Winter sports information for parents. What sports should children do in winter? Interesting historical facts about winter sports

"Kindergarten No. 18"

Conversation for parents:

Konakova Vera Vladimirovna


"Kindergarten No. 18"

Conversation for parents:

"Winter sports for children preschool age»

Prepared by: Teacher of the highest qualification category

Rozova Irina Yurievna


IN Lately The problem of deteriorating children's health is becoming increasingly urgent. In our country, the number of children with various health conditions increases every year. Therefore, children should be introduced to sports activities as early as possible.

Parents need to not only rely on physical education classes in the kindergarten their children attend. You should go out of town with them and go on hikes. In the summer, go swimming, and in the winter, go to the skating rink or go skiing into the forest. By the age of 6-7 years, you can enroll your child in a sports section. Until this age, you can independently engage in amateur sports with your child.

Today we will talk to you about winter sports for preschool children kindergarten, a conversation about which is really very important and relevant for all parents who understand the need physical development child.

Advantages winter sports for children's health: what are they for?

Sports activities in winter are extremely useful for children, as they are always associated with movement, promote the ability to coordinate movements, help develop willpower, courage, and also teach them to make quick, accurate decisions.

At the same time, winter physical training is usually carried out in the fresh air, so it perfectly hardens the body and improves the condition of the respiratory and immune systems. And since training takes place at low temperatures, they strengthen the child’s body’s defenses, reducing the risk of infectious and colds.

Common winter sports for children

Many types of winter sports are extreme. This is, for example, alpine skiing, snowboarding or naturban. For preschool children in kindergarten, the most suitable types are those that are not associated with a high risk of injury - skis, sleds or skates (hockey and figure skating). Hockey is also quite a dangerous game, but it is not classified as an extreme sport.

You can introduce children to some types of skiing: orienteering, ski racing or biathlon, slalom, etc.


A child can attend a hockey sports section from the age of 8-9 years. However, you can start learning the basics of this game with children from 4 years old. They can be taught to skate well and wield a stick. For this type of winter sport, a child must have the following characteristics: normal body weight, good body endurance, sociable character, ability to exist and play in a team.

In every family, sooner or later there comes a time when parents decide to send their child to some sports section. develops the child’s motor activity, improves his endurance and physical fitness, and also instills in the baby a love for. However, parents always face an important question: what kind of sport should their child take up?

Experts in the field of child psychology advise focusing on the child’s personal desire, because if the child is not interested in the process of studying, his enthusiasm will quickly fade away. However, sometimes the child himself does not know which sport he is more drawn to and is not averse to trying something new. Then parents to accept correct solution, you should pay attention to the baby’s temperament and physical fitness.

Team sport

Football, volleyball, basketball, hockey and similar sports are called team sports. This sport is ideal for active and sociable children who easily make contact with others and are always in the company of other children when walking, happily taking part in group games. This will be an excellent opportunity for you and your baby to help, who are also adapting socially through team sports under special programs. Team sports will further strengthen your child's communication skills. On the other hand, it is also recommended for children suffering from a lack of communication skills, since such activities will help them develop missing skills.

When choosing a team sport, parents should take into account the gender of the child. Although there is such a thing as “sports equality,” in which boys and girls play the same sport on an equal basis, some team games, such as women’s hockey, are not highly approved by most parents. Therefore, for a girl it is better to choose something more traditional: handball, basketball or volleyball.

Water sports

The water element is suitable for absolutely any child; the most important thing is to start classes as early as possible. Today, even children who have not yet fully learned to walk are taught to swim, since the first years of life are ideal for mastering water sports. Regular or synchronized swimming, water polo, diving from towers and similar sports help the child get excellent posture and strong muscles, and also harden and strengthen the body, so water sports are recommended even for children with weakened immune systems. The only thing is that before starting classes you should still consult a doctor.

Sports wrestling

There are many types of wrestling: sambo, judo, boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling, aikido, karate. Such sports are suitable for overly active children who cannot sit still, since wrestling will help them learn to manage their energy and direct it in the right direction. You should not send physically weak children and children who often show aggression to the wrestling section.


Gymnastics is beautiful view a sport that is clearly divided into men's and women's. Gymnastics will help your child get into excellent physical shape: it improves posture, builds muscles, strengthens character, and makes the child slim and graceful. This sport is most popular among girls, since gymnastics contributes to the formation of a harmonious female figure, without broad shoulders (like those who love swimming) and slight angularity (inherent in girls involved in team sports).

Winter sports

Winter sports include not only the usual skating and skiing, but also luge, extreme snowboarding, ski jumping, and biathlon. Parents who want to accustom their children to any type of winter activity are recommended to start their child’s lessons with regular skiing, since this sport is the easiest to learn and is better suited for children who are not prepared for outdoor activities during the cold season. And only after the child masters skiing, you can gradually accustom him to other types of winter sports. physical activity, provided that the baby likes it. Winter sports are suitable for any child, regardless of their size and temperament. Participating in such sports strengthens children, as kids get used to constantly being in the fresh air. Winter sports also develop the muscles of the whole body, especially the legs, and improve the child’s coordination of movements.

Figure skating

Figure skating is very interesting view a sport that attracts both boys and girls. However, parents should remember that figure skating, despite its apparent simplicity, is one of the most complex species sports Not everything in this sport will be successful for the child right away, so before sending your child to such a section, it is worth explaining to him all the possible difficulties that he may encounter. There is always an element of fierce competition in figure skating, so this sport is not suitable for passive children who do not like competition of any kind. Figure skating classes will have a great impact on a child’s physical fitness, as they develop the muscles of the arms and legs well, and overall coordination of movements. Figure skating is not only an exciting sport, but also hard work, since the child will have to practice not only at the skating rink, but also practice choreography in the gym, and the child must be ready for this.


The simplest and most accessible sport for all children, without exception, is ordinary dancing. Classes in a dance club will appeal not only to children who love to dance, but also to those kids who are not yet familiar with any physical activity. Among the variety of dance clubs, there is sure to be one that your child will like: modern dancing, ballroom, choreography, incendiary aerobics, hip-hop, folk dancing and much, much more. Such activities are great for overall development, and not just as mandatory physical activity.

Victoria Gritsuk

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist various diseases. How strong is your child's immunity? Does your baby get sick often? Or do all epidemics pass unnoticed for him? Take the test and get expert recommendations.

How to exercise in winter?

Find out what the weather is like in winter period You should carry out active exercises to improve your immunity and avoid getting sick.

The content of the article:

Not every person wants to exercise outside in winter. This can be understood, but cannot be justified. Physical activity in the fresh air winter time just as useful as in summer. Today we will tell you what benefits sports can bring in winter and how to organize them correctly.

What are the benefits of playing sports in winter?

Moderate physical activity in the fresh air is good for health at any time of the year. When working, muscles require a lot of oxygen, which can be obtained by doing sports in the fresh air in winter. Oxygen takes Active participation in oxidative processes that result in energy. This is what is used to ensure muscle performance. With regular exercise, you will always be in excellent tone, and your overall performance will increase dramatically.

Since playing sports in winter requires a lot of energy, the body will actively burn fat, which will allow you to lose excess weight. If you have such problems, then doing sports in the fresh air in winter is simply necessary.

An equally important beneficial effect that can be obtained during winter training is hardening. Whatever winter sport you choose, outdoor training will help improve the functioning of the body's defense systems. Of course, in conditions of low air temperatures, sports in winter should be organized correctly to eliminate the risk of developing colds.

If you choose skiing for yourself, then you should practice outside the city limits in a park or forest. This is very important, since the air in these places is saturated with special substances - phytoncides. They fight pathogens very effectively, which helps strengthen the immune system. This is especially true for forest plantations of coniferous trees. Try to exercise in such places. Moreover, it is useful to visit a coniferous forest in summer.

How to properly organize sports activities in winter?

We have already said that not every person wants to leave the house in winter to play sports. Now we will give you some tips that will allow you to take this first step and start exercising in winter.

Remember your childhood

Children are not as afraid of low temperatures as adults. A child can find many benefits from playing in winter. You need to take an example from them and start doing sports in winter with the whole family. Believe me, it will be very fun and interesting.

Realize the benefits of physical activity in winter

If you decide to exercise only in warm weather, and rarely leave the house in winter, then this will definitely not bring any health benefits. In such a situation, you can get sick very easily, because the body will not be adapted to low temperatures. Here are just a few reasons why you should definitely exercise in winter:

  • If you have problems with seasonal depression, then exercising outdoors will minimize these symptoms as you will be able to get enough sunlight.
  • Exercising outdoors in winter is beneficial in terms of weight loss. At this point, the body burns more fat cells as energy consumption increases.
  • Your the immune system, and you will forget what colds are.

Clothes must be appropriate for the weather

It is quite obvious that you need to dress appropriately in winter. At the same time, it is important to ensure that warm clothes do not restrict your movements and that you can move freely.

Go skiing

We have already noted that skiing in a coniferous forest is very beneficial for health. If you cannot find such a place in your city, then a park will do. All people can ski, regardless of their age. This sport will be an excellent choice for those people who go cycling in the summer. At the same time, you can not only maintain the tone of the muscles of your legs, but also your arms.

Go ice skating

Also a great winter sport to give your brain a rest. While you are sliding along the ice surface of the skating rink. In addition, skating is a lot of fun, and you will get a lot of positive emotions from the training.

Take a walk

It is necessary to walk not only in summer, but also in winter. Dress for the weather and choose a route for your walk. This will allow you not only to maintain the overall tone of the body, but also to get rid of extra pounds.

Buy snowshoes

You may feel a little weird using snowshoes at first, but with a little practice you'll definitely get the hang of it. If you want to always be in good athletic shape, then snowshoeing will help you achieve this. As with skiing, snowshoeing is preferable outside the city limits.

Run in winter

Don't think that jogging is only possible in the summer. Low air temperatures should not be an obstacle for you. If you love jogging, you will definitely not give up this sport in winter.

Go snowboarding

In this sport you will have to practice, as certain skills are required to control a snowboard. For most people, snowboarding is an extreme sport, but at the same time it is great for maintaining your physical tone. You may first have to take a few lessons from an instructor, but then we are sure that snowboarding will become one of your favorite sports.

Play children's games with your family

Again you have to remember your childhood or rely on the child’s imagination. You can go sledding, have a snowball fight, or just build a snowman.

What sports can you do in winter?

Let's first look at the contraindications that exist, because playing sports with the wrong approach to their organization can cause harm to the body. If you have a weakened immune system or have problems with the joint-ligamentous system, then playing sports in winter is not recommended for you.

The same can be said about people who were killed by viral or infectious diseases. If you have recently undergone surgery, you should wait for a full recovery. Also, pregnant women should only take walks in winter, and leave more active sports in winter for the future. And now we will talk about the most popular winter species sports

  1. Skis. Skiing is a form of cardio exercise and is great for losing weight. With regular exercise, you can improve your endurance and also strengthen your entire body. If you decide to lose weight, then you should definitely take up skiing. During one hour of exercise, depending on the intensity, you can burn from 500 to 600 calories. In addition, you will strengthen the muscles of your legs, back, abdomen and arms. Take one-hour ski trips two or three times a week, covering three to five kilometers during this time.
  2. Snowboarding. We have already mentioned this sport, which for some people still remains exotic. This sport is very beneficial for the body and its popularity is gradually growing. When snowboarding, you can use almost all the muscles in your body. The greatest load falls on the legs and stomach. An hour of snowboarding can help you get rid of about 400 calories. In addition, you will get a lot of positive emotions from snowboarding, which is good for your psyche.
  3. Skates. And we have already talked about this sport. By skating, you can improve flexibility, agility and develop a sense of balance. Regular exercise at the skating rink can effectively increase your overall tone and strengthen your immune system. Skating is no less useful for people who want to lose weight. During one hour of exercise you can get rid of 400-500 calories. To get excellent results, visit the skating rink two or three times throughout the week.
  4. Hockey. If you like team sports games, then hockey will be an excellent alternative to football throughout the winter. This sport allows you to strengthen all the muscles of the body, and in an hour of playing you can burn from 500 to 600 calories. In addition, you have an excellent opportunity to improve your agility and reaction speed.
  5. Sled. Don't think that sledding is just child's play. You will be able to maintain your tone no less effectively than other winter sports. This is a moderate aerobic exercise that will allow you to get rid of adipose tissue. In addition, you should remember about the positive emotions that sledding can give you.

In conclusion, a few rules for playing sports in winter:

  • Before starting winter sports, consult your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications.
  • When you exercise outside the city limits, it is worth doing it in the company of friends, and also let your loved ones know where you will be.
  • Beginners should be careful when choosing loads.
  • Pay special attention to clothing to prevent hypothermia.
  • Start exercising an hour or two after eating. You shouldn't train on an empty stomach in winter.


FC instructor

Feoktistova M. V.

Consultation for parents “On the benefits of winter walks with children”

How beautiful it is in winter! Soft fluffy snow, all the trees stand in silver, light frost bites the rosy cheeks of our children... How can we make a winter walk with them pleasant and useful?

There is more than enough winter fun and entertainment! Skates, sleds, skis, and just sliding down the hills and playing snowballs are wonderful in themselves, and if you add to this the hardening effect of the invigorating frosty air, then a positive result will not be long in coming. Outdoor games and entertainment in winter bring great joy to children and bring invaluable benefits to their health. They enrich the content of walks and are very exciting for children. By playing outdoor games you can increase the duration of your walk, which is especially important at low temperatures in our harsh climate. And the parents themselves, playing with their children, will not notice how time has flown by and will not have time to freeze, since they will not have to stand and watch their child playing in the snow.

Children's favorite winter entertainment is sledding. But you can try to teach your baby sports games such as skiing and ice skating. Using simple game exercises you can achieve a lot!

Children also love outdoor games with snow, and will be happy to do the exercises you suggest.

In winter, it is very exciting to build different buildings out of snow and sculpt various figures. Get some shovels, dustpans, buckets and brooms; they will come in handy on your walks.

For older preschoolers, more challenging games. By playing and exercising outside in winter, children get the opportunity to show courage, independence, dexterity and dexterity.

When going outdoors in the winter with your child, or with a group of children, be sure to think about what outdoor games you will play with the children, what games the children will play themselves, and take with you everything you need for games.

Active winter recreation in the fresh air leaves a lot of impressions and, in addition, improves health and gives excellent well-being. Therefore, it is in vain that many parents are afraid to let their child go outside once again, fearing that he will catch a cold or catch some kind of virus. In fact, frosty air is the best cure for all sorts of ailments and an excellent means for strengthening all body systems. It is enough just to dress the baby in warm and comfortable clothes that do not restrict his movements - and forward to new achievements.

Various outdoor games(and this includes sledding, snowball fights, “sculpting” snowmen and snow figures) add variety to everyday walks and are very popular with children. When a child is busy with active activities outside, the duration of the walk can be increased. Agree that the parents themselves, playing outdoor games with their child, will not notice how quickly time has passed, and they will not freeze, since they will not have to stand still, watching mom and dad play. To do this, you need to follow some rules when walking with children:

  • do not offer games and fun where you need to run for a long time and intensely (so that children do not sweat);
  • the game should not contain difficult movements;
  • playing with snow should be done in warm weather when the snow is soft;
  • waterproof mittens are recommended for playing with snow;
  • winter games, fun, and entertainment are held on a compacted area;
  • After active movement, a short rest is necessary. You can suggest solving riddles:

What kind of master is this?

Applied to glass

And leaves and grass,

And thickets of roses (Frost)

We are happy to overtake each other.

Look, my friend, don't fall!

They are good and easy


I took two oak blocks,

Two iron runners

I filled the bars with planks,

Give me snow, ready... (Sled)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill!

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (Skis)

We offer you several simple ideas outdoor games that will help you enjoy the winter months with your children.


Children love to run in the snow, so they will love this outdoor winter game. It’s good if the child has company so that they can run races. If the snow is fresh, trample it for the children. winding paths, along which they will run, and on command, start the race. And whoever reaches the goal first - let him receive a prize.


Little children love to roll around in fluffy snow. So don’t deny him this pleasure! Ask him to portray a “snow angel” or other creatures. To do this, the baby needs to fall on his back in the snow and begin to quickly and quickly move his arms and legs, as if he were flying. Rising from the snow, the child will see a footprint similar to an angelic image. The baby will be able to portray various other creatures by taking other poses while lying in the snow. For example, if you lie on your side and bend your arm in a special way, the footprint will look like an elephant with a trunk. You can come up with other images yourself.

"Snow Flowers"

You can do it in the cold interesting experience, for example, using a straw and solution to blow soap bubbles. On specific example You can show your child how snowflakes are formed. Everyone knows that in the clouds, raindrops freeze in the cold - and crystals form in the form of snowflakes. You can show your child the same phenomenon using the example of a soap bubble. True, this experiment should be done only in severe frost. Blow a soap bubble and you will see how stars like snowflakes appear in a thin film of water and then gather into flowers.

"Bright Ice Path"

In the same way, you can make colored water, but not in glasses, but in deep plates or bowls, and then put it in the cold so that it turns into large ice “tablets.” To get these ice floes out of the plates, just place them in hot water for a couple of seconds - and lay it on the ground. Several of these “tablets” laid out in a row form an icy path. You can also freeze colored water in the same way, but in the shape of an ice heart or bows and stars.

And, of course, winter outdoor games include the already well-known sculpting of snowmen, guessing the tracks of animals and birds, building snow castles, sculpting snow “cakes”, playing snowballs and other outdoor activities in winter. The main thing is more imagination and less laziness - and winter will become amazingly fun and memorable for your child!


FC instructor

Feoktistova M. V.

Consultation for parents.

Winter sports in child development.

Sports plays important role in a child’s life, it not only helps maintain the necessary physical activity and promotes health, but also forms such personality qualities as determination, endurance, and willpower. The weather should not become an obstacle to sports activities and games, so from a certain age you can begin to master winter sports for children, but before deciding which sport to enroll your child in, you should study all the nuances of a particular type and make sure there are no contraindications for it. state of health.

The benefits of winter sports for children

The most important advantage of winter sports is the opportunity to combine physical activity with hardening. For example, skiing and skating take place in the fresh air at sub-zero temperatures. Constant exposure to cold on the body under conditions of sufficient physical activity helps strengthen the immune system and increase the overall defenses of the body.

Often training in winter sports is carried out in the forest, which significantly increases their benefits. The fact is that forest air is saturated with phytoncides - volatile substances that successfully fight pathogenic microflora in the human body.

When playing sports, muscles are strengthened, coordination is developed, increased saturation of the brain with oxygen, as well as the production of adrenaline and endorphins - hormones that help to constantly be in a good mood and keep the body in good shape.

Skiing for children

From the point of view of professional trainers and pediatricians, skiing can be practiced by children starting at the age of 5-6 years. It helps to develop the correct competitive spirit in the child, teach an adequate perception of victories and defeats, and build confidence in own strength. From a health point of view, it is useful in that it involves all muscle groups without exception, trains the cardiovascular system, the vestibular system, and strengthens the muscles of the legs and abdominals.

Speed ​​skating for children

It is better to start training in speed skating and figure skating at the age of 5-6 for girls and 7-8 for boys, but this rule applies when it comes to professional sports. Theoretically, you can put your baby on skates from the moment he firmly stands on his feet and learns to walk well - that is, from about the age of two, the presence of his parents is mandatory. Of course, a younger preschooler will not be able to master complex techniques and figures, but he is quite capable of learning to hold on and move confidently on the ice.

Hockey for children

Hockey can be played on absolutely any rink. You can even fill the skating rink yourself on the playground, as many modern parents do, caring about the development of their children. The main thing is that there are enough “little people” for two teams.

You can send your child to hockey from the age of nine. Although you can put a boy on skates and hand him a stick from the age of four. Hockey requires such characteristics from a child as decent weight, body endurance and an extroverted character. That is, the child must initially be determined to communicate with people and be able to play in a team.

Figure skating for children

Girls are recommended to start skating at the age of 6. For boys - a year or two later. Although you can start skating only when the little one has learned to confidently stand on his feet and walk. Of course, the presence of parents in in this caserequired condition. Figure skates cover the child’s ankle joints more tightly and reduce the risk of injury, so a child can be put on such skates earlier than hockey or speed skating. It is also worth noting that the blades of figure skates have a different structure - they are more stable and less dangerous.

It is worth remembering that learning figure skating techniques requires difficult task for a child, but learning to skate and understand the basics of this sport is quite possible. Especially if you accept the instructions of a good coach.

In any winter sport, equipment is important. In addition to sports equipment and special clothing, pay special attention to the choice of thermal underwear for children for sports, which will ensure the removal of moisture from the body and prevent overheating and hypothermia during physical activity in winter.

Health and good luck to you!

Consultation for parents

“How to choose a sport?”

Children need movement. But, unfortunately, the reality is that every year fewer and fewer kids come to sports.

From the moment of birth, parents strive to develop their child. Moreover, more and more often, mothers and fathers give preference to spiritual and intellectual development, relegating physical activities to the background. But don’t underestimate the importance of physical fitness! Doctors, concerned about the rapid decline in cardiovascular disease, have conducted large-scale studies among children and adolescents. The result was impressive. It turned out that the age from 5 to 8 years is decisive in terms of the risk of developing atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction in an adult. Moreover, than more active child went in for sports, the lower this risk. Scientists provide several more compelling reasons in favor of regular exercise:

30% of preschoolers are already experiencing changes in posture (and in the first years of school this figure increases to 65%!);

More than 30% of children weigh more than they should. But it is known that childhood obesity is very difficult to overcome;

From 20 to 25% of babies already have circulatory disorders;

40% of children regularly complain of back pain.

It is clear that every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and strong. So, it was decided: we need to play sports! But which one exactly? In search of a solution to the problem of physical fitness, mothers and fathers, unfortunately, often take the wrong path. And all due to the fact that often the interests and capabilities of the baby remain in the background for the sake of parental ambitions. Summer is a great time to start preparing your child for sports. You shouldn’t rack your brains over which sports school is the best in your city - your friends will most likely tell you this, or after studying newspapers or Internet sites, you yourself will make the final verdict. The main problem of another kind is which sport to choose. The sports traditions in our country are quite deep, and now, fortunately, we are gradually establishing a fashion for healthy image life. So the choice of sports sections, schools and clubs is quite large.

Team games.

This option is best suited for open-minded, sociable children. Or, conversely, for kids who need to develop this character trait. We will not stop to list all the types. Let us only note that despite the fact that no one has abolished the concept of sports equality in the field of team sports, there are nevertheless certain restrictions for representatives of the fairer sex. Girls are usually recommended to try their hand at basketball, handball, and volleyball, but most parents, even those who are passionate about this sport, consider it inadvisable to send their baby to, for example, women’s hockey.

Many boys enjoy playing football or throwing a ball into a basketball hoop. So, if you don't have clear priorities among sports, it might be worth starting with these. Professional training usually begins at age 5.

As a rule, boys like a lot of movement and communication, and besides, football, like hockey, is “played by real men” in our country.

Water sports.

This element, without exaggeration, suits everyone without restrictions. Children who have not yet learned to walk learn the basics of sports here. Parents themselves, when sending their child to swimming, diving, synchronized swimming or water polo, often justify their decision by saying that it is thanks to sports water procedures that children develop good posture and strong muscles. And the very fact that the child will learn to swim and feel like a fish in water does not leave many parents indifferent. What can we say about the role of hardening!


It can become the first step in practicing any other sport (it’s not for nothing that it is called the mother of all sports), and you can start training as early as 3 children.

This is where experts boldly recommend that parents send their children. After all, this sport develops almost everything: posture, coordination, muscles, character, grace, harmony. Gymnastics is especially loved and popular among girls. There are many reasons for this. And one of them is due to the fact that the figure of a gymnast looks the most harmonious - girls do not have the broad shoulders inherent in those who engage in water sports, there are no sharp and often angular movements that characterize participants in team sports.

In addition, the flexibility developed during classes remains with the girl for the rest of her life, giving her gait lightness and grace.


These are not only traditional skis, but also the now fashionable biathlon, snowboarding, ski jumping, alpine skiing and much more.

However, experts strongly recommend that children begin their acquaintance with winter sports with traditional skis. This sport is especially good from the point of view of hardening, because the child gradually gets used to constant fresh air, all muscles (primarily the legs) and coordination of movements develop. Of course, there is a risk of injury. But there is no absolutely safe sport. Sport is sport. You shouldn't forget about this.

Figure skating.

Very beautiful and spectacular view a sport that is easily enjoyed by both boys and girls. Despite its apparent simplicity and beauty, it is one of the most complex, so you need to be prepared for the fact that not everything will immediately work out as you would like. This is where the fierce competition is especially felt. Of course, the muscles of the legs and arms of both ice dancers and solo ice dancers develop well, coordination, and grace. But figure skaters have to work hard not only on the skating rink, but also in the gym - on choreography.


During classes, almost all muscle groups work, coordination of movements develops well. This sport (or rather, regular competitions) also helps to develop in a child qualities that are so necessary in life, such as perseverance and perseverance. However, to be honest, this sport is not cheap. In addition, tennis cannot be neglected. To seriously master the technique, you need to practice 2-3 times a week, and the number of children in the group should be no more than 4-5. Individual training is also necessary from time to time.

Martial arts.

They have gained particular popularity in recent decades. This includes judo, sambo, karate, aikido, wushu and many other martial arts options. These sports develop coordination of movements, muscles, teach the baby to react quickly and fall correctly. Girls practice martial arts no less willingly than boys. This is not surprising: in our time, the ability to stand up for yourself is a very useful skill. The level of injury in qualified teaching is not higher than usual. However, you must be prepared for the fact that bruises are inevitable after training.


Want to find an easier and safer way to introduce your child to sports? Start with regular dancing. Dances include: sports dances, aerobics, varieties modern dance Who knows, maybe this is your child’s calling?

It is very important!

You need to be extremely careful when choosing a sport. It is important that it matches the child’s character. You cannot put pressure on your child or force him to go to the sports section, because sports should bring joy. First of all, take a close look and listen to your child.

In no case should one discount his inclinations and fight against nature, trying to “improve” the child at his own discretion. Try to identify and develop everything positive that he inherited from birth. Don’t be afraid to experiment: you shouldn’t reproach your child if, after six months of going to the section, he suddenly resolutely refuses to continue classes. First, try to understand the situation. Perhaps the point is not in the sport itself, but in the social and communicative relations within the team. After all, not only activities are important for children, but also communication, and above all games.

Or maybe the child could not find a common language with the coach. Don’t be afraid to ask the teacher for permission to attend classes; have a heart-to-heart talk with the coach. Most likely, you will understand what the essence of the conflict is. In general, psychologists believe that children under the age of 10 often cannot decide what kind of sport they would like to devote themselves to.

But the main thing is that the kids want to exercise, because sports are health!