How to choose a bed? Tips and tricks. Which bed is better to choose in the bedroom: everything about frames, mechanisms and appearance Which is better to buy a bed in the bedroom

Making the right choice is always difficult. Especially when it comes to choosing a bed. She plays an important role in our life, because thanks to her we can rest after a hard day at work and, having gained more strength, go on it again.

Modern beds are equipped useful function lifting mechanism. With its help, the user saves space in his small room due to the possibility additional storage things in drawers under the bed.

Rating TOP 7 best beds for daily sleep! Reviews, manufacturers, review will help you find out more information about the right choice bed that will not make you regret after just a few days of use.

The best bed manufacturers in all price segments!

There are a large number of firms engaged in the production of beds. different types... We have selected the most popular bed manufacturers based on professional reviews.

  1. HOFF. A popular furniture manufacturing company in Russia is constantly developing and pleases its users with new models that include the latest functions.
  2. TORIS. When creating his designs, he uses environmentally friendly and high-quality materials that do not carry absolutely any harm to their user. The furniture of this company has its own uniqueness, thanks to the special style of patterns on the mattresses and interior sections.
  3. RYTON. Produces a wide variety of sleeping structures, from beds to couches and niches. All models of the presented company are hypoallergenic.
  4. ORMATEK. It has been operating for 16 years and all this time pleases its customers with high-quality assemblies of models and a long service life. It has won the respect and loyalty of many users and customers.

Top 7 Beds Ranking

After analyzing more of the models presented in the best online stores and customer reviews on them, we have compiled a list of the best beds. They will satisfy the requirements of absolutely any customer, provide him with high quality and long service life.

  • Hyper.

We suggest moving on to a more complete description of each candidate.

The seller is obliged to provide detailed information on the product: complete set, dimensions and what size the mattress will need. Check that all items you need are included in the price.

Comfortable size for two

The optimal width of the bed, when comfortable for both spouses is 160 cm, this is the standard. There is enough space for everyone to sit comfortably and not interfere with the other. For slender and young spouses, you can limit yourself to a lorry (140 cm), and for full ones it is better to take a wider model (from 180 cm).

Foundation reliability

How long the bed will last depends on it. Champion in strength and durability - orthopedic base. This is a metal frame with transverse slats, which are also called battens, lamellas or latoflexes. There is no risk of breakage of the frame itself, and out-of-order lamellas are easily replaced. The design can withstand heavy loads from 200 kg per berth. An additional plus: the lattice provides the necessary ventilation of the mattress and increases its service life.

Healthy sleep is an integral part of every person's life, because it is in sleep that the body recovers and gains strength. Only a perfect tandem - a bed and a mattress - can provide a good rest. ... Today we will talk about how to choose the right bed.

Choosing a sleeping place, you thereby determine for yourself - what kind of sleep will be, whether it will become healthy and relaxing. How to choose the optimal model from the whole variety of models and designs, and what criteria to take into account.

What are the beds - design features

Any bed, regardless of appearance, consists of:

  • frame;
  • grounds;
  • mattress.

The frame is a reliable basis that ensures the stability of the entire structure and its durability. There are two types of wireframes:

  • two backs connected by special panels (drawers) - robust construction and can withstand loads for a long time;
  • legs and 2 backs fixed with drawers - this design is less durable, but looks more aesthetically pleasing.

The base is fixed to the frame and ensures the most comfortable sleep.

It is important! The main elements of the bed - frame and base - can be assembled separately if necessary, if you want to create a bed according to an individual project.

Which bed to choose depending on the size of the room

  1. Wardrobe bed.

This optimal choice for small spaces... During the day, the bed is transformed into a wardrobe using a special mechanism. The design is of two types.

  • Horizontal - the berth rises in length, as a rule, this is a single berth. This a good choice for a children's room, where you need to organize a relaxation area in addition to a sleeping area. The folded structure can be used as a shelf.
  • Vertical - the berth rises in height and can be used as a double bed. The folded structure transforms into a wardrobe, complemented by a mirror.
  1. Sofa bed.

This perfect solution for small bedrooms or for guest rooms. When folded, the structure transforms into a sofa, and when unfolded, it is a full-fledged resting place for one or two people.

  1. Podium bed.

This design is not only incredibly stylish, but also practical, since the space inside the podium can be used as a storage system.

This model has certain disadvantages:

  • complex installation;
  • the structure cannot be transferred to another place;
  • the bed is too bulky.

Which bed is better - with or without a backrest

The backrest, in addition to the decorative function, provides comfort during sleep, it is convenient to lean on it. Bed models depending on the presence of a backrest:

  • the headboard is the most popular bed model, as it harmoniously fits into the interior and suits tall people;
  • with two backs - the model has a complete, holistic appearance, but the product requires enough free space;
  • a bed without backs is not a very aesthetic and not as comfortable option as in the case of a headboard.

It is important! The most comfortable sleeping place with a solid headboard and an insert of genuine leather... Forged and rack and pinion models undoubtedly look stylish, but from the point of view of convenience they are inferior to the first models.

What is the best bed frame

It is the frame that determines the service life and reliability of the structure; it is chosen based on a combination of factors:

  • aesthetics;
  • material of manufacture;
  • right size.

The dimensions of the frame and the mattress must match perfectly, otherwise the mattress will constantly move, and this can provoke a breakdown of the structure.

The larger the berth, the more reliable the grill should be - with a large number of jumpers and grilles.

As for the choice of frame material, it can be:

  • tree;
  • rattan;
  • metal;
  • Chipboard and MDF;
  • laminated chipboard.
  1. Tree. This is an environmentally friendly and most attractive material that will perfectly fit into an interior decorated in any style, except for high-tech. Some types of wood disinfect the room and provide a pleasant aroma in it.

The most popular types of wood for the manufacture of the frame: ash, beech, alder, pine, cherry, birch or oak.

How to distinguish a natural wood from a fake:

  • a bed for a bedroom made of low-grade materials, as a rule, stained;
  • run your fingernail over the surface, if a small mark remains, then the frame is natural.
  1. Rattan. A type of wood that has high performance characteristics. This bed is an excellent solution for a room decorated in an oriental or rustic style. The main disadvantage is the high cost.
  2. Metal. It is the most durable, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly material with an affordable cost. Models coated with paint or varnish are reliably protected from corrosion. The disadvantage of metal models is their lack of versatility; metal will not fit into every interior. In addition, the metal is heavy, which makes it much more difficult to rearrange in the room.
  3. MDF and chipboard. These materials represent the budget group. Both MDF and chipboard do not differ in strength, cracks often appear at the joints, the frame loses its reliability, and a creak appears. Both materials are cheaper or more expensive (veneered).

It is important! With the utmost care, it is necessary to choose a product from chipboard, since this material can emit toxic substances, but a high-quality model finished with veneer is in no way inferior to natural wood. The safest classes of chipboard are E0 and E1. When buying, be sure to ask for a quality certificate.

  1. Chipboard.

The overwhelming majority of frames are made of laminated chipboard. This material is inexpensive, since its production requires a minimum of costs. When buying, you should clarify what kind of glue is included in the film that covers the surface. During operation, the glue disintegrates and hazardous substances are released.

Which bed to choose?

Base - a support for the selected mattress, which is attached to the frame. In some cases, it is called a frame or grate.

Performance characteristics of bases from different materials

MaterialGeneral characteristicsAdvantagesFlaws
TreeThe base consists of bent-glued or straight slats (lamellas) made of beech or birch and fixed at a certain distance to the frame.Air circulation is maintained
Affordable cost
- There is no support under the lamellas, respectively, the mattress gradually takes on a wavy shape
- This design is short-lived, quickly loses its elasticity and deforms
PlasticThe base is made of plastic spring elements. As a rule, the mechanism can be operated using a remote control.Provide an orthopedic effect
Service life over 15 years
Durable and comfortable
- The bottom of the mattress is poorly ventilated
- The constructions are expensive
MetalRegular mesh, which is practically not used in modern modelsService life over 25 years
Provides an orthopedic effect
Affordable cost
- Sleeping pretty hard
- It is difficult to find, since such models are almost not presented on sale

Which bed is not only comfortable but also safe to sleep on?

It will be about the strength and reliability of the structure, because the bed must withstand serious loads for many years, especially if the family has children. The most durable are beech and birch. However, natural wood is an expensive purchase that not every family can afford. Is there a decent alternative?

Chipboard models covered with veneer, however, in this case, there is a high risk of purchasing a poor quality bed. To choose a good bed, you need to check before buying:

  • quality of fasteners;
  • the reliability of the veneer layer;
  • the presence of antifungal impregnation.

The most reliable analogue natural wood is aluminum and titanium. Such designs are superior to all materials that are used to manufacture the bed frame. If the product is coated with a special compound that protects the product from corrosion, it will last more than 20 years.

What should be the bed - length, width, height

When it comes to size, there are several criteria to consider:

  • man's height;
  • how many people will sleep on the bed;
  • free area in the room.

It is important! Buyers often confuse two parameters - "sleeping place" and "bed size". The second value is always higher.

Bed length:

  • 190 cm;
  • 195 cm;
  • 220 cm.

The most traditional bed size (length) is 200 cm.

As for the width, there are three types of models:

  • single beds - from 80 to 100 cm, a bed for a teenager or for decorating a guest room;
  • one and a half - from 100 to 150 cm, an excellent resting place for one person;
  • double - from 160 to 220 cm, a full-fledged place for two people to rest.

When asked how to choose a double bed, experts recommend choosing the widest model possible, since movements in a dream should not wake up the second person.

It is important! The formula for calculating the optimal length of the bed is + 15 cm height. When choosing a double bed, you need to focus on the height of a taller person. To choose the optimal width of the bed, you need to lie on the mattress that will be used with the bed, clasp your fingers and spread your elbows wide - there should be free space to the edge of the mattress.

Frame height matters

Today the beds are presented in three versions.

  1. The height of the frame is from 20 to 30 cm - the model resembles a podium in its design. There may be some discomfort when getting up, so these beds are not worth buying for the elderly and people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Perfectly complements the high-tech interior, minimalism and oriental.
  2. Frame height 50 cm - a universal option that is suitable for children, adolescents and the majority of adults.
  3. The height of the frame is from 80 to 90 cm - it is necessary to choose tall models with care, since sleep at such a height can cause discomfort... A similar model is contraindicated in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is important! Low beds visually enlarge the room, and high ones reduce it. The optimal frame height is when the mattress is at the level of the person's knees.

Functionality of the beds

  1. Lifting base or gas lift. This function makes it easy to raise the bed and fold the necessary things into the frame. From the point of view of practicality, such a model is very convenient, but it prevents air circulation. Experts recommend choosing such a model if there is an acute shortage of free space in the room. To make cleaning under the bed as easy as possible, some models are equipped with a movable bottom. The textile bottom by the bed eliminates the likelihood of breakage.
  2. Boxes. By analogy with a lifting base, boxes allow you to store things, but impede air circulation.
  3. Built-in pedestals. In this case, the cabinets are a place for storing things and do not impede air circulation. The only drawback is that additional structures add weight to the bed.
  4. Built-in shelves. Convenient place to store books, photos and small items.
  5. Side wall. An excellent option if you need to insulate the wall, in addition, such a wall is often supplemented with storage systems. It should be borne in mind that such models have placement restrictions.
  6. Backlight. Additional lighting can be decorative or functional. The lighting placed at the bottom of the bed gives the impression of floating above the floor. The backlighting at the headboard allows reading in the evenings, while the multi-colored lighting creates a romantic atmosphere.
  7. Backrest tilt adjustment. With this function, you can adjust the position of the backrest and thus increase the comfort of your sleep.
  8. Remote control... Provided only in very expensive models - for example, the bed can be transformed into an armchair.

What style of bed to choose?

  1. Baroque. The models are distinguished by grace, a large number of curved lines, the presence of carvings, curls, floral motifs. Such beds are made from valuable wood species, blue, golden, white, blue shades are also used.
  2. Modern. Smooth, rounded lines prevail, however, in contrast to the Baroque style in the Art Nouveau style, there is no pretentiousness and excess luxury. The models are available in gray, beige and brown tones... Typical materials are chipboard and MDF.
  3. Art Deco. In such models, the headboard is made in the form of a bright, memorable detail, complemented by mirrors. For the production, valuable species of wood and metal are used, the color range can be very diverse.
  4. Provence. This style is characterized by smooth lines, feet. In production, simple types of wood are used - spruce, pine, MDF or chipboard, metal. Prevail pastel shades- white, light pink, blue, ivory.
  5. High tech. A low bed with simple geometric shapes and sharp angles. Models are often supplemented with lamps. High-tech style is manifested in metal and cold colors.
  6. Rattan or bamboo furniture is used in rooms decorated in ethno, minimalism and classic styles.

It is important! A round bed will perfectly complement a modern or art deco interior, a podium bed is an ideal solution for hi-tech and minimalism.

Decorative inserts

The headboard is often decorated decorative elements Since this detail is the focal point of the room, it is important to choose a model that fits perfectly into the interior.

  1. Textile. The cheapest finishing option, but textiles are difficult to care for, because they accumulate dust and require constant vacuuming. Fabric inserts are available in a variety of shades, allowing you to choose the best solution for any room.
  2. Leather. It looks very attractive and easy to clean. In addition, the skin is pleasant to the touch, it is convenient to lean on such a headboard - the headboard is cool in summer and warms up in winter.
  3. Leatherette. A cheaper analogue of genuine leather.

Which bed manufacturers should you look at?

Italian, German, Polish and Romanian trade marks are recognized as the best furniture manufacturers. Beds of domestic brands are also quite in demand, since, along with good quality has an affordable cost. The only thing in which they are inferior to foreign counterparts is sophistication and design.

The most expensive are Italian and Spanish brands. For these brands, first of all, quality and comfort, aesthetic aspect are important. Any bed of the Italian or Spanish brand is a unique work of art.

German manufacturers pay particular attention to practicality. The design of German beds is laconic, and the designs are complemented by innovative functionality.

Romanian and Belarusian models are distinguished by their traditional design and classic style, while they are reliable, high quality and durable. Many buyers choose these particular brands because of the affordable cost.

When asked which beds are better to buy, experts recommend paying attention to the beds of Polish brands - at a relatively affordable cost, they are of no less quality than their Italian or Spanish counterparts.

  1. First of all, inspect all the details of the bed - bed, base, fasteners. There should be no cracks, deformations, chips or scratches. The paint layer must be even and smooth.
  2. Ask the seller for a quality certificate confirming the environmental friendliness and safety of the product. In addition, the seller is obliged to provide a guarantee.
  3. Evaluate the comfort of the bed - lie down on it, the base should not creak or crack. Choose a model that matches your parameters - height and weight. Choose a larger bed rather than a smaller one.
  4. Beds are sold complete with a mattress, but it is better to choose a mattress separately, taking into account a set of factors.
  5. For small rooms, transformer models are suitable, which help to save space.
  6. Remember that most back and spine pathologies arise from an uncomfortable bed, so don't skimp on your purchase.
  7. If you opted for a product made of natural wood, pay attention to the colors. Such models can have only one color - as close as possible to the skin tone.
  8. If you have children, pay attention to beds with a soft headboard, bumpers and smooth lines without sharp corners.
  9. The distance between the bed and other furniture must be at least 30 cm, and the minimum distance to the wall is 70 cm. In addition, the bed must not interfere with the opening of the window.
  10. The polished surface can only be wiped with a dry cloth, preferably flannel.
  11. If cracks appear on the polished surface, they can be repaired with a special polishing paste.
  12. Chipboard and MDF beds cannot be cleaned chemical means, it is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth and then wipe dry.

When a person chooses a bed, he not only predetermines his health, but also an excellent mood, and a harmonious interior of the bedroom, and the quality of a good rest, so it is certainly impossible to approach this issue frivolously. How to choose a good bed so that you don't regret the purchased item for a second?

The frame is the basis of strength and durability

Even if your bedroom has the most fashionable and chic bed, and its frame is flimsy, then you will not rejoice in your happiness for long. Neither convenience nor durability can be expected from such a product. Typically, the design of beds is of two types: the first consists of side panels and two support backs, the second - of four side panels on which the hinged backs are fixed. In the second case, the support is usually a platform or legs. Which bed is the best in this case? If the frame is made of good wood species, as, for example, in the models presented in the online store, then it does not matter which design you choose, although experts advise giving preference to the second option.

A good base of the product is the key to reliability

Usually a person does not think about which bed is better from the point of view of its foundation, but in vain, because a lot depends on it. For example, it is imperative to pay attention to how many jumpers are laid on the frame, this is the support for the mattress. A double product contains in its design about 30 such lintels, a single one, respectively, - about 15. The distance between the elements should not exceed the width of the lintel itself. Forget about structures with nets and gratings, which tend to bend and, therefore, give you discomfort.

Comfortable beds are unthinkable without good mattresses

If you've already decided which bed is best for you specific case, it's time to think about a decent mattress. You should not blindly believe those who are convinced of the need to purchase a tough product. It should not be very soft, but moderately tough. Certainly, perfect option- orthopedic mattress with latex or spring base. The former completely repeat the shape of your body, and the reliability of the latter depends on how many springs they contain (the more, the better). If you like the most ordinary mattress, then pay attention to the filler. Good options algae and coconut fiber are considered, for allergy sufferers it is better to choose holofiber.

Product size matters too

As a rule, the width of a double bed is 160 or 180 cm, but there are other sizes. How to choose a good bed so you don't make a mistake? Here you need to focus on making it comfortable to rest, so that the product fits perfectly into the bedroom and does not clutter up the space. For example, in the online furniture store "" you will find the most diverse in terms of size, materials, style, and price category. And numerous promotions, sales, attentive managers will make the selection process pleasant and quick. They will tell you which bed is best for you, for your comfort, you will find both economy offers and luxury products for every taste. Just remember, bed is your health, so think more than once before making a choice!

In the setting of any living space, the bed is the most important element. The choice of an interior item on which a person spends about a third of his life must include b Xia with maximum responsibility. An equipped sleeping place should not only create comfort for residents, but also decorate the interior of the room.

Bed types according to size

When choosing a bed, several factors need to be considered. Great value to ensure healthy sleep has the right choicethe size of the berth.

Dimensions of a piece of furniture are selected depending on the composition of the family,the build of those for whom it is intended, their preferences. People sleep patterns can be very different. With those who like to toss and turn, spread arms and legs to the sidesor just restlessly sleeping, being next to each other at night on a one-and-a-half or small double bed is not at all easy.An important aspect is housing conditions. Not everyone succeeds in equipping small-sized the apartment has a cozy bedroom.

Table. Dimensions of beds for adults.

Bed typeSleeping area, mmIllustration
One-bed700 ... 900 x 1900 ... 2100
One and a half1200 ... 1600 x 1900 ... 2100
One and a half1600 ... 2000 x 1900 ... 2100

If necessary, beds can also be purchased for tall people. Model length Extra Long can go up to 2200 mm.

Important! When calculating the parameters of a berth, it is necessary to make a "stock" about 20 cm in all directions.

It is possible to order custom-sized beds. For example, for more than two people sleeping, or constructions original form.

When choosing a model for a double bed, it is necessary to evaluate a number of aspects.that affect the performance of the product or may be of importance to a particular customer.

Bed selection criteria

Several important points are defining when choosing a suitable model.


Double models must be capable of withstanding decent loads (up to 0.3 tons). In this regard, serious requirements are imposed on the strength of the frame.

Today it is possible to choose a bed based on three frame options:

The material for the manufacture of the frame is usually wood or boards containing wood fibers (chipboard or MDF). Constructions made from natural materials, look much more preferable in terms of appearance and environmental safety. Wooden furniture best of all supports the fashionable trend of using natural components for the manufacture of finishing materials and furniture. It is safe even for newborns.Materials that use a binder, often containing formaldehyde, can be hazardous tohuman health. However, the cost of wooden models significantly exceeds the price of furniture made from slabs.

Video - DIY bed

For decoration of beds can be used:

  • rare wood species;
  • bamboo;
  • glass;
  • forging;
  • leather;
  • mosaic, etc.

When loosening the fasteners over time (this problem most often occurs in structures made of laminated chipboard) it is possible to restore strength constructions by fixing the hardware in a new location. You can do it differently: the frame will serve for many years if you fix it tsars with each other using metal corners.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers



A very important aspect is the structure of the lattice, which serves as the base m for the mattress. When making a bed, manydo not just lay a sheet of plywoodor chipboard, which is not entirely correct.Usually such a bottom can be found in the cheapest models.

Base - plywood

It is necessary to provide good ventilation designs, with which the lamella lattice is best suited. In addition, this design provides an orthopedic effect. It is preferable when durable and flexible wood, such as beech, is used for the planks. The grid must be able to withstand significant loads.

Often the lamellas at the base become unusable. This may be due to the use of poorly dried or low-quality wood. Often the breakdown is connected very love to jump on the bed of their parents. However, dealing with a breakdown is quite simple.

What to do if the slats of the bed have become unusable?

Step 1.The size of the disaster needs to be estimated.

Step 2.If one or two strips become unusable, you can dismantle them and evenly push the remaining(if the design allows)... In this case, the side elements are recommended move to the center, and the central- put on the edges.

Step 3.Broken parts can be replaced by purchasing new ones. Dismantling is usually simple: the boards are slightly bent and removed from the grooves.

If the fastening is made with hardware, you must use pliers and a screwdriver.

Step 4.In case of breakdown a large number lamellae, it makes sense to replace the entire base.

Video - Installation of curved lamellas

The distance between the slats differs depending on the type of mattress. It is mocan vary in the range of 2 5 ... 7 0 m. Mattresses with blocks of independent springsusually installed on a base, between the gratings of which a distance of about 5 is left 0 m m.For models with dependent springs, it is better to withstand clearance 6 0 m m.

Tol the width of the lamellas is usually the same: 8 ... 10 m m. This is enough for a load of about 120 kg per seat. In a double design, the base is usually about 20 strips are mounted.

Bed slats prices


The most common double bed option is classic stationary model that is installed in the room. Its position does not change during the period of operation (except in rare cases when the owners have a desire to redevelop the situation).

Interesting suspended constructions ... The mount can be wall or ceiling mount. Such pieces of furniture can radically change the interior design.It is also important that cleaning in the bedroom, where suspension systems, it is much easier to carry out.

Not everyone has the opportunity place stationary double bed in the room. So that during the daytime it was possible to organizefree space in the premises , transforming structures are installed:

When unfolded, such structures represent a comfortable sleeping place, and when folded, they take up a minimum of space.To facilitate the transformation process, electronic units are installed that allow lifting / lowering with a remote control.

V Lately podium beds are gaining popularity. Such structures are capable not only of serving as an interior decoration, they are also functional: the area is simultaneously used both for organizing a sleeping place and for storing things.


The price of a piece of furniture depends on many factors. The main one is the material from which the bed is made. It can be chipboard, MDF or solid wood. The last option is the most expensive.

Wood can also cost differently. The most durable or exotic woods do not differ budget.

The price formation is also influenced by the place of production of products (products of foreigndrivers are more expensive), and designunreasonable decisions.

When choosing a design, it is necessary to be aware that beds made of laminated particle boards serve much less wood or metal. However, they are more economical.

Prices for beds with Podium base

Bed with base Podium

Storage locations

When choosing a bed, it is advisable to immediately think over the way of storing bedding. Many designs allow the use of scarce square meters reasonable. Drawers installed in the lower part of the bed, which slide out to the side, are designed to accommodate any things: linen, pillows, blankets, bedspreads, etc. But in this case, you need to understand that for the operation of such a structure, you need free space near the bed, which is not always possible to provide in small rooms.

The storage system can be organized under the bed base and in models equipped with lifting mechanism... This option is the most preferable forsmall bedrooms, since no space on the sides, unlike designs with drawers, is required. With the help of devices equipped with gas shock absorbers, the upper part of the bed is lifted with one movement of the hand and fixed at the top point. As a result, access to the compartment opens up, in which you can store bedding and even household items.

Dimensions (edit)

The spread in the sizes of double models allows you to choose the best option for any situation. The most important rule is that the sleeping place should allow you to feel comfortable.people of different constitutions, with different individual characteristics and habits. Nothing should hinder their freedom.

It is generally accepted that an adult for have a nice rest an area of ​​at least 70 cm in width and 190 cm in length is required (but this figure depends on the height).It is necessary to take into account not only the number of people usually sleeping on the bed, but also various emergency situations. For example, the emergence of a desire in a small child to spend the night with their parents. In this case, it is hardly worth considering a bed model with a width less than 2000 mm.

Important! The standards adopted abroad differ from those we are accustomed to. So, a berth of a bed from Europe can have a width of up to 2030 mm, and a length of up to 2140 mm.

The standard range of sizes for the width of domestic models: 1600 ... 2000 mm. However, if you wish, it is possible to order a design according to individual parameters.


In addition to the functional characteristics of a piece of furniture, the aesthetic aspect must also be taken into account. The bed, which is the central element of the bedroom, should have an attractive appearance, decorating and harmoniously blending into the interiordesigned in a certain style.

The standard shape of a double bed is rectangular. However, you can also install design structures, for example, those that have a round shape. It should be borne in mind that such an interior item will look harmonious only in large rooms.

The most important not only in practical terms (ensures the protection of the sleeping person), but also in aesthetic terms, the bed detail is the headboard. It may have different shapes, be rectangular or curved, flat or convex. For the decoration of the headboard, carving, overhead elements and inserts are used.The decor can be made of wood, leather (most often this material is used in soft headboards) or wrought iron elements.

Not the last place to ensure comfort to households is givenand the environment surrounding the bed... Lighting, bedside tables and a dressing table create a complete bedroom ensemble.

There are usually much fewer requirements for the footprint. In some models, it does not stand out relative to the side king ... This is convenient for those who like to hang their legs from the bed (or this is due to the tall person).


For the organization of a comfortable sleep is fundamental.Not only the convenience of vacationers, but also health depends on this item.A good mattress is especially important for those who suffer from spinal diseases.