Wishes under your pillow for the New Year. How to make a wish for the New Year? A working method. Rituals for making a wish and making it come true

During the change of the calendar year, a special atmosphere of goodness and miracle is created, which is why wishes made on New Year's Eve very often come true.

In order for your plans to come true, you need to formulate your dream in advance as completely as possible, but briefly. In order not to get confused in the pre-holiday bustle, it is better to write down your wish on New Year on a piece of paper. Moreover, this note can be used to perform a ritual.

Let's guess correctly

Few people know that making a wish for the New Year is not so easy. The point is that you need to outline your dreams in as much detail as possible, but you won’t write a treatise on several pages! Therefore, you will need to try to fit your desire into a few words.

Basic Rules:

  • you need to think about the final, and not the intermediate, result, that is, if you want to relax for expensive resort, then you need to think about a vacation trip, and not “more money.” You may have more money, but it will go to other needs;
  • there is no point in making wishes about other people, they should concern you personally. For example, it makes no sense to say “I want my husband to find a high-paying job”; it should be formulated as follows: “The financial situation of my family is high and stable”;
  • the desire should not contain negativity and evil directed at other people;
  • there should be no negation in the wording, that is, make sure that the particle “not” is not found among the words.

It’s better to start thinking about your desire a few days before the holiday, so that you can think about everything without rushing. Worth writing on a piece of paper possible options, and then choose what is especially important and valuable to you.


There are many interesting rituals that need to be performed on New Year's Eve, using a piece of paper with a wish written on it.

The most famous and frequently used is the one in which you need to burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, and throw the resulting ashes into a glass filled with champagne and drink it in one gulp.

A few notes on performing this ritual:

  • you need to formulate and write down what you have planned on paper in advance; it is very difficult to complete all the actions in a minute, so you should make your task a little easier;
  • use thin paper and take a small piece of paper, remember, the smaller the paper, the less tasteless ashes you will have to swallow;
  • attract helpers while you make a wish for the New Year, burning a piece of paper, someone will have to open a bottle of sparkling wine and fill the glasses;
  • Even if the last chimes sound, be careful, trying to swallow the wine in one gulp. If you choke, the desire may become irrelevant;
  • If you don't drink alcohol, it's okay. This ritual can be performed with any carbonated drink - lemonade, Coca-Cola or even mineral water.

In addition, you need to correctly burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, that is, following the rules fire safety. Be extremely careful with open fire, as a fire on New Year's Eve will not bring joy to anyone.

If it happens that you can’t set fire to a piece of paper (forgot your matches, you’re afraid to set it on fire) festive table etc.), then it is worth using a simpler version of the ritual. It is enough to simply eat a piece of paper with a written desire and wash it down with wine.

Not everyone is happy about the prospect of swallowing paper or paper ashes, even in the name of fulfilling a wish. However, you can do without this. It is enough, simultaneously with the twelfth strike of the chimes, to open the window and scatter the resulting ashes from the paper into the wind, sending your dream into the information field.

If there are a lot of guests and everyone wants to make a wish, then it is hardly advisable to organize a mass burning of papers; after all, it is unsafe. Therefore, hand out white paper napkins and scissors to your guests in advance. Let everyone cut out an openwork snowflake for themselves and write their wish on it. When midnight comes, open the window and throw snowflakes outside to the friendly cries of the guests: “Happy New Year!”

There is another interesting ritual with papers that helps you get rid of negativity in your life. Write down on small pieces of paper everything that makes you unhappy (illness, lack of finances, lack of love, bad relationships in the work team, etc.). Then start collecting old unnecessary things in it - cracked plates, worn clothes, broken combs. In a word, we begin to consistently clear our house of rubble. There should be no less old things “to throw away” (if you end up with more, no big deal) than there are pieces of paper with the negativity present in your life.

We tape the prepared notes to the old things with tape (or attach them in any other way) and put the things in a large bag made of fabric (however, you can also take a plastic bag).

Put the bag on your back and take it to the trash containers. Throw it away and feel relief, liberation from negative events in your life. This ritual does not have to be performed on New Year's Eve; it is better to do it the day before, during the pre-New Year's cleaning.

For the rituals to work, it is not necessary to follow all the instructions exactly. It is much more important to believe that everything will work out, and also to be positive. If you perform the ritual in a bad mood or with the thoughts: “What nonsense this is!”, then you should not hope for the fulfillment of your desires.

On New Year's Eve, when the air is literally saturated with the expectation of change, you want to believe that everything will change for the better, that miracles can happen. In this we become so much like children. I especially believe that the wish we make during the chimes will definitely come true. And they really do come true, you just need to know exactly how to make a wish for the New Year 2018 and follow everything in the smallest detail. There are several rituals for making a wish.

Wording rules

By formulating your wish, you are sending a request to the Universe that can be misinterpreted, so the phrase with which you are trying to express what you want must be selected very carefully, thinking through every word.

  • Use positive language, e.g. without the particle “not”. For example, the correct desire: “I want to be healthy in the coming year,” the incorrect one: “I want not to get sick in the coming year.” Remember that for the subtle world, as well as for our brain, the particle “not” does not exist.
  • It is even more correct to formulate the desire in the present tense, i.e. not just “I want to be healthy in the coming year,” but “I have good health in 2018.”
  • Do not formulate your desire categorically with the words “necessarily”, “at any cost”, “must”. By leaving the Universe no choice, you may pay too high a price. Everything you ask is “understood” literally.
  • Make sure that your desire does not affect the will of other people. For example, you can’t make a wish: “I want such and such a person to fall in love with me,” you can, “I’m meeting a person who sincerely loves me.” In the first case, we seem to force a specific person with our desire to experience certain feelings, in the other, we give the Universe the opportunity to offer us a relationship with a person who is capable of falling in love of his own free will.
  • Don't make wishes that are negative towards other people. For example, you can’t say “Let ... (full name) be fired and put me in his/her place,” you can say “I’m getting a promotion/moving up the career ladder in the coming year.”
  • Be clear about what you want. There should be no “or” in a desire. You shouldn’t formulate the wording like this: “Let it be this and that, but if not this, then let it be this or that.” Ask for exactly what you want, do not minimize your desires, otherwise, when you receive what you asked for, you will not be satisfied.
  • Do not complicate the wording, state your desire as simply and briefly as possible.
  • Imagine your dream in the form of visual images, as if materializing it.
  • Think about the final goal, not the intermediate one. If you want to buy an apartment, don’t ask for money for an apartment, but specifically housing.
  • Add emotion to the wish that makes the dream meaningful. For example, “I’m relaxing at the seaside and I’m very happy.”
  • Don't wish for several things at once. Concentrate on one thing at a time. Remember the saying “You're chasing two birds with one stone…”

How to get rid of negativity from life

To give place to the positive in your life, you need to free yourself from the shackles of the past: grievances, grief, rubbish.

  • Prepare new clothes for the New Year.
  • Carry out a general cleaning of the entire apartment.
  • On December 31st, ventilate the room well.

It's even better to throw away anything that reminds you of failure or evokes unpleasant emotions. Carry out the following ritual: write a list, adding everything that you would like to get rid of in the coming year (for example, debts, illnesses, enemies). Cut the piece of paper into strips so that one thing is written on each. Place them in a bag. Depending on the amount of adversity, send unnecessary things there and take them to the trash. When leaving the bag, say: “I’m getting rid of trash, getting rid of negativity, saying goodbye to all the bad things.”

Until January 13, try to be positive; according to popular belief, every day determines what the next months of the coming year will be like: January 1 is responsible for January, January 2 for February, and so on.

Rituals for making a wish and making it come true

Now let's talk about rituals that help wishes come true.

Exactly at 12

A special moment is the moment of transition from one year to another, when the joint impulse of many people making their wishes at that moment significantly increases the likelihood of your dream coming true. That is why it is customary to make a wish during the chiming clock.

Drink the ashes. The most famous and most effective way is the following: when the clock strikes, write on a piece of paper your dream, which you formulated in advance or prepare a piece of paper with a wish in advance, and at the crucial moment just read the inscription, thinking about every word and mentally imagining what you want. Burn the leaf over a glass of champagne, let the ashes fall into the glass, and drink. You have to make it before the last strike of the clock. Don't forget to clink glasses with your loved ones and guests and wish everyone happiness and health in the coming year. After this, you need to spend a couple of minutes in silence. By the way, not only champagne can be used as a drink. If you don't like alcohol, drink juice mineral water or something different. If you celebrate the New Year without champagne in your hand, this will not reduce your chances at all.

Chair jump. The jump into new life with the last chime. When the clock begins to count down, you need to stand on a chair and at the last moment, clearly realizing your desire, jump down.

To attract money. Do you want to improve your material well-being? At exactly 12, hold a glass of champagne in one hand and a banknote in the other hand: the larger the better.

Snowflake in hand. If there is very little left before the New Year and it is snowing outside, take advantage of this rare opportunity and make a wish on a snowflake. At midnight, catch a snowflake and make a wish quickly. If the snowflake does not melt on the mitten while the chimes are striking, your dream will definitely come true.

Desire released. Your chances of making your dreams come true will increase significantly if, while the clock is striking, you have time to say what you want in open window, window or on the balcony, i.e. in the open air, as if letting go of desire into free flight.

Italian custom. If we are used to writing what we want on a piece of paper, then the Italians believe that when making a wish, you need to eat 12 grapes. Give it a try.

Before New Year

But you can make a wish before the New Year, when you don’t need to rush anywhere.

Letter to Santa Claus. Good way, which is mistakenly considered humorous and intended only for children. However, adults can also use it. Practice shows that this method works. After all, a lot is determined by the mood, the strength of faith, and the atmosphere of the moment.

Bag of Wishes. Invite guests to write down their wishes, and then put them in a bag and give them to Santa Claus at exactly 12 o'clock at night.

Chinese fortune cookies. Chinese culture is known for its wisdom for a reason. And in an effort to meet the coming year according to Feng Shui, in full accordance with Eastern traditions, it’s worth baking Chinese cookies with wishes and predictions. Among them there may be phrases with a philosophical meaning, warnings, predictions and wishes. Place the cookies in a bag and let your guests choose their own “destiny.”

On needles. Try to express your desire in one or two words and lay it out from the needles that fell from the tree on the eve of the holiday. When making a wish, blow on the needles and collect them in a bag. When the chimes strike, keep them close to you. Store all year in a secluded place, but keep the bag in plain sight.

Before the New Year, make a wish map that reflects everything you want to achieve in the new year. It must be designed in a certain way. In each square you need to place an image that expresses what you want, and paste your best photo in the center.

Christmas tree toy. Another surefire way to make a wish come true is with Christmas tree decorations. In one case, it is recommended to write a wish on a piece of paper and put it in Christmas tree decorations. The toy should be hung on the Christmas tree, preferably higher. In another case, it is recommended to make your own Christmas tree decoration that represents what you want to receive in the new year. If you want an apartment, make a house, if you want a child, hang a baby doll on the tree, etc. According to reviews, wishes come true with enviable consistency.

After the New Year

If for some reason you were unable to make a wish before the New Year or at midnight, do not be upset. You still have the opportunity to rehabilitate yourself in the first minutes and days of the New Year or make a wish for the Old New Year.

Wishes in a bottle. Use this method. Write your wishes on pieces of paper and roll them into tubes and place them in a champagne bottle. Seal the bottle well and leave it until next year.

Tips from “Blue Light”. In the first minutes of the new year (depending on how old you are), listen to what they say on TV or radio. Try to interpret what you hear as a hint to achieve what you want.

12 wishes. If you can’t choose what to wish for, let the Universe choose for you. Write twelve wishes according to the number of months, put the leaves under your pillow on New Year's Eve, mixing well. In the morning, randomly pull out a piece of paper with a wish. Whatever you get, that will come true.

  • On the Old New Year, you can get rid of the burden of adversity if you write all your problems on a piece of paper and burn it.
  • Before midnight, you should pour champagne or any other drink into a glass, blow into the glass, make a wish, and drink exactly at midnight.

Let's make our wishes come true on our own

If you are used to relying on yourself in everything, and not on chance, then you will definitely like the following method. He is absolutely pragmatic, but that’s what’s good about him. Before the New Year, you need to sit down and think carefully about what you would like to change, complete, and achieve in your life. Whatever comes to mind, write it down. These are all your goals. Select the 12 most important ones. Then, for each month, choose your goal to work toward. And then determine specific steps to achieve the goal. If, for example, you want to lose weight, note that you need to join a fitness club, go on a diet, or run in the morning. Moreover, the more specific the steps are, the better. Thus, every month of your life in the new year will be devoted to making your dreams come true.

And finally, I would like to say this: sincerely wish for other people what you wish for yourself, then everything will be fine with you.

This is how a person works - he tends to start a “new life” on Monday, on the first day of the next month and, of course, on the New Year. And that’s why it’s so important for us to make a wish on New Year’s Eve. This is an impulse, a charge of vivacity, an incentive that will last for 365 days. And next year – as many as 366.

Tuning into the wave of fulfillment of a desire, we want it so much that the desire, willy-nilly, has to be fulfilled. Of course, they didn’t just make a wish, but on the most magical night of the year. So today we’ll talk about how to make wishes on New Year’s Eve, and how to do it correctly.

Ashes in champagne

The most common way to make a wish is to write your wish on a piece of paper during the chiming clock, burn it, mix the ashes with champagne and drink while the clock strikes twelve. Many have tried, but not everyone has succeeded. And why? The thing is that when performing these manipulations, a person is not so busy magical ritual, so many thoughts about what needs to be done - write, burn, drink, not choke. And all this until the last blow. And this is fundamentally wrong.

You need to focus not on actions, but on the desire itself. Hands must act autonomously from thoughts and images. You need to clearly understand not only the desire itself, but also how it will come true. It’s difficult to do this - everyone around them is clinking glasses, wishing something to each other, shouting, trying to nudge each other on the arm. To prevent this from happening, place a pencil, a piece of paper and a box of matches next to each plate in advance. Then the people will unwittingly join in the ritual, and no one will interfere with you.

Another piece of advice is to choose specific rather than abstract desires for this ritual, that is, you shouldn’t write: I want a lot of money, it’s better to write: I want my salary to be raised (I want to win the lottery - don’t forget to buy a lottery ticket later, or: I want to be successful invest money - and after the holidays start looking for decent options).

The same applies to desires regarding your personal life - an abstract formulation: I want to get married “works” extremely rarely. If you have someone in mind, then write it like this: I want to marry (name). If there is no such person, then it’s better to write: I want to find a husband. The more specific your wish is, the more likely it is that it will come true.

Therefore, think over the wording of your desire in advance so that you can quickly write it down, while focusing only on visualizing the fulfillment of your desire.

Twelve Wishes

Another way to make a wish on New Year's Eve is to write 12 different wishes on pieces of paper, roll them into tubes, put them under the pillow, and the next morning take out one piece of paper at random - whatever is written there will come true. This also has its own nuances - in order for this wish to come true, you need to go to bed before 3 o’clock, that is, while the night lasts. Later, the morning begins, and fortune telling simply turns into a game.

The second condition is that you should not sleep with your hands wrapped around the pillow, then there is a chance that not one wish will come true, but several at once - if you do not specifically “edge” the pillow, and in the morning you find that some pieces of paper are on the floor, then these wishes will be performed on par with the one that will be written on the tube you pulled out.

There are also rules for writing wishes for this ritual:

* Start writing wishes after the New Year (you can cut the paper in advance).

*Do it alone.

* Make a wish for something that should (may) come true within a year.

* Consider the details and consequences of the desire.

* Everything that can be specified, be specific, write names, dates, events.

* When writing each wish, imagine how it will come true.

* If you have already made a wish at exactly midnight, do not repeat it in this ritual.

And further. Write what you really need - don’t waste the magic of New Year’s Eve on desires like: I want a diamond ring. It’s better to ask for health (yours and your loved ones, especially those who need it first), material well-being, deliverance from something, love, etc. Of course, you can ask for some thing, but then clarify whether you want to purchase it yourself or want it to be given to you, and, preferably, if you specify the name of the donor.

Naturally, you will have something to do on New Year’s Eve, so in order not to spend a lot of time on this ritual, you can not only cut the paper in advance, but also draw up a “summary of wishes” on a piece of paper so that you can rewrite them on New Year’s Eve, focusing on visualization , and not on inventing desires.

Painted Happiness

The next way to make a wish on New Year’s is to draw it. After midnight, grab a watercolor sheet, bright paints and brushes. It is absolutely not necessary to be able to draw, the main thing is that you can imagine and schematically depict what you want. For example, you dream of falling in love - just draw a heart pierced by an arrow; if you want the love to be mutual, then draw a double heart with one arrow; or if you want to solve the housing problem in the coming year, you draw a house.

If you want to find a couple (get married), picture a man and a woman hand in hand if you know the name desired man, sign the names under the figures - yours and his, if you want to get married, then draw two intersecting rings; If you dream of a rich lover, you draw two naked figures almost merging into one, and next to it you depict something material - a coin, a bill, a precious stone, a car, etc. Use your imagination; any desire can be depicted on paper by finding its image.

Just avoid black. The brighter your drawing is, the more joy the fulfillment of your desire will bring you.

And then there is no need to burn, mix or drink anything. Roll your drawing with a wish into a scroll, tie it with a red ribbon, melt the wax and seal the scroll so that the wax gets on both the ribbon and the paper. Scratch your initials onto the still warm wax. After this, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree, but warn that no one touches it. Let it hang on the tree for a week. On Christmas Day (at night), remove the scroll and put it in a secluded place. After your wish comes true, print out the scroll, circle the drawing with red paint and leave it until you have a new cherished wish. Then the scroll can be burned.

New guest

You can also make a wish for a new guest in the New Year. If suddenly a person you don’t know comes to you (or to the company where you will celebrate the New Year), then you can make a wish that is based on change, that is, aimed not at getting something, but to change your life path. To do this, after midnight, take a moment and, after making a wish, take this person by the hand.

Just remember that the person should be very friendly towards you, and in general his arrival and his behavior should not foreshadow problems and troubles. But if at first this person behaved ideally, you made a wish, and then, for no reason at all, he began to rage, behave inappropriately, break dishes or make a row, then you should not strive to fulfill your desire, since in addition to unpleasant and you won’t get anything from unnecessary trouble, or at least you should try to protect yourself from unforeseen difficulties.

Think about what could go wrong in your life if this wish comes true, and act according to the circumstances - give up what you have planned or “spread a straw.”

In a similar way, you can make a wish for a person you know if you absolutely did not expect to see him on New Year’s Eve, that is, if his visit turned out to be unplanned.

In general, there are a great many ways to make a wish in the New Year. Surely you have your own method. The main thing is that you wish from the heart, take the ritual of making a wish seriously, and do not act “automatically” and only because it is customary.

And on New Year’s Eve, in no case should you make wishes that, one way or another, can bring harm or pain to someone else - do not wish for revenge, do not want to receive something that no longer belongs to you (for example, you should not make relationship with a person who has a family in which he is happy and in which he is loved very much), do not wish harm even to those who have greatly offended you in some way. All New Year's wishes should be positive and creative. And then they will certainly come true and bring you happiness.

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Adults and children look forward to New Year's Eve. This is not surprising, because at this time you can make a wish, and there is every chance that it will come true. The main thing is to know how to do it. How to make a wish for the New Year correctly so that it definitely comes true is described below.

  • They ask for something only for themselves. The desire should not concern even close people, so that there is no discrepancy with their dreams.
  • They think of desire as if it were already an accomplished fact. They don’t say: “I want to buy an apartment,” but say the following: “I bought an apartment.”
  • All wishes are written down in a notebook. You can record whatever you want without limiting yourself. New Year's Eve only happens once a year, so you can make the most of this opportunity.
  • When recording desires on paper, they think through every detail. If you dream about new car, think about the brand, color, interior and other details.
  • When making wishes, they say words of gratitude to the Universe. You can say the following: “Thank you, Universe, for the new apartment.”
  • Denial is excluded, otherwise dreams will not come true. They don’t say: “I don’t have money problems,” but say: “My financial condition has improved.”
  • You need to really want your wish to come true. If a dream comes from the heart, there is every chance that it will come true.
  • You cannot make a wish that will harm people. The universe will not fulfill it. In addition, such a wish can turn against the one who makes it.
  • It is not recommended to ask for money. It’s better to immediately think of what you want to spend it on. For example: “I bought a dacha.”

Ways to make a wish

There are several ways to make a wish for the New Year so that it definitely comes true.

With the symbol of the new year

To carry out the ceremony, they take a piece of paper on which they draw a pig’s face. The piece of paper is placed in the center of the table. After this, they introduce this piglet and how he will help the petitioner all year. After this, the following words are said: “Success and good luck in everything will always await me.”

The drawing is folded and put into a bag or purse. The main thing is that the talisman always accompanies the petitioner. In this case, good luck will accompany you all year.

With champagne

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a glass of champagne;
  • small leaf;
  • pencil;
  • matches or a lit candle.

When the chimes start reporting, they write their dream on a piece of paper. After this, the leaf is set on fire and the ashes are thrown into the champagne. The drink is drunk before the last chime.

With a scarf and candles

This ritual will help you find your love if this has not happened yet. It is held before New Year's Eve. For the ritual take:

  • yellow scarf or scarf – 1 pc.;
  • candles – 7 pcs.

A scarf or shawl is thrown over the shoulders and sat at the table. One candle is placed in the center and other candles are placed around it. The candle in the center is the person performing the ritual, the candles around are the other half and close people. For the love of the chosen one or chosen one, I light a candle on the right side.

Place your palms over the flame so that it is warm, but not hot. At this time, you need to think about your loved one and imagine him, and also think how good it would be if he were nearby. After this, the candle is extinguished and left until the dream comes true.

Eight oranges

For such a ritual, 8 oranges are purchased on New Year's Eve. Without entering the home, fruits are thrown over the threshold so that they scatter in different directions. When the last orange gets into the house, they congratulate themselves on fulfilling their dreams and wish them all the best.

After this, the fruits are collected in a wicker basket. Starting from January 1, oranges are distributed to loved ones, 1 per day. The last fruit is consumed independently. After this, you can count on the fact that your wish will come true.

Ritual for money

To carry out the ritual, you will need a new banknote with a face value of 100 rubles. The following inscription is made on the money: “There is money, and there is always an opportunity to earn it.” After this, the bill is placed in the wallet. Other money will be attracted to it and your wallet will never be empty.


This fruit will help girls who want to get pregnant, but cannot conceive a child. To make the wish come true, during the chiming clock, the tangerine is peeled and eaten along with the seeds. The dream will come true only if at least one seed is found and it is consumed.


To carry out this ritual, they take seedless grapes. 5 minutes before the chimes, they count out 12 berries. When the clock strikes, people begin to eat grapes. For each berry they make a wish. The last thing is eaten on the 12th chime.

The video tells how to make wishes for the New Year correctly.


  1. Wishes made on New Year's Eve will come true if you make them correctly.
  2. Dreams are recorded on paper, imagining that they have already come true.
  3. A wish is made with champagne as the chimes strike.
  4. Oranges will help you make your dreams come true.
  5. A ritual with a 100 ruble bill will help attract money and prevent your wallet from being empty all year.
  6. A tangerine with a seed, eaten during the chiming clock, will help girls get pregnant in the coming year.
  7. To fulfill wishes, seedless grapes are eaten during the chiming clock.

Hello dear readers. We are all waiting for the onset of December, when we can already start planning the New Year celebrations. Both adults and children rejoice at this holiday, because this is the only night of the year when you can safely make wishes, and they will definitely come true. During this magical time, everyone wants their dream to come true, but not everyone knows how to make a wish correctly. In general, this is a whole New Year’s ritual that must be carried out according to certain rules. Of course, you can also make a wish mentally, but it is unlikely that such a wish will come true in the near future. We must respectfully turn to the approaching year, or rather to its symbol, so that it will contribute to the fulfillment of the desire we have made.

So it's time to get to know practical advice, which will outline the specific sequence of actions necessary to carry out the correct ritual.

We need a 100% guarantee that our wishes will come true, right? And such a guarantee can be given to us by holding certain New Year rituals, which we will talk about very soon.

How to make a wish for the New Year. 17 ways to make it come true

The practical part of the ritual will not cause you any difficulties at all. But if not everything, then a lot depends on the correct formulation of your cherished desire.

It happens that not only does a wish not come true, but also any opportunity for its fulfillment disappears. It is worth remembering exactly how the sentence was constructed, because often on a subconscious level we construct it with a certain degree of denial of the desire itself.

Many people underestimate New Year's Eve, because they believe that you can make a wish on any day, and you shouldn't wait for the right time. Others don’t even believe in realizing their dreams on their own, but that’s a completely different question.

We know that a wish can come true if we approach this issue correctly. Wishes made on New Year's Day have special power, especially when they are supported by certain actions.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that the desire is formulated correctly, because the success of its implementation depends on this.

Follow these rules:

Rule #1

✔ It is necessary to formulate a desire in the present tense , because quite often we build our desires in the past tense: “I want my loved ones to be healthy.”

That is, in our desire the future collides with the past, and this is not entirely correct. The universe regards this as something that already existed once: “your loved ones were healthy.” Therefore, it is better to build a sentence in this way: “my loved ones are healthy, and every day they feel better.” Essentially, you don't stay in the past, but you don't run into the future either.

Rule #2

✔ Try to avoid any denial of your desires , because they can be taken literally.

We are used to saying what we don’t want, for example: “I don’t want to lose my position.” The particle “not” gives our desire a negative connotation, which is why the result is that the person actually loses his job. It’s better to say, “I want to stay in my position,” so your energy is directed towards exactly what you really want. Desire with denial speaks of the fear that oppresses a person, and fears, as we know, come true.

Rule #3

It is advisable to make a positive message after each wish you make., which would indicate that you really need what you wished for.

In addition, you need to emphasize that making your desire come true is very simple, and it is done with great pleasure. For example: “this will benefit my family” or “all this can be done very easily.”

Rule #4

✔ Do not use the words “should” or “must”.

Just as you don't owe anyone anything, neither do you, so you need to replace them with words with a more positive attitude. Also, you should not promise something, because promises are not always fulfilled by people either.

Rule #5

✔ Desires should not carry any negative energy , because they can even harm you.

Often people use wishes for another person as a wish, and sometimes they are not of the most positive content. Remember that the Universe does not tolerate negative wishes, because everything you wish for can easily return to you, but in a completely different size.

Rule #6

✔ Give thanks for what you already have.

Many people only know how to ask for help, but will never be grateful for it. Know how to appreciate what life has given you, otherwise you simply will not be able to appreciate the fulfillment of your cherished desire given by the Universe. You shouldn’t ask for everything at once, but don’t be afraid to ask for what you really deserve.

Rule No. 7

✔ The words “at least” should not be used.

Ask for what you think is necessary, because such words only diminish your dream, without making its implementation complete. The universe will listen and fulfill your every desire if you ask for it correctly.

Rule #8

Try to clearly imagine how your wish will come true, and how you feel about it.

Avoid any abstract expressions that could be interpreted ambiguously. The saying should be simple and understandable, which will help you avoid the fulfillment of “not your” desires.

Rule #9

✔ Believe in the implementation of your plans , soak up its energy.

The right attitude and faith play an important role in the process of making your desire come true. After all, if you don’t believe in your dream, then maybe you don’t really want it to come true.

Therefore, it is so important to choose exactly the desire that you really need to come true.

New Year's wish - TOP 8 ways to make and fulfill your plans

You already know how to formulate your request correctly, and now it’s time to move on to the practical part, which, in fact, will bring you closer to your dream. There are a sufficient number of methods from which you can choose the one that you like best. The main thing here is that a person has the desire to fulfill his desire.

This method can probably already be considered a classic, because such a ritual has been carried out every year for many years. In general, one can guess that if this method has gained such popularity, then it has helped to fulfill more than one desire.

You need to prepare in advance small pieces of paper on which you will write your wishes. And you should start writing them at the last minute of the old year.

Please note that you need to think through the formulation of your desires in advance in order not to get confused at the right moment, because you will not have as much time as it seems.

The paper with what is written should be burned as quickly as possible, and the remaining ashes should be thrown into a glass of champagne. The contents of the glass must be drunk before the clock strikes midnight and the New Year begins. Here it is important to drink all the liquid along with the ashes, leaving nothing in the glass.

But don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones on the coming of another year, for which everyone has high hopes. In general, the most important part lies in formulating your dream, and everything else can be done in one minute.

2. Dish as a symbol of dreams

As always, at the first stage you need to correctly formulate your desire, based on the rules that we have already familiarized with. In addition, you need to clearly decide for yourself that this desire is the most important and you really need its implementation.

Now try to describe your dream in three words. If you dream of a new apartment, then decide what it represents. Usually new flat is the beginning of something new - family, security and comfort.

Well, if your desire is to create your own family - this is love, motherhood and devotion. In general, you must clearly decide what this or that desire means to you.

Well, now you need to choose the symbol of your dreams, which you can reflect in the form of a delicious New Year's dish. Would you like to visit specific country? Bake a cake in the shape of its symbol or buy a drink from the same country at the store. Well, if your dream is some material thing, then just try to give the dish its shape.

Make a wish and feel free to start eating the dish that symbolizes it. In addition, you and your guests will be faced with the task of eating a dish or drinking a drink completely, because this is the only way your wish will come true next year.

3. Making a wish while jumping from a chair

The time of the New Year is magical, so you need to try to seize this moment and ask the symbol of the next year for help.

And to do this, you just need to stand on a chair and make your wish. Just like in childhood, when you had to sit on a chair and recite a memorized New Year’s verse in front of the whole family.

Standing on a chair, you need to imagine as clearly as possible the moment when your wish will come true. Imagine yourself in the environment where you want to be and the emotions you want to feel.

Why exactly do you need to stand on a chair? The fact is that in the last seconds of the old year you will need to have time to jump out of your chair. Thus, it is as if you are moving not only into the new year, but also into a new life, where your wishes have already come true.

4. Letter to Santa Claus

Do not think that only children can write such letters. Of course, we all understand that such messages will not reach the recipient, but you will not do this for him at all, right?

Writing a letter here is regarded more as a ritual that will help you express all your desires in the correct form, which will help them come true. After you have put everything you dream about on paper, you need to hide the letter in an envelope that will protect it from prying eyes.

We leave the envelope with the letter under the tree until the moment when you have a desire to remove it. Usually cleaned christmas tree with the onset of spring, so your desires will have plenty of time to soak up the festive energy.

When you decide to remove the New Year's tree, you need to hide your letter in a secluded place where no one will get to your dream.

Imagine how interesting it will be for you to open this envelope a year later and read your desires that you so dreamed of at the end of last year. That's when you can check whether at least one of them came true or not.

5. Postcard with a picture of a dream

In order to find the right card that will depict your desire, you will have to sweat a little.

If one is not found, there is an option to independently create the design of the postcard you need and print it on a printer.

On the back of the card, write your wishes to yourself, after which you will have to send it to yourself via mail. Yes, it sounds a little strange, but believe me, making your wish come true is worth it.

You should also keep such a postcard throughout the whole year, and by the time the next one comes, you will probably be interested in remembering the past and checking whether your dream has come true.

6. Wish card

But this card is unusual; it will not consist only of written words. You can depict your desires, either in the form of a diagram or in the form of drawings or photographs.

Basically, you'll need a piece of plastic small size, which will serve as the basis for your desires. You can place on them everything that is somehow related to your most cherished dreams. By the way, magazine clippings will be the most ideal means of expressing your desires.

Please note that it is best to make such a card on the last day of the year. So, thoughts about the upcoming fulfillment of desires will not leave you until midnight.

7. Forest round dance of wish fulfillment

No matter how funny it may sound, even a round dance can help you in this matter. The most interesting thing is that you will have to dance in the forest, but don’t be alarmed, you definitely won’t have to do this on New Year’s Eve.

A few days before the New Year, you will have to go to the forest, gathering all your friends and family. Don't be lazy and take with you a few Christmas tree decorations, rain and sparklers.

Dress up any Christmas tree you like and dance around it. It is important here that everyone present has fun and joy. Children will like this idea the most.

It is at this time that you need to concentrate as much as possible on your desires and think about them constantly.

8. Bottle with wishes

This method is most suitable for that moment of New Year's Eve when the bottle of champagne has already been emptied. Each of the guests must write a dream on a small piece of paper and roll it into a tube.

We place all the “tubes” with desires in a bottle and close it with a cork. Place the bottle out of sight, somewhere dark.