Laying paving slabs 30 30. Options and technologies for correct laying of paving slabs, necessary materials and tools. Installation of curb slabs

One of the most popular and simple ways registration of the adjacent private territory is the use paving slabs. Its prevalence is due to its spectacular appearance, durability, and ease of care. Let's figure out how to choose and prepare necessary materials and how to lay paving slabs so that they last as long as possible.

Decorative tiles have an impressive appearance and are easy to use. Source

Criterias of choice

When choosing suitable material First of all, you need to focus on its cost. High-quality tiles that will last for several decades are made mainly from natural raw materials and have a relatively high price. The following types of raw materials are most often used in the manufacture of finishing materials:

    hard and soft varieties of natural stone;

    fake diamond;

    polymer sand mixtures;

    concrete mixtures;

    firing materials.

An additional criterion for choosing a finishing material is the thickness of the tile. To design, for example, narrow paths, it is quite possible to choose a material whose thickness does not exceed 0.4 - 0.6 cm. If you are laying a road or parking lot, you need to choose especially durable tiles, the thickness of which varies over 0.8 cm.

Mixed concrete tiles Source

Required Tools

Before laying paving slabs, you should prepare in advance Additional materials and tools that will be useful primarily when performing work, for example:

  • curbs, which can be either plastic or stone;

    crushed stone, the fraction of which should not be more than 40 mm;


  • manual concrete mixer, however, in the absence of one, you can do without it;

As for the amount of materials required to design the paths, before carrying out the work it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations, taking into account the characteristics of the soil, the area of ​​the territory, and the features of operation.

Step-by-step instruction

To eliminate possible errors in work and prevent damage to materials, before laying paving slabs, it is recommended to carefully read detailed instructions this process.

To obtain a high-quality coating, it is important to follow the algorithm below for performing the work Source


Immediately before starting work, markings should be made future territory or paths that will later be tiled. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a detailed schematic drawing on the site plan, taking into account the presence of plantings, buildings, and shrubs. When drawing up a plan, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the site, the presence of slopes and lowlands in which rainwater accumulates.

Second important nuance drawing up a diagram - calculating the width of the tracks. The best option– 1 – 1.3 m. This width allows two people to move freely on the path. If you plan to create a road for a car, it is important to take into account that in addition to the vehicle, there may also be a person on the paved area, that is, the width in this case should not be less than 2.3 - 2.5 m.

After drawing up the diagram, you can begin marking paths directly on the territory of the area being improved. This must be done using a tape measure, rope and pegs. When installing pegs, it is necessary to add 10 - 15 cm on each side to the width of the path - this distance will be necessary in the future for installing curbs.

The first stage when laying tiles is marking Source

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


Before laying paving slabs with your own hands, you need to remove the protective layer from the chosen one. finishing works plot. Process in in this case completely depends on the characteristics of the soil. For example, if the top layer is made of dense clay, it is enough to simply level the surface to be treated. In other situations, it is necessary to remove at least 25–30 cm of turf or soil. Next, you need to pour a layer of sand no more than 3–5 cm thick, level and compact the surface.

The next stage involves laying geotextiles on the compacted surface of the paths. This process is not mandatory, but experts recommend including it in the algorithm of work being carried out. Geotextiles prevent the germination of weeds, soil shrinkage, and moisture penetration during spring floods.

When laying textiles, it is important to observe next principle: the canvases must overlap each other at a distance of at least 15 - 20 cm. When decorating the edges of the path, it is also important to take into account the above rule. The use of geotextiles and their proper installation will significantly increase the service life of the paths.

Before the main work, you need to remove the turf and dig a shallow ditch Source


The next step before laying paving slabs with your own hands is preparing the drainage system. At this stage, it is necessary to pour a layer of crushed stone onto the textile-lined base, the volume of which should be about 12 - 14 cm. Laying it is necessary to absorb moisture, the freezing of which during cold weather can lead to the formation of unevenness and pits on the surface of the paths.

The crushed stone must be thoroughly compacted, then lightly sprinkled with sand, leveled and covered with a second layer of textile base, following the instructions given above. Laying textiles is especially necessary if the area to be improved is located in a lowland. The material will allow water to pass through, preventing its penetration onto the surface.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Installation of curbs

After completing the drainage work, it is necessary to install curbs. For work you can use various materials, including slate, artificial and natural stone, wooden elements, bricks. The mandatory requirement in this case is that finishing material for curbs it was flat.

Within the construction market, concrete and plastic piece curbs are especially popular. They are easy to install, look great and high level wear resistance. When choosing borders, it is recommended to take into account their compatibility with tiles.

One of the most popular types of curbs is made of concrete Source

One of the important stages during installation is preparing the base. The strength of the paths, as well as the external qualities, depend on the correctness of the work carried out. The type of foundation should be selected in accordance with the expected level of load on the area being improved. For example, before laying paving slabs with your own hands to design paths that are not expected to bear significant loads, it is recommended to pour a sand base.


If significant loads are expected on the surface of the tiles to be laid, for example, use as a parking lot, it is reasonable to choose a concrete base. It is the most durable, provides a long service life, but requires quite complex work. So, how to lay paving slabs by arranging a concrete base? In this case, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

    Step one. The most important task is to reinforce the base. For this purpose, you can use both a ready-made mesh, the cell size of which is 10 by 10 cm, and suitable remains of building materials, fittings, and scrap metal. Before reinforcement, it is necessary to drive metal or wooden pegs into the ground so that the grid is 3–5 cm above the surface.

    Step two. Next, the concrete is poured directly. This must be done in such a way that the surface of the concrete base is located at least 3 cm below the ground surface - this is the distance required for laying decorative tiles. Filling must be done at one time - it is important to take this into account and prepare a sufficient volume of the mixture in advance.


After pouring concrete, be sure to wait several days until the mixture sets and becomes sufficiently hard.

Video description

You can see the technology of laying tiles on a concrete base in the video:

The most common option for decorative pedestrian paths called a mixture of cement and sand. This type involves laying elements on a dry base made of sand-cement mixture. To prepare it, the following proportions must be observed: 1 part cement and 5 parts sand. The optimal thickness of the base in this case should not be less than 10 cm.

When choosing this base, it is especially important to first familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to correctly lay paving slabs. Decorative elements in this case are laid strictly on a dry surface, that is, before filling the ditches for paths with the mixture, it is important to make sure that there will be no rain for two to three days. However, immediately before laying the tiles, it is necessary to slightly moisten the mixture and compact it additionally; this measure will significantly simplify the work process.


Video description

Video about laying tiles on sand:

Processing of decorative tiles

The next recommendation on how to properly lay paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house or in another area is to treat individual elements with compounds that will significantly increase the performance of the material, its wear resistance, and ensure moisture and frost resistance. Hydrophobic compounds are used for treatment, which also effectively protect elements from the appearance of mold stains and improve appearance decorative coating in general.

The tile processing process is quite lengthy. It involves dipping each element one by one into a pre-prepared composition, then drying it thoroughly and repeating the procedure. When processing tiles, it is also recommended to inspect each element for cracks or chips. There is no need to throw away damaged tiles; they are quite suitable for laying on inconspicuous surfaces.

Laying decorative tiles

After long and careful preparation, we finally came to the most important and responsible stage - laying the decorative coating. Some features of the work depend on what type of base the elements are placed on. So, how to lay paving slabs correctly:

    The laying of individual elements on concrete is carried out using the “on-your-own” method, that is, the work must be carried out by placing it on an already completed surface. Laying is carried out on a mortar made of cement. It is important to take into account that the thickness of the seams is no more than 3 mm, and they should be filled completely. After completing the process, it is important to additionally fill the seams with liquid mortar; this measure will provide special strength to the coating, turning it into a kind of monolith.

    Laying on a base of sand or a mixture of sand and cement is carried out in compliance with slightly different operating principles. In this case, they should be performed while on the sand, laying and complementing the already finished decorative base in front of you. The seams are filled with a mixture of cement and clean sand prepared in a percentage ratio of 1:5. When choosing this method, it is especially important to carefully adjust the elements to each other, tapping them with a hammer and completely filling the seams. After completing the work, it is necessary to water the coating with water, leave until dry, repeat the procedure at least three times, adding if necessary a small amount of mixtures.

Tiles laid in compliance with all rules will last for many years Source

Concrete-based tiles are particularly durable, easy to maintain, and have a long service life. This decorative coating is not afraid of high loads, changes temperature conditions. Its only drawback is its relatively high cost.

Video description

Clearly step by step installation tiles in the following video:


Above are tips and recommendations on how to properly lay paving slabs, following which you can easily cope with the work yourself. However, it is important to remember that any work to prepare the base and directly lay decorative elements Requires minimum practical skills. If there are none, it is better to entrust the work to specialists who will do it not only efficiently, but also quickly.

Owners summer cottages And country houses in their possessions they want to create an atmosphere that will both please the eye and promote active recreation. Gone are the days when a piece of land was perceived solely for growing agricultural products. The garden beds have made room a little and given way to gazebos, green lawns where children can frolic, as well as beautiful garden paths that are both pleasant and convenient to walk on.

Paving stone paths undoubtedly look the best and are the most functional, but when site owners begin to consider the prices for paving services, all interest often disappears. But in vain. In this article we will try to prove that there is nothing impossible in such a process as laying paving stones with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help readers of our portal bring this process to life.

What are paving stones? What is it like?

Paving stones comes from the word whetstone. Granite, basalt or other hard rock was previously split into fragments (bars) of approximately equal size and shape, then a covering was assembled from them - paving stones, which is why it is called chipped stones. Such technologies are still used today. Such coatings look very interesting, although the surface can hardly be called perfectly smooth and installation requires a highly qualified craftsman. Over time due to the passage large quantity people and passing vehicles, the surface wears out, polishes naturally and becomes smoother. It is precisely these paving stones that are loved by tens of millions of tourists visiting the old cities of Europe, paved hundreds of years ago.

The next step in the development of paving stones was the use of sawn stone, when all the bars have the same geometric dimensions. Such paving stones are also called full-sawn paving stones, since all edges were processed. It became easier to lay such stones, roads and sidewalks became smoother, and it became easier to walk on them. And now sawn paving stones made from natural stone are most widely used, even despite their considerable cost.

Another variety of paving stones is chipped paving stones, when a stone blank is first sawed into blanks of equal thickness, and then split into pieces of the required size. Sidewalks and paths look very advantageous, where full-sawn and split-sawn paving stones are successfully combined.

Also in the 19th century, clinker paving stones began to be produced in Germany, obtained from natural slate clay, from which bars were molded into the desired size and shape, and then fired in a kiln at high temperature. This technology is still simpler than cutting or splitting natural stone, so clinker paving stones began to be produced in large volumes. It is still being produced, as it has proven its worth. Some clinker sidewalks have been successfully used for more than 150 years and are not at all about to “retire.”

Prices for paving stones

paving stones

IN modern world, with development construction technologies, a good replacement is being made natural materials– concrete paving stones. With a very large interference, it can be called pure concrete, since in addition to high-quality cement and mineral fillers, it contains a lot of polymer additives that increase strength, wear resistance, frost resistance and also allow the paving stones to be painted in any color. This gives unlimited scope for the implementation of any idea for decorating your site. Concrete paving stones can be made into any shape, so all path curves, transitions and various other curved elements can be laid without labor-intensive trimming.

Concrete paving stones can be vibrocast or vibropressed. The second is preferable, since it operational properties much higher. Manufacturers' statements that concrete paving stones are in no way inferior to natural granite or clinker stones are only partly correct, if only because artificial paving stones have not yet passed the test of time. The authors of the article do not wish to offend any manufacturer or seller of concrete paving stones. If in a ridiculous 150 years we are shown a sidewalk in good condition from artificial stone, which is due today, we will sincerely apologize for our words.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of paving stones?

Residents of cities built not in the 20th century, but much earlier - in the 18th and 19th centuries, have you seen at least once how old paving stones peek through from under the “shabby” asphalt surface. A reasonable question arises: why does the “younger” asphalt “live” much less than the road surface that our great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers made? And this fact is far from uncommon. It turns out that well-laid paving stones can serve as a load-bearing base for other coatings.

If you believe historical sources, then even in ancient times not all cities could afford paving stones, but only with a substantial budget, since this coating was very expensive even then. It is still very expensive. But it’s still too early to write off paving stones. Despite the fact that such covering of roads and sidewalks is very expensive, fortunately, it will delight our eyes for a long time. Why does humanity stubbornly continue to use paving stones, what are its advantages?

  • Paving stones are very durable, wear-resistant and frost-resistant.
  • Due to the fact that the paving stones are always laid on a drainage pad, water will never accumulate on the paths.
  • Paving stones are always easy to repair, because you can partially disassemble them and then reassemble them. You can also change individual elements.

  • When the soil moves, no cracks form on paving stones.
  • Paving stones do not melt in the heat like asphalt and do not emit vapors of various petroleum products.
  • Paving stones look very beautiful. They testify to the good taste and wealth of the owners.
  • Laying paving stones does not require the use of special heavy road equipment, that is, all work can be done independently.

If paving stones are such a wonderful covering, then why not pave all roads and sidewalks with it, and then live and rejoice in the fact that there is enough for our lives, and possible problems let the grandchildren or great-grandchildren decide. Paving stones still have disadvantages.

  • Paving stones are a very expensive material. Covering roads and sidewalks with asphalt or concrete is much cheaper.
  • The work of laying paving stones is also one of the most expensive, as it requires serious preparation of the base and skilled labor. It takes much more time to build a road made from paving stones than from other materials.
  • Paving stones require good construction measures, since excess water will simply wash away the base.

  • Paving stones have a large mass, so they are prone to subsidence, especially if the laying was carried out in violation of technology.
  • Driving a modern car on cobblestones is a dubious pleasure, and in wet or frosty weather the surface can be very slippery.
  • For reasons “unknown” to science, for some reason women who wear heels do not like crushed paving stones.

Nevertheless, owners of country houses and summer cottages should very seriously consider the use of paving stones for paving yards or arranging paths in the garden. And if you do it yourself, the money saved will more than cover the cost of purchasing the material. However, you can even make paving stones yourself, which you can read about on our portal.

What is the difference between paving stones and paving slabs?

If you consider various sources, then this issue can become very confusing. When some say that paving stones are just a natural stone, others argue that it’s not about that, but about the size - paving stones are much thicker. We propose to clarify this issue; to do this, we suggest considering the following table.

Prices for paving slabs

paving slabs

Paving slabs are paving stones that regularly visit a nutritionist

The horizontal line shows the typical thickness of paving slabs or paving stones, and the vertical line shows the greatest length, because tiles or paving stones can be not only square, but also rectangular. If the ratio of maximum length to width is less than or equal to four, then we can say that it is a paving stone. In the table, such ratios are indicated in red-brown color. If the indicated ratio is more than four, then such products can be classified as paving slabs; these ratios are highlighted in blue cells.

Paving stones are superior to paving slabs in their load-bearing capacity. Obviously, if you put a 160*100*62 mm paving stone on the sand and run over it with a KAMAZ wheel, then nothing will happen to it - it will simply be pressed deeper into the sand. And if you take a 420*420*62 mm tile and place it in the same conditions, then most likely it will crack. It turns out that with equal thickness, the fracture strength will be higher for paving stones.

Do you want to lay paving slabs on your residential property yourself? Then you should carefully read technological process and styling nuances. Paving paths and parts local area, creates a well-groomed and finished look to the landscape, allowing you to move freely in any direction.

What are the benefits of paving slabs when creating paving?

Paving stones in the yard are an excellent solution to practical and aesthetic issues. That is why many homeowners are interested in how to lay paving stones in the courtyard of a private house, thereby ensuring cleanliness and comfort in it.

At complete absence experience in paving work can be done at home in a company specializing in solving similar problems. A reliable partner in this area of ​​customer service is Moscow Paving Stone LLC, whose professional craftsmen will quickly achieve the intended result.

When using tile material for paving local areas, several important goals are achieved:

  • the appearance of the landscape is improved;
  • tidying up the yard;
  • flooding of paths is prevented;
  • conditions are created for convenient and safe movement.

Paving slabs in the yard are also justified because they do not require the special knowledge and skills necessary to create a paved surface. Besides this construction material has an affordable price, which is important when choosing means of home improvement.

What do you need to learn before paving an area?

Soil features

Paving stones in the courtyard of a private house are laid taking into account the characteristics of the ground surfaces. If the soil is prone to moving and crumbling, which can result in the formation of voids, you should choose reliable methods for paving tiled elements. In the case of hard soils, you can get by by laying the tiles on a sand bed.

Expected load

Laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house is carried out with a mandatory analysis of the upcoming static and mechanical load. In case of planning to move on laid paving stones Vehicle, placing large structures on it, durable building materials should be used for paving, and a cement-concrete mixture should be used to create the base.


An important factor influencing the decision on how to lay paving slabs in the yard yourself is the presence of close proximity groundwater. When there is a large amount of precipitation, water can rise close to the surface of the earth and negatively affect the laid paving. Knowing these circumstances, it is necessary to use waterproofing materials when creating the base for laying out the tile canvas.


The technology for laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house is largely determined by the relief characteristics of the area. If there are large slopes, potholes, or depressions that cannot be leveled, it is necessary to lay the paving only when using a concrete base. Otherwise, the finished canvas will be deformed under the influence of natural soil movement, creating well-predicted problems.

Climatic conditions

Before laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a household, it is advisable to think about the climatic features of the area. The parameters of the service life of such a surface are greatly influenced by sudden changes in temperature conditions, significant amounts of precipitation, and their freezing during the cold season, resulting in the formation of an ice crust. The building material and methods of its fastening are chosen after analyzing the characteristics of life in a given climatic zone.

Landscape design

Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house should fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape. With a reasonable approach to solving this issue, it becomes a logical component of an integral ensemble, a special highlight. Properly laid paving emphasizes the beauty of a house, site, garden, surrounding nature. When creating it, it is important to adhere to the line of the chosen landscape design.

Financial opportunities

When planning work to improve the local area, including laying new paving, be objective in assessing your financial resources. If they are very modest, it is better to wait to implement this idea. Despite the proximity of prices to the buyer, you should not be inclined to choose very cheap products that are characterized by poor quality.

Where should you start?

Carefully study the following information, which will help you save effort and money.

Site planning

Experts who know how to lay paving correctly advise planning the site before the main work. It is important to know where the paved surface will be laid and how convenient it will be to use within the designated limits. First, an accurate schematic plan of the site is created, which is subsequently transferred to the area.

Selecting a paving pattern

The master preparing for work needs to understand in advance what kind of tile pattern he is required to lay out. It is especially important to do this if the drawing is complex, and special experience and skills must be used to create a solid canvas. The intricate design is worked out on a diagram and then reproduced using elements of paving slabs.

Calculation of the amount of required materials

When wondering how to lay tiled paving with your own hands, learn to make preliminary calculations of the required funds. An essential point when planning work on decorating a yard using paving slabs is the purchase of a sufficient amount of building materials. To solve this problem, you should consider:

  • the area of ​​the territory on which the tiles will be laid;
  • its features, which can lead to an increase in the number of purchased goods.

Pros and cons of different paving methods

There are several methods for laying paving. The owner of a country property chooses the most optimal one for himself. We will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages so that each of you can draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.

sand cushion

The technology for laying paving slabs in the yard on sand is the simplest of all known. It is not labor-intensive and does not require special financial resources. Laying paving slabs on a sand bed is quite simple, which allows you to quickly get the job done. However, this paving method is suitable for courtyards:

  • on the territory of which active movement of transport and a large number of people is not planned;
  • having reliable soil and correct relief.

Also, a disadvantage of the sand cushion is its ability to be washed out by rainwater, which can lead to the appearance of dips in the canvas.

Laying on the prance

Gartsovka or a cement-sand mixture is needed to create a base for paving, if there is a desire:

  • obtain high strength of the canvas;
  • prevent deformation of paving under loads, as well as in the presence of slopes.

The relative disadvantages of working with a pliers are the need for prompt and very careful actions, since quick coupling of building materials does not contribute to the correction of inaccuracies and errors.

Laying for elimination

Screenings or waste materials from ordinary crushed stone are practical to use because:

  • gives a slight shrinkage;
  • easy to level and compact;
  • is a quality ingredient when creating a concrete mixture.

But in the presence of “floating” soils, it is not capable of becoming a reliable drainage layer.

Creating a concrete base

A concrete pad is required when creating a canvas that can withstand heavy loads. As a rule, it is formed in combination with reinforcing components in the form of reinforced plates. This coating turns out to be very durable. The only disadvantage of using a concrete base may be the high cost of the work performed.

Laying on finished asphalt

Already used asphalt can also be used as a cushion for paving slabs. This significantly reduces the cost of paving, but subject to the absence of unwanted deformations in the asphalt. Otherwise, work to restore it will incur additional costs.

Decide for yourself how to lay the tiles. The main thing is to correctly take into account the recommendations of experts.

For craftsmen who lay paving slabs with their own hands step-by-step instruction will help save the budget for arranging pedestrian paths and parking lots near the cottage. The technology is the same for concrete tiles and polymer materials. Work should be carried out in summer in the absence of precipitation.

This coating allows you to completely avoid concreting and other “wet” finishing processes, but only on soils with normal bearing capacity. If the site is located on a fresh embankment, undermining and problem soils (for example, silty sand or pure clay), or has a complex topography, it is necessary to concrete the base to ensure a rigid underlying layer and uniform distribution of loads on the soil.

On sand, gravelly, rocky soil, sandy loam and loam, it is enough to remove the topsoil and replace it with non-metallic material:

  • paths - sand;
  • parking – crushed stone 5/40.

Crushed stone base of the parking lot.

To prevent mutual mixing of soil with inert materials, you should line the bottom of the pit with geotextiles and start this non-woven material on the side walls. It is necessary to compact layers with a vibrating plate with a maximum thickness of 10–15 cm, as in the photo below.

Geotextile layer.

A vibrating plate with an electric or gasoline drive will be needed in further stages in any case. Therefore, they either rent it or make it themselves. You will also need the following tool:

  • rule - special, made of boards, ordinary plaster 1.5 - 2 m;
  • rubber mallet - for laying paving slabs (TP) and installing curbs;
  • level - laser is preferable, but a bubble level will also work; on difficult terrain - hydraulic;
  • a hard brush – needed for filling the seams at the last stage;
  • Angle grinder (“grinder”) – used for cutting cladding elements;
  • cord – marking the route, slopes;
  • trowel and shovel – adding and leveling sand.

Tool for paving TP.

Important! The crushed stone is laid in its natural state, the sand is abundantly moistened, there is no need to spill it from a hose/bucket so as not to create with my own hands perched water in this technogenic layer.

On complex terrain, terracing is first done with retaining walls made of gabions or monolithic reinforced concrete. Otherwise, lateral soil movements will disrupt the geometry of the paths after just a couple of years of operation.

Even on flat areas, a slope of paving slabs is necessary, since the material is waterproof, and the gaps between the paving elements are not enough to quickly drain storm and flood runoff. It is advisable to install storm drainage trays between the curbs and tiles, and integrate rainwater inlets into the roofing under the vertical drains of roof gutters.

Paving technology

It is important for the home craftsman to understand that the quality and durability of the coating garden paths completely depend on ground conditions:

  • clay soils swell unevenly, disrupting the geometry of sidewalks and parking lots;
  • problematic soils settle over time;
  • on slopes and without a curb edge, the tiles spread out.

To fix the base, the tiles will have to be completely removed.

When purchasing non-metallic materials, it is worth considering:

  • in parking lots, a crushed stone fraction of 20/40 is preferable, depending on the intensity of traffic and operational loads, with a layer thickness of 30 cm or more;
  • for paths, crushed stone 5/20 in a layer of 10 - 15 cm is sufficient;
  • it is better to choose river sand or washed quarry sand minimum percentage clay;
  • when compacting with a vibrating plate, the compaction coefficients are 1.7 for sand, 1.3 for crushed stone, so when purchasing, the volume of the pit must be multiplied by these numbers, otherwise there will not be enough material.

Paving slabs must provide the necessary quality of the exterior of the paths and the durability of the coating. Therefore, cladding is chosen according to the following characteristics:

Hyperpressed paving slabs.

Important! Vibration-cast products are cheaper because they are easier to manufacture, have an original configuration, and reduce the finishing budget. Hyper-pressed tiles are difficult to split or damage; this option is optimal for parking lots that are serviced by snowplows in winter.

Vibrocast TP.

Marking and planning

Unlike load-bearing structures The marking of personal space is most often combined:

  • Curvilinear and radius shapes are used to increase artistic value;
  • straight routes are marked with cords using cast-offs;
  • the roundings are outlined directly on the ground using patterns or large-sized compasses (a rod tied with a cord to the central peg).

When marking, the following factors should be taken into account:

Chernozem contains organic matter, which rots under the tiles and shrinks. Therefore, the loose topsoil needs to be removed and used on the beds, in landscape design or remove it from the site. The resulting layout is called by professionals a “trough”, in which further TP paving operations are carried out.

Important! The roots of mature bushes and trees are dangerous for paving slabs, so they are either uprooted or pedestrian traffic routes are laid at a distance of 3 m from them.

Drainage and sub-base

The TP should be laid on a rigid base that has drainage properties, since part of the storm water is drained through the cracks between the tiles. However, natural drainage is not enough to handle the entire volume of water in heavy rain and remove runoff roof drain when creating a path near a house or lining a blind area with this material. Therefore, several conditions must be met:

If a topsoil layer of more than 40 cm is removed and a 6–8 cm thick TP is selected for lining, the thickness of the underlying layer increases sharply so that the paths rise slightly above the adjacent soil. To save budget in this case, you can use cheaper materials in the lower level of the underlying layer than crushed stone, river sand - sandy loam or loam. They also need to be compacted with a vibrating plate to a similar surface condition.

The curbs (border stones) are much higher than the tiles (20 cm), so along the paving contour it is necessary to make a trench of the same width, 25 - 30 cm deep, in order to place the curb on the mortar layer.

Trench for curb

Important! Where the storm drains pass, another trench will be required, since the height of these elements varies from 13 to 41 cm depending on the design and material.

Installation of curb stones

Without curbs, sidewalks will lose their shape, as the tiles on the sides will “creep.” The curb stone must be laid along the cord, taking into account the longitudinal and perpendicular slopes of the decorated areas on cement-sand mortar. The ratio of ingredients is 1/4 (cement/sand, respectively. The technology looks like:

  • the mortar is placed into the trench with a trowel;
  • the curb is installed on it and pressed down with a mallet along the cord;
  • outside and inside, in 2 - 3 places, the solution is laid in a heap on the side surfaces of the curb just below the sand layer on which the tiles will be mounted, as in the photo below.

Paving is possible within a day or two, after the cement stone has gained strength.

Advice! Regardless of the size of the storm drains, it is better to install them along the curbs along with them at the same stage. These elements are also installed on a solution that requires time to harden.

Tile paving

There are methods for laying TP on cement-sand mortar (for use in difficult conditions), dry mixture (1/5 cement, sand, respectively) and on clean river sand. Practice has proven that when adding cement to a dry mixture, the developer does not receive any additional benefits, but the maintainability of the coating sharply decreases and the finishing budget increases. Therefore, in 80% of cases, paving slabs are installed on dry sand using the following technology:

Advice! Installation curb stone at the ends of the tracks is not always possible. To prevent the spreading of paving elements in such an area, the last two rows are mounted on a cement-sand mortar.

Methods for connecting TP to the ground and screeds.

The nuances of laying paving slabs

Problems with paving usually arise when designing curved areas. The simplest option on radius paths is to lay rectangular elements, as in the bottom photo:

  • the tile is oriented with the long side in the direction of travel;
  • work starts from a smaller radius;
  • each element is shifted relative to its neighbor;
  • transverse and vertical seams arranged in a wedge.

Rectangular TP on turns.

If the developer has chosen a collection of tiles with a complex configuration (for example, “clover”), the paving technique changes radically:

  • the seams are shifted at 45 - 60 degrees along the length of the tortuous section;
  • the surface is filled with solid elements;
  • pieces are laid near the curbs.

Less commonly used is the “Beam” technology, when a rectangular-format TP is oriented perpendicular to the curbs.

At complex radius intersections and large areas, the direction of the seams can be changed to increase the artistic value of the composition.

Decorating a complex radius intersection.

Thus, it is easiest and cheapest to pave paths, recreation areas and parking lots on the site on sand with cast or vibropressed paving slabs along straight routes. On radius sections, the above recommendations should be taken into account. For problematic soils, a rigid concrete base layer should be made.

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Paving slabs are a product that today is actively used for tiling floors in a gazebo, on a porch or in another area. The main advantages of tiles are their durability. But this criterion is particularly influenced by compliance with technology during the arrangement of the base and the quality of laying work.

Let's consider what is better to lay paving slabs on. This article will only touch on technical issues.

Laying methods

Paving slabs can be laid in three ways:

  • on the sand;
  • on concrete;
  • on the ground.

How to lay tiles on a concrete base is described in detail.

On concrete

This method is advisable to use in cases where the area where the installation will be carried out already has a concrete base. It should simply be cleaned of dust and dirt, moistened and a layer of solution applied. After this work, paving slabs are laid. The laying technology is similar to the principle with a sand cushion.

On the sand

Dry installation occurs when the owner plans to make changes to the construction project. In addition, this method is actively used by those who do not want to bother with cement mortar. Dry installation is an excellent solution for placing a chaotic or random pattern of sidewalks, with space between the products.

On earthen soil

This installation option, like on the ground, has become widely known during the design of summer cottages, as well as in the courtyard of a private house when laying tiles in the country and this is naturally the easiest. In this case, large tiles are used that imitate natural stone. The tiles are laid in prepared holes (preparation is required), and then the compaction process is carried out using a wooden hammer. The space between the tiles and the edges of the pits is eliminated using soil.

Mortar laying technology

Most types of products can be laid in this way. The process of laying on a concrete base begins with preparatory activities.

The technology for laying polymer sand paving slabs is described.

Action plan:

  1. Marking the area where the path will be located.
  2. Remove the top layer of soil from the marked area.
  3. Make a 3–4 cm deepening.
  4. Compact the bottom of the pit and fill it with crushed stone, the layer thickness of which is 10–20 cm, compact it again.
  5. Install curbs.

Before preparing the solution, it is necessary to lay the paving slabs on a layer of sand. It must be laid out in the order in which it will be used.

To obtain a concrete solution, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • cement grade 500;
  • quarry crushed stone fractions 10-20, 20-50;
  • paving slabs 50-60 mm thick;
  • corresponding to the established ;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • vessel;
  • shovel or electric drill.

To prepare in the appropriate, you need to take cement and add to it required quantity water. Using an electric drill, mix everything and add 4 parts of sand. Mix everything again and the solution is ready.

Installation process:

  1. Remove 4 tiles from the sand and apply mortar to the area.
  2. Reinstall the product. Do the same manipulations with the remaining tiles.
  3. This must be done until the entire sidewalk is laid out.
  4. It is imperative that there is space between the tiles. And this can be achieved if you install special wooden spacers.

Screening stacking technology

How to lay tiles on screening? This installation method is the most economical. However, this will not affect the quality of the final coating in any way.

The installation process and technique is carried out according to the following plan and subject to specific rules:

  1. Mark the site and plan water flow. Such measures are necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate on the finished site. To effectively remove water, you need to make a slope of 1-2%. You may also be interested.
  2. Remove top layer of soil. The depth of the removed layer depends on the intensity of use of the coating. As a rule, it is in the range of 15–50 cm. If the soil is weak, then it can be further compacted. Pour the screenings over the dug hole. If you want to make a high-quality base, then the minimum number of layers should be 3.
  3. Pour in crushed stone and compact well. Its thickness can be 5–10 cm since the crushed stone shrinks during compaction, so make a reserve of 10–15%. spread out the screenings up to 7 cm thick. Compact thoroughly.
  4. Place the screenings again, but adding cement to it in a ratio of 1:4. In the tamping field, make sure that this layer is 5 cm higher than the desired tile level.
  5. . This process can be performed using a cord, the tension of which is carried out on required height. The process of installing the side edging takes place on a concrete base, the width of which is 20 cm, and the height of the concrete castle is 15 cm.
  6. Laying material. During the process, you need to clearly follow the drawing. It is necessary to lay out the first row with special care. The tiles must be installed tightly. If irregularities have formed, they must be eliminated. The quality of the work performed can be checked using a marking thread; when making roundings, pay attention to the fact that on the outside the width of the gaps has a minimum size and does not exceed 8 mm. To cut the tiles, you can use a circular saw or grinder. A diamond disc is used for these purposes.
  7. Grouting the surface. When the surface is laid out, it is necessary to fill it with river sand. Then, using a hard-bristle mop, grout. You can also buy special compounds for these purposes, but their cost is high.
  8. Compact the surface. Upon completion of all work, it is advisable to take a vibrating plate (vibrating machine) and, using rubber gasket and compact the entire surface. If such a tool is not available, then there is nothing to worry about, since such an operation is not mandatory. Just so the tile will be firmly and securely fixed.

A vibrating plate is a tool necessary for compacting and leveling the concrete mixture when laying paving slabs. The design of the equipment assumes the presence of a metal beam and an IV series vibrator.

Read how to lubricate molds for paving slabs.

In the video: how to correctly lay paving slabs on the screening (instructions):

Laying granite paving slabs

Granite paving slabs are a building material that is actively used when laying areas. But today I actively use it for other purposes. The main advantages of granite tiles are high strength and reliability.

Work order/step by step:

  1. Mark the area.
  2. Lay the base in the form of geotextile. Why geotextiles are laid under paving slabs will tell you.
  3. Lay a layer of crushed stone on top of the base, the thickness of which is 15–25 cm (base preparation)
  4. Using a rake, form the required slope.
  5. Compact the laid layers.
  6. Using sand and geotextiles in the process, perform a secondary foundation installation.
  7. Treat the second layer with water and install side edging around the perimeter. For the base, you can use lean concrete. The edging is fixed using cement-sand mortar.
  8. When all preparatory activities have been completed, you can proceed to laying granite paving slabs. To prevent the tiles from falling out during operation, the gaps between the products must be eliminated using sand.
  9. Each laid row must be compacted using a rubber hammer.
  10. Upon completion of work, treat the finished surface with a weak stream of water.

Video: laying granite paving slabs

Laying tiles in different weather conditions

Today the question remains: is it possible to lay paving slabs in the rain? No one can prohibit this, since before laying even the sand, the craftsmen lightly moisten it with water. If you want to get a high-quality coating, then all work must be done in dry and warm weather.

Do not install during rain, which immediately begins to freeze. Otherwise, you will have to do all the work again in the spring. The reason is that water expands when frozen. Therefore, when the tiles are laid level and everything is fine, but after frost it becomes warm, the water will melt, reduce its volume, and the tiles will shrink.

How the material is laid in the gazebo, on the porch

Today, many owners use paving slabs to lay the floor in a gazebo or on the porch. This procedure is very simple to perform.

First you need to stock up on the following materials and equipment:

  • quarry sand;
  • fine gravel;
  • cement grade 500;

  • paving slabs;
  • rubber hammer.

The action plan is as follows:

  1. Remove the top layer of soil; its depth should not be less than 20 cm.
  2. Lay a layer of sand and gravel. The thickness of each layer should be 3 cm. Compact everything thoroughly and add a layer of sand and cement.
  3. The last two layers can be replaced by a regular solution, for the preparation of which sand, cement and water are used. The laying out of the solution should not be carried out immediately, as the material is laid.
  4. You can level the laid tile surface using a rubber or wooden hammer. If you use any other tool, this will lead to damage to the product. The main difficulties that arise during this process depend on the shape of the selected product. Not everyone can cope with this job. As a rule, all material is laid according to the principle of assembling puzzles. The same thing can be done with a large slab 300x300x30

Find out what plastic tiles for paths in your dacha are.

On the video there is a video tutorial: laying paving slabs yourself and with your own hands (crisis option):

Cost of work

If you decide to use the services of an experienced specialist, then you need to know the price/prices for laying 1 m2. the cost may vary, as it depends on the chosen installation method (how much it costs to lay paving slabs must be found out in advance

  • Turnkey laying of tiles on a concrete base for square meter– 2100 rubles, for crushed stone – 1650 rubles.
  • Laying on a finished base – 400 rubles.
  • Laying material on sand - 1400 rubles.
  • Laying granite tiles – 1400 rubles.
  • Laying a product with a pattern – 450 rubles.

Laying paving slabs is a process through which you can obtain a durable, reliable and practical coating. It is actively used for arranging gazebos, squares, and courtyard areas. The service life of the finished surface depends not only on the quality of the product, but also on precise adherence to the installation technology.