How to humidify indoor air. How to increase the humidity in a room: ways to humidify the air, tips and tricks How to make humid air at home

Fresh air and normal humidity in an apartment are the key to human health and well-being. And if to access fresh air it is usually enough to simply ventilate the room, then with humidity everything is more complicated. cost a lot of money, so many people ask the question: how to humidify the air in a room without? There are several effective methods, which we will consider in this article.

Read in the article:

Air humidity in the apartment: optimal value

First, let's figure out what humidity is? When it comes to the required level of microclimate in a room, we are used to talking about relative humidity - the amount of water contained in the air in comparison with the maximum possible value at which condensation forms. This value is measured as a percentage, so for a person the optimal value is 40-60%, for a computer and household appliances - 45-65%, for indoor plants 40-70%.

Important! Insufficient air humidity has a detrimental effect on the sound quality of musical instruments. For example, if a guitar dries out, it can be considered irreparably damaged.

In winter, due to central heating, the air in the apartment becomes very dry, often the relative humidity drops to 15%, which can have a detrimental effect on human health.

How to measure relative humidity?

To make sure there is a lack of water vapor in the air, the relative humidity must be measured. This can be done using, but the likelihood of this device being in ordinary apartment tends to zero. Therefore we will give a few folk ways measuring relative humidity in a room:

  • using the Assmann table;

This method is the most accurate of all folk methods. First, we measure the temperature in the room with a regular mercury thermometer and record the readings. Then, wrapping the edge in which the mercury is located with a wet cloth and waiting 5 minutes, we record the new value, which we subtract from the previous one, finding the temperature difference. Next, in Assmann’s psychometric table we find the intersection of two values, this will be the approximate value of the relative humidity in the room.

For example: the temperature shown by the dry thermometer was 15°C, the wet thermometer was 10°C. The difference between them is 5°C. Thus, the relative humidity in the room is 52%.

  • using a glass of water;

Take a glass of water and put it in the refrigerator. It is important that the water cools to 3-4°C, so it is advisable to leave the glass in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Next, we take out the glass, place it in the middle of the room (for a clearer picture, as far as possible from the radiator and other heat sources) and observe. At first (due to the temperature difference) the walls will quickly fog up, then within 5 minutes three options are possible:

  1. The walls will dry out, which will indicate very low humidity in the room.
  2. The walls will remain foggy - the humidity in the room is normal.
  3. A trickle of water forms from the condensation - increased humidity.

  • using a fir cone;

For this method you will need an unopened cone; it must be left in the room for several days. If the cone begins to open, the air in the room is dry and needs to be humidified.

How dangerous is dry air in an apartment for humans?

When constantly in a dry room, a person begins to feel increased fatigue and deterioration of attention. In addition, the body as a whole begins to weaken (especially in children, people with problems in the area respiratory tract, old people):

  • Having breathing problems;

The main consequence of dry air in an apartment is a detrimental effect on the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

When it overdries, a chronic runny nose occurs, and the likelihood of bleeding also increases. In addition, the functioning of the respiratory system as a whole may be impaired, which can contribute to the occurrence of asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Children are the most vulnerable group

Eye problems appear; The first to notice unacceptable microclimate parameters are people who constantly use contact lenses

, as they begin to dry out too quickly, which contributes to irritation and redness.

  • The condition of the skin worsens.

Dry air has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Because of it, the skin (especially the hands) becomes dry, cracks and peeling appear. With a longer stay in such a room, susceptibility to skin infections increases, and the aging process also accelerates.

The advantages of sufficient humidity in the apartment

If the relative humidity in the room corresponds to the norm, the person will feel great: there will be no problems with breathing or dry eyes. Ornamental plants will also be comfortable, their leaves will not dry out, and you will not have to constantly spray them.

Ways to humidify the air in the apartment

What to do if the air in the apartment is dry? To increase the relative humidity, it is necessary to evaporate a sufficient amount of water in the room. There are two ways to solve this problem: install a household humidifier or make one yourself.

Using household humidifiers for the home

A household humidifier is electronic device to maintain an optimal level of air humidity in the room and can be of the following types (the most popular):

  • Steam;

Air humidity is achieved by evaporation of steam. Devices of this type are able to quickly achieve the required humidity, but are less safe than traditional ones due to the high temperature of the steam (60℃). Therefore, steam humidifiers are not recommended for use in rooms with children and near plants.

  • Ultrasonic;

The most modern and effective of all types. Main advantages: safety, high speed of humidification, quiet operation.

  • Climate complex.

It can not only humidify, but also purify the air in the room using fine filters. The main advantage of this unit is its ability to significantly improve the lives of allergy sufferers by collecting microparticles. In addition, such filters kill microorganisms through steam.

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier quickly and effectively

Most people think about how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier. To do this, you can use some tricks:

  • place vessels with water around the apartment (and it will be more effective to place one large container near the radiator than several in other parts of the room);

  • hang a wet towel on the radiator;

  • drying washed clothes;

  • purchase ornamental plants, they can not only humidify the air, but also rid it of toxic substances and excess carbon dioxide. Best suited: ficus, decorative linden, house fern;

  • put up an aquarium or decorative fountain.

Remember! The opinion that to increase relative humidity it is enough to ventilate the room is wrong. After all, in dry weather in winter, the air humidity outside is no higher than indoors.

How to make a humidifier with your own hands at home

Often such methods do not give the desired result, therefore, after several failed attempts, the question of how to humidify room air without a humidifier remains relevant. The best decision– make a special device yourself. Below are some interesting options homemade air humidifier that you can make at home:

  • Humidifier from a bottle onto a battery (only possible if there is a horizontal section of pipe extending from the battery).

It will require: plastic bottle with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, tape, a thin strip of fabric (or rope), gauze 1 m long, 10 cm wide.


  • Cut a hole in the bottle as shown in the picture.
  • We hang the bottle from the pipe using fabric with the hole facing up.
  • We glue the junction of the bottle with the fabric with tape to prevent the bottle from turning.
  • We wrap the gauze around the pipe, while lowering one end into the hole in the bottle.
  • We fill in the water, thereby starting our humidifier.

The main advantage of this humidifier is the absence of any energy consumption and noise. In addition, it can be hidden behind a curtain, and it will not spoil the design of the room.

  • Humidifier from a plastic bottle.

It will require: 10 liter plastic bottle, computer cooler, tape and cardboard.


  • Cut the neck of the bottle to a size that the cooler can fit into.
  • Pour water into the bottle and secure the cooler. This can be done in two ways: attach the cooler directly to the bottle using tape, or first make a cardboard frame that will be attached to the bottle, and then insert the cooler into it.

Such an air humidifier can be made not only from a bottle, but also from any plastic container, for example, from a container.

The advantage of these humidifiers is their fairly high efficiency. But there is also a significant drawback - the need to connect the cooler to the network. Why its location depends on the location of the power source.

Video review: how to make a simple air humidifier


Do you need a humidifier in your apartment? The answer is unequivocal - yes. Dry air causes too many significant problems, and there is no reason to put up with them. In addition, to create a comfortable microclimate there is no need to spend a large number of money, you can always humidify the air in your apartment on your own.

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier? This question is asked by a large number of people today. Not every citizen has the opportunity to use an expensive air humidifier. The problem of low indoor humidity has existed for quite a long time. And everyone tries to solve it on their own. Most often, people experiment, but not all methods bring the desired result. How to achieve it is described in this article.

What health problems can dry air cause?

The key to human health is optimal humidity levels in a bedroom or other living room. Water is an important and necessary component of our body, because it is present in almost all organs.

If you live in a room in which the air is too dry, then the respiratory organs and skin begin to suffer. A regular dry cough occurs, the skin of the face and body dries out, and the hair deteriorates. Quite often the problems presented arise in winter time year among residents apartment buildings, since their living quarters are heated central heating. Residents are faced with the acute question of how to humidify the indoor air.

Dry air can be one of the causes of an allergic reaction and chronic disease. Patients often experienced worsening colds. Dry air has a fairly strong and detrimental effect on older people and young children. It is for these reasons that today everyone is trying to find effective method How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier.

How to determine if the air in a room is dry

Instructions to help cope with dry air

  1. It is necessary to regularly and often ventilate the room. You should open the window at least three times a day for 10 minutes. It's simple and incredible affordable way for a person. But its effectiveness is in doubt, because in winter the air outside is dry.
  2. You can place vessels or containers with water on the tables. During heating season It is best to place them near the battery or on the windowsill. This is a fairly effective method for moisturizing, but it requires constantly adding water to the container.
  3. Plant breeding. They will have a beneficial effect on the indoor microclimate. The moistening process will occur through the evaporative process that occurs through the leaves.

As can be seen, in conditions modern life There are a large number of ways to help cope with dry air. And it is absolutely not necessary to buy expensive electric humidifiers, since they are quite expensive.

Today they constantly talk about the need to monitor the humidity in an apartment or house and maintain the required level. But not everyone understands why this is necessary. However, this is an important indicator that affects the health, well-being and comfortable living of household members.

Excessively dry air in an apartment leads to allergies, deterioration of the respiratory system and rapid fatigue. It negatively affects the condition of young children, causing frequent colds and other diseases, especially in winter.

To avoid these problems, it is important to maintain a comfortable humidity level. It is 30-60%, in a newborn’s room it can reach up to 65%. Read more about what humidity and temperature should be in an apartment for a comfortable and healthy stay.

Today, humidifiers and ionizers that clean, disinfect and humidify the air have become popular. But there are also traditional methods that will help improve the atmosphere in the house. In this article we will learn how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier.

Why is low humidity dangerous?

  • Dry air irritates your throat, nose and eyes, especially if you wear contact lenses. It causes tickling and coughing;
  • Rapid accumulation of dust and animal hair. He can call allergic reaction, especially in a newborn or infant. Worsens the condition of people with allergies and asthma;
  • Increases fatigue and drowsiness, while impairing sleep. The person sleeps restlessly and often wakes up;
  • May cause headache, worsen overall health;
  • Dries out the skin, makes nails and hair dull and brittle;
  • In a warm, dry room, harmful bacteria and viruses multiply quickly. This increases the risk of colds and infectious diseases;
  • Dry air is especially dangerous in winter period when due to heating and minimal ventilation the humidity level drops significantly;
  • Low humidity negatively affects the condition of pets. They shed and feel unwell;
  • Due to dry air houseplants and the flowers do not grow or dry out;
  • Insufficient humidity negatively affects natural materials, first of all, on the tree. So, wooden furniture, windows, doors, musical instruments and other products crack. They are losing attractive appearance and become unusable in a short time.

How to determine the humidity level in an apartment

Experts advise monitoring the temperature, humidity, and level of harmful bacteria in the apartment, especially if children and people with various diseases live in the room. A hygrometer, which is installed away from radiators, radiators and other heating devices, will help determine humidity. It will show accurate results.

If you cannot or do not want to use a hygrometer, humidity can be measured using improvised means. But they will give approximate information. To do this, put a bottle of plain water in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, take out the container and leave it indoors. Drops of condensation will quickly appear on the walls of the container.

If the drops are almost dry within five minutes, the air in the room is dry. If they form a puddle, the air is too humid. This is also bad. Excessive humidity leads to colds and infectious diseases. In such rooms, walls and ceilings become damp, wallpaper comes off, and mold and mildew appear. If the drops slowly slide down the bottle, the humidity is normal.

A fir cone can also help determine the level of humidity in a room. If it has fully opened indoors, the humidity in the house is low. When the scales are pressed tightly against each other or slightly open, the humidity level is normal. If there is not enough humidity in the apartment, certain measures should be taken.

The most practical method of humidifying the air in an apartment is to install one that independently maintains the required humidity levels in the house. If you do not plan to use this device, you can use home methods. Let's look at how you can humidify the air in a room without a humidifier.

Alternative battery-powered humidifier

Placing damp towels on the radiator is a traditional method of humidifying the air in an apartment. However, the towels will have to be constantly wetted.

Today, manufacturers offer special humidifiers for radiators. They represent a container into which water is poured, and then hung and secured to the radiator. The water in the device gradually evaporates and fills the room with moisture.

Such moisturizing products are made from steel, ceramics, plastic and other raw materials. They are released in different designs, forms and color scheme. You can easily select the device to match the interior of the room. The container has universal fastenings and is securely fixed on any type of radiator.

A ceramic humidifier is considered the most practical, rational and aesthetically pleasing due to its affordable price, reliable fastenings and variety of colors. Unlike standard household humidifiers, battery-powered devices do not make noise and are cheaper. In addition, they cannot burn.

You can make such a container yourself. To do this, choose a container made of material that does not melt at high temperatures. Heat-resistant plastic or ceramic will do. Make holes in the device and string a wire or other secure fastening. If desired, you can decorate the product.

How to replace a household humidifier

  • Ready-made or homemade battery-powered humidifiers. By the way, to moisturize the room and fill it with a pleasant aroma, add a few drops of essential oil to a container of water;
  • In a humidified room, place a container of water in front of a fan or next to heating appliances. In addition, you can periodically spray water from a spray bottle. You can also add essential oils to this water;
  • In the warm season it is required regularly. Street Fresh air more moisturized than homemade. In addition, it has a positive effect on well-being, improves sleep and stimulates brain function;
  • Leave the bathroom open after taking a shower or bath or after washing your face. After all, the bathroom is the source high humidity in the house;
  • Hang washed clothes and linen in the room next to the radiator. Damp fabrics will quickly and without additional effort fill the air with moisture. In addition, this will speed up the drying of clothes;
  • Hydrogel is used not only for growing flowers, but also for humidifying the air. Sprinkle the product into containers, add a little water and place around the room;
  • Frequent use helps keep the house clean and increases the moisture content in the air. Remove dust in a timely manner;
  • Choose plants and flowers that love moisture and humidify the air. These are ferns, ficus, hibiscus and others. Such plants require regular watering and spraying, and only 1% of the water goes into the ground and roots. The rest evaporates through flowers, stems and leaves;
  • Use an open aquarium without a lid, an indoor waterfall or fountain. Any open container leads to evaporation of water, and, therefore, makes the air humid. But a bowl of water is unlikely to decorate the room, while an indoor pond or aquarium will become an original decoration and addition to the interior.

When trying to increase the humidity in the apartment, it is important not to overdo it. Too much high level also leads to problems. The apartment becomes damp, mold and mildew appear, and the wallpaper peels off. Excessive humidity worsens the condition of books, leather goods, clay and wood.

Every person woke up in the morning with a dry mouth and throat, a feeling of sand in the eyes, drowsiness and malaise, and difficulty breathing. But few people associated the appearance of these symptoms with insufficient humidity in the room. The dry climate is especially negative in winter when the heating is on. There are many ways to humidify the air in your apartment without a humidifier.

How to humidify the air in an apartment in summer

Regular ventilation

It is necessary to open windows several times a day, at least for 15 minutes. The method is most effective in winter, but in summer the weather is hot and dry, so ventilation will not be enough. To increase air flow, wash window screens more often; they collect a large amount of dust.

Wet cleaning

Regular wet cleaning is one of the most effective and healthy ways to increase humidity at home. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough free time to use the method every day.

House plants

Green plants help normalize indoor humidity. They destroy some bacteria, releasing phytoncides, and contribute to the creation comfortable humidity in the house. It is important not to forget to spray and wipe the leaves more often, then the plant will bring maximum benefit.

To humidify the air, dilute:

  • hibiscus;
  • monstera (if there is no child or pets in the house);
  • rosemary;
  • dracaena;
  • ficus;
  • Cyperus;
  • fatsia;
  • dracaena.


Perfectly combats dry air in a home aquarium. But you should not use it if there are people with allergies in the house. The larger the container, the stronger the evaporation will be. The aquarium needs to be cleaned on time and it is better if it has a water filtration system. Read how to do it correctly here.

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How to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier


There will be no problems with optimizing indoor humidity. The choice of decorative fountains is huge, as are the benefits from them. Circulating water moisturizes the space and decorates any interior. It is especially pleasant to enjoy it in the summer.


Using a spray bottle is the easiest and most cheap way increasing humidity in the house. Spray water not only around, but also on tulle and curtains, which will release a portion of moisture when dry. Spray your plants with it too.

Water containers

One option for hydration is containers of water. These can be basins or buckets, but various jugs and vessels will fit best into the interior interesting shapes, in which you can place decorative decorations.

All that remains is to monitor the cleanliness of the vessels and fill them on time. In winter, it is recommended to place the containers closer to the battery or directly on it. The wider the neck of the container, the greater the evaporation area.

Drying clothes After washing things, hang them throughout the apartment, drying, the laundry will moisturize the room. Especially effective method

It is considered drying clothes on a radiator or near it on a dryer. Wet a large towel several times throughout the day and dry it. It is recommended to leave something damp on the battery overnight.

If it is not possible to purchase a humidifier, use one of the available methods.


If someone has washed in the bathroom, moisture accumulates there, which can be used for good. Open the bathroom doors and get a flow of humidified air. Or simply pour water into the bath itself and open the door.


Related article: You can make the climate optimal using available means, such as a fan and a piece of fabric, preferably not very dense. Take a wet cloth and wrap it around the fan, and then turn on the device. Next, you just need to periodically wet the fabric.

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  • Homemade devices Take advantage, with a hole made in the middle and a small piece of fabric. The bottle must be tied to the battery so that the ends of the fabric dipped in water rest on the battery. Thus, the liquid will move evenly over the piece of fabric and dry, giving away the necessary moisture.
  • Will need Plastic container with a lid and a small fan (computer). Attach a fan to the lid of the container and mark a circle along the diameter of the rotating blades. Remove the fan and make a hole along the marked line. Cut two holes on the sides for air outlet. Assemble the structure and connect to the power source, observing polarity. Do not pour water to the very top, leave about 10 cm.

Here you will find all the ways to make your own humidifier.


Now they sell special small containers into which you can pour water and insert them between the battery sections. They do an excellent job of humidifying the climate at home. The choice of such devices is huge, which will improve the climate and decorate the room.

How to humidify the air in a nursery

It is recommended to install a hygrometer that measures humidity and a thermometer that measures room temperature. Preferably close to the crib. Good level Humidity is considered to be 40-60% at temperatures from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. what air humidity is considered normal in a children's room.

In the room of a child and a newborn, use all of the above methods, but with some adjustments and taking into account the characteristics of the baby and his wishes:

  • Before planting or installing house plants, make sure they are harmless. Place potties out of reach of your child.
  • When installing an aquarium, parents must be sure that the child is not allergic to fish food.
  • Place the fan so that the air flow does not fall directly on the baby.
  • If they are breakable, it is better not to use containers with water. A wet towel on the radiator will be much safer.
  • Do wet cleaning and ventilation in the room much more often than in an adult’s room.

As soon as the temperature outside with the onset of autumn drops below a comfortable 20-21 degrees for human life, we begin to look forward to the heating season so that at least we can warm up in the apartment. But the treasured hot batteries also have a downside: overheated radiators greatly dry out the air. And dry air can lead either to the occurrence of diseases or to the exacerbation of existing diseases, such as asthma. In addition, dry air is bad for your skin and hair.

For human life, as we have already noted, the optimal temperature is environment around 20-21 degrees Celsius. But it is also important that a certain percentage of moisture is retained in the air. Therefore, it is best to keep the humidity level between 50% and 70% in the room where you live.

Special and inexpensive devices that can be purchased at a hardware store will allow you to measure air humidity. But how to humidify the air if the level has dropped below normal? gives useful tips, which will allow our readers to feel comfortable even with the hottest batteries in the coldest weather.


Today on the shelves of electronics stores there is huge selection special air humidifiers. Therefore, if you are not strapped for money, you can buy a device that will maintain an optimal balance of air humidity in your apartment without your help. It will take the necessary measurements itself and adjust the operating mode so as to achieve the required results.

But there are also relatively inexpensive models on the market that are not equipped with so many functions. By purchasing a regular humidifier, you will also get the desired result, but you will have to switch the operating modes of the device manually, based either on your feelings or on the performance of additional devices.


If you don't want to buy a humidifier, there is whole line other ways to saturate the air with moisture. One of them is regular ventilation. And don't worry, you won't have to leave the windows open for several hours in winter to cool your apartment. It is enough just to open the window for 5 - 10 minutes three times a day. This will make the air in the apartment more humid, and the flow of oxygen from the street will be useful in the winter, when everyone is sitting in “walled” apartments.

Flowers and plants

Another, very beautiful, by the way, way to humidify the air in your own apartment is to organize a greenhouse in it: plant flowers and other plants. Just as forests are the “lungs” of our planet, so the green spaces in your home will be a source of oxygen. They will also retain a large amount of liquid, humidifying the air. An additional source of moisture is the evaporation of the water with which you will water them.

Drying clothes

There is another way that will help you kill two birds with one stone. But this time our improvised humidifier will not be decorative, but useful function. Agree, no matter how modern washing machine No matter what you have, its centrifuge cannot bring things to a dry state - they have to be hung either on the balcony or in the bathroom. In winter, the dryer for clothes and linen can be moved into the room. Your things will dry, and the evaporated water will humidify the air.

Wet towels

If your clothes dryer can't be moved from the bathroom, or you don't do laundry often enough to provide consistent humidification, regular towels will help. All that remains is to wet them, squeeze them out so that water does not drip onto the floor, and place them on the radiator. The towel will dry quickly, releasing enough steam to humidify the air in the room to the required level.

Water in the basin

An excellent way to humidify the air in a room is to use a regular basin of water. You just need to take the required amount of water and place the basin in a convenient place: under the table, under the sofa, next to the radiator or behind the closet. Not only basins can go into battle, but also any container into which you can collect water, with the exception of bottles with a narrow neck. In a warm room, water will quickly evaporate, significantly increasing the humidity in the apartment.

Aquarium and fountain

Many people may not like basins of water placed throughout the apartment. But here, too, there is a way out: instead of an ordinary basin with water, there can be any decorative element that contains moisture and gives it the opportunity to evaporate in a warm room. Ideal option, for example, will become an ordinary aquarium. It will perform both a decorative and moisturizing function. Also popular today are small apartment fountains with or without lighting. They are also able to create a pleasant atmosphere and saturate the air with much-needed to the human body moisture.