Living room with fireplace and TV: views, wall placement options, ideas for apartments and houses. Interior with a fireplace and TV in an ordinary apartment Living room with a fireplace and TV in a house

TV and fireplace in the living room interior, is it worth using these elements at the same time? Over the years, there have been debates between various designers and ordinary people: is it relevant to place the TV above the fireplace?
Someone considers the placement of the TV above the fireplace in the interior of the living room to be “bad manners”, while others actively support this arrangement, declaring that the fireplace is the center of the hearth, and without a TV we cannot imagine the interior of any modern living room, and if the living room is not of impressive size, then Sometimes you can’t find a place for a TV.

In this article we will try to satisfy the needs of both parties and try to tell and show with photo examples how you can different ways place a TV and fireplace in the living room interior.

TV and fireplace in the living room interior and ways to combine them

If you set out to have both a TV and a fireplace in the interior of your living room, then you should keep in mind the nuances of all the options for their placement. Basically, the location of the TV and fireplace in the living room interior directly depends on the following factors:

  1. Room size;
  2. Type of fireplace (electric fireplace, wood-burning, gas, false fireplace);
  3. Fireplace type (Corner, built-in, wall-mounted or island);
  4. General interior style.

In order to ensure that neither the fireplace nor the TV takes on the main weight in the design of the entire interior, it is necessary to place them in different semantic zones of the fireplace and TV zone. Read But if the dimensions of the living room do not allow you to design the interior in this way, then you need to select the size of these elements approximately the same. Because small sizes a fireplace in the interior with a huge TV screen will be lost in the interior. And vice versa, there is a massive fireplace small TV, will take all the attention. The style of the entire living room is best done in a minimalist direction, especially when it comes to various decor. After all, the abundant presence of small elements will distract attention from these large and significant accents of the interior.

The worst option for placing a TV and fireplace in the living room interior is their location on opposite walls. And the most organic and comfortable neighborhood is considered to be their placement on different walls, but not clearly opposite each other, but perpendicular. You can also hang a TV and install a fireplace on different walls, but on the same line. Next, we will consider all the options in more detail.
And now we recommend watching a video selection on how to place a TV and fireplace in the living room interior:

TV above the fireplace in the living room interior

As already described above, the placement of the TV above the fireplace causes a lot of controversy, although it is the most common option. But if the dimensions of the room do not allow these two interior elements to be separated, then when hanging the TV above the fireplace, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Do not place the TV above the wood-burning or gas fireplace to avoid overheating of equipment;
  2. Turn on the TV and fireplace separately so that languages artificial flame did not distract from watching TV with their glare;
  3. The current option is to place the fireplace horizontally along the lower edge of the wall and place the TV at the correct height. It looks quite harmonious, is safe for the eyes and neck, and does not draw attention to any element.

See photo examples below

TV in front of the fireplace in the living room interior

Placing the fireplace directly opposite the TV is the most unfavorable way to place them next to each other, due to the following factors:
The reflection of fire in the TV monitor will spoil the image quality;
The heat emitted by the fireplace, in the case of a narrow room, has a detrimental effect on the TV monitor, which will ultimately lead to its breakdown.

TV and fireplace in the living room interior on one wall

It is best to place the TV and fireplace on the same wall either horizontally or diagonally. By arranging our interior elements in this way, we have the opportunity to move upholstered furniture to each element. What is very valuable in not large rooms. For example, install opposite the TV soft sofa for easy viewing. And put two armchairs and a small coffee table by the fireplace.
See photos with examples of placement

TV and fireplace on adjacent walls

This type of location is one of the best. Place a soft and comfortable sofa in the middle of the living room, facing the TV. And hang a fireplace on the side of the sofa as the main hearth of the room. In this way, the heat of the fireplace will warm you up while you enjoy watching TV, and the flames will not be able to distract you from this activity.
If your living room is quite impressive in size, then you can safely start decorating two thematic zones. Organize a TV zone in one corner, and a relaxation zone with a warm fireplace on the adjacent wall. The remaining part of the living room can be decorated as a dining room, which is especially important for studio-type rooms.

TV and island fireplace in the living room interior

When choosing a place to install a TV and an island fireplace in the living room interior, special instructions does not exist. Since, by and large, everything will depend on technical side question. Namely, the fireplace area will be selected in accordance with technical parameters premises. All you have to do is fit the TV harmoniously into the living room interior. Try to position the TV so that there is no heat impact from the fireplace. And also make sure that the flames are not reflected on the TV monitor, so that nothing interferes with its viewing.

Look at the photo and get ideas for yourself:

Properly placed TV and fireplace in the living room interior will help you fully enjoy the harmonious and cozy interior. You just need to use your imagination and use the tips and recommendations from our article. The resulting atmosphere in the living room will allow your entire family and friends to while away the long winter evenings in pleasant company.

The further civilization develops, the more knowledge and opportunities a person has. This also applies to home improvement. What was practically impossible a couple of decades ago is now becoming commonplace.

Dream or reality?

The blue dream of many Soviet people was a living room with a fireplace and a TV. It was impossible to implement it, because The main type of housing were communal apartments or small apartments. What kind of fireplace are we talking about in such planning conditions? But now, thanks to the installation of a fireplace, it has become possible to add coziness to the living room in any living space: in a private house, in a country house, and in an apartment.

When making modern renovations, people are increasingly placing fireplaces in their living rooms. This arrangement has a number of advantages:

  1. The interior of the living room takes on a more presentable appearance, adding aristocracy to it.
  2. Another source of warmth. Very useful in the off-season.
  3. A fireplace installed in corner apartments on the upper floors will help avoid high humidity and dampness.
  4. It is worth placing a fireplace in the living room, and the room will become more comfortable.
  5. A living room with a fireplace and TV will become a place of attraction for the whole family, and contemplation of the fire will help you relax after a hard day.


Types of fireplaces

By placement method

To realize different ideas and place a fireplace in any room, there are such types of fireplaces as:

  1. Built-in. It is one of the first types invented and requires a chimney. Therefore, it is erected during the construction stage and is usually installed in country houses, cottages, dachas. If there is no chimney, install a plasterboard wall for an electric built-in fireplace.
  2. Wall-mounted is a classic, very common type of fireplace placement against a wall.
  3. Island (panoramic) – original and modern way placing the fireplace in an open area of ​​the room, for example, in the middle. There are floor-standing, hanging, and even mobile ones, which are used by designers to zone a room.
  4. Angular. Great for small rooms and different interiors.

By fuel type

Depending on the type of premises, the capabilities of the owners of the house and design ideas, it is possible to select a fireplace according to the method of its operation. Depending on the type of fuel consumed, fireplaces are distinguished:

  1. Wood-burning. This is a classic type of fireplace that requires a real chimney and a place for logs, so it is not suitable for apartments. But in country houses it becomes not just a source of heat, but also a center of attraction for households and guests with its beauty, the music of crackling firewood, and an atmosphere of comfort.
  2. Electrical. In essence, these are electric heaters stylized as a fireplace. Ideal for installation in any apartment due to the variety of models. The imitation of the flame is reproduced on the back wall of the fireplace, which is a screen. Does not require fuel and does not emit combustion products. Simple and easy to use. Modern models are equipped with a control panel that allows you to regulate not only the heating mode, but also the appearance of flames and even the sound of crackling firewood.
  3. Gas. Of all the artificial fireplaces, it is the most similar to the real one. Its fuel is natural gas. It is possible to control the strength of the flame. Heats the room well, does not produce dirt, but requires approval from the gas service. It is necessary to provide an exhaust hood and a safe gas supply. The placement in the room depends on gas communications.
  4. Biofireplaces operate on biological fuel containing alcohol. This is a new generation of fireplaces. It does not require an exhaust hood or any special care, you just need to add biofuel as it is consumed. No dirt, installation problems. A wide range of models, including desktop ones.


Artificial fireplaces also include a false fireplace that does not require fuel. Its function is purely decorative. It does not take up much space and can be made from different materials. It can be mobile or stationary. False fireplaces are decorated in a variety of ways as desired (candles, garlands, vases, a picture with a painted fire, etc.).

Cozy neighborhood

When there is a desire to have both a fireplace and a TV in the living room, you need to consider options for their placement, taking into account the size of the room and its interior. If none of the items is preferred, it is recommended to select them of approximately the same size, otherwise either the fireplace or the TV will draw attention to themselves.

A very common option is to install a TV above the fireplace. However, many experts do not advise doing this, since the eye will dart between the fireplace fire and the screen. And this is tiring. The placement of the TV opposite the fireplace is also not very good: the reflections of the fire will be reflected on the screen, which will interfere with the quiet viewing of your favorite programs.

The most in the best possible way The location of these items will be their installation on different walls, perpendicular to each other or on the same line. The sofa and armchairs are placed in front of the TV or in a circle by the fireplace, if space allows. Then household members will be able to choose a place according to their preferences.

If the size of the living room allows, you can select a special area for installing a fireplace and furniture ( soft chairs, small table). The remaining pieces of furniture are arranged so that they do not interfere with free movement around the room and correspond to the main design idea.

Interior selection

You need to choose a fireplace to match the style of the living room of your house or apartment. Classic wood-burning fireplaces are only suitable for cottages and country houses. In city apartments, artificial fireplaces are installed, most often electric. And regardless of its type, the interior of the living room and the fireplace itself can be decorated in any style:

  1. Classics require finishing with natural materials. These include wood, stone, cotton fabrics, leather, fur, wool and linen products. Various hand-made designer accessories are widely used; multi-level ceilings, large windows, massive mirrors, paintings. A lighting solution is being thought out, dividing it into different zones is possible, thanks to the placement of a large number of floor lamps, lamps, chandeliers, even candles. Soft, calm shades of color are selected. often the presence of carved patterns and stucco. The decoration of the fireplace is dominated by natural stone and marble.
  2. Provence. It is typical for him to give the fireplace a leading place. This is the style of village life, its solidity and uniqueness. The basis is the use of furniture made of wood, natural finishing materials (stone, brick, wood, fabrics), and neutral colors. The Provence style is characterized by naturalism, simple geometry in outline. Everything should be solid, massive, but varied and not heavy. This also applies to the decoration of the fireplace, which should be the center of the composition, standing out with its brightness and color.
  3. English. Creates an aura of aristocracy, solidity, and comfort. Distinctive features are wide openings with massive doors, luxurious chandeliers with candle-shaped bulbs, the presence of stucco molding, and a large amount of textiles (plaids, curtains, carpets). In finishing, preference is given to natural materials, rich shades of color from golden beige to dark green and terracotta. The fireplace helps create the atmosphere. The English fireplace is decorated with natural stone, a pair of soft massive armchairs and a small table are placed next to it. A forged fireplace set and a mantelpiece, lined with original items, including figurines, an antique clock, an ashtray, and a smoking pipe give a chic look.
  4. Modern. Each piece of furniture performs a specific function. The fireplace is artificial, built into the wall, not attracting much attention. Preference is given to a variety of false fireplaces with clear geometry.
  5. High tech. The fireplace can be of the most bizarre shape. For registration use modern materials: fireproof glass, steel, plastic.

Thanks to the variety of modern models, the fireplace can be matched to any interior style. A modern living room does not accept wooden models, because... they have a touch of antiquity.

A wooden fireplace will fit well into a living room where there is parquet, laminate flooring, and suitable furniture. To give the room some zest, decorate the wall with a fireplace with shades of color that contrast with the main background, choose Decoration Materials different texture.

Electric and false fireplaces are often installed in plasterboard boxes to focus attention on them. Natural stone is preferred for cladding: marble, onyx, granite, travertine, shell rock, limestone, sandstone. A mantelpiece with pleasant or memorable things for the owners can become a separate decoration. These can be figurines, flowers, vases, photographs in beautiful frames, books.

The living room or any other room in which a fireplace is installed is rightfully considered the center and heart of any home. This is where the whole family, friends and other close people always gather together. A fireplace makes the room warmer, more comfortable and cozy. But in order to create the perfect corner, other elements of decor and furniture are often required.

A fireplace, which will make your apartment or house very cozy, must be properly complemented and decorated. For example, you can place comfortable and soft chairs near such a heating unit, big table or sofa. However, many people prefer to complement the fireplace with a TV.

A fireplace with a TV allows you to simultaneously enjoy two of the most favorite things of many. Enjoy the flame burning in the hearth, or a high-quality imitation of it, and watch your favorite movie, series or TV show.

Designers' opinion

Although the fireplace above the TV looks very interesting, stylish and aesthetically pleasing, many professional designers and specialists with a narrow profile are categorically against such decor and interior design.

Why in the end we are not always fully satisfied with the result and the chosen design:

  • In a classic interior, the fireplace looks quite bulky and massive. To accommodate such a heating device, a large and spacious room is required. Often the firebox is additionally equipped with a portal and a mantelpiece. Decor also takes up a lot of space. Various paintings, canvases and figurines. If you buy and place a TV for the fireplace, this option will not bring the desired benefit and positive effect. The fact is that when both devices are working, a person is not able to look and observe both at once. In this case, he stops concentrating, relaxing and, as a result, does not enjoy using and contemplating the fireplace or TV. In addition, overwork and a high degree of concentration can cause ailments and headaches;
  • Electric fireplace in in this case can be a profitable alternative and replacement for a classic wood-burning stove. If necessary, such a firebox can be turned on or off while watching TV and vice versa;
  • A fireplace whose interior includes a TV is an extremely dangerous idea. The fact is that if equipment of this kind is located above a wood-burning fireplace, it can become very hot during combustion, which will lead to its damage, fire or melting. Even an electric fireplace with a heating function can heat up not only itself, but also the wall and TV. In order to place it in combination with various appliances and electronics, you will need to create a sealed space with high level thermal insulation. The wires themselves also need to be protected from heat and hidden for decorative purposes;
  • A wall with a fireplace is initially inconvenient for watching programs and TV series. The fact is that for comfortable viewing of programs, the TV must be located at eye level. When combined with a fireplace, it is located very high, which creates inconvenience and discomfort during viewing;
  • The wall for which the fireplace is selected according to Feng Shui cannot be located on the same plane. It is believed that fire is a separate element that cannot be combined with other objects. At most, the TV can be placed on the opposite side, which in turn does not look very aesthetically pleasing and is not convenient in practice;
  • As far as fire services are concerned, placing a TV above a fireplace is extremely unsafe. The fact is that with regular and prolonged heating of the stove, combustion products begin to accumulate in the lower part of the fireplace, which can harm the life and health of the owners. Therefore, spending a lot of time, much less sleeping, in an area with a burning fireplace is very dangerous;
  • A fireplace, the design of which was thought out along with the project by an experienced specialist, will never be located together with the equipment. The fact is that each of these items is capable of decorating the interior, but separately. Taken together, the fireplace and TV make the interior look very cheap and tasteless. It is better to place them in different locations.

It is certainly possible to place a fireplace under the TV, and many even succeed in doing so. at its best. So how to do it correctly, stylishly and safely?

Placement methods

A fireplace, depending on its type, can be installed with equal success both in the dining room and in the living room. If there is a cabinet in a house or apartment, the heating structure can be installed there. You can rarely find such a fireplace in the bedroom and children's room.

Accommodation in sleeping quarters is unsafe. Since they contain a lot of different textiles and other flammable items.

The safest and best combined with a TV are false fireplaces, in the hearth of which there is no fire. Such models are simply decorative decoration interior You can also complement the living room with a fireplace with an electric fireplace, which will be built into a special insulated and sealed niche. Thus, the fireplace and equipment will be reliably protected from overheating.

If you still decide to place a TV on one wall in the living room and heating device, you need to think through the decor down to the smallest detail. First of all, such an interior should not be heavily overloaded with various accessories, other appliances and furniture. In order for the magic of the flame and hearth to always remain and bring pleasure, the electronics must be placed directly above the portal, have suitable dimensions, and not extend beyond the fireplace.

The most the best option placement of both decorative elements will be their location in different areas. However, this can only be done in a sufficiently large and spacious room. In this case, you will have a separate area in which you can watch TV and an area intended for relaxation while contemplating the flame burning in the hearth.

In order to balance the interior of a large living room, both elements are hung on opposite walls. Near each zone you can install a table, several chairs, a big sofa, frameless furniture, ottomans or even hanging hammock. In this case, the TV can not only be hung on the wall, but also installed on a special cabinet.

You can also place a TV and a fireplace, for example in the living room, on walls located perpendicular to each other. In this arrangement, you can install not only a false fireplace and an electric hearth, but also, for example, a bio-fireplace. This arrangement is very convenient, practical, and does not require complex manipulations or redevelopment.

Also, a TV with a fireplace can be installed on the same horizontal line. In this case, for safety reasons, it is better to hang an additional decorative item between them, such as a box or a picture, which will increase the gap area. In the lower part you can place a wall cabinet and other furniture. For relaxation, poufs, a sofa or armchairs are placed near the fireplace.

The most difficult thing to implement is the asymmetrical arrangement of objects. It is most characteristic of modern trends such as high-tech, modern and art deco. Electric fireplaces and bio-fireplaces fit best into asymmetrical interiors. They can be either wall-mounted or hanging, built-in at your discretion. To create greater asymmetry, a TV with a fireplace is diluted with other objects, paintings, panels, posters, furniture, which are also placed in a chaotic manner.

Multimedia portals

The fireplace can be part of the so-called multimedia portal, which is also a stand. This design can be in two forms:

  1. If the furnace will operate on solid fuel, the portal must be made fireproof. Also in this case, the wall near which the structure is installed is insulated. In order to monitor the heating temperature of the equipment, a thermometer is fixed next to it. The temperature should not rise above 50 degrees. In the upper area above the hearth there should be a small gap of 20 centimeters or more. The heat transfer properties are also reduced by installing a fireplace mantel. For regular and continuous monitoring of the safe operation of devices, you can install a number of modern applications from the category “ smart House»;
  2. For false fireplaces, building a portal is not difficult. At the same time, you can even assemble it from cardboard or boxes with your own hands. This decorative decoration does not require the use of fireproof materials, is safe to use and can even be installed in a bedroom or children's room.

It plays out interestingly in modern interior hidden fireplace. It can be placed in the most unexpected and, at first glance, inappropriate places. For example, you can hide a fireplace in a simulated window behind blinds or shutters. An interesting solution would be to install a fireplace in an opening rack or drawer.

A large amount of decor in the room and various items will lead to oversaturation. In this design, the fireplace will quickly lose its significance and visibility. To prevent this from happening, all pieces of furniture and decor should be installed with a certain symmetry and in harmony with the surrounding space. It is important to maintain a safe and comfortable distance from the seating area to the TV. It depends on the screen size. It is equally important to place the TV correctly and maintain a comfortable height from the floor level.

Design selection

The location and design of the fireplace with TV directly depends on the chosen style. For example, for modern designs, the hearth can be hidden or simply placed near the wall without a portal. For the classic, Provence and fusion trends, a fireplace is a hearth that will look quite expensive, sophisticated and elegant.

If you plan to use in the living room, office or bedroom a large number of small decor and objects, they must be placed as far as possible from the hearth. If you prefer a minimum of design, more functionality and space, the fireplace and TV can be placed closer to each other.

You can install a fireplace with a TV in a room of any size. Reviews from those who have implemented this method of arrangement vary and depend on how well thought out the arrangement and arrangement of various objects, accessories, furniture, fireplaces and electronics were initially.

The main goal in this case is that both elements look stylish and harmonious in the interior of the living room, dining room, office or bedroom, and do not stand out or get lost against each other.

This video features interesting solution and the location of the TV above the fireplace in the living room in a classic style:

People are increasingly thinking about installing a TV above the fireplace when renovating their apartment. To correctly implement this idea, you need to understand the pros and cons of such a placement of the television receiver, and also imagine possible options combination of a television panel and a fireplace.

A TV and a fireplace are two key elements of the interior, so it is very difficult to combine them. So that neither one nor the other draws attention to themselves, they should be approximately equal in size.

A part of the room decorated in this way will become a place where the whole family gathers to watch a movie, talk or have other pastimes; in such a corner it will be pleasant to receive guests, as well as relax after a hard day at work.
Unfortunately, placing a fireplace in the living room under the TV is not always successful; experts cite many disadvantages of such interior planning, and also report that it may be unsafe for the residents of the house.

Is it possible to hang a TV above the fireplace?

Experts call whole line reasons according to which it is not recommended to place fireplaces in the interior under the TV.

Firstly, the question arises about the safety of the premises. Placing sockets or electrical appliances on the wall where the chimney passes is unacceptable, because they will get very hot, which can ultimately lead to a fire.
It is also worth considering the safety of the residents themselves. Combustion products can accumulate in the room if the fire source has poor draft, this can cause poisoning and suffocation of people.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are both pros and cons of placing a fireplace above the TV in the living room interior.


  1. At correct design a television panel in combination with a fireplace looks much more interesting than the same interior elements placed separately. The room receives a special mood, in which it becomes pleasant to spend time with the whole family, as well as to receive guests at home.
  2. When placing the fire source under the TV, they are successfully combined functional features. The heating device is designed to heat the room and create comfort, and the television receiver allows you to entertain a bored person.


  1. Tongues of flame help a person to relax, rest peacefully, and think. Television does not allow this: even when watching a cartoon or comedy, the brain does not provide complete relaxation, because it constantly receives and processes information. Thus, two different emotional backgrounds combine and form disharmony.
  2. It is impossible to look at the flame and the working screen at the same time. The fire will distract from the events on the screen and vice versa; this disharmony will not allow you to rest peacefully, but, on the contrary, will become a source of stress and headaches. An electric fireplace can solve this problem. In this case, you can turn on only one of the devices.
  3. The third reason why it is not recommended to place a television receiver above the fireplace is the poor viewing angle. You constantly have to keep your head up or lean back, which leads to stress on your back and neck and problems with the spine.
  4. It is also worth considering the different design of these elements. Open fire- this is a shade of antiquity in the interior of the living room, while the TV is a symbol of modernity, technological process. An unsuccessful combination of them will look cheap and completely unattractive.

Options for combining a fireplace and TV

There are several options for placing a fireplace and TV. They are the ones most often used in the interior. They are usually located in living rooms. In kitchens or children's rooms, as well as in bedrooms, they are installed much less frequently.

Opposite each other

A very popular living room interior is a TV and a fireplace placed opposite each other. The solution is interesting, but in this case the TV must have an anti-glare coating or it must be hung or placed so that the flames do not reflect on the screen and do not interfere with watching a movie or series.

IN normal situation this arrangement is used for large rooms, in this case they are divided into two zones - with a fireplace for rest and relaxation and with a TV for watching films and television.

On perpendicular walls

The design of a living room with a fireplace and a TV on adjacent walls is considered one of the most successful. With this placement, you can place chairs or a sofa opposite the screen, and the flame on the side will warm the audience.
In large rooms, you can thus separate a corner for relaxation by placing the TV and fireplace nearby, but on different walls.

A sofa, chairs or armchairs are also placed here. The remaining part of the room can be used for outdoor activities or turned into a dining room.

On one horizontal line

You can often find a modern living room with a fireplace and TV placed on the same line. As a rule, with this solution, the sofa and armchairs are arranged in a circle, and opposite them, next to each other, a fireplace and a TV set are placed.

In this case, the fireplace should be designed accordingly to look like a large screen. The two objects will become as symmetrical as possible, but they can be separated if you hang a picture a little higher between them.

TV above the fireplace

A wall with a fireplace and a TV on top is made if it is necessary to save space in the room. In this case, you need to take the issue of safety seriously and add additional thermal insulation to the wall.

It is recommended to use a small thermometer and monitor how hot it gets. A fire from a fireplace for a TV can be dangerous, therefore, in order to protect the TV receiver from the effects of temperature, you can make a balcony between it and the heat source - a wide stone shelf.

At the same time, electric fireplaces placed in false cabinets are safe for equipment and residents and look attractive if properly designed.

The same devices can be built into a niche under a plasterboard fireplace and a TV receiver can be hung on top. This way they will look harmonious and will not interfere with each other.

Installation Basics

There are a number of rules to consider when planning a living room with a fireplace and TV:

  • The heat source should not be placed on external wall– part of the thermal energy released by it will thus go outside;
  • the location for the fireplace is selected carefully, taking into account all the pros and cons;
  • there should be no rugs or pieces of furniture in front of the fireplace;
  • the television receiver is placed away from open flames;
  • For small rooms, gas, electric or biofireplaces are perfect;
  • to save space, the hearth can be installed in a corner;
  • there should be in the room good ventilation, and it also needs to be constantly ventilated;
  • In order for both items to fit perfectly and suit the interior of the room, you need to think through the elements of their decoration.

The placement of a fireplace and TV in the room should be carefully designed, taking into account all the pros and cons. These decorative elements should not stand out from the style of the room and at the same time interact harmoniously with each other.

The living room in any home is the central gathering place for the whole family. Therefore, when decorating this room, you need to carefully consider all the elements that will be in the room. The atmosphere should be warm and cozy. A living room with a fireplace and TV is one of the most attractive design solutions.

Fireplace and TV in the living room - accommodation options

A fireplace and a TV are two objects that belong to different technologies. The hearth represents a part of nature. Fire warms and immerses you in an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Modern TV is an achievement technical progress. It surprises with its size and capabilities. Combining these two elements in the interior is not an easy task, but you can cope with it.

Types of fireplaces

To place the hearth in the living room space, you need to decide on the type of device. Initially, only owners of country houses could afford this interior design. Classic version requires wood burning and a chimney for smoke to escape. Today there are many fireplaces that can be located both in a private house and in a city apartment:

  • Wood-burning fireplaces require wood burning and produce natural heat from burning logs. Requires a separate place for storing firewood.
  • Electric fireplaces are based on imitation fire electrical appliances. The warmth and sounds of burning logs are guaranteed to you.
  • Gas fireplaces do not require wood; they use gas as a combustion substance.
  • False fireplaces are created from any material using the imagination of the owner or designer. An example is a set of candles installed in a special niche.

All the advantages and disadvantages of various types of fireplaces are summarized in a table.

Dwelling type



Wood burning

House with a chimney (private, country)

Natural fire and warmth, the crackle of burning logs

Lengthy installation work. High fire safety requirements


Safety, ease of installation, low cost

Lack of natural fire

Any type (apartment, private house)

Easy to install, eliminates the use of firewood. Can be of any shape and fit into any interior

Requires compliance with measures fire safety and permissions from relevant authorities

False fireplaces

Any type (apartment, private house)

Can be of any type

Will not give much fire and heat

Fireplace and TV in the apartment

In a city apartment you need to think very carefully about the fireplace and TV. You can see photo examples below. There are several recommendations for placing these elements indoors:

  • You should not place a fireplace near external wall. Then you risk losing some of the heat, which will go outside.
  • It is better not to place the TV on the wall opposite the fireplace. Then glare of fire will appear on the screen, which will interfere with viewing.
  • For installation of a fireplace it is necessary solid foundation. Think carefully about the materials you use. It is best to take brick, stone or tile.

The design of a living room with a fireplace and a TV requires special attention, when both objects are located on the same wall. You cannot place the TV above a wood-burning fireplace, otherwise the high heat from the fire will damage the equipment. The ideal option would be an electric or gas fireplace recessed into the wall. Then both objects will be located on the same level. And the power of the fire will not interfere with viewing.

Advice! Placing it on one wall is a great option to combine a TV and fireplace in the interior of a small living room. See photo examples below.

It is very convenient to hang the TV on a wall perpendicular to the fireplace structure. Then two zones are defined in the room:

  • area for those who enjoy pleasant conversations by the fire;
  • TV viewing area.

Fireplace and TV in a private house

A private home opens up space for design solutions in the living room. You can install any type of fireplace. The main thing is to think through the implementation of the chimney pipe as efficiently as possible. You can create a large, classic wood-burning fireplace that will serve not only a decorative function, but also serve as a source of heating.

Options for decorating a living room with a fireplace and TV

In many ways, the design of a room depends on the decorative elements. It is necessary not only to think over the colors and materials for walls, windows and floors, but also to correctly design key interior items. Since we are considering the interior of a living room with a fireplace and a TV, special attention should be paid to these objects.

Fireplace decoration

The presence of a fireplace device makes it the center of attraction, so it is necessary to carefully consider the design of this island of heat. The materials for making the hearth and its design should be combined with the overall color scheme of the room.

If the fireplace has space above the firebox (mantel), then it is worth placing interesting elements on it: vases, figurines, boxes. A shelf decorated with family photographs will add a special coziness to the living room.

Advice! In a classic interior, use a symmetrical arrangement of elements. Asymmetrically located decorative details will look great in a modern type of interior.

TV in the living room interior

The style of the TV is usually strict: right angles, clear lines, glossy surfaces. The problem may be to fit the TV harmoniously into classic interior. Our recommendations will help you choose the right combination of TV and fireplace in the living room:

  • If the TV is installed on a cabinet, then it should not stand out from the entire interior. Consider the color and material of the cabinet, create a table or bookshelves in a similar style.

  • Rely on photographs of finished interiors you like. Borrow ideas and implement them in your own home.

Be especially careful about the design of the wall with the fireplace and TV. This surface should be made discreetly in soft colors. Rich decor will create overload and quickly tire you.


A fireplace and TV in the living room interior are a very interesting solution. In the process of decorating a room, rely on the recommendations of designers and your own sense of taste. The photos below will help you choose unusual options placement and design of objects.

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