How to build a staircase to the second floor in a wooden house. DIY stairs to the second floor: instructions, drawings and photos of wooden and metal stairs. Construction - what do the interfloor stairs consist of?

If you want to make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands, the wood option will suit you perfectly. It has many advantages over metal and concrete structures. A ladder made of wood is the easiest to build. This does not require special construction skills, as well as many additional tools.

Remember that for those who want to make repairs in their private house not in haste, but high-quality and complete, it is better to contact a construction company and order ready-made version stairs. Our company Ladders Master can help the client with this. Here are the most low prices in Moscow and Moscow region.

Calculating the size of the stairs that will fit your home

One of the important stages in the construction of a staircase is the calculation of its main parameters. If you decide to build it yourself, take this moment responsibly.

An important rule: it is best if the step is 20 cm high and 30 cm wide (this size is ideal for an adult's foot).

Let's say that the height of the first floor in your private house plus the ceiling height on the second floor is 3000 cm (3 meters). Let's calculate the number of steps that will be the most optimal for this staircase height. That is, for this we divide 3000 by 200. It turns out 15 pieces.

After you have calculated the number of steps that are optimal for your staircase, we calculate the length of the projection of the staircase onto the floor of the first floor. To do this, multiply the number of steps by their width. That is 300 by 15. We get 4500 cm. This is 4.5 meters. Try to calculate the length of the structure yourself in your home.

An important rule: remember geometry from school, as well as the Pythagorean theorem for a right triangle.

Suppose that the angle of inclination of a wooden staircase to the second floor will be 30 degrees. Therefore, in order to calculate the direct length of the stairs (hypotenuse), you need to add the squares of the legs of the triangle and subtract the root from this sum. In the case of our staircase, it will turn out 20250000 +9000000 = 29250000. The square root of this number will be 5410 cm (+/- 2cm).

In addition to calculations, a person who decides to start making a ladder on his own needs:

  • a little knowledge in the field of construction and strength materials;
  • arms growing out of the right place;
  • Confidence in your strength.

Materials for the manufacture of wooden stairs to the second floor

After you calculate the dimensions of the future staircase, you will need to draw up a construction estimate. Check out the set of materials that you need to buy in building supermarkets:

  • bowstring (its length will be equal to the calculated length of the hypotenuse - 5410), plus a tooth allowance for installing the stairs on the second floor;
  • steps, in our case - 15 pieces;
  • balusters;
  • handrails;
  • initial pillars.

An important rule: it is better to use glued beams to build your first staircase. Oak and mahogany should not be used - they are very difficult to process.

In addition to the materials from which the staircase itself will be created, you will need a set of tools. Some of them may be at your personal disposal. But, as experience shows, most still have to be bought. Basic set of tools:

  • drill;
  • wood drills;
  • mallets;
  • chisels;
  • hammers;
  • jigsaws;
  • saws (a hand circular saw with the ability to adjust the cutting depth is ideal).

Hand-held circular saw with adjustable cutting depth.

To process and paint the finished structure, you will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • glue for wood;
  • putty for wood;
  • varnish and paint colors that match the interior.

Ladder series "Solo", painted with dark varnish for wood, made by Stairs Master for only 78 thousand rubles. Its price, including installation, is 125 thousand rubles.
Evoles series - the price of a ladder for a height of 2000 cm, without installation and painting of the structure

Installation of the structure: video and photo instructions

We offer you a video instruction on how to install a wooden staircase to the second floor.

It is not so easy to install a wooden ladder yourself. To do this, you will have to invite some of your relatives or friends. And if you want, the workers of our company will always come to your aid, who will be happy to help you install the stairs.

The cost of a magnificent reversible staircase from the "Solo" series is 78 thousand rubles. Even the inhabitants of the castle will envy such a design in your house.

Pros and cons of making a wooden staircase yourself

In fact, there are not so many advantages to making a wooden staircase to the second floor on your own. These include some reduction in the cost of the stairs due to the free performance of the work. Although keep in mind that the price of materials for their self purchase much more than it costs to purchase for construction companies. So the savings on installation and assembly of the structure are small.

Besides self-construction stairs allows you to learn a lot of new things, to get acquainted with a previously unexplored branch of work. Although for a person who has never encountered before construction works, this task will not be an easy one.

Not inferior in beauty to the "Elegant" series of the "Solo" stairs. Take a closer look at the straight marching version of light wood. This staircase is made on monolithic metal supporting structures. Such a miracle cannot be done with your own hands. The price is for a staircase with a height of 2700 cm, with 15 steps.
The cost of the "Solo" staircase with installation and varnish-and-paint works.

Cons of self-made stairs:

  • loss of time;
  • a sufficient amount of effort is required;
  • overall savings on self-made not so big (our construction company manufactures stairs inexpensively);
  • the purchase of additional tools is required;
  • it is extremely difficult to make a swivel staircase yourself, if you want to build a wooden staircase yourself, the only option is an ordinary marching structure on bowstrings;
  • the price of materials in the supermarket will not be wholesale.

Ordering stairs from a construction company is the best choice

Do you need a ladder? But you have already wondered if you can build a good structure yourself, which you will not be ashamed to show to guests and which will not fall apart in the first month of operation. For such cases, our construction company works. We specialize in the manufacture of stairs and their installation in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The construction of a two-, three-storey cottage requires a staircase. Without it, access to the basement, underground garage, attic will be problematic.
It is important not to forget that a staircase is a complex engineering structure. Its design and construction cannot be carried out on a leftover basis. Placement, material, project is determined in advance. The wooden staircase to the second floor is the most beautiful option for your choice.

Private households are characterized by the use of two main types of stair climbs: marching and spiral. Marching flights - with one or more flights, separated by intermediate platforms. The most spectacular, but also the most expensive are the screw. It is recommended to involve specialists with relevant experience in their construction, calculation of the number and width of steps.

In this article, we will take a closer look at all the popular types of stairs, their advantages and disadvantages. But you need to start with the choice of wood:

  • maple looks good, varnishing will accentuate the structure. But when bending, cracks and faults will appear on the surface;
  • beech is considered one of the most durable options, but is not intended for use in conditions of high constant humidity;
  • oak is both durable and beautiful. The only drawback is the high price;
  • larch and pine are budget options. Approved for use subject to antiseptic treatment from rot and bugs.

How to make a wooden spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands

If, in accordance with the plan of the house, the minimum space is allocated for the placement of interfloor transitions, the screw modification will be indispensable. It is mounted both in the center of a room, hall or corridor, and against a wall.

Types of spiral staircases

There are four main types, depending on the method of fastening the steps:

  • directly to the central, support column, assembled from metal parts lined with brick or stone;
  • treads are placed on top of each other. Their intersection becomes the supporting column;
  • with attachment to stringers or bowstrings. The center support can be absent or used as additional element providing strength. Railings and bolts are used as a connecting link;
  • the steps, in addition to the kosour or the central post, are attached to the wall.

The advantages of a spiral staircase

The first thing to mention is the elegant appearance. The number of design and decoration options is endless: from Gothic and wrought iron railings to hi-tech and postmodernism. There is no feeling of "heaviness", the light "transparent" construction does not distract attention, while visually "increasing" the height of the ceilings.

Do not forget about saving space. Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate half of the floor for the placement of the stairs. A modern technologies and materials allow you not to spend half the state on the organization of transitions from floor to floor.

Important points during construction

A spiral staircase is built subject to the following criteria:

  • the distance between floors or intermediate platforms is at least 2 meters;
  • for the manufacture of the central support, a pipe with a wall thickness of 4 mm or more is used. Column diameter - 50-60 mm or more;
  • at the support, the depth of the steps is not less than 10 cm, at the railing - 40 cm. For treads in the shape of a rectangle, the optimal depth is 20 cm or more. One full revolution (3600) requires at least 12 steps up to 1 meter wide. Moving together at the same time is quite difficult, not to mention lifting or lowering furniture.

You can build a spiral staircase yourself. But calculating the number of treads, their height and turn requires special knowledge. To avoid mistakes and subsequent alterations, it is better to contact specialists, at least at the design stage. If you decide to go through all the stages on your own, listen to the following tips:

  • the best material is beech or oak wood. It is distinguished by good strength, withstands decades of operation;
  • there should be no sharp edges or chipping. After sanding and sanding, all wooden parts are covered with parquet varnish;
  • the first baluster is not attached to the first step, but to the floor next to it for greater structural strength.

Straight wooden staircase to the second floor

One-flight flight is the simplest option for organizing movement around the house. It has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  1. simplicity of design, ease of movement and a minimum of preliminary calculations. Even with a little experience, but with due diligence, the manufacture and installation of stringers can be completed in a few days;
  2. it is enough to make a sample of the tread and the riser, and then cut out all the details along them;
  3. if the space along the wall is chosen for placement, then one edge of the steps is expediently attached to a brick or concrete partition to increase strength.

A drawback should also be noted. V ideal option the slope ranges from 26-450, and the stairs take up a lot of space. You will have to decide where to place it and what to do with the space under the stairs.

Construction parameters

It is not worth neglecting the design stage even if we are talking about 2-3 steps. The project helps to determine both the appearance and the total length and other technical characteristics... Regardless of the wishes of the owner regarding the design, the requirements of SNiP remain the same for all modifications of staircases:

  • step height - no more than 20 cm. Both the riser and the tread are taken into account;
  • depth - at least 25-30 cm;
  • when calculating the width, they are guided by the dimensions doorways... The standard prescribes that a flight of stairs designed to move one person should not be narrower than 80 cm;
  • boards are selected well dried with a thickness of at least 4 cm, without knots, cracks, and other defects that can lead to deformation. If you are ordering the production of wooden parts in production, make sure they are the same size, sanded, cleaned and polished.

Why do you need a layout

Construction work begins with a plywood model. Do not give up on it if you lack experience. Better to spend a few extra days but to avoid fatal mistakes.

Exact copies of stringers, risers and treads are cut from plywood. They are assembled, "fitting" at the installation site. The sizes, ease of use, the location of the balusters under the railings are being specified. It is possible that you will have to add / reduce the number of steps, adjust the height of the lowest one.

The layout is ready, we proceed to work on the original

If you are satisfied with the plywood copy, go to work with the boards. You should not immediately install the stringers or bowstring in the place of permanent placement. The assembly is done on the floor. First, the risers are mounted, then the treads. The heads of fasteners (nails or wood screws) should not protrude above the surface.

For fastening to the floor and staircase, special mounting hinges or parts are used that are laid in the ceilings during the construction of the main building.

Upon completion of work on the steps, proceed to the installation of the railing: made of wood, metal, profile pipe. The specific option is selected taking into account the general style, wall material, floor. On each tread, experts recommend placing one baluster. The presence of crossbars is individual. It is advisable to install them if there are small children in the house, or the railings are made of metal. On wooden structure crossbars are superfluous.

Stairs with a turn of 90 degrees

If the place for placement flight of stairs is limited or the design turns out more than 10-12 steps, experts recommend making an intermediate platform with a turn of 90 or 180 degrees, mounted into the walls of the house from two or three sides.

Calculations of the number and width of treads are carried out in the same way as for a standard single-flight span with a few exceptions. Does the turntable consist of winder steps? They are designed like a spiral staircase. In the narrowest place, the depth is at least 10 cm, in the widest - 40 cm.

Graph paper is used to facilitate calculations. On it, in compliance with the scale, the upper and lower spans, the transition platform are drawn, the winder steps are laid. In the middle line, their depth is not less than 20 cm. Otherwise, it will be problematic to climb / descend. Are you critical of your own drawing skills? Refer to special calculation programs distributed free of charge.

If the turntable does not provide for the use of winders, a frame is prepared corresponding to the width of the flights. For fastening the platform frame, the following are used:

  • one or two walls of the house;
  • common stringer;
  • support pillars. They are subsequently used as a base for a built-in wardrobe in the understairs space.

For reliability, it is recommended to make a rough version of plywood or waste wood. Swivel staircase- complex construction. It is almost impossible to correct mistakes. On a plywood layout, it is easier to correct the number of steps or the angle of rotation if there are inaccuracies in the calculations.

Installation of stairs with a turn of 90 degrees

  • kosour is attached to the wall with anchor bolts;
  • support pillars are installed if they are provided for by the project. They can be concreted into the floor and additionally reinforced with mounting loops with bolts;
  • an external stringer is attached to the support pillars. At each stage, slopes are carefully checked, the presence / absence of deviations from the plan;
  • on the stringers or bowstrings in the grooves, first the risers are attached, then the treads. For greater strength, it is recommended to glue all seams;
  • the installation of the upper span ends with the installation of winder steps. The presence of gaps between structural parts is unacceptable;
  • railings and balusters are installed last.

Wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands with a turn of 180

In a private house, situations are not uncommon when there is no place for placing a straight flight staircase, and it is undesirable to build a spiral staircase. For example, elderly people live in the building. In this case, you should pay attention to modifications with a rotation of 1800, made using one of two technologies:

  • two marches "meet" on an intermediate interfloor area, the width of which is equal to the spans plus an additional gap separating them. The site can be solid (reinforced concrete slab) or wooden on supports or built into the wall. For each march, a standard calculation is performed;
  • in place of the site there are winder steps that form a turn. The variant is more difficult to manufacture, but more ergonomic. When climbing / descending, you do not have to change the pace of movement. But, it must be borne in mind that the run-in treads have a trapezoidal shape. They are more difficult to navigate than standard rectangular ones.

Project development

on a sheet of graph paper, vertical and horizontal projections of the stairs are drawn in compliance with the scale;

  • the steps of the upper and lower flights are marked, taking into account the requirements of SNiP in height, depth, width;
  • Do the same with winders. In the simplest case, there will be four of them. But this option can be inconvenient if the site is large. Also, experts recommend making winders not only the steps directly on the site, but also some of the nearest marching ones, in order to make the movement more comfortable;
  • the basis of the entire composition is a central support pillar with a section of 10 x 10 cm or more. Both the spans of the spans and the run-in steps in the narrow part are attached to it.

Installation of stairs with a turn of 180 degrees

Preparation of kosur with grooves for treads: two shorter and four long ones. The short ones get to support pillar, long - up to the wall behind the transition platform. The braces of the lower span are anchored with anchor bolts to the supporting beam of the first floor floor. In the upper part - either to the post or to the wall. The braids of the upper span are attached to the ceiling, pillar and wall;

  • for treads, risers (if any), a transition platform, a board with a thickness of 4 cm or more is used without knots, notches that can spoil the structure;
  • all parts are cut according to a template, carefully polished. At the initial stage, risers are installed, then treads. For fixing, self-tapping screws with a flat head and glue are needed. Replacement of self-tapping screws with dowels is possible;
  • transitional steps are installed. The wide edge is attached to the wall, the narrow part is attached to the support pillar;
  • at the last stage, the railing is mounted. Holes are drilled in the steps. For fastening, bolts with a length of at least 10 cm or wooden studs are used. The lower (uppermost) baluster is located on the floor, even before the first step.

Street wooden staircase to the second floor

The construction of a wooden staircase on the street practically does not differ in technology from the process in the room. The type of structure is selected, the number of steps is calculated, the parameters of the transition platform. There are also nuances:

  • wood does not like moisture. Excessive water absorption and rapid destruction can be avoided in several ways, for example, placed under a canopy. Choose wood types that are resistant to water, such as oak or larch. But at the same time, the project is significantly more expensive. You can make railings and treads from wood, and use metal or reinforced concrete for supporting structures;
  • under the lower supports is equipped with a tape or. Otherwise, soil subsidence is inevitable. At the ends of the stringers, mounting loops are attached, followed by embedding in concrete. This will make the design more reliable.

How to paint a wooden staircase

The staircase is ready, the railings are installed, the steps are tiled, assembled decorative panels and strips, masking stringers and fasteners. It's time to move on to painting or varnishing.

Industry offers different variants paint and varnish solutions. Each of them deserves a separate consideration.

Alkyd paints

  • dry quickly;
  • the composition includes special substances with an antiseptic effect to protect against insects and putrefactive processes;
  • allowed for indoor use, non-toxic, do not cause an allergic reaction;
  • wide range of colors.

Acrylic paints

  • drying time is minimal;
  • there are no unpleasant odors;
  • dyes do not change color and saturation when exposed to sunlight or artificial light;
  • the color palette is able to satisfy the most sophisticated taste.

Oil paints

  • minimum cost;
  • the structure of the wood is not preserved during staining, the surface "does not breathe";
  • with intensive use of the stairs, it will be necessary to periodically re-stain;
  • dries for a long time while maintaining an unpleasant, pungent odor.

Enamel paints

  • ideal for indoor work, as they dry very quickly;
  • in the composition there are no toxins and elements that give a pungent odor;
  • in the process of work, it is necessary to ventilate the room in a constant mode. It is advisable not to work during periods of rain or high humidity.


  • most of it is not recommended for use in outdoor conditions, as it does not withstand exposure to low temperatures;
  • dry quickly;
  • preserve and emphasize the structure of the tree;
  • the surface is smooth (provided that at least 3 layers are applied) and shiny;
  • it is better to choose alcohol-based options;
  • The "yacht" modification cannot be used for interior decoration due to the high content of toxic substances and unpleasant odor that persists for a long time.


  • it is used both as an independent tool for processing wood, and as a base for paint;
  • preserves and emphasizes the structure source material, possesses fire retardant properties, especially in combination with layers of polish.

Experts say that alkyd paints are the best option for painting stairs indoors. For greater effect, they are varnished on top.

Painting options

The staircase is painted in one of two ways:

  • before installation. Each element is colored separately. Assembly work begins after complete drying. The main difficulty in this case is not to damage the paint or varnish layer during assembly, drilling holes;
  • after installation. There are options here. If the second floor is residential, and the staircase is the only one, paint over the step. After the first "batch" has dried, proceed to the second.

If it is possible not to use the second floor yet, or an additional descent is provided, staining is carried out without gaps. This option is preferable, since there will be no different shades.

Regardless of the chosen method of staining, at least 5 hours must be added to the time indicated by the manufacturer. The direction of the strokes is along the grain of the wood.

The subtleties of staining pine stairs

Pine boards require special handling. Resin is actively released on their surface. If it is not removed before staining, the paint will lie unevenly, will not penetrate deep into the structure, and will darken in places over time. Removing the resin is a must.

For demineralization, a 25% acetone solution is used. It is applied to all surfaces, followed by wiping with a damp cloth. Apply paint or varnish after complete drying. If there is too much resin in some areas, it is recommended to cut and putty the surface for leveling.

General technology for painting a wooden staircase

  • cleaning the surface from debris, construction dust, shavings;
  • grinding, priming chips, cracks, scratches;
  • after the soil has dried, a new sanding cycle is carried out with the removal of debris;
  • Ideally, surfaces are primed again 24 hours after initial treatment. But this only applies to staining. Wood is not primed under varnish;
  • paint or varnish is applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is not recommended to choose both too hot and rainy days for work;
  • during the painting process, there should be no dripping drops on the surface;
  • the varnish is applied in 3-5 layers.

When choosing a color, you need to focus on your own preferences, the style of the room, design solution at home. If steps or balusters of several colors are planned, then it is better to paint before the assembly process.

DIY staircase construction to the second floor difficult task but not hopeless. With a little effort, everything is done in a few days.

Today's tendencies towards rational use of the territory, more than ever, urge to build houses not in “width”, but in “height”. This applies to private buildings, but even apartment residents are trying to organize a multi-level layout, thereby expanding the usable area. To combine the upper and lower spaces, it becomes necessary to erect a staircase to the second floor, on the features of the choice of which we will dwell in more detail.

Varieties of stairs by design

When designing a staircase, first of all, you will have to focus not on the design, but on the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room in order to choose the ideal product in terms of design and size. There are two main types:

Marching stairs

A common variant of ladders designed taking into account the biomechanics of movement and providing comfortable, safe movement. They consist of marches with 3 to 15 steps. If the maximum number is not enough, the height is divided into two openings, between which a small platform or winder steps are installed. Such structures are already called two-march.

Marching stairs vary in shape and are straight, pivoting (L-shaped or U-shaped) or curved. When determining this parameter, it is necessary to rely on the area of ​​the room, the height of the ceilings, the location of the second floor.

Type supporting structure there are two types of marching products: on kosoura and bowstrings. In the first case, the steps are laid on top of the beam, and in the second - with inside special grooves are made of the support element.

You will also have to choose the type of steps. Details with risers look more massive and fit perfectly into classic interior, and those without them are suitable for modern home because of the lightweight construction.

In general, marching stairs are presented in wide range and even for small sizes, you can choose a suitable copy or combine it with other items.

Spiral staircases

The principle of such structures is very simple: steps are attached to the installed rod, which spiral upward. They do not take up extra space and are compact enough.

The main reason why spiral staircases are inferior to mid-flight ones is the difficulty in moving due to the lack of solid support. It is not recommended to install such a copy in a house where children or elderly people live. The following parameters are considered optimal: the central width of the steps should be at least 20 cm, and the widest part should not be more than 40 cm.

In other cases, spiral staircases can be considered an excellent option for both modern and classic styles... Due to their spiral shape, they become a key element of the interior, and products will help to diversify the design. different forms- from square to octagonal.


It will not work to install a staircase of this type in the center of the room - it serves as a support bearing wall, to which the steps are attached with bolts (bolts). Collected in one system, they form a single load-bearing element that gives lightweight construction, an almost weightless look, thanks to which it is often used in modern interiors.

Despite the visual fragility, the products are capable of withstanding from 500 to 1100 kg, depending on the material and manufacturer. In addition, the bolts allow you to adjust the height of the steps after installation.

Popular are staircases with handrails, which take some of the load onto themselves. You can experiment with base, shape and lighting to create a unique option for your home.

Choosing material for the stairs

Ladders are made from different materials that endow them with certain aesthetic and practical properties.

Wooden stairs

Imagining a staircase in a house immediately creates the image of a solid wooden structure with curly railings and a beautiful deep texture. It can be luxurious wenge, oak or minimalist wood of simple species. Best options ash, walnut, beech are considered, but pine is not strong enough to withstand the required load. The lacquer coating will protect against the negative effects of the environment, but it will have to be renewed regularly.

Such material is suitable for any designs, but it looks most organically as marching products. For country or American style such a solution is irreplaceable.

Metal stairs

Metal structures will serve you for half a century, retaining their original, neat appearance. To do this, choose stainless steel specimens that do not lend themselves to corrosion, since chrome-plated or painted options have a limited service life - no more than 6-7 years.

The plasticity of the base allows you to give the stairs and its parts any shape. Metal is often combined with other materials such as wood, glass, concrete. Graceful forged handrails are obtained from it.

Concrete stairs

Unlike more natural materials, concrete does not have lightness or sophistication, in its pure form it is unlikely to fit into a classic interior, but instead gives a sense of solidity and integrity.

Such structures are quite reliable, can withstand high loads and do not deteriorate over time. Unfortunately, it is difficult to install them on your own, but the cheapness of raw materials covers this disadvantage.

An important advantage of concrete stairs is the ability to decorate them: with stone, wood, or even tiles... The unique rough texture will be invisible, but you will get an aesthetic design at an affordable cost.

Stone stairs

Marble has a stunning deep texture, but as a stair cover it wears out quickly, literally after a few years. Granite or quartzite have opposite properties. Much cheaper artificial counterparts also do an excellent job with their role.

Stone stairs are often combined with metal handrails, and adjusting the decor can fit into many styles.

Glass stairs

If the first place comes to the design, which does not require ten years of serviceable "service", glass structures have no competitors. Steps are made of this material, which are attached to bolts or used on spiral staircases Oh. It harmoniously acts in tandem with metal, which enhances the effect of gloss and gives reliability to such a fragile product.

Indeed, glass stairs can be damaged when strong blow, but even in its absence, noticeable scratches appear on the surface over time. For greater strength, it is better to choose hardened or laminated varieties. Acrylic glass is considered the most reliable, but tends to darken over time.

Styles and design

Due to their shape, staircases often stand out among the interior ensemble, while remaining an organic part of it. For this, when developing a design, it is necessary to focus on the basic stylistics of the premises.

Stairs in a modern style

Modern aesthetics love brevity and restraint, use practical materials, combining them to create a more complex look. Preference is given to clean geometric shapes, lines, smooth surfaces.

The style works with the peculiarities of the space, so the type of construction of the staircase can be any, the main thing is that it looks good in the interior.

Classic style stairs

As mentioned above, the classics are characterized by the use of three materials: wood, metal and decorative stone, among which the first is clearly in the lead. Initially, you need to choose rooms with a large area, since even the staircase here has a massive appearance.

Often these are marching items on kosoura or bowstrings with closed risers, divided into several spans and fenced with strong railings, often with characteristic carvings.

Loft style stairs

Concrete stairs to the second floor harmoniously interact with the style of the loft, emphasizing its industrial character. However, other bases will also look appropriate.

The ladder must have maximum simple design, providing a comfortable movement. Since the loft interior, according to the rules, is located on large areas, you do not need to worry about the size of the structure.

Minimalist stairs

It is desirable that stairs in the style of minimalism attract as little attention to themselves as possible. Ideally, they should fit into the overall volume of the room, forming a single functional whole with it.

Means of expressiveness are minimized: the texture of the material, smooth lines, natural colors. Perfect solution- steps on the bolts.

Art Deco stairs

The graceful and multifaceted Art Deco seeks to emphasize its "status" in all details - from the base of the stairs to the railings. The latter can repeat complex, intertwining patterns inspired by floristic imagery.

Marching stairs will look monumental and noble, spiral, due to their spiral shape, in themselves correspond to the Art Deco style, but bolt fixings will seem too simple.

Where to post: basic rules

Installing stairs to the second floor is an overly individual process that depends on the size, layout and height of the ceilings in your space.

The most popular place for stairs remains the hallway, especially in spacious mansions. Thus, upon entering the house, you immediately gain access to all rooms without wandering through the corridors.

The second most popular place to place the lift is the living room. This is convenient for buildings with an average area, if the second floor leads to a private area, for example, a bedroom. In the hall, combined with the kitchen, the staircase can be used for zoning.

To somehow compensate for the impressive dimensions of the staircase, it can be combined with another functional item using empty space. This applies to marching structures located next to the wall. The construction of such products is more complicated, requires detailed measurements and careful planning, but the final result will allow you to maximize each square meter premises.

The understairs area can serve as a frame for cabinets. The solution is relevant in the hall (storage of clothes and shoes) or in the living room (for a home library and household items).

The staircase can be organized in the form of a wall in the living room, along the protruding parts of which you can move around the floors.

Connoisseurs of quality drinks can arrange a large collection of wines by enclosing it with glass doors and installing lighting.

In the resulting niche, you can put a small sofa, arrange a cozy place for rest and privacy, and install shelves on the side walls.

Space under a ladder will do to create a separate room - a pantry, a study or a mini-workshop. Any child will be delighted with such a secluded children's playroom.

Using these ideas will allow you to take a different look at the stairs in the house, which will turn from a bulky object into a functional solution.

Design of stairs to the second floor - photo

It is difficult not to notice the staircase even in the most spacious interior, which is why so much attention is paid to its design. You can find even more varied shapes, decor options and layouts in our photo selection. Happy viewing!

The construction of a two-story private house, cottage or summer house is a profitable solution that allows you to expand your living space. To save useful area in such buildings, small-sized stairs are installed. Such designs differ in the number of steps and forms of marches. At the same time, a compact staircase to the second floor must meet the requirements of practicality and safety.

Stylish and compact stair configurations

Small stairs are installed to save usable space. When making them, they do so that the steps are located as close to each other as possible, but it is convenient to move along them. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of model in order to install the safest structure in your home.

Even such a compact staircase can look very organic.

Special meaning has the shape of the opening and its width. The choice of the type of construction of small dimensions depends precisely on these indicators. The dimensions of the steps and are the main data that should be taken into account. It is important to figure out which types of structures are best for small spaces.


Single-march models are the simplest. However, even when installing such stairs to the second floor, you can save space. The minimum required space for a 3-meter floor height is 80x180 cm.

Designers decide for this on various non-standard solutions. For example, these include models in which the treads are narrowed on each side.

Ladder structures with one flight can also be foldable and retractable.


Models with turns of marches are installed in a corner or against a wall. The platforms in them play the role of an element necessary for the U-turn. Turns are performed by 90 ° or 180 °. Two-flight staircases do not take up much space, but going up and down them is quite convenient. Winder steps in such cases are simply irreplaceable. The minimum space required for a 3-meter floor height is 160x180 cm.

A good corner solution for a small area

Thanks to the installation of such a structure, the narrow passage to the second floor is more elegant. In comparison with straight flights, when moving, you have to change the direction of movement. There are other differences as well:

  1. Compactness. They do not take up much space, while the parameters remain optimal.
  2. Convenience - it is convenient to navigate them even with a large object in your hands.
  3. Aesthetics. Corner products look interesting and neat.
  4. Security. According to this indicator, rotary products are safer than screw ones.


Small-sized screw models are popular today. These structures are installed both in multi-level apartments and in country houses. The ease of operation of such structures lies in the observance of the rules of ergonomics - movement up and down is carried out comfortably, and no dead zones are created under the steps. It is more profitable to place such a staircase to the second floor of a house in a small area. The minimum dimensions in the plan with a floor height of 3 m is 130x130 cm.

The steps are attached to the upright in a spiral pattern. One of the main advantages of screw products is the elegance of their shapes. They are created from metal or wood - in any case, they are able to fit into a modern interior.

However, screw products have their own disadvantages. For example, if a person is carrying a large object in his hands, it will be uncomfortable to descend. Wooden models add a cozy atmosphere to the house.


If you don't have to go up often, it is better to install in country house folding type design. It is great for the attic. Its advantage is the ability to fold if necessary. Small-sized retractable models are attached to a hatch on the ceiling. You can easily tilt the structure and then push it back. For attic maintenance, a folding structure is ideal.

It is allowed to install such a model in any area of ​​the house. Its choice depends only on the location of large-sized furniture. In addition, the installation of the folding model does not affect the interior.

There are several types of such products:

  • telescopic;
  • retractable;
  • folding;
  • sectional.

The width is usually close to that of conventional attachment structures. As a rule, it is 60-65 cm. With a large slope, it will be possible to descend along it only with your back forward.

When choosing suitable type small structures look at the overall design of the room. The main thing is that it is durable, ergonomic and safe. Such a small staircase for a summer residence is mounted where the attic is rarely used. It is effective to install such structures in houses with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.

Small-sized solutions

If it is necessary to install a ladder that would not "hide" the space and would be as convenient as possible, pay attention to small-sized structures. There are several types of such products that can meet the requirements of practicality and reliability.

Modular designs

When installing modular lifts to the second floor, you can experiment with the interior and choose different options assembly. They can be made by hand, which is the main advantage. Modular designs are screw, spiral, L- and U-shaped. They can also be rounded. The modular system allows you to give the stairs any shape in plan, and the addition the right amount elements allows you to gain arbitrary height.

They are installed in openings of different widths and lengths. It is important to correctly install the modular staircase - the safety of the residents depends on it. At the same time, attention is paid to living in the house of persons with disabilities- children and the elderly.

Choose a modular staircase with a small opening to the second floor in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Before choosing, measure the area of ​​the room and find out the dimensions of the opening.
  2. It is better if the structure is equipped with a handrail that will ensure the safety of movement.
  3. For the convenience of ascending and descending, stairs without risers are chosen - this is how comfort is provided when placing the legs.
  4. The design of the structure is created taking into account the general style of the room.

With small platforms and compact bends, it is easy to save living space. First, they pay attention to the safety of the product and only then to its appearance. Modular structures are installed in a house where you need to move between floors quickly. This design is often chosen for installation in a bath.

Ladder "goose step"

Among the single-march designs, it is worth highlighting the "goose step" staircase. It does not take up space, but it also does not restrict movement when going up and down. When resizing the run, it is important to maintain the optimal step width and slope range. If, even when choosing extreme values, it is not possible to create a rise to the second floor, it is not worth saving space for a staircase.

The design difference is the alternate narrowing of the tread on each side. This allows you to create comfort when moving, while leaving the length of the march relatively small.

This design can become a highlight of the entire interior.

The “goose step” ladder is designed for comfortable movement in confined spaces. For such models, the optimal slope is 50 ° - 60 °. Their width is reduced to 60-80 cm. At the same time, the ratio of the riser height and tread width in such structures is rather unusual. If you transfer it to a regular one-flight staircase, it would be unsafe to move along it.

Important convenience and safety issues

When installing stairs to the second floor small house it is important to combine the design with the background style of the interior. You also need to take into account some requirements:

  • compact size;
  • security;
  • comfort of movement.

The structure should not be too steep - no more than 60 °. The slope is calculated based on the possibility of its use by children and the elderly. It is better to equip the structure with handrails. The coating is chosen so as not to slip on it when moving. If the staircase is made of polished stone, you can lay a carpet runner on it.

Often, structures have to be performed with a large slope - up to 75 ° degrees. At the same time, a rather large depth of the steps is set. The convenience and safety of the ladder can be increased by installing handles that you can hold on to when going up and down.

Safety regulations:

  • starting from the first meter, the staircase is equipped with a fence with a height of 90 cm;
  • the gaps between the railing posts should not exceed 10 cm;
  • the width of the tread should be sufficient for a comfortable setting of the leg - 25-30 cm;
  • for the convenience of a hand, the handrails are created with optimal diameter- 32-60 mm;
  • all steps must be of the same height.

Optimal dimensions fences and handrails

When designing a staircase to the second floor, it is important to take care not only of its ergonomics, but also of functionality. Therefore, such designs are created according to individual drawings. You can make calculations yourself using free

This article is an overview of the most popular types of stairs, and also contains practical advice how to make and calculate stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands. Scheme, calculations, dimensions and drawings are attached. At the end of each chapter, there is a video showing the process of building a structure.

For ease of reading, the article is divided into several chapters:

  • the first chapter contains general recommendations;
  • the second chapter introduces methods for creating a spiral staircase project that can be applied during work;
  • the third, fourth and fifth chapters have examples for creating common structures from wood, concrete and metal;
  • the latter offers 10 construction projects and answers the question about the optimal width.

For convenience, the article has a navigation bar with which you can go to any item and start reading from the required chapter.

An example of a metal staircase project

How to calculate the stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands correctly - general recommendations

The ladder is used to move comfortably between floors. As a rule, this design is used daily - two-storey houses most often they are built with bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. From this, you can get two of the most important rules in the design of a structure - safety and convenience.

Above the shelving

Important: A ladder is a source of increased trauma for people of all ages. A fall can have an extremely negative effect on human health, therefore, it should be made as safe as possible. To do this, there are several ways that allow you to completely minimize the risks.

First of all, it is necessary to make steps of the optimal height and width. It is easy to stumble on too high steps, and it is extremely difficult to walk on narrow ones, therefore you can easily slip. It is necessary to take this into account when designing, laying the size in advance in the project.

In a big house

The most optimal step height can be considered 150-200mm. This is enough to take a confident step, without the fear of stumbling or lifting the leg incorrectly. The depth, or width, must be at least 200mm - this requirement can be easily obtained from the average length of a person's leg.

In addition, a handrail is required for each staircase. They allow you to move with greater comfort and safety - the risk of falling is significantly reduced.

Important: The material should not be slippery. It is better not to make a staircase of tiles or varnished wood - they have a smooth surface, which is very inconvenient for movement. If, nevertheless, wood is used, it is not superfluous to sandpaper or upholstery steps with a carpet.

Above the sofa

Convenience often depends on security. If the steps are safe, they will be comfortable at the same time. Of course, sometimes for the sake of convenience, you can deviate somewhat from the standard sizes - if they are used only by a person of large stature, you can make the height of the steps more than 200 mm.

The graph of the dependence of the slope of the stairs to ease of use

How to make a screw structure yourself

The spiral staircase has its own special appearance, due to which it becomes possible to create a completely different design. Besides, helical structure saves a lot of space on both floors, making the room more ergonomic.


Calculation of a spiral staircase to the second floor

In the case of creating a spiral staircase to the second floor, the calculation must begin with the number of steps and the height of their location. Based on what was said in the last chapter, the optimal height between the steps is 200mm, and the depth is 200-300mm. But it must be taken into account that the steps of spiral staircases have the form of expanding cones, therefore, their depth must be calculated in a special way.

Center pillar

It is better to use mathematical formulas for the calculation. First, you need to know the circumference of the structure. The most convenient way to do this is using the formula 2 * 3.14 * r, where r is the span width. For example, with a span of 1000mm, the circumference will be 6280mm. To get the width of the step from the outside, it is enough to divide this distance by the number of steps in one span. For example, with 10 steps, the distance will be 628mm, which will allow you to create a flat staircase without voids.

Screw model calculation scheme

The height of the structure is determined by the height of the room, just like when creating a regular staircase. The height between the steps should be equal to the optimal one - for example, usually 150-250mm is enough. The optimal height is best calculated from the height of the room. For example, for the height of the ceilings in the room - 2700mm. The steps will be 20mm thick, the floor thickness will be 150mm.

Advice: Calculations must start with the floor - the floor is the zero step. First, you need to add up the height of the room and the floor, since it is this distance that the stairs should go. In this case, it is equal to 2850mm. To get the number of steps, it is necessary to divide it by the suitable height of one step with its height - for example, 220mm. The result, rounded off, is 13 steps. The last, 13th step, in this case will be the floor of the second floor.

Plotting and dimensions

At this stage, it is best to create a project on paper. It is not necessary to make it as accurate as possible in the drawing plan, but even a simple sketch will help you better understand the project.

Dimensions of spiral staircases to the second floor

When calculating the size, it is necessary to build on the most comfortable staircase width of 800-1000mm. This is enough to pass even with a large load on your hands, while not constraining yourself in movements (unfortunately, large-sized furniture will still have to be lifted through the windows).

Screw model project

The spiral staircase is a circle, because the diameter is equal to the addition of the width of the aisles and, if the staircase is built with a central support, the size of the support. On average, the diameter of such a structure is 1600-2000mm, which is enough for its convenient use, regardless of its features. More details in the table below

Advice: Very often the size of the stairs depends on the height of the ceiling. For the little one country house it makes no sense to make a very wide staircase - 700mm will be enough to get to the second floor. For attics, exactly the same rule applies.

Video project of a spiral staircase

This video shows how to make your own stairs to the second floor in a private house with your own hands (diagram and project dimensions are attached). The main points of installation are shown, as well as all the features of working with this type of structures.

DIY wooden staircase to the second floor

An ordinary staircase can be built using similar calculations and techniques. A wooden staircase to the second floor in a private house with your own hands is made much easier than a spiral one, but it takes up relatively more space. Next, we will consider the main points of the calculation and video instructions.

Made of wood

Calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor

In this case, it is necessary to build on the same average values ​​- with a depth of 200-250mm and a height of 200-250mm. The distance must be divided in the same way - by calculating from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor.

Calculation example

The calculation of a wooden staircase to the second floor must take into account the length - it is the addition of the depth of all steps. The more there are, the more the length itself will be. For an ordinary staircase indoors, on average, 10-12 steps are enough, which in total will be equal to 2000-2500mm at a depth of 200mm and 2500-3000mm at a depth of 250mm.

90 degree turn staircase project

Advice: The width of such a structure should, on average, be 800-1000mm. This size should provide complete freedom of action. Therefore, if railings are planned, then there should be extra space on the steps.

The opening above the structure should begin from the place where less than 2000-2200mm remains from the step to the ceiling - this is enough for anyone of a person's height. Do not make the opening too short - savings in this case can turn into inconvenience and additional labor costs.


If you plan to create a turn, then it must be calculated with the same conditions - the only change is the width of the step - the steps in the turning area are calculated similarly to the screw ones, but they can be done with an emphasis on the wall.

Video instruction

This video is a guide for the design and installation of a 90 degree wooden staircase.

Do-it-yourself concrete stairs to the second floor - video instruction

Concrete is an excellent material for stairs - it is very durable and allows you to work with any volume. Often, for such a design, it is enough just to assemble the frame and fill it.

Formwork for a concrete structure

Important: It should be noted that the creation concrete stairs on the second floor with your own hands requires a very large investment - a huge amount of concrete is spent on a completely cast structure. Most likely, you will have to order a full-fledged concrete mixer - the usual manual method will take an extremely long process.

Cast construction

To relieve this process the span should be additionally reinforced with different blocks. It is a good idea to create a frame from foam blocks, on which the formwork is subsequently laid. This allows you to get additional space under the structure and use it for household needs.

The video below shows the process of assembling the formwork and its pouring, showing the main points of the work.

Do-it-yourself metal staircase to the second floor - calculation and video instruction

Metal is an extremely ductile yet durable material. A metal staircase to the second floor with your own hands, unfortunately, is not the most comfortable - it is quite difficult to heat it, but the strength will be very high. In addition, a metal staircase takes up little space - this is important for houses with a small total area.

Iron construction

The peculiarities of the calculation in this case include the fact that the metal step takes up very little space. Usually its size is 5-10mm, and for the entire height of the structure, their total volume rarely exceeds 90-100mm.

Calculations are no different from ordinary stairs, but with the difference that it is necessary to take into account the resistance of materials. For construction, we recommend using metal pipes with a wall thickness of at least 8mm, and for steps - reinforcement not thinner than 7mm. At the same time, with wide steps, thickened options should be used that will not sag under the weight of a person.

Do-it-yourself single-flight iron staircase to the second floor

Advice: If the structure is created from square profiles, it is worth choosing them with a cross section of at least 5 mm - square profiles are much more stable than round ones due to rigid edges. You can work with metal both by welding and by fasteners.

The video below shows an example of creating a metal staircase, which is subsequently sheathed with plasterboard. It displays the main points of the work.

What should be the width of the stairs to the second floor in a private house - the correct dimensions?

This question is purely personal. Despite the optimal span width of 800-1000mm, this value can vary greatly depending on the personal preferences of a person. It must be borne in mind that the wider the opening is, the more resources will be required.

Width examples different types stairs

It is worth separately setting a minimum border of 500 mm - a narrower structure will be completely inconvenient for use, and it will be quite problematic to move some things or furniture along it. The maximum border depends solely on the room, but still, you should not make the width more than 2000-2500mm, especially if the staircase is not the main one in the hall.

Do-it-yourself stairs to the second floor in a private house - diagram and drawing of 10 projects

Diagram of stairs with straight flights
Angled 90 degrees
Drawing of a U-shaped staircase with a turntable
Wooden model plan
Detailed drawing
Payment Simple staircase
Rotated 180 degrees
Direct flight staircase project
Direct two-flight