The meaning of the name Asya. I consider the most significant thing in the “state of culture” to be its complete absence

As a schoolboy, he married his teacher, whom he divorced 15 years later.

Instead of an epigraph

...When I see the number 37, the hops immediately disappear from me, -
And now, like a cold blast:
Pushkin guessed a duel for himself based on this figure.
And Mayakovsky lay down with his temple on the barrel.
Let's stay at number 37! God is cunning -
The question was posed bluntly: either - or!
At this line both Byron and Rimbaud lay down, -
And the current ones somehow slipped through.
“About fatal numbers and dates”, 1971

On April 19, one of the most talented operators in our country, Eugene LAGRANGE, turned 37 years old. He went through a lot of hot spots. He fearlessly filmed the war in Chechnya, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, and died absurdly and accidentally - while driving his favorite motorcycle. He skidded on a slippery road, and at high speed he crashed into a fence in front of the entrance to Rome's Leonardo da Vinci Airport.

In Italy, Evgeniy Lagrange has worked for the last few years at the bureau of the Rossiya-1 TV channel. It was he who covered the recent election of a new pope. He blithely wrote messages on his Twitter page like: “And in the country of the Vatican goes strong rain”, “The nuns are frozen, they are dancing!”. And finally: “We are standing in a 300-meter line of journalists for the first press press of the new pope.”
Ten years ago, he filmed the beginning of the Iraq War. I spent the night when the invasion began on the roof of a high-rise building near the Iraq-Kuwait border. He worked on live broadcasts - every half hour the Vesti film crew went on air. He was the only journalist who refused to wear a bulletproof vest. In response to the reproaches of his colleagues, he simply waved his hand: “If I am destined to die, a bulletproof vest will not help!”

First woman

I met Evgeniy Lagrange about 15 years ago, when I came to visit him on the instructions of the editors. No, it was not his success in cameramanship that brought me to him (he had just graduated from VGIK), but an unusual love story. In the tenth grade, Zhenya fell madly in love with his teacher. He was 16, she was 30. Moreover, the woman already had two daughters from her previous marriage. From Zhenya she later gave birth to another one - Nastenka.
Irina did not hide then that she did everything to make the high school student crazy about her:
- He was perhaps the most handsome in the 11th grade, where I taught Russian language and literature classes. Kindness, tenderness, and the ability to meet people halfway emanated from him. Yes, I myself initiated our romance. I even wrote a letter to Zhenya. Of course, it was half made up - you have to somehow lure the boy. The letter said that the relationship Zhenya and I have is not only teacher and student. And that in the name of love for him I am ready to renounce a lot...

We met secretly. My daughters didn't pay much attention. True, towards the end of the school year, some people became suspicious. There were plenty of sidelong glances. But, believe me, this was not the whim of a 30-year-old lady, but a miracle given to a few.
Here’s what Evgeniy said then:
- It all started as primitively as, apparently, for everyone: after lessons she told all sorts of things. interesting stories, jokes. The conversational genre of an adult woman is certainly more diverse and richer. The craving for non-trivial communication turned into deeper feelings. Her experience was very important to me at first.

She is my first woman and first love.
I remember asking Lagrange the following question:
- Could it happen that in 15 years, when Irina turns 50, you stop loving her?
“It’s better to live ten years with the woman you love,” Zhenya answered then, “than to spend your whole life with a doll.” I’m not going to guess what will happen next. I think everything will work out well. I turned into an optimist.

The prediction came true

Having learned about the terrible tragedy, I called Evgeniy’s father, the famous photojournalist Vladimir Lagrange, with words of condolences.
“It’s clear that my condition is terrible now, I just left the hospital, where I spent three weeks... I can only say that having such a son is already happiness,” I heard a quiet voice. “He had an unusually touching attitude towards us, his parents. I spoke with a teacher at VGIK, and he admitted to me that this was his best student. Zhenya had the talent for creating the composition of a shot, because any cameraman will tell you that if there is no composition, the shot falls apart. At parting, his colleagues said that they even had a definition - “Eugene Lagrange point.” It even sounds symbolic - to choose a point and put it. Now I am preparing an album in memory of my son, which I will call “Eugene Lagrange Point”.
I learned from Vladimir Rufinovich that Irina’s marriage to Evgeniy did break up. True, not in ten years, as Zhenya himself predicted in his long-ago interview, but after 15.

They say that the reason for the separation was an affair with his colleague at the Italian bureau Asya Emelyanova.
- When our son died, we read a lot of fables on the Internet. As if Zhenya abandoned his daughter when she was one year old, and that he was dating Asya,” Zhenya’s mother Nina Petrovna continued the conversation. - Our son always repeated to us that they have a purely creative relationship with Asya. And Asya herself told us more than once that she and Zhenya formed a rare creative tandem: she wrote reports based on his pictures. Like, they’re going to shoot, she needs to shoot a certain shot, she turns around, and he’s shooting exactly that...
And, as it turned out, Evgeniy adored his daughter Nastya - she recently turned 15. She is very smart, she learns three languages ​​at once. She often visited her father in Italy. By the way, on that fateful day when Evgeniy crashed, his daughter was supposed to fly to him again. He was simply flying with happiness in anticipation of the meeting. But unexpectedly, when Nastya had already gone through customs and passport control in Moscow, she was not put on the plane without explanation... On the same day, terrible news came from Rome - Evgeniy crashed near the airport where he was going to meet his daughter...
Cremation recently took place, but the funeral of Eugene Lagrange has not yet taken place. They are planned for the end of April, when the snow has completely melted at the Don Cemetery, where the LaGrange family has a family burial.

Having studied the meaning of the name Asya, it is easier to find the key to to your own child or an unfamiliar woman. The little girl is very sensitive and takes any events too close to her heart. Parents should prepare their daughter for harsh reality, you should not protect her from gray everyday life, even if the child grows up in a wealthy family. It is necessary at an early age to provide the girl with the opportunity to solve her own problems, for example, misunderstandings with peers.

For many, the meaning of the name Asya for a girl is associated with tenderness and romance, because of this, mothers and grandmothers try to protect their favorite from life’s difficulties. You shouldn’t pamper your baby too much; there is a high chance that she will grow up to be a capricious, selfish person, with whom it will be very difficult to communicate.

In addition, the meaning of the name Asya for a child is associated with uncontrollable fantasies that accompany a sophisticated person throughout her life. Classmates are looking forward to new ideas, the girl cannot come to terms with the gray everyday life, she needs to periodically immerse herself in a fairy tale.

The interpretation of the name reveals another trait that must either be reconciled or learn to fight - periodic whims. Education is of great importance, on which a girl’s behavior and ability to behave in society depends. Parents must teach the girl to love and care, perfect option- a pet, the baby must understand that someone depends on her. Periodic stay in a team matters: kindergarten, on preparatory classes, this way it will be easier to adapt to school.

This female name gives true pleasure to its owner, excluding strict treatment. The girl is inventive; she simply needs to give gifts periodically, receiving a positive charge of energy from this. Endowed creative abilities, often makes gifts with his own hands. Fashion is an integral part of the life of a creative person; the ability to dress stylishly is of utmost importance. Always looks perfect.

A creative person cannot imagine life without a hobby; collections of original trinkets decorate her room. Loves to read, especially attracted to love stories that allow you to immerse yourself in your own world. Enjoys visiting exhibitions and museums. Reacts painfully to the problems of loved ones, tries to do everything possible to help. We trust her and often take advantage of her, thereby causing severe pain, especially in a new team. Own mistakes are the best lessons that make a girl stronger and teach her to understand people. Listens to the advice of elders and responds adequately to criticism.


Love in the life of a romantic person has special meaning, for the sake of her chosen one, she is ready for reckless actions. This “means” that there are no obstacles that a girl cannot overcome for the sake of her chosen one. He does not tolerate monotony, because of this he often changes “objects of adoration” and breaks up painlessly. After breaking up, he falls in love again. What matters is the variety that the partner must provide, otherwise the relationship is doomed.

She gives the impression of a defenseless, vulnerable person in need of support, attracts wealthy adult men like a magnet, but before marriage she gives preference to peers.


A sensible and practical girl can get married quite early if she is really confident in her chosen one. The spouse may be much older and must provide a decent existence and a carefree life. A receptive woman will be happy to give up her career and take up management household, but this does not “mean” that she will allow herself to be used. Children and husband should help her in everything.

Creative abilities allow you to create an unusual home environment that will delight your guests. A good housewife never tires of delighting loved ones with culinary delights and organizes original holidays, which remain in the memory of the guests for a long time. In the house - perfect cleanliness and a special atmosphere in which you can truly relax and unwind. She is actively involved in raising children, does not spoil them, teaches them to save and enjoy life.

Cheating on a husband is a blow for a sensitive person; the undeniable dignity of a woman is boundless trust; undeniable facts can become the basis for jealousy.

Business and career

An active and sensible girl does not spend a day idle, which means she regularly finds new hobbies. Deciding on a career choice is quite problematic for her. He can become a teacher, psychologist, doctor, economist or lawyer; in a word, specialties that require regular communication with people attract attention. The atmosphere in the team matters; lack of mutual understanding with colleagues can cause dismissal.

To rapidly advance up the career ladder, he lacks confidence and courage and prefers the “golden mean.” There are the makings of a leader that are not used until a certain age. Thanks to creative ideas, he instantly finds non-standard solutions that deserve encouragement from management.

Origin of the name Asya

Before making a choice, parents are interested in where it came from and whose name the child will bear. The origin of the name Asya has ancient Greek roots. The etymology is ambiguous; there are two main versions: the diminutive form Asta or Anastasia. History contains Interesting Facts about its owners. The secret of the name will allow you to decide on the choice of talisman.

Characteristics of the name Asya

It should be noted that the characteristics of the name Asya allow us to form general idea about a person, it is necessary to take into account that the personality is influenced by both upbringing and society; you should not make spontaneous decisions regarding choice. Everyone has pros and cons, perfect people do not exist. A serious attitude towards life and trust in people is a virtue thanks to which a two-room girl will confidently go through life and find true friends.

Some unpleasant situations They will teach the girl to look at life realistically, to respond to insults with dignity, and to show character when necessary. He quickly gets along with people, becomes the life of the party, and lifts the mood with original stories. Values ​​children's friendship.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - emerald, rock crystal, porphyry.
  • Name day is a day corresponding to the name given at baptism, since it is not listed in the calendar.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Gemini, Virgo.

Famous people

  • Asya Malberstein is an accessories designer.
  • Asya Emelyanova is a journalist.

Different languages

A laconic answer will be found by those who are interested in the translation of the name Asya - “city dweller” (Greek). There is often a need for precise information regarding how to translate into foreign language, for the purpose of freely visiting another country or just out of curiosity - in Chinese - 阿斯卡爾. Ā Sī Kǎ Ěr; - in Japanese - Kaarizuka.

Name forms

  • Full name - Asya.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Asechka, Asenka, Aska, Asyusha.
  • Declension of the name – Asey, Asyu.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not listed in the Orthodox calendar, in most cases it is Anastasia.

As a rule, the personal lives or biography of correspondents and journalists, thanks to which we learn the most last news, we are extremely rarely interested. And they themselves are more accustomed to talking about details in other people’s destinies than in their own. However, the attractive blonde Asya Emelyanova attracted attention in the frame thanks to the sincere emotions that are always clearly visible on her face, as well as the fact that she fearlessly goes to even the most dangerous places on the planet to show the audience reliable information about what is happening. Personal life of Asya Emelyanova, needless to say, is not often made public.

The biography of Asya Emelyanova began on September 4, 1978. The TV journalist's hometown is called Vologda. What’s strange is that almost nowhere on the Internet is there a reliable and verified biography of Asya Emelyanova. Just some scraps. It is only known that the greatest popularity (so to speak) came to the journalist after she began working in tandem with the incredibly talented cameraman Evgeniy Lagrange, whose passion for work and the associated courage, which he repeatedly showed in numerous hot spots where he managed to visit, won he also receives the glory of a hero. Their cooperation began in 2006. Even now, Asya Emelyanova is VGTRK Russia-1’s own correspondent in Italy. Naturally, such an extraordinary rise in the career of the young correspondent did not leave indifferent many ill-wishers, whom she earned for herself with this most successful career. Information discrediting the girl often appears on the Internet, in the form of presentation of the material reminiscent of dirty rumors. We do not undertake to repeat them, much less analyze or understand their veracity. However, it is significant that despite them, Asya Emelyanova still represents one of the most respected Russian channels.

As for Asya Emelyanova’s personal life, joint collaboration with Evgeniy Lagrange gave rise to rumors about their romance. Such information is even contained in Wikipedia. It is quite possible that such rumors had some basis, but there will be no opportunity to find out for sure now. Unfortunately, in March 2013, the talented cameraman crashed his motorcycle. By the way, the father of the deceased operator denies any love affair between his son and the journalist, whom Eugene Lagrange’s parents knew personally. In their opinion, young people were connected only by work and friendship. Some time ago, information about Asya Emelyanova’s personal life reappeared on the Internet. This time she is pregnant by a married Italian. And all in order to stay in Italy. Well, as they say, we'll wait and see.

Often television correspondents, quite often appearing with reports on the screen, arouse genuine interest in their person. At the same time, it is not always possible to find interesting information about the biography or personal life of this category of journalists.

Asya Emelyanova, correspondent

In reports from sunny Italy, the viewer can see a pretty, cheerful young blonde, whose reports are interesting, dynamic and relevant.

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We are talking about a journalist who currently patronizes the Rome bureau of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. This is Asya Emelyanova, whose biography was not even included in Wikipedia. She prefers to talk about other people's destinies and not talk about her own.

She told interesting information about herself. I described my favorite job in numbers as follows:

  • daily - 8 cups of espresso coffee;
  • weekly - 7 current stories;
  • monthly - 31 days on a business trip;
  • annually - up to three vacation weeks, under successful circumstances.

The TV correspondent spoke quite interestingly about her.
She considers it her task:

  • be on air even if you don’t have time;
  • get an interview even if it is not given;
  • find yourself in in the right place, even if the plane's departure was cancelled.

The result of all this is a three-minute broadcast, which Asya called the most beloved, but the shortest part of journalistic activity.

She truly fearlessly heads into the most different places, where current events take place, tries to keep its finger on the pulse. Her reports are creative and sincerely emotional.

Asya Emelyanova, personal life

From the meager scraps of information on Internet sites about the biography of the television journalist, you can find out that she was born in Vologda in 1978, on September 4.

Asya Emelyanova opened up to a wide circle of viewers when she formed a tandem with such a rather bright and extraordinary personality as Evgeniy Vladimirovich Lagrange.

This talented cameraman from VGTRK a large number of documentaries and reports from the Vatican, Italian, Greek, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Iraqi cities and villages. He visited the hot spots of Chechnya, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Among the employees of the television and radio company, an opinion was established about him as a “fearless, obsessed and spontaneous person.”

In 2006, VGTRK’s own correspondent in Italy, Asya Emelyanova, and the cameraman of the South European bureau of this company, E.V. Lagrange, teamed up into a duet, which was often called one of the most masterful on Rossiya television.

Results of the creative union

Among Russian journalists, they were the first to transmit material from France from the L'Aquila earthquake (April 2009), from the wreck site (January 2012), where the largest cruise passenger ship that was wrecked collided with reefs.

Based on reports about this collision near the Mediterranean island of Giglio, the documentary film “The Course of the Titanic” was subsequently edited, where many people remembered the emotional and exciting comments that Asya Emelyanova gave.

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The viewer remembered the work of this tandem in covering the situation regarding the election of a new head catholic church in the Vatican (March 2013).

Death of a cameraman

The unexpected death of Eugene Lagrange in March 2013 came as a shock to many. Colleagues knew the talented operator as an avid motorcyclist.

On Friday the 22nd, he went to meet his fifteen-year-old daughter Nastya, who was supposed to fly to Italy by plane. His bike on the A91 highway from Rome to Fiumicino gained high speed and crashed into the fence near the last turn near the entrance to the Leonardo da Vinci airport terminal. The rainy Italian weather probably took its toll, making the road quite slippery.

Evgeniy Lagrange was buried in Moscow. After his death, Asya Emelyanova continued her fruitful work on one of our leading TV channels.

About gossip around a TV journalist

Having made such a lightning-fast career, Asya attracted increased attention to her person. The Internet was full of various dirty rumors, which various ill-wishers did not skimp on.

Some accused her of breaking up Lagrange's family, although the latter, without her participation, divorced his former wife, who was 14 years older.

According to the journalist, they were connected only by a creative union. The same idea was confirmed by Evgeniy’s father, the famous photojournalist Vladimir Rufinovich Lagrange.

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After the death of his son, in an interview, he and his wife Nina Petrovna unanimously stated that the relationship between their son and Asya was purely creative. During the broadcast, Asya was just beginning to think about the need to film some angle, when she immediately saw that Evgeniy was already filming exactly that.

IN Lately There is a rumor circulating on the Internet that Asya became pregnant by an Italian, burdened with a family in order to stay in this country. Someone is trying to accuse her of sympathy for Ukrainian nationalists.

It is difficult to say how much truth there is in this gossip, however, Emelyanova continues to work with dignity on a respected Russian channel.

Attention, TODAY only!

Whatever happens in Asya’s life, she will take it too seriously, as she is very emotional. Her restraint and respectful attitude towards everyone attracts many people to her. She is interested in absolutely everything, but at the same time she never goes beyond simple curiosity and tries to know everything that surrounds her. He often makes mistakes because he does not know how to realistically assess what is happening and looks at everything through rose-colored glasses, but subsequently conducts a thorough analysis and draws appropriate conclusions.

General description of the name

The name Asya has an ancient Greek origin, thanks to which it can be interpreted as “returned to life.” Interestingly, this name is translated from Greek as “city dweller.” The new diminutive form was formed from the widespread “Anastasia”.

Asya is a subtle, sensitive nature. Her penchant for infantilism and romanticism can be traced from the very early childhood. Emotional sensitivity is developed in high level, so the girl is very worried about both her great achievements and possible failures. The tendency to idealize reality and people often leads to serious frustration and disappointment. However, Asya knows how to learn lessons from any difficult situation. Often first love is dramatic. The girl is characterized by emotional impulses and instability. She is quick-tempered, but quickly forgets about insults and troubles, because she has absolutely no time to spend her life thinking deeply about how unfair the world is.

Asya is a creative person who does not tolerate monotony and “gray colors”. This affects the choice of profession and the significant successes that girls with this name often achieve in the field landscape design, interior design, clothing and accessories design (for example, Asya Malberstein). Another area of ​​activity in which it is easiest for the owners of this name to open up and prove themselves is acting, journalism (for example, Asya Emelyanova). Huge variety original ideas, which acquire real outlines in Asya’s imagination, allows her to surprise those around her with her unique view of many things. She could achieve a lot in terms of career growth, however, she is not ambitious enough to put too much effort into achieving her professional goals.

For the owner of this name love relationship play not the least role. Despite some waywardness, Asya easily cedes the dominant position in the family to her husband. However, his respect and perception of her as an independent person are very important to her. A woman loves to please her loved ones with small gifts. Moreover, it is often she who receives more pleasure from the process of giving than the household members to whom these manifestations of love and attention are intended.

Despite the fact that Asyam is characterized by excessive receptivity and emotionality, it is these qualities that make her so charming and touching in her vulnerability to the world around her. They have a well-developed sense of proportion, so they will never allow themselves inappropriate behavior or careless expression of feelings.

A girl with a similar name is sensitive to everything that happens around her, moreover, she is open to everything new and receives knowledge with great pleasure. Because she tends to idealize, she is often deeply disappointed in both people and situations, but this is precisely what helps her draw the right conclusions for the future. If she manages to change her attitude towards life, then she can more easily adapt to manifestations of cruelty.

Asya does not tolerate monotony and monotony, so she tries to diversify her boring everyday life. Her brain is constantly active, but many ideas remain in the stage of unrealizable plans.

Asya and health

Asya is in good health, so even seasonal viruses are of no concern to her, however, she can often experience hormonal imbalances. A necessary condition for her it is constant monitoring of hormone levels, otherwise serious problems with conception, pregnancy or childbirth may subsequently arise. Her upper parts are the most weakened. Airways, which can make her nervous and irritable, because she is already quite vulnerable nervous system.

Asya at work and business

Strong and creative personality, does not tolerate gray shades In my life. He will never agree to the role of an accountant, clerk or financier in an ordinary company. Most likely he will open his own studio, a store selling antiques or paintings by contemporary artists. A born fashion designer, he will be able to realize himself in the field of interior or landscape design. He does not like direct management of his person, and therefore opens his own business or seeks special treatment with a free work schedule.

Asya in marriage and family, with children

Believes he was created for family life. And more often than not, she turns out to be right. The husband appreciates Asya for her affection and sense of tact, the kids adore their mother for her love and devoted relationship. The husband's parents are in love with their daughter-in-law and believe that a better housewife cannot be found in the whole world. There is a friendly atmosphere in her family: she easily copes with both cooking and household chores. The husband can only bring his salary into the house and enjoy the results of his wife’s labor.