How to make a female pathogen yourself at home. How to make Viagra yourself at home: effective recipes Homemade Viagra for women

Viagra is a medical drug to enhance erectile function. Its main active ingredient is sidenafil citrate, which helps improve blood flow to the male organs. You can buy Viagra at any pharmacy, but the price is steep. Therefore, it is not surprising that many men try to prepare such a medicine at home. How to make Viagra yourself at home - every man who has any problems with potency thinks about this.

Such intimate problems appear in many men, especially after 40 years. Let's consider healthy recipes, prepared from natural ingredients and having the same effect on men’s health. Of course, we cannot talk about making an analogue of the drug according to chemical composition, but about the preparation of such a drug, the use of which brought a similar effect.

Main components of homemade Viagra

There are many recipes for making Viagra at home, and there is absolutely no need to buy anything expensive. The effect of prepared homemade Viagra is, of course, weaker, but quite sufficient for normal sexual contact.

Natural products that are excellent aphrodisiacs can be found in any kitchen:

  • plant roots: asparagus, ginseng, celery;
  • food products: dark and bitter chocolate, natural honey, garlic, red pepper, quail eggs, olive oil;
  • seafood: caviar, shellfish and shrimp, seaweed, snails and oysters;

Attention! Products containing beta-carotene - red pepper, paprika, carrots, etc. - have a good effect on increasing potency.

  • fruits: lemons, strawberries, bananas, watermelon, pomegranate, persimmons, tomatoes, etc. (contain lycopene);
  • herbs: thyme, nettle, dill, cinnamon;
  • nuts and honey, truffle mushrooms and even pollen.

All these products with their correct selection and consumption increase sexual arousal and libido. The combination of several products can further enhance the effect. Perhaps it will be enough to successfully solve a man’s erection problems.

When preparing many decoctions and tinctures, it is very important to select the exact ratio of products to obtain maximum effect.

Recipes for Viagra at home

Viagra from golden root

The most famous plant in the whole world that has a beneficial effect on male potency is ginseng (golden root). It can be purchased online or at a pharmacy. The action of this root is based on the substances it contains that stimulate nervous system, increasing blood circulation, relieving drowsiness.

For homemade fresh root is better, not processed by heat or other means. The process of preparing the tincture lasts 2-3 days, but the effectiveness of the effect will be high.

Important! Viagra from ginseng has some contraindications, including individual intolerance to this plant. The use of golden root is not recommended for men with high nervous excitability.

To prepare it, you need to grind or chop 1 kg of ginseng root, pour 1 liter of boiling water. After cooling, the dishes with the solution are placed in a cool, dark place for 2 days for fermentation. The next step is to cook the solution over low heat for 4 hours to evaporate the harmful components resulting from the fermentation stage. Half an hour before the end, add 2 tablespoons of flower honey and cinnamon (2-3 sticks). The almost finished tincture must be kept in the dark for 3 days.

The finished tincture is stored in the refrigerator. Take it in the morning a day, 2-3 tablespoons or 100 g in 30 minutes. before intimate contact. The positive effect will not be long in coming.

Viagra from nettle

Nettle is an excellent remedy for enhancing potency. Cooking at home is quite simple. It is better to use nettle freshly picked, but you can also buy herbs from a pharmacy. Pour 50 g of nettle with 1 cup of boiling water, add and stir 1 teaspoon of honey. Leave for 1-2 hours, strain. You need to drink the entire decoction immediately 40-60 minutes before intimate contact.

Viagra from watermelon

IN summer time To prepare Viagra, it is better to use such a tasty berry as a juicy, sweet watermelon. It is an excellent diuretic and tonic, and due to its content large number microelements are recommended for the treatment of many diseases. Stimulation sexual arousal occurs thanks to the substance citrulline, which is a natural analogue of the main active ingredient of Viagra. Citrulline is contained precisely in the rind of the watermelon, therefore, when making watermelon Viagra, only the greenest rind should be cut off from the watermelon, and the white part should be left on the pulp.

We will tell you further how to make Viagra using watermelon juice. The recipe is this: cut a medium-sized watermelon (less than 5 kg) into pieces, then squeeze out the juice (about 1 liter) and strain. Place the resulting mass on the fire and keep until it boils. Then add the juice of 1/2 lemon and mix the mixture. Next, the mass is gradually boiled down over low heat, the foam needs to be skimmed off. The volume of liquid after boiling should decrease by 3-4 times. After cooling, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Drink the resulting drink an hour before intimacy, or for prevention, drink 2 tablespoons in the morning before meals.

Another very similar recipe, only with the addition of the juice of 1 lemon. It is added before boiling the watermelon mass.

Garlic tincture

Garlic has a very beneficial effect on male power, improves health, cleanses blood vessels. The recipe is very simple: put finely chopped garlic (1 kg) in a three-liter jar and pour in just boiled water. The tincture is ready. You need to drink 1 teaspoon of it daily. The tincture can be stored in a jar for a very long time. The tincture improves blood circulation, including to the male genital organ.

Honey and walnuts

Nuts contain a large number of substances necessary for men's health. The nuts are crushed and filled with honey. The honey-nut mixture affects the process of synthesis of male sex hormones. The result will be an improvement in potency and natural sexual interest in the female sex. Additionally, the male body receives a good portion of vitamins and essential minerals.

Alcohol tincture of ginseng

This tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself at home.

Caution doesn't hurt!

These are pretty simple recipes will reduce problems and make a man’s life more beautiful and sexier. Unlike real Viagra, folk remedies do not have such strong side effects (cardiac dysfunction up to cardiac arrest). A significant disadvantage of medical Viagra is its cost (up to 4 thousand rubles).

However folk Viagra may have its contraindications:

  • Ginseng root is not recommended for men with diseases of the nervous system;
  • Watermelon Viagra has its own contraindications - men should not take it when increased acidity stomach and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For reference! World statistics are shocking: more than 150 million men over 40 have erectile dysfunction. For some, impotence is severe and causes great problems, for others it is in the initial stage.

Everything is tasty and effective

For solutions sensitive issue Many recipes have been tested and described in men. The use of home recipes in the manufacture of Viagra differs most important advantage: for the most part, all these drinks, decoctions or simply salads made from aphrodisiac products are very tasty, nutritious and have an effective effect on the male body.

However, you should also think about the fact that the effectiveness of any treatment will increase if the man follows healthy image life, do not get carried away with drinking coffee and alcohol, eat right.

How to make Viagra yourself at home? This question is asked by at least half of men at least once in their lives. It is, of course, not customary to talk about such a problem out loud, but according to the World Health Organization in Russia, every seventh representative of the stronger sex has problems with an erection.

Various medications, sold only in pharmacies or on the Internet, in our country, unfortunately, are not available to every man who has problems with potency. Firstly, they are very expensive, and secondly, not every man will go to the pharmacy for them.

A little about Viagra

Among the most popular medications Viagra is undoubtedly on the pharmaceutical market. This unique remedy allows you to increase the level of sexual energy, accelerate blood circulation in the pelvic organs and, consequently, improve the quality of erection.

However, like many pills, Viagra can provoke various side effects, has certain contraindications, and is also sold at a fairly high price. So, what can you do to avoid wasting cash and making mistakes in bed?

From ancient times to the present day

Our ancestors, the Slavs and Russians, hardly wondered how to improve potency. Many of them knew ancient medicines based on herbs and roots, and some methods could be passed down from generation to generation. For the first time, a special recipe for “oud to hold on” (in ancient times, the oud was spoken of as a male member) appeared in the chronicler Nestor; this event dates back to approximately the 9th century.

Since then, a lot has changed and happened in the world, but some recipes have survived to this day. Below we will look at the most effective, efficient and powerful methods that you can use instead of Viagra yourself at home, without spending big money and without putting in much effort.

Natural pathogens

So, what can you effectively use instead of Viagra to provide yourself with a rock-hard erection for several hours?

  1. Recipe "Garlic". The simplest thing really folk remedy. You need to take 5-6 cloves of garlic, peel them and rinse them in cold water. After this, brew it in boiling water (use half a liter of liquid) and let it brew for several hours. The resulting decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month, but you need to drink it with caution and no more than 50 grams at a time, otherwise you risk damaging your stomach and intestines. By taking such a portion, you will not only significantly increase your immunity, but will also be ready for long-term love pleasures.
  2. Recipe for Viagra from nettles. This potion, like the garlic potion, is very easy to make with your own hands. This does not require any special effort: you just need to prepare a jar, grass and boiling water. Collect several nettle shoots (it is better to do this carefully and with gloves so as not to get burned) and make a tincture from them in the same way as in the first case.
  3. Recipe for “Natural Viagra”. You will need lemon, avocado, watermelon and bananas. These fruits must be crushed in any way, and then everything must be mixed evenly. Pour honey on top and consume shortly before planned sex. This drug may be very sweet, but it is good for health and will help improve erection.
  4. Recipe "Watermelon". Few people know that this giant berry is an excellent substitute for Viagra. African tribes always knew how to make this product, so they always held polygamy in high esteem, where each of the spouses was sexually satisfied. There is nothing complicated in making this homemade tincture: you need to squeeze the juice out of the fruit, dilute it with lemon and consume the resulting liquid internally.

So, various plants and herbs are excellent substitutes for chemicals. Viagra for men at home is prepared easily and simply from them, and you can even combine several different recipes simultaneously.

On our website you can also watch a special video that shows in detail the processes of making tinctures from natural ingredients to replace Viagra.

What should you eat?

What can you do for women to surprise them and please them in bed! Instead of Viagra, you can simply eat some foods that also help improve erection at home:

  1. You will never wonder how to prepare Viagra if you always keep nuts on the table. They help especially well walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. The latest analogue of Viagra can even be called a product that completely replaces chemical and unnatural pathogens.
  2. Dates and bananas are excellent products from your local greengrocer. By the way, they not only increase potency, but also increase the amount of sperm.
  3. We eat grass. You can eat greens just like that or crumble them into a salad, it doesn’t matter. Plants such as celery, thyme, rue and parsley can be especially good substitutes for Viagra.
  4. Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content also has a beneficial effect.

Thus, there may be many remedies for increasing potency, so experiment and choose the recipe that suits you best.

Especially for women

Although there is an opinion that female Viagra is nothing more than a myth, the fair half of humanity also responds well to all of the above products. In addition, there are several recipes that will be useful specifically for women:

  1. Vegetable juices. Take cucumber, beets and carrots, make a drink out of them and mix thoroughly. Women should drink this liquid 3 times a day, half a glass half an hour before meals. It is recommended to take the infusion for a month.
  2. Dried fruits. For this recipe you will need figs, dried apricots, pitted prunes, raisins and walnuts. Thoroughly grind the entire mass of ingredients prepared in advance and mix; for this it is easier to use a wooden mortar rather than a blender. You need to take two tablespoons, and it is better to wash it down with kefir.

So, despite the widespread belief that Viagra for women does not exist, some products significantly improve the sexual functions of the fair sex.


Men are ready to go to great lengths for women, including in order to achieve success in bed and please their beloved with quality sex. If you had problems with this until recently, but it was inconvenient to go to the pharmacy, and you didn’t want to poison yourself with chemicals, now you know how easy and simple it is to prepare Viagra at home!

How to make Viagra at home? Viagra is a drug whose active ingredient is sildenafil citrate, improves male erectile function. Despite the fact that it is sold in almost any pharmacy, its price is high, so it is natural that many are trying to find an alternative to it. Recipes for making Viagra at home will help solve the problem.

It should be noted right away that we will not be talking about how to prepare a chemical analogue, but about what recipes for drugs will help you get the same effect without causing harm to your health.

Oriental medicine recipe

One of the most famous plants that has a beneficial effect on potency is ginseng. The fame of its miraculous action has long spread throughout the world. Ginseng root can be bought in pharmacies or ordered online. Preparing the tincture will take several days, but the effect will be very impressive.

How to make Viagra from ginseng at home:

  1. Grate 100 g of root.
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Let cool and hide in a cool place completely protected from light for two days.
  4. Cook over very low heat for 4 hours.
  5. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add honey (2 tablespoons) and cinnamon.
  6. Place again in a dark place for three days.

This composition should be taken twice a day, 100 ml. The result will be strong and lasting, and the positive effect will be felt by the whole body.

Recipes from available ingredients

Preparing Viagra at home does not require only rare and expensive ingredients, but allows you to achieve impressive results.

There are many recipes that allow you to use ingredients that can often be found at home. Thyme, lemon, chocolate, honey, asparagus, avocado, cinnamon, bananas, caviar, shrimp and many other foods are considered good aphrodisiacs. But if you need confidence in the result, then it is better to use proven tips on how to make an effective remedy at home.

Viagra from nettle

Nettle, quite often used in folk medicine, can also be an excellent source of male strength. Making Viagra at home from nettle is very easy and quite quick:

  1. Pour about 50 g of fresh nettle leaves into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Let it brew a little.
  4. Strain.
  5. Drink about an hour before the expected intimacy.

It would be a good idea to drink the resulting infusion with fresh pomegranate juice or a decoction of Rhodiola rosea, which will enhance the effect of the nettle drink.

Viagra from watermelon

Both adults and children love to eat watermelon summer season. Its juicy sugar pulp is not only tasty, but also healthy. Watermelon has a choleretic, diuretic, and tonic effect. Due to its high content of microelements, it is recommended in therapeutic nutrition for many diseases. However, not everyone knows that it makes excellent Viagra at home. Let's look at a recipe that tells you how to make a sexual stimulant:

  1. Cut a medium watermelon (up to 5 kg) into pieces, remove the peel.
  2. Squeeze juice (1 l), strain.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil.
  4. Add the fresh juice of half a lemon and mix the mixture well.
  5. Simmer over low heat, skimming off the foam, until the volume of liquid has reduced by about five times.
  6. Let cool and pour into a glass container.

Take the resulting liquid an hour before a date or drink three times a week as a preventative measure. It is advisable to avoid taking it on an empty stomach.

There are many recipes for making Viagra that can help men solve their delicate problem. But it should be remembered that the best result is achieved if a person is attentive to his health, leads a healthy lifestyle, and eats right. In addition, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor to rule out possible side effects of home remedies on the body. These simple tips will improve the quality of life and sexual function.

How to make homemade Viagra yourself and is it possible to recreate the drug at home? The well-known drug is used to help with sexual dysfunction in men. The cost of the medicine is not small, but you can make Viagra yourself. The necessary components are found in many plants and foods. Using simple recipes, you can significantly strengthen sexual function without resorting to pharmaceuticals.

The active substance is. The drug eliminates circulatory problems in the penis, relaxes the muscles of the corpus cavernosum, promoting blood flow and the occurrence of pain. Quality and duration increases. The man's sexual desire increases.

You should not take the drug as a panacea. Viagra enhances the body's natural reaction, and if a person is not excited, then the desire may not arise even after taking the pill.

Viagra is a synthetic stimulant. May have contraindications allergic reactions or side effects. Natural products used at home have a positive effect on potency and are practically free of these disadvantages.

What ingredients to take

Natural ingredients () are less effective than artificial medicine, but can significantly improve male sexual function. These products include:

  • plants – asparagus, celery, nettle, ginseng, parsley;
  • fruits - bananas, watermelon, lemon, pomegranate;
  • seafood - fish, caviar, oysters, seaweed;
  • other products - honey, dark chocolate, quail eggs, nuts;

All these ingredients can help increase potency, improve intimate life men. Of course, you shouldn’t expect an immediate effect; it’s enough to consume these ingredients daily and feel the results in a few weeks.

Cooking recipes

To enhance the effect of homemade Viagra, you can make a tincture or decoction, combining products in certain proportions.

Popular recipes:

  • Nettle tincture. You will need 50 g of dried, or preferably fresh, nettle leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. Leave for a day.
  • Ginseng decoction. In addition to treating other diseases, it has a strong stimulating effect. Take 100 g of dry crushed root, pour 0.5 l hot water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Leave for 2-3 days.
  • . Any nuts will do. It is enough to grind them and mix with honey in a ratio of approximately 1:1.
  • Watermelon cocktail. Mix 300 g of watermelon pulp and half a lemon in a blender. This recipe is useful both for enhancing erection and for sexual arousal in general.
  • Celery. Deserves attention as a potent home remedy. Contains hormones responsible for potency. This product is best consumed fresh. Make a salad, serve as a side dish, or mix 100 g of celery juice and 25 g of apple juice to make a cocktail.

How to take it correctly

There are many home recipes that can help a man. You just need to adhere to regular medication intake:

  • Ginseng decoction should be taken daily, 1 tbsp. l., before each meal.
  • Nettle tincture can be consumed 2-3 tbsp. l. daily, and also shortly before intimacy. There is no strict dosage limitation, but you should not abuse the product.
  • You can drink a watermelon cocktail in the morning, 20-30 g of the drink, to maintain men's health and prevent the strengthening of the body as a whole.
  • By consuming 20-30 g of nuts with honey twice a day, a man will experience an improvement in erection, as well as a general surge of strength.
  • Celery contains many trace elements and minerals. You can consume it daily, and also drink 200-300 g an hour before sex.

Most natural aphrodisiacs do not work immediately. Results may appear gradually.

Precautionary measures

Do-it-yourself Viagra at home is of natural origin, but contraindications are not excluded:

  • if the stomach has increased acidity, you should avoid using watermelon and lemon juice;
  • Do not use ginseng-based decoctions for people with diseases of the nervous system;
  • nuts with honey are not recommended for diabetics;

From several recipes, you can choose the most suitable option. If for some reason one of the remedies does not suit you, simply take another available recipe.

Viagra purchased from a pharmacy has a stronger effect, but will not be as beneficial for a person as natural ingredients.

By making Viagra at home, you can achieve good results in solving problems with potency, and a healthy lifestyle will help enhance the effect.

Before answering the question of how to make Viagra yourself at home, you need to know what this drug is made from in pharmacology. Viagra is a drug that can improve the quality and duration of a man's erection. The main active ingredient of the drug is sildenafil citrate.

  • It is most likely impossible to prepare something similar at home. But you can find an analogue of the product if you use available natural products aimed at increasing male power in bed. In addition, homemade Viagra is not as dangerous to health as its chemical substitutes. In addition, often the products it consists of taste good, and no one will guess that you are taking the product due to problems with potency.
  • ginseng root;
  • watermelon juice;

nettle leaves, etc.

The recipe for each natural medicine should be considered in more detail.

What you need for Viagra at home

  • watermelon;
  • lemon;
  • juicer or blender;
  • pot;
  • jar with lid.

Many will be interested in the question of why watermelon. The rind of watermelon and the pulp underneath it, which is what people usually throw away, contain a substance called citrulline. It is close in composition to the main component of Viagra, sildenafil citrate.

During expansion, citrulline releases arginine, which, in turn, is able to relax blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation in the organs, including the genitals. During blood flow, erectile properties increase, as well as sensitivity of the penis. In addition, beta-carotene and lycopene contained in watermelon complement the effect of citrulline.

How to make the product? To do this it is necessary to consider step by step recipe:

  1. Preparatory stage involves washing the watermelon and removing the rind so that the white part remains under the rind.
  2. Cut the watermelon into slices and put them in a juicer. You can use a blender, chop the watermelon cubes, and then squeeze out the juice. You should get 1 liter of liquid.
  3. Pour the juice into a saucepan and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Next, lemon juice is squeezed out.
  5. Add it to the pan with the watermelon juice and simmer until it is reduced by half.
  6. When you remove the mixture from the heat and cool, you need to pour it into a jar or bottle with a lid and place it in the refrigerator.

The product is taken every day in the morning on an empty stomach. Just 2-3 tbsp is enough. l. If you forget to do this in the morning, reschedule your appointment until the afternoon or take the drink before dinner. The main thing is that your stomach is empty at that moment. For larger men, the dose is slightly increased.

Magic plant

In the east, ginseng root is called golden. He has mass useful properties, but the most important of them is giving a man sexual strength. This Viagra is easy to create at home, although it will take several days for the medicine to be ready.

You will have to find a fresh, preferably recently dug plant. 1 kg of root is enough. First it is minced in a meat grinder. Transfer the mixture to a dark bowl and pour in 1 liter of boiling water. Cover the top of the pulp with gauze and put it in a dark, inaccessible place. Leave for 2 days.

After the set period has expired, the product is put on fire and boiled for 4 hours. This is how they evaporate harmful substances that appeared during the fermentation period.

After cooling, add a spoonful of honey and a little cinnamon to the solution. If the latter is not available, then you can use lemon juice. Each time before sexual intercourse, 30 minutes or 1 hour before, drink a few tablespoons of the resulting product. For prevention purposes, consume 2-3 spoons every morning. This homemade Viagra is effective and safe, but has one drawback: ginseng root is not so easy to get. Even if you can do this, there is no way to use it regularly.

Nettle leaf remedy

Nettle is also a kind of substitute for Viagra. The recipe for potency remedy from this plant is as follows:

  1. 50 g fresh or dried nettle.
  2. 250 ml water.
  3. Honey will be added to taste.

Grind the leaves of the plant and pour boiling water over them. Then everything is poured into a thermos and infused for 30 minutes. For taste, add a spoonful of honey to the liquid (optional). Take the drink 30-60 minutes before your planned intimate meeting.

In general, doctors do not make restrictions on the use of nettle. The plant acts as follows: it increases blood pressure and promotes good circulation in the pelvic organs. Therefore, nettle is useful not only for men - the plant is also called female Viagra.

Other ways to increase erection

Often, to restore sexual power, a man just needs to start eating right. In addition, there are many products that affect the restoration of human potency.

Auxiliary products - dried fruits

Thus, it is advisable for men to frequently use the following “desire restorers”, which can replace Viagra:

  1. Dried fruits: prunes, dried figs, dates, dried apricots.
  2. Almost all seafood.
  3. Nuts - walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, seeds of some plants. For example, it could be quince, melon, pumpkin. It is advisable to drink nuts with kefir or yogurt or mix them with honey.
  4. Juices based on vegetables - carrots, cucumbers, beets, etc.
  5. Celery mixed with chocolate.

But the following products will have to be limited in consumption:

Start playing sports, leading an active lifestyle, avoiding stressful situations and visiting more often. fresh air.

As it turns out, there are more safe ways increase a man's potency. But it is worth remembering that they will be effective for temporary problems with desire. In order not to miss dangerous diseases, before using this or that prescription, it is better to first visit a doctor and take all the necessary tests.

And a few more tips in conclusion. When using herbal remedies to improve potency, make sure that you are not allergic to them. Many home remedies have a limited shelf life and are therefore best stored in the refrigerator. Do not expect that if you take more than prescribed, it will enhance the effect of the medicine. Usually this does not happen, but problems arise with gastrointestinal tract.