpening work, it is not so often to cool the circle, - not wanting to spend time at this time.

To increase the productivity of sharpening with abrasive circles and reduce specific wear, it is necessary to choose the greatest graininess, which provides the required cleanliness of the surface of the stuffed tooth.

To select abrasive grain, in accordance with the sharpening stage, you can use the table in the article about the bars for sharpening. For example, in the case of the use of diamond circles, circles with grain size 160/125 or 125/100 can be used for the draft sharpening, for finishing - 63/50 or 50/40. Circles with grain size from 40/28 to 14/10 are used to remove jazbin.

It is necessary to strive for the surface of the tooth is very smooth. If they are notched on the surface of the tooth, the protrusions will be chosen during the operation of the saw, and it will very quickly fasten.

The circumferential speed of the circle at sharpening carbide teeth should be about 10-18 m / s. This means that when using a circle with a diameter of 125 mm, the speed of rotation of the engine should be about 1500-2700 rpm. The sharpening of more fragile alloys is performed at a lower rate of this range. When sharpening carbide tools, the use of rigid modes leads to the formation of increased voltages and cracks, and sometimes to the chunk of the cutting edges, while the wear of the circle increases.

When using disk sawing machines, the change in the relative position of the saw and the sharpening circle can be implemented in different ways - moving one saw (the engine with the circle is immobile), simultaneously moving the saw and motor, moving only the engine with the circle (saw disc is fixed).

Released a large number of Sharpening machines of various functionality. The most complex and expensive programmable complexes are capable of ensuring fully automatic sharpening mode, in which all operations are performed without working participation.

In the simplest and cheapest models after installing and fixing the saw in the position that provides the necessary sharpening angle, all further operations - turning the saw around its axis (turn to the tooth), feeding to grinding (in contact with the circle) and thickness control of the tooth Metal - manufactured by workers manually. Such simple models are advisable to use at home when the sharpening of the disk saws is episodic.

An example of the simplest machine for sharpening disk saws can be a system, which is presented in the photo below. It consists of two main nodes - the engine with a circle (1) and the caliper (2) on which the stuck saw is installed. The rotation mechanism (3) is used to change the angle of tilt of the canvas (when sharpening teeth with a bevelled front plane). Using the screw (4), the saw is shifted along the axis of the abrasive circle. This ensures the installation of the desired value of the front angle of sharpening. The screw (5) serves to install in the desired position of the limiter, which prevents the circle to an excessive circle into the interdental depression.

Heat disc sharpening

Shoot a straight tooth on the front plane. The strainer of the straight tooth of carbide disk saws is carried out in the following sequence.

The saw is installed on the mandrel, clamping with a conical (centering) sleeve and nuts, then exhibited in a strictly horizontal position by means of a mechanism (3). Thereby ensures an angle of the front plane (ε 1) equal to 0 °. In machines for sharpening disks that do not have a built-in corner scale in the mechanism, this is done using a conventional pendulum sensor. In this case, check the horizontal of the machine.

The rotation of the screw (4) of the mechanism that ensures the horizontal movement of the mandrel with the circle is set to the desired heaping angle. In other words, the saw moves to a position in which the front plane of the tooth is tightly adjacent to working surface Circle.

The marker is made to the tooth, from which the sharpening begins.

The engine is turned on and the front plane is sharpened - input to the tooth in contact with the circle and several movements of the saw back and forward with the simultaneous clamp of the tooth to the circle. The thickness of the removable metal is regulated by the amount of sharpening movements and the force of pressing the tooth to the abrasive circle. After sharpening one tooth, the saw is output from the contact with the circle, turns onto one tooth and the sharpening operation is repeated. And so as long as the marker mark does not make a full circle, indicating that all the teeth are sharpened.

Sharpening tooth, beveled on the front plane. The difference in the beveling tooth sharpening from sharpening direct is that the saw must be installed not horizontally, but with an inclination with an angle corresponding to the angle of the front plane.

The angle slope of the saw is installed using the same pendulum. First, a positive angle is set (in this case + 8 °).

After that, the sharpening of each second tooth is made.

After sharpening half of the teeth, the angle of inclination of the saw blade changes from + 8 ° to -8 °.

And again, every second tooth is hooked.

Sharpening on the rear plane. To sharpen a tooth along the rear plane, it is necessary that the machine for sharpening the saw disks allow you to install the saw in the one way, in which the rear plane of the tooth will be in the same plane with the working surface of the abrasive circle.

If there is no machine for sharpening saw disks

The sharpening of disk saws on functional and convenient specialized machines does not require special professional skills. A small practice - and sharpening will go without any problems. But most people use disk carbide saws epizodically, as needed. Spend a significant amount on a special sharpening machine, which is used for several hours per month, not for anything seems to be reasonable.

To accurately withstand the necessary angles of sharpening, keeping the saw in the hands on weight - the task is not easy even for a person with a unique eye enemy and enviable hardness. The most reasonable thing in this case is to manufacture the simplest fixture for sharpening, which makes it possible to fix the saw in a certain position relative to the circle.

The simplest of such fixes for sharpening disk saws is the stand, the surface of which is located at one level with the axis of the sharpening circle. Putting a saw blade on it, you can provide perpendicularity of the front and rear tooth planes with respect to the saw blade. And if the upper surface of the stand is movable, - fixing one side of it is hinged, and the other, - the opers on a couple of bolts that can be turned out and turned out - it can be installed under any inclination, getting the opportunity to sharpen an oblique tooth on the front and rear planes.

True, in this case, one of the main problems remain unresolved - the excerpt of the same front and rear angles of sharpening. It is possible to solve this task by fixing the center of the saw relative to the abrasive circle in the desired position. One of the ways to implement it is to make a grooving grooving on the surface of the stand on which the saw is installed. Moving the mandrel with a circle around the groove, you can withstand the necessary front tooth sharpening angle. But for sharpening disk saws with a different diameter or sharpening angle, it should be possible to either move the engine or a stand and a groove with it. Another way to ensure the desired sharpening angle is simpler, and is to install the locking disk on the table of the locks. At the end of the article there is a video with a demonstration of such a device.

Quality control sharpening

On sharpened teeth, there should be no cracks, chips, visible risks from grinding Circle. Radius of rounding cutting edge should be no more than 0.015 mm. Visually, this can be defined as the absence of glare on the cutting edge.

GOST 9769-79 Sets certain values \u200b\u200bof tolerances to sharpening parameters. The end beating of the peaks of the teeth should not exceed 0.2 mm (for saws with a diameter of up to 400 mm), radial - 0.15 mm. Being is checked using a conventional direction indicator.

Deviations of sharpening angles should not exceed:

  • for the front angle - ± 1 ° 30 ";
  • for the rear angle and the angles of the front and rear planes - ± 2 °;


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Sharpening wood saws - this is one of of the most important events Care for disk, or circular saw. If it is not sharpened, it quickly fills and become unsuitable for work.

Sharpening is most convenient to produce on a special production machine. However, many homemade craftsmen crawl for this purpose their own design, which significantly saves time and money.

The saws made from high-quality materials are stupid less often, and, it means, they demand sharpening. However, if the discs are made of poor-quality material (and it happens quite often, and even an experienced master can not always be "on the eye" to determine the quality of the metal), most likely, to sharpen them often. Therefore, any house master using a disk saw, should know how to drain it.

Definition and purpose of circular saw

Disk, or circular saw - this is a tool whose working surface is a disc. This disc can be different thickness and various diameters, depending on the destination. At the edges, the disc is equipped with sharp teeth, which may have a different shape, for example:

  • Straight vertical teeth;
  • Beveled teeth;
  • Teeth in the form of a trapezium;
  • Teeth resembling a cone.

It is used in cases where you need to cut a large volume of wood. It is convenient to work with both solid and soft wood species. And using it, it is possible to handle the phaneer and wood chipboard. When the disk is reported to rotation, the teeth are crashed into the material and begin to cut it. Experienced pilters claimIt is much easier to work with a circular saw than a classical, which is a horizontal plate of metal with teeth and one (two) plastic handles.

The disk saw is often used:

The working surface of such a tool usually has carbide attacks. These attacks are used to ensure that the teeth are not deformed when sawing solid wood. However, sooner or later, the teeth of any disk saw are blinking. If this moment has come, then it's time to sharpen the tool.

Sharpening Disc

An experienced master usually immediately understands when the teeth begin to come into disrepair. This can be determined by the following features:

If the teeth fumbled, it is desirable to sharpen the saw as quickly as possible. Many homemade masters mistakenly believe that it is possible to get injured from acute saws much faster than stupid. In fact, the situation is exactly the opposite. Such a paradox is explained simply: when the pawker carries a stupid saw, he has to apply physical strength. If it is incorrectly to calculate strength or attach it not in the direction, injured the hand brush is very easy. And if the pawker carries a well-sharpened tool, no effort is not required to apply, the main thing is exact and neat movements.

Using a special machine

Of course, the easiest thing to sharpen a disk saw on a special machine industrial production. Such machines are quite expensive. Acquire a grinding machine for personal use is beneficial only if the home master works daily and repents large volumes of wood . And sharpening services are provided in many specialized stores.. The machine for sharpening drank something remotely reminds potter's wheelwhere the saw blade placed strictly in the horizontal plane is spinning. The sharpening process consists of the following steps:

Cash the saw discs on the machine very convenient. The main thing is to comply with security techniques and in no case correct the saw blade until the machine works. All disk manipulations produce only when the sharpening machine is turned off.

Self sharpening

Many homemade craftsmen are perfectly coping with sharpening disk saws without a special machine. Most of the owners of circular saws have long been accustomed to sharpen saw discs on weight, with an ordinary file or other technician tools for sharpening. However, this method is very uncomfortable and is traumatic. In addition, with manual sharpening, it is possible to accidentally skip individual teeth. Therefore, it is not worth using this method.

The experienced pins usually mask for sharpening drank a round wooden stand, on which a saw blade is placed. The principle of operation of such mini-machines is about the same as the principle of operation of industrial production machines.

The masters believe that before sharpening the saw discs should be a bit wet - it makes it much easier for sharpening. For this, the grinder wet the saw blades of waterth and various chemicals. However, experts argue that in fact such a method brings only harm. Any fluid corps the metal and causes it corrosion, that is, it helps the appearance of rust.

During self sharpening, you need to be attentive to not miss anyone. Even if only a few cloves fucked, and the rest remained sharp, you need to sharpen absolutely all the teeth. She will work correctly Only in the event that all sawing elements are sharpened equally.

It is not so difficult to sharpen the disk saw on their own, it seems. How exactly to sharpen the saw, on the machine of industrial production or on a primitive stand, each home master chooses himself. However, in any case, it is necessary to strictly observe the elementary safety equipment and to sharpen the teeth as sharper. If the difficulties associated with the sharpening of the disk saw at home should be consulted with a specialist. If the circular saw is regularly put in order, it will serve as faithfully for many years.

Any cutting tool has a blinking property during operation. This also applies to carbide saws that need to be regularly sharpened in order for the sawing of the tree quickly and efficiently.

The easiest way to drain the teeth on the disk saw is the use of an ordinary file. But when working with your own hands, over the leading cutting tool in the working state, there are many difficulties with which only a good specialist can cope with a fairly extensive experience. It is much easier, faster and more efficient to use for this operation. homemade Machine For sharpening disk saws or a sharpening machine for disk knives.

If there is a homemade electric sharpening machine for disk saws, regardless of that factory is a tool or homemade, the basic principles of using such equipment should be known. Especially when there is a need for sharpening of the teeth of saws, which have different geometry and sharpening angles.

1 forms of teeth on saw blades

There are several of them, and they appeared due to optimization the effects of cutting edge on the sawn material, which can have different properties.

The main forms of teeth are:

  • direct - used with longitudinal sawing, when high quality is not necessary;
  • kosy (beveled tooth) - has a variable right and left angle of inclination of the rear (sometimes and front) plane. Used for cutting both in the longitudinal and transverse direction. The most common form for disk saws. This configuration is convenient to use when trimming plates with double-sided lamination, since it does not give chips along the edges of the cut;
  • trapezoid - is characterized by a long detection of the cutting edge in the acute state. Usually on the saw blades of the teeth of such a form alternate with straight teeth, somewhat torn over them. Trapezoid teeth, in this case, make a draft saw, and straight teeth are clean;
  • conical - such a form of teeth is used for auxiliary operations. For example, a layer of laminate is appeded to eliminate the appearance of fragments at the main sawing.

The front line of all teeth has a flat shape, but in some types of disk saws - it is concave.

This allows you to perform a qualitatively perfect cross-saw.

1.1 sharpening angles

Sharpening of the disk saw blade is carried out taking into account the four main corners, which are formed at the intersection of the planes:

  • front corner;
  • rear corner;
  • front and back plane bevel angles.

As auxiliary accounting is taken into account, which is defined by the magnitude of the front and rear corners.

Caps of sharpening depend on the purpose of the saw:

  • for longitudinal sawing, the magnitude of the front angle from 15 to 20 degrees is suitable;
  • with transverse saw - from 5 to 10 degrees;
  • with universal use, on average - 15 degrees.

Sharpening angles It is important to take into account not only in the direction of cutting, but also on the hardness of the tree - the fact that it is harder, the less should be the front and rear corners.

2 Equipment for sharpening saw disks

Such are sharpened machines for disk saws, which structurally performed in the following variations:

  • when sharpening, it moves only saw (the engine with a grinding circle is immobile);
  • it can be navigated and the stuck saw and the engine with the circle;
  • it moves only the engine with a sharpening circle fixed on it (the saw blade remains fixed).

As a standard example, a sharpening machine can serve as a device that consists of two knots - the engine, with a grinding circle planted onto its shaft, and the caliper on which the stuffed disk saw is attached.

To ensure an angular sharpening in this device, a system must be provided, which allows you to change the angle of inclination of the web (for teeth whose front plane).

2.1 Machine JMY8-70

Electric sharpening machine JMY8-70, which is produced in China, has a sufficiently large number of positive feedback. Some masters take his device as a basis when they collect a homemade machine for their own needs.

The JMY8-70 machine is designed to sharpen disk saws that made of solid high-speed alloys. The machine is possible to process the front and rear plane of teeth, as well as performing an angular sharpening.

Main advantages:

  • it has a diamond grinding wheel, the diameter of which is 125 mm;
  • equipped with an inclined saw holder, which allows to produce an angular sharpening;
  • the housing is made of cast steel used in the aviation industry;
  • installed on rubber gasketswhich significantly reduce the effect of vibration on the material being processed;
  • it has simple adjustment, with which not even a specialist can cope.

Plant Manufacturer When shipping, Complete Machine detailed instructionsin which all possible devices and methods for their execution are described in detail.


  • the grinding wheel has dimensions - 125 × 10x8 mm;
  • the grinding wheel can be rotated at an angle of up to 20 degrees;
  • the diameter of the sawn saw - from 70 to 800 mm;
  • speed of rotation of the grinding wheel - 2850 revolutions per minute;
  • weight - 35 kg.

2.2 Homemade Sharpening Machine

A lot of people, with their own hands, use disk saws from solid alloys not regularly, and from time to time. Therefore, buying factory equipment does not have an economic meaning. Homemade sharpening machine - perfect solutionwhich will not refer to third-party organizations.

The main argument is that when sharpening with their own hands, the disk saw on the usual sharpening circle is very difficult to withstand the necessary sharpening angles. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt that allow you to fix the saw blade in a specific position in relation to a comprehensive circle.

A homemade machine on which you can sharpen disk saws with your own hands may consist of the following nodes and parts:

  • the fixed electrical engine with the possibility of nozzle on its shaft of the grinding disk;
  • table stand, the surface of which is located at one level in height with the axis of rotation of the grinding circle;
  • ensuring the tilt of the support using the loops on one side and rotating (changing the height) of the screws on the other. This will allow an angular sharpening for the front and rear plane;
  • clamps allowing to fix the saw disc. To do this, there is a grooving groove on the surface of the stand on which the saw is installed. The movement of the mandrel, together with the disk, will allow you to withstand the necessary heaping angle of teeth;
  • the device for moving the electric motor or stand for the angular sharpening of the disk saws with different diameters;
  • the presence of stops for reliable fixation of the instrument during work.

2.3 sharpening disk saws

Sequence of operations when sharpening the front plane of the tooth of a carbide disk saw:

  • the saw is placed on the mandrel and fastened with a tapered sleeve with a nut;
  • explained clearly horizontally using a pendulum sensor, while the angle of the anterior plane turns out to be zero;
  • by moving the mandrel horizontally with the disk installed, the set forward sharpening angle is set. Simply put - the disk moves in such a way that the front plane of its tooth fits tightly to the surface of the sharpening circle;
  • using a marker, a mark is made - with some kind of tooth started sharpening;
  • with the electrical engine turned on, several movements of the saw back and forth are made with pressed to the working surface of the sharpeble circle of the surface of the surface;
  • the thickness of the metal removal is regulated by pressure force and the number of translational movements;
  • after the first tooth is sharpened, the saw is output from the contact with the grinding circle and turns around its axis to one tooth, which will be as follows when sharpening;
  • the operation is repeated by the number of teeth on the saw disk.