Butterflies on the wall - the perfect wall decor (75 photos). Original decor with butterflies: photos, tips, materials Interior decoration with paper butterflies

An important role in creating a cozy atmosphere is played by decorative gizmos and compositions. But not always and not everyone may have enough money to adequately decorate their home with expensive decorations. Creating such interior items with your own hands often becomes the best way out of the situation, moreover, such needlework brings a lot of pleasure - both in the process and in the end result. To date, moths and butterflies have become a popular type of home decoration. These creatures fluttering along the walls can cause a lot of positive emotions, reminiscent of beautiful sunny days. We will devote our article to an overview of the various possibilities self-decoration walls with butterflies, and also consider how to make them.

Butterfly wall compositions

Butterflies in the interior of a particular room can be presented in different ways: they are placed in the form of panels, scattered in chaotic or ordered compositions, decorated with them certain territories(for example, around lamps, artificial trees, etc.) or painted on the walls, often using luminous paints. One has only to look at the photo of a beautiful panel in the form of a scarlet heart made of butterflies, and you will immediately want to place this romantic composition in your bedroom.

The advantage of moth decor is their ability to complement the interior of any room, regardless of its functional purpose and the style present. It is important to choose the right color solution so that it matches the overall design. For example, red or green moths will look great on a beige wall, black ones on a white one. In the children's room, you can create multi-colored paintings from butterflies fluttering cheerfully over the crib, and in the living room, decorate an empty wall with a whirlwind of plain butterflies.

Luminous moths created with the help of special paints look unusually beautiful. In the evening, they become an original decoration of the room, enlivening it and filling it with mystery.

Butterflies on the wall with your own hands: manufacturing methods

If you decide to decorate your apartment with such decorations on your own, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the various ways of making butterflies. Although the work will require some costs, time and perseverance, but the result, believe me, will undoubtedly please. To make the composition look more natural, it is better to make moths for it. different forms and sizes, using templates that you can draw yourself or take ready-made ones from the Internet.

How to make butterflies out of paper and cardboard

The easiest way to make paper butterflies. To do this, you can take white sheets and decorate the winged beauties at your discretion, or get a set of colored paper. The advantage of this material lies in the ease of working with it, therefore, it is quite possible to involve a child in the manufacture, having issued, for example, a panel of butterflies in a nursery. In addition to paper, you will need accessories such as scissors, templates, pencils, PVA glue (for bulk products).

There are two ways to make a butterfly out of paper. The first is to take a ready-made template and use it to transfer the outlines of a moth onto a sheet of paper, cut it out with scissors. The second way is more simple. First, we cut out a square (rectangle) from paper, fold it in half, apply a half butterfly template to the fold line, circle it with a pencil and cut it out. Then we unfold and get a beautiful moth. The advantage of butterflies cut out of paper is their airiness - if a light draft blows, their wings will move like real ones.

You can give the butterfly wings more elegance by cutting out pre-drawn internal details with nail scissors or a clerical knife. To make a magnificent butterfly, cut out two identical blanks from paper of different colors or the same, and then glue them together. In this case, the lower plane - the base - can be simple, and the upper one is decorated with patterns or clippings. For fastening use double-sided tape.

A cardboard butterfly is also cut out in two ways - using a full or half template. As a basis, you can use not only ordinary colored cardboard - multi-colored moths cut out of old postcards and magazines look beautiful.

Corrugated Paper Butterflies

One of good ways making a voluminous moth - the use of corrugated paper. To do this, you additionally need to prepare a needle and thread. On sale you can find material of various variegated colors and create a real colored moth cloud.

First you need to cut out a strip of paper measuring 7x10 cm (you can use other sizes, depending on the desired size of the butterfly). Using a needle and thread, we form an accordion in the central part and tighten it, as shown in the photo. We fold the resulting side canvases, connect them and, slightly stretching them to the sides, get rid of the folds - we got a blank of two wings, which now need to be given a beautiful wavy shape. You need to cut out two wings at the same time, not forgetting to also select areas for the antennae. In this case, templates are not needed - the shape can be given at your discretion.

At the final stage, we unfold and straighten the workpiece, and twist the antennae with our fingers. Butterfly is ready!

paper origami butterfly

A beautiful, voluminous butterfly can be made using the origami technique. It is a little more difficult to make it than in previous cases, however, when you make a couple of such beauties, things will go much faster. Beginners need to use the schemes of such work, which are quite a lot on the World Wide Web, be patient and perseverant. The art of origami does not stand still, constantly evolving, so there are a variety of ways to fold butterflies - from simple to modular, capable of moving wings, etc. Since we are learning how to make an origami moth for wall decor, you can use a simplified technique.

First you need to cut out a paper square, bend it along the possible diagonals and twice through the center. We fold the opposite sides, and bend the lower corner tops, turn over - we get a double triangle. We bend its tip so that the tip is located above the entire part, after which we wrap it and fold it in half along the central guide. At the final stage, fold the part twice. Making a voluminous butterfly in this way, you do not need to intensively smooth out the folds.

Making fabric butterflies

Knowing the origami technique, you can make a magnificent butterfly out of matter. To do this, you need two rectangular pieces of different fabrics of the same size. We sew them together along the perimeter - we get a canvas-base, from which, following step by step diagram, presented below, we form the product. To fix all the necessary folds and the final design, an iron is used. Butterflies made of fabric will be an excellent decoration for the room. In the work, you can use materials of various colors and structures, including tulle and lace.

Butterflies from tin cans

If you still have empty cans of drinks, do not rush to throw them in the trash - they can be an excellent material for making shiny winged beauties. Using scissors, it is necessary to cut off the top and bottom of the can, cut it in half, getting the base canvas. Next, we will use the template and apply the image of a moth to the surface, cut it out, giving the edges a waviness. To prevent the wings from curling, you can give them a corrugated finish by making longitudinal recesses with the blunt side of a knife or scissors. The resulting blank is decorated with multi-colored markers.

Luminous butterflies do it yourself

Luminous moths look amazing and excellent in the interior, capable of captivating with their mystery in dark time days. In this case, their images will be applied to the wall using phosphor paints. To get the glow effect, you need to make sure that there is some kind of light source next to the decor.

So, for work you will need paints of different colors, a sponge, a brush, glue spray and stencils. First, we prepare stencils of future moths from cardboard and glue them on the wall. We attach a piece of sponge to the brush and use this simple tool to decorate the butterflies. To better understand which paints will look more profitable, it is better to work in the twilight. After applying, you need to wait a quarter of an hour and remove the stencils. The paints will dry completely in two hours, after which you need to outline the contours with a pencil. To "revive" the composition, you can apply additional strokes of paint near the wings. The decor is ready. We turn off the light and admire the beauty of our luminous fluttering moths.

Butterflies on the wall - decor photo

In conclusion, we invite you to visit our photo gallery. Here we have tried to collect best examples decorating the apartment with compositions of butterflies. We hope these creative work will bring you a lot of pleasure and inspire you to create your own wall decorations. Happy viewing!

Driving into new apartment and having dealt with the primary repair and furniture, there is an understandable desire to decorate the house to your liking.

If you are not a fan of minimalism, who is quite satisfied plain walls and a minimum of decorations, then in any case you will want to somehow decorate your living space.

Come up with a design yourself or rely on the taste of a specialist, do everything yourself or order ready-made jewelry from masters - it's up to you.

In this article, we will offer you one of the most popular decoration options - butterflies on the wall, and if you decide to unleash your creativity, we will tell you in detail how to make butterflies on the wall so that it would simply be indistinguishable from the work of a designer.

Wall decor with butterflies

Why butterflies? This magical insect is the subject of admiration for many people. Fairy tales, legends, songs are written about butterflies, some properties in the natural sciences are even named after them.

Ever heard of the "butterfly effect"? The term implies that a small event can have a big impact, much like the flapping of a butterfly's wing can create a hurricane.

Therefore, let the decoration of the walls with this symbolic insect have a special meaning for you: start decorating the walls with them, and let them bring you only good changes in the most global sense.

This is an inexpensive and at the same time quite effective way of decor. To make butterflies on the wall with your own hands, you will need to know what kind of material is right for you, where to start and how to properly fix the scenery.

You can create butterfly compositions on the wall, or on any other piece of furniture: on the ceiling, chandelier, curtains, clocks, windows, or anything else.

Bright butterflies will effectively fit into the room, made in a restrained, monochrome style. Black butterfly compositions will perfectly shade white and beige tones.

And vice versa: white butterflies will stand out in a dark room. The main rule here is that the applications should shade the walls, and not merge with them.

Cheerful butterfly appliqués are great for decorating a child's room. Spectacular, carved, graceful butterflies are suitable for decorating a bed. It doesn't matter what room they decorate - they are able to bring zest to any space.

And one more important rule - your butterflies should not fly alone! They must be in pairs and groups.

Materials for making butterflies

In order to make butterflies, you do not need any special material, everything is quite feasible from improvised means. For example, we can work:

With paper. There is no cheaper or more convenient way. Paper can be dyed in any color we need, you can buy ready-made colored paper, or you can use plain white.

It is really possible to make things amazing in tenderness and beauty from white office paper. Remember what New Year's snowflakes are. Carved, airy, of any shape, with any pattern.

The same can be done with butterflies. Look for blanks, on the example of which you can create your own paper butterfly on the wall, and create.

With cardboard. Cardboard, just like paper, is very different: white and colored, matte and glossy, with a variety of patterns or even sprinkled with sparkles.

Cardboard is stronger than paper, so the application needs to be fixed on the wall more securely, and it will look more massive. In order for the cardboard to take shape, moisten the fold of the application and wait for it to dry completely.

With vinyl wrap. Its convenience lies in the fact that it is enough to cut butterfly stickers on the wall from it, then remove the protective layer and stick it where you would like to make an application.

Here, in the same way, you can look for butterfly patterns on the wall, and cut stickers using their example. These films come in a variety of colors, and the gloss of their coating will shimmer beautifully in the artificial light of the room.

With fabric. Fabric applications are better friends with similar material, so such applications are more suitable for curtains or fabric lampshades of floor lamps than for walls.

But they are also quite friendly with monophonic liquid wallpaper, so you can safely cut out multi-colored fabric moths and glue them with PVA glue or soapy water.

With paint. Butterflies can be painted on the walls acrylic paints. But if you do not feel the gift of an artist in yourself and at least some predisposition to this type of creativity, then it is better to choose a simpler option.

Or use butterfly stencils on the wall, with which you can apply paint on ready-made shapes. By the way, if you use phosphor paint, then the butterflies will come out completely luminous. But for such decoration only suitable white wall, while next to it it is necessary to provide some kind of light source.

Application options

Application options depend solely on your imagination. But to get an idea of ​​how such applications are usually arranged, look for photos of butterflies on the wall to know what to build on.

Butterflies can be placed in the shape of a heart, they can be "collected" in flocks in such a way that they seem to fly out of a doorway and rush up to the ceiling.

You can send flying butterflies from some piece of furniture or furniture, for example, from a fireplace, a chest of drawers, a clock on the table. Applications at the head of the bed also look beautiful, they can be placed on interior doors and even the ceiling.

No matter which material you choose, wall decor with butterflies is a great way to decorate your living space.

It is not necessary, by the way, to make such decorations “forever”, try to time them to some event - a birthday, an anniversary date, the onset of spring.

You can periodically change them to other colors and shapes, in which case the butterflies will constantly delight you both with the process of their manufacture and with the result, and will never get bored.

To make the interior comfortable, you need to pay more attention to details. One of these details may be the presence of wall butterflies. They are a symbol of lightness and are associated with the summer season, when it is warm and sunny outside, so if a person wants to provide real comfort, then hand-made or store-bought butterflies will be an ideal option.

In the interior

Butterflies in the interior are presented in the form of a panel, which is made from a variety of sheet material, and then attached in an elegant application to one wall or several at once. There are many options for materials for creating butterflies, as well as many variations on how to hang them, it is the combination of these factors that affects how the presented decor element will look in the interior.

Butterflies can be mounted on the wall, both in an arbitrary form, and create a single three-dimensional picture.

Attention! If you make this decorative element with your own hands, then it is recommended to select a lighter material, then when the wind blows, the butterflies will rustle their wings, creating the effect of being ready to fly up.

What style are they suitable for?

The presented decor element is suitable for decorating almost any style, but they look especially bright in the presence of the following styles of room decoration:

  • provence;
  • high tech;
  • modern;
  • minimalism;
  • classic.

The main thing is to ensure that the color of the butterflies is combined with the general colors interior design, because otherwise, the decoration will be ridiculous and tasteless. But it is desirable that the butterflies differ in color by at least 1-2 tones, because otherwise they will simply merge with the walls.

The following combination will be organic:

  • red and green on a beige wall;
  • Yellow, brown and black on a gray or white wall;
  • rich blues or reds on a pink wall.

Preparation for work

To create a picture of paper moths, you need to carefully consider the future composition, and then proceed to prepare the stencils. If your own imagination does not suggest any ideas, then you can get acquainted with photographs of compositions with wall butterflies on the Internet. The image of a whirlwind or simply a scattering of moths in suitable places is popular.

Having decided on the future composition, you need to choose the material from which they will be made decorative elements, and create a stencil. In the absence of a home necessary materials, you will have to visit any stationery store or arts and crafts store.

Moths are created on plain paper or vinyl using stencils. It is advisable to purchase several stencils, then when mounted on the wall, the butterflies will differ not only in size, but also in appearance, which will look more original.

What material to use?

You can cut moths from almost all materials:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • vinyl film;
  • the cloth.

All presented materials are characterized by a number of advantages and disadvantages.


The presented material is suitable for people who first encountered interior decoration with the help of moths, since paper is the easiest way to create beautiful butterflies. Due to the low cost of the material, you don’t have to worry about how much paper it will take to cut butterflies. You can opt for colored paper, which can be purchased at any stationery store.

If a person prefers variety, then you can go beyond just one color and cut out moths from long-read glossy magazines. As a result, the owners of the house will become the owners of the scenery, consisting of butterflies of different colors.

You can attach butterflies from such material in any way. The big plus is that when the moths are fully glued, they will not stand out much above the wall surface, but if only the central part of each individual butterfly is glued, then they can be made to sway in the wind.


Moths made of cardboard will be several times stronger and more reliable than paper ones. When cutting out these butterflies, you have to make a little more effort, but you can shape them as you want, since the cardboard easily takes shape and retains it forever.

You can bend the wings of insects or make them rounded. To carry out these actions, you need to wet the cardboard a little and, using a load, bend it in the desired way. When completely dry, the cardboard will forever remain in the desired form.

Difficulties may arise during the fixing of cardboard decorative elements, since they will have to be fixed more reliably.

Vinyl film

Vinyl film, which belongs to self-adhesive materials, is just perfect for creating decorative moths. The film is glossy and colorful, as a result of which the moths are not only characterized by rather bright colors, but also shimmer in the light.

It is quite easy to cut out butterflies from such material, and attaching the resulting moth to the wall is even easier, since you only need to remove the protective layer from the film and then stick it in the desired place. If the owners of the apartment want the moth to move its wings, then the protective layer must be removed only in the center, in the form of a thin vertical strip.


Fabric is an ideal material for creating butterflies if liquid plain wallpaper, drape, or any fabric that is soft to the touch. Moths cut from the specified material will only complement the interior, adding comfort to the room.

How to fix?

In order for the created moths to hold firmly on the wall and not fall off the next day, it is important to carefully select the method of attachment, there are several of them.


Using glue to attach butterflies to the wall, the owner of the apartment can be sure that the described decorative elements will hold tight. Glue can be used either in the form of a pencil or PVA. The main thing is to ensure that it is not used heavily. a large number of glue, as it will protrude beyond the edges of the moths and ruin them appearance leaving traces on the wallpaper.

Glue considered in a simple way fixing the presented decor elements to the wall.


To attach your own butterflies, you can use pins of different sizes and shapes. At the same time, in order to add a picture of butterflies fastened with pins, the pins should be selected with some beautiful head or decorated with different pearls. Pins are suitable in cases where the walls are finished plastic panels, ordinary or cork wood, as well as drywall.

If wallpaper was used as wall decoration, then you can perform a slightly different action. Using pliers or pliers, bend the end of the pin 1-2 centimeters at an angle of 90 degrees. After completing these steps, the bent end of the pin is brought under the wallpaper, thus fixing the moth.

Attention! To connect the pin and the butterfly, you should use Moment glue.


A small piece of polystyrene is taken and, with the help of glue, it is connected to the butterfly on one side and to the wall on the other. This mounting option is rather unreliable, since the foam is not a strong enough material and if it breaks, it will be very difficult to separate the remaining part from the wall.


With the help of thin threads or fishing line, moths are hung by the eaves from the ceiling or chandelier. Similar way fastening makes it possible to create a three-dimensional picture.

Wall decoration with luminous butterflies

To create this type of decoration, the butterfly should be attached to a white wall, and a table lamp should be located nearby.

For this decoration option, you will need the following components:

  • stencils;
  • phosphor paint (preferably several colors at once);
  • pencil;
  • several sponges;
  • palette and brushes;
  • glue (recommended in the form of a spray).

After preparing all the described things, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Initially, you need to make several stencils that are attached to the wall with glue.
  2. Sponges are cut into several parts, each of which is attached to the brush handle.
  3. If it was decided to use paint of several colors, then each color is prepared separately on the palette, and then alternately applied to the stencils already attached to the wall.
  4. As soon as the paint is completely dry, you need to remove the stencils, turn off the lights, and then enjoy the unusual view of glowing butterflies.

Attention! To analyze whether the paint is lying down correctly, it is recommended to carry out the described actions in subdued light.

Master class step by step

Those people who have decided to make butterflies for decorating walls on their own should familiarize themselves with several master classes on how to create them.

Colored paper moths

To create butterflies from colored paper, you will need the following materials:

  • thick colored paper;
  • Printer;
  • sheets of white paper (templates will be created from them);
  • cardboard (the density is chosen such that it can be bent);
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Having prepared the presented components, you can proceed to the creation:

  1. You need to print several templates and then cut them out of paper. If you use pictures of different sizes, then the final result will be more interesting.
  2. Cut out templates are applied to cardboard, circled with a simple pencil, and then cut out. If possible, then the templates can be immediately printed on cardboard.
  3. The templates are traced on the back of colored paper and then cut out. It is recommended to create more instances. Each of the specimens is bent in half, this is necessary to provide the moths with the effect of fluttering wings.
  4. A small amount of glue is applied to the fold of each butterfly, and then the blanks are attached to the wall. The central part of the moth should be lightly pressed with a finger against the wall, this is required so that the moths do not lag behind.

Attention! To give the butterflies more realism, they should be placed on the wall in such a way that they fly in one direction.


A rather original solution would be to decorate the wall using origami moths.

To make such a moth, you will need the following components:

  • paper (sheet from a book or newspaper);
  • paint - used to darken the edges of the wings;
  • thin wire;
  • pliers;
  • simple pencil, ruler and scissors.

Having prepared all these things, you can proceed to the creation of butterflies:

  1. A 4 * 4 square is cut out of a book or newspaper sheet (it is allowed to use a 5 * 5 square).
  2. The paper is folded in half twice.
  3. After that, the square is folded diagonally in two directions.
  4. The paper folds inward, folds inward, as a result, a triangle should form.
  5. The two tips of the upper layer of the triangle are bent to the top.
  6. The triangle is turned over to the side, while the lower corner must be bent up so that it goes beyond the moth.
  7. The formed triangle is bent to the other side and glued to the base.
  8. The edges of the wings are darkened.
  9. A bird with bent mustache wings is created from wire.
  10. The butterfly unfolds in a small triangle upwards, its wings are bent and they are given a realistic shape.
  11. The wire is dipped in glue and attached in the form of antennae.

The made butterfly can be attached to the wall in any of the ways.

From vinyl records

Making butterflies out of vinyl records is easy if you follow a plan. You need to prepare a number of components:

  • unwanted vinyl records;
  • black and white chalk (can be replaced with colored pencils - you need any two colors);
  • moth patterns;
  • scissors.

Having prepared the auxiliary elements, you can directly proceed to the manufacture of butterflies:

  1. The middle of the template is marked on the vinyl record. The outline is outlined in white chalk on a vinyl record, and in black on a sticker located in the center of the record.
  2. You need to take a baking sheet, lay foil on it, and then place a vinyl record on the foil. The oven is heated to 400 degrees, and a baking sheet is placed in its upper part. The plate must be removed as soon as it begins to deform - after about 45 seconds.
  3. Cut out the butterfly using sharp scissors. If during this action, the plate begins to harden again, it must be placed back in the oven to soften. Vinyl cools quickly, so you need to cut the moth not only carefully, but also at a fast pace. It is possible that the plate will have to be warmed up several times.
  4. After you manage to cut out the butterfly, you need to carefully bend its wings.

After completing these steps, the butterfly can be attached to the wall.


The manufacture of moths from polymer clay.

You will need the following components:

  • moth-shaped baking dish;
  • polymer clay (2.5 butterflies take 60 grams of material);
  • white thread - a moth will be hung on it.

Having picked up all the components, you need to follow this plan for creating a butterfly:

  1. Using a polymer clay baking mold, workpieces are cut out, while using a needle in the center of the workpiece, you need to make 4 holes. The wings of the moths are folded back at different angles and they are placed in a glass baking dish. The clay is baked in the oven for 15 minutes, the temperature is selected as indicated on the packaging of the clay.
  2. If after baking the moths you need to increase the holes in the center, then you can take a sharp knife and carefully increase the holes. You can also use sandpaper and gently sand the edges of the products. If there is a desire, then the finished figures can be opened.
  3. The thread is threaded crosswise through the holes and tied in a knot at the back. Through the created knot, you need to pierce a pushpin and attach the butterfly to the wall.

Such butterflies, looking rather unusual, give the interior a certain elegance.

From the pages of a book

From the pages of an old book, you can make not just individual moths, but a whole wreath of them.

To do this, prepare the following items:

  • an old book (in its absence, you can use unnecessary magazines or newspapers);
  • thin branches (a willow branch will do);
  • three wire hangers;
  • hot adhesive;
  • decorative elements in the form of beads, beads, shells and pearls;
  • several strings;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil.

Having prepared these elements, you can directly proceed to the creation of a wreath:

  1. You can already use ready-made stencil and just circle it on the page of the book, or you can draw moths yourself. In the second case, you need to fold the page of the book in half, draw half a butterfly on it, and then cut it out.
  2. You need to collect willow branches and soak them in water, this will make the branches softer and protect them from breaking during bending.
  3. At the same time, you need to bend a wire hanger into a ring and wrap it with twigs, which should be pressed tightly one to one. The wreath is left to dry. After the wreath dries, the twigs are fixed with hot glue.
  4. To create antennae and a calf from butterflies, you need to take a few beads and two pieces of twine. With the help of hot glue, the beads are fastened together, while the glue has not yet cooled down, you need to insert two pieces of twine into the hole. After that, the body is glued to the paper blank. It is necessary to check that the wings are slightly bent - this will provide a fluttering effect.
  5. You need to beautifully place the moths on the wreath and attach them with hot glue.

The wreath can be placed not only on the wall, but also on the chest of drawers.

If the presented method of creating moths from the pages of a book seems too complicated, then you can use another method. This will require the following items:

  • Old book;
  • adhesive;
  • scissors;
  • frames for photos of different sizes;
  • white paint.

Having prepared these elements, you can start creating moths:

  1. Frames are painted White color(if desired, the color of the paint can be changed).
  2. Butterflies of different sizes are cut out of an old book.
  3. Butterflies are glued, the middle one is glued to the center of the largest moth, and the small one is glued to the center of the middle one.
  4. Butterflies are placed in photo frames and then on the wall.

It is not difficult to create a decoration for a room consisting of butterflies on your own, the main thing is to calculate your strength and start making simple decorating elements, for example, butterflies from colored paper. And those people who are fond of origami should definitely decorate their apartment with moths made using this technique.

Decorate the room and create original design It is possible not only with the help of expensive items, but also with improvised means. So, do-it-yourself paper butterflies on the wall will be an excellent decoration option. Moths for many are a symbol of lightness, beauty and freedom. Butterfly decor will look great in almost any interior, it is only important to know how to arrange it correctly.

While creating paper butterflies the interior of the room should be taken into account. Butterflies should look organic with other decor. It is recommended to use butterflies only in living rooms: bedroom, nursery, living room. But if you decide to decorate the kitchen or bathroom with them, then the decor will quickly lose its appearance due to the influence of external factors, such as high humidity, temperature.

Wall butterflies can be used not only as decoration. With the help of such an interesting detail, you can visually mask the unevenness of the walls, dirt or stains on the wallpaper and other defects.

You can arrange a composition of moths both randomly and use them to depict a certain pattern or pattern. In addition, this decor can serve as a frame for photos. With moth decor, you can use only one wall by making it bright accent or decorate the entire room. So, the composition of flying moths looks very interesting.

What styles are suitable for

Butterflies on the wall will look great in an avant-garde style, which is distinguished by a contrasting design, unusual shapes and original decor. Moths will complement the avant-garde room and will be able to emphasize its individuality.

To decorate a nursery or bedroom in a contemporary style, paper butterflies in black or white are also suitable. This style is distinguished by classic forms, lightness of lines, inexpensive and functional items.

The pin-up style in the interior is characterized by an abundance of accessories, femininity, lightness, and playfulness. A room decorated in this style is suitable for a young and stylish girl. The final detail will be bright butterflies in the interior on the wall. They may be different size, decorate both part of the wall and the entire wall.

The Scandinavian style of the interior is distinguished by light shades, natural materials, harmony and integrity of the interior. For many, the classic plain white or light gray walls that are characteristic of scandinavian style, seem boring, so glossy or velvet moths can complement the interior.

It must be remembered that there are also interior styles in which it is almost impossible to fit decor in the form of butterflies. These styles include all classic:

  • Baroque;
  • Victorian style;
  • Renaissance;
  • Classicism;
  • Rococo.

Interiors created in this style are characterized by an abundance of expensive finishing materials, luxurious furniture, sophistication and sophistication. Moths will not be combined with decor made of marble, stucco and other similar items.

What are handmade butterflies made of?

For the manufacture of butterfly decor on the wall can be used different materials. wall decoration will look different, depending on the material used. In addition, some materials are much easier to work with. The main materials used for manufacturing include:

  • Cardboard paper (both plain and glossy or matte);
  • Double-sided colored paper;
  • corrugated paper;
  • Paper with a velvet texture;
  • Thin fabric.

There are also options in which moths are made of metal or wood, but such methods are much more difficult to implement.

Design options and wall decoration with paper butterflies

Exist various ways decorating the walls with moths. Each interior has its own color, size, decor material.


Black moths are the perfect complement to a solid white, beige or light gray wall. We recommend choosing a glossy black cardboard paper to create a decor. Such an ornament will look more advantageous than one made from plain paper without glitter.


Volumetric decor is distinguished by lightness, grace. At the slightest breath of wind, such butterflies will move, which, of course, looks very advantageous. You can decorate with voluminous moths not only the wall, but also the mirror surface. So, white decor in the corners of the mirror will give it originality.


The butterfly panel is a white or colored canvas on which the decor is pasted. The convenience of the panel is that the canvas is easy to remove, so you can change the interior design without damaging the wall. In addition, the panel will be an excellent gift option.


Colored butterflies are suitable for decorating a plain wall in neutral shades: white, gray, beige. Decor bright color can become both the only eye-catching detail, and complement the room in an art style. You can make such an application more vivid if you use paper of several colors.

And other possible options for paper butterflies

Among original variants the creation of luminous butterflies can also be noted. The decor can be seen only in the dark, in daylight the butterflies remain invisible. To do this, stencils (templates) of butterflies are used for cutting paper on the wall and phosphor paint.

In large stores for home goods, ready-made wallpaper with butterflies for walls has already begun to appear. But creating decor on your own is more budgetary and interesting. In addition, if you do not like the resulting design, then the butterflies can always be removed.

Another one unusual ideaWall Clock with moths. They can be both decorative and real.

The main ways to make paper butterflies with your own hands

There are several options for making paper wall decor. We present the most beautiful and simple options:

  1. Paper moths. To create moths, you will need thick paper or cardboard, colored or white paper, and scissors. On cardboard, draw a pattern of butterflies of different sizes to cut out of paper on the wall. Using the resulting templates, trace the outline of the design on colored paper, and then carefully cut out the required number of decorations. Attach the moths to the wall, fixing only the middle part, so that the wings remain free and create additional volume. You can attach the decor both in a chaotic manner, and create a specific pattern with the help of decoration.
  2. Panel with moths. To create a panel, you will need a blank canvas, scissors, glue or double-sided tape, colored paper or cardboard. Draw a pattern of moths on cardboard, cut it out. If you want decorations to be different size, you will need several templates. Then circle the pattern on paper using a stencil, cut out the resulting shapes. Use glue or double-sided tape to stick the decor to the canvas. It is important to apply glue only to the base, without touching the wings of the butterfly, so that the picture looks lighter and more airy.
  3. Glowing decor. You can create butterflies that will glow in the dark using stencils, fluorescent paint, a pencil and a brush. In order for the final drawing to come out brighter, it is worth taking luminous paints of several colors. Take cardboard and cut out butterfly stencils of the desired size from it. Carefully attach the stencils to the wall with double-sided tape or spray adhesive. Apply paint to the stencil, then wait for the paint to dry before removing the stencil. When you turn off the light, you will see luminous butterflies fluttering on the wall.
  4. Origami. Beautiful, original and voluminous moths can also be made using the origami technique. You will need thick paper. Use the origami scheme, in which the paper must be folded in a certain way to get desired element. You can fix the origami moth to the wall with tape or a pin.

You can create and beautiful drawing, for example, a heart made of moths. In order for the drawing to come out more accurate, lay out all the details on the floor in advance and see how the finished picture will look. So you can correct the shortcomings on preparatory stage work.

It is worth noting that to create moths it is not necessary to have the talent of an artist. You can download the stencil from the Internet or easily make it with standard computer programs and then print it out.

Wall mounting options for finished paper butterflies

If the decor is not properly attached to the wall, you can damage both the moths themselves and the wall material (wallpaper, decorative plaster). That is why it is so important to choose suitable option mounts.

  1. Double sided tape. The simplest and most budgetary mounting option, which is not recommended for use on expensive surfaces, such as silk wallpaper. Scotch tape can only support the weight of small moths, but it is not suitable for attaching large cardboard items.
  2. Pins. With the help of pins, you can fix the decor on the wallpaper or fabric surface. It is convenient to fasten large-sized figures made of dense materials with pins, but with this type of fastening, traces will remain on the wall.
  3. Glue. Glue is convenient to fix the decor on the panel. But gluing butterflies directly to the wall is not recommended, as it will then leave traces that will be difficult to remove.

A composition of butterflies on the wall will help not only decorate the interior, but also hide the unevenness of the walls, dirt on the wallpaper. When creating jewelry, it is important to choose the desired color, material, size of moths. You can show your imagination, create a picture of butterflies, arrange the decor over the entire surface of the wall, or decorate only part of the room with a pattern.

As soon as they do not decorate modern interior to achieve a unique comfortable environment in a residential building. To revitalize, decorate and decorate an empty wall in a room, it is appropriate to place beautiful butterflies. There is a situation when an expensive repair is completely completed in the room, pieces of furniture are arranged, attractive curtains are hung, but still there are not enough additional accessories - some kind of individual zest.

A photo of butterflies on the wall shows how interesting this wall design option is, which will undoubtedly attract attention, perfectly completing the image of the room space.

Self decoration decoration

It's no secret that winged beauties can decorate not only walls, but also photo frames, paintings, a chandelier, a mirror, a ceiling surface. This design is by far the most popular, as it embodies joy, love and tenderness.

To create this decor accessory, you practically do not have to spend a large amount of money, time, or material. Suitable paper sheets, perhaps, can be found in any home. But if this did not happen, the material can be purchased at any ordinary stationery store, and they are quite inexpensive.

Sometimes there is no desire or time to draw and cut out the silhouettes of the image, then you can use special ready-made sticky stickers.

Before you make butterflies on the wall, it is important to know that for their manufacture it is not at all necessary to use only paper, you can use any suitable raw materials at hand:

  • colored paper;
  • soft sheets of cardboard;
  • vinyl record;
  • textiles treated with starch;
  • thin metal sheet (beer or lemonade can).

A completely different size, color scheme, shape is allowed, depending on the desire and preference of the household. Naturally, the quality and composition of the material at hand should be taken into account.

Please note that flying moths can be placed both in a dense flock (in the form of a whirlwind) and as separate elements of interior decoration.

Style ratio

Wall decoration in the form of soaring butterflies is appropriate in absolutely any style of the room: Provence, minimalism, classic, modern, high-tech and more. It is important to achieve a competent implementation of the accessory in the overall style.

It is not at all worth doing the decor of the same shade as the wallpaper in order to avoid complete merging with the general background. As an example: scarlet moths harmonize perfectly on a light beige wall covering, a white background perfectly sets off black or other dark details.

If you further emphasize the decor with artificial lighting, you can achieve a unique effect of take-off and fluttering butterflies. This option is especially relevant in the bedroom or children's room.

Main stages of work

Beforehand, how to make butterflies on the wall with your own hands, you need to prepare a special stencil. If you can’t make the form yourself, many options can be found on the Internet in huge numbers. Next, you need to pick up improvised materials for manufacturing, or buy them in a craft store.

Having decided on the basis, using a stencil for decorating butterflies on the wall, we draw the necessary shape and size of the moth. To make each butterfly unique, it is wise to use several stencils of different sizes.

When choosing a method of mounting a product, it is necessary to take into account a few simple nuances:

  • when placing hovering insects for a relatively short period of time, it is better to fasten them with pins or small buttons;
  • if you intend to leave the product on the wall for a long time (until future repairs), you should securely fix them with glue.

Before fastening the composition, it is better to place a preliminary sketch on a sheet of paper, and mark the points of the butterfly on the wall with a pencil. This tip helps you place the decor accurately the first time without ruining the wallpaper.

colored elements

As a rule, the simplest and most popular decor method is multi-colored paper, which is quite cheap and significantly saves the family budget. You can create an initial sketch using a special computer program.

A paper sheet is a fairly light material, so it can be easily attached to the wall in any way without any problems. The paper wings will flutter in the slightest possible breeze, reviving the moths. Yes, and removing the decor from the wall will not be difficult and will not cause any damage to the repair.

For work, old color magazines that have long been read are quite suitable. Having transferred the shape of products from the Internet to glossy sheets, they can be coated with glitter with acrylic varnish or fluorescent paint. You will get a beautiful iridescent effect of sparkles.

It is better if the insect is fixed only in the middle, then the wings will be freely unbent and create volume.

Panel of moths

No less interesting and luxurious is the wall panel of fluttering butterflies. For its construction, a small set of materials and devices is useful:

  • shiny paper magazine;
  • ordinary scissors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • different stencils;
  • picture frame.

To prepare moths, you need bright pages of a magazine. Their number directly depends on the size of the frame. Keep in mind that you should not attach too many figures at the same time to avoid the absurdity of the picture and not spoil the style.

The first stage is the background of a panel of colored paper, or a blank white sheet covered with paint. The elements of the composition are mounted using PVA glue or double-sided glue. The finished panel is placed in a frame and mounted on the selected wall.

To completely decorate a certain room, it is recommended to combine several techniques that are in harmony with each other:

  • one wall of the room is decorated with a composition;
  • the opposite side includes a panel;
  • fluttering beauties hanging on a colorless thread or fishing line are fixed to the chandelier.

Butterflies themselves look great complete with birds, bees and ladybugs. For decorations, it is appropriate to use beads, beads, and for fasteners - only decorative pins.

To fix them to the wallpaper, it is reasonable to bend the sharp ends and drive them under the canvas, you get the effect of a moth fluttering in the air.

There are a lot of ideas for decorating a wall, the main thing is to turn on your imagination and maximum patience! The result will not keep you waiting - your room will become unique and inimitable!

Photo of butterflies on the wall