Application for a duplicate sick leave certificate. The employee brought a dubious sick leave certificate. Actions of the accountant Corrected duplicate sick leave what is needed

A sick leave certificate is the basis for payment of temporary disability and maternity benefits. To be filled out at the medical institution. This is stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in part 5 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ. He also confirms that the employee was not at work for a good reason (paragraph 17 of the letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18/15-12956).

Sick leave starts from the first day of incapacity for work. That is, they should open it already in the first medical institution where the patient went.

Who issues sick leave and the terms of its payment at the expense of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia

Medical organizations issue sick leave certificates to working people in case of loss of ability to work, to confirm the right to maternity leave, as well as for the period of caring for unhealthy family members. The official name of the document is a certificate of incapacity for work. However, they are often called simply “sick leave.”

The form of the certificate of incapacity for work was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n.

Along with the usual paper sick leave certificates, all clinics that have an electronic signature can issue them.

Only those medical organizations have the right to issue certificates of incapacity for work who have a license to practice medicine. Moreover, the license must provide for the right to work (services) for the examination of temporary disability (clause 2 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia).

If a certificate of incapacity for work is issued by a medical organization that does not have a license, then the employer is not responsible for this. There is no need to check whether the medical organization has a license.

If the sick leave certificate was issued by a branch of the medical organization, then you are also not obligated to control whether it is named in the license.

The FSS of Russia issues sick leave forms only to those medical organizations that have a license. The employer, unlike employees of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia, cannot control whether the procedure for issuing sick leaves by medical organizations is observed (clause 1 of the Instructions approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia dated January 29, 2004 No. 18/29, Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2012 No. 10605 /12).

The following persons are not entitled to issue sick leave certificates:

  • emergency medical care organizations;
  • blood transfusion stations;
  • hospital emergency departments;
  • balneological clinics and mud baths;
  • medical organizations of a special type - centers for medical prevention, disaster medicine, forensic medical examination bureaus;
  • healthcare institutions for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being.

Note: Clause 3 of the Procedure approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

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Filling out a certificate of incapacity for work, sick leave by a doctor of a medical organization, clinic

Note: According to Order No. 624n dated June 29, 2011 “On approval of the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work”

56. Entries on the certificate of incapacity for work are made in Russian in printed capital letters in black ink or using printing devices. You can use a gel, capillary or fountain pen. The use of a ballpoint pen is not allowed. Entries on the certificate of incapacity for work should not go beyond the boundaries of the cells provided for making the corresponding entries, and also should not come into contact with the boundaries of the cells.

All entries in specially designated cells are entered starting from the first cell.

Seals of a medical organization, medical and social examination institutions may extend beyond the designated area, but should not fall on the cells of the information field form of certificate of incapacity for work.

Stamp of the seal of the medical organization must match the title specified in the charter of the medical organization. When issuing certificates of incapacity for work in some medical organizations (psychiatric, drug treatment organizations, centers for the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases, etc.), special seals or stamps may be used without indicating the organization’s profile.

If there are errors in filling out the certificate of incapacity for work in the hospital, he considered spoiled and in its place a new certificate of incapacity is issued.

FILLING IN THE SPINE (lower tear-off part) of a HOSPITAL CARD by a POLYCLINIC employee

Sick leave. Tear-off spine

57. When filling out the spine of the form for a certificate of incapacity for work:

in the line “primary” a corresponding mark “V” is made if the certificate of incapacity for work is primary;

in the line “duplicate” a mark “V” is placed in the case when, due to the loss of a certificate of incapacity for work, a duplicate certificate of incapacity for work is issued to the insured person by the attending physician and the chairman of the medical commission;

in line " continuation of leaflet no.“the number of the previous certificate of incapacity for work is indicated if the certificate of incapacity being issued is a continuation of a previously issued certificate;

in the line “Date of issue - -” the day, month, year of issue of the certificate of incapacity for work is indicated;

in line "( surname, initials of the doctor)" indicates the name of the medical worker who issued the certificate of incapacity for work and his initials (with a space of one cell);

in line " Case history no.“the number of the medical card of the outpatient or inpatient patient is indicated;

in the line "" the full or abbreviated name of the organization, or the surname and initials of the employer - an individual (with an interval of one cell between the surname and initials of the employer) is indicated.

Note: This information is provided according to the citizen. Teach employees to correctly name their organization;

in line " Part-time no.

in field " recipient's receipt“The signature of the citizen who received the certificate of incapacity for work is affixed.

Sick leave. Top part. To be completed at a medical facility

58. When filling section "TO BE COMPLETED BY A DOCTOR OF THE MEDICAL ORGANIZATION" of the certificate of incapacity for work:
strings "primary", "duplicate", " continuation of leaflet no." are filled out in accordance with paragraphs two - four of paragraph 57 of this Procedure;

in line "( name of medical organization)" indicates the full or abbreviated name of the person who has a license for medical activities, including work (services) for the examination of temporary disability, who received medical care and was issued a certificate of incapacity for work;

Note: Indication of quotation marks, periods, commas, and dashes in the names of organizations (separate divisions) is not a basis for re-issuing a certificate of incapacity for work and refusal to assign and pay benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth.

in line "( address of the medical organization)" indicates the address for the provision of medical services by a person who has a license for medical activities, including work (services) for the examination of temporary disability (name of urban or rural settlement, street, number of the house, building, apartment (office), corresponding to the address of the actual issuance of certificates of incapacity and carrying out medical activities in accordance with the license for medical activities. The specified data is entered at intervals of one cell, the building number is indicated through a “/” sign in the cell after the house number, the apartment (office) number is indicated through a space in one cell after the house or building number.
(for example, |Б|а|р|н|а|у|л| |С|у|х|о|в|а|| |5|/|3| |13|)";

in the line “Date of issue - -” the day, month and year of issue of the certificate of incapacity for work is indicated;

in the line “(OGRN)” the main state registration number of the person holding a license for medical activities, including work (services) for the examination of temporary disability, who issued the certificate of incapacity for work, is indicated;

Note: When filling out, it is imperative to accurately and clearly indicate the OGRN of the medical organization for further identification in information systems.

in the line “Full name” in the appropriate cells the surname, first name and patronymic (patronymic is indicated if available) of the temporarily disabled citizen are indicated in accordance with the identity document;

in the line “Date of birth - -” the date of birth of the disabled citizen is indicated;

in cells "M" "F" the corresponding mark "V" is placed;

in line " Cause of disability":

Disease code

in the "code" cells the corresponding two-digit code is indicated:
01 - disease;
02 - injury;
03 - quarantine;
04 - industrial accident or its consequences;
05 - maternity leave;
06 - prosthetics in a hospital;
07 - occupational disease or its exacerbation;
08 - after-care in a sanatorium;
09 - caring for a sick family member;
10 - other condition (poisoning, manipulation, etc.);
11 - the disease specified in paragraph 1 of the List of Socially Significant Diseases, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 715;

Note: Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 49, art. 4916.

12 - in case of illness of a child under 7 years of age included in the list of diseases determined by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 5 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ;
13 - disabled child;
14 - in case of an illness associated with a post-vaccination complication, or in case of a malignant neoplasm in a child;
15 - HIV-infected child;

Note: To be inserted only with the consent of the insured person.

In the “additional code” cells, an additional three-digit code is indicated:
017 - during treatment in a specialized sanatorium;
018 - for sanatorium-resort treatment in connection with an accident at work during a period of temporary incapacity for work (before referral to medical examination);
019 - during treatment in a clinic of a research institution (institute) of balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation;
020 - with additional maternity leave;
021 - in case of illness or injury resulting from alcohol, drug, toxic intoxication or actions related to such intoxication;

in the “change code” cells, the corresponding two-digit code (from those listed above) is indicated in the event of a change in the cause of temporary disability;

in line "( place of work - name of organization)" indicates the full or abbreviated name of the organization (separate division); surname and initials of the insured - an individual (with an interval of one cell);

in the line “Basic” a mark “V” is made if the certificate of incapacity for work is issued for presentation at the main place of work;

in line " Part-time no.“A mark “V” is made if the certificate of incapacity for work is issued for presentation at the place of work on an external part-time basis and the number of the certificate of incapacity for work issued for presentation at the main place of work is indicated;

in line " Registered with government employment agencies“A mark “V” is made if there is information that the citizen is recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner; if this mark is made, the lines “(place of work - name of the organization)”, “Main”, “Part-time No.” - are not filled in;

in the line “date 1” the date of change in the cause of incapacity, the expected date of birth, the start date of the voucher are entered - when sending tuberculosis patients on vouchers to specialized (anti-tuberculosis) sanatorium-resort institutions for treatment in the case when sanatorium treatment replaces inpatient treatment, as well as after-care after inpatient treatment, when a citizen is referred by a medical organization for treatment to a clinic of a research institution (institute) of balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation; when referred for follow-up treatment to specialized sanatorium-resort organizations (departments) immediately after inpatient treatment; when sending persons injured in connection with a serious accident at work to sanatorium-resort treatment during a period of temporary incapacity for work (hereinafter referred to as a voucher for treatment (aftercare);

in the line “date 2” the end date of the voucher for treatment (follow-up treatment) is entered;

in the line “Voucher number” the number of the voucher for treatment (follow-up treatment) is indicated;

in line " OGRN of the sanatorium or clinic of the research institute"a sanatorium-resort institution, a clinic of a research institution (institute) of balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation indicates the main state registration number in accordance with the document confirming the state registration of the medical organization;

subsection "care" filled in the hospital in case of caring for a sick family member (including during quarantine of a child):

in line " age (years/months)“The first two cells indicate the number of full years of the sick family member being cared for, and in the case of caring for a sick child under the age of 1 year, the first two cells are not filled in, and the second two cells indicate the child’s age in months;

in line " family connection" the corresponding two-digit code is indicated:
38 - mother;
39 - father;
40 - guardian;
41 - trustee;
42 - another relative who is actually caring for a sick family member.

in line " Name of the family member being cared for"indicates the surname, first name, patronymic (patronymic is indicated if available) of the citizen being cared for (with spaces in one cell).

When caring for two children at the same time, in the first row of cells of the named line the age, relationship, surname, first name, patronymic of the first child being cared for is indicated, in the second row of cells of the said line the mentioned data for the second child being cared for is indicated. When caring for more than two children at the same time, when a second certificate of incapacity is issued, in the first and second row of cells of the named lines the age, relationship, surname, first name, patronymic of other children being cared for are indicated, the remaining lines (columns) of the certificate of incapacity are drawn up identical to the lines (columns) of the first certificate of incapacity for work.

In line " Registered in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)" in the cells " yes " " no " a “V” is marked if the relevant information is available.

In line " Regime violation notes"Depending on the type of violation, the following two-digit code is indicated:
23 - failure to comply with the prescribed regimen, unauthorized leaving the hospital, traveling for treatment to another administrative region without the permission of the attending physician;
24 - late attendance at a doctor’s appointment;
25 - going to work without being discharged;
26 - refusal to refer to a medical and social examination institution;
27 - late appearance at the medical and social examination institution;
28 - other violations.

In the line "Date - -" the date of the violation is indicated, in the field "Doctor's signature" the signature of the attending physician is placed.

If there were no violations of the regime, the specified lines are not filled in.

In line " Was in hospital" in cells " From - - " " to - - " the start and end dates of the citizen's inpatient treatment are entered accordingly; in the table "Exemption from work" of the certificate of incapacity, a record is made of the duration of treatment.

In the case of long-term inpatient treatment and the need to submit a certificate of incapacity for payment, the corresponding terms of treatment are indicated in the table “Exemption from work” and the line “Stayed in hospital”; in the line “Other” the corresponding two-digit code is entered - “continues to be ill”.

When discharged from a hospital, a disabled citizen is issued a new certificate of incapacity for work, which is a continuation of the previously issued one, while in the line “Was in hospital” the total duration of treatment is indicated, and in the table “Exemption from work” the terms of treatment minus the days indicated in the previously issued certificate of incapacity for work ".

Registration of a certificate of incapacity for work during treatment in a “day hospital” setting, it is carried out according to the rules established for issuing certificates of incapacity for work during outpatient treatment.

59. When referred for a medical and social examination (MSE) the certificate of incapacity for work indicates the corresponding dates in the lines: “Date of referral to the ITU bureau: - -”, “Date of registration of documents in the ITU bureau: - -”, “Certified at the ITU bureau: - -”.

In line " Disability group set/changed"The disability group (1, 2, 3) is indicated in Arabic numerals if, as a result of examination at an ITU institution, the person's disability group is established or changed.

In field " Signature of the head of the ITU Bureau"The signature of the head of the ITU bureau is affixed.

Release from work

in the column “From what date” the date (day, month and year) from which the citizen is released from work is indicated;

in the column “By what date” the date (day, month and year) (inclusive) is indicated on which the citizen is released from work.

For outpatient treatment, the extension of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out from the day following the day the citizen is examined by a doctor. Each extension of a certificate of incapacity for work is recorded in separate rows of the table column.

When issuing a duplicate certificate of incapacity for work, in the columns “From what date” and “To what date” of the “Exemption from work” table, the entire period of incapacity for work is indicated in one line.

When issuing a certificate of incapacity for work by decision of the medical commission, including for the past time, in the columns “Position of the doctor” and “Last name and initials of the doctor or identification number,” the surname, initials and position of the attending physician, the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission after each case are indicated , considered by the medical commission.

During treatment (follow-up treatment) in a specialized (anti-tuberculosis) sanatorium-resort institution, a certificate of incapacity for work is drawn up (opened) and signed by the attending physician of the medical organization and the chairman of the medical commission before the citizen’s departure for sanatorium treatment (follow-up treatment).

In the treatment of tuberculosis, when sanatorium-resort treatment replaces hospital treatment, in the columns “From what date” and “To what date” of the table “Exemption from work” the days of stay in the sanatorium-resort institution are indicated in one line, taking into account the days required to travel to place of treatment and back.

When a medical organization sends a citizen for treatment to the clinic of a research institution (institute) of balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, a certificate of incapacity for work is drawn up (opened) and signed by the attending physician of the medical organization and the chairman of the medical commission before the citizen leaves for treatment at the clinic of the research institution (institute) ) balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation. In the columns “From what date” and “To what date” of the “Exemption from work” table, one line indicates the days of stay in the clinic of the research institution (institute) of balneology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, taking into account the days required to travel to the place of treatment and back .

When referred for follow-up treatment immediately after inpatient treatment, a code is entered on the certificate of incapacity in the “Other” line - “in case of referral for follow-up treatment immediately after inpatient treatment.” The continuation of the certificate of incapacity for work is issued by the medical organization that refers the citizen for further treatment. In the table "Exemption from work" in the column "From what date" the date of start of treatment is indicated. Further registration of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out by the attending physician of the sanatorium-resort institution (department): in the line “Was in hospital” the length of stay in the sanatorium is indicated, in the columns “From what date” and “To what date” of the table “Exemption from work” is indicated in one line length of stay in a sanatorium-resort institution (department).

When sending persons injured in connection with a serious accident at work to sanatorium-resort treatment during a period of temporary incapacity for work, in the columns “From what date” and “To what date” of the table “Exemption from work” of the certificate of incapacity for work, the date of the start of sanatorium treatment is indicated in one line -resort treatment according to the direction of the medical commission; in the line “Stayed in a hospital” the length of stay in a sanatorium-resort institution is indicated.

The closure of the certificate of incapacity for work in these cases is carried out by the organization that referred the citizen for treatment (follow-up treatment).

In the column "Position of a doctor" of the table "Exemption from work" the position of the doctor is indicated, and in cases considered by the medical commission, the chairman of the medical commission (for example, |p|r|e|d| |В|К|).

When issuing certificates of incapacity for work in some medical organizations (psychiatric, drug treatment organizations, centers for the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases, etc.), in agreement with the disabled citizen or his legal representative, the positions of general practitioners or “dentist” may be indicated. , "paramedic";
in the columns "" and "Signature of the doctor" of the table "Exemption from work" - the surname and initials of the doctor are indicated respectively (with a space in one cell), and in cases considered by the medical commission, the chairman of the medical commission or his (their) identification number is indicated ( identification numbers) and signature(s) are placed.

Note: surname and initials of the doctor (with a space in one cell)- understand as IVANOV_AV.
see Letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18/15-12956

When filling out a certificate of incapacity for work, if in the “line” “Position of a doctor” of the table “Exemption from work” there are not enough cells to indicate the position, it is possible to shorten the name of the position of the medical worker within the available cells.

When filling out the "line" Doctor's name and initials or identification number" in the "Exemption from work" table, indicate the doctor's surname, then, with a space in one cell, his initials, which you need indicate with a space without any punctuation.

If the doctor’s last name and initials exceed 14 characters in the first row of cells, then it is allowed to move the end of the doctor’s last name and initials to the second row of cells in this line. If the specified line does not have enough cells to fill in the surname and initials of the medical worker (more than 28 characters), it is possible to fill in only the doctor’s surname without indicating the initials, and if there are not enough cells to fill in the surname, it can be shortened within the available cells.

When issuing a certificate of incapacity for work by decision of the medical commission, when in the “line” “Last name and initials of the doctor or identification number”, in addition to the surname and initials of the attending physician, the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission are indicated, if in the first row of the specified line there are not enough cells to fill in the surname and the initials of the attending physician (more than 14 characters), in the second row there are not enough cells to fill in the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission (more than 14 characters), it is possible to fill in only the surnames of the doctor (in the first row of cells) and the chairman of the medical commission (in the second row of cells) without indicating initials, and if there are not enough cells to fill in surnames, it is possible to reduce them within the existing first and second row of cells of the specified line, respectively.


Explanations of certain provisions of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work,
approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n

1. Letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2011 No. 14-03-11/05-8545
2. Letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia dated September 14, 2011 No. 14-03-11/15-8605
3. Letter> FSS of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18/15-12956

61. In line " Get to work" in cells " with - - " the date of restoration of working capacity is indicated the next day after the examination and recognition of the citizen as able to work.

In the line "Other:" the following two-digit code is indicated:
31 - if the citizen continues to be ill and is issued a new certificate of incapacity for work (continued);
32 - when disability is established;
33 - when the disability group changes;
34 - in case of death;
35 - in case of refusal to conduct a medical and social examination;
36 - in the case when a citizen, after issuing or extending a certificate of incapacity for work, did not show up for an appointment, but at the next visit was recognized as able to work;
37 - in case of referral for follow-up treatment immediately after inpatient treatment.

Following the two-digit code entered in the line “Other:”, in cells “- -” for codes 32, 33, 34 and 36, the date of establishment, change of disability group, date of death of the citizen, date of appearance as able-bodied is also entered.

62. In line " Issued slip (continued) No."The number of the continuation of the certificate of incapacity for work is indicated.

63. In the field “Doctor’s signature” the signature of the attending physician is placed.

Filling out a duplicate sick leave certificate

There was an error in the child’s name on the sick leave, so a duplicate was issued, with a check mark in the “primary” column, the employer returned the duplicate for correction, but the clinic believes that everything was filled out correctly.

Question : Is it necessary to fill in the “primary” column on a duplicate sick leave sheet??

The procedure for filling out a certificate of incapacity for work is set out in section IX of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n. Clause 58 of the Procedure states that when filling out the section “To be completed by a doctor of a medical organization,” the lines “primary” and “duplicate” are filled in in accordance with paragraph. 2 and 3 clause 57 of the Order.

In para. 2 and 3 clause 57 states that in the line “primary” a corresponding mark “V” is made if the certificate of incapacity for work is primary, and in the line “duplicate” a mark “V” is placed in the case when due to the loss of the certificate of incapacity The insured person is issued a duplicate certificate of incapacity for work by the attending physician and the chairman of the medical commission.

Also, in Letter dated December 23, 2011 No. 14-03-11/15-16055, the FSS of the Russian Federation indicated that in the case when, instead of a damaged certificate of incapacity for work, another certificate of incapacity for work is issued, the corresponding mark “V” is placed in the “duplicate” line. Taking into account the above, when issuing a new certificate of incapacity to replace a damaged one, the “V” mark should be placed only in the “duplicate” line.

How to extend a certificate of incapacity for work if the patient continued treatment in another hospital

If a sick leave certificate is opened in one medical institution, and further treatment takes place in another institution, then when the sick leave is extended, a new form of a certificate of incapacity for work is issued. If, in the described situation, the sick leave is extended by filling in the empty lines in the “primary” bulletin, the sheet cannot be accepted for payment. This conclusion follows from the FSS resolution dated May 22, 2017 No. 02-09-11/22-03-11096.

Paragraph 6 of Order 624n states that the extension and closure of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out by the medical organization to which the citizen is sent for treatment. In this case, an extension should be understood as the issuance of a “continuation” of a bulletin issued by a previous medical organization. To do this, a new form is drawn up and at the same time the previous certificate of incapacity for work is “closed” for submission for payment. The fact is that the sick leave certificate, in addition to the period of incapacity for work, indicates, among other things, the name of the medical organization, its OGRN, and the address of the provision of medical services. And it is impossible to indicate the details of two different medical organizations on one form.

Therefore, a certificate of incapacity for work extended by issuing a new form certificate of incapacity for work. Extension of sick leave extended by filling out empty lines in the primary bulletin issued by the previous medical organization is not allowed.

Data is provided on minor errors in the sick leave certificate when it should be paid.

  • Recommendations and procedure for filling out sick leave by the employer.

  • Brief rules for filling out a sick leave certificate for temporary disability. What laws govern it? Examples of filling are provided. Protection, counterfeits.
  • Also, the medical institution will not issue a duplicate to a citizen without a certificate from their place of work confirming the fact that they did not receive sick leave. Incorrect indication of the place of work If, according to the patient, the name of the place of work was incorrectly indicated on the sick leave, the employer can correct it by entering the correct name of the company on its part. If another company was indicated, which is independently registered with the Social Insurance Fund, then in this case the matter will be much more difficult to resolve. The patient will have to contact the clinic again and ask for a duplicate sick leave certificate with the correct name. In case of refusal, a person has the right to appeal to the Social Insurance Fund and the Ministry of Health, and if the problem is not resolved at this level, then he can go to court.

    How to obtain a duplicate sick leave?

    Fund to reimburse expenses incurred by the policyholder. Please note that the presence of the listed and other technical defects in the certificate of incapacity for work is not a basis for re-issuing the certificate of incapacity for work and refusal to assign and pay benefits, if all entries in the certificate are read. If you have any doubts about the correctness of the certificate of incapacity for work, we suggest contacting the Fund branch before sending the employee to a medical organization to re-issue the certificate of incapacity for work by phone.

    713739, 713758, 713760, 791076, 791077, or in writing with a copy of the certificate of incapacity attached.

    How to get a duplicate sick leave certificate

    The need to issue a duplicate may arise in the following situations:

    • loss or damage of a ballot as a result of force majeure (fire, flood, etc.);
    • loss or damage to a document due to the negligence of a company employee responsible for storing sick leave.

    Now let’s figure out how you can restore sick leave lost by your employer. In such cases, a commission is formed to investigate the incident. The presence of extraordinary circumstances is a valid reason for issuing a duplicate.

    The commission draws up an inventory of all lost (damaged) documents, additionally attaching supporting documents from government agencies.

    Registration and sample of a duplicate certificate of incapacity for work

    Order No. 624n). — in case of termination of pregnancy up to 21 full weeks of pregnancy, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Procedure for the entire period of incapacity for work, but for a period of at least three days (clause 50 of Order No. 624n). 3. Registration of a certificate of incapacity for work: - if there are errors in filling out a certificate of incapacity for work, it is considered damaged and a duplicate certificate of incapacity for work is issued in its place (clause 56 of Order No. 624n). When filling out the spine of the form of a certificate of incapacity for work and the section “TO BE COMPLETED BY A DOCTOR OF A MEDICAL ORGANIZATION” of a certificate of incapacity for work: in the line “duplicate” a mark “V” is placed in the case when, due to damage or loss of a certificate of incapacity for work, a duplicate is issued to the insured person by the attending physician and the chairman of the medical commission certificate of incapacity for work (clauses 57, 58 of Order No. 624n).

    How to get a duplicate sick leave certificate?

    If the sick leave was lost by the employer himself, then in this case the situation can develop according to several scenarios:

    • the company must convene a commission that will find out the reasons for the loss of a valuable document;
    • in cases where this happened due to emergency situations such as fire, flood, etc., the company has the right to contact a medical institution and ask them for a duplicate of the lost sick leave based on a certificate of force majeure;
    • if the loss occurred through the fault of one of the employees responsible for storing documents, the company pays the benefit due to the employee, and the guilty employee compensates the company for the costs incurred.

    Replacing a damaged one If the sick leave form was damaged, then in this case the form must be replaced.

    Ix. filling out a certificate of incapacity for work


    After the form is printed, dashes must be placed in all empty cells. The only difference between a copy and the original sick leave certificate is that the checkbox is placed not opposite the word “original”, but where it says “duplicate”. Example. The sick leave for the employee undergoing inpatient treatment was submitted in February, and temporary disability benefits were paid.

    But during the current check, it was discovered that the form was filled out with an error: instead of the date of discharge, the date of onset of the illness was put. After contacting a medical institution, the damaged form was replaced with a duplicate. Necessary documents If, in order to receive the original sick leave certificate, the patient is not required to write an application, then for a duplicate it is necessary.

    Sick leave certificate filling out a duplicate

    For periods of temporary incapacity for work exceeding 15 calendar days, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued and extended by decision of the medical commission appointed by the head of the medical organization. At the same time, according to paragraph 60 of Order No. 624n in the table “Exemption from work”, when issuing a certificate of incapacity for work by decision of the medical commission, in the columns “Position of the doctor” and “Last name and initials of the doctor or identification number” the surname, initials and position of the attending physician are indicated, surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission after each case considered by the medical commission. Taking into account the above, each extension of the certificate of incapacity for work for a period of more than 15 days must be carried out by decision of the medical commission of the medical organization and certified in each line of the table “Exemption from work” of the certificate of incapacity for work by the signature of the chairman of the medical commission.

    Information letters on the procedure for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work

    It is also important for many workers to know how quickly a duplicate sick leave certificate will be issued? In order not to change all the forms, a certificate is issued confirming the fact that the document has been replaced. This is stated in paragraph 3 of the FSS Letter No. 14-03-18/15-12956 dated October 28, 2011: “In the event that during a period of temporary disability the employee was issued several certificates of incapacity for work and one of them was damaged from a damaged certificate a copy is made in which the medical organization indicates the number of the new certificate of incapacity issued to replace the old one, or the medical organization issues a certificate confirming the fact of replacement of the certificate of incapacity indicating the number of the certificate of incapacity being replaced.”


    If the citizen continues to be ill, he is issued a new certificate of incapacity for work, issued as a continuation of the duplicate. Please take this information into account when issuing certificates of incapacity for work and bring it to the attention of the medical personnel who issue certificates of incapacity for work to insured citizens. Regarding the extension of a certificate of incapacity for work for more than 15 days, the State Institution - the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Karelia (hereinafter referred to as the branch of the Fund), in connection with incoming requests for the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work for a period of more than 15 days, reports the following.

    Interim entries do not need to be reflected. The specifics of filling out a form by a doctor when issuing a duplicate are summarized in the table: Field name Explanations for filling out Matrix code Not required for registration Primary Field remains empty Duplicate Put “V” Name of medical organization and address Fill in the relevant details of the place of treatment Date Day of application for a duplicate Full name, gender, information about birth Information about the disabled person Cause of disability The code is taken from the back of the sheet Place of work Name of the employer. For a legal entity, the name is written after indicating the organizational form without quotation marks. Below is a mark about the type of work - main or part-time.

    Exemption from work Period of incapacity for work, according to the initial sheet, without indicating intermediate records of extension Get to work Date of the first working day Evaluate the quality of the article.


    Application A citizen or organization faced with the loss of a document or its damage must write an application to a medical institution. It will be reviewed by a special commission or by the chief physician of the clinic, after which a decision will be made to issue a duplicate certificate of temporary disability. A sample application for the issuance of a duplicate sick leave certificate is here.

    Sample A duplicate of a temporary disability certificate is filled out on the same forms as the original. In this case, the medical institution must also fill out information about itself, the patient, his place of work and the reason for receiving the document. The only difference from the original will be a checkmark in the “Original/duplicate” column, which should be next to the second option.

    In addition, the design of the terms of sick leave is different and in the “date of issue” column there will be a new date, and not the date when the first copy was issued.
    Review of changes in the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work The state institution - the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Karelia (hereinafter referred to as the Fund branch) informs that from April 22, 2012, the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 24, 2012 No. 31n “On introducing changes to the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011. No. 624n.” The Fund's branch draws your attention to the main changes in the current legislation regulating the procedure for issuing, extending and processing certificates of incapacity for work: 1.

    The obligation to pay benefits during the sick leave period falls on the employer of the sick citizen. The organization, in turn, returns this amount from the social insurance fund.

    If the sick leave certificate itself, for some reason, has become unusable and its further use is impossible, the current regulations provide for the legal right to receive a duplicate. It should be remembered that in the absence of a valid sick leave certificate, a citizen will not be able to receive compensation; moreover, certain administrative liability is provided for the frequent or intentional loss of a state form.

    Legislative point of view

    In accordance with current regulations, sickness benefits can only be paid if there is a main document - a certificate of incapacity for work. Payment must be made on the day of payment of wages, which is established in each individual organization.

    A completed sick leave certificate can be submitted to the organization’s accounting department within six months after the employee recovers and returns to work. Existing standards also impose fairly stringent requirements regarding the execution of this document. It is prohibited to make mistakes or corrections. In the event that any information on the sheet was written in error, this fact is the reason for issuing a duplicate and its subsequent delivery to the patient.

    Are there any differences between the original and the duplicate?

    As mentioned above, the patient himself can initiate the issuance of a duplicate by contacting the medical institution that previously issued the original. A duplicate requires filling out on the same form as the original. The only difference will be putting a special tick on the duplicate.

    There are three types of such marks:

    • "primary". This mark is placed if the document is issued for the first time and is an original;
    • “duplicate” - when re-producing a document;
    • “continuation of sick leave” - when the period of incapacity for work is extended.

    Also, some differences relate to the features of filling out the document. The duplicate does not describe the details of the number of visits to the physician. Here the period of illness is simply indicated in one line. Particular attention should also be paid to the date being entered. The duplicate must indicate the current date, not the past date on which the original was issued. These two documents do not contain any other differences.

    What liability can be established for loss of sick leave?

    Every citizen is not insured against the possible loss of a sick leave certificate or its damage. In this case, the medical institution, upon its written request, will be obliged to fill out and issue a duplicate.

    It should be remembered that absolutely no liability can be established against a citizen who has lost or damaged a sick leave certificate. A negative impact can only be caused by a situation in which a previously ill employee does not submit a completed sick leave form to the accounting department within the deadlines established by the state. In this case, he may not only lose money during the period of absence, but also get much more serious problems associated with the fact that now his absence from work for a certain period of time will be recognized as unreasonable.

    It should also be remembered that the main condition for obtaining a duplicate form due to damage to the original is the mandatory provision of this original back to the medical institution.

    Will the organization be held liable?

    As soon as the employee has fulfilled his obligations to timely submit sick leave to the employer, further work will be carried out by the organization. In this case, the employee himself is relieved of all responsibility regarding ensuring measures for the safety of the document. In such cases, issuing a new sick leave may only be necessary in exceptional circumstances, for example:

    • loss of a document due to unexpected events and force majeure, including various natural disasters or catastrophes;
    • loss of a document due to negligence and frivolous attitude towards it;
    • making certain mistakes while filling out the document. You should always remember that you should not even try to correct the sick leave - it will still not be accepted by the social insurance fund.

    The further procedure for producing and issuing a duplicate will depend on the specific reasons for the loss, as well as on additional circumstances of the incident.

    Cases of force majeure

    In the event that the loss of sick leave was the result of certain force majeure circumstances, the organization must create a special commission that will investigate the causes of the incident. In addition, members of the commission will be responsible for drawing up a detailed inventory of damaged or lost documents.

    The work of the commission must be accompanied by the preparation of one of the following types of documents:

    • a written act drawn up by the fire safety service in the event that a fire occurs in the organization;
    • a certificate from the Ministry of Emergency Situations - if a natural event took place;
    • certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs - if the disappearance and loss of documents was associated with their theft.

    After the work of the commission is fully completed, its members draw up and sign a final act, on the basis of which a duplicate is issued in the future.


    A sick leave certificate is a strictly accountable document, which means that it must be stored in accordance with all applicable rules - in a special safe, with a responsible person.

    Unreasonable loss of sick leave for no apparent reason will always be recognized as a serious violation of the internal discipline of the organization. In addition, negligence towards such a document cannot be considered a basis for issuing a duplicate. This means that a representative of a medical organization has the right to officially refuse to satisfy the requirements for re-production of the document.

    In this case, the guilty person may be held liable, which consists of compensation for losses caused to the organization. Most often, this person is an accountant or an employee of the human resources department.

    Errors when filling out

    Making at least one mistake or typo while filling out a sick leave certificate immediately entails automatic recognition of it as invalid.

    In this case, the only way out is to make a duplicate.

    Features of re-receiving a document

    A duplicate can be issued only if there are documentary grounds for this - a written application from the employee, as well as his passport. The document is issued exclusively in person - in the hands of the applicant.

    If the loss of a document was due to the fault of the organization, its representatives cannot force the employee to obtain a duplicate. He is not obliged to visit a medical facility and write a statement if this is not his fault. In this case, all problems must be resolved by the employer himself.

    At the same time, the head of the organization must remember that the time frame for receiving a duplicate may be delayed, but the benefit to the employee must still be paid on time. In this case, the employer must make compensation, and only then return the money after receiving a duplicate document.

    A sick leave certificate is of high value, since it is the main and only basis for the subsequent transfer of funds to the employee for the period of incapacity. That is why the employer must treat its registration and subsequent storage with the utmost responsibility.

    Despite the fact that you can always get a duplicate, sometimes the loss of a sick leave certificate entails unnecessary problems for the employer, especially if this is due to the fault of one of its employees, for example, a human resources specialist. In this case, the employer will have every right to punish the employee accordingly for his negligence.

    The sick leave payment algorithm is simple: the person who has recovered submits the sick leave to their immediate boss or to the accounting department, the accountant calculates it and sends it to social insurance. Next, the employee will receive benefits as part of his salary, and the amount from the Social Insurance Fund will be returned to the company’s account. What if the sick leave is lost? In this case, you need to find out how to get a duplicate sick leave certificate and what responsibility lies with the loser if the Social Insurance Fund does not pay the benefit.

    General information

    In Russia there is a social insurance law No. 255, which regulates the procedure for receiving sick leave. According to the norm of its 13th article, sickness benefits are paid only on the basis of the original sick leave issued by a doctor. However, it can be handed over to the employer within six months from the moment of recovery.


    And here The procedure for filling out sick leave is regulated by Order No. 624n. Paragraph 56 of the order states that the presence of errors, additions or corrections in the sheet provides grounds for its replacement.

    If the original sick leave is lost or damaged, the FSS will not accept a copy of it, need to take a duplicate.

    Duplicate sick leave certificate

    At the request of an ill employee or a representative of the organization, the hospital or clinic that issued the sick leave issues a duplicate of it. It is drawn up on the same form as the sheet itself (the form is approved by Order No. 347n). A duplicate sick leave certificate, a sample of which is shown in the picture, just like the original, contains a unique number.

    However, the duplicate is different from the original: on the front side of the sheet a mark is placed in the form of a tick in the “duplicate” cell (the place in the figure is indicated by a red arrow). There are two more cells nearby:

    • “primary” (that is, the original);
    • “continuation of sick leave.”

    The duplicate does not indicate the dates of the patient’s visit to the doctor; the entire period of illness is recorded on one line. The actual date of issue in the duplicate is indicated and not the one indicated in the original. There are no more differences from the original.

    A duplicate sick leave certificate is issued:

    • at the request of the sick person personally;
    • at the request of a company representative.

    How to get a duplicate sick leave certificate to replace a damaged one

    According to the rules of Order 624 of the Ministry of Health, a duplicate sick leave is issued if the original was filled out:

    • with mistakes;
    • not according to the instructions (Order No. 624n);
    • with clerical errors and corrections.

    Articles 1 and 4 of the above-mentioned order indicate that a duplicate is issued to the personally insured, that is, the employee who has recovered from illness, on the basis of his passport. At the same time, you cannot require any certificates of damage or loss from the employee with the application for the issuance of a duplicate.


    Only the employee can receive a duplicate . At the same time, he does not bear any responsibility for the loss of sick leave, unless he brings a repeat slip within six months: he will simply lose his benefits.

    If the sheet is lost or damaged due to the fault of another employee(accountant, personnel officer or immediate supervisor of the recovered person), the development of events can go along three paths:

    • at the request of the administration, the recovered employee receives a duplicate at the hospital;
    • if the sheet is lost due to force majeure circumstances, a duplicate is issued to a representative of the organization;
    • if the fault is negligence, then the employee’s benefit is paid at the expense of the company, but its amount is recovered from the culprit (a duplicate is not issued).


    The damaged form must be returned to the hospital that issued it..

    Force Majeure

    The sheet, as a strict reporting form, should be stored in the safe of the responsible specialist. However, circumstances may arise in which the damage to the sick leave will not be anyone’s fault. If circumstances arise, it is necessary to create a commission that will investigate the emergency, draw up an inventory of lost documents, find out the cause of the loss and draw up a report.

    In this case, the following materials must be attached to the commission documents:

    • fire report;
    • certificate from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (if there was a disaster impact);
    • certificate from public utilities (if flooding occurred during an accident);
    • certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (if documents are stolen).

    Based on the commission’s act with attached materials and an application on behalf of the head of the company, the hospital is obliged to issue a duplicate.

    Sample application

    A duplicate sick leave certificate is issued upon application written in free form, with the necessary documents attached. The application must be written on company letterhead or with a corner stamp containing the company details. You can prepare a statement with the following text:

    To the chief physician of the city hospital No. 1 of Arzamas

    Gorbunkov F.F.


    Due to the loss of sick leave No. 23456 dated September 18, 2016 due to a fire,

    issued to the plumber V.V. Myakin, I ask you to issue a duplicate.


    1. Certificate from the accounting department about non-payment of benefits.

    2. Fire report.

    General Director _______/F.F.Gorbunkov


    As practice shows, the employee is personally issued a duplicate within a day, but according to the company, the issuance may take longer. And they won’t issue a repeat certificate if the original one is lost due to the negligence of the responsible specialist. In this case It’s better to come to an agreement with the employee and give him a day off while he goes to get a duplicate..

    In conclusion, a reminder on how to obtain a duplicate sick leave certificate:

    • at the request and with the personal participation of the recovered employee;
    • according to the director's statement with the attachment of materials about the loss.

    The sick employee is paid by the organization in which he works, and the social insurance fund then returns this amount to the organization.

    If the sick leave is lost or damaged, you can get a duplicate. Without a sick leave or its duplicate, social insurance will not return money; in addition, there is liability for loss or damage to forms.

    According to the norm of Part 5 of Article 13 of Law No. 255 on social insurance, sickness benefits are paid only on the basis of sick leave. Payment is made on the day after recovery.

    In this case, sick leave can be submitted to the accounting department within six months from the date of recovery.

    Based on paragraph 56 of Order No. 624n, errors in sick leave are unacceptable. Their presence is the basis for issuing a duplicate. A duplicate will also be issued if it is lost or damaged.

    The order of issuance is regulated by the above Order, and the form of the sheet is fixed in Order No. 347n.

    The difference between a duplicate and an original

    At the request of an employee or representative of the organization in the hospital or that issued the sick leave, a duplicate of it is also issued. It is prepared on the same form approved by the Order.

    The only difference between the duplicate and the original is a tick mark on the first side of the sheet.

    Three labels are provided:

    • “primary” (means issuing the original);
    • "duplicate";
    • “continuation of sick leave.”

    Accordingly, marks are placed in the appropriate places. Also, the duplicate does not indicate periods of visiting a doctor; the entire period of illness is indicated in one line. The date of issue in the duplicate is written as the actual date, not the date of the original. The duplicate cannot contain more differences from the original.

    Responsibility of the employee for loss of sick leave

    A person who has recovered may lose or accidentally spoil a sick leave, and upon his application, the medical organization issues him a duplicate on the day of application. The patient does not bear any responsibility for damage or loss of the document.

    Only those consequences of loss can be negative if the person who has recovered does not bring a duplicate to the accounting department within six months. Then he not only will not receive compensation for his illness, but may also be fired for absenteeism.

    Important: the damaged form must be returned to the medical institution!

    Responsibility of the organization

    When sick leave is handed over to the accounting department or personnel officer, the employee is no longer responsible for its safety. A duplicate will be required under the following circumstances:

    • loss or damage to sick leave due to force majeure (fire or flood);
    • loss due to negligence;
    • damage when filling out (the social insurance fund will not accept sick leave issued with errors made by a doctor or accountant).

    The procedure for issuing a duplicate depends on the circumstances under which the original was damaged or lost.

    Force Majeure

    If loss or damage occurs due to force majeure, the organization creates a special investigation commission, which draws up an inventory of lost documents and determines the reason for their loss. The following mandatory materials are attached to the commission documents:

    • in case of fire, a report is issued from the fire safety authorities;
    • in case of natural disasters, a certificate from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is issued;
    • in case of flooding, an act drawn up by public utilities is attached;
    • the theft is confirmed by a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    Based on the results of the commission’s work, a loss report is drawn up, on the basis of which the medical institution is obliged to issue a duplicate of the sick leave.


    Strict reporting forms, which include sick leave, must be kept in a safe with the responsible person. Missing sick leave is a gross violation of discipline. And in this case, the medical institution has no reason to issue a duplicate, which means the social insurance fund refuses to pay the benefit.

    The person responsible for the loss (accountant or personnel officer) will be required to compensate the company for losses in the amount of the benefit paid.

    Incorrect filling

    Registration of sick leave contrary to the requirements of Order No. 624n, that is, with errors, with incorrect entries, entails its invalidity. This means that a duplicate is issued in place of the damaged form.

    How to get a duplicate?

    A duplicate is issued only on the basis of an application on the form of the medical institution and the employee’s passport. According to the requirements of the Order, a duplicate, like a sick leave, is issued to the insured personally.

    No certificates or confirmations can be required from him (Articles 1 and 4 of Order 624n).

    The administration cannot force a recovered employee to receive a duplicate sick leave if the loss is not his fault. And therefore the organization is obliged to pay him for the period of illness. At the same time, the employee does not have to return anything to the company, because he is not responsible for the actions of other employees.