How to properly cover a ceiling with vinyl wallpaper. How to put wallpaper on the ceiling. Types, necessary tools, which coatings are most suitable. Preparing the ceiling, cutting and gluing sheets. Gluing non-woven wallpaper

Currently in demand different types ceilings, but some owners prefer a ceiling with wallpaper. It is possible to depict a lot on its surface using wallpaper. For example, a ceiling in the form of a blue or starry sky is now popular. Look at the photos of wallpaper on the ceiling to choose the best option.

Ceiling wallpaper made from cellulose fibers

Wallpaper of this material consists of seventy percent natural elements, so they are environmentally friendly and completely safe. Another advantage of this wallpaper is that it is durable and can smooth out minor imperfections in the ceiling, such as cracks or chips.


  • Non-woven wallpaper is easy to work with; it does not lose its shape and does not get wet when applied.
  • The adhesive must be applied to the edges of the wallpaper, which makes it possible to adjust the design, pattern and joints of the canvases to the maximum.
  • Wallpaper made from this material is suitable for ceilings of any material and composition.
  • Wallpaper is safe and can be used even in a children's room without worrying about the health of children.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper

First of all, you need to properly prepare the ceiling. It is necessary to remove the old wallpaper and wash all the whitewash. All this is done cleanly so that when wallpapering the ceiling, streaks and yellow spots do not appear on them.

The ceiling is leveled as much as possible so that there are no waves or cracks on it; this can be done using a primer and a spatula.

Wallpaper must be distributed and cut into canvases of such a size that it is convenient to work with them. It is advisable to choose a special adhesive for this type of wallpaper; this can be easily done at any hardware store.

The canvases need to be glued end to end, without leaving gaps or gaps. The width of the wallpaper for the ceiling is recommended to be one and a half meters, but first of all, it depends on the area of ​​the ceiling space.


If the wallpaper needs to be painted, it is recommended to do this some time after pasting so that it can dry. Any paint can be used and coloring can be done more than once.

When painting the floor, it is better to cover it with oilcloth or unnecessary newspapers so as not to spoil the floor covering. It is better to do the work with a roller, and where it is impossible to use a brush.

Ceiling color

It so happens that light shades of the color scheme are used for the ceiling. If you want the color of the wallpaper for the ceiling to be bright, then it will be muted. To zone a space, it is recommended to use different shades of the same color.

Vinyl ceiling wallpaper

The cost of vinyl wallpaper depends on the thickness of the PVC and the base. There are also specimens that are produced with further coloring.

Vinyl wallpaper is purchased more often than paper wallpaper, thanks to its positive aspects:

  • Wear resistance and long service life.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Easy to apply to the ceiling surface.
  • Huge selection and different prices.

There is only one drawback: poor air permeability. And of course, the quality of the work depends on how you glue the wallpaper on the ceiling.

Wallpaper of this type is divided into several groups:

  • Flat vinyl with a smooth surface and shine.
  • Vinyl with texture allows you to make wallpaper to look like building materials.
  • Heavy vinyl can imitate stone and is very thick.
  • Vinyl made of several layers. These wallpapers look like silk and are very expensive.

Glass wallpaper

This is a material that you rarely see on the ceiling of an apartment. A special base is made from fiberglass, onto which various patterns are applied. The material is safe and does not contain harmful mixtures.

Advantages of the material

  • Wear resistance and durability. Such wallpaper will last up to thirty years.
  • They do not burn and do not emit harmful elements when heated.
  • Helps maintain a pleasant indoor microclimate.
  • They do not accumulate dust and wash well.
  • You can change the color of the wallpaper up to twenty times.
  • In the interior of the room, glass wallpaper is used with relief. This is another advantage because they are suitable for any design.

Glass wallpaper looks very harmonious and expensive, you can see this by looking at the photo of the ceiling wallpaper in the interior.

Liquid wallpaper

Sometimes liquid wallpaper is called decorative plaster. Difference from other types of wallpaper:

  • These wallpapers can be easily applied to surfaces with big amount corners
  • Liquid wallpaper adheres firmly to any surface.
  • Dust does not accumulate and wet cleaning is not needed.
  • The wallpaper is safe and made from environmentally friendly materials.
  • Liquid wallpaper does not allow noise and heat to pass through.

The disadvantage is that liquid wallpaper cannot be used in the kitchen or bathroom.

Application of liquid wallpaper

First you need to prepare the surface of the ceiling; to do this, the old coating is removed and the defects are smoothed out with putty. But there is one caveat when applying liquid wallpaper Moisture will get onto the ceiling, and the putty will not tolerate it. To do this, first, on top of the putty, the ceiling needs to be painted water-based paint.

To prepare wallpaper, it is recommended to use a special mixer, thanks to which the mass will be homogeneous. IN warm water Add the mixture in small portions and mix. Afterwards, leave the resulting consistency for half an hour and begin to apply it to the surface of the ceiling with a spatula. It takes about twelve hours for the wallpaper to dry - it depends on the thickness.

Photo of wallpaper on the ceiling

Everyone has probably heard about this material. Products made from this polymer surround us in everyday life literally from all sides.

The material is synthetic, there is an opinion about it that it can be harmful. However, this is not at all true, materials made from foam vinyl are no more harmful than paper wallpaper, and you can judge how aesthetically pleasing such coatings are by looking at the photos offered in the article.

Properties of rolled vinyl ceiling covering

By and large, any covering in a room requires decorativeness: color, pattern, texture. Vinyl rolled materials meet this condition fully.

Plus, there are also options for painting, which makes it possible to change the color of the coating many times. But still, coverings with floral or geometric prints are more often used in interior design. You can see examples of such interior design below.

Like any other material, vinyl wallpaper has its pros and cons. First, let's get to know them.


they look very impressive. This makes it possible to decorate your home and make the interior unique without resorting to the help of designers. At the same time, you can get luxurious patterns and reliefs quickly and not too expensively, and bring them to life interesting options design.

Here are just a few of the options:


  • The assortment is very wide, and the designs are bright. You can choose either plain or patterned wallpaper, as well as canvases that imitate silk-screen printing;
  • Vinyl flooring is much easier to glue than other types.. You can veneer the ceiling without helpers, since the canvases stretch well and adjust when gluing;
  • Care is incredibly easy, because they are quite easy to clean, housewives will appreciate this quality;
  • Vinyl surface is highly durable, they do not get scratched, do not fade or get wiped during use.


Everyone has it building material You can find disadvantages, and vinyl wallpaper is no exception, despite all the advantages.

  • Vinyl does not “breathe”; this is bad not for humans, but for walls. The lack of oxygen on the surface of the walls can lead to them becoming covered with condensation and mold.
  • For such cases, you can purchase vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing, which perfectly “breathes” and is able to hold heavy vinyl, while it is an environmentally friendly material.

Advice! Three-layer ones have a bottom layer impregnated with an antifungal compound; in addition, vinyl wallpaper adhesive also has special additives, so for the sticker you need to use a proprietary compound.

  • The formaldehyde released by vinyl is also one of the disadvantages. But then you need to give up linoleum, carpeting, laminated interior items and many other things.

Formaldehyde at room temperature do not stand out, this quality manifests itself when heated to a high temperature. As a rule, harmful formaldehydes are released during a fire, but it is unlikely that a person during a fire will wait until they begin to be released harmful substances. Therefore, the harm from them can be considered minimal.

How to glue correctly

By going vinyl, you are making the right choice. Unlike walls that have a vertical surface, the ceiling is horizontal, so gluing wallpaper coated with adhesive is not so easy for one person.

However, vinyl wallpaper is glued dry; the adhesive is applied to the ceiling itself. You will spend much less time and labor on such work.

A strip on the ceiling visually lengthens the room

But no one has canceled the force of gravity, therefore, when gluing the canvases, you should be extremely careful and carefully prepare the surface. Instructions for gluing vinyl wallpaper to the ceiling are given below.

Preparing the surface and room

It is better to remove all furniture and any objects that may interfere during work from the room. The operating temperature should be approximately 23˚C. To create a certain microclimate, you need to close the room at least 24 hours before pasting.

  • The windows need to be curtained or sealed so that the glued wallpaper does not get direct sunlight, which can disrupt the drying process.
  • Before you start gluing, you must turn off the power supply in the room, close the windows tightly, and also turn off all climate control equipment (air conditioners, electric fans and hoods).
  • If the room is too hot and the air is dry, you should humidify it a little so that the wallpaper does not come off the ceiling. To do this, you can place containers with water, for example, buckets or basins, in the corners of the room.

We prepare the necessary equipment and materials

The question: “How to choose vinyl ceiling wallpaper” is quite complex. The choice should be based on your own taste, the condition of the ceiling, your own experience and, of course, financial capabilities. But first of all, the design, color or texture must fit into the overall design style.

Here's what you'll need besides the wallpaper itself:

  • A sharp knife (wallpaper or construction knife with replaceable blades);
  • Roulette;
  • Glue;
  • Stepladder (table or chair);
  • A roller, rags, rags or a soft sponge - or better yet, a pressure roller.

This is not the entire set of necessary tools or materials - the list may increase if it is uneven. Then you will have to putty and prime it; often you will even have to plaster it.

Wallpaper glue, which is usually sold dry, must be diluted and used strictly in accordance with the instructions that come with it.

Preparing the surface

The room is prepared for gluing like this:

Carefully inspect the surface of the ceiling; if there are cracks, unevenness or any other defects on it, you will have to carefully level everything.

  • It is also necessary to level the angle between the wall and the ceiling, it should be exactly 90˚, it is better to check the angle with a construction square.
  • After filling or plastering, it is necessary to sand the surface. Pay attention to the joints; poorly primed joints will ruin the appearance of the ceiling after wallpapering.
  • The surface must be primed with liquid glue applied in a thin layer, as well as a special deep penetration primer.
  • If the room has high humidity, then before priming the ceiling must be coated with compounds containing fungicides that effectively combat the formation of fungus and mold.


The correct direction for wallpapering is towards the window from the opposite side, so that the light falling from the window does not cast a shadow on the joints.

  • Now we mark the ceiling, lines are drawn along the edges, then the entire area under the sheet of wallpaper is coated and immediately you need to start gluing the vinyl.
  • For better adhesion, you can apply glue to the canvas - but this is not necessary if the ceiling is well prepared and coated with glue.
  • Wide wallpaper is cut with a small margin; it is better to cut off the extra piece after gluing.
  • It is best to cut wallpaper according to a template in advance, so as not to waste time on this during the gluing process.

  • The technology for gluing vinyl wallpaper to the ceiling is no different from what we are used to - apply glue, apply the wallpaper, press it with a brush or roller and trim the edge.
  • Press the wallpaper sheet over the entire surface and smooth it with a roller, rag or sponge to remove air bubbles and folds. Finally, coat the edge of the glued sheet with a brush and glue the next sheet.

If the wallpaper is glued for painting, then after the glue has dried, you need to paint it with water-based paint in one or two layers.

Some tips on how to get the job done without outside help

  1. The first thing you must remember is that you will have to work as quickly as possible. Therefore, you need to make sure that the structure on which you will stand when sticking is as long as possible - you will need to move under the ceiling along the entire length of the sheet.
  2. The second thing you must do is constantly monitor the result of your work. After sticking each strip, you will have to go down and inspect the evenness of the sticker.
    Standing constantly near the ceiling, you risk not noticing the defect.
  3. Corners are special places where wallpapering is the most difficult part. The sheet must be calculated so that it is the width of the niche depth + allowance. It is necessary to make cuts at the top and bottom. Pressing it very tightly, bend the fabric around the corner, carefully trim off the excess. You should press firmly so that the canvas sticks very firmly.
  4. Before you start wallpapering, you need to remove all devices protruding above the surface. Once the wallpaper is installed and the glue has dried, you will need to turn off the power, cut the outlet holes and screw the appliances into place.

Ceiling vinyl wallpaper is a very durable and beautiful material that can transform a room in a short time. Nobody argues that gluing them is not very simple, but the result will make you not regret the effort expended.

The price is slightly higher than the cost of simple paper ones, but you will have to repair a room covered with vinyl much less often. So there is a benefit.

On the Internet you can find many thematic videos (there is one in this article) that show how to glue. After watching a couple of these videos, you will understand that there is nothing complicated about it, and you can easily do the work yourself without calling specialists, the cost of whose services is often equal to the cost of the wallpaper itself.

Perhaps few things evoke such awe as wallpapering a ceiling. After all, the position is uncomfortable, your hands get tired, and if you do something else incorrectly, then this process simply turns into a nightmare.

Listen to the tips below, and then you will be able to understand how to wallpaper the ceiling with minimal losses.

Preparatory work

All furniture must be removed from the room during renovation. If this is not possible, then move it to one corner and cover it with polyethylene.

You also need to think about a reliable stand with which you can reach the ceiling.

First of all, we prepare the wallpaper, glue and tools - a wide brush for applying glue, a roller for processing seams, a wallpaper brush and scissors.

We clean the ceiling surface from old decorative materials:

  • dye,
  • wallpaper,
  • whitewashing, etc.

Cut the wallpaper to the desired length and stack it with the wrong side up.

Apply glue with a wide brush first to the middle of the canvas and then carefully distribute it over the entire surface. Make sure that the layer of glue is uniform.

Carefully fold the coated fabric like an accordion, making folds about 30 cm deep. The coated side should not touch the front.

Leave the folded canvas for a few minutes so that the glue is absorbed into the paper, so it will be more pliable. There is no point in delaying the process, otherwise you risk getting a fabric that is too soft and may tear.

When climbing on a stepladder or other stand, take with you scissors, an upholstery brush and a seam roller. You should have them with you to glue the wallpaper to the ceiling and smooth it thoroughly.

Choose work clothes that have many pockets, then you will always have a roller and scissors at hand.

Also, take something with you to support the “accordion” to avoid tearing the fabric. This could be a broom wrapped in plastic, a leftover roll of wallpaper, a cardboard roll from under packaging foil.

Hold the support roller and accordion with one hand, while with the other hand carefully apply the upper section of the canvas to the ceiling surface, focusing on the drawn reference line.

Then press this section tightly and smooth it with a brush from the middle to the edges. Please make sure there are no wrinkles or bubbles.

Near the wall, press the edge of the wallpaper into the corner with the blunt side of the scissors, so you will mark the cutting line. Then slightly move the canvas away from the surface of the ceiling and cut along the break you marked. This way you will achieve a smooth, neat cutting line.

When you wallpaper a ceiling and come across a chandelier on your way, make a cross-shaped cut in this place to avoid unevenness. Later, the chandelier cap will cover this cut.

The ceiling can be decorated in different ways: entrust the installation of the ceiling to professionals, use drywall, lay out tiles, whitewash, paint, wallpaper. If you chose the latter option, you should know that there are certain rules and recommendations for wallpapering the ceiling. And if you listen to them, then, of course, you will cope with the task, regardless of its complexity.

Types of wallpaper

Depending on the material of manufacture, the following coatings are available today:

  • Traditional paper ones are the simplest option. However, it is worth considering that they are not suitable for all rooms. In the bathroom and kitchen you will have to change them very soon. Therefore, leave paper sheets for rooms where there is no moisture and steam.
  • Vinyls are distinguished by original patterns, all kinds of reliefs, varied color scheme. Ceiling imperfections are eliminated during gluing. Vinyl wallpaper is so durable that it will withstand wet cleaning and will not fade from sun rays In addition, they are scratch resistant.

But it should be remembered that when high humidity There is a risk of fungus and mold formation. To prevent this, you must first apply an antiseptic to the ceiling and then prime it. There is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper itself, only to the surface prepared for work.

  • Non-woven wallpaper can also be wet cleaned and can be used for painting. They are quite suitable for the bathroom.
  • In addition to non-woven wallpaper, you can use fiberglass wallpaper. They can withstand up to twenty stains. They include natural materials. They are so durable that the service life of this coating reaches up to 30 years.
  • Traditional wallpaper can be replaced with liquid wallpaper. They also have their advantages. In addition to the fact that they are environmentally friendly, elastic and antistatic, any damaged area can be replaced with a new one, and it will not be noticeable.

Ceiling preparation

This is a very important stage, on which the success of the entire event depends. Unnecessary items must be removed from the premises in advance. Ceiling lamps Unscrew and wrap exposed wires with electrical tape. The same goes for switches and sockets. The windows should be closed, since drafts are unacceptable when performing this work.

  • First we properly clean the surface. We take into account the type of contamination. Wash the smoked ceiling using a sponge, soap solution and any cleaning products. You may have to do this several times.
  • We are waiting for it to dry completely. Then we coat it with a deep penetration primer. And only after all these procedures we begin to putty.
  • old oil paint also needs to be removed. A sharp iron spatula will help with this. Be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory organs with a mask from harmful dust and pieces of paint that will fall from the ceiling. When finished, sand the entire area with sandpaper to remove any residue.

  • It is recommended to use special formulations that are sold in construction stores. We treat the required area with them, the paint softens under the influence of chemicals, and we remove the mushy mixture with a rag. Can also be used grinder with special nozzles. Choose the method that seems most convenient to you.
  • Provided that the ceiling is whitewashed, remove the lime with a spatula. After this, wash off the residue with soapy water.
  • Next, the entire area needs to be leveled. Plaster and putty will help with minor unevenness. They will cope with small roughnesses and cracks. If the shortcomings are more obvious, we eliminate the distortions using drywall and profiles.
  • Using mounting tape we process the joints between the sheets. By sealing the seams, we will be sure that after some time, cracks will not form here. After this, we will putty and sand the ceiling to avoid the formation of small tubercles.

Some people wonder: is it possible to glue wallpaper to tiles? No matter how firmly it holds, such repairs will not last long. Wallpaper may lie unevenly, sag and crack at the joints over time, and come off in some places. If you don't want all this, it's better to spend time and energy and get rid of the tiles in advance.

If you want to update old wallpapers by sticking others on them, that too bad option. It happens that the paper covering is held very tightly. But over time, under the influence of glue and another dense layer, they can still begin to come off. And then there will be more problems.

Try a simple experiment. Wet well small area and check how the old wallpaper behaves after drying. If you see even small bubbles, this means you need to remove this wallpaper.

Primer treatment

Finally, you have cleaned the ceiling of old sheets, tiles, dirt, lime, putty it and let it dry, it’s time to start priming. Special compounds improve the adhesion of building materials.

Therefore, it is necessary to prime the ceiling if you want the wallpaper to stick well and stay on the surface as long as possible.

The range of primers is varied. There are cheaper ones. Some people prefer to use those that contain components that can prevent the formation of fungus and mold. The primer is applied with a roller, brush and spray. Some compounds require the ceiling to be treated several times.

What to glue with?

We use a composition that is intended for a specific type of wallpaper. If it's paper, a regular one will do. For non-woven wallpaper, we choose only the one that is intended for heavy wallpaper. We follow the instructions that are on each package.

We dilute the glue in the same way as for walls. Gradually pour the dry powder in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Then using a mixer we achieve a homogeneous mass without lumps. We store the diluted glue no more than five days, having previously closed the container well.

Accordingly, special compositions are used for liquid and glass wallpaper. Some people use the old proven paste and cook it themselves. But this method is only suitable for paper wallpaper.

Features of the pasting process

Gluing wallpaper to the ceiling yourself is not so easy. Therefore, it is better to do this together. When the surface is clean, dry and completely ready, you can begin.

Many people immediately have a question: where to start. It would be correct if you stick the canvases along the side walls. Then the joints will not be noticeable in daylight.

First you need to apply markings to the entire surface. Measure the width of the roll from the side wall (it is better to use meter wallpaper). Do the same on the other side, using a ruler and pencil, draw a line. At the joints of the wallpaper, it is permissible to use paper masking tape, which will later prevent the wallpaper from peeling off.

When marking wallpaper on a roll, pay attention to what pattern you have and whether it needs to be adjusted. Number all the received sheets and fold them in the correct order.

Spread the sheet with glue and let it soak. Treat the part of the ceiling that is to be covered. Coat thoroughly at corners and at joints.

Then apply the first sheet to the ceiling and straighten it with a roller from the middle to the edges. Moving from inside room to the window. If the walls are rounded, then you will have to tinker a little with the corners. You will have to make small cuts in the wallpaper so that they fit well on the surface.

Wipe off any excess glue with a soft cloth, making sure no bubbles form. Where the lamps and chandeliers are located, make a neat cut in the form of a cross, thread the wires and press the wallpaper tightly to the ceiling. When pasting is completed, evaluate the result. Pay attention to whether there are any loose pieces or bubbles.

For more information on how to hang wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands, see the following video.

Pasting decors

Baguettes not only serve as decoration for the ceiling, but also hide some defects at the joints. There are two gluing options. In the first case they are glued ceiling skirting boards, and then - wallpaper. In the second case, the baguettes are glued on top of the wallpaper, which is much more difficult.

In order for the ceiling to look beautiful, you need to purchase special glue and cut the strips well and evenly. And for this it is better to purchase a special cutting device - a miter box.

There are many decorative elements that will decorate the ceiling. It all depends on your imagination and skill. These can be decorative beams - gypsum, polyurethane, foam. The ceiling can also be decorated with decorative plaster.

Rosettes would also be appropriate – these are stucco elements. They are mounted near chandeliers and lamps.

Consider several important factors:

  • 110 g/m2 is the maximum permissible density for ceiling wallpaper. In a small room, plain ones or with small patterns would be appropriate. Leave large prints for large premises and high ceilings. If ceiling system multi-level, there is a reason to experiment with wallpaper of different textures. Well, and most importantly, make the correct calculations, keep in mind that the drawing will have to be adjusted.

  • Smart decor will help hide imperfections and visually change the space. It is not necessary to invite professionals; you can solve this problem yourself. The main thing is to understand what you like best. The easiest way is to paint, and one of the options is to choose paint different colors and thus divide the room into zones with multifunctional living space.

  • Another way to achieve the same effect is to cover the ceiling with two types of wallpaper, deciding for which areas to choose one or another texture.

1. In this article we will tell you how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands.
Wallpaper on the ceiling is a solution that allows you to solve several problems at once, minimum cost effort. The point is that from the point of view
process technology, wallpapering the ceiling, although it is associated with some peculiarities due to the horizontal position of the canvas,
in general, it differs little from wallpapering walls. This means that this is one of the least expensive types of work on finishing the ceiling covering.

At making the right choice material, wallpaper on the ceiling can create very interesting optical effects. Using wallpaper on the ceiling, one
of simple design techniques that allow you to visually divide the room into zones. This is especially true, for example, for studios or one-room apartments.
Due to their location, ceiling wallpaper is more susceptible to gravity, which means that the risk that it will fall is slightly higher.
This only means that you need to take a more careful approach to the issue of preparation, and actually wallpapering.

How to choose wallpaper for the ceiling

2. So, you have decided to glue wallpaper to the ceiling. Now is the time to decide which wallpaper to buy.
It is clear that the choice of wallpaper is largely determined by the size of the buyer’s wallet, but still we will briefly talk about the features of each type:

Let's make a reservation right away that this cannot be heavy wallpaper - it will simply peel off. Choose wallpaper less than 110 g/m2. There are wallpapers that can be painted and with a pattern already applied. For rooms with a non-standard shape, we recommend paintable wallpaper. Keep in mind that if you decide to paint the ceiling,
then choose wallpaper for painting - they have
properties special for this purpose. Color regular wallpaper not worth it. Available for painting paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper and fiberglass wallpaper.

- paper wallpaper for painting. They are perfectly saturated with paint during painting, which ensures the best adhesion to the ceiling.
— non-woven wallpaper for painting. They have an increased service life compared to paper wallpaper.

- fiberglass wallpaper. Wallpapers with best characteristics wear resistance and strength. If you stick such wallpaper even on an already worn, crumbling
ceiling, they will serve you for more than one year.

Wallpaper with a finished pattern is also divided into several types (paper, non-woven and vinyl).
- paper wallpaper with a finished pattern, have the main advantage over the others - they are cheap. But this type of wallpaper is the most difficult in terms of pasting.
Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about whether it is worth saving on this.

- non-woven wallpaper with a finished drawing. They are more expensive than paper ones, but more durable.

- vinyl wallpapers. The most popular type of vinyl wallpaper in terms of ceiling decoration is silk-screen printing. Such wallpapers create a unique
the effect of sophistication and aristocracy.
It should be kept in mind when calculating the amount of wallpaper with a pattern that since you will have to join the pattern, the consumption of wallpaper will be slightly higher than usual.

3. When the wallpaper has been selected, we proceed to pasting.

First you need to prepare the base of the ceiling. It should be smooth and solid. Fill cracks if there are any. Pay special attention to
joints of floor slabs. Then the surface must be primed. The primer is selected in accordance with the recommendations of the wallpaper manufacturers.

As a rule, the primer is applied several times. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. General rule for priming it is:
If the applied primer is quickly absorbed, it is necessary to apply another layer. When wallpapering a ceiling, it is necessary to mark the ceiling. For this
you will need to decide which placement option, longitudinal or transverse, to choose. As a rule, wallpaper on the ceiling is glued along the rays of light from the window.

But this question very much depends on the topography of your ceiling. It is advisable to prepare in advance all the strips for the room in which the repairs are being carried out - this is
will save significant time. Next we prepare the glue. Wallpaper glue is sold as a dry mixture, so before pasting, the mixture must be diluted with warm water.

The amount of water is added according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed until smooth. There should be no lumps in the glue.

Now we apply glue to the plane marked on the ceiling under the next strip, actually
strip of wallpaper and, slowly, until the glue has dried, glue the strip of wallpaper to the ceiling. This work is usually done by two people. One presses the wallpaper to the ceiling
and smoothes it with a rag or plastic spatula from the center to the edges, removing bubbles. The other one supports the hanging edge at this time.

If you don’t have a partner, you will have to use a special device that could be rested against the ceiling, securing the un-glued edge to the ceiling. The work must be done accurately
and quickly until the glue dries. If you don't have experience wallpapering, invite a partner.

If you plan to wallpaper both the ceiling and the walls, remember that the wallpaper pattern on the ceiling can smoothly transition into the wallpaper pattern on only one wall. In this regard, select in advance the wall on which such a smooth transition should occur.

1.Measure the width of the wallpaper and subtract about 1.5 cm from this value. Near the corner, set this distance from the wall in several places and use a pencil to mark points. Using a ruler, draw a straight line through these points along the entire length of the ceiling. Cut and prepare the first piece of wallpaper.

2.Paste the wallpaper along this line. The allowance on the side wall should be approximately 1.5 cm, and on the end walls, where the panels end, 5 cm. Smooth the wallpaper, as before, with a smoothing brush. After smoothing, trim each panel.

3.In the corner, so that the wallpaper lies flat, cut a wedge-shaped piece. Press the wallpaper into the corner with a wide spatula.

4.If the end walls will also be wallpapered, trim the wallpaper on the ceiling so that the allowance on these walls is 1.5 cm. Leave an allowance of 1.5 cm on all walls that will be wallpapered

5.On walls that will not be covered, hold the wallpaper in the corner with a spatula and trim off the excess with a sharp wallpaper knife. Continue hanging the wallpaper with the edges end to end so that the pattern matches.

When the strip is glued, glue the edges again and trim off the excess.
That's all. Now you and I know exactly how to glue wallpaper to the ceiling.